HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Agreement for Access Drive - Stella Fria, LLC - Bronken WarehouseRetum to; ° v*Bozeman 2771812CityClerkp,,e 3 or s o4,ou2022o 40 46PM Fee:540.00 PO Bo 1 trics.-rad -cttatiaco "'S° Bozeman,T 59771-1230 AGREEMENT FOR ACCESS DRIVE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR LOCATED IN CITY OF BOZEMAN STREET -NORTH of NELSON MEADOWS SUBDIVISION This Agreement (the"Agreement")isdated ba Nr ,,2022 by and between StellaFria,LLC,a Montana limitedliabilitycompany with addressof 701 Gold Ave.,Bozeman, MT 59715 ("StellaFria")theirsuccessorsor assigns,and City of Bozeman,a Montana municipal corporationwith officesatCity Hall,121 North Rouse Avenue,P.O.Box 1230,Bozeman, MT 59771-1230,hereinafter called the "City"toaddressthe access driverepair, maintenance and snow removal by StellaFriain,over and acrossthatcertainCity of Bozeman streetlocatedwest of Nelson Road and northof Nelson Meadows Subdivisionas a future alignment of Stonegate Drive situatedinthe City of Bozeman depictedin theattachedExhibitA ("Street").This Agreement supersedesany priordiscussionsand isintendedtoestablisha generalbasisof understanding,operationsand agreement among the Partiesheretoregarding saidStreet.StellaFriaand the City may each be referredto as a "Party"and togetheras the "Parties." 1.Purpose:The purpose of the Agreement isto protectStreetwhile ensuringthe accessdriveforLots 5 and 6 inBlock 3 of Nelson Meadows ismaintained and repaired,which shallcontinue untilsuch time as the streetisfullyconstructedand the City assumes repairand maintenance responsibilityforthe Bozeman Street. 2.StreetUse:The City hereby acknowledges thattheowner(s)of Lots 5 and 6 in Block 3 ofNelson Meadows Subdivision,subjecttotheterms and conditionssetforthherein, willuse and occupy the Bozeman Streetforaccess,ingressand egress,consistentwith allthe publicpurposes. 3.StreetMaintenance,Snow Removal and Repair:StellaFriashallensure thatthe Streetshallbe maintained and repairedregularlyroutinelyas well as snow shallbe removed and storedindesignatedareasby personnelqualifiedto conduct such maintenance,repairand snow removal. 4.Covenants,Representationsand Warranties: a.StellaFriaagrees thatforany damage to the Street,exceptingreasonablewear and tear,StellaFriawilluse commercially reasonableeffortstocommence repairswithin a 72- hour periodfollowingreceiptof noticefrom any person orentitythatsuch repairsarerequired. In the case thatrepaircannot be commercially reasonablycommenced within72 hours,Stella Friawillrepair,modify or improve,or cause tobe repaired,modified or improved affectedareas of the Street,actingreasonably,so as to returnsaidBozeman Streettosubstantiallythesame conditionas existedpriorto theoccurrence of such damage,accounting forreasonablewear and tearthatwould have been experienced inany event. b.The City has no obligationtoacquireadditionalright-of-wayor easements outsideof StreetdescribedinthisAgreement.Ifthe Streetisa width insufficientforany public AgreementStreetMaintenance Pageiof4 Version3-1.18.2022 use,StellaFriaissolelyresponsibleforacquisitionof such temporary constructionlicenseor easement to remain and maintaintheStreetin itscurrentcondition. c.StellaFriawillensure allnoxious weeds shallbe controlledalong theBozeman Streetinaccordance with the Nelson Meadows Noxious Weed Management Plan. 5.Indemnification:StellaFriahereby expresslyagreesto indemnify and hold the City harmless forand againstallclaims,costs,and liabilityof every kind and nature,forinjury or damage receivedor sustainedby any person or entityinconnection with,or on account of the performance of requiredmaintenance and repairpursuanttothisAgreement.StellaFriafurther agreesto aidand defend the City inthe event thatitisnamed as a defendant inan action concerning the performance of maintenance and repairpursuantto thisAgreement,except where such suitisbrought by StellaFria.StellaFriaisnot an agent or employment of the City. 6.Insurance:StellaFriaacknowledges thatitwillmaintain generalliability insuranceforthebenefitof theCity inthe minimum amount of Two MillionDollars ($2,000,000)per claim thatwould cover damages and/orclaims as a resultof and/orrelatingto any and allproposed work,activity,actionsor omissions cause or directedby StellaFria involving,therepairs,maintenance and snow removal thisAgreement as well as forany personal injuryor wrongful death claims,as well as generalliabilityand propertylossclaims effected, interferedwith or otherwiseresultinany claim as a resultof intendedactivitiesand work. 7.Term:This Agreement shallbecome effectiveimmediately upon the execution hereofby both Partiesheretoand shallremain ineffectuntilsuch time as the City assume maintenance,repairand snow removal of the Street. 8.Assignability:StellaFriashallhave the rightto assign,in itsentirety,this Agreement to one or more thirdparties.The assigneeor transfereeshallbe subjectto allof the obligations,covenants and conditionsapplicableunder the terms of thisAgreement.Any assigneeshallacknowledge thatitconsentsto,and isbound by,the terms and conditionsof this Agreement and must provide requisiteproofof insuranceand an endorsement naming theCity as an additionalinsured,priorto assignment of the Agreement. 9.Governing Law and Venue:Any disputebetween the Partiesarisingout of a breach,or purportedbreach,in relationtothisAgreement,shallbe governed by and construedin accordance with the laws of the Stateof Montana and venue shallbe in the EighteenthJudicial District,GallatinCounty. 10.Dispute Resolution:Any claim,controversy,or disputebetween the parties, theiragents,employees,or representativesshallbe resolvedfirstby negotiationbetween senior- levelpersonnelfrom each partyduly authorizedto execute settlementagreements.Upon mutual agreement of the parties,the partiesmay invitean independent,disinterestedmediator toassistin thenegotiatedsettlementdiscussions.Ifthepartiesareunable toresolvethedisputewithinthirty (30)days from thedatethedisputewas firstraised,then such disputeshallbe resolvedina court of competent jurisdictionin compliance with the Governing Law and Venue provisionsof this Agreement. AgreementStreetMaintenance Page2of4 Version3-1.18.2022 Assuming theforegoingaccuratelyreflectsour understandings,pleaseso confirm by signinga copy of thisAgreement inthe space provided below and returninga fullyexecuted copy tothe address above. StellaF LLC By: Name:K.c n>7 f&y4t g ç Title:4,,y Dated:0 t -J f -y opz STATE OF MONTANA ) :ss. County of Gallatin ) On thisk day of Fe bevary ,2022,before me,theundersigned,a Notary Publicforthe Stateof Montana,personallyappeared Ken+AAce b ,the 4p of S kik F.,L4c known to me to be the person whose name is subscribedtothe within instrument,and acknowledged tome thathe/shedid execute the same on behalfof the limitedliabilitycompany/corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSealthe day and year firstabove written. o ,y Notary Public forthe Stateof M onha !S o fortheStateofMontana c SË L soze o tana (PrintedName) My comrnissionexpires:Residingat Ͳ)oEc~,Mo^b^ Maren11,2025 My Commission Expires 3 /it /20 26- ACCEPTED: CITY OF BOZEMAN by y ager ATTEST: City Clerk STATE OF MONTANA ) :ss. County of Gallatin ) AgreementStreetMaintenance Page3 of4 Version3-1.18.2022 ACCEPTED: CITYOF BOZEMAN By ..h.CityManager ATTEST:.-·. By /24L5 . CityClerk STATE OF MONTANA ) :ss County ofGallatin) On thisÚ day of M(k(P),2022,beforeme,a NotaryPublicfortheStateof Montana, personallyappearedApf f Mi h6\i ch and dikt,M/inG ,known tome tobe theCityManager and CityClerk,respectively,oftheCityofBozeman and the personswhose names aresubscribedto the withininstrument,and acknowledged to me thattheyexecutedthesame forand on behalfofthe City of Bozeman. INWITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSealtheday and yearfirstabove written. (SEAL) ary NotaryP icforthe StateofMontana OTAR fortheStateofMontana SËÃL Boze n Mo tana 0 Y My CommissionExpires:(PrintedName) January12,2025 Residingat ÉtMmcAn My Commission Expires0)/g/2025 AgreementStreetMaintenance Version3 -1.18.2022 Page4 of4 I STELLAFRIA BRONKENWAREHOUSE