HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 3139 Set mill levy - FY96-97 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3139 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. ESTABLISHING AND AFFIXING THE NUMBER OF MILLS TO BE CHARGED AGAINST THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY SITUATED WITHIN THE CORPORATE JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY FOR FISCAL YEAR 1996-1997. WHEREAS. in accordance with Montana Code Annotated. a resolution must be adopted by the City Commission in order to determine the amount of the City or Town taxes to be levied and assessed on the taxable property situated within the City for the current fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of the City Commission must certify to the County Clerk a copy of such resolution. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, as follows: Section 1 That for the purpose of providing and maintaining basic City services, the City Commission of the City of Bozeman. Montana. does hereby affix 89.46 mills to be levied for the All-Purpose General Fund for all salaries, operations and capital expenditures for general government purposes as provided by Section 7-6-4451, M.C.A. Section 2 That the City Commission of the City of Bozeman hereby affixes a 2.90 mill levy for the State-mandated Firefighters' Retirement System, in order to maintain payments to the State- administered Firefighters' Retirement System, in accordance with Section 19-13-606, M.C.A. Section 3 That the City Commission of the City of Bozeman hereby affixes a 3.52 mill levy for the State-mandated Police Retirement System in order to maintain payments to the State-administered Police Retirement System, in accordance with Section 19-9-704, M.C.A. Section 4 That the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana does hereby affix and establish a mill levy in the amount of 5.51 mills to provide for City contribution to the State retirement system for employees covered under the Public Employees' Retirement System (P.E.R.S.), in accordance with Section 19-3-204. M.C.A. Section 5 That the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, does hereby establish and affix a mill levy in the amount of 2.45 mills to provide funds for Comprehensive Insurance protection and coverage for the City of Bozeman, Montana, in accordance with Section 2-9-212. M.C.A. ------.- Section 6 That the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, does hereby establish and affix a mill levy in the amount of 16.53 mills to provide for the total City payment of premiums for Health/Medical Insurance for City employees, in accordance with Title 2, Chapter 18, Part 7, M.C.A.; Section 2 of Chapter 359, Laws, 1975; Section 7-32-4117, M.C.A.; and Section 7-33-4130, M.C.A. Section 7 That the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, does hereby establish and affix a mill levy in the amount of 2.00 mills to provide funds for the operation of the City-County Planning activity, in accordance with Section 76-1-406, M.C.A. Section 8 That the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, does hereby establish and affix a mill levy in the amount of 1 .00 mill to provide funds for the operation of the Local Government Study Commission, in accordance with Section 7-3-184(2)(a), M.C.A. Section 9 That the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, does hereby establish and affix a mill levy in the amount of 1.80 mills to provide for principal and interest payments on outstanding Library General Obligation Bonds, in accordance with Section 7-7-4265, M.C.A. Section 10 That the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, does hereby establish and affix a mill levy in the amount of 9.91 mills to provide for principal and interest payments on outstanding Transportation System General Obligation Bonds, in accordance with Section 7-7-4265, M.C.A. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 3rd day of September 1996. ( ~'" L ~,.t' DON E. STUECK, ayor ATTEST: {?~;/ ~~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission - 2 - --.----.-.-- CITY OF BOZEMAN Mill Levy - Fiscal Year 1996.97 Levy Title/PufDose Levv FY 1996-97 All-Purpose Levy 89.46 City-County Planning 2.00 Police Retirement 3.52 Firefighter's Retirement 2.90 Public Employees Retirement System 5.51 Comprehensive Insurance 2.45 Health/Medical Insurance for Employees 16.53 Local Government Study Commission 1.00 Library G.O. Bonds 1.80 Transportation System G.O. Bonds 9.91 TOTAL ALL LEVIES 135.08 Mill Value = $36,285 - _.~_._-_._._._-_._- IlICEI1!ED J~t 1 R E eEl V ED JUL 1 2 . y. ..... 2 1: 1996 -, Q 96 CERTIFIED MILL LEVY IN COMPLIANCE WITH 1 ~.::,..... 1 () .,'.., E? () .1- 'fHRO\.JDli 1. ~::;"'-1 O"-'-E!.OC , 1"1 C t.; (.:; Pi L. L {;i'r I j\! C i:J Ii :\1''1'' "-;' C IT\" CJF BU:::::EI"1P,hi TAXING JURISDICTION I; (;)LL.. FL!F\pn~;:;E) :l . -rot:,"ll T 0:1 :-: ;:,1, h lEo' 'v',::1 1 ;,,1 E- (F'-'-- E.V i ou;::; 'l ii::~ ,:iil \'" ) .. " " " it; :::J{.~ . 7:1. 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(exceeds mea 7-6-4451-4454) Ei I" T" ~\ ::-~ r;: (.:.~ 'y' Et ""'t L\ (_:;:1 ( t'I' >~ 7;; " " .. " .. " " " .. " " " ,~:3!I 16E:, :3;::){, ( {, ~:::; rn :i. :I. 1 m,:~.).~ ,J 7/19/9L (1~ rL~ M"" ~.:._,...w.,,~...,._.,_ "_.___.......__..,___._.u~...w~.w.....__M_"......"..., "m'____... ...............................".. Signature of County Assessor Di::\tii!~ D i s; t; )" i but i c:,'n :: CJ(' :l q i,..', ii:1 1 ..... Tii:\>; i nq Jurisdiction Copy; C ,,1, 't"i ,:;\ )' '/ f~:::;f::,E~~::; !,;;,L< \... I S Co p y --- -------------------- ICJH:EIVED JUL 11~ 1996 State of Montana Marc Racicot, Governor De artment of Revenue Pro ert Assessment Division Mick Robinson, Director CERTIFIED TAXABLE VALUE " a L:j L.LA r-/,.J COUNTY br,?FIYl.4N CITY d)C TAXING JURISDICTION! MARKET VALUE 2 :2..0. '-/ B i.f J 57,2; , TAXABLE VALUE ':5~ ~B~-, 7~J I , a&6~ C- ~L.LL~ 1- 6' -9~ Taxable Valuation Preparer Date NOTE: These values are subject to normal corrections and appeal adjustments. This taxing jurisdiction will be notified, in writing, if a major change in the value occurs. . Sam W. Mitchell Buildin2 . (406) 444-2500 Helena, Montana 59620 "An Equal Opportunity Employer"