HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-14-22 Correspondence - S. Riggs - gallatin county rest home updateFrom:Susan Riggs To:Tracy Menuez Subject:gallatin county rest home update Date:Wednesday, December 14, 2022 12:34:04 PM Attachments:22345 Gallatin County Rest Home INF City Review Comments 120922 clean.pdf CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello: This is another update regarding the future development of the Gallatin County Rest Homesite. You are receiving this email because you have expressed an interest in this project. If you would like to be removed from this group, please let me know by responding to this email. As we mentioned in the last email update, Gallatin County submitted an Informal Applicationto the City of Bozeman to explore employee housing and daycare on the vacant portion of property just north of the Rest Home. Initial comments have been received and are attached tothis email. There is a virtual follow up discussion planned for Friday the 16th at 11am. There is a link to the meeting details on the Gallatin County Commissioncalendar: https://gallatincomt.virtualtownhall.net/. Please note this is not a public hearing but rather an informational meeting to allow the Commissioners and consultants to ask clarifyingquestions related to the City informal comments. We will continue to update this group as the project moves forward. Thank you. Susan Riggs, AICPwww.groundprint.com 406.579.5844 REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 1 1 Solid Waste Russell Ward 11/9/22 10:54 AM Changemark SLD Waste 1. need detailed plans for refuse enclosures. 2. refuse enclosures will need to be covered. 006 Proposed Informal Civil Site Plan.pdf Info Only 2 1 Engineering Suzanne Ryan 11/28/22 1:29 PM Library Comment Infrastructure Review -Plans, specifications, and submittals for public infrastructure improvements, water lines greater than 4 inches in diameter, and all firelines must be submitted to the City Engineering Department through Project Dox Infrastructure for infrastructure review. Info Only 4 1 Engineering Suzanne Ryan 11/28/22 1:29 PM Library Comment Concurrent construction has been an identified purpose of the initial project review. The applicant must complete the following concurrent construction form (https://www.bozeman.net/home/showpublisheddocument/ 11704/637769761956630000) to receive concurrent construction approval for on site or adjacent improvements associated with site development. Info Only 5 1 Engineering Suzanne Ryan 11/28/22 1:29 PM Library Comment BMC 38.410.130 - Water Rights - The applicant must contact Griffin Nielsen with the City Engineering Department to obtain a determination of cash-in- lieu of water rights (CILWR). CILWR must be paid prior to site plan approval. Info Only 6 1 Engineering Suzanne Ryan 11/28/22 1:29 PM Library Comment BMC 38.410.060 - Easements: All Easements indicated below must be provided on city standard easements templates. Drafts must be prepared for review and approval by the city with site plan submittal. Signed hard copies of the easements must be submitted to the city prior to site plan approval. The applicant may contact the review engineer to receive standard templates. (the City Standard Easement Templates are attached with this transmittal.) Info Only 7 1 Engineering Suzanne Ryan 11/28/22 1:32 PM Comment The applicant is advised that the proposed project falls within the Bozeman Solvent Site boundary. The applicant must contact the City's solvent site consultant, Jim Sullivan, the Principal Engineer at Tasman Geosciences, Inc. and the DEQ project manager, Katy Frye for additional information on construction requirements within the solvent site. Info Only REVIEW COMMENTS report from ProjectDox by Avolve Software Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: 22345 Gallatin County Rest Home INF Workflow Started: 10/25/2022 9:06:19 AM Report Generated: 12/09/2022 09:44 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 8 1 Water Rights Griffin Nielson 11/28/22 1:38 PM Comment BMC 38.410.130. Water Adequacy - A preliminary cash-in-lieu of water rights fee determination is uploaded. The annual irrigation demand will need to be included prior to finalizing the fee if City water is the source, however, the City encourages the use of other sources (i.e. groundwater well). If another source will be used the applicant will need to provide documentation from the DNCR that the source is allowed (i.e. predetermination email for use of an exempt groundwater well). The City is also able to offer a rebate for approximately 20% of the fee for the residential units, released at occupancy, if high-efficiency fixtures (toilets, washers, and shower heads) are installed. A rebate agreement template outlining the terms of the rebate offer has been uploaded. If the owner is interested please update the agreement using track changes with the owner information and send the word document to Griffin Nielsen at gnielsen@bozeman.net. If there are any questions about the agreement please reach out over email. The agreement should be finalized prior to final site plan approval. Info Only 9 1 Engineering Suzanne Ryan 11/28/22 2:50 PM Comment Montana Post Construction Storm Water BMP Design Manual - The proposed project is located in an area that is known to have seasonally high groundwater. The applicant must demonstrate that seasonal high groundwater will not impact the function or maintenance of the proposed facilities. Industry guidance recommends a three-foot minimum separation from the bottom of the proposed facility to the underlying groundwater table. The applicant must provide local seasonal high groundwater elevations to support the proposed design. Info Only 10 1 Parks Department Matthew Lee 11/30/22 11:53 AM Comment Resolution 4784 - IILP is acceptable for improving Oak Meadows Park. Provide a park plan showing proposed improvements along with an estimate of construction costs to review against required IILP. Current CILP/IILP value is $2.30/SF but is only an estimate. This value is finalized at time of site plan adequacy. Info Only 11 1 Water and Sewer Division Nick Pericich 11/30/22 1:23 PM Changemark W/S water services You will not be able to have multiple domestic water services into the same building in this circumstance. They will need to be designed with one domestic service and one meter. 006 Proposed Informal Civil Site Plan.pdf Info Only 12 1 Water and Sewer Division Nick Pericich 11/30/22 1:23 PM Changemark Manhole Access We will need a drivable all weather access road to the manhole. 006 Proposed Informal Civil Site Plan.pdf Info Only report from ProjectDox by Avolve Software Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: 22345 Gallatin County Rest Home INF Workflow Started: 10/25/2022 9:06:19 AM Report Generated: 12/09/2022 09:44 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 13 1 Water and Sewer Division Nick Pericich 11/30/22 1:23 PM Changemark W/S Existing Sewer Main This sewer main is large and on the shallow side. This easement area cannot have any trees structures or other object that would prevent the repair and maintenance of this sewer main. You should check the depth of this before you plan the infrastructure off of it. 006 Proposed Informal Civil Site Plan.pdf Info Only 14 1 Water and Sewer Division Nick Pericich 11/30/22 1:23 PM Changemark W/S Water stub This water stub will need to be terminated at the main if it will not be used. 006 Proposed Informal Civil Site Plan.pdf Info Only 15 1 Water and Sewer Division Nick Pericich 11/30/22 1:23 PM Changemark W/S Water Main Location This water main on the east side of the project is too close to the curb and trees. 006 Proposed Informal Civil Site Plan.pdf Info Only 16 1 Engineering Suzanne Ryan 12/2/22 4:39 PM Changemark ENG Crosswalk Engineering would prefer the pedestrian ramps to line up. Consider using a bulb out and then widening Oak Park to the South for parking. 006 Proposed Informal Civil Site Plan.pdf Info Only 17 1 Engineering Suzanne Ryan 12/2/22 4:39 PM Changemark ENG Utilities Overall the layout of the utilities looks acceptable. The water main through Oak Park should be moved away from the curb line. Water and Sewer design reports will be required with site plan submittal. 006 Proposed Informal Civil Site Plan.pdf Info Only 18 1 Engineering Suzanne Ryan 12/2/22 4:39 PM Changemark ENG Pedestrian Connectivity Engineering would prefer pedestrian connectivity from the Roy street Ped easement to the future location of Aspen St. Could the sidewalk across the site be shifted to the South? 007 Proposed Informal Graphic Site Plan.pdf Info Only 19 1 Engineering Suzanne Ryan 12/2/22 4:39 PM Changemark ENG Crosswalk Engineering is in support of the Pedestrian corridor through the site but is concerned about pedestrians crossing Durston here to get to the High School. The applicant should consider a mid block crossing here. 007 Proposed Informal Graphic Site Plan.pdf Info Only 20 1 Engineering Suzanne Ryan 12/5/22 10:27 AM Comment DSSP Section II A. 4. - The applicant must include a storm drainage plan with post-construction storm water management controls that are designed to infiltrate, evapotranspire, and/or capture for reuse the post-construction runoff generated from the first 0.5 inches of rainfall from a 24-hour storm preceded by 48 hours of no measurable precipitation. Info Only report from ProjectDox by Avolve Software Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: 22345 Gallatin County Rest Home INF Workflow Started: 10/25/2022 9:06:19 AM Report Generated: 12/09/2022 09:44 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 21 1 Engineering Suzanne Ryan 12/5/22 10:27 AM Comment DSSP Section II C. - The applicant must provide on-site detention with release rates limited to predevelopment runoff rates. Retention ponds must be sized based on a 10-year, 2-hour storm intensity. Info Only 22 1 Engineering Suzanne Ryan 12/5/22 10:30 AM Comment BMC 38.220.080 A. 2.i. - A traffic impact study will be required for the proposed development which will need to discuss how much daily traffic will be generated on existing local and neighborhood streets, roads and alleys, when the subdivision is fully developed. The TIS will also need to look at bike and pedestrian traffic generated by the proposed project. Info Only 23 1 Engineering Suzanne Ryan 12/5/22 2:03 PM Comment The applicant must provide and file with the County Clerk and Recorder's office executed Waivers of Right to Protest Creation of Special Improvement Districts (SID's) on City standard record Form. Contact the review engineer for template at sryan@bozeman.net Info Only 24 1 Engineering Suzanne Ryan 12/5/22 2:35 PM Comment BMC 38.400.010 A. 7. Half streets. Half streets are prohibited except when they are essential to the development, are beneficial to the city, or when the review authority is satisfied that the half street will be dedicated to the public after the adjoining property is developed. Half streets must be approved by the review authority, and when adjacent to unannexed land, the county road office. When an existing half street is adjacent to a tract to be developed, the undeveloped half of the street must be provided with the new development. Engineering is in support of a half street for Oak Park Drive. Engineering does not want Oak Park Drive to go through to Durston because it would violate access spacing requirements, but we do want it to go through to the future connection with Aspen drive. If a half street is used there must be no parking along the uncompleted side. Another option would be to have a private drive aisle with a public access easement. This would allow a narrower street section to be utilized. Info Only 25 1 Engineering Suzanne Ryan 12/5/22 2:50 PM Comment DSSP Section V.A. - A water design report must be prepared by a professional engineer for the proposed project. The water distribution system must be designed to meet the maximum day demand plus fire flow and the peak hour demand. Info Only 26 1 Engineering Suzanne Ryan 12/5/22 2:50 PM Comment DSSP Section V. B. - Sanitary Sewer System Design Criteria: The applicant must provide an estimate of the peak-hour sanitary sewer demand certified by a professional engineer for the proposed project prior to site plan approval. Info Only report from ProjectDox by Avolve Software Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: 22345 Gallatin County Rest Home INF Workflow Started: 10/25/2022 9:06:19 AM Report Generated: 12/09/2022 09:44 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 27 1 Planning Lynn Hyde 12/6/22 9:27 AM Comment Comments provided are based on the submittal materials. Note that just because a comment was provided does not necessarily mean the project does not appear to be considering it, staff provided it to ensure the applicant was aware of the code provision. In addition, refer to the Site Plan Checklist that can be found on the Bozeman Municipal website under the checklists found in the Planning Department page. Thank you for the opportunity to review the project and let me know if you have any follow up clarifications needed. Info Only 28 1 Planning Lynn Hyde 12/6/22 9:27 AM Comment If there is phasing proposed, ensure a clear phasing plan is outlined. The approval for a Site Plan is valid for a two year period. Should you believe it may take longer than 2 years to complete the project, the applicant could consider a Master Site Plan which provides for longer entitlement period and phasing opportunities. Info Only 29 1 Planning Lynn Hyde 12/6/22 9:28 AM Comment Ensure all future developments meet the form and intensity standards found in 38.320.30. This revisions appears to meet the requirements found within, however staff recognizes there may be future iterations that are different than this one. Info Only 30 1 Planning Lynn Hyde 12/6/22 9:28 AM Comment Per 38.700.080, Group living is defined as a building, portion of a building or a complex of buildings under unified control and management which contains facilities for living, sleeping, sanitation, eating and cooking for occupancy for residential uses; and which does not otherwise meet the definition of another residential use defined in this chapter. Eating and cooking areas may be shared in whole or part. Based on information provided, the travel nurse living spaces in the mixed use building would fall under this category and be reviewed for applicable code requirements. If the applicant determines an alternative type of housing is actually proposed, please provide that information in future submittals. Refer to BMC 38.360.135 for supplemental criteria for group living. Info Only report from ProjectDox by Avolve Software Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: 22345 Gallatin County Rest Home INF Workflow Started: 10/25/2022 9:06:19 AM Report Generated: 12/09/2022 09:44 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 31 1 Planning Lynn Hyde 12/6/22 9:28 AM Comment The applicant indicated verbally at a meeting the project may have an affordable housing component although its not certain at this time. Recently adopted Ordinance No. 2105 was created to incentivize the increased production of affordable rental and for sale housing. The ordinance adopted incentives for those able to produce affordable housing. Although the narrative did not indicate you were searching for incentives, it would be worth familiarizing yourself with the newly adopted ordinance to see if there were additional opportunities for the proposal. (BMC 38.380) It is through this Ordinance that a yield street may be proposed (Subject to Engineering review). These include a 40-foot right-of-way with two-way dedicated travel in a 16-foot advisory yield zone for motor vehicles and 5-foot walkways outside on either side. Note to qualify for the low income affordable home incentives, the developer must submit to the City an affordable housing plan that includes the information required within 38.380.40. Info Only 32 1 Planning Lynn Hyde 12/6/22 9:31 AM Comment BMC 38.410.040 provides additional requirements when a rights-of-way is provided as a midblock crossing. Note the additional requirements below for pedestrian rights-of-way used to create midblock crossings. 1. Setbacks adjacent to pedestrian rights-of-way less than 30 feet wide must be not less than ten feet. Setbacks adjacent to pedestrian rights-of-way 30 feet wide or greater must be not less than five feet. 2. The pedestrian walks must be maintained by the adjacent property owner or by the property owners' association. The party responsible for maintenance of pedestrian walks must be identified in the preliminary plat application. 3. Pedestrian walks must be constructed as a city standard sidewalk, and comply with the provisions of section 38.400.080. Info Only 33 1 Planning Lynn Hyde 12/6/22 9:32 AM Comment Refer to BMC 38.360.135 for additional criteria for group living. Info Only 34 1 Planning Lynn Hyde 12/6/22 9:32 AM Comment Refer to BMC 38.360.250 for supplemental criteria for Townhouse and rowhouse dwellings. Of particular note, townhouse and rowhouse dwellings must provide open space at least equal to ten percent of the building living space, not counting automobile storage. The required open space may be provided by one of the following ways (refer to BMC 38.360.250.E). Also refer to building design in BMC 38.360.250.F. Info Only 35 1 Planning Lynn Hyde 12/6/22 9:32 AM Comment The development to the west has a midblock crossing connecting to the subject parcel. Planning suggests aligning your pedestrian network internally to line up with that midblock crossing and connect over to approximately where it would continue through onto the undeveloped property to the east. Refer to BMC 38.400.010.A.1 &2. Info Only report from ProjectDox by Avolve Software Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: 22345 Gallatin County Rest Home INF Workflow Started: 10/25/2022 9:06:19 AM Report Generated: 12/09/2022 09:44 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 36 1 Planning Lynn Hyde 12/6/22 9:33 AM Comment Block Frontage Requirements BMC 38.510 BMC 38.510.030.C. Juniper Street has a landscape block frontage designation and must meet the standards found in 38.510.030.C. This includes building entrances being visible and directly accessible from the street. For buildings designed with ground level non-residential uses, at least 25% of the ground floor between 4’ and 8’ above the sidewalk. The proposed building layout appears to be conforming to these requirements. BMC 38.510.030.J. All of the buildings currently have a special residential block frontage standard along sidewalks and internal pathways. For residences with ground floor living spaces facing a sidewalk or pedestrian path in a residential or mixed use development, the building must feature at least one of the proposed public/private transition elements described within the code. The objective of this standard is to ensure privacy and security for residents, and an attractive and safe pathway that complements the qualities of adjoining residences within a residential complex. Info Only 37 1 Planning Lynn Hyde 12/6/22 9:33 AM Comment BMC 38.520.030.B. Balconies alongside and rear property lines adjacent to residentially zoned properties. Balconies or rooftop decks within 15 horizontal feet of a side property line abutting a residentially zoned property must feature a railing system that is at least 50 percent opaque. Specifically, 50 percent of the area below the railing must be a sight-obscuring structure. Info Only 38 1 Planning Lynn Hyde 12/6/22 9:33 AM Comment BMC 38.520.040.D. Pathway design. All internal pathways must have a minimum five-foot-side surface. Where a pathway is adjacent to perpendicular or angled parking, an extra two feet of walkway width must be provided. Pathways must be separated from structures by at least 3’ of landscaping. Info Only 39 1 Planning Lynn Hyde 12/6/22 9:34 AM Comment In your formal submittal, provide calculations showing how you are meeting the on-site residential open space which includes a minimum of 150sf/dwelling unit (100sf for studios). All group living developments must provide minimum usable open space equal to 37 square feet per person. Refer BMC 38.360.250 for additional open space criteria for townhomes and rowhouses. Refer to 38.520.060 for what spaces can count as open space to meet these criteria. Info Only 40 1 Planning Lynn Hyde 12/6/22 9:34 AM Comment BMC 38.520.070 – all service areas, including trash dumpsters, electrical panels and equipment area that are visible from a public right-of-way, internal pathway or pedestrian area, or from an adjacent property must be screened in a manner that meets 38.520.070.C. Info Only report from ProjectDox by Avolve Software Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: 22345 Gallatin County Rest Home INF Workflow Started: 10/25/2022 9:06:19 AM Report Generated: 12/09/2022 09:44 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 41 1 Planning Lynn Hyde 12/6/22 9:34 AM Comment The building design, materials, articulation, and blank walls will be reviewed against 38.530. As there are no elevations to provide comments on at this time, please ensure the design team reviews those code provisions when designing the buildings. Info Only 42 1 Planning Lynn Hyde 12/6/22 9:35 AM Comment BMC 38.540.010.A.4. Stacking of off-street parking spaces (or tandem space, i.e., one in garage and one in driveway in front of the garage, are allowed for townhouses so long as physical separation is provided either when there are individual garage doors for interior parking space; a vegetated planter not less than four feet in width, or a wall not less than four feet in height and length is provided between the parking area in the driveway and divides the garage entrance. Refer to the mentioned code section for additional information. Info Only 43 1 Planning Lynn Hyde 12/6/22 9:35 AM Comment BMC 38.540.020.D. Ensure all parking spaces have adequate back-up maneuverability as specified in Table 38.540.020. Info Only 44 1 Fire Department Scott Mueller 12/8/22 3:22 PM Comment All road accesses/ways shall be maintained 20 feet clear for emergency vehicle access. This is noted due to proposed on street parking and potential for snow storage/removal buildup. I appreciate the fore thought with buildings proposed with fire sprinkler systems to have fire riser room access from exterior with a sidewalk. I would have required those. General comment about proposed daycare, please consider location within the building. Per proposed occupant size, it may not require fire protection systems, but all comes down to design and compliance with Building Code. Info Only report from ProjectDox by Avolve Software Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: 22345 Gallatin County Rest Home INF Workflow Started: 10/25/2022 9:06:19 AM Report Generated: 12/09/2022 09:44 AM