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1825 Kagy Student Housing | Zone Map Amendment
21825 KAGY STUDENT HOUSING | Zone Map Amendment
001 Development Review Application
002 ZMA Zone Map Amendment Checklist
003 ZMA Narratives
004 N1 Noticing Checklist
005 Adjoining Property Owners
001 ZMA Map Exhibit
31825 KAGY STUDENT HOUSING | Zone Map Amendment
Overview | Vision
1825 Kagy Student Housing has the opportunity to deliver quality student
housing in close proximity to Montana State University. This application
proposes a zoning designation that will allow higher density residential and
area restricted commercial spaces. Montana State University students are the
targeted market and by providing housing close to the University, services,
parks, and trails it will promote a walkable and bikeable community.
Design Guidelines
The zoning objectives of 1825 Kagy Student Housing were designed in line
with the City of Bozeman’s Future Land Use Plan, Growth Policy, Unified
Development Code, and Bozeman Community Plan.
Land Use
The 1825 Kagy Student Housing site is approximately 2.9 acres located at
the northeast intersection of West Kagy Boulevard and South 19th Avenue.
The site is located within the City of Bozeman at a prominent traffic transit
corridor with residential and commercial districts flanking its sides. The
site’s proposed zoning is in alignment with the Future Land Use Map which
illustrates a desire to provide Residential Mixed Use zoning designations.
1825 KAGY STUDENT HOUSING | Zone Map Amendment
A. Is the new zoning designed in accordance with the growth policy? How?
Yes, the Future Land Use Map in the Bozeman Community Plan 2020
designates the property as Residential Mixed Use. The Residential Mixed
Use designation correlates with the following zoning districts: R-3, R-O,
PLI, REMU, B-1, including the existing R-4 zoning and the R-5 zoning
proposed by the applicant. The proposed zone map amendment from
R-4 to R-5 would allow similar land uses as the current R-4 zoning while
also allowing the opportunity to provide a limited amount of retail and
restaurant space to serve the residents if desired.
The development is in accordance with several goals and objectives of
the Community Plan, including, but not limited to the following:
Goal N-1: Support well-planned, walkable neighborhoods.
The project intends to provide housing for University Students. The
site is located in close proximity to the University, amenities, jobs, goods,
and services which will increase walkability and promote the use of
alternate means of transportation. The inclusion of commercial allowed
in R-5 zoning will bring goods and services closer to the residents and
strengthen walkability in the area.
Goal N-2: Pursue simultaneous emergence of commercial nodes and
residential development through diverse mechanisms in appropriate
The commercial permitted in R-5 zoning will allow for commercial
nodes to serve the residence in addition to provide job opportunities. The
site is appropriately located at the intersection of two principal arterial
streets and near other commercial and residential areas.
Goal DCD-1: Support urban development within the City.
This site is currently underutilized, underdeveloped, and located on
the prominent corner of West Kagy Boulevard and South 19th Avenue. The
proposed high density residential and limited commercial will revitalize
the corner and provide much needed housing.
Goal DCD-2: Encourage growth throughout the City , while enhancing
the pattern of community development oriented on centers of
employment and activity. Support an increase in development intensity
within developed areas.
The development of this site will activate the intersection. This part
of town is growing rapidly to help support Bozeman’s housing needs.
The property is on the edge of the University District close to jobs, goods,
and services.
1825 KAGY STUDENT HOUSING | Zone Map Amendment
Goal DCD-3: Ensure multimodal connectivity within the City.
The site’s close proximity to the University, services, goods, and jobs
encourages the use of alternate means of transportation. The streets
that boarder the site, South 19th Avenue and West Kagy Boulevard, have
established bike routes and bike lanes that connect to the wider network
of trials. South 19th Avenue has extensive sidewalks for pedestrian
circulation and the site’s development will extend a sidewalk along
West Kagy Boulevard for increased pedestrian traffic.
B. Will the new zoning secure safety from fire and other dangers? How?
Yes, 1825 Kagy Student Housing is currently served by City of Bozeman
Fire and Police Departments. Future development of the property will
be required to conform to all City of Bozeman public safety, building
and land use requirements, which will ensure this criteria is met. Access
to the site and provision of municipal water supply are nearby and will
be expanded onto the site as needed during development review. The
zone change is not likely to adversely impact safety from fire and other
C. Will the new zoning promote public health, safety and welfare? How?
Yes, all future development will require site plan review and compliance
with the City’s Unified Development Code which ensures the promotion
of public health, safety and general welfare. The proposed amendment
will not put undue burden on municipal services, emergency response
capability, or similar existing requirements.
D. Will the new zoning facilitate the adequate provisions of transportation,
water, sewage, schools, parks and other public requirements? How?
Yes, the City conducts extensive planning for municipal transportation,
water, sewer, parks, and other facilities and services provided by the
City. The adopted plans allow the City to consider existing conditions
and identify enhancements needed to provide additional service
needed by new development. The development of public infrastructure
improvements to serve the property will be required to conform to
the City of Bozeman’s adopted standards which require properties to
construct public infrastructure and/or pay impact fees, assessments,
and taxes to support transportation, water, sewer, school, parks, and
other public requirements. The City implements these plans through its
capital improvements program that identifies individual projects, project
construction scheduling, and financing of construction.
As is stated in the UDC, the designation of a zoning district does not
guarantee approval of proposed development plans until the City verifies
the availability of needed infrastructure and services. Future submittals
1825 KAGY STUDENT HOUSING | Zone Map Amendment
will be reviewed for compliance with the City’s codes to ensure
appropriate levels of transportation, water, sewer, schools, and parks
are provided. Site plans or other development applications will ensure
adequate capacity for all required municipal services. The proposed
zone change is not anticipated to notably impact transportation, water,
sewer, school, parks, and other public provisions.
E. Will the new zoning provide reasonable provision of adequate light and
air? How?
Yes, the Unified Development Code includes requirements for providing
adequate light and air including park and recreation requirements,
maximum building height, on-site open space requirements, lot coverage,
and setback requirements. Future development of the property will be
subject to these provisions and that of the Building Codes which have
standards for ingress and egress, ventilation, and related subjects that
further support the provision of adequate light and air. The proposed
zoning has the same setback requirements and similar requirements
concerning light and air to the existing R-4 zoning.
F. Will the new zoning have an effect on motorized and non-motorized
transportation systems? How?
Neutral, the mix of residential and commercial allowed in the requested
R-5 zoning are not anticipated to greatly impact motorized traffic at the
intersection of West Kagy Boulevard and South 19th Avenue. The project
is focused on providing student housing and an opportunity to live within
a walkable proximity to the University, work, goods, and services that
currently depend upon vehicular transportation. In addition, development
of the property will be required to comply with transportation-related
standards and reviewed for impacts on the surrounding streets,
intersections, and sidewalks.
The transportation system is well developed in this area. The site is
located at an intersection of two arterial streets with a traffic signal
to facilitate heavy traffic flows. The future development and zone
change support opportunity to expand the pedestrian network through
installation of sidewalks. Development of the subject property would
support continuation of the sidewalk along West Kagy Boulevard. This
improves the non-motorized transportation system.
G. Does the new zoning promote compatible urban growth? How?
Yes, the Bozeman Community Plan establishes a preferred and
compatible development pattern. “The land use map sets generalized
expectations for what goes where in the community… The land use
categories and descriptions provide a guide for appropriate development
1825 KAGY STUDENT HOUSING | Zone Map Amendment
and redevelopment locations for civic, residential, commercial, industrial,
and other uses. The future land use designations are important because
they aim to further the vision and goals of the City through promoting
sustainability, citizen and visitor safety, and a high quality of life that will
shape Bozeman’s future” (Community Plan p. 51).
The future land use map designates the property as Residential Mixed
Use. This designation correlates with several zoning districts including
the proposed R-5. Based on the land use map designations and correlated
zoning districts in the plan proposed, the zone map amendment would
promote compatible urban growth.
The growth policy supports infill development on underutilized
properties and providing a variety of housing options to meet the needs
of residents. The proposed zoning designation enables urban residential
development, providing additional housing options to meet Bozeman’s
demand. The property is surrounded by City limits and is well-served by
the City’s transportation and utility networks. Any future development on
the site will meet the zoning standards adopted to support compatibility
of uses such as setbacks, building height limits, and parking requirements.
H. Does the new zoning promote the character of the district? How?
Yes, this proposal amends the zone map and not the Future Land Use
Map designation. Therefore, the standards and character of the district
remain intact. The surrounding area is continuing to develop with higher
density residential and commercial. The proposed R-5 zoning maintains
the predominant residential character of the area while providing a
small amount of commercial, aligning with the character of the region.
The zones at the intersection on Kagy Boulevard and 19th Avenue include
REMU and B-2. The adjacent properties to the north and northeast consist
of multi-family housing in R-2 and R-4 zoning. The existing R-4 zone has
more similarities to R-5 than differences including the same minimum
building setback requirements and the permitted uses allowed only
vary in the allowance of restaurants, and retail with restricted square
footage. The retail component in the R-5 will predominately serve the
surrounding neighborhoods with services and job potential, promoting a
walkable environment.
I. Does the new zoning address the affected area’s peculiar suitability for
particular uses? How?
Yes, the proposed R-5 district can support many types of urban
development that serve the immediate area and broader region with
multi-household residential as a primary use. 1825 Kagy Student
Housing is appropriately located along the principal arterial corridor
1825 KAGY STUDENT HOUSING | Zone Map Amendment
of South 19th Avenue. Additionally, the property is suitable for urban
development without major constraints related to floodplains, human-
wildlife conflict, steep slopes or other hazards.
In addition, the property is surrounded by a residential development. The
proposed R-5 zoning is suitable for the site given the surrounding existing
residential development and access to city services and facilities. Any
future development will be reviewed against the provisions of the zoning
J. Was the new zoning adopted with a view of conserving the values of
buildings? How?
Yes, the property is currently underutilized, underdeveloped, and in
stark contrast to the ever growing and newly developed surrounding
district. Any proposed new or expanded structures will be required to
meet setbacks set forth in the Bozeman Municipal Code, which will
alleviate potential negative impacts to the values of adjacent buildings
in the event of future development on the subject property. Any future
development on the site will be subject to standards in the R-5 district
which will ensure the conservation of adjacent building values.
K. How does the new zoning encourage the most appropriate use of land
throughout the jurisdictional area?
Yes, the Bozeman Community Plan illustrates the most appropriate use
of the land. In this case, a Residential Mixed Use development has been
identified by the community as the most appropriate type of development
for the property. The Unified Development Code contains standards,
protections and reviews processes to ensure the land is developed in
ways that protect and promote public health, safety, and general welfare.
1825 KAGY STUDENT HOUSING | Zone Map Amendment
Promotes neighborhoods substantially dominated by housing, yet integrated
with small-scale commercial and civic uses. The housing can include single-
attached and small single-Detached dwellings, apartments, and live-work
units. If buildings include ground floor commercial uses, residences should
be located on upper floor. Variation in building mass, height, and other design
characteristics should contribute to a complete and interesting streetscape.
The importance of future land use is best said in the Bozeman Community
Plan with the text accompanying the Future Land Use Map. An except from
this narratives states, “Community development oriented on centers of
employment and activity shorten travel distances and encourage multi-
modal transportation, increase business synergies, and permit greater
efficiencies in the delivery of public services.”
Plan Category R-SR-1R-2R-3R-4R-5R-OREMURMHB-1B-2B-2M B-3UMUM-1M-2BPNEHMUPLI Residential Mixed Use XXXXX X X
Future Land Use Zoning Correlation Table