HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Temporary Construction Easement - NWX, LLC - Completion of Improvements to Cottonwood Road - Oak to Baxter and the Cottonwood Baxter Roundabout2793481 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Returnto: CityofBozeman P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 9 Project Name:Cottonwood .CityofBozeman Road (Oak to Baxter) EngineeringDivision ProjectNo:0417.085PublicWorksDepartment TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT The GRANTOR,NWX,LLC,whose address is1735 South 19*Avenue,Suite B,Bozeman,MT 59718,forand inconsiderationof One and No/100 -Dollars,and othervaluableconsideration, inhand paid,grantstothe GRANTEE,the City of Bozeman,a MunicipalCorporationofthe State ofMontana,withofficesat 121 North Rouse Avenue,Bozeman,Montanac59715,.its-successors or assignees,an unrestrictedTemporary ConstructionPermit in,over,under,along,though,and across the followingdescribed realpropertylocatedinGallatinCounty,Montana: Block 1 Lots 3 and 5 and Block 2 Lots 8,9,and 10 ofNorthwest Crossing SubdivisionPhase 1. Said temporary constructioneasement islocatedon the west side of Cottonwood Road between Oak Streetand Baxter Lane and isdepictedon Exhibit EXHB-1,EXHB-2 and EXHB-3 attached hereto and more particularlydescribed on said Exhibit Delineated as to said tractof land on the exhibitattached hereto and made a parthereof as Exhibit EXHB-1 and EXHB-2 of thisinstrument.Said parcel,containing29,735.2 square feet, more or less,of which is a portion is on the lotscovered under this document,is hereby temporarilyproyided to the GRANTEE,forthe purpose of constructingand/or improving a public street,highway,walkway,trailand/or electric,telephone or telecommunications,gas,water, sewer,drainage,or other utilitytransmission or distributionfacilitiesas necessary for the Cottonwood (Oak to Baxter)Project.Upon completion of said projectforwhich access ishereby provided,the GRANTEE shallrestorethe propertyas nearlyas possibleto itsoriginalcondition with the exceptionof grading work forcuts and fillsas identifiedinthe plans forthe Cottonwood (Oak to Baxter)Project.The GRANTEE agrees to hold GRANTOR harmless from any and all liabilitythatmay resultor arisefrom the exerciseof the rightsgranted hereby. Page1of3 GRANTOR hereby covenants with GRANTEE that GRANTOR has good titleto the above- described tractof land and covenants thatGRANTEE shallhave quietand peaceable possession thereofand use thereofduringthe periodofthisTemporary ConstructionPermit.ThisTemporary Permit isineffectfora period beginning the 15'day of constructionon the property,and ending two (2)years later,atwhich time thispermitshallexpireand be ofno forceand effect. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTOF GRANTOR (GRANTOR) me:6rpn pè Title: State of Montana ) )ss. County ofGallatin ) On this day of Md4 ,20 22,before me,the undersigned,a Notary Public in and for ,the said State,personally appeared the GRANTOR, en lito ,the Mena er of y W ,L L((known to me To be the identicalindividual who executed the foregoing instrument,who acknowledged to me thatthe individualexecuted the same as the freeand voluntaryactofsaidGRANTOR,with fullauthoritytodo so and withfull knowledge of itscontents,forthe users and purposes thereinmentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereunto set my hand and affixedmy officialsealthisday and year above written. CARL Altg,NOTARY B E N ary Signature T 2026 ólely Romeo (Seal Notary PrintedName Notary Publicforthe Stateof ½T Residing at:8 oge rvav\ My Commission Expires: 0%/05 /26%Av ofi-05,ton Page2 of3 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY thatthe CityofBozeman,a MunicipalCorporationofthe StateofMontana, GRANTEE herein,actingby and through itsCityManager and CityClerkforthe Cityof Bozeman, hereby accepts for public purposes,the real.property,or interesttherein,described in this instrumentand consents tothe recordationthereof: CITY OF BOZEMAN ATTEST: By Mike Maas .. CityClerk c,........ State of Montana ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) The foregoinginstrumentwas acknowledged before me this i 3 day of DC£mDW , 20M by JeffMihelichand Mike Maas,known to me to be the City Manager and CityClerk for the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribed to thisinstrument,and acknowledged tome thatthey executed the same forand on behalfof the Cityof Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereunto set my hand and affixedmy officialseal thisday and year above written. Notary Signature (Seal)V Notary PrintedName Notary Public orthe StateofMT TAYLOR CHAMBERS Residing at:IOffl(C n i forthestateo ontana My Commission Expires: SËÃL. *Boz m o tana My CommissionExpires: January12,2025 Page3 of3 ATCHLIFE-EXHB-1 h h I h 08