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Revision Date Title November, 2022 Basic Plan November, 2022 Annex A: Warning November, 2022 Annex B: Communications November, 2022 Annex C: Shelter & Mass Care November, 2022 Annex D: Radiological November, 2022 Annex E: Evacuation November, 2022 Annex F: Firefighting November, 2022 Annex G: Law Enforcement November, 2022 Annex H: Health & Medical Services November, 2022 Annex I: Public Information November, 2022 Annex J: Recovery November, 2022 Annex K: Community Infrastructure November, 2022 Annex M: Donations & Resource Management November, 2022 Annex N: Coordination November, 2022 Annex O: Human Services November, 2022 Annex P: Hazard Mitigation November, 2022 Annex Q: Hazardous Materials November, 2022 Annex R: Search and Rescue November, 2022 Annex S: Transportation November, 2022 Annex U: Legal November, 2022 Annex V: Terrorism As the Principal Executive Officer for the City of Bozeman, I accept and approve for distribution pursuant to my responsibilities in 10-3-401(a), MCA. ____________________________________ ______________________ Cyndy Andrus, Mayor Date City of Bozeman 8                                !" #  $   %&' ()*++  (  #", ! -. !  %&-/0&'   " 1&2&&      3!           !" #  $   %&' ()*++  (  #", ! -. !  %&-/0&'4    /45#     6!    3  ,       7   (    4    %    8'  7   4      ,(   "  " 4         " 4        6 !" #  $    !" #  $   %&'     6," &5&2&& 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17                            !    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Labor Category Hourly Rate Staff Geospatial Developer $223.46 Senior Geospatial Developer $268.15 Staff Geospatial Project Manager $207.81 Senior Geospatial Project Manager $256.97 Staff Project Coordinator $124.63 Senior Project Coordinator $145.52 Staff Solutions Architect $241.48 Senior Solutions Architect $298.53 Staff Solutions Engineer $223.46 Senior Solutions Engineer $268.15 Staff Application Architect $268.15 Senior Application Architect $298.53 Staff Geospatial Analyst $150.19 Senior Geospatial Analyst $179.53 Senior Subject Matter Expert $305.91 53 City of Bozeman: GIS & Asset Management On-Call Services | aximgeo.com | 2 In your proposal please include a full scope of services you are able to provide followed by your proposed cost structure. Axim Geospatial can provide end-to-end geospatial services and solutions, including but not limited to, big data services, geomatics, business solutions, asset management, cloud services, infrastructure security, analytics and professional services. Axim Geospatial has the ability to perform the following scopes of work: Cityworks Support, GIS Database Management Support, GIS System Hardware Architecture Support, GIS Implementation, Visualization, ArcGIS Utility Network, Asset Inventory, Cloud Managed Services, Consultation & Strategic Workshops, Data Collection, Data Transformation, Enterprise GIS Architecture, Environmental Solutions, Facility Management, Infrastructure Security, Jumpstarts, Knowledge Transfer & Learning, Surveying, Situational Awareness, Staff Augmentation, and more. Thank you again for your interest. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Theron Hodel Account Executive Axim Geospatial 100 QBE Way, Suite 1225 | Sun Prairie, WI 53590 p: (205) 725-5803 | c: (608) 843-0983 | e: theron.hodel@aximgeo.com 54 Version 8 30 21 Professional Services Agreement for Professional Services Agreement for Cityworks Support with Axim Geospatial FY 22- FY 24 Page 1 of 11 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this _____ day of ____________, 202__ (“Effective Date”), by and between the CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, a self-governing municipal corporation organized and existing under its Charter and the laws of the State of Montana, 121 North Rouse Street, Bozeman, Montana, with a mailing address of PO Box 1230, Bozeman, MT59771, hereinafter referred to as “City,” and, Axim Geospatial, LLC, 4%(:D\6XLWH 6XQ3UDLULH:,, hereinafter referred to as “Contractor. ”The City and Contractor may be referred to individually as “Party” and collectively as “Parties.” In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the receipt and sufficiency whereof being hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1.Purpose: City agrees to enter this Agreement with Contractor to perform for City services described in the Scope of Services attached hereto as Exhibit A and by this reference made a part hereof. 2.Term/Effective Date: This Agreement is effective upon the Effective Date and will expire on the 30th day of June, 2024, unless earlier terminated in accordance with this Agreement. 3.Scope of Services: Contractor will perform the work and provide the services in accordance with the requirements of the Scope of Services. For conflicts between this Agreement and the Scope of Services, unless specifically provided otherwise, the Agreement governs. 4.Payment: City agrees to pay Contractor the amount specified in the Scope of Services. Any alteration or deviation from the described services that involves additional costs above the Agreement amount will be performed by Contractor after written request by the City, and will become an additional charge over and above the amount listed in the Scope of Services. The City must agree in writing upon any additional charges. 5.Contractor’s Representations: To induce City to enter into this Agreement, 55 Version 8 30 21 Professional Services Agreement for Professional Services Agreement for Cityworks Support with Axim Geospatial FY 22- FY 24 Page 2 of 11 Contractor makes the following representations: a. Contractor has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of this Agreement, the Scope of Services, and with all local conditions and federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress or performance of the Scope of Services. b. Contractor represents and warrants to City that it has the experience and ability to perform the services required by this Agreement; that it will perform the services in a professional, competent and timely manner and with diligence and skill; that it has the power to enter into and perform this Agreement and grant the rights granted in it; and that its performance of this Agreement shall not infringe upon or violate the rights of any third party, whether rights of copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity, libel, slander or any other rights of any nature whatsoever, or violate any federal, state and municipal laws. The City will not determine or exercise control as to general procedures or formats necessary to have these services meet this warranty. 6. Independent Contractor Status/Labor Relations: The parties agree that Contractor is an independent contractor for purposes of this Agreement and is not to be considered an employee of the City for any purpose. Contractor is not subject to the terms and provisions of the City’s personnel policies handbook and may not be considered a City employee for workers’ compensation or any other purpose. Contractor is not authorized to represent the City or otherwise bind the City in any dealings between Contractor and any third parties. Contractor shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Workers’ Compensation Act, Title 39, Chapter 71, Montana Code Annotated (MCA), and the Occupational Disease Act of Montana, Title 39, Chapter 71, MCA. Contractor shall maintain workers’ compensation coverage for all members and employees of Contractor’s business, except for those members who are exempted by law. Contractor shall furnish the City with copies showing one of the following: (1) a binder for workers’ compensation coverage by an insurer licensed and authorized to provide workers’ compensation insurance in the State of Montana; or (2) proof of exemption from workers’ compensation granted by law for independent contractors. In the event that, during the term of this Agreement, any labor problems or disputes of any type arise or materialize which in turn cause any services to cease for any period of time, Contractor specifically agrees to take immediate steps, at its own expense and without expectation of reimbursement from City, to alleviate or resolve all such labor problems or disputes. The specific steps Contractor shall take shall be left to the discretion of Contractor; provided, however, that 56 Version 8 30 21 Professional Services Agreement for Professional Services Agreement for Cityworks Support with Axim Geospatial FY 22- FY 24 Page 3 of 11 Contractor shall bear all costs of any related legal action. Contractor shall provide immediate relief to the City so as to permit the services to continue at no additional cost to City. Contractor shall indemnify, defend, and hold the City harmless from any and all claims, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and liabilities arising out of, resulting from, or occurring in connection with any labor problems or disputes or any delays or stoppages of work associated with such problems or disputes. 7. Indemnity/Waiver of Claims/Insurance: For other than professional services rendered, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor agrees to release, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its agents, representatives, employees, and officers (collectively referred to for purposes of this Section as the City) from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, fees and costs (including attorney’s fees and the costs and fees of expert witness and consultants), losses, expenses, liabilities (including liability where activity is inherently or intrinsically dangerous) or damages of whatever kind or nature connected therewith and without limit and without regard to the cause or causes thereof or the negligence of any party or parties that may be asserted against, recovered from or suffered by the City occasioned by, growing or arising out of or resulting from or in any way related to: (i) the negligent, reckless, or intentional misconduct of the Contractor; or (ii) any negligent, reckless, or intentional misconduct of any of the Contractor’s agents. For the professional services rendered, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless against claims, demands, suits, damages, losses, and expenses, including reasonable defense attorney fees, to the extent caused by the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Contractor or Contractor’s agents or employees. Such obligations shall not be construed to negate, abridge, or reduce other rights or obligations of indemnity that would otherwise exist. The indemnification obligations of this Section must not be construed to negate, abridge, or reduce any common-law or statutory rights of the City as indemnitee(s) which would otherwise exist as to such indemnitee(s). Contractor’s indemnity under this Section shall be without regard to and without any right to contribution from any insurance maintained by City. Should the City be required to bring an action against the Contractor to assert its right to defense or indemnification under this Agreement or under the Contractor’s applicable insurance policies required below, the City shall be entitled to recover reasonable costs and attorney fees 57 Version 8 30 21 Professional Services Agreement for Professional Services Agreement for Cityworks Support with Axim Geospatial FY 22- FY 24 Page 4 of 11 incurred in asserting its right to indemnification or defense but only if a court of competent jurisdiction determines the Contractor was obligated to defend the claim(s) or was obligated to indemnify the City for a claim(s) or any portion(s) thereof. In the event of an action filed against the City resulting from the City’s performance under this Agreement, the City may elect to represent itself and incur all costs and expenses of suit. Contractor also waives any and all claims and recourse against the City, including the right of contribution for loss or damage to person or property arising from, growing out of, or in any way connected with or incident to the performance of this Agreement except “responsibility for [City’s] own fraud, for willful injury to the person or property of another, or for violation of law, whether willful or negligent” as per 28-2-702, MCA. These obligations shall survive termination of this Agreement and the services performed hereunder. In addition to and independent from the above, Contractor shall at Contractor’s expense secure insurance coverage through an insurance company or companies duly licensed and authorized to conduct insurance business in Montana which insures the liabilities and obligations specifically assumed by the Contractor in this Section. The insurance coverage shall not contain any exclusion for liabilities specifically assumed by the Contractor in this Section. The insurance shall cover and apply to all claims, demands, suits, damages, losses, and expenses that may be asserted or claimed against, recovered from, or suffered by the City without limit and without regard to the cause therefore and which is acceptable to the City. Contractor shall furnish to the City an accompanying certificate of insurance and accompanying endorsements in amounts not less than as follows: x Workers’ Compensation – statutory; x Employers’ Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence; $2,000,000 annual aggregate; x Commercial General Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence; $2,000,000 annual aggregate; x Automobile Liability - $1,000,000 property damage/bodily injury per accident; and x Professional Liability - $1,000,000 per claim; $2,000,000 annual aggregate. 58 Version 8 30 21 Professional Services Agreement for Professional Services Agreement for Cityworks Support with Axim Geospatial FY 22- FY 24 Page 5 of 11 The above amounts shall be exclusive of defense costs. The City shall be endorsed as an additional or named insured on a primary non-contributory basis on the Commercial General, Employer’s Liability, and Automobile Liability policies. The insurance and required endorsements must be in a form suitable to City and shall include no less than a thirty (30) day notice of cancellation or non-renewal. Contractor shall notify City within two (2) business days of Contractor’s receipt of notice that any required insurance coverage will be terminated or Contractor’s decision to terminate any required insurance coverage for any reason. The City must approve all insurance coverage and endorsements prior to the Contractor commencing work. 8. Termination for Contractor’s Fault: a. If Contractor refuses or fails to timely do the work, or any part thereof, or fails to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement, or otherwise breaches any terms or conditions of this Agreement, the City may, by written notice, terminate this Agreement and the Contractor’s right to proceed with all or any part of the work (“Termination Notice Due to Contractor’s Fault”). The City may then take over the work and complete it, either with its own resources or by re-letting the contract to any other third party. b. In the event of a termination pursuant to this Section 8, Contractor shall be entitled to payment only for those services Contractor actually rendered. c. Any termination provided for by this Section 8 shall be in addition to any other remedies to which the City may be entitled under the law or at equity. d. In the event of termination under this Section 8, Contractor shall, under no circumstances, be entitled to claim or recover consequential, special, punitive, lost business opportunity, lost productivity, field office overhead, general conditions costs, or lost profits damages of any nature arising, or claimed to have arisen, as a result of the termination. 9. Termination for City’s Convenience: a. Should conditions arise which, in the sole opinion and discretion of the City, make it advisable to the City to cease performance under this Agreement, the City may terminate this Agreement by written notice to Contractor (“Notice of Termination for City’s Convenience”). The termination shall be effective in the manner specified in the Notice of 59 Version 8 30 21 Professional Services Agreement for Professional Services Agreement for Cityworks Support with Axim Geospatial FY 22- FY 24 Page 6 of 11 Termination for City’s Convenience and shall be without prejudice to any claims that the City may otherwise have against Contractor. b. Upon receipt of the Notice of Termination for City’s Convenience, unless otherwise directed in the Notice, the Contractor shall immediately cease performance under this Agreement and make every reasonable effort to refrain from continuing work, incurring additional expenses or costs under this Agreement and shall immediately cancel all existing orders or contracts upon terms satisfactory to the City. Contractor shall do only such work as may be necessary to preserve, protect, and maintain work already completed or immediately in progress. c. In the event of a termination pursuant to this Section 9, Contractor is entitled to payment only for those services Contractor actually rendered on or before the receipt of the Notice of Termination for City’s Convenience. d. The compensation described in Section 9(c) is the sole compensation due to Contractor for its performance of this Agreement. Contractor shall, under no circumstances, be entitled to claim or recover consequential, special, punitive, lost business opportunity, lost productivity, field office overhead, general conditions costs, or lost profits damages of any nature arising, or claimed to have arisen, as a result of the termination. 10. Limitation on Contractor’s Damages; Time for Asserting Claim: a. In the event of a claim for damages by Contractor under this Agreement, Contractor’s damages shall be limited to contract damages and Contractor hereby expressly waives any right to claim or recover consequential, special, punitive, lost business opportunity, lost productivity, field office overhead, general conditions costs, or lost profits damages of any nature or kind. b. In the event Contractor wants to assert a claim for damages of any kind or nature, Contractor shall provide City with written notice of its claim, the facts and circumstances surrounding and giving rise to the claim, and the total amount of damages sought by the claim, within thirty (30) days of the facts and circumstances giving rise to the claim. In the event Contractor fails to provide such notice, Contractor shall waive all rights to assert such claim. 60 Version 8 30 21 Professional Services Agreement for Professional Services Agreement for Cityworks Support with Axim Geospatial FY 22- FY 24 Page 7 of 11 11. Representatives and Notices: a. City’s Representative: The City’s Representative for the purpose of this Agreement shall be Zac Collins or such other individual as City shall designate in writing. Whenever approval or authorization from or communication or submission to City is required by this Agreement, such communication or submission shall be directed to the City’s Representative and approvals or authorizations shall be issued only by such Representative; provided, however, that in exigent circumstances when City’s Representative is not available, Contractor may direct its communication or submission to other designated City personnel or agents as designated by the City in writing and may receive approvals or authorization from such persons. b.Contractor’s Representative: The Contractor’s Representative for the purpose of this Agreement shall be .HQW%ODQFKDUG or such other individual as Contractor shall designate in writing. Whenever direction to or communication with Contractor is required by this Agreement, such direction or communication shall be directed to Contractor’s Representative; provided, however, that in exigent circumstances when Contractor’s Representative is not available, City may direct its direction or communication to other designated Contractor personnel or agents. c. Notices: All notices required by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be provided to the Representatives named in this Section. Notices shall be deemed given when delivered, if delivered by courier to Party’s address shown above during normal business hours of the recipient; or when sent, if sent by email or fax (with a successful transmission report) to the email address or fax number provided by the Party’s Representative; or on the fifth business day following mailing, if mailed by ordinary mail to the address shown above, postage prepaid. 12.Permits: Contractor shall provide all notices, comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations, obtain all necessary permits, licenses, including a City of Bozeman business license, and inspections from applicable governmental authorities, and pay all fees and charges in connection therewith. 61 Version 8 30 21 Professional Services Agreement for Professional Services Agreement for Cityworks Support with Axim Geospatial FY 22- FY 24 Page 8 of 11 13 Laws and Regulations: Contractor shall comply fully with all applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and municipal ordinances including, but not limited to, all workers’ compensation laws, all environmental laws including, but not limited to, the generation and disposal of hazardous waste, the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), the safety rules, codes, and provisions of the Montana Safety Act in Title 50, Chapter 71, MCA, all applicable City, County, and State building and electrical codes, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and all non-discrimination, affirmative action, and utilization of minority and small business statutes and regulations. 14. Nondiscrimination and Equal Pay: The Contractor agrees that all hiring by Contractor of persons performing this Agreement shall be on the basis of merit and qualifications. The Contractor will have a policy to provide equal employment opportunity in accordance with all applicable state and federal anti-discrimination laws, regulations, and contracts. The Contractor will not refuse employment to a person, bar a person from employment, or discriminate against a person in compensation or in a term, condition, or privilege of employment because of race, color, religion, creed, political ideas, sex, age, marital status, national origin, actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental disability, except when the reasonable demands of the position require an age, physical or mental disability, marital status or sex distinction. The Contractor shall be subject to and comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Section 140, Title 2, United States Code, and all regulations promulgated thereunder. Contractor represents it is, and for the term of this Agreement will be, in compliance with the requirements of the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Section 39-3-104, MCA (the Montana Equal Pay Act). Contractor must report to the City any violations of the Montana Equal Pay Act that Contractor has been found guilty of within 60 days of such finding for violations occurring during the term of this Agreement. Contractor shall require these nondiscrimination terms of its subcontractors providing services under this Agreement. 15. Intoxicants; DOT Drug and Alcohol Regulations/Safety and Training: Contractor shall not permit or suffer the introduction or use of any intoxicants, including alcohol or illegal drugs, by any employee or agent engaged in services to the City under this Agreement while on City property or in the performance of any activities under this Agreement. Contractor acknowledges it is aware of and shall comply with its responsibilities and obligations under the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations governing anti-drug and alcohol misuse prevention plans and related testing. City shall have the right to request proof of such compliance and Contractor shall be obligated to furnish 62 Version 8 30 21 Professional Services Agreement for Professional Services Agreement for Cityworks Support with Axim Geospatial FY 22- FY 24 Page 9 of 11 such proof. The Contractor shall be responsible for instructing and training the Contractor's employees and agents in proper and specified work methods and procedures. The Contractor shall provide continuous inspection and supervision of the work performed. The Contractor is responsible for instructing its employees and agents in safe work practices. 16. Modification and Assignability: This Agreement may not be enlarged, modified or altered except by written agreement signed by both parties hereto. The Contractor may not subcontract or assign Contractor’s rights, including the right to compensation or duties arising hereunder, without the prior written consent of the City. Any subcontractor or assignee will be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 17. Reports/Accountability/Public Information: Contractor agrees to develop and/or provide documentation as requested by the City demonstrating Contractor’s compliance with the requirements of this Agreement. Contractor shall allow the City, its auditors, and other persons authorized by the City to inspect and copy its books and records for the purpose of verifying that the reimbursement of monies distributed to Contractor pursuant to this Agreement was used in compliance with this Agreement and all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local law. The Contractor shall not issue any statements, releases or information for public dissemination without prior approval of the City. 18. Non-Waiver: A waiver by either party of any default or breach by the other party of any terms or conditions of this Agreement does not limit the other party’s right to enforce such term or conditions or to pursue any available legal or equitable rights in the event of any subsequent default or breach. 19. Attorney’s Fees and Costs: In the event it becomes necessary for either Party to retain an attorney to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement or to give any notice required herein, then the prevailing Party or the Party giving notice shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs, including fees, salary, and costs of in-house counsel including the City Attorney’s Office staff. 20. Taxes: Contractor is obligated to pay all taxes of any kind or nature and make all appropriate employee withholdings. 63 Version 8 30 21 Professional Services Agreement for Professional Services Agreement for Cityworks Support with Axim Geospatial FY 22- FY 24 Page 10 of 11 21. Dispute Resolution: a. Any claim, controversy, or dispute between the parties, their agents, employees, or representatives shall be resolved first by negotiation between senior-level personnel from each party duly authorized to execute settlement agreements. Upon mutual agreement of the parties, the parties may invite an independent, disinterested mediator to assist in the negotiated settlement discussions. b. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within thirty (30) days from the date the dispute was first raised, then such dispute may only be resolved in a court of competent jurisdiction in compliance with the Applicable Law provisions of this Agreement. 22. Survival: Contractor’s indemnification shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement for the maximum period allowed under applicable law. 23. Headings: The headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not be construed as a part of the Agreement or as a limitation on the scope of the particular paragraphs to which they refer. 24. Severability: If any portion of this Agreement is held to be void or unenforceable, the balance thereof shall continue in effect. 25. Applicable Law: The parties agree that this Agreement is governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Montana. 26. Binding Effect: This Agreement is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the heirs, legal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties. 27. No Third-Party Beneficiary: This Agreement is for the exclusive benefit of the parties, does not constitute a third-party beneficiary agreement, and may not be relied upon or enforced by a third party. 28. Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, which together constitute one instrument. 29. Integration: This Agreement and all Exhibits attached hereto constitute the entire 64 Version 8 30 21 Professional Services Agreement for Professional Services Agreement for Cityworks Support with Axim Geospatial FY 22- FY 24 Page 11 of 11 agreement of the parties. Covenants or representations not contained herein or made a part thereof by reference, are not binding upon the parties. There are no understandings between the parties other than as set forth in this Agreement. All communications, either verbal or written, made prior to the date of this Agreement are hereby abrogated and withdrawn unless specifically made a part of this Agreement by reference. 30. Consent to Electronic Signatures: The Parties have consented to execute this Agreement electronically in conformance with the Montana Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, Title 30, Chapter 18, Part 1, MCA. 31. Extensions: this Agreement may, upon mutual agreement, be extended for a period of one year by written agreement of the Parties. In no case, however, may this Agreement run longer than three years. **** END OF AGREEMENT EXCEPT FOR SIGNATURES **** IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written or as recorded in an electronic signature. CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA ____________________________________ CONTRACTOR (Type Name Above) By________________________________ By__________________________________ Jeff Mihelich, City Manager Print Name: ___________________________ Print Title: ____________________________ APPROVED AS TO FORM: By_______________________________ Greg Sullivan, Bozeman City Attorney 65                              !"#  $ %      &'()((     %* +             !"#  $ %  ,    (,("   "  -                 . ,   $ /()()  .. 01           230$   . , ())40 .        5.    6(    6/4    ,$ .&7()(6     ..8  0!""  ...   .      0,9     /)()((,9   .    !"#    .&   :;      .&6()((   .  5 .    .      &    .      .%   ,9  .  .    .  .<   ,          ,  &   .        .     &      ,     =     & 66    >?. 0.    &         ,9 ?.      .<   &.< ,    -   % .  ,.  . .  -=&6@()(( 67 Attachment A 68 hhdrinc.com 700 SW Higgins Ave Suite 200, Missoula, MT 59803 (206) 826-4700 Date October 19, 2022 Zac Collins Asset Systems Program Manager/City of Bozeman 20 East Olive Street – P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT RRE: GIS & Asset Management On-call Services – Attachment A Dear Zac, HDR is honored to have been selected to be added to the GIS & Asset Management On-call Services. This proposal includes our scope services we can provide and our cost structure for the on-call contract. Our scope of services include: 1. Cityworks Support 2. GIS Database Management Support 3. GIS System Hardware Architecture Support HDR understands projects are expected to range in value from less than $2,500 up to $20,000 including but not limited all previously listed examples listed in the RFQ. Detailed scope of service and fees will be provided for each project requested under this on-call contract. Cost Structure: Table 1. Schedule of Billing Rates Title / Position Hourly Rate Principal $231 Project Manager $278 Senior GIS Programmer $269 QA/QC $225 Senior GIS Analyst $201 Staff Engineer $171 GIS Programmer $160 GIS Analyst $123 GIS Technician $112 Technician $82 Reimbursable expenses will be estimated for each project task order scoped under this on-call contract. 69 CCity of Bozeman | Proposal GIS & Asset Management On-call Services 22 HDR is fully committed and vested in the successful completion of this project. Thank you for the opportunity to offer our services. Should you require further clarification of this proposal, please do not hesitate to contact Project Manager, Bridget Brown, at 907.306.1971 or Bridget.Brown@hdrinc.com. Regards, HDR Engineering, Inc. Jared Harris Bridget Brown Vice President Project Manager 70 Version 8 30 21 Professional Services Agreement for Professional Services Agreement for Cityworks Support with HDR. FY 22- FY 24 Page 1 of 11 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this _____ day of ____________, 202__ (“Effective Date”), by and between the CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, a self-governing municipal corporation organized and existing under its Charter and the laws of the State of Montana, 121 North Rouse Street, Bozeman, Montana, with a mailing address of PO Box 1230, Bozeman, MT59771, hereinafter referred to as “City,” and HDR, 2150 Analysis Drive, Suite A, Bozeman, Montana 59718, hereinafter referred to as “Contractor. ”The City and Contractor may be referred to individually as “Party” and collectively as “Parties.” In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the receipt and sufficiency whereof being hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Purpose: City agrees to enter this Agreement with Contractor to perform for City services described in the Scope of Services attached hereto as Exhibit A and by this reference made a part hereof. 2. Term/Effective Date: This Agreement is effective upon the Effective Date and will expire on the 30th day of June, 2024, unless earlier terminated in accordance with this Agreement. 3. Scope of Services: Contractor will perform the work and provide the services in accordance with the requirements of the Scope of Services. For conflicts between this Agreement and the Scope of Services, unless specifically provided otherwise, the Agreement governs. 4. Payment: City agrees to pay Contractor the amount specified in the Scope of Services. Any alteration or deviation from the described services that involves additional costs above the Agreement amount will be performed by Contractor after written request by the City, and will become an additional charge over and above the amount listed in the Scope of Services. The City must agree in writing upon any additional charges. 5. Contractor’s Representations: To induce City to enter into this Agreement, 71 Version 8 30 21 Professional Services Agreement for Professional Services Agreement for Cityworks Support with HDR. FY 22- FY 24 Page 2 of 11 Contractor makes the following representations: a. Contractor has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of this Agreement, the Scope of Services, and with all local conditions and federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress or performance of the Scope of Services. b. Contractor represents and warrants to City that it has the experience and ability to perform the services required by this Agreement; that it will perform the services in a professional, competent and timely manner and with diligence and skill; that it has the power to enter into and perform this Agreement and grant the rights granted in it; and that its performance of this Agreement shall not infringe upon or violate the rights of any third party, whether rights of copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity, libel, slander or any other rights of any nature whatsoever, or violate any federal, state and municipal laws. The City will not determine or exercise control as to general procedures or formats necessary to have these services meet this warranty. 6. Independent Contractor Status/Labor Relations: The parties agree that Contractor is an independent contractor for purposes of this Agreement and is not to be considered an employee of the City for any purpose. Contractor is not subject to the terms and provisions of the City’s personnel policies handbook and may not be considered a City employee for workers’ compensation or any other purpose. Contractor is not authorized to represent the City or otherwise bind the City in any dealings between Contractor and any third parties. Contractor shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Workers’ Compensation Act, Title 39, Chapter 71, Montana Code Annotated (MCA), and the Occupational Disease Act of Montana, Title 39, Chapter 71, MCA. Contractor shall maintain workers’ compensation coverage for all members and employees of Contractor’s business, except for those members who are exempted by law. Contractor shall furnish the City with copies showing one of the following: (1) a binder for workers’ compensation coverage by an insurer licensed and authorized to provide workers’ compensation insurance in the State of Montana; or (2) proof of exemption from workers’ compensation granted by law for independent contractors. In the event that, during the term of this Agreement, any labor problems or disputes of any type arise or materialize which in turn cause any services to cease for any period of time, Contractor specifically agrees to take immediate steps, at its own expense and without expectation of reimbursement from City, to alleviate or resolve all such labor problems or disputes. The specific steps Contractor shall take shall be left to the discretion of Contractor; provided, however, that 72 Version 8 30 21 Professional Services Agreement for Professional Services Agreement for Cityworks Support with HDR. FY 22- FY 24 Page 3 of 11 Contractor shall bear all costs of any related legal action. Contractor shall provide immediate relief to the City so as to permit the services to continue at no additional cost to City. Contractor shall indemnify, defend, and hold the City harmless from any and all claims, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and liabilities arising out of, resulting from, or occurring in connection with any labor problems or disputes or any delays or stoppages of work associated with such problems or disputes. 7. Indemnity/Waiver of Claims/Insurance: For other than professional services rendered, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor agrees to release, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its agents, representatives, employees, and officers (collectively referred to for purposes of this Section as the City) from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, fees and costs (including attorney’s fees and the costs and fees of expert witness and consultants), losses, expenses, liabilities (including liability where activity is inherently or intrinsically dangerous) or damages of whatever kind or nature connected therewith and without limit and without regard to the cause or causes thereof or the negligence of any party or parties that may be asserted against, recovered from or suffered by the City occasioned by, growing or arising out of or resulting from or in any way related to: (i) the negligent, reckless, or intentional misconduct of the Contractor; or (ii) any negligent, reckless, or intentional misconduct of any of the Contractor’s agents. For the professional services rendered, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless against claims, demands, suits, damages, losses, and expenses, including reasonable defense attorney fees, to the extent caused by the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Contractor or Contractor’s agents or employees. Such obligations shall not be construed to negate, abridge, or reduce other rights or obligations of indemnity that would otherwise exist. The indemnification obligations of this Section must not be construed to negate, abridge, or reduce any common-law or statutory rights of the City as indemnitee(s) which would otherwise exist as to such indemnitee(s). Contractor’s indemnity under this Section shall be without regard to and without any right to contribution from any insurance maintained by City. Should the City be required to bring an action against the Contractor to assert its right to defense or indemnification under this Agreement or under the Contractor’s applicable insurance policies required below, the City shall be entitled to recover reasonable costs and attorney fees 73 Version 8 30 21 Professional Services Agreement for Professional Services Agreement for Cityworks Support with HDR. FY 22- FY 24 Page 4 of 11 incurred in asserting its right to indemnification or defense but only if a court of competent jurisdiction determines the Contractor was obligated to defend the claim(s) or was obligated to indemnify the City for a claim(s) or any portion(s) thereof. In the event of an action filed against the City resulting from the City’s performance under this Agreement, the City may elect to represent itself and incur all costs and expenses of suit. Contractor also waives any and all claims and recourse against the City, including the right of contribution for loss or damage to person or property arising from, growing out of, or in any way connected with or incident to the performance of this Agreement except “responsibility for [City’s] own fraud, for willful injury to the person or property of another, or for violation of law, whether willful or negligent” as per 28-2-702, MCA. These obligations shall survive termination of this Agreement and the services performed hereunder. In addition to and independent from the above, Contractor shall at Contractor’s expense secure insurance coverage through an insurance company or companies duly licensed and authorized to conduct insurance business in Montana which insures the liabilities and obligations specifically assumed by the Contractor in this Section. The insurance coverage shall not contain any exclusion for liabilities specifically assumed by the Contractor in this Section. The insurance shall cover and apply to all claims, demands, suits, damages, losses, and expenses that may be asserted or claimed against, recovered from, or suffered by the City without limit and without regard to the cause therefore and which is acceptable to the City. Contractor shall furnish to the City an accompanying certificate of insurance and accompanying endorsements in amounts not less than as follows: x Workers’ Compensation – statutory; x Employers’ Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence; $2,000,000 annual aggregate; x Commercial General Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence; $2,000,000 annual aggregate; x Automobile Liability - $1,000,000 property damage/bodily injury per accident; and x Professional Liability - $1,000,000 per claim; $2,000,000 annual aggregate. 74 Version 8 30 21 Professional Services Agreement for Professional Services Agreement for Cityworks Support with HDR. FY 22- FY 24 Page 5 of 11 The above amounts shall be exclusive of defense costs. The City shall be endorsed as an additional or named insured on a primary non-contributory basis on the Commercial General, Employer’s Liability, and Automobile Liability policies. The insurance and required endorsements must be in a form suitable to City and shall include no less than a thirty (30) day notice of cancellation or non-renewal. Contractor shall notify City within two (2) business days of Contractor’s receipt of notice that any required insurance coverage will be terminated or Contractor’s decision to terminate any required insurance coverage for any reason. The City must approve all insurance coverage and endorsements prior to the Contractor commencing work. 8. Termination for Contractor’s Fault: a. If Contractor refuses or fails to timely do the work, or any part thereof, or fails to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement, or otherwise breaches any terms or conditions of this Agreement, the City may, by written notice, terminate this Agreement and the Contractor’s right to proceed with all or any part of the work (“Termination Notice Due to Contractor’s Fault”). The City may then take over the work and complete it, either with its own resources or by re-letting the contract to any other third party. b. In the event of a termination pursuant to this Section 8, Contractor shall be entitled to payment only for those services Contractor actually rendered. c. Any termination provided for by this Section 8 shall be in addition to any other remedies to which the City may be entitled under the law or at equity. d. In the event of termination under this Section 8, Contractor shall, under no circumstances, be entitled to claim or recover consequential, special, punitive, lost business opportunity, lost productivity, field office overhead, general conditions costs, or lost profits damages of any nature arising, or claimed to have arisen, as a result of the termination. 9. Termination for City’s Convenience: a. Should conditions arise which, in the sole opinion and discretion of the City, make it advisable to the City to cease performance under this Agreement, the City may terminate this Agreement by written notice to Contractor (“Notice of Termination for City’s Convenience”). The termination shall be effective in the manner specified in the Notice of 75 Version 8 30 21 Professional Services Agreement for Professional Services Agreement for Cityworks Support with HDR. FY 22- FY 24 Page 6 of 11 Termination for City’s Convenience and shall be without prejudice to any claims that the City may otherwise have against Contractor. b. Upon receipt of the Notice of Termination for City’s Convenience, unless otherwise directed in the Notice, the Contractor shall immediately cease performance under this Agreement and make every reasonable effort to refrain from continuing work, incurring additional expenses or costs under this Agreement and shall immediately cancel all existing orders or contracts upon terms satisfactory to the City. Contractor shall do only such work as may be necessary to preserve, protect, and maintain work already completed or immediately in progress. c. In the event of a termination pursuant to this Section 9, Contractor is entitled to payment only for those services Contractor actually rendered on or before the receipt of the Notice of Termination for City’s Convenience. d. The compensation described in Section 9(c) is the sole compensation due to Contractor for its performance of this Agreement. Contractor shall, under no circumstances, be entitled to claim or recover consequential, special, punitive, lost business opportunity, lost productivity, field office overhead, general conditions costs, or lost profits damages of any nature arising, or claimed to have arisen, as a result of the termination. 10. Limitation on Contractor’s Damages; Time for Asserting Claim: a. In the event of a claim for damages by Contractor under this Agreement, Contractor’s damages shall be limited to contract damages and Contractor hereby expressly waives any right to claim or recover consequential, special, punitive, lost business opportunity, lost productivity, field office overhead, general conditions costs, or lost profits damages of any nature or kind. b. In the event Contractor wants to assert a claim for damages of any kind or nature, Contractor shall provide City with written notice of its claim, the facts and circumstances surrounding and giving rise to the claim, and the total amount of damages sought by the claim, within thirty (30) days of the facts and circumstances giving rise to the claim. In the event Contractor fails to provide such notice, Contractor shall waive all rights to assert such claim. 76 Version 8 30 21 Professional Services Agreement for Professional Services Agreement for Cityworks Support with HDR. FY 22- FY 24 Page 7 of 11 11. Representatives and Notices: a. City’s Representative: The City’s Representative for the purpose of this Agreement shall be Zac Collins or such other individual as City shall designate in writing. Whenever approval or authorization from or communication or submission to City is required by this Agreement, such communication or submission shall be directed to the City’s Representative and approvals or authorizations shall be issued only by such Representative; provided, however, that in exigent circumstances when City’s Representative is not available, Contractor may direct its communication or submission to other designated City personnel or agents as designated by the City in writing and may receive approvals or authorization from such persons. b. Contractor’s Representative: The Contractor’s Representative for the purpose of this Agreement shall be Jared Harris or such other individual as Contractor shall designate in writing. Whenever direction to or communication with Contractor is required by this Agreement, such direction or communication shall be directed to Contractor’s Representative; provided, however, that in exigent circumstances when Contractor’s Representative is not available, City may direct its direction or communication to other designated Contractor personnel or agents. c. Notices: All notices required by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be provided to the Representatives named in this Section. Notices shall be deemed given when delivered, if delivered by courier to Party’s address shown above during normal business hours of the recipient; or when sent, if sent by email or fax (with a successful transmission report) to the email address or fax number provided by the Party’s Representative; or on the fifth business day following mailing, if mailed by ordinary mail to the address shown above, postage prepaid. 12. Permits: Contractor shall provide all notices, comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations, obtain all necessary permits, licenses, including a City of Bozeman business license, and inspections from applicable governmental authorities, and pay all fees and charges in connection therewith. 77 Version 8 30 21 Professional Services Agreement for Professional Services Agreement for Cityworks Support with HDR. FY 22- FY 24 Page 8 of 11 13 Laws and Regulations: Contractor shall comply fully with all applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and municipal ordinances including, but not limited to, all workers’ compensation laws, all environmental laws including, but not limited to, the generation and disposal of hazardous waste, the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), the safety rules, codes, and provisions of the Montana Safety Act in Title 50, Chapter 71, MCA, all applicable City, County, and State building and electrical codes, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and all non-discrimination, affirmative action, and utilization of minority and small business statutes and regulations. 14. Nondiscrimination and Equal Pay: The Contractor agrees that all hiring by Contractor of persons performing this Agreement shall be on the basis of merit and qualifications. The Contractor will have a policy to provide equal employment opportunity in accordance with all applicable state and federal anti-discrimination laws, regulations, and contracts. The Contractor will not refuse employment to a person, bar a person from employment, or discriminate against a person in compensation or in a term, condition, or privilege of employment because of race, color, religion, creed, political ideas, sex, age, marital status, national origin, actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental disability, except when the reasonable demands of the position require an age, physical or mental disability, marital status or sex distinction. The Contractor shall be subject to and comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Section 140, Title 2, United States Code, and all regulations promulgated thereunder. Contractor represents it is, and for the term of this Agreement will be, in compliance with the requirements of the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Section 39-3-104, MCA (the Montana Equal Pay Act). Contractor must report to the City any violations of the Montana Equal Pay Act that Contractor has been found guilty of within 60 days of such finding for violations occurring during the term of this Agreement. Contractor shall require these nondiscrimination terms of its subcontractors providing services under this Agreement. 15. Intoxicants; DOT Drug and Alcohol Regulations/Safety and Training: Contractor shall not permit or suffer the introduction or use of any intoxicants, including alcohol or illegal drugs, by any employee or agent engaged in services to the City under this Agreement while on City property or in the performance of any activities under this Agreement. Contractor acknowledges it is aware of and shall comply with its responsibilities and obligations under the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations governing anti-drug and alcohol misuse prevention plans and related testing. City shall have the right to request proof of such compliance and Contractor shall be obligated to furnish 78 Version 8 30 21 Professional Services Agreement for Professional Services Agreement for Cityworks Support with HDR. FY 22- FY 24 Page 9 of 11 such proof. The Contractor shall be responsible for instructing and training the Contractor's employees and agents in proper and specified work methods and procedures. The Contractor shall provide continuous inspection and supervision of the work performed. The Contractor is responsible for instructing its employees and agents in safe work practices. 16. Modification and Assignability: This Agreement may not be enlarged, modified or altered except by written agreement signed by both parties hereto. The Contractor may not subcontract or assign Contractor’s rights, including the right to compensation or duties arising hereunder, without the prior written consent of the City. Any subcontractor or assignee will be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 17. Reports/Accountability/Public Information: Contractor agrees to develop and/or provide documentation as requested by the City demonstrating Contractor’s compliance with the requirements of this Agreement. Contractor shall allow the City, its auditors, and other persons authorized by the City to inspect and copy its books and records for the purpose of verifying that the reimbursement of monies distributed to Contractor pursuant to this Agreement was used in compliance with this Agreement and all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local law. The Contractor shall not issue any statements, releases or information for public dissemination without prior approval of the City. 18. Non-Waiver: A waiver by either party of any default or breach by the other party of any terms or conditions of this Agreement does not limit the other party’s right to enforce such term or conditions or to pursue any available legal or equitable rights in the event of any subsequent default or breach. 19. Attorney’s Fees and Costs: In the event it becomes necessary for either Party to retain an attorney to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement or to give any notice required herein, then the prevailing Party or the Party giving notice shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs, including fees, salary, and costs of in-house counsel including the City Attorney’s Office staff. 20. Taxes: Contractor is obligated to pay all taxes of any kind or nature and make all appropriate employee withholdings. 79 Version 8 30 21 Professional Services Agreement for Professional Services Agreement for Cityworks Support with HDR. FY 22- FY 24 Page 10 of 11 21. Dispute Resolution: a. Any claim, controversy, or dispute between the parties, their agents, employees, or representatives shall be resolved first by negotiation between senior-level personnel from each party duly authorized to execute settlement agreements. Upon mutual agreement of the parties, the parties may invite an independent, disinterested mediator to assist in the negotiated settlement discussions. b. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within thirty (30) days from the date the dispute was first raised, then such dispute may only be resolved in a court of competent jurisdiction in compliance with the Applicable Law provisions of this Agreement. 22. Survival: Contractor’s indemnification shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement for the maximum period allowed under applicable law. 23. Headings: The headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not be construed as a part of the Agreement or as a limitation on the scope of the particular paragraphs to which they refer. 24. Severability: If any portion of this Agreement is held to be void or unenforceable, the balance thereof shall continue in effect. 25. Applicable Law: The parties agree that this Agreement is governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Montana. 26. Binding Effect: This Agreement is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the heirs, legal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties. 27. No Third-Party Beneficiary: This Agreement is for the exclusive benefit of the parties, does not constitute a third-party beneficiary agreement, and may not be relied upon or enforced by a third party. 28. Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, which together constitute one instrument. 29. Integration: This Agreement and all Exhibits attached hereto constitute the entire 80 Version 8 30 21 Professional Services Agreement for Professional Services Agreement for Cityworks Support with HDR. FY 22- FY 24 Page 11 of 11 agreement of the parties. Covenants or representations not contained herein or made a part thereof by reference, are not binding upon the parties. There are no understandings between the parties other than as set forth in this Agreement. All communications, either verbal or written, made prior to the date of this Agreement are hereby abrogated and withdrawn unless specifically made a part of this Agreement by reference. 30. Consent to Electronic Signatures: The Parties have consented to execute this Agreement electronically in conformance with the Montana Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, Title 30, Chapter 18, Part 1, MCA. 31. Extensions: this Agreement may, upon mutual agreement, be extended for a period of one year by written agreement of the Parties. In no case, however, may this Agreement run longer than three years. **** END OF AGREEMENT EXCEPT FOR SIGNATURES **** IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written or as recorded in an electronic signature. CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA ____________________________________ CONTRACTOR (Type Name Above) By________________________________ By__________________________________ Jeff Mihelich, City Manager Print Name: ___________________________ Print Title: ____________________________ APPROVED AS TO FORM: By_______________________________ Greg Sullivan, Bozeman City Attorney 81                         ! "  # $ %#&! '(  $ )*%) )  %     +,-,,    ! ./ )0     ! "   $ %#&! ' ( $ )*%) )  %1    213# $  4"% . &  )    $5  ) ' $  1  !)$$ %#&! '( $ )*%) )  %1)    6 ))$1  &' ) 6  % % 1!7 $%' %)  "  %  % 8 9, ),+'%  )  8 %91 %'&)$2$ '') ) % $3%1' %' ) %  )( '%)7 %$) %1    $) & %1    % '%%% & '% ))%   )&) % & %$%)  )  %  % )1'%% % ) $%   1: % ))  ) '%%  )))) &1         ! )  1   ;,-<<+ )$#    * )1=#9-2>1  82 ! 4 )*%) )  %#!1)$  %) 4& 92,-,, 83 1 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS IS AN AGREEMENT made as of , between THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a self- governing municipal corporation organized and existing under its Charter and the laws of the State of Montana, 121 N. Rouse Ave., Bozeman, Montana, 59771 (OWNER) and HDR Engineering, Bozeman, Montana, (ENGINEER). Whereas the accomplishment of the work and services described in this Agreement is essential to the OWNER'S public works improvement program. Whereas the OWNER intends to and has selected the ENGINEER to provide necessary and professional engineering services for the project. Whereas the ENGINEER represents that it is willing and qualified to perform the professional engineering services for this project described in this Agreement. Therefore, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 - ENGINEERING SERVICES 1.1. ENGINEER will provide the services set forth in Exhibit A – Scope of Services (“Engineering Services”), which is hereby incorporated in and made a part of this Agreement. ARTICLE 2 - ENGINEER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1. ENGINEER shall perform for OWNER professional engineering services in all phases of the Project to which this Agreement applies as hereinafter provided. These services will include, but not be limited to, serving as OWNER's professional engineering representative for the Project, providing professional engineering consultation and advice and furnishing customary civil and structural engineering services incidental thereto. 2.2. The ENGINEER shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, supplies, and incidentals necessary to conduct and complete the ENGINEER'S portions of the Project and to prepare and deliver to the OWNER all data, reports, plans, specifications, and recommendations as designated herein. 2.3. The ENGINEER shall ascertain such information as may have a bearing on the work from local units of government, public, and private organizations and shall be authorized to procure information from other authorities as to the extent of these contacts and the results thereof. 2.4. The ENGINEER'S work shall be in accordance with the standards of sound engineering practices. 2.5. The ENGINEER shall name a Principal-In-Charge for the duration of the project. The Principal-In-Charge shall be Coralynn Revis. 2.6. The ENGINEER shall name a Project Manager who shall be the liaison between the ENGINEER and the OWNER. The Project Manager shall be Dan March, PE. The OWNER may name a Task Director who would be the liaison between the ENGINEER and the OWNER during the design segment of the Project. 2.7. The ENGINEER shall submit an estimated progress schedule at the beginning of the work, and monthly progress reports thereafter until the project is completed. ARTICLE 3 - OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The OWNER shall name a Task Director who shall be the liaison between the ENGINEER and the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" #" $%$& '    ()$%$$     !* +             !  " #" $%$& ' #    ,#,' -                 "  #  ./     " " "     ""    "       "0   (  "    (        ""  ""    """(       #."0  "      (   "  12#13  "  (  4 "        56    7#.    (  " , " &%$%$& "0 "    8% " 3 #!  "    "56"" #.     (""    (""    #     9 #   ( #   . "0  (:;&$,%#3   < "0 :=%%%%      6>$&  ("   " "4 %;7#    -   " 56#" / $%$&6 /   "#" /   "56$%$$!$%$&#"  ? 9@#" 101  5""  -9(,)$%$$ 102 Aero-Graphics, Inc. Bailey Costello 40 West Oakland Avenue Salt Lake City, UT 84115 tel: 801.487.3273 fax: 801.487.3313 email: bcostello@aero-graphics.com City of Bozeman, Montana Request for Proposals Digital Orthoimagery October 21, 2022 103 October 21, 2022 Gail Jorgenson GIS Program Manager City of Bozeman, MT P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 Subject: Request for Proposals - Digital Orthoimagery Dear Gail, Aero-Graphics is pleased to respond with this proposal for digital imagery acquisition and orthoimagery processing services as outlined in the above-referenced RFP. We have assembled a team of qualified professionals with the expertise necessary to deliver high-quality mapping and analysis on schedule at a cost-effective price. Please consider the following strengths that uniquely qualify the Aero-Graphics team for this contract: x Aero-Graphics has nearly 55 years of aerial mapping experience, including a working relationship with the City of Bozeman in 2018 and 2021. x Aero-Graphics owns and operates the best and latest equipment for aerial mapping. Our Vexcel UltraCam Eagle digital camera system provides unsurpassed data accuracy and quality. x Aero-Graphics is a full-service aerial mapping company with licensed Professional Land Surveyors on staff and a reliable Montana-licensed survey subcontractor (Robert Peccia & Associations) who has current experience working with the City of Bozeman providing civil engineering services. Should you have any questions or require further information, please call me at (801) 487-3273 or email at bcostello@aero-graphics.com. Thank you for considering Aero-Graphics for this contract. Sincerely, AERO-GRAPHICS, INC. Bailey Costello, Project Manager 104 City of Bozeman, MT Digital Orthoimagery Table of Contents a. Executive Summary ...................................................................................... 2 b. Firm Profile .................................................................................................. 2 c. Description of Proposed Solution ................................................................. 3 d. Scope of Project ......................................................................................... 11 e. Related Experience with Projects Similar to the Scope of Services .............. 12 f. Statement of Qualifications ........................................................................ 17 g. References ................................................................................................. 17 h. Present and Projected Workloads ............................................................... 18 i. Key Personnel ............................................................................................. 19 j. Additional Information ............................................................................... 24 k. Affirmation of Nondiscrimination & Equal Pay ............................................ 25 l. Pricing……………………………………… ................................................................ 26 105 2 | Page a. Executive Summary Aero-Graphics, Inc., an SBA-registered small business, highly values this opportunity to provide the City of Bozeman with digital orthoimagery and building footprints to support its regulatory, land management, planning, and engineering projects. Aero-Graphics is uniquely qualified and has demonstrated its proficiency at performing wide-area image acquisition projects on time, on budget, and of the highest quality for numerous County governments, regional consortiums, City governments, and Federal government agencies throughout the United States. We were honored to have the opportunity to perform the 2018 City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Data Collection and the 2021 Digital Orthoimagery. We value the friendships we built during the project and are looking forward to working with you again. At every stage of the project, Aero-Graphics strives to add value above and beyond the minimum requirements. Our twin engine Cessna T310R and top-of-the-line Vexcel UltraCam Eagle (UCE) digital camera system will be assigned to the City of Bozeman Project. Along with its unmatched image quality, its large footprint and lower number of required exposures translates into fewer required flight lines and faster acquisition, allowing us to take advantage of critical narrow weather windows. In addition, the Eagle’s 100mm focal length provides a greater angle of incidence and thus exhibits less building and tree lean than competing 70mm focal length sensors. Above all, Aero-Graphics is recognized for its superior project management, responsiveness, and excellent communication. Weekly progress reports with clear visualizations of project status are provided and can easily be distributed to all project stakeholders. Aero-Graphics is confident that its strengths will ensure the success of the City of Bozeman project, as well as the long-term success of the City of Bozeman and its partners’ future projects. We look forward to an opportunity to demonstrate our capabilities on this contract. b. Firm Profile Aero-Graphics is the fastest growing geospatial company in the Intermountain West. We have been in business for over 55 years and have had the same stable ownership for the last 40 years. Aero-Graphics, Inc. Bailey Costello, Project Manager 40 West Oakland Avenue Salt Lake City, UT 84115 tel: 801.487.3273 fax: 801.487.3313 www.aero-graphics.com bcostello@aero-graphics.com 106 3 | Page c. Description of Proposed Solution Target Placement and Control Surveying | Prior to photography, Robert Peccia and Associates will target and survey the quality check shots in addition to the 16 aerial control points shown below in RED. Control will tie to both UTM Zone 12 and Montana State Plane Coordinates. Horizontal datum shall be NAD 83 (2011); Vertical datum shall be NAVD 1988. Working units shall be in Meters. Horizontal and vertical control for all targets will be accurate to within 5 cm. Aero-Graphics will provide a Survey Control Report to the City of Bozeman in XLS format with the following information included: AGPS/IMU coordinates (XYZ OPK), NAD83 Latitudes, NAD83 Longitudes, Project Eastings, Project Northings, Elevations, and description of equipment and software used in processing. Targets will be 1’ wide x 6’ arms. Targets will be in contrast with the ground and clearly visible from the air. Monuments will be flush with the ground (or otherwise noted in the control listing). 107 4 | Page Aircraft | Aero-Graphics owns and operates seven (7) aircraft, all based out of Bountiful, Skypark Airport KBTF, just minutes north of our main Salt Lake City office and processing center. Our twin-engine Cessna T310R and UltraCam Eagle digital camera system will be dedicated to the City of Bozeman Project to ensure proper and timely delivery. The UC Eagle is interchangeable between all seven aircraft. In the unlikely event that the assigned aircraft becomes unavailable, one of the others can replace it with ease. Each aircraft is maintained and operated with strict adherence to all FAA regulations. IFR instrumentation and other equipment necessary to operate within Class A airspace is standard on all our aircraft, and all are equipped with survey-grade GPS for precise acquisition over required areas. The sensor openings on the underside of each aircraft (pictured below) have been fabricated such that the camera lenses are open to the outside. Metal shields have been installed that protect the camera lenses from oil and exhaust, while leaving the camera’s field of view unobstructed. As part of Aero-Graphics’ Risk Management System (RMS), every lift requires a pre-flight inspection of the aircraft. This includes the following: x Fuel Level – Instrumental and Visual x Aileron and Control Surface freedom of movement x Engine Oil Level x Propeller Condition x Landing Gear Condition Our aircraft are professionally maintained by Aero Services, LLC located at our home base of Bountiful, Skypark Airport KBTF. Aero Services provides an on-the-shelf inventory of key parts for all of our aircraft, and prioritizes our planes’ maintenance and repairs above all others. When maintenance or repairs are required away from base, we carefully select trustworthy maintenance providers such as Tac Air, who understand the nature of aerial survey and will provide fast, quality service. —”–™‹Ǧ‡‰‹‡ ‡••ƒ͵ͳͲƒ† Ž–”ƒƒƒ‰Ž‡†‹‰‹–ƒŽ …ƒ‡”ƒ•›•–‡™‹ŽŽ„‡ †‡†‹…ƒ–‡†–‘–Š‡‹–› ‘ˆ‘œ‡ƒ”‘Œ‡…––‘ ‡•—”‡’”‘’‡”ƒ† –‹‡Ž›†‡Ž‹˜‡”›Ǥ 108 5 | Page Digital Camera System | Aero-Graphics’ state-of-the-art Vexcel UltraCam Eagle (UCE) digital camera is noted as one of the finest digital camera systems currently available. It delivers 260 megapixels per image and the widest cross-track image format available in any frame-based sensor currently on the market. At 7.5cm GSD the swath covers nearly 1 mile on the ground. This configuration provides the best image-size to image- number balance, i.e., the larger footprint size allows a smaller number of images to cover the project boundary, which translates into fewer images to process, QC, and perform aerotriangulation, resulting in a faster delivery time. The UCE sensor collects visible light and near infrared imagery simultaneously at a 16-bit radiometric resolution and is equipped with Forward Motion Compensation (FMC). It features automatic exposure control through our flight management system but also allows for manual overrides when necessary. It is installed in a gyro-stabilized mount (GSM 3000) that is regularly maintained according to schedule and passively isolated from aircraft vibration through a series of specially manufactured springs and viscous dampers. In concert with the pilots’ strict training and talent in keeping the plane’s attitude as straight as possible, the GSM helps keep roll, pitch, and yaw angles true, even in windy or turbulent conditions. It automatically corrects up to 5° roll, 8.4° pitch, and 6.2° yaw in either direction from zero. The UCE is equipped with a Vexcel UltraNAV flight management system which integrates GPS and IMU into one cooperative unit, allowing image principal point accuracy to 3cm. It is important to note that each time the sensor is moved to a different aircraft, and before and after large acquisition projects, a boresight calibration is systematically performed. This enables us to measure and account for the natural angular misalignments between the camera and IMU and is imperative to maintaining accuracy. Our Quality Delivery System (QDS) requires on-ground lens cleaning, proper installation and cable/hardware inspections for the UCE and GSM, GPS/IMU statistics analysis, and test exposures before every mission. Flight Plan | Track’Air flight planning software is used to create flight plans for each area. This takes into account all project requirements, including boundaries and associated buffers, GSD, forward/sidelap, flightline orientations, etc. The plan is then verified for project conformity by another member of the Aerial Department. Special focus is given here to ensure that all area boundaries and buffers are stereo-covered and that no overlap or sidelap gaps exist, especially in areas with high relief. Flight plan coverage and specifications are displayed on the next page. Trimble Planning software is used to determine the Positional Dilution of Precision (PDOP) for the project location. PDOP is used as a gauge for the overall quality of the GPS signal. A PDOP value under 3.0 is desired for the best accuracy possible, and we strive to fly in PDOP windows below 3.0. In addition, we observe forecasts and always fly with a Kp Index below 4.0 to minimize geomagnetic field disturbances caused by solar particle radiation, which can negatively affect the quality of the GPS signal. 109 6 | Page Flight Execution | Prior to take-off, a ground verification of all aviation equipment and camera systems is performed to ensure everything is functional and safe. Once in the air, the flight management system (FMS) provides GPS-based guidance information to the first flight line. Calibration of all systems (FMS/GPS/IMU, as appropriate) takes place during a 5-minute initialization period before any exposures are taken. With the UCE, digital images are reviewed as they are collected to ensure they meet target project tolerances (position, ground conditions, smoke, clouds, shadows, etc.). Corrections for airplane roll, pitch, and yaw are performed automatically by the gyro- stabilized mount, which is controlled by the IMU and UltraNAV flight management system. All systems are constantly monitored during flight execution. With these QC steps in place, immediate reflights are undertaken if any component falls outside of specifications. At the end of the day, the camera operator performs a second review of the acquisition data en-route to that day’s base airport. Once the flight mission is complete, all data storage media and pilot flight logs are returned to Aero-Graphics for processing. City of Bozeman Flight Plan Specs Aircraft Cessna 310 Sensor UltraCam Eagle GSD 7.5cm Altitude (ft AGL) 4,757 Forward Overlap 60% Side Overlap 30% Lines 31 Images 668 ‹‰‹–ƒŽ‹ƒ‰‡•ƒ”‡ ”‡˜‹‡™‡†‹–Š‡ƒ‹”ƒ• –Š‡›ƒ”‡…‘ŽŽ‡…–‡†–‘ ‡•—”‡–Š‡›‡‡– ’”‘Œ‡…–”‡“—‹”‡‡–•ǡ ‡ƒ„Ž‹‰‹‡†‹ƒ–‡ ”‡ˆŽ‹‰Š–•‹ˆ‡…‡••ƒ”›Ǥ 110 7 | Page Post-Acquisition Image Inspection | Image inspection is one of the most important parts of our Quality Delivery System. Each image is viewed and graded by a post-flight inspector before insertion into the subsequent photogrammetric workflows. Inspection is conducted against the following parameters: x Proper project area coverage, buffer, flight direction, and sufficient overlap x Acceptable atmospheric and ground conditions x Images well-defined (free from blur) All results of inspection are retained in the production framework. Digital Image Processing | Vexcel UltraMap is a sophisticated application used in the initial color balancing of digital imagery from the UCE. It utilizes camera calibration, custom dodging, solar adjustment masks, high dynamic range, and location and date time of data to minimize hot spots and large variations in color and brightness. The resulting multi-lens, raw imagery (level00) is then pan-sharpened (at a 1:3 color-to-pan ratio) and converted to useable imagery (level03). Bit-depth resolution is also chosen at this stage (8-bit for this project). Sometimes sunspots and other atmospheric factors beyond our control affect the quality of the raw imagery. We have developed contrast enhancements and haze filters that can be used as necessary to minimize these issues. Image radiometry is a subjective process and the “ideal” can change from year to year even. Therefore Aero- Graphics is committed to adjusting the imagery multiple times to meet our clients’ needs. Image Radiometry | We perform statistical analysis of initial radiometry on selected images throughout the project area to make sure all terrain types meet project requirements. Radiometry is adjusted for certain terrain types if necessary. Preproduction samples will be furnished to the City for approval prior to full-scale production, and correct color balancing of the full image set will be reviewed by our aerotriangulation specialists prior to orthorectification. Every effort will be made to provide maximum detail in shadow areas. The imagery is checked against the clipping, contrast, brightness, and color balance parameters as directed by the City. GPS/IMU Data Post-Processing | After successful acquisition, and in parallel with image processing, raw GPS/IMU data is processed using Applanix POSPac MMS 8.0. At this stage, our Processing Manager performs QC of flight parameters (initialization, bank angles, proximity to bases, etc.). The process combines the raw trajectory of the aircraft with concurrently running base stations to refine the photo center (air point) coordinates (XYZ) and angles (Omega, Phi, Kappa, or roll, pitch, and yaw) of the sensor, and delivers up to 3cm accuracy. ƒ…Š‹ƒ‰‡‹•˜‹‡™‡† ƒ†‰”ƒ†‡†„›ƒ’‘•–Ǧ ˆŽ‹‰Š–‹•’‡…–‘”„‡ˆ‘”‡ ‹•‡”–‹‘‹–‘–Š‡ •—„•‡“—‡– ’Š‘–‘‰”ƒ‡–”‹… ™‘”ˆŽ‘™•Ǥ 111 8 | Page Because the integrity and accuracy of our imagery on this project relies heavily on control from ABGPS/IMU, it is extremely important that our Processing Manager, a Licensed Professional Land Surveyor and Certified Photogrammetrist, conducts rigorous QC procedures and generates several reports and charts to verify the quality and accuracy of the data. These include PDOP, number of satellites, positional RMS, roll- pitch-yaw, and several other quality indicators. Omega-Phi-Kappa angles and altitude are checked at this point for conformity with project requirements. Aero-Graphics has been performing precision ABGPS/IMU processing since 1997. Both our Processing Manager and our AT/Ortho Manager have been formally trained in GPS/IMU processing through in-person Applanix University education from Applanix staff. This combination of experience and training lends strength to the efficiency and accuracy of our results. For example, we can discern which processing mode to use and in what situations it would yield more accurate results to process portions of a block individually rather than all together. GPS/IMU processing is the backbone of the accuracy for the City of Bozeman project. Analytical Aerotriangulation | Industry-leading Trimble-Inpho Match-AT software (Version 6.0) is utilized to perform fully analytical digital aerotriangulation for the block. Automatic tie points and refined GPS/IMU exposure centers (air points) extend full control for each stereo model. In this process we assign each air point to the principal point of its corresponding image, which gives an initial exterior orientation to each of the images. The image block is then stitched together by generating automatic tie points. These points tie each image to its neighbors in the same flightline and to those in adjacent flightlines. Ground control points are identified and measured, and these along with tie points, images, and air points are then processed together in a final bundle adjustment to refine the air points and provide the best orientation solution that minimizes cumulative error throughout the block. —”’”‘…‡†—”‡• ƒ”‡‹’Žƒ…‡–‘ˆ‹† ‡””‘‡‘—•’‘‹–•ƒ† …‘””‡…––Š‡„‡ˆ‘”‡ –Š‡”‡•—Ž–•ƒ”‡ —•‡†‹•—„•‡“—‡– ’”‘…‡••‡•Ǥ 112 9 | Page Once the AT solution is complete, we use Inpho’s DTMaster to check every model in stereo. We ensure that all parallax is cleared and that all tie points are on the ground – with no points floating or digging. Every control point must be on the center of the target and fall vertically within one-quarter of the applicable contour interval, based on flight height, of its surveyed position. The AT/Ortho Manager, a Certified Photogrammetrist and GIS Professional (GISP), verifies the integrity of each AT solution before it moves forward in the process. Our QC procedures are in place to find erroneous points and correct them before the AT results are used in subsequent processes. Orthorectification | Aero-Graphics will utilize existing DEM data from the 2021 project as the initial rectification surface. The surface is then inspected and edited to ensure that the resulting orthorectified imagery will be accurate and meet client specifications. The most common surface improvements include removing points from buildings, generally correcting surfaces, such as cliffs, that would warp the ortho, and adding breaklines where necessary, especially on bridges and overpasses. Upon completion of the surface modeling, each digital image undergoes automatic orthorectification in a one-step batch process using Trimble-Inpho’s OrthoMaster software. This process moves each pixel into its true geographic location, correcting for terrain relief displacement and offsets caused by aircraft tip and tilt. Final orthorectification and tile-to-tile color balancing is performed in Inpho’s OrthoMaster and OrthoVista which have proven to provide superior radiometric and seamline results. Seamlines are placed in areas of consistent tonal balance and between buildings and bridges. Aero-Graphics takes advantage of Inpho’s parallel processing features that allows multiple core processing of ortho tiles; this greatly expedites production. Orthorectified imagery is manipulated in Inpho’s OrthoVista software to compute subtle radiometric adjustments that compensate for visual effects within individual images. Multiple orthophotos are then combined into one seamless and geometrically perfect ortho mosaic for the entire project area. The ortho mosaic is then tiled according to the provided tiling scheme resulting in pixel perfect tiles that match perfectly with no overlap. OrthoVista then performs a tile-wide and project-wide color balance by adjusting adjacent images to match in color and brightness, thereby allowing for maximum possible detail in the imagery including shadow areas. Before full-scale production begins, pre-production image samples will be submitted to the City for approval. Imagery will be broken up into the City’s predefined tiling schemes. Ortho tiles will be delivered in both UTM Zone 12 NAD83 (2011) meters, NAVD88 meters and Montana State Plane NAD83 (2011) meters. Separate RGB and CIR image files will be delivered at a 7.5cm pixel resolution in uncompressed 24-bit TIFF and MrSID formats with associated world files. An overall MrSID mosaic will also be delivered at a 15cm (or desired) pixel size. ’Š‘ǯ•†‹•–”‹„—–‡† ’”‘…‡••‹‰ˆ‡ƒ–—”‡• ƒŽŽ‘™—Ž–‹’Ž‡‹†Ž‡ ™‘”•–ƒ–‹‘•–‘ ’”‘…‡••‘”–Š‘–‹Ž‡• •‹—Ž–ƒ‡‘—•Ž›ǡ ‰”‡ƒ–Ž›‡š’‡†‹–‹‰ –—”ƒ”‘—†–‹‡Ǥ 113 10 | Page Planimetric Data Collection | Skilled stereocompilers will perform building footprint updates within areas of change outlined by the City. Kevin Reid, an ASPRS Certified Photogrammetrist, will oversee the process to ensure quality procedures are adhered to. New or modified features will be collected and attributed according to specifications listed in the referenced RFP. Collected features will include building footprints (updated from 2021 dataset). Building footprints will be attributed with maximum height above ground. All data will be delivered in a File Geodatabase Feature Class, suitable for use in ArcGIS software. Quality Control | Aero-Graphics prides itself on rigorous quality control procedures. Orthoimagery and surface data is produced outside the designated digital boundary and then cut back to the boundary to assure thorough coverage of each project area. The orthoimagery is then inspected by a QC Inspector completely removed from the project, where linear and above-ground features are reviewed to detect misalignment and warping, and where final radiometry conformance is verified. In addition, the AT/Ortho Manager, a Certified Photogrammetrist and GIS Professional (GISP), oversees the compilation process to ensure that the surface collection and orthorectification meet client specifications. The Project Manager and AT/Ortho Manager spot-check all deliverables for correct color balance, accuracy, and data integrity prior to delivery. Metadata | FGDC-compliant metadata files will be provided for all deliverables in XML format. Metadata for orthorectified imagery will include acquisition dates. Accuracy | All 3” orthoimagery deliverables will meet or exceed ASPRS Class I Accuracy Standards. Pre-Delivery Inspection | Our pre-delivery inspectors perform final quality control before materials are submitted to the City of Bozeman. This includes verifying correct naming convention, file formatting, correct labeling of delivery media, and packing list accuracy. 114 11 | Page d. Scope of Project We understand the scope of the City of Bozeman project entails control and quality check shot surveying, digital aerial imagery acquisition, data processing and orthoimagery production services, building footprints, quality control, metadata, and reporting for approximately 78.7 square miles covering the greater Bozeman area. The desired flight dates are between April 1st and April 30th, 2023. The desired project completion date is 90 days from photo acquisition. Deliverables/specifications include the following: Item Description Format Projection, Datum, Units UTM Zone 12, NAD83 (2011), Meters MT State Plane, NAD83 (2011), Meters NAVD88, Meters Flight Plan and Logs Flight lines, exposures, photo centers Feature Class Calibration Reports Digital camera (UCE) PDF Survey Control Report AGPS data, XYZ OPK, ground control XLS Aerial Triangulation Report Adjustment process, coordinate list PDF or XLS Sample Imagery Prior to undertaking full digital orthophoto production, Aero-Graphics will furnish the City with sample digital images to evaluate and accept as examples of overall image quality. TIF Digital Orthoimagery 4-band (RGB and NIR), 3” pixel Mosaic at 1-foot (or 0.5-foot) pixel resolution TIF, SID Breaklines Breaklines used to correct bridge and overpass distortion Feature Class Building Footprints Extracted polygons (updated from 2021 dataset) Feature Class Progress Reports Weekly status emails PDF Metadata FGDC-compliant metadata for all data. XML Project Report Summary of processes, collection, accuracy results, etc. PDF 115 12 | Page e. Related Experience with Projects Similar to the Scope of Services The following aerial acquisition and processing projects have been successfully completed by Aero- Graphics’ production staff within the last three years: Since 2009, Aero-Graphics has acquired and orthorectified nearly 5,000 square miles of imagery covering Sublette County to support GIS, public works, and other needs throughout the county. Aero-Graphics has completed acquisition and is currently processing orthoimagery for 2022. Services and Project Deliverables included: x Target placement and GPS surveying for thirty-four (34) control points. x Digital 4-band aerial photography acquisition at 6” GSD. x RGB and CIR orthorectified imagery in TIFF and MrSID formats at 6’’ pixel size. x Overall mosaics at 6” pixel size. Client: Sublette County, Wyoming Contact: Rich Greenwood, Greenwood Mapping Address: 9600 Wenzel Lane, Wilson, WY 83014 Phone: 307.200.9563 Project Name: Sublette County Orthoimagery Completion:July 2009-2022 Total Area: 4,927 mi2 Pixel Resolution: 6” GSD Key Personnel Brad Marz Kelly Francis Sam Hoddenbach Karl Jensen Kevin Reid Joe Belliston 116 13 | Page The purpose of this project was to obtain turnkey digital geo-referenced orthophotography for the City of Sheridan. The imagery will be utilized in ongoing GIS projects for the City of Sheridan. Furthermore, it will aid in a project to create an updated geo-referenced map of the Sheridan Area Water Supply’s (SAWS) active underground waterlines. Services and Project Deliverables included: x Digital 4-band aerial photography acquisition at a 15cm GSD. x Digital orthorectified imagery at a 6” pixel size delivered in GeoTIFF format. x Project-wide mosaic in MrSID format. x Project Metadata including a comprehensive Technical Project Report detailing acquisition, processing, and accuracy assessment processes. Client: City of Sheridan, Wyoming Project Name: 2019 GIS DIGITAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY PROJECT Contact: Brian Craig, Community Development Director Email Address: bcraig@sheridanwy.net Phone: 307.675.4248 Address: 55 Grinnell Plaza, Sheridan, WY 82801 Completion: July 2019 Total Area: 77.3 mi2 Key Personnel Kelly Francis Bernie Doud Emilio Sanchez Karl Jensen Kevin Reid Joe Belliston 117 14 | Page For eight years running (2012 – 2019), Aero-Graphics has acquired and orthorectified 50 square miles of imagery covering the City of Ontario to support GIS, public works, and other needs throughout the city. Acquisition is always performed in the winter during leaf- off. Spatial resolutions are as follows: 2012 – 6” GSD; 2013 – 3” GSD; 2014-2019 – 2” GSD. Services and Project Deliverables included: x Target placement and GPS surveying for seven (7) control points. x Digital 4-band aerial photography acquisition at varying GSDs, based on acquisition year (see above). x RGB orthorectified imagery in GeoTIFF format at varying GSDs, tiled according to USGS DOQQQ scheme, delivered in California State Plane Zone 5, US Feet. x Overall ECW and MrSID mosaics x FGDC-compliant metadata for each ortho tile and mosaic. Client: City of Ontario, California Contact: Robert De Casas, Senior System Analyst Address: 303 East B Street, Ontario, CA 91764 Phone: 909.395.2408 Project Name: Ontario Orthoimagery Updates Completion: March 2012-2019 Total Area: 50.1 mi2 Pixel Resolution: 2”; 3”; 6” GSD Key Personnel Bernie Doud Mason Decker Emilio Sanchez Karl Jensen Kevin Reid Joe Belliston 118 15 | Page The City of Missoula GIS Services (GIS Svc) in partnership with the Missoula Redevelopment Agency (MRA) contracted with Aero-Graphics in the spring of 2020 to gather aerial photography and provide orthophotographic data. Prior to the contract, City staff relied on a low-resolution data service from ESRI and aerial photography gathered from a flight performed in 2014. A new flight was required to document the significant growth recently experienced by Missoula. The resulting imagery was flown at an increased resolution that captured feature details whose needs had been subsequently identified since 2014. Services and Project Deliverables included: x Ground control survey. x Digital 4-band aerial photography acquisition at a 7.5cm GSD. x Digital orthorectified imagery at a 3” pixel size delivered in TIFF and ECW formats. x Project-wide mosaic at a 6” pixel size in MrSID format. x Project Metadata including a comprehensive Technical Project Report detailing acquisition, processing, and accuracy assessment processes. Client: City of Missoula, MT Project Name: 2020 Missoula-Area Orthophotography Contact: Eric Anderson, GIS Analyst Email Address: AndersenE@ci.missoula.mt.us Phone: 406.552.6101 Address: 435 Ryman St., Missoula, MT 59802 Completion: July 2020 Total Area: 77.3 mi2 Key Personnel Kelly Francis Mason Decker Emilio Sanchez Karl Jensen Kevin Reid Joe Belliston 119 16 | Page Nez Perce County Idaho; Asotin County, Washington; City of Lewiston, Idaho; City of Clarkston, Washington; Asotin PUD, Washington; Port of Lewiston, Idaho; Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District, Idaho; and the LC Valley MPO hired Aero-Graphics to photograph approximately 87.4 square miles of the Cities of Lewiston, Idaho and Clarkston, Washington and surrounding vicinity with a pixel resolution of 3 inch. Services and Project Deliverables included: x Digital 4-band aerial photography acquisition at a 3” GSD. x RGB orthorectified imagery in GeoTIFF and SID formats, tiled according to client- provided tiling scheme, delivered in Idaho and Washington State Plane Zones, US Feet. x Overall image mosaic at a 3” pixel size in SID format. x FGDC-compliant metadata for each ortho tile and mosaic. Key Personnel Bernie Doud Mason Decker Emilio Sanchez Karl Jensen Kevin Reid Joe Belliston Client: Nez Perce County, Idaho Contact: Bill Reynolds, GIS Coordinator Address: 1230 Main St., Lewiston, ID 83501 Phone: 208.750.2055 Project Name:ID/WA 2020 Aerial Photography Project Completion: October 2020 Total Area: 87.4 mi2 Pixel Resolution: 3” GSD 120 17 | Page f. Statement of Qualifications Aero-Graphics is a full-service aerial mapping company with one (1) Project Management Professional, two (2) in-house Professional Land Surveyors, seven (7) in-house Certified Photogrammetrists and two (2) GISCI Certified GIS Professionals (GISP). We also employ fifteen (15) flight staff, including logistics managers, mission planning managers, pilots, and sensor operators. We have over 55 years of aerial mapping experience and 25 years of digital orthophoto compilation experience including a working relationship with the City of Bozeman in 2018 and 2021. Aero-Graphics’ project management team offers 100 years of combined experience and takes a methodical, deliberate approach to managing complex projects that includes risk mitigation, quality assurance and control, and dynamic scheduling. We own and operate the best and latest equipment for aerial mapping. Our Vexcel UltraCam Eagle digital camera system provides unsurpassed data accuracy and quality. Aero-Graphics is ISO 9001:2015 certified, and fully recertified on March 7, 2022. We are pleased to strengthen our contribution of quality geospatial services through this certification, which, among important audits, includes process accountability, continuous documented improvement on those processes, and procedural document control. This lends increased confidence in reliable results. The full certificate is available for viewing upon request. Aero-Graphics’ proven project management strategy produces accurate, timely deliverables in a cost-effective manner. This strategy includes the following key elements: • Clearly defined objectives • Appropriate risk management • Intelligent mission planning • Adherence to project milestones • Effective QA/QC • Constant communication These time-tested standard operating procedures (SOP) have created a long tradition of exceeding clients’ expectations and we are confident they will ensure the long-term success of City of Bozeman projects. g. References Organization Name Position Email Phone Number City of Missoula, MT Eric Andersen GIS Analyst AndersenE@ci.missoula.mt.us 406.552.6101 City of Sheridan, WY Brian Craig Community Dev. Director bcraig@sheridanwy.net 307.675.4248 Nez Perce County, ID Bill Reynolds GIS Coordinator billreynolds@co.nezperce.id.us 208.750.2055 121 18 | Page h. Present and Projected Workloads The Aero-Graphics Team possesses the capacity, expertise, and resources to easily meet the City’s desired project completion date of 90 days from photo acquisition. Our approach involves resource allocation such that parallel processing, rather than sequential processing, is the norm. We regularly manage multiple concurrent projects, with and without subcontractors, with varying degrees of complexity. Workloads and budgets are closely monitored daily to ensure that schedules never slip. All staff members are cross trained to perform multiple production tasks; this allows us the flexibility to ramp up capacity in certain departments when needed. Our present workload for our Orthoimagery Department (pictured below) includes a total of 12 (12) projects currently in progress, most of which are projected to complete by April 2023. Between the months of April and July, we currently have one (1) ortho projects scheduled. Aero-Graphics will surely have sufficient capacity, staff, and resources to meet the scheduling demands of this contract. Figure 1: Aero-Graphics’ current ortho project listing as of Oct. 2022 Figure 2: Proposed schedule for the City of Bozeman project Contract Item Completion By Control Survey March 31, 2023 Aerial Imagery Acquisition April 30, 2023 Orthoimagery Production June 30, 2023 Building Footprints June 30, 2023 Final Project Report & Metadata June 30, 2023 122 19 | Page i. Key Personnel Aero-Graphics prides itself on employing the most intelligent and skilled professionals in the geospatial industry. The team members listed below will supervise acquisition and production tasks and ensure that quality standards are met for the City of Bozeman project. A Team Member Summary Table is included below followed by personalized resumes of each key personnel. Team Member Summary Table Name Project Role Years of Experience (w/Firm) Education (Year Completed) Certifications/ Licenses (Year Received) Kelly Francis Executive Oversight 25 (25) B.S. (1995) CP (2008) PMP (2014) Mason Decker Cost Estimation & Project Oversight 8 (7) B.S. (2014) GIS Cert (2012) CP (forthcoming) Bailey Costello Project Management & Scheduling 3(1) B.S. (2019) M.S. (2022) Bernie Doud QA/QC Implementation, GIS Database Creation 18 (12) B.S. (2004) MBA (2008) CP (2010) GISP (2013) Tom Stark (RPA) Ground Control Surveying 27 (20) B.S. (1990) A.S. (1995) MT PLS CFedS #1175 Sam Hoddenbach Flight Planning, Flight Crew Oversight 6 (6) B.S. (2016) Jim Hoddenbach Aircraft Operation, Pilot Oversight 34 (4) Karl Jensen ABGPS/IMU Data Processing 20 (20) B.A. (1998) A.S. (2009) CP (2008) UT PLS (2013) Kevin Reid Photogrammetry Lead 21 (13) CP (2013) Joe Belliston Orthoimagery Processing 12 (12) B.S. (2007) PT (2013) 123 20 | Page Kelly Francis, CP, PMP | President Role. Kelly Francis will apply his 25 years (all with AG) of expertise and executive oversight to this project. Education and Certifications. Kelly holds a Bachelor of Science in Marketing from Utah State University. He is an ASPRS Certified Photogrammetrist (#R1372) and a Project Management Professional (#1742748). Kelly currently serves on the Board of Directors for MAPPS, national association of firms in the surveying, spatial data and geographic information systems field. Experience. Mr. Francis is an owner of Aero-Graphics and serves as its President and Senior Project Manager. He has dedicated his career to geospatial process efficiency and business strategy. As such, he is intimately familiar with planning, design, and execution of LiDAR and digital aerial photography projects to support topo mapping production. Bailey Costello | Project Manager Role. Bailey Costello will apply his 3 years of expertise and oversight to this project, including project management, imagery acquisition/processing design, supervision, and progress status reporting. Education and Certifications. Bailey holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science from the University of Virginia and a Master of Science degree in Geography from the University of Utah. Experience. Mr. Costello has worked with such entities as Bowen Collins & Associates, Dominion Engineering, J-U-B Engineers, Salt Lake City Corp, and Perigee Consulting to design and complete digital photography acquisition, color orthorectified imagery projects, LiDAR acquisition and processing projects, volume calculations, and contour and DTM mapping. Mason Decker | Project Manager Role. Mason Decker will apply his 8 years of expertise and oversight to this project, including project management, imagery acquisition/processing design, supervision, and progress status reporting. Education and Certifications. Mason holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Geography from the University of Utah and a GIS Certificate from Salt Lake Community College. Experience. Mr. Decker has worked with such entities as San Bernardino County, Orange County, City of Bakersfield, Kern County COG, City of Lubbock, TX, Nez Perce County, ID, and City of Logan, UT to design and complete digital photography acquisition, color orthorectified imagery projects, LiDAR acquisition and processing projects, recurring survey and photogrammetry updates, volume calculations, and contour and DTM mapping. 124 21 | Page Bernie Doud, CP, GISP | Quality Manager Role. Bernie Doud will apply his 18 years of expertise and oversight to this project, including implementation of quality programs, audits, and procedures, project management, and employee mentoring. Education and Certifications. Bernie holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Geographic Information Systems and a Master of Business Administration degree. He is a Certified Photogrammetrist with ASPRS (#1449) and a GISCI Certified GISP (#52260). Experience. Mr. Doud is a senior level technical and quality manager. He has a solid technical background in GIS and all aspects of LiDAR and photogrammetry, which along with his project management expertise has strengthened his ability to design, implement, and monitor QA/QC programs customized to each project, train and direct employees in project execution, and act as technical client liaison. Tom Stark, PLS, CFedS | Survey Manager (RPA) Role. Tom Stark is RPA’s Survey Group Manager and Primary Contact in Helena. He has over 27 years of experience in OPUS Projects; GPS RTK and static networks. He has successfully managed the execution of numerous surveying projects throughout the United States. Education and Licenses. Tom holds an Associate of Applied Science degree in Land Surveying and a Bachelor of Science in Business Finance. He is a registered Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Montana (#12249) and a Certified Federal Surveyor (#1175). Experience. In his role as Survey Manager, Tom ensures impeccable accuracy in ground survey control. This is critical to ensuring high-quality LiDAR and mapping services. Tom was on the ground and collected survey data for the Boulder River Valley Wells Project which involved surveying for 85 well casings. Sam Hoddenbach | Flight Ops Manager Role. Mrs. Hoddenbach will dedicate her 6 years of flight planning, airspace coordination, and overall Flight Department management skills to this project. Education and Certifications. Sam completed undergraduate studies. Experience. As Flight Manager at Aero-Graphics, Sam manages administrative functions within the flight department and assists Project Managers and the Flight Coordinator with flight-related questions and planning. She has direct operation experience with various aerial sensors, including the Optech Galaxy LiDAR sensor and the UltraCam Eagle digital camera. 125 22 | Page Jim Hoddenbach | Chief Pilot Role. Mr. Hoddenbach will serve as the Cessna 310 pilot-in-command during the data acquisition phase. Education and Certifications. Jim is an A&P IA Mechanic with over 31 years of experience and has provided decades of dependable, professional, and quality work through Aero Services to his fellow aviators at the Skypark Airport in Woods Cross, UT. Jim is a Certified Flight Instructor, Multi Engine Instructor, fixed wing and rotorcraft pilot. Experience. As Chief Pilot, Mr. Hoddenbach is pilot-in-command for flight execution of mapping projects in the company’s Cessna T310R, Cessna T206, and Piper PA-23 Aztec aircraft. He has experience operating RC-30 film and UltraCam Eagle large format cameras along with the accompanying computer flight management systems and inertial measurement units. He is trained in the use of the POSTrack software that is utilized in conjunction with these cameras and systems. Karl Jensen, CP, PLS | Airborne Processing Lead Role. Karl Jensen will apply his 16 years of expertise, production capacity, and oversight to this project, including, ground control planning, ABGPS/IMU processing and analytical aerotriangulation. Education and Licenses. Karl holds an Associate of Applied Science degree in Surveying from Salt Lake Community College and a Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Utah. He is a registered Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Utah (#7643406) and a Certified Photogrammetrist with ASPRS (#1374). Experience. Mr. Jensen is a senior level technical and production manager with a concrete CADD, survey, and photogrammetry background. He has successfully coordinated production tasks for numerous orthoimagery, LiDAR, surveying, and photogrammetric mapping projects. Kevin Reid, CP | Photogrammetry Lead Role. Kevin Reid will apply his 21 years of expertise, production capacity, training, and oversight to this project by performing project preparation functions, hydro break line compilation oversight and management, quality control, and progress reporting. Education and Certifications. Kevin studied Computer Science in college and is an ASPRS Certified Photogrammetrist (#1557). Experience. Over the course of nine years, Mr. Reid has overseen photogrammetric mapping projects of varying complexity, from 40-scale transportation projects to 200- scale mining projects. He is well-versed in the effective utilization of VR and Inpho photogrammetric software suites. 126 23 | Page Joe Belliston, CPT | Lead Orthocompiler Role. In his role as Lead Orthocompiler, Mr. Belliston is responsible for orthophoto quality control, specification compliance and meeting demanding schedule commitments. Education. Joe holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Utah in Geography and recently received his ASPRS Certified Photogrammetric Technologist certification. Experience. Mr. Belliston has over ten (10) years of ortho production, GIS, editing, and AT experience. He has successfully coordinated production tasks for numerous large image orthorectification projects and has extensive training in Inpho and ESRI mapping software suites. Mr. Belliston has effectively managed numerous projects of various sizes involving digitally orthorectified imagery yielding high levels of client satisfaction. 127 24 | Page j. Additional Information Quality Delivery System (QDS) | QA/QC is built into each one of our processes, from planning and design to production. Our QDS, customized for the City of Bozeman project, organizes, and lists specific, measurable QA/QC steps for each process and assigns personal responsibility to ensure each is performed with exactness. Quality Assurance is separated from Quality Control to make our system comprehensive. QA denotes a preventive step or design that is performed before the associated process to avoid mistakes. QC is a task that takes place after the associated process and aims to find and rectify mistakes that do slip through. 128 25 | Page k. Affirmation of Nondiscrimination & Equal Pay NONDISCRIMINATION AND EQUAL PAY AFFIRMATION Aero-Graphics, Inc. hereby affirms it will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability and acknowledges and understands the eventual contract will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and this prohibition on discrimination shall apply to the hiring and treatments or proposer’s employees and to all subcontracts. In addition, Aero-Graphics, Inc. hereby affirms it will abide by the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Section 39-3- 104, MCA (the Montana Equal Pay Act), and has visited the State of Montana Equal Pay for Equal Work “best practices” website, https://equalpay.mt.gov/BestPractices/Employers, or equivalent “best practices publication and has read the material. Bailey Costello, Project Manager Name and title of person authorized to sign on behalf of submitter 129 26 | Page l. Pricing Survey Control and Quality Check Shots .................................................................. $10,600. Digital Imagery Acquisition ....................................................................................... $15,010. Building Footprints ..................................................................................................... $6,520. Digital Orthoimagery (7.5cm pixels with 15cm Mosaic) ............................................ $8,200. Project Report and Metadata ..................................................................................... $2,880. Total Project ............... $43,210. Pricing is valid for 90 days. Terms are Net 30 days with monthly invoices submitted for completed work. 130 1010.5 Mile k 2023 Bozeman Aerial Flight Boundary Attachment B Bozeman GIS, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologi 131 Page 1 of 15 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) DIGITAL ORTHOIMAGERY CITY OF BOZEMAN Bozeman, MT City of Bozeman PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 October, 2022 132 NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the City of Bozeman (City) is seeking proposals from firms to provide digital orthoimagery for the greater Bozeman area. Copies of the Request for Proposals are available on the City’s website at https://www.bozeman.net/government/city-clerk/bids-rfps-rfqs. All proposals must be provided as a single, searchable PDF document file and be submitted digitally as an email attachment to the RFP Recipient email address below. Respondents are advised that Recipient’s email attachment size limit is 25MB and that only one PDF file will be allowed per response. The subject line of the transmittal email shall clearly identify the RFP title, company name and due date/time. File sizes greater than 25MB in size may be uploaded to bzncloud.bozeman.net upon special arrangement of the Recipient; however, it is the respondent’s sole responsibility to ensure the file upload is completed, and that the Recipient is separately notified via email of same, prior to the given deadline. Deliver RFPs via email to the City Clerk by October 24, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. MST. It is the sole responsibility of the proposing party to ensure that proposals are received prior to the closing time as late submittals will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. The email address for submission is: agenda@bozeman.net NON-DISCRIMINATION AND EQUAL PAY The City of Bozeman is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Discrimination in the performance of any agreement awarded under this RFQ on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability is prohibited. This prohibition shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the awarded entity’s employees and to all subcontracts. As such, each entity submitting under this notice shall include a provision wherein the submitting entity, or entities, affirms in writing it will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability and which also recognizes the eventual contract will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and that this prohibition on discrimination shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the submitting entity’s employees and to all subcontracts. In addition, pursuant to City Commission Resolution 5169, the entity awarded a contract under this RFQ and any subcontractors must abide by the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Section 39-3-104, MCA (the Montana Equal Pay Act), and affirm it will abide by the above and that it has visited the State of Montana Equal Pay for Equal Work “best practices” website, https://equalpay.mt.gov/BestPractices/Employers, or equivalent “best practices publication and has read the material. 133 Any administrative questions regarding proposal procedures should be directed to: Mike Maas, City Clerk (406) 582-2321, agenda@bozeman.net. Questions relating to the RFP should be directed to: Gail Jorgenson, GIS Program Manager, (406) 582-2972, gjorgenson@bozeman.net. DATED at Bozeman, Montana, this Wednesday, October 5th, 2022. Mike Maas City Clerk City of Bozeman For publication on: Sunday, October 9, 2022 Sunday, October 16, 2022 134 I. INTRODUCTION The City of Bozeman (Owner), is seeking proposals from firms to provide digital orthoimagery for the greater Bozeman area. The Owner intends to enter into a contract with the selected firm that will include but is not limited to the following deliverables: x Survey Control and Quiality Check Shots x Digital Orthoimagery (4-band, 3” pixels, mosaic) x Building Footprints (updated based most recent dataset) x Project Reports and Metadata This RFP shall not commit the Owner to enter into an agreement, to pay any expenses incurred in preparation of any response to this request, or to procure or contract for any supplies, goods or services. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject all responses received as a result of this RFP if it is in the Owner’s best interest to do so. This procurement is governed by the laws of the State of Montana and venue for all legal proceedings shall be in the 18th Judicial District Court, Gallatin County. By offering to perform services under this RFP, all Submitters agree to be bound by the laws of the State of Montana and of the Owner, including, but not limited to, applicable wage rates, payments, gross receipts taxes, building codes, equal opportunity employment practices, safety, non-discrimination, etc. II. PROJECT BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION The City of Bozeman regularly uses aerial photography and planimetric information to support regulatory, land management, planning, and engineering projects. This project will update all aerial imagery for the entire 78.7 square mile planning boundary in addition to building footprints (image included in Attachment B of this RFP shows the area of interest). This documents defines the technical, cost, and time scope for developing a portion of the City’s GIS database. The desired flight dates are between April 1st and April 30th 2023. The desired project completion date is 90 days from photo acquisition. III. SCOPE OF SERVICES The preliminary scope of work involved for this project is outlined below. Additional tasks and work elements may be added during contract negotiations. It is also possible that tasks or elements could be deleted through negotiation. In its proposal, the Consultant may recommend addition/deletion of tasks or modification of tasks in describing its particular understanding and approach for the project. Proposals must clearly identify any elements of the proposed scope of work that would not be provided by the prime Consultant. Any sub-Consultants which comprise the overall Consultant team must be identified along with a description of past working history between the firms. 135 The City desires to complete the proposed work in a diligent manner. Proposals must clearly indicate the Consultant’s anticipated schedule given their staffing and current and projected work load commitments. The proposal shall include a proposed schedule of events necessary to complete the work. The schedule shall include a process and schedule for the submittal of draft products for City review prior to final submittals. Prior to receiving notice to proceed after negotiations, before any data collection the Consultant must submit a project plan. The project plan will include the following: 1) A map showing the study area boundaries and flight path at a reasonable scale (approx. 1:150,000) 2) Documentation specifying altitude, air speed, scan angle, scan rate, and other flight and equipment information deemed appropriate. 3) A chart of areas of high Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP), or a list showing the time of the beginning and end of high PDOP. 4) The proposed ground control plan containing Airborne GPS support. If necessary, the Consultant shall obtain all rights of entry, be responsible for all GPS control information and show all National Spatial Reference System (NSRS) monuments that will be used for the GPS base stations for airborne GPS control. Failure to comply with any of these provisions may result in the rejection of the proposal. Digital Imagery Specifications: Orthoimagery shall be acquired only on clear days, leaf-off conditions, with no snow and minimal puddling of rain water or other weather-related effects obscuring the ground surface. At a minimum, National Map Accuracy Standards for the production of the Orthoimagery must be adhered to. The camera and magazines shall meet or exceed the most recent USGS specifications for aerial camera systems. Aerotriangulation/bundle adjustment shall be performed by the current state-of-the-art analysis software to maximize accuracy of the data. o Photographic Conditions x Tree Cover. Photography shall be undertaken while the leaves are off the deciduous trees. x Clouds. Clouds or cloud shadows must not appear on the imagery. High, thin overcast is permitted above the flying altitude if it does not cause ground mottling or a discernable reduction in light levels and/or ground object shadows. x Well-Defined Images. Collect imagery to obtain well-defined images. Do not attempt imagery acquisition where the ground is obscured by haze, smoke, smog, dust, or falling snow, sleet, rain, or other obscuring phenomena. Do not collect imagery when ground is covered by water (flood), snow, or ice. x Visibility. The minimum visibility at the time of exposure must be 10 miles or greater. x Sun Angle. The majority of the project area will be collected when the sun angle is not less than 40°. In areas with tall trees or areas with significant urban development with buildings 3 stories or taller (such as downtown Bozeman), increase the minimum sun-to-horizon angle to acquire the photography during the times of minimal shadow. 136 x Tilt will not exceed four degrees for any photographic frame and will average not more than two degrees for any ten consecutive frames. Relative tilt exceeding six degrees between any two successive frames may be cause for rejecting that portion of the flight lines. x Crab angle as measured from the average line of flight will not exceed five degrees. The course- heading differential between any two successive exposures will not exceed five degrees. x Forward overlap will be at least 55 percent between consecutive exposures. The average sidelap will be at least 20 percent. o Image Quality/Radiometry x There shall be no areas of an orthophoto where the process was incomplete due to image gaps or lack of data. x All digital orthophotos shall be radiometrically adjusted as necessary so that adjacent digital orthophotos can be displayed simultaneously without an obvious visual edge seam between them. Localized adjustment of the brightness values shall be performed to minimize tonal differences between the join areas. For this adjustment, the orthophoto judged by visual inspection to have the better contrast shall be used as the reference orthophoto. Localized brightness values of the adjacent orthophoto shall be adjusted to that of the reference orthophoto. When possible and feasible, the area adjusted should be bounded by a tonal break ground feature such as a road, field line, shadow line, etc. The radiometric adjustment should not compromise the accuracy, clarity, or resolution of the orthophoto. x Prior to undertaking full digital orthophoto production, the Consultant shall furnish the City with sample digital images to evaluate and accept as examples of overall image quality. The City will select one image, which will become the standard to which all subsequent digital orthophotos will be compared for acceptance/rejection relative to image quality. Control: All horizontal and vertical control necessary to provide the deliverables requested in the proposal; digital orthoimagery, and planimetrics meeting the standards specified herein shall be completed by the Consultant. Ground control must be adequate to support the accuracy specifications identified herein. Some existing vertical and horizontal control may be available for this area. The Consultant shall review all horizontal and vertical control for accuracy and completeness. If the existing control is not deemed sufficient, then the Consultant shall describe any additional control work necessary to provide a DTM meeting the specified standards. The Consultant shall provide in the proposal, a draft control plan. The City will not perform any surveying for this project. Any survey work performed by the Consultant shall be done in conformance with Montana survey laws, regulations and administrative rules. For survey control work performed by the Consultant (or sub-Consultants) the following requirements will pertain: A brief survey control report in PDF and/or other digital format shall be delivered that contains: x One digital copy of the control diagram (the survey network scheme). 137 x One copy of all field notes, horizontal and vertical computations, and control network adjustments, with the connections to the National Spatial Reference System shall be clearly shown. x A digital copy of the new control points established to control the photogrammetry with all observations and ties, a point description, digital photograph of the monument and the control point location context, and coordinate values in geographic coordinates and in both UTM Zone 12 NAD83 (2011) meters, NAVD88 meters and Montana State Plane NAD83 (2011) meters, NAVD88 meters. x Survey party personnel, equipment, software, and procedures used. Deliverables: The respondent shall submit a delivery schedule. The Consultant shall deliver to the City for acceptance the following items: 1) Flight Plan and Logs: The flight plan shall be distributed to and approved by the City prior to acquisition. a. Project flight lines on a map displaying the project area and distributed as a feature class or Shapefile suitable for inclusion in ESRI ArcGIS software. Flight lines shall include flight line numbers within the feature attribution, and metadata shall describe the software used to generate the flight plan. b. Approximate number of exposures for the intended coverage area. c. Image centers of each exposure with date and time of acquired photo included. The data shall be distributed as a feature class or Shapefile suitable for inclusion in ESRI ArcGIS software. d. Upon completion of acquisition the Contractor shall provide a collection report summarizing the flight and logs. 2) Calibration Reports: Camera and digital sensor calibration reports along with a product characterization report validating USGS Digital Aerial Type standards shall be provided. 3) Survey Control Report: The following information shall be provided in a final survey report. a. Positional AGPS data and a statistical summary of the AGPS adjustment results. b. IMS sensor orientation and a statistical summary describing the overall accuracy of adjusted IMU data. c. Differentially corrected GPS ground control data used to supplement the AGPS data and a narrative describing all aspects of the ground survey including locations and extent of the network. d. The results and analysis of the constrained least squares adjustment, tables summarizing GPS misclosures, and a description of equipment and software used. 4) Aerial Triangulation Report: An aerial triangulation report shall be provided upon completion of all adjustments. This report shall include, a. An executive summary of the Aerotriangulation solution and its results. b. A detailed narrative of the adjustment process and quality checks for accuracy. c. A description of the software and equipment used to perform the adjustments. d. A listing of the final adjusted coordinates in a spreadsheet or format agreed upon during contract negotiations. 5) Digital Orthoimagery Images: a. 1”=50’ map scale (i.e., 1”=300’ photo scale), 3” pixel, 4-band (RGB and NIR), true color, orthorectified digital imagery b. Seamless mosaic at 1-foot (Optional: 0.5-foot) pixel resolution. 138 c. Edge-matched, non-overlapping tiles based on the tile scheme provided by the City and shall register to the existing City orthophotography database. d. Images with edge artifacts, mismatch, or voids will be rejected. e. Breaklines used to correct bridge and overpass distortion shall be provided in a feature class or Shapefile suitable for inclusion in ESRI ArcGIS software. 6) Building Footprints: Extracted polygons. 7) Progress Reports: Progress reports shall be provided by e-mail on a weekly basis for aerial photography acquisition until delivery of the pilot project, and bi-weekly thereafter until the project is complete. These informal reports shall consist of a summary of production status, major activities completed during the most recent reporting period, description of issues and corrections, and associated status maps or acquired flight lines. 8) Metadata: Complete FGDC-compliant metadata shall be provided for all data in an XML format. The metadata shall provide a complete description of identification, data quality, spatial data organization, spatial reference, and entity and attribute information. The metadata for orthorectified imagery shall also include acquisition dates. 9) Project Report: A final project report summarizing the flight acquisition, orthorectification process and data collection, quality control and assurance, and deliverables provided shall be provided upon completion of the project. This report shall include a detailed narrative of the analysis, accuracy assessment, and validation of all deliverables. All final data shall become sole property of the City with no restrictions on use or dissemination. Final deliverables will be stored in the City’s ArcGIS SQL database and will be made available to internal and external customers through various client applications and downloadable data files. All data shall be delivered in both UTM Zone 12 NAD83 (2011) meters, NAVD88 meters and Montana State Plane NAD83 (2011) meters, NAVD88 meters. For more information on the National Adjustment of 2011, please visit the following website: http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/web/surveys/NA2011/. Respondents shall indicate in their proposal a description of the internal quality control processes they will utilize throughout the various phases of the project to assure that the contract deliverables will be acceptable. The Consultant may provide forms, flow charts, or other materials to document the quality control process. The City retains the sole right to determine contract adherence to quality control requirements. Judgment that the Consultant is in breach of the quality control requirements may require suspension of any phase of the contract until such time as the City can determine that such problem(s) have been remedied. IV. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS Firms interested in providing the services described above are requested to submit the following information. Responses to each item should appear in the same order as in this RFP and should identifythe item to which the responses applies. a) Executive Summary And executive summary that provides a high level review of the proposed proposal 139 b) Firm/Inidvidual Profile Consultant’s legal name, address, telephone number, website (if any), and email address c) Description of Proposed Solution A narrative describing the Consultant’s proposed approach to provide digital orthoimagery for the greater Bozeman area. d) Scope of Project A summary of the proposed products or documents that will be provided at the completion of this project e) Related Experience with Projects Similar to the Scope of Services Descriptions of similar projects completed. f) Statement of Qualifications Include the Consultant’s professional credentials, experience, and qualifications in providing the Scope of Services stated in this Request for Proposal. g) References List of no more than three municipal organizations you have worked for and whom we may contact for recommendations. h) Present and Projected Workloads A description of the firm’s current work activities and how these would be coordinated with the project, as well as specific current workloads of the project team members. i) Key Personnel Identify each principal of the firm and other key personnel who will be professionally associated with this contract. Describe their respective areas of expertise and contract role. Include personalized resumes, which identify the qualifications, training, and experience of each key personnel. j) Additional Information Submit any other additional information, which would assist the City of Bozeman in the evaluation of the proposal. The City of Bozeman reserves the right to make any investigation and solicit additional information or submittals as it deems necessary to determine the ability of any Consultant to perform the Scope of Services stated within this Request for Proposals. k) Affirmation of Nondiscrimination & Equal Pay (see Attachment A) Non-completion of the Affirmation of Nondiscrimination is cause for disqualification of firms. 140 V. TIMELINES, DELIVERY DEADLINE, AND INSTRUCTIONS EVENT DATE/TIME Publication dates of RFP October 9, 2022 October 16, 2022 Deadline for receipt of proposals October 24, 2022 Evaluation of proposals October 26, 2022 Notice of Interviews October 31, 2022 Interviews (if necessary) November 14, 2022 Selection of consultants November 17, 2022 With the exception of the advertising dates and advertised due date, the City reserves the right to modify the above timeline. Deliver RFPs via email to the City Clerk (agenda@bozeman.net) by October 24 at 3:00 p.m. MST. It is the sole responsibility of the proposing party to ensure that proposals are received prior to the closing time as late submittals will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. All proposals must be provided as a single, searchable PDF document file and be submitted digitally as an email attachment to the RFP Recipient email address agenda@bozeman.net. Respondents are advised that Recipient’s email attachment size limit is 25MB and that only one PDF file will be allowed per response. The subject line of the transmittal email shall clearly identify the RFP title, company name and due date/time. File sizes greater than 25MB in size may be uploaded to bzncloud.bozeman.net upon special arrangement of the Recipient; however, it is the respondent’s sole responsibility to ensure the file upload is completed, and that the Recipient is separately notified via email of same, prior to the given deadline. VI. AMENDMENTS TO SOLICITATION Any interpretation or correction of this request will be published on the City’s webpage. The deadline for questions related to this document is [3:00 p.m.] MST on [October 18, 2022]. VII. CONTACT INFORMATION Any administrative questions regarding proposal procedures should be directed to: Mike Maas, City Clerk, (406) 582-2321, agenda@bozeman.net Questions relating to scope of services should be directed to: Gail Jorgenson, GIS Program Manager, gjorgenson@bozeman.net, 406-582-2972. 141 VIII. SELECTION PROCEDURE A review committee will evaluate all responses to the RFP that meet the submittal requirements and deadline. Submittals that do not meet the requirement or deadline will not be considered. The review committee will rank the proposals and may arrange interviews with the finalist(s) prior to selection. Selection may be made directly based on the written RFP submission. If interviews occur, the selection of finalists to be interviewed will be made by a selection committee representing the City of Bozeman. The selection of interview candidates will be based on an evaluation of the written responses to the RFPs. All submitted proposals must be complete and contain the information required as stated in the "Request for Proposals.” IX. SELECTION CRITERIA Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria and the requirements of MCA 18-8-204 et seq. x The Consultant’s specific project approach and understanding; x Qualifications of professional personnel to be assigned to the project; x Capability to meet project time and budget requirements; x Location of the Consultant in relation to project; x Present and projected workloads; x Related experience on similar projects; x Recent and current work for the City. X. FORM OF AGREEMENT The Contractor will be required to enter into a contract with the City in substantially the same form as the professional services agreement attached as Attachment C. XI. CITY RESERVATION OF RIGHTS / LIABILITY WAIVER All proposals submitted in response to this RFP become the property of the City and public records and, as such, may be subject to public review. A SUBMISSION IN RESPONSE TO THIS REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON ANY RESPONDENTS AND SHALL NOT OBLIGATE THE CITY IN ANY MANNER WHATSOEVER. THE CITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE NO AWARD AND TO SOLICIT ADDITIONAL REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS AT A LATER DATE. A. This RFP may be canceled or any or all responses may be rejected in whole or in part, as specified herein, when it is in the best interests of the City. If the City cancels or revises 142 this RFP, all Respondents who submitted will be notified using email. B. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals; to add or delete items and/or quantities; to amend the RFP; to waive any minor irregularities, informalities, or failure to conform to the RFP; to extend the deadline for submitting proposals; to postpone award for up to 60 days; to award one or more contracts, by item or task, or groups of items or tasks, if so provided in the RFP and if multiple awards or phases are determined by the City to be in the public interest. C. The City of Bozeman reserves the right to reject the proposal of any person/firm who previously failed to perform properly to the satisfaction of the City of Bozeman, or complete on time agreements of similar nature, or to reject the proposal of any person/firm who is not in a position to perform such an agreement satisfactorily as determined by the City of Bozeman. D. The City of Bozeman reserves the right to determine the best qualified Contractor and negotiate a final scope of service and cost, negotiate a contract with another Contractor if an agreement cannot be reached with the first selected Contractor, or reject all proposals. E. The professional services contract between the City of Bozeman and the successful Contractor will incorporate the Contractor's scope of service and work schedule as part of the agreement (see Attachment C for form of professional services agreement. The professional services agreement presented to the Contractor may differ from this form as appropriate for the scope of services). F. This RFP does not commit the City to award a contract. The City assumes no liability or responsibility for costs incurred by firms in responding to this request for proposals or request for interviews, additional data, or other information with respect to the selection process, prior to the issuance of an agreement, contract or purchase order. The Contractor, by submitting a response to this RFP, waives all right to protest or seek any legal remedies whatsoever regarding any aspect of this RFP. G. The City reserves the right to cancel, in part or in its entirety, this RFP including, but not limited to: selection procedures, submittal date, and submittal requirements. If the City cancels or revises this RFP, all Contractors who submitted proposals will be notified using email. H. Projects under any contract are subject to the availability of funds. XII. NONDISCRIMINATION AND EQUAL PAY POLICY The City of Bozeman requires each entity submitting under this notice shall affirm, on a separate form provided, that it will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, 143 creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, sexual preference, gender identity, or disability in fulfillment of a contract entered into for the services identified herein and that this prohibition on discrimination shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the submitting entity’s employees and to all subcontracts it enters into in the fulfillment of the services identified herein. Failure to comply with this requirement shall be cause for the submittal to be deemed nonresponsive. The City also requires each entity submitting under this notice shall affirm it will abide by the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Section 39-3-104, MCA (the Montana Equal Pay Act), and has visited the State of Montana Equal Pay for Equal Work “best practices” website, https://equalpay.mt.gov/BestPractices/Employers, or equivalent “best practices publication and has read the material. XIII. MISCELLANEOUS A. No Oral Agreements. No conversations or oral agreements with any officer, employee, or agent of the City shall affect or modify any term of this solicitation. Oral communications or any written/email communication between any person and City officer, employee or agent shall not be considered binding. B. No Partnership/Business Organization. Nothing in this solicitation or in any subsequent agreement, or any other contract entered into as a result of this solicitation, shall constitute, create, give rise to or otherwise be recognized as a partnership or formal business organization of any kind between or among the respondent and the City. C. Employment Restriction and Indemnity. No person who is an owner, officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of a respondent shall be an officer or employee of the City. No rights of the City’s retirement or personnel rules accrue to a respondent, its officers, employees, contractors, or consultants. Respondents shall have the responsibility of all salaries, wages, bonuses, retirement, withholdings, worker’s compensation and occupational disease compensation, insurance, unemployment compensation other benefits and taxes and premiums appurtenant thereto concerning its officers, employees, contractors, and consultants. Each Respondent shall save and hold the City harmless with respect to any and all claims for payment, compensation, salary, wages, bonuses, retirement, withholdings, worker’s compensation and occupational disease compensation, insurance, unemployment compensation other benefits and taxes and premiums in any way related to each respondent’s officers, employees, contractors and consultants. D. Accessibility. Upon reasonable notice, the City will provide assistance for those persons with sensory impairments. For further information please contact the ADA Coordinator Mike Gray at 406-582-3232 or the City’s TTY line at 406-582-2301. 144 E. Procurement. When discrepancies occur between words and figures in this solicitation, the words shall govern. No responsibility shall attach to a City employee for the premature opening of an RFP not properly addressed and identified in accordance with these documents. F. Governing Law. This solicitation and any disputes arising hereunder or under any future agreement shall be governed and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Montana, without reference to principles of choice or conflicts of laws. XIV. ATTACHMENTS The following exhibits are incorporated in this RFP: Attachment A: Non-Discrimination Affirmation Attachment B: 2023 Bozeman Aerial Flight Boundary Attachment C: Professional Services Agreement END OF RFP 145 Attachment A NONDISCRIMINATION AND EQUAL PAY AFFIRMATION ____________________________________(name of entity submitting) hereby affirms it will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability and acknowledges and understands the eventual contract will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and this prohibition on discrimination shall apply to the hiring and treatments or proposer’s employees and to all subcontracts. In addition, ____________________________________(name of entity submitting) hereby affirms it will abide by the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Section 39-3-104, MCA (the Montana Equal Pay Act), and has visited the State of Montana Equal Pay for Equal Work “best practices” website, https://equalpay.mt.gov/BestPractices/Employers, or equivalent “best practices publication and has read the material. ______________________________________ Name and title of person authorized to sign on behalf of submitter 146 Attachment C Professional Services Agreement for Digital Ortho-imagery Acquisition FY 2023 Page 1 of 11 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this _____ day of ____________, 202__ (“Effective Date”), by and between the CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, a self-governing municipal corporation organized and existing under its Charter and the laws of the State of Montana, 121 North Rouse Street, Bozeman, Montana, with a mailing address of PO Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771, hereinafter referred to as “City,” and, ____________, _______________, hereinafter referred to as “Contractor.” The City and Contractor may be referred to individually as “Party” and collectively as “Parties.” In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the receipt and sufficiency whereof being hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Purpose: City agrees to enter this Agreement with Contractor to perform for City services described in the Scope of Services attached hereto as Exhibit A and by this reference made a part hereof. 2. Scope of Services: Contractor will perform the work and provide the services in accordance with the requirements of the Scope of Services. For conflicts between this Agreement and the Scope of Services, unless specifically provided otherwise, the Agreement governs. 3. Payment: City agrees to pay Contractor the amount specified in the Scope of Services. Any alteration or deviation from the described services that involves additional costs above the Agreement amount will be performed by Contractor after written request by the City, and will become an additional charge over and above the amount listed in the Scope of Services. The City must agree in writing upon any additional charges. 5. Contractor’s Representations: To induce City to enter into this Agreement, Contractor makes the following representations: a. Contractor has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of this Agreement, the Scope of Services, and with all local conditions and federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules, 2November7th Aero-Graphics, Inc. 147 Attachment C Professional Services Agreement for Digital Ortho-imagery Acquisition FY 2023 Page 2 of 11 and regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress or performance of the Scope of Services. b. Contractor represents and warrants to City that it has the experience and ability to perform the services required by this Agreement; that it will perform the services in a professional, competent and timely manner and with diligence and skill; that it has the power to enter into and perform this Agreement and grant the rights granted in it; and that its performance of this Agreement shall not infringe upon or violate the rights of any third party, whether rights of copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity, libel, slander or any other rights of any nature whatsoever, or violate any federal, state and municipal laws. The City will not determine or exercise control as to general procedures or formats necessary to have these services meet this warranty. 6. Independent Contractor Status/Labor Relations: The parties agree that Contractor is an independent contractor for purposes of this Agreement and is not to be considered an employee of the City for any purpose. Contractor is not subject to the terms and provisions of the City’s personnel policies handbook and may not be considered a City employee for workers’ compensation or any other purpose. Contractor is not authorized to represent the City or otherwise bind the City in any dealings between Contractor and any third parties. Contractor shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Workers’ Compensation Act, Title 39, Chapter 71, Montana Code Annotated (MCA), and the Occupational Disease Act of Montana, Title 39, Chapter 71, MCA. Contractor shall maintain workers’ compensation coverage for all members and employees of Contractor’s business, except for those members who are exempted by law. Contractor shall furnish the City with copies showing one of the following: (1) a binder for workers’ compensation coverage by an insurer licensed and authorized to provide workers’ compensation insurance in the State of Montana; or (2) proof of exemption from workers’ compensation granted by law for independent contractors. In the event that, during the term of this Agreement, any labor problems or disputes of any type arise or materialize which in turn cause any services to cease for any period of time, Contractor specifically agrees to take immediate steps, at its own expense and without expectation of reimbursement from City, to alleviate or resolve all such labor problems or disputes. The specific steps Contractor shall take shall be left to the discretion of Contractor; provided, however, that Contractor shall bear all costs of any related legal action. Contractor shall provide immediate relief to the City so as to permit the services to continue at no additional cost to City. Contractor shall indemnify, defend, and hold the City harmless from any and all claims, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and liabilities arising out of, resulting from, or occurring in 148 Attachment C Professional Services Agreement for Digital Ortho-imagery Acquisition FY 2023 Page 3 of 11 connection with any labor problems or disputes or any delays or stoppages of work associated with such problems or disputes. 7. Indemnity/Waiver of Claims/Insurance: For other than professional services rendered, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor agrees to release, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its agents, representatives, employees, and officers (collectively referred to for purposes of this Section as the City) from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, fees and costs (including attorney’s fees and the costs and fees of expert witness and consultants), losses, expenses, liabilities (including liability where activity is inherently or intrinsically dangerous) or damages of whatever kind or nature connected therewith and without limit and without regard to the cause or causes thereof or the negligence of any party or parties that may be asserted against, recovered from or suffered by the City occasioned by, growing or arising out of or resulting from or in any way related to: (i) the negligent, reckless, or intentional misconduct of the Contractor; or (ii) any negligent, reckless, or intentional misconduct of any of the Contractor’s agents. For the professional services rendered, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless against claims, demands, suits, damages, losses, and expenses, including reasonable defense attorney fees, to the extent caused by the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Contractor or Contractor’s agents or employees. Such obligations shall not be construed to negate, abridge, or reduce other rights or obligations of indemnity that would otherwise exist. The indemnification obligations of this Section must not be construed to negate, abridge, or reduce any common-law or statutory rights of the City as indemnitee(s) which would otherwise exist as to such indemnitee(s). Contractor’s indemnity under this Section shall be without regard to and without any right to contribution from any insurance maintained by City. Should the City be required to bring an action against the Contractor to assert its right to defense or indemnification under this Agreement or under the Contractor’s applicable insurance policies required below, the City shall be entitled to recover reasonable costs and attorney fees incurred in asserting its right to indemnification or defense but only if a court of competent jurisdiction determines the Contractor was obligated to defend the claim(s) or was obligated to indemnify the City for a claim(s) or any portion(s) thereof. In the event of an action filed against the City resulting from the City’s performance under this Agreement, the City may elect to represent itself and incur all costs and expenses of suit. 149 Attachment C Professional Services Agreement for Digital Ortho-imagery Acquisition FY 2023 Page 4 of 11 Contractor also waives any and all claims and recourse against the City, including the right of contribution for loss or damage to person or property arising from, growing out of, or in any way connected with or incident to the performance of this Agreement except “responsibility for [City’s] own fraud, for willful injury to the person or property of another, or for violation of law, whether willful or negligent” as per 28-2-702, MCA. These obligations shall survive termination of this Agreement and the services performed hereunder. In addition to and independent from the above, Contractor shall at Contractor’s expense secure insurance coverage through an insurance company or companies duly licensed and authorized to conduct insurance business in Montana which insures the liabilities and obligations specifically assumed by the Contractor in this Section. The insurance coverage shall not contain any exclusion for liabilities specifically assumed by the Contractor in this Section. The insurance shall cover and apply to all claims, demands, suits, damages, losses, and expenses that may be asserted or claimed against, recovered from, or suffered by the City without limit and without regard to the cause therefore and which is acceptable to the City. Contractor shall furnish to the City an accompanying certificate of insurance and accompanying endorsements in amounts not less than as follows: x Workers’ Compensation – statutory; x Employers’ Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence; $2,000,000 annual aggregate; x Commercial General Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence; $2,000,000 annual aggregate; x Automobile Liability - $1,000,000 property damage/bodily injury per accident; and x Professional Liability - $1,000,000 per claim; $2,000,000 annual aggregate. The above amounts shall be exclusive of defense costs. The City shall be endorsed as an additional or named insured on a primary non-contributory basis on the Commercial General, Employer’s Liability, and Automobile Liability policies. The insurance and required endorsements must be in a form suitable to City and shall include no less than a thirty (30) day notice of cancellation or non-renewal. Contractor shall notify City within two (2) business days of Contractor’s receipt of notice that any required insurance coverage will be terminated or Contractor’s decision to terminate any required insurance coverage for any reason. 150 Attachment C Professional Services Agreement for Digital Ortho-imagery Acquisition FY 2023 Page 5 of 11 The City must approve all insurance coverage and endorsements prior to the Contractor commencing work. 8. Termination for Contractor’s Fault: a. If Contractor refuses or fails to timely do the work, or any part thereof, or fails to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement, or otherwise breaches any terms or conditions of this Agreement, the City may, by written notice, terminate this Agreement and the Contractor’s right to proceed with all or any part of the work (“Termination Notice Due to Contractor’s Fault”). The City may then take over the work and complete it, either with its own resources or by re-letting the contract to any other third party. b. In the event of a termination pursuant to this Section 8, Contractor shall be entitled to payment only for those services Contractor actually rendered. c. Any termination provided for by this Section 8 shall be in addition to any other remedies to which the City may be entitled under the law or at equity. d. In the event of termination under this Section 8, Contractor shall, under no circumstances, be entitled to claim or recover consequential, special, punitive, lost business opportunity, lost productivity, field office overhead, general conditions costs, or lost profits damages of any nature arising, or claimed to have arisen, as a result of the termination. 9. Termination for City’s Convenience: a. Should conditions arise which, in the sole opinion and discretion of the City, make it advisable to the City to cease performance under this Agreement, the City may terminate this Agreement by written notice to Contractor (“Notice of Termination for City’s Convenience”). The termination shall be effective in the manner specified in the Notice of Termination for City’s Convenience and shall be without prejudice to any claims that the City may otherwise have against Contractor. b. Upon receipt of the Notice of Termination for City’s Convenience, unless otherwise directed in the Notice, the Contractor shall immediately cease performance under this Agreement and make every reasonable effort to refrain from continuing work, incurring additional expenses or costs under this Agreement and shall immediately cancel all existing orders or contracts upon terms satisfactory to the City. Contractor shall do only such work as may be necessary to preserve, protect, and maintain work already completed or immediately 151 Attachment C Professional Services Agreement for Digital Ortho-imagery Acquisition FY 2023 Page 6 of 11 in progress. c. In the event of a termination pursuant to this Section 9, Contractor is entitled to payment only for those services Contractor actually rendered on or before the receipt of the Notice of Termination for City’s Convenience. d. The compensation described in Section 9(c) is the sole compensation due to Contractor for its performance of this Agreement. Contractor shall, under no circumstances, be entitled to claim or recover consequential, special, punitive, lost business opportunity, lost productivity, field office overhead, general conditions costs, or lost profits damages of any nature arising, or claimed to have arisen, as a result of the termination. 10. Limitation on Contractor’s Damages; Time for Asserting Claim: a. In the event of a claim for damages by Contractor under this Agreement, Contractor’s damages shall be limited to contract damages and Contractor hereby expressly waives any right to claim or recover consequential, special, punitive, lost business opportunity, lost productivity, field office overhead, general conditions costs, or lost profits damages of any nature or kind. b. In the event Contractor wants to assert a claim for damages of any kind or nature, Contractor shall provide City with written notice of its claim, the facts and circumstances surrounding and giving rise to the claim, and the total amount of damages sought by the claim, within thirty (30) days of the facts and circumstances giving rise to the claim. In the event Contractor fails to provide such notice, Contractor shall waive all rights to assert such claim. 11. Representatives and Notices: a. City’s Representative: The City’s Representative for the purpose of this Agreement shall be Gail Jorgenson, GIS Program Manager or such other individual as City shall designate in writing. Whenever approval or authorization from or communication or submission to City is required by this Agreement, such communication or submission shall be directed to the City’s Representative and approvals or authorizations shall be issued only by such Representative; provided, however, that in exigent circumstances when City’s Representative is not available, Contractor may direct its communication or submission to other designated City personnel or agents as designated by the City in writing and may receive approvals or authorization from such persons. 2 152 Attachment C Professional Services Agreement for Digital Ortho-imagery Acquisition FY 2023 Page 7 of 11 b. Contractor’s Representative: The Contractor’s Representative for the purpose of this Agreement shall be _____________________ or such other individual as Contractor shall designate in writing. Whenever direction to or communication with Contractor is required by this Agreement, such direction or communication shall be directed to Contractor’s Representative; provided, however, that in exigent circumstances when Contractor’s Representative is not available, City may direct its direction or communication to other designated Contractor personnel or agents. c. Notices: All notices required by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be provided to the Representatives named in this Section. Notices shall be deemed given when delivered, if delivered by courier to Party’s address shown above during normal business hours of the recipient; or when sent, if sent by email or fax (with a successful transmission report) to the email address or fax number provided by the Party’s Representative; or on the fifth business day following mailing, if mailed by ordinary mail to the address shown above, postage prepaid. 12. Permits: Contractor shall provide all notices, comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations, obtain all necessary permits, licenses, including a City of Bozeman business license, and inspections from applicable governmental authorities, and pay all fees and charges in connection therewith. 13 Laws and Regulations: Contractor shall comply fully with all applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and municipal ordinances including, but not limited to, all workers’ compensation laws, all environmental laws including, but not limited to, the generation and disposal of hazardous waste, the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), the safety rules, codes, and provisions of the Montana Safety Act in Title 50, Chapter 71, MCA, all applicable City, County, and State building and electrical codes, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and all non-discrimination, affirmative action, and utilization of minority and small business statutes and regulations. 14. Nondiscrimination and Equal Pay: The Contractor agrees that all hiring by Contractor of persons performing this Agreement shall be on the basis of merit and qualifications. The Contractor will have a policy to provide equal employment opportunity in accordance with all applicable state and federal anti-discrimination laws, regulations, and contracts. The Contractor will not refuse employment to a person, bar a person from employment, or discriminate against a person in compensation or in a term, condition, or privilege of employment because of race, color, religion, creed, political ideas, sex, age, marital status, national origin, actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental disability, except when the reasonable demands of the position Bailey Costello 153 Attachment C Professional Services Agreement for Digital Ortho-imagery Acquisition FY 2023 Page 8 of 11 require an age, physical or mental disability, marital status or sex distinction. The Contractor shall be subject to and comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Section 140, Title 2, United States Code, and all regulations promulgated thereunder. Contractor represents it is, and for the term of this Agreement will be, in compliance with the requirements of the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Section 39-3-104, MCA (the Montana Equal Pay Act). Contractor must report to the City any violations of the Montana Equal Pay Act that Contractor has been found guilty of within 60 days of such finding for violations occurring during the term of this Agreement. Contractor shall require these nondiscrimination terms of its subcontractors providing services under this Agreement. 15. Intoxicants; DOT Drug and Alcohol Regulations/Safety and Training: Contractor shall not permit or suffer the introduction or use of any intoxicants, including alcohol or illegal drugs, by any employee or agent engaged in services to the City under this Agreement while on City property or in the performance of any activities under this Agreement. Contractor acknowledges it is aware of and shall comply with its responsibilities and obligations under the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations governing anti-drug and alcohol misuse prevention plans and related testing. City shall have the right to request proof of such compliance and Contractor shall be obligated to furnish such proof. The Contractor shall be responsible for instructing and training the Contractor's employees and agents in proper and specified work methods and procedures. The Contractor shall provide continuous inspection and supervision of the work performed. The Contractor is responsible for instructing its employees and agents in safe work practices. 16. Modification and Assignability: This Agreement may not be enlarged, modified or altered except by written agreement signed by both parties hereto. The Contractor may not subcontract or assign Contractor’s rights, including the right to compensation or duties arising hereunder, without the prior written consent of the City. Any subcontractor or assignee will be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 17. Reports/Accountability/Public Information: Contractor agrees to develop and/or provide documentation as requested by the City demonstrating Contractor’s compliance with the requirements of this Agreement. Contractor shall allow the City, its auditors, and other persons authorized by the City to inspect and copy its books and records for the purpose of verifying that the reimbursement of monies distributed to Contractor pursuant to this Agreement was used in 154 Attachment C Professional Services Agreement for Digital Ortho-imagery Acquisition FY 2023 Page 9 of 11 compliance with this Agreement and all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local law. The Contractor shall not issue any statements, releases or information for public dissemination without prior approval of the City. 18. Non-Waiver: A waiver by either party of any default or breach by the other party of any terms or conditions of this Agreement does not limit the other party’s right to enforce such term or conditions or to pursue any available legal or equitable rights in the event of any subsequent default or breach. 19. Attorney’s Fees and Costs: In the event it becomes necessary for either Party to retain an attorney to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement or to give any notice required herein, then the prevailing Party or the Party giving notice shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs, including fees, salary, and costs of in-house counsel including the City Attorney’s Office staff. 20. Taxes: Contractor is obligated to pay all taxes of any kind or nature and make all appropriate employee withholdings. 21. Dispute Resolution: a. Any claim, controversy, or dispute between the parties, their agents, employees, or representatives shall be resolved first by negotiation between senior-level personnel from each party duly authorized to execute settlement agreements. Upon mutual agreement of the parties, the parties may invite an independent, disinterested mediator to assist in the negotiated settlement discussions. b. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within thirty (30) days from the date the dispute was first raised, then such dispute may only be resolved in a court of competent jurisdiction in compliance with the Applicable Law provisions of this Agreement. 22. Survival: Contractor’s indemnification shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement for the maximum period allowed under applicable law. 23. Headings: The headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not be construed as a part of the Agreement or as a limitation on the scope of the particular paragraphs to which they refer. 24. Severability: If any portion of this Agreement is held to be void or unenforceable, the 155 Attachment C Professional Services Agreement for Digital Ortho-imagery Acquisition FY 2023 Page 10 of 11 balance thereof shall continue in effect. 25. Applicable Law: The parties agree that this Agreement is governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Montana. 26. Binding Effect: This Agreement is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the heirs, legal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties. 27. No Third-Party Beneficiary: This Agreement is for the exclusive benefit of the parties, does not constitute a third-party beneficiary agreement, and may not be relied upon or enforced by a third party. 28. Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, which together constitute one instrument. 29. Integration: This Agreement and all Exhibits attached hereto constitute the entire agreement of the parties. Covenants or representations not contained herein or made a part thereof by reference, are not binding upon the parties. There are no understandings between the parties other than as set forth in this Agreement. All communications, either verbal or written, made prior to the date of this Agreement are hereby abrogated and withdrawn unless specifically made a part of this Agreement by reference. 30. Consent to Electronic Signatures: The Parties have consented to execute this Agreement electronically in conformance with the Montana Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, Title 30, Chapter 18, Part 1, and MCA. **** END OF AGREEMENT EXCEPT FOR SIGNATURES **** 156 Attachment C Professional Services Agreement for Digital Ortho-imagery Acquisition FY 2023 Page 11 of 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written or as recorded in an electronic signature. CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA ____________________________________ CONTRACTOR (Type Name Above) By________________________________ By__________________________________ Jeff Mihelich, City Manager Print Name: ___________________________ Print Title: ____________________________ APPROVED AS TO FORM: By_______________________________ Greg Sullivan, Bozeman City Attorney Aero-Graphics, Inc. Bailey Costello Project Manager __________________________________________________________________________ 157                                           ! "   #$%   &'              (&)&&      *+ ,                    ! "   #$%   -&'        .    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Purpose:City agrees to enter this Agreement with Contractor to perform for City services described in the Scope of Services attached hereto as Exhibit A and by this reference made a part hereof. 2. Term/Effective Date:This Agreement is effective upon the Effective Date and will expire on the 31st day of October, 2025, unless earlier terminated in accordance with this Agreement. 3. Scope of Services:Contractor will perform the work and provide the services in accordance with the requirements of the Scope of Services. For conflicts between this Agreement and the Scope of Services, unless specifically provided otherwise, the Agreement governs. 4. Payment:City agrees to pay Contractorthe amount specified in the Scope of Services Fees. Any alteration or deviation from the described services that involves additional costs above the Agreement amount will be performed by Contractorafter written request by the City, and will become an additional charge over and above the amount listed in the Scope of Services. The City must agree in writing upon any additional charges. 5.Contractor’s Representations:To induce City to enter into this Agreement, Contractor makes the following representations: a. Contractor has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of this Agreement, the 160 Professional Services Agreement for Bozeman Fire Station #2 Relocation Commissioning Services FY2023 Page 2 of 11 Scope of Services, and with all local conditions and federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress or performance of the Scope of Services. b. Contractor represents and warrants to City that it has the experience and ability to perform the services required by this Agreement; that it will perform the services in a professional, competent and timely manner and with diligence and skill; that it has the power to enter into and perform this Agreement and grant the rights granted in it; and that its performance of this Agreement shall not infringe upon or violate the rights of any third party, whether rights of copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity, libel, slander or any other rights of any nature whatsoever, or violate any federal, state and municipal laws. The City will not determine or exercise control as to general procedures or formats necessary to have these services meet this warranty. 6. Independent Contractor Status/Labor Relations:The parties agree that Contractor is an independent contractor for purposes of this Agreement and is not to be considered an employee of the City for any purpose. Contractor is not subject to the terms and provisions of the City’s personnel policies handbook and may not be considered a City employee for workers’ compensation or any other purpose. Contractor is not authorized to represent the City or otherwise bind the City in any dealings between Contractor and any third parties. Contractor shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Workers’ Compensation Act, Title 39, Chapter 71, Montana Code Annotated (MCA), and the Occupational Disease Act of Montana, Title 39, Chapter 71, MCA. Contractor shall maintain workers’ compensation coverage for all members and employees of Contractor’s business, except for those members who are exempted by law. Contractor shall furnish the City with copies showing one of the following: (1) a binder for workers’ compensation coverage by an insurer licensed and authorized to provide workers’ compensation insurance in the State of Montana; or (2) proof of exemption from workers’ compensation granted by law for independent contractors. In the event that, during the term of this Agreement, any labor problems or disputes of any type arise or materialize which in turn cause any services to cease for any period of time, Contractor specifically agrees to take immediate steps, at its own expense and without expectation of reimbursement from City, to alleviate or resolve all such labor problems or disputes. The specific steps Contractor shall take shall be left to the discretion of Contractor; provided, however, that Contractor shall bear all costs of any related legal action. Contractor shall provide immediate relief to the City so as to permit the services to continue at no additional cost to City. 161 Professional Services Agreement for Bozeman Fire Station #2 Relocation Commissioning Services FY2023 Page 3 of 11 Contractor shall indemnify, defend, and hold the City harmless from any and all claims, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and liabilities arising out of, resulting from, or occurring in connection with any labor problems or disputes or any delays or stoppages of work associated with such problems or disputes. 7. Indemnity/Waiver of Claims/Insurance:For other than professional services rendered, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor agrees to release, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its agents, representatives, employees, and officers (collectively referred to for purposes of this Section as the City) from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, fees and costs (including attorney’s fees and the costs and fees of expert witness and consultants), losses, expenses, liabilities (including liability where activity is inherently or intrinsically dangerous) or damages of whatever kind or nature connected therewith and without limit and without regard to the cause or causes thereof or the negligence of any party or parties that may be asserted against, recovered from or suffered by the City occasioned by, growing or arising out of or resulting from or in any way related to: (i) the negligent, reckless, or intentional misconduct of the Contractor; or (ii) any negligent, reckless, or intentional misconduct of any of the Contractor’s agents. For the professional services rendered, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless against claims, demands, suits, damages, losses, and expenses, including reasonable defense attorney fees, to the extent caused by the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Contractor or Contractor’s agents or employees. Such obligations shall not be construed to negate, abridge, or reduce other rights or obligations of indemnity that would otherwise exist. The indemnification obligations of this Section must not be construed to negate, abridge, or reduce any common-law or statutory rights of the City as indemnitee(s) which would otherwise exist as to such indemnitee(s). Contractor’s indemnity under this Section shall be without regard to and without any right to contribution from any insurance maintained by City. Should the City be required to bring an action against the Contractor to assert its right to defense or indemnification under this Agreement or under the Contractor’s applicable insurance policies required below, the City shall be entitled to recover reasonable costs and attorney fees incurred in asserting its right to indemnification or defense but only if a court of competent jurisdiction determines the Contractor was obligated to defend the claim(s) or was obligated to indemnify the City for a claim(s) or any portion(s) thereof. In the event of an action filed against the City resulting from the City’s performance under 162 Professional Services Agreement for Bozeman Fire Station #2 Relocation Commissioning Services FY2023 Page 4 of 11 this Agreement, the City may elect to represent itself and incur all costs and expenses of suit. Contractor also waives any and all claims and recourse against the City, including the right of contribution for loss or damage to person or property arising from, growing out of, or in any way connected with or incident to the performance of this Agreement except “responsibility for [City’s] own fraud, for willful injury to the person or property of another, or for violation of law, whether willful or negligent” as per 28-2-702, MCA. These obligations shall survive termination of this Agreement and the services performed hereunder. In addition to and independent from the above, Contractorshall at Contractor’s expense secure insurance coverage through an insurance company or companies duly licensed and authorized to conduct insurance business in Montana which insures the liabilities and obligations specifically assumed by the Contractor in this Section. The insurance coverage shall not contain any exclusion for liabilities specifically assumed by the Contractor in this Section. The insurance shall cover and apply to all claims, demands, suits, damages, losses, and expenses that may be asserted or claimed against, recovered from, or suffered by the City without limit and without regard to the cause therefore and which is acceptable to the City. Contractor shall furnish to the City an accompanying certificate of insurance and accompanying endorsements in amounts not less than as follows: x Workers’ Compensation – statutory; x Employers’ Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence; $2,000,000 annual aggregate; x Commercial General Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence; $2,000,000 annual aggregate; x Automobile Liability - $1,000,000 property damage/bodily injury per accident; and x Professional Liability - $1,000,000 per claim; $2,000,000 annual aggregate. The above amounts shall be exclusive of defense costs. The City shall be endorsed as an additional or named insured on a primary non-contributory basis on the Commercial General, Employer’s Liability, and Automobile Liability policies. The insurance and required endorsements must be in a form suitable to City and shall include no less than a thirty (30) day notice of cancellation or non-renewal. Contractor shall notify City within two (2) business days of Contractor’s receipt of notice that any required insurance coverage will be terminated or Contractor’s decision to terminate any required insurance coverage for any reason. 163 Professional Services Agreement for Bozeman Fire Station #2 Relocation Commissioning Services FY2023 Page 5 of 11 The City must approve all insurance coverage and endorsements prior to the Contractor commencing work. 8. Termination for Contractor’s Fault: a.If Contractor refuses or fails to timely do the work, or any part thereof, or fails to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement, or otherwise breaches any terms or conditions of this Agreement, the City may, by written notice, terminate this Agreement and the Contractor’s right to proceed with all or any part of the work (“Termination Notice Due to Contractor’s Fault”). The City may then take over the work and complete it, either with its own resources or by re-letting the contract to any other third party. b.In the event of a termination pursuant to this Section 8, Contractor shall be entitled to payment only for those services Contractor actually rendered. c.Any termination provided for by this Section 8 shall be in addition to any other remedies to which the City may be entitled under the law or at equity. d.In the event of termination under this Section 8, Contractor shall, under no circumstances, be entitled to claim or recover consequential, special, punitive, lost business opportunity, lost productivity, field office overhead, general conditions costs, or lost profits damages of any nature arising, or claimed to have arisen, as a result of the termination. 9. Termination for City’s Convenience: a.Should conditions arise which, in the sole opinion and discretion of the City, make it advisable to the City to cease performance under this Agreement, the City may terminate this Agreement by written notice to Contractor (“Notice of Termination for City’s Convenience”). The termination shall be effective in the manner specified in the Notice of Termination for City’s Convenience and shall be without prejudice to any claims that the City may otherwise have against Contractor. b.Upon receipt of the Notice of Termination for City’s Convenience, unless otherwise directed in the Notice, the Contractor shall immediately cease performance under this Agreement and make every reasonable effort to refrain from continuing work, incurring additional expenses or costs under this Agreement and shall immediately cancel all existing orders or contracts upon terms satisfactory to the City. Contractor shall do only such work as may be necessary to preserve, protect, and maintain work already completed or immediately 164 Professional Services Agreement for Bozeman Fire Station #2 Relocation Commissioning Services FY2023 Page 6 of 11 in progress. c.In the event of a termination pursuant to this Section 9, Contractor is entitled to payment only for those services Contractor actually rendered on or before the receipt of the Notice of Termination for City’s Convenience. d.The compensation described in Section 9(c) is the sole compensation due to Contractor for its performance of this Agreement. Contractor shall, under no circumstances, be entitled to claim or recover consequential, special, punitive, lost business opportunity, lost productivity, field office overhead, general conditions costs, or lost profits damages of any nature arising, or claimed to have arisen, as a result of the termination. 10. Limitation on Contractor’s Damages; Time for Asserting Claim: a.In the event of a claim for damages by Contractor under this Agreement, Contractor’s damages shall be limited to contract damages and Contractor hereby expressly waives any right to claim or recover consequential, special, punitive, lost business opportunity, lost productivity, field office overhead, general conditions costs, or lost profits damages of any nature or kind. b.In the event Contractor wants to assert a claim for damages of any kind or nature, Contractor shall provide City with written notice of its claim, the facts and circumstances surrounding and giving rise to the claim, and the total amount of damages sought by the claim, within thirty (30) days of the facts and circumstances giving rise to the claim. In the event Contractor fails to provide such notice, Contractor shall waive all rights to assert such claim. 11. Representatives and Notices: a. City’s Representative: The City’s Representative for the purpose of this Agreement shall be Natalie Meyer, Sustainability Program Manager, or such other individual as City shall designate in writing. Whenever approval or authorization from or communication or submission to City is required by this Agreement, such communication or submission shall be directed to the City’s Representative and approvals or authorizations shall be issued only by such Representative; provided, however, that in exigent circumstances when City’s Representative is not available, Contractor may direct its communication or submission to other designated City personnel or agents as designated by the City in writing and may receive approvals or authorization from such persons. 165 Professional Services Agreement for Bozeman Fire Station #2 Relocation Commissioning Services FY2023 Page 7 of 11 b. Contractor’s Representative: The Contractor’s Representative for the purpose of this Agreement shall be Kevin Smith, Commissioning Authority, or such other individual as Contractor shall designate in writing. Whenever direction to or communication with Contractor is required by this Agreement, such direction or communication shall be directed to Contractor’s Representative; provided, however, that in exigent circumstances when Contractor’s Representative is not available, City may direct its direction or communication to other designated Contractor personnel or agents. c. Notices: All notices required by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be provided to the Representatives named in this Section. Notices shall be deemed given when delivered, if delivered by courier to Party’s address shown above during normal business hours of the recipient; or when sent, if sent by email or fax (with a successful transmission report) to the email address or fax number provided by the Party’s Representative; or on the fifth business day following mailing, if mailed by ordinary mail to the address shown above, postage prepaid. 12. Permits: Contractor shall provide all notices, comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations, obtain all necessary permits, licenses, including a City of Bozeman business license, and inspections from applicable governmental authorities, and pay all fees and charges in connection therewith. 13 Laws and Regulations: Contractor shall comply fully with all applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and municipal ordinances including, but not limited to, all workers’ compensation laws, all environmental laws including, but not limited to, the generation and disposal of hazardous waste, the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), the safety rules, codes, and provisions of the Montana Safety Act in Title 50, Chapter 71, MCA, all applicable City, County, and State building and electrical codes, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and all non-discrimination, affirmative action, and utilization of minority and small business statutes and regulations. 14. Nondiscrimination and Equal Pay:The Contractor agrees that all hiring by Contractor of persons performing this Agreement shall be on the basis of merit and qualifications. The Contractor will have a policy to provide equal employment opportunity in accordance with all applicable state and federal anti-discrimination laws, regulations, and contracts. The Contractor will not refuse employment to a person, bar a person from employment, or discriminate against a person in compensation or in a term, condition, or privilege of employment because of race, color, religion, creed, political ideas, sex, age, marital status, national origin, actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental disability, except when the reasonable demands of the position 166 Professional Services Agreement for Bozeman Fire Station #2 Relocation Commissioning Services FY2023 Page 8 of 11 require an age, physical or mental disability, marital status or sex distinction. The Contractor shall be subject to and comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Section 140, Title 2, United States Code, and all regulations promulgated thereunder. Contractor represents it is, and for the term of this Agreement will be, in compliance with the requirements of the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Section 39-3-104, MCA (the Montana Equal Pay Act). Contractor must report to the City any violations of the Montana Equal Pay Act that Contractor has been found guilty of within 60 days of such finding for violations occurring during the term of this Agreement. Contractor shall require these nondiscrimination terms of its subcontractors providing services under this Agreement. 15. Intoxicants; DOT Drug and Alcohol Regulations/Safety and Training: Contractor shall not permit or suffer the introduction or use of any intoxicants, including alcohol or illegal drugs, by any employee or agent engaged in services to the City under thisAgreement while on City property or in the performance of any activities under this Agreement. Contractor acknowledges it is aware of and shall comply with its responsibilities and obligations under the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations governing anti-drug and alcohol misuse prevention plans and related testing. City shall have the right to request proof of such compliance and Contractor shall be obligated to furnish such proof. The Contractor shall be responsible for instructing and training the Contractor's employees and agents in proper and specified work methods and procedures. The Contractor shall provide continuous inspection and supervision of the work performed. The Contractor is responsible for instructing its employees and agents in safe work practices. 16. Modification and Assignability:This Agreement may not be enlarged, modified or altered except by written agreement signed by both parties hereto. The Contractor may not subcontract or assign Contractor’s rights, including the right to compensation or duties arising hereunder, without the prior written consent of the City. Any subcontractor or assignee will be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 17. Reports/Accountability/Public Information: Contractor agrees to develop and/or provide documentation as requested by the City demonstrating Contractor’s compliance with the requirements of this Agreement. Contractor shall allow the City, its auditors, and other persons authorized by the City to inspect and copy its books and records for the purpose of verifying that the reimbursement of monies distributed to Contractor pursuant to this Agreement was used in 167 Professional Services Agreement for Bozeman Fire Station #2 Relocation Commissioning Services FY2023 Page 9 of 11 compliance with this Agreement and all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local law. The Contractor shall not issue any statements, releases or information for public dissemination without prior approval of the City. 18.Non-Waiver: A waiver by either party of any default or breach by the other party of any terms or conditions of this Agreement does not limit the other party’s right to enforce such term or conditions or to pursue any available legal or equitable rights in the event of any subsequent default or breach. 19. Attorney’s Fees and Costs:In the event it becomes necessary for either Party to retain an attorney to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement or to give any notice required herein, then the prevailing Party or the Party giving notice shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs, including fees, salary, and costs of in-house counsel including the City Attorney’s Office staff. 20. Taxes: Contractor is obligated to pay all taxes of any kind or nature and make all appropriate employee withholdings. 21. Dispute Resolution: a.Any claim, controversy, or dispute between the parties, their agents, employees, or representatives shall be resolved first by negotiation between senior-level personnel from each party duly authorized to execute settlement agreements. Upon mutual agreement of the parties, the parties may invite an independent, disinterested mediator to assist in the negotiated settlement discussions. b.If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within thirty (30) days from the date the dispute was first raised, then such dispute may only be resolved in a court of competent jurisdiction in compliance with the Applicable Law provisions of this Agreement. 22. Survival: Contractor’s indemnification shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement for the maximum period allowed under applicable law. 23. Headings: The headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not be construed as a part of the Agreement or as a limitation on the scope of the particular paragraphs to which they refer. 24. Severability: If any portion of this Agreement is held to be void or unenforceable, the 168 Professional Services Agreement for Bozeman Fire Station #2 Relocation Commissioning Services FY2023 Page 10 of 11 balance thereof shall continue in effect. 25. Applicable Law: The parties agree that this Agreement is governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Montana. 26. Binding Effect: This Agreement is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the heirs, legal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties. 27. No Third-Party Beneficiary: This Agreement is for the exclusive benefit of the parties, does not constitute a third-party beneficiary agreement, and may not be relied upon or enforced by a third party. 28. Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, which together constitute one instrument. 29. Integration: This Agreement and all Exhibits attached hereto constitute the entire agreement of the parties. Covenants or representations not contained herein or made a part thereof by reference, are not binding upon the parties. There are no understandings between the parties other than as set forth in this Agreement. All communications, either verbal or written, made prior to the date of this Agreement are hereby abrogated and withdrawn unless specifically made a part of this Agreement by reference. 30. Consent to Electronic Signatures: The Parties have consented to execute this Agreement electronically in conformance with the Montana Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, Title 30, Chapter 18, Part 1, MCA. **** END OF AGREEMENT EXCEPT FOR SIGNATURES **** 169 Professional Services Agreement for Bozeman Fire Station #2 Relocation Commissioning Services FY2023 Page 11 of 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written or as recorded in an electronic signature. CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA ELKHORN COMMISSIONING GROUP By________________________________ By__________________________________ Jeff Mihelich, City Manager Kevin Smith, PE / Commissioning Authority APPROVED AS TO FORM: By_______________________________ Greg Sullivan, Bozeman City Attorney 170 KEVIN SMITH • kevin@elkhorncx.com • 406.403.6526 • LAGAN TODD • lagan@elkhorncx.com • 406.210.0655 ELKHORN COMMISSIONING GROUP • PO BOX 11826 • BOZEMAN, MT 59719 COMMISSIONING PROPOSAL Date: November 10, 2022 Project: Bozeman Fire Station # 2 Bozeman, MT Attn: Jon Henderson Strategic Services Director City of Bozeman Bozeman, MT 406-582-2250 Dear Jon, Elkhorn Commissioning Group (ECxG) is pleased to provide this proposal for commissioning (Cx) services including pre-construction, construction phase, and building envelope commissioning services. We will provide all Cx services compliant with the Owner requirements, and according to commissioning best practices according to the Building Commissioning Association (BCxA), American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC, 2021), and other relevant standards and guidelines. This proposal provides our commissioning fee for pre-construction phase services as well as construction/acceptance phase commissioning. Commissioning Requirements: Commissioning requirements include (see also Scope of Commissioning Services below): x The CxA shall report results, findings and recommendations directly to the Owner and design team x The CxA shall review contractor submittals applicable to systems being commissioned. x The CxA shall assist in the development of a systems manual that provides future operating staff the information needed to understand and optimally operate the commissioned systems x The CxA shall verify that the requirements for training operating personnel and building occupants are completed ([KLELW$ 171 KEVIN SMITH • kevin@elkhorncx.com • 406.403.6526 • LAGAN TODD • lagan@elkhorncx.com • 406.210.0655 ELKHORN COMMISSIONING GROUP • PO BOX 11826 • BOZEMAN, MT 59719 x The CxA shall review building operation within 10 months after substantial completion with O&M staff and occupants. Include a plan for resolution of outstanding commissioning-related issues. Scope of Work: The following systems will be commissioned : x HVAC/Mechanical Systems and Equipment: x Lighting Controls and Plumbing systems will be commissioned according to Owner and IECC 2018 requirements. x Emergency Power Systems and Changeover x Building Envelope Commissioning will be included as outlined in this proposal. Design & Pre-Construction Phase: 1. Participation in building systems-related design and coordination meetings. 2. Work directly with the architect and engineers regarding all building systems to be commissioned 3. Review, analyze, and provide input regarding all building systems and controls 4. Work with the Owner and design team on phasing, scheduling, and other strategies to complete commissioning (Cx) activities 5. Evaluate constructability and operability of systems 6. Consult with, advise, assist, and provide recommendations to the Owner and design team on building systems-related aspects of the planning and design of the work 7. Provide information and participate in decisions regarding materials, methods, systems, phasing, sustainability, operational factors, and costs to assist in determinations which are aimed at providing the highest quality building, constructed using the most sustainable construction materials and practices, within the budget and schedule 8. Actively participate in a value engineering process anticipated to be held at midway through construction documents. 9. Review the Programming/Planning and other applicable documents and provide input and advice regarding scope of the Project 10. Review in-progress design and construction documents and provide input and advice on construction feasibility and alternative methods and systems 11. Review all building envelope designs and provide recommendations (walls – rainwater control, air and vapor barriers, thermal controls; roofs – water/air penetrations, flashings, expansion joints; wall penetrations – thermal transfer, vapor/air leakage, expansion and contraction) 12. Develop all commissioning specifications, pre-functional checklists, and functional test procedures 172 KEVIN SMITH • kevin@elkhorncx.com • 406.403.6526 • LAGAN TODD • lagan@elkhorncx.com • 406.210.0655 ELKHORN COMMISSIONING GROUP • PO BOX 11826 • BOZEMAN, MT 59719 13. Review completed design and construction documents prior to subcontractor/supplier bidding/selection and suggest modifications to improve completeness and clarity and to eliminate construction change requests due to inconsistencies or omissions in the construction documents. 14. Comply with (where/when applicable): a. ASHRAE Guideline 0-2013: The Commissioning Process and/or ASHRAE Guidelines 1.1-2007 and 1.5-2012; b. ASHRAE Standard 202-2013, The Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems; c. ASTM E2813, Standard Practice for Building Enclosure Commissioning; d. ASTM E2947, Standard Guide for Building Enclosure Commissioning; e. ASTM E779, Standard Test Method for Determining Air Leakage Rate by Fan Pressurization; f. ASTM E1827, Standard Test Methods for Determining Airtightness of Buildings Using an Orifice Blower Door; Construction Phase (Anticipated Scope): 1. Write the Cx plan (a list of systems to be commissioned will be developed after CxA selection) 2. Coordinate, facilities and lead Cx kick-off meeting to review and plan Cx requirements 3. Review CM/GC submittals and shop drawings for commissioned systems 4. Attend construction coordination meetings as appropriate 5. Coordinate completion of construction Cx checklists with CM/GC 6. Monitor and perform quality assurance checks of all test/adjust/balance work and recommend any rebalancing or corrective actions 7. Review all Requests for Information and Change Orders related to commissioned systems 8. Review all building management and controls systems documentation developed by the CM/GC 9. Coordinate and monitor all functional performance testing 10. Document all deficiencies, corrective action by CM/GC, and retesting performed 11. Assist with troubleshooting of any commissioned systems 12. Develop integrated systems coordination plans in conjunction with Owner’s facilities trades, design team, CM/GC, and subcontractors 13. Provide acceptance and summary report of all results and conditions 14. Summary report shall include all fully executed construction checklists, functional test forms, record of deficiencies and resolutions, CxA acceptance certifications, and recommendations 15. Perform ASTM E-779 Blower Door Test 16. Review operations and maintenance manuals 173 KEVIN SMITH • kevin@elkhorncx.com • 406.403.6526 • LAGAN TODD • lagan@elkhorncx.com • 406.210.0655 ELKHORN COMMISSIONING GROUP • PO BOX 11826 • BOZEMAN, MT 59719 17. Coordinate and provide systems and re-commissioning manual for ongoing Cx and upkeep of commissioned systems including schedules and frequencies 18. Coordinate and participate in all operations and maintenance staff training events involving commissioned systems and verify training has been completed 19. During occupancy and prior to expiration of the warranty period, perform seasonal and/or deferred tests along with a post-occupancy and performance evaluation 20. End-of-warranty period testing, review, and report of commissioned building systems 21. Comply with (where/when applicable): a. ASHRAE Guideline 0-2013: The Commissioning Process and/or ASHRAE Guidelines 1.1-2007 and 1.5-2012; b. ASHRAE Standard 202-2013, The Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems; c. ASTM E2813, Standard Practice for Building Enclosure Commissioning; d. ASTM E2947, Standard Guide for Building Enclosure Commissioning; e. ASTM E779, Standard Test Method for Determining Air Leakage Rate by Fan Pressurization; f. ASTM E1827, Standard Test Methods for Determining Airtightness of Buildings Using an Orifice Blower Door; Fees: Price to provide Pre-Construction/Design Phase Commissioning services as outlined in this proposal is: Six Thousand Five Hundred Ninety Dollars: $6,590.00 Our budget to provide MEP Construction Phase Commissioning services as outlined in this proposal and to be contracted when construction documents are complete is: Thirty- Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars: $32,500.00 Our budget for an ASTM E779 Blower door test for this project as outlined in this proposal and to be contracted when construction documents are complete is: Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars: $3,500.00 Proposed by: _________________________ Print Name: Kevin Smith; Elkhorn Commissioning Group kevin@elkhorncx.com Date: November 10, 2022 Accepted By: ________________________________ Date: ___________________ 174                                         ! 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FY 2023 – FY 2024 Page 1 of 2 FIRST AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR Parks and Trials District Snow Removal Services dated December 7, 2021 (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into this _____ day of ____________, 2022, by and between the CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, a self governing municipal corporation organized and existing under its Charter and the laws of the State of Montana, 121 North Rouse Street, Bozeman, Montana, with a mailing address of PO Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771, hereinafter referred to as “City,” and K2 Ventures Inc., 2545 Spain Bridge Road, Belgrade, MT 59714 hereinafter referred to as “Contractor.” In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the receipt and sufficiency whereof being hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree to amend the Agreement as follows: 1.Section 31 of the Agreement is replaced in its entirety with the following: 31. Extensions: This Agreement may, upon mutual agreement, be extended for a period of one (1) year by written agreement of the Parties. In no case, however, may this Agreement run longer than five years. 2.Extension of Term: Section 31. Extensions: Professional Service Agreement between City and Contractor dated December 7, 2021 is extended for an additional one (1) year period. The Agreement shall terminate on December 7, 2023. 3.Section 4 Payment: Snow removal and additional miscellaneous services described in the Agreement as Exhibit B are listed for clarification in the Attachment A Schedule of Services Table provided by K2 Ventures Inc. 4.Agreement still valid. All remaining terms and provisions of the Agreement remain valid. **** END OF AGREEMENT EXCEPT FOR SIGNATURES **** 177 First Amendment to Professional Services Agreement for K2 Ventures Inc. FY 2023 – FY 2024 Page 2 of 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this instrument the day and year first above written. CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA K2 Ventures Inc. By________________________________ By_____________________________ Jeff Mihelich, City Manager Print Name: Title: APPROVED AS TO FORM By_______________________________ Greg Sullivan, Bozeman City Attorney 178 1 | Page Attachment A Pricing Ɣ+DQGVKRYHOLQJ- +RXU ż$Q\ZRUNWKDWLQYROYHVDVLQJOHSHUVRQDQGDVQRZVKRYHO Ɣ)RXU ZKHHOHUZLWK3ORZ- KRXU ż3RODULVZLWK%RVVK\GUDXOLFSORZV Ɣ6NLGVWHHUZLWKSORZ- KRXU ż(LWKHUDEREFDWRUZLWKDEXFNHWRU.DJHSORZ Ɣ6NLGVWHHUZLWK6QRZEORZHU- 3HUKRXU ż(LWKHUDEREFDWRUZLWKEREFDWVQRZEORZHU Ɣ0LQLVNLGVWHHUZLWK%XFNHW- +RXU Ɣ0LQLH[FDYDWRU- KRXU ż(LWKHUD&DWRU8VHGPRVWHIILFLHQWO\WRUHPRYHKHDY\LFH Ɣ0DJQHVLXP&KORULGH*UDQXODUVDOW- SRXQGDSSOLHG Ɣ/LTXLGPDJQHVLXPFKORULGH- *DOORQ$SSOLHG Ɣ6DQGLQJ- SHUKRXUDQGSHUSRXQGRIVDQG Pricing &ODULILFDWLRQ RIDGGLWLRQDO VHUYLFHVDQGSULFLQJIRUWKH HTXLSPHQW/PDLQWHQDQFH VHUYLFHV SURYLGHG LQ36$.9HQWXUHV 6QRZUHPRYDOVHUYLFHV FRQWUDFW ([KLELW%3OHDVe VHH (TXLSPHQWDQG/DERU5DWH7DEOHDQG GHVFULEHG VHUYLFHV EHORZ6SHFLDOL]HG DWWDFKPHQWVIRUWKHHTXLSPHQWZLOOEHELOOHGRXWDWDQDGGLWLRQDOIHHLIQHFHVVDU\ $GGLWLRQDOPDWHULDOVWRFRPSOHWH ZRUNSXUFKDVHGVHSDUDWHDWLWHPL]HGDVSULFHSHUWRQ / SULFHSHUFXELF\DUGRURWKHU) 179 2 | Page K2 VENTURES HOURLY EQUIPMENT AND LABOR RATES TABLE Lawn Care Maintenance 3HUIRUPYDULRXVJURXQGVPDLQWHQDQFHIXQFWLRQVPRZVWULPVHGJHV IHUWLOL]HV DHUDWHVDQG ZDWHUVODZQVPHGLDQVDQGRWKHU&LW\HDVHPHQWDUHDVZHHGSUXQHPXOFKIHHGIHUWLOL]HDQG LUULJDWHSODQWVVKUXEVWUHHVDQGJURXQG-FRYHU 3ULFHZLOOEHDIL[HGFRVWSHUORFDWLRQLIVHUYLFHVDUHGHVLUHGIRUODZQPDLQWHQDQFH3ULFHZLOO LQFOXGHPRZLQJWULPPLQJFRVWDVZHOODVDGGLWLRQDOVHUYLFHVVXFKDVZHHGSXOOLQJDQGVSUD\LQJ Landscaping ,QVWDOODWLRQRIQHZIORZHUVWUHHVJUDVVKHGJHVDQGEXVKHVURFNPXOFKHWF/DQGVFDSLQJFDQ EHDQHZSURMHFWRUDGGLQJRQWRRUUHSODFLQJH[LVWLQJODQGVFDSLQJ 3ULFH- 3OHDVHUHIHUHQFH+RXUO\HTXLSPHQWDQGODERUUDWHV WDEOH Dirt work 'LJJLQJPRYLQJJUDGLQJDQGWUHQFKLQJMREVLWHDUHDV'LUWZRUNLQFOXGHVEXWLVQRWOLPLWHGWRDOO DFWVRIH[FDYDWLRQODQGVFDSLQJKDUGVFDSLQJFRQFUHWHSUHSDQGGHPROLWLRQ 3ULFH- 3OHDVHUHIHUHQFH+RXUO\HTXLSPHQWDQGODERUUDWHV WDEOH Trail Maintenance (Includes All City of Bozeman Trail Classifications I – V) ,QFOXGHVEXWLVQRWOLPLWHGWRLQVWDOODWLRQRIQHZWUDLOV\VWHPV UHYDPSLQJDQGPDLQWHQDQFHRI H[LVWLQJWUDLOV\VWHPVPRZLQJDQGZHHGVSUD\LQJ 3ULFH- 3OHDVHUHIHUHQFH+RXUO\HTXLSPHQWDQGODERUUDWHV WDEOH Playground Maintenance $GGLQJRUUHPRYLQJQHZZRRGFKLSV RURWKHUPHGLXPV WRSOD\JURXQGV([WHQGLQJWKHFXUUHQW SOD\JURXQG 3ULFH- 3OHDVHUHIHUHQFH+RXUO\HTXLSPHQWDQGODERUUDWHV WDEOH 180 Professional Services Agreement for K2 Ventures Inc. Page 1 of 12 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this _____ day of 'HFHPEHU, 2021 (“Effective Date”), by and between the CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA,a self-governing municipal corporation organized and existing under its Charter and the laws of the State of Montana, 121 North Rouse Street, Bozeman, Montana, with a mailing address of PO Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771, hereinafter referred to as “City,” and, K2 Ventures IQF., 2545 Spain Bridge Road, Belgrade, MT 59718, hereinafter referred to as “Contractor.”The City and Contractor may be referred to individually as “Party” and collectively as “Parties.” In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the receipt and sufficiencywhereof being herebyacknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1.Purpose:City agrees to enter this Agreement with Contractor to perform for City services described in the Scope of Services attached hereto as Exhibit A and by this reference made a part hereof. 2.Term/Effective Date:This Agreement is effective upon the Effective Date unless earlier terminated in accordance with this Agreement. 3. Scope of Services: Contractor will perform the work and provide the services in accordance with the requirements of the Scope of Services in Exhibit A. For conflicts between this Agreement and the Scope of Services, unless specifically provided otherwise, the Agreement governs. 4. Payment:City agrees to pay Contractor the amount specified and attached hereto as Exhibit B. Any alteration or deviation from the described services that involves additional costs above the Agreement amount will be performed by Contractor after written request by the City, and will become an additional charge over and above the amount listed in the Scope of Services. The City must agree in writing upon any additional charges. 5.Contractor’s Representations:To induce City to enter into this Agreement, Contractor makes the following representations:           181 Professional Services Agreement for K2 Ventures Inc. Page 2 of 12 a. Contractor has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of this Agreement, the Scope of Services, and with all local conditions and federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress or performance of the Scope of Services. b. Contractor represents and warrants to City that it has the experience and ability to perform the services required by this Agreement; that it will perform the services in a professional, competent and timely manner and with diligence and skill; that it has the power to enter into and perform this Agreement and grant the rights granted in it; and that its performance of this Agreement shall not infringe upon or violate the rights of any third party, whether rights of copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity, libel, slander or any other rights of any nature whatsoever, or violate any federal, state and municipal laws. The City will not determine or exercise control as to general procedures or formats necessary to have these services meet this warranty. 6. Independent Contractor Status/Labor Relations:The parties agree that Contractor is an independent contractor for purposes of this Agreement and is not to be considered an employee of the City for any purpose. Contractor is not subject to the terms and provisions of the City’s personnel policies handbook and may not be considered a City employee for workers’ compensation or any other purpose. Contractor is not authorized to represent the City or otherwise bind the City in any dealings between Contractor and any third parties. Contractor shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Workers’ Compensation Act, Title 39, Chapter 71, Montana Code Annotated (MCA), and the Occupational Disease Act of Montana, Title 39, Chapter 71, MCA. Contractor shall maintain workers’ compensation coverage for all members and employees of Contractor’s business, except for those members who are exempted by law. Contractor shall furnish the City with copies showing one of the following: (1) a binder for workers’ compensation coverage by an insurer licensed and authorized to provide workers’ compensation insurance in the State of Montana; or (2)proof of exemption from workers’ compensation granted by law for independent contractors. Contractor shall post a legible statement of all wages and fringe benefits to be paid to the Contractor’s employees and the frequency of such payments (i.e., hourly wage employees shall be paid weekly). Such posting shall be made in a prominent and accessible location at the Contractor’s normal place of business and shall be made no later than the first day of services provided under this Agreement. Such posting shall be removed only upon expiration or termination of this Agreement.          182 Professional Services Agreement for K2 Ventures Inc. Page 3 of 12 In performing the services under this Agreement, Contractor shall give preference to the employment of bona fide residents of Montana, as required by §18-2-403, MCA, as such term is defined by §18-2-401(1), MCA. When making assignments of work, Contractor shall use workers both skilled in their trade and specialized in their field of work for all work to which they are assigned. Pursuant to §§18-2-403 and 18-2-422, MCA, Contractor shall pay wages, fringe benefits, and expenses, including travel allowances as set forth in the current Montana Prevailing Wage Rate for Non Construction Services in effect and applicable to Gallatin County, Montana, which schedule is incorporated herein. Contractor shall pay all hourly wage employees on a weekly basis. Violation of the requirements set forth in the above State of Montana schedule of prevailing wage rates may subject the Contractor to the penalties set forth in §18-2-407, MCA. Contractor shall maintain payroll records during the term of this Agreement and for a period of three (3) years following termination of this Agreement. The Contractor shall ensure that any person, firm or entity performing any portion of the services under this Agreement for which the contractor, subcontractor or employer is responsible, is paid the applicable standard prevailing rate of wages. In the event that, during the term of this Agreement, any labor problems or disputes of any type arise or materialize which in turn cause any services to cease for any period of time, Contractor specifically agrees to take immediate steps, at its own expense and without expectation of reimbursement from City, to alleviate or resolve all such labor problems or disputes. The specific steps Contractor shall take shall be left to the discretion of Contractor; provided, however, that Contractor shall bear all costs of any related legal action. Contractor shall provide immediate relief to the City so as to permit the services to continue at no additional cost to City. Contractor shall indemnify, defend, and hold the City harmless from any and all claims, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and liabilities arising out of, resulting from, or occurring in connection with any labor problems or disputes or any delays or stoppages of work associated with such problems or disputes and for any claims regarding underpaid prevailing wages. 7. Indemnity/Waiver of Claims/Insurance:For other than professional services rendered, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor agrees to release, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its agents, representatives, employees, and officers (collectively referred to for purposes of this Section as the City) from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, fees and costs (including attorney’s fees and the costs and fees of expert witness and consultants), losses, expenses, liabilities (including liability where activity is inherently or intrinsically dangerous) or          183 Professional Services Agreement for K2 Ventures Inc. Page 4 of 12 damages of whatever kind or nature connected therewith and without limit and without regard to the cause or causes thereof or the negligence of any party or parties that may be asserted against, recovered from or suffered by the City occasioned by, growing or arising out of or resulting from or in any way related to: (i) the negligent, reckless, or intentional misconduct of the Contractor; or (ii) any negligent, reckless, or intentional misconduct of any of the Contractor’s agents. For the professional services rendered, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless against claims, demands, suits, damages, losses, and expenses, including reasonable defense attorney fees, to the extent caused by the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Contractor or Contractor’s agents or employees. Such obligations shall not be construed to negate, abridge, or reduce other rights or obligations of indemnity that would otherwise exist. The indemnification obligations of this Section must not be construed to negate, abridge, or reduce any common-law or statutory rights of the City as indemnitee(s) which would otherwise exist as to such indemnitee(s). Contractor’s indemnity under this Section shall be without regard to and without any right to contribution from any insurance maintained by City. Should the City be required to bring an action against the Contractor to assert its right to defense or indemnification under this Agreement or under the Contractor’s applicable insurance policies required below, the City shall be entitled to recover reasonable costs and attorney fees incurred in asserting its right to indemnification or defense but only if a court of competent jurisdiction determines the Contractor was obligated to defend the claim(s) or was obligated to indemnify the City for a claim(s) or any portion(s) thereof. In the event of an action filed against the City resulting from the City’s performance under this Agreement, the City may elect to represent itself and incur all costs and expenses of suit. Contractor also waives any and all claims and recourse against the City, including the right of contribution for loss or damage to person or property arising from, growing out of, or in any way connected with or incident to the performance of this Agreement except “responsibility for [City’s] own fraud, for willful injury to the person or property of another, or for violation of law, whether willful or negligent” as per 28-2-702, MCA. These obligations shall survive termination of this Agreement and the services performed hereunder.          184 Professional Services Agreement for K2 Ventures Inc. Page 5 of 12 In addition to and independent from the above, Contractorshall at Contractor’s expense secure insurance coverage through an insurance company or companies duly licensed and authorized to conduct insurance business in Montana which insures the liabilities and obligations specifically assumed by the Contractor in this Section. The insurance coverage shall not contain any exclusion for liabilities specifically assumed by the Contractor in this Section. The insurance shall cover and apply to all claims, demands, suits, damages, losses, and expenses that may be asserted or claimed against, recovered from, or suffered by the City without limit and without regard to the cause therefore and which is acceptable to the City. Contractor shall furnish to the City an accompanying certificate of insurance and accompanying endorsements in amounts not less than as follows: x Workers’ Compensation –statutory; x Employers’ Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence; $2,000,000 annual aggregate; x Commercial General Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence; $2,000,000 annual aggregate; x Automobile Liability - $1,000,000 property damage/bodily injury per accident; and x Professional Liability - $1,000,000 per claim; $2,000,000 annual aggregate. The above amounts shall be exclusive of defense costs. The City shall be endorsed as an additional or named insured on a primary non-contributory basis on the Commercial General, Employer’s Liability,and Automobile Liability policies. The insurance and required endorsements must be in a form suitable to City and shall include no less than a thirty (30) day notice of cancellation or non-renewal. Contractor shall notify City within two (2) business days of Contractor’s receipt of notice that any required insurance coverage will be terminated or Contractor’s decision to terminate any required insurance coverage for any reason. The City must approve all insurance coverage and endorsements prior to the Contractor commencing work. 8.Termination for Contractor’s Fault: a.If Contractor refuses or fails to timely do the work, or any part thereof, or fails to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement, or otherwise breaches any terms or conditions of this Agreement, the City may, by written notice, terminate this Agreement and the Contractor’s right to proceed with all or any part of the work (“Termination Notice Due          185 Professional Services Agreement for K2 Ventures Inc. Page 6 of 12 to Contractor’s Fault”). The City may then take over the work and complete it, either with its own resources or by re-letting the contract to any other third party. b.In the event of a termination pursuant to this Section 8, Contractor shall be entitled to payment only for those services Contractor actually rendered. c.Any termination provided for by this Section 8 shall be in addition to any other remedies to which the City may be entitled under the law or at equity. d.In the event of termination under this Section 8, Contractor shall, under no circumstances, be entitled to claim or recover consequential, special, punitive, lost business opportunity, lost productivity, field office overhead, general conditions costs, or lost profits damages of any nature arising, or claimed to have arisen, as a result of the termination. 9.Termination for City’s Convenience: a.Should conditions arise which, in the sole opinion and discretion of the City, make it advisable to the City to cease performance under this Agreement, the City may terminate this Agreement by written notice to Contractor (“Notice of Termination for City’s Convenience”). The termination shall be effective in the manner specified in the Notice of Termination for City’s Convenience and shall be without prejudice to any claims that the City may otherwise have against Contractor. b.Upon receipt of the Notice of Termination for City’s Convenience, unless otherwise directed in the Notice, the Contractor shall immediately cease performance under this Agreement and make every reasonable effort to refrain from continuing work, incurring additional expenses or costs under this Agreement and shall immediately cancel all existing orders or contracts upon terms satisfactory to the City. Contractor shall do only such work as may be necessary to preserve, protect, and maintain work already completed or immediately in progress. c.In the event of a termination pursuant to this Section 9, Contractor is entitled to payment only for those services Contractor actually rendered on or before the receipt of the Notice of Termination for City’s Convenience. d.The compensation described in Section 9(c) is the sole compensation due to Contractor for its performance of this Agreement. Contractor shall, under no circumstances,          186 Professional Services Agreement for K2 Ventures Inc. Page 7 of 12 be entitled to claim or recover consequential, special, punitive, lost business opportunity, lost productivity, field office overhead, general conditions costs, or lost profits damages of any nature arising, or claimed to have arisen, as a result of the termination. 10.Limitation on Contractor’s Damages; Time for Asserting Claim: a.In the event of a claim for damages by Contractor under this Agreement, Contractor’s damages shall be limited to contract damages and Contractor hereby expressly waives any right to claim or recover consequential, special, punitive, lost business opportunity, lost productivity, field office overhead, general conditions costs, or lost profits damages of any nature or kind. b.In the event Contractor wants to assert a claim for damages of any kind or nature, Contractor shall provide City with written notice of its claim, the facts and circumstances surrounding and giving rise to the claim, and the total amount of damages sought by the claim, within thirty (30) days of the facts and circumstances giving rise to the claim. In the event Contractor fails to provide such notice, Contractor shall waive all rights to assert such claim. 11. Representatives and Notices: a.City’s Representative: The City’s Representative for the purpose of this Agreement shall be Luke Kline, Contracts Coordinator or such other individual as City shall designate in writing. Whenever approval or authorization from or communication or submission to City is required by this Agreement, such communication or submission shall be directed to the City’s Representative and approvals or authorizations shall be issued only by such Representative; provided, however, that in exigent circumstances when City’s Representative is not available, Contractor may direct its communication or submission to other designated City personnel or agents as designated by the City in writing and may receive approvals or authorization from such persons. b.Contractor’s Representative: The Contractor’s Representative for the purpose of this Agreement shall be Justin Kuntz or such other individual as Contractor shall designate in writing. Whenever direction to or communication with Contractor is required by this Agreement, such direction or communication shall be directed to Contractor’s Representative; provided, however, that in exigent circumstances when Contractor’s Representative is not available, City may direct its direction or communication to other          187 Professional Services Agreement for K2 Ventures Inc. Page 8 of 12 designated Contractor personnel or agents. c. Notices: All notices required by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be provided to the Representatives named in this Section. Notices shall be deemed given when delivered, if delivered by courier to Party’s address shown above during normal business hours of the recipient; or when sent, if sent by email or fax (with a successful transmission report) to the email address or fax number provided by the Party’s Representative; or on the fifth business day following mailing, if mailed by ordinary mail to the address shown above, postage prepaid. 12. Permits: Contractor shall provide all notices, comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations, obtain all necessary permits, licenses, including a City of Bozeman business license, and inspections from applicable governmental authorities, and pay all fees and charges in connection therewith. 13 Laws and Regulations: Contractor shall comply fully with all applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and municipal ordinances including, but not limited to, all workers’ compensation laws, all environmental laws including, but not limited to, the generation and disposal of hazardous waste, the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), the safety rules, codes, and provisions of the Montana Safety Act in Title 50, Chapter 71, MCA, all applicable City, County, and State building and electrical codes, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and all non-discrimination, affirmative action, and utilization of minority and small business statutes and regulations. 14. Nondiscrimination and Equal Pay: The Contractor agrees that all hiring by Contractor of persons performing this Agreement shall be on the basis of merit and qualifications. The Contractor will have a policy to provide equal employment opportunity in accordance with all applicable state and federal anti-discrimination laws, regulations, and contracts. The Contractor will not refuse employment to a person, bar a person from employment, or discriminate against a person in compensation or in a term, condition, or privilege of employment because of race, color, religion, creed, political ideas, sex, age, marital status, national origin, actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental disability, except when the reasonable demands of the position require an age, physical or mental disability, marital status or sex distinction. The Contractor shall be subject to and comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Section 140, Title 2, United States Code, and all regulations promulgated thereunder. Contractor represents it is, and for the term of this Agreement will be, in compliance with the requirements of the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Section 39-3-104, MCA (the Montana Equal Pay Act).          188 Professional Services Agreement for K2 Ventures Inc. Page 9 of 12 Contractor must report to the City any violations of the Montana Equal Pay Act that Contractor has been found guilty of within 60 days of such finding for violations occurring during the term of this Agreement. Contractor shall require these nondiscrimination terms of its subcontractors providing services under this Agreement. 15. Intoxicants; DOT Drug and Alcohol Regulations/Safety and Training: Contractor shall not permit or suffer the introduction or use of any intoxicants, including alcohol or illegal drugs, by any employee or agent engaged in services to the City under this Agreement while on City property or in the performance of any activities under this Agreement. Contractor acknowledges it is aware of and shall comply with its responsibilities and obligations under the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations governing anti-drug and alcohol misuse prevention plans and related testing. City shall have the right to request proof of such compliance and Contractor shall be obligated to furnish such proof. The Contractor shall be responsible for instructing and training the Contractor's employees and agents in proper and specified work methods and procedures. The Contractor shall provide continuous inspection and supervision of the work performed. The Contractor is responsible for instructing its employees and agents in safe work practices. 16. Modification and Assignability:This Agreement may not be enlarged, modified or altered except by written agreement signed by both parties hereto. The Contractor may not subcontract or assign Contractor’s rights, including the right to compensation or duties arising hereunder, without the prior written consent of the City. Any subcontractor or assignee will be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 17. Reports/Accountability/Public Information: Contractor agrees to develop and/or provide documentation as requested by the City demonstrating Contractor’s compliance with the requirements of this Agreement. Contractor shall allow the City, its auditors, and other persons authorized by the City to inspect and copy its books and records for the purpose of verifying that the reimbursement of monies distributed to Contractor pursuant to this Agreement was used in compliance with this Agreement and all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local law. The Contractor shall not issue any statements, releases or information for public dissemination without prior approval of the City.          189 Professional Services Agreement for K2 Ventures Inc. Page 10 of 12 18.Non-Waiver: A waiver by either party of any default or breach by the other party of any terms or conditions of this Agreement does not limit the other party’s right to enforce such term or conditions or to pursue any available legal or equitable rights in the event of any subsequent default or breach. 19.Attorney’s Fees and Costs: In the event it becomes necessary for either Party to retain an attorney to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement or to give any notice required herein, then the prevailing Party or the Party giving notice shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs, including fees, salary, and costs of in-house counsel including the City Attorney’s Office staff. 20. Taxes: Contractor is obligated to pay all taxes of any kind or nature and make all appropriate employee withholdings. 21. Dispute Resolution: a.Any claim, controversy, or dispute between the parties, their agents, employees, or representatives shall be resolved first by negotiation between senior-level personnel from each party duly authorized to execute settlement agreements. Upon mutual agreement of the parties, the parties may invite an independent, disinterested mediator to assist in the negotiated settlement discussions. b.If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within thirty (30) days from the date the dispute was first raised, then such dispute may only be resolved in a court of competent jurisdiction in compliance with the Applicable Law provisions of this Agreement. 22. Survival: Contractor’s indemnification shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement for the maximum period allowed under applicable law. 23. Headings: The headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not be construed as a part of the Agreement or as a limitation on the scope of the particular paragraphs to which they refer. 24. Severability: If any portion of this Agreement is held to be void or unenforceable, the balance thereof shall continue in effect. 25. Applicable Law: The parties agree that this Agreement is governed in all respects by          190 Professional Services Agreement for K2 Ventures Inc. Page 11 of 12 the laws of the State of Montana. 26. Binding Effect: This Agreement is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the heirs, legal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties. 27. No Third-Party Beneficiary: This Agreement is for the exclusive benefit of the parties, does not constitute a third-party beneficiary agreement, and may not be relied upon or enforced by a third party. 28. Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, which together constitute one instrument. 29. Integration: This Agreement and all Exhibits attached hereto constitute the entire agreement of the parties. Covenants or representations not contained herein or made a part thereof by reference, are not binding upon the parties. There are no understandings between the parties other than as set forth in this Agreement. All communications, either verbal or written, made prior to the date of this Agreement are hereby abrogated and withdrawn unless specifically made a part of this Agreement by reference. 30. Consent to Electronic Signatures: The Parties have consented to execute this Agreement electronically in conformance with the Montana Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, Title 30, Chapter 18, Part 1, MCA. 31. Extensions:this Agreement may, upon mutual agreement, be extended for a period of one year by written agreement of the Parties. In no case, however, may this Agreement run longer than three years. **** END OF AGREEMENT EXCEPT FOR SIGNATURES ****          191 Professional Services Agreement for K2 Ventures Inc. Page 12 of 12 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written or as recorded in an electronic signature. CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA ____________________________________ CONTRACTOR (Type Name Above) By________________________________ By__________________________________ Jeff Mihelich, City Manager Print Name: ___________________________ Print Title: ____________________________ APPROVED AS TO FORM: By_______________________________ Greg Sullivan, Bozeman City Attorney                      CONT _______________________________________________________________________________________By_ Print N _______________________ 192 Page 1 of 23 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) PARKS & TRAILS DISTRICT SNOW REMOVAL SERVICES CITY OF BOZEMAN Bozeman, MT City of Bozeman PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 September 2021 džŚŝďŝƚ          193 I. INTRODUCTION The City of Bozeman (Owner), is seeking proposals from qualified contractors to provide snow and ice removal services for the Parks and Recreation Department. The Owner intends to enter into a contract with the selected firm that will include snow and ice removal services on an “as-needed” basis beginning October 15, 2021 through April 30, 2022. Work is to be completed within 24 hours of notification from the Parks and Recreation Superintendent. This RFP shall not commit the Owner to enter into an agreement, to pay any expenses incurred in preparation of any response to this request, or to procure or contract for any supplies, goods or services. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject all responses received as a result of this RFP if it is in the Owner’s best interest to do so. This procurement is governed by the laws of the State of Montana and venue for all legal proceedings shall be in the 18th Judicial District Court, Gallatin County. By offering to perform services under this RFP, all Submitters agree to be bound by the laws of the State of Montana and of the Owner, including, but not limited to, applicable wage rates, payments, gross receipts taxes, building codes, equal opportunity employment practices, safety, non-discrimination, etc. II. PROJECT BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION On May 5, 2020, the City of Bozeman approved the Bozeman Parks and Trails Special District (District). With the endorsement of Bozeman resident’s the District granted the City authorization to conduct annual levy assessments for funding to maintain and operate all of the City owned parks and trails. To accomplish the District objectives the City has developed a multi-year Parks and Trails District implementation plan designed to achieve steady calculated increases in level of service standards and sustainable maintenance practices in all City Parks. On July 1, 2020, the City’s Parks and Recreation Department assumed full responsibility for all of the District’s designated park properties including the addition of 217 acres of park land located within subdivision parks previously maintained by home owners/community associations. To address the requirements for all maintenance, operations, capital and deferred maintenance needed in the new District the City will establish contracts for professional services with qualified contractors. The City of Bozeman is seeking proposals from contractors to perform grounds and landscape maintenance for parks, trails and amenities within the District. Contractor will provide services to ensure that City landscapes are effectively and efficiently maintained for the benefit of the city and its residents. The selected contractor will begin snow removal services in October 2021 and continue services through the completion of the winter season at the end of April 2022. džŚŝďŝƚ          194 The routine services will be conducted for approximately a 28 week period in total or approximately 7 months per year. III. SCOPE OF SERVICES The City of Bozeman Parks and Recreation Department is in need of a contractor to remove snow and ice from sidewalks and park areas within the Bozeman city limits. Snow removal will be performed on an “as needed” schedule during 2021-2022 winter season. The scope of services includes: 1. The Contractor is to perform snow and ice removal of sidewalks, pedestrian crossings any other areas as determined by the Parks Superintendent. Services shall be completed through various methods such as, but not limited to: chipping, ice melts, blowing, shoveling, plowing, etc. 2. The Contractor shall use equipment no wider than the sidewalk which is being cleaned. Equipment shall be of a weight that will not damage the sidewalk or adjacent property. The contractor shall maintain his operation within the public right of way. 3. Snow and ice must be completely removed from the sidewalks before payment will be made to the contractor and shall not be moved into streets. If salt or other chemicals are used to loosen ice, only the minimum amount of salt or other chemicals will be used to adequately perform this function and the contractor shall refrain from depositing any resulting salt/ice mixture onto private property, grassed, or landscaped area. 4. Snow and ice removal shall commence within twenty-four (24) hours after notice by the City is given to the contractor. The Contractor may be required to work on any day of the week, including holidays. Other related services may be requested on an as needed basis. Locations may be added or removed from the contract at any time. The final scope of services may change and will be contained in a professional services agreement to be executed by the City and the selected Contractor. IV. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS Firms interested in providing the services described above are requested to submit the following information. Responses to each item should appear in the same order as listed in this RFP and should identify the item to which the responses applies. Proposal shall provide the following information, include, at a minimum, the following items: džŚŝďŝƚ          195 1. An executive summary not exceeding two pages which summarizes key points of the proposal and which is signed by an officer of the firm who is responsible for committing the firm’s resources. 2. A narrative describing the contractor’s qualifications as they relate to the Scope of Services, including the contractor’s availability of staffing to perform the tasks and response times for work requests submitted by the City Parks and Recreation Department. 3. Provide a quote for fixed per hour rate for services listed within Scope of Services. Cost must include and define all equipment, labor, materials provided and description for all service provided at fixed per hour rate. 4. Provide a quote for fixed per hour rate for additional services available if not listed in the scope of services. Include description of all equipment, labor and materials provided at fixed per hour cost. Provide additional information is needed to describe all services. 5. Contractor shall include any current industry professional certifications, relevant expertise or experience, three (3) references for similar completed work and work previously/currently being performed for the City of Bozeman. Affirmation of Nondiscrimination (see Appendix A) Non-completion of the Affirmation of Nondiscrimination is cause for disqualification of firms. V. TIMELINES, DELIVERY DEADLINE, AND INSTRUCTIONS EVENT DATE/TIME Publication dates of RFQ Sunday, September 19, 2021 Sunday, September 26, 2021 Deadline for receipt of proposals No later than 2 PM, MST, October 7, 2021 Evaluation of proposals TBD Interviews (if necessary) and Selection of consultants TBD With the exception of the advertising dates and advertised due date, the City reserves the right to modify the above timeline. Deliver RFPs via email to the City Clerk (agenda@bozeman.net) by October 7th at 2PM MST. It is the sole responsibility of the proposing party to ensure that proposals are received prior to the closing time as late submittals will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. All proposals must be provided as a single, searchable PDF document file and be submitted digitally as an email attachment to the RFP Recipient email address agenda@bozeman.net. Respondents are advised that Recipient’s email attachment size limit is 25MB and that only one džŚŝďŝƚ          196 PDF file will be allowed per response. The subject line of the transmittal email shall clearly identify the RFP title, company name and due date/time. File sizes greater than 25MB in size may be uploaded to bzncloud.bozeman.net upon special arrangement of the Recipient; however, it is the respondent’s sole responsibility to ensure the file upload is completed, and that the Recipient is separately notified via email of same, prior to the given deadline. VI. AMENDMENTS TO SOLICITATION Any interpretation or correction of this request will be published on the City’s webpage. The deadline for questions related to this document is 2 PM MST on September 30th, 2021. VII. CONTACT INFORMATION Any administrative questions regarding proposal procedures should be directed to: Mike Maas, City Clerk, (406) 582-2321, agenda@bozeman.net Questions relating to scope of services should be directed to: Luke Kline, Contracts Coordinator, lkline@bozeman.net , and (406) 582-2290. VIII. SELECTION PROCEDURE A review committee will evaluate all responses to the RFP that meet the submittal requirements and deadline. Submittals that do not meet the requirement or deadline will not be considered. The review committee will rank the proposals and may arrange interviews with the finalist(s) prior to selection. Selection may be made directly based on the written RFP submission. If interviews occur, the selection of finalists to be interviewed will be made by a selection committee representing the City of Bozeman. The selection of interview candidates will be based on an evaluation of the written responses to the RFPs. All submitted proposals must be complete and contain the information required as stated in the "Request for Proposals.” IX. SELECTION CRITERIA Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria: • [10 points] Executive Summary • [60 points] Qualifications of the Firm for Scope of Services; Cost • [30 points] Related Experience with Similar Projects džŚŝďŝƚ          197 X. FORM OF AGREEMENT The Contractor will be required to enter into a contract with the City in substantially the same form as the professional services agreement attached as Appendix B. XI. CITY RESERVATION OF RIGHTS / LIABILITY WAIVER All proposals submitted in response to this RFP become the property of the City and public records and, as such, may be subject to public review. A SUBMISSION IN RESPONSE TO THIS REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON ANY RESPONDENTS AND SHALL NOT OBLIGATE THE CITY IN ANY MANNER WHATSOEVER. THE CITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE NO AWARD AND TO SOLICIT ADDITIONAL REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS AT A LATER DATE. A. This RFP may be canceled or any or all responses may be rejected in whole or in part, as specified herein, when it is in the best interests of the City. If the City cancels or revises this RFP, all Respondents who submitted will be notified using email. B. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals; to add or delete items and/or quantities; to amend the RFP; to waive any minor irregularities, informalities, or failure to conform to the RFP; to extend the deadline for submitting proposals; to postpone award for up to 60 days; to award one or more contracts, by item or task, or groups of items or tasks, if so provided in the RFP and if multiple awards or phases are determined by the City to be in the public interest. C. The City of Bozeman reserves the right to reject the proposal of any person/firm who previously failed to perform properly to the satisfaction of the City of Bozeman, or complete on time agreements of similar nature, or to reject the proposal of any person/firm who is not in a position to perform such an agreement satisfactorily as determined by the City of Bozeman. D. The City of Bozeman reserves the right to determine the best qualified Contractor and negotiate a final scope of service and cost, negotiate a contract with another Contractor if an agreement cannot be reached with the first selected Contractor, or reject all proposals. E. The professional services contract between the City of Bozeman and the successful Contractor will incorporate the Contractor's scope of service and work schedule as part of the agreement (see Appendix B for form of professional services agreement. The professional services agreement presented to the Contractor may differ from this form as appropriate for the scope of services). F. This RFP does not commit the City to award a contract. The City assumes no liability or responsibility for costs incurred by firms in responding to this request for proposals or džŚŝďŝƚ          198 request for interviews, additional data, or other information with respect to the selection process, prior to the issuance of an agreement, contract or purchase order. The Contractor, by submitting a response to this RFP, waives all right to protest or seek any legal remedies whatsoever regarding any aspect of this RFP. G. The City reserves the right to cancel, in part or in its entirety, this RFP including, but not limited to: selection procedures, submittal date, and submittal requirements. If the City cancels or revises this RFP, all Contractors who submitted proposals will be notified using email. H. Projects under any contract are subject to the availability of funds. XII. NONDISCRIMINATION AND EQUAL PAY POLICY The City of Bozeman requires each entity submitting under this notice shall affirm, on a separate form provided, that it will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, sexual preference, gender identity, or disability in fulfillment of a contract entered into for the services identified herein and that this prohibition on discrimination shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the submitting entity’s employees and to all subcontracts it enters into in the fulfillment of the services identified herein. Failure to comply with this requirement shall be cause for the submittal to be deemed nonresponsive. The City also requires each entity submitting under this notice shall affirm it will abide by the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Section 39-3-104, MCA (the Montana Equal Pay Act), and has visited the State of Montana Equal Pay for Equal Work “best practices” website, https://equalpay.mt.gov/BestPractices/Employers, or equivalent “best practices publication and has read the material. XIII. MISCELLANEOUS A.No Oral Agreements. No conversations or oral agreements with any officer, employee, or agent of the City shall affect or modify any term of this solicitation. Oral communications or any written/email communication between any person and City officer, employee or agent shall not be considered binding. B.No Partnership/Business Organization. Nothing in this solicitation or in any subsequent agreement, or any other contract entered into as a result of this solicitation, shall constitute, create, give rise to or otherwise be recognized as a partnership or formal business organization of any kind between or among the respondent and the City. C.Employment Restriction and Indemnity. No person who is an owner, officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of a respondent shall be an officer or employee of the City. No rights of the City’s retirement or personnel rules accrue to a respondent, džŚŝďŝƚ          199 its officers, employees, contractors, or consultants. Respondents shall have the responsibility of all salaries, wages, bonuses, retirement, withholdings, worker’s compensation and occupational disease compensation, insurance, unemployment compensation other benefits and taxes and premiums appurtenant thereto concerning its officers, employees, contractors, and consultants. Each Respondent shall save and hold the City harmless with respect to any and all claims for payment, compensation, salary, wages, bonuses, retirement, withholdings, worker’s compensation and occupational disease compensation, insurance, unemployment compensation other benefits and taxes and premiums in any way related to each respondent’s officers, employees, contractors and consultants. D.Accessibility. Upon reasonable notice, the City will provide assistance for those persons with sensory impairments. For further information please contact the ADA Coordinator Mike Gray at 406-582-3232 or the City’s TTY line at 406-582-2301. E.Procurement. When discrepancies occur between words and figures in this solicitation, the words shall govern. No responsibility shall attach to a City employee for the premature opening of an RFP not properly addressed and identified in accordance with these documents. F.Governing Law. This solicitation and any disputes arising hereunder or under any future agreement shall be governed and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Montana, without reference to principles of choice or conflicts of laws. XIV. ATTACHMENTS The following exhibits are incorporated in this RFP: Appendix A: Non-Discrimination Affirmation Appendix B: Form of Professional Services Agreement END OF RFP džŚŝďŝƚ          200 K2 Ventures INC džŚŝďŝƚ          201 Profile Name K2 Ventures INC EIN:85-3254226 Address and Location 2545 Spain Bridge road, Belgrade, Mt, 59714 Contact Persons Justin Kuntz President (406) 539-0838 K2venturesmt@gmail.com Daniel Kappes Vice President (406) 595-4779 K2venturesmt@gmail.com Experience and Expertise K2 Ventures has 20+ years experience providing snow plowing services to the bozeman area. Using our past experience we have made our company a “one stop shop” for snow removal needs using the following equipment and employees: ●14 Employees ●10 Trucks with plows ●Two skid steers with plows ●One loader with plow ●Two, four wheelers with plows ●Sand/salt truck ●Liquid Magnesium Chloride Truck džŚŝďŝƚ          202 Pricing ●Hand shoveling- $65/ Hour ○Any work that involves a single person and a snow shovel. ●Four wheeler with Plow- $120/hour ○2021 Polaris 850 with Boss hydraulic plows. ●Skid steer with plow- $180/ hour ○Either a bobcat 650 or 570 with a bucket or Kage plow ●Skid steer with Snow blower- $210/ Per hour ○Either a bobcat 650 or 570 with bobcat snow blower ●Mini skid steer with Bucket- $165/ Hour ●Mini excavator- $155/ hour ○Either a Cat 303.5 or 304. Used most efficiently to remove heavy ice. ●Magnesium Chloride Granular salt- 4.5/ pound applied ●Liquid magnesium chloride- $3.75/ Gallon Applied ●Sanding- $65/per hour and $.05 per pound of sand Pricing 3ULFHOLVWIRUWKHHTXLSPHQW&ODVV,, ,,,7UDLO0DLQWHQDQFH6SHFLDOL]HGDWWDFKPHQWVIRUWKH HTXLSPHQWZLOOEHELOOHGRXWDWDQDGGLWLRQDOIHHLIQHFHVVDU\ $GGLWLRQDOPDWHULDOVWRFRPSOHWH ZRUNSXUFKDVHGVHSDUDWHDWLWHPL]HGDVSULFHSHUWRQSULFHSHUFXELF\DUGRURWKHU           203 References Bozeman Public Schools Snow removal Mathew Stark 406-522-4879 Bozeman Code Compliance Sidewalk snow Removal Ken Philips UPS Ron Proffit 406-871-2500 US Post office Carrie Brekke Carrie.L.Brekke@usps.gov Saddle Peak Property Management Lindsay Freitas 406-599-2613 lindsay@saddlepeakproperties.com džŚŝďŝƚ          204            A $  JN1%&TU C2B7UD8U7CK>KRUIM3B>KK>C9U=7H73RU288>HBIU>KUP>@@U CDKU5>I4H>B>C2K7UDCUK=7U32I>IUD8UH247 U4D@DHUH7@>9>DCU4H776 UI7Q U297 UB2H>K2@UIK2KMI UC2K>DC2@U DH>9>C UDHU3742MI7UD8U24KM2@UDHUE7H47>O75UI7QM2@UDH>7CK2K>DCU97C57HU>57CK>KRUDHU5>I23>@>KRU2C5U 24?CDP@7597IU2C5UMC57HIK2C5IUK=7U7O7CKM2@U4DCKH24KUP>@@U4DCK2>CU2UEHDO>I>DCUEHD=>3>K>C9U 5>I4H>B>C2K>DCU2IU57I4H>375U23DO7U2C6UK=>IUEHD=>3>K>DCUDCU5>I4H>B>C2K>DCUI=2@@U2EE@RUKDUK=7U =>H>C9U2C5UKH72KB7CKIUDHUEHDEDI7HIU7BE@DR77IU2C5UKDU2@@UIM34DCKH24KIU  *CU255>K>DCU +U   C2B7UD8U7CK>KRUIM3B>KK>C9U=7H73RU 288>HBIU>KUP>@@U23>57U3RUL=7U)GM2@U.2,!KUD8U U2C5U/74K>DCU U-('UK=7U-DCK2C2U )GM2@U.2RU'4K U2C5U=2IUO>I>K75UK=7U/K2K7UD8U-DCK2C2U)GM2@U.2RU8DHU)GM2@U0DH?U37IKUEH24K>47IU P73I>K7 U=KKFI"P2S324?2H4=U>O7>KDH<U  =KKFI#U7:UM2@F2SBK;DOU UDHU 7GM>O2@7CKU37IKUEH24K>47IUEM3@>42K>DCU2C5U=2IUH725UK=7UB2K7H>2@U džŚŝďŝƚ          205                                    ! !    "#      $  %  &'  (      ) *+,++    !  -.  /           ! !     #      012   &'  ( 34567 ! 37 8  93    *31    :"   ;    &     &3   7     # 1+,,,,       3 +,+1  !  &'   (   &0+2    #  &!    7   '  ( 3     '   !!  )  3   9     ! <13=>5  <135,     !        3      # <=5,,,     &        %-+,+?)! 3   :    9&'  3# +1-9  !  -'  -9 3      :'8 ) +1+,++ 206 First Amendment to Professional Services Agreement PSA for Polymer for the Bozeman Water Reclamation Facility Page 1 of 2 FIRST AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR Polymer for the Bozeman Water Reclamation Facility dated October 1, 2021 (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into this _____ day of ____________, 2022, by and between the CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA,a self-governing municipal corporation organized and existing under its Charter and the laws of the State of Montana, 121 North Rouse Street, Bozeman, Montana, with a mailing address of PO Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771, hereinafter referred to as “City,” and Neo Solutions, Inc. hereinafter referred to as “Seller.” In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the receipt and sufficiency whereof being hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree to amend the Agreement as follows: 1.Extension of Term. Exhibit A, the Notice of Award, of the Agreement contemplated a one year contract with the option of up to two (2) additional years upon mutual agreement of the City of Bozeman and Neo. Solutions Inc. This First Amendment to Professional Services Agreement constitutes the parties’ mutual agreement to extend the Agreement through October 2023. The Agreement shall terminate on November 1, 2023 unless the parties mutually agree to extend the Agreement for one additional year as originally provided for in Exhibit A – Notice of Award. 2.Price.Section 3 of the Agreement, is amended to reflect a revised, mutually agreed upon price. For this First Amendment to Professional Services Agreement for Polymer for the Bozeman Water Reclamation Facility the City agrees to pay one dollar and ninety cents ($1.900) per pound as the purchase price. All prices include shipping and any applicable local, state or federal taxes that may be applied to the Property to be purchased. Seller agrees this price is firm and not subject to escalation unless agreed to in writing by the City. 3.Agreement still valid. All remaining terms and provisions of the Agreement remain valid. **** END OF AGREEMENT EXCEPT FOR SIGNATURES **** 207 First Amendment to Professional Services Agreement PSA for Polymer for the Bozeman Water Reclamation Facility Page 2 of 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this instrument the day and year first above written. CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA Neo Solutions, Inc. By________________________________ By_____________________________ Jeff Mihelich, City Manager Print Name: Title: APPROVED AS TO FORM By_______________________________ Greg Sullivan, Bozeman City Attorney 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215                                         !        !    "!   ! "  "    #!     # $%&%%      '( )         !   *+,    !    "!   ! "  "    #!    -+.  /    0(    "           #                  #          +  / "  #!" 1   #         "         "    2 3! +4        " 1   #           5   "   +/ 6"#    #" #    6+/ -"     / 32 +/       "#   #           +     *        #  +             7,.%8&+&&+               # +    0 "    *,+    *,"  #! 216 ,%+&$+%%+    0* # ,$%&%% 217 P: / AAMENDMENT NO. 1 TO SANDERSON STEWART-CLIENT TASK ORDER 1. Background Data Effective Date of Original Agreement: May 9, 2022 Effective Date of This Amendment: November 8, 2022 Client: City of Bozeman Economic Development Department Project No.: 18098.32 Task Order No. EDD22-004 Project: Fowler Housing Feasibility Study 2. Nature of Amendment Modifications to services of Sanderson Stewart Modifications to responsibilities of Client Modifications to payment to Sanderson Stewart Modifications to times(s) for rendering services 3. Description of Modifications With this amendment, the design team will expand its housing feasibility analysis to include one additional parcel of land adjacent to the Fowler Avenue corridor. Tracts 3 will be added to the analysis but will not be modelled in 3D. Tract 4 was the focus of the original Task Order. The attached exhibit identifies both tracts that will now be included in the feasibility study. 4. Fee Modifications Original contract fee: $ 24,710.00 Previous Amendments: $ 0.00 Contract fee prior to this Amendment: $ 24,710.00 Fee modification due to this Amendment: $ 15,270.00 Contract fee with all Amendments: $ 39,980.00 Client and Sanderson Stewart hereby agree to modify the above-referenced Agreement as set forth in this Amendment. All provisions of the Agreement not modified by this or previous Amendments remain in effect. CLIENT SANDERSON STEWART By: By: Printed: Printed: Chris Naumann Title: Title: Associate | Senior Planner Date: Date: 218 219                                !"#    $   $ $   %      %&'(''     )* +           !"#    $   $ $   %      ,"-  .   /*   $         %                 %        "  .$ %  $0  %      $        $   1 2 "3       $0   %          4  $   ". 5$%   %$ %   5 ". ,$   . 21 ".        $%  %        "     !       % "            6#-'7("(("              % "    / $   !#"     /! %#&'(''  220                       !      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"  2   $ % "      8)*)* $  "   $"8))*)*      2% 8<)*)) 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 Second Addendum to Professional Services Agreement for Public Works Department Public Relations Services Page 1 of 2 SECOND ADDENDUM TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS SECOND ADDENDUM TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT is made and entered into this _____ day of ____________, 2022, by and between the CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA,a self governing municipal corporation organized and existing under its Charter and the laws of the State of Montana, 121 North Rouse Street, Bozeman, Montana, with a mailing address of PO Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771, hereinafter referred to as “City,” The Nest Collective, LLC, hereinafter referred to as “Contractor.” In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the receipt and sufficiency whereof being hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1.Extension of Term. Section 31 of the Professional Services Agreement between the City and Contractor dated December 1, 2020 (the Agreement) is extended for an additional one (one) year period. The Agreement shall terminate on December 1, 2023. 2.Agreement still valid. All remaining terms and provisions of the Agreement remain valid. **** END OF AGREEMENT EXCEPT FOR SIGNATURES **** IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this instrument the day and year first above written. CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA CONTRACTOR (The Nest Collective, LLC) By________________________________ By_____________________________ Jeff Mihelich, City Manager Print Name: Kendra Callantine Title: Principal 237 Second Addendum to Professional Services Agreement for Public Works Department Public Relations Services Page 2 of 2 APPROVED AS TO FORM By_______________________________ Greg Sullivan, Bozeman City Attorney 238                                   !" #!$  %      ! &'(''      )* +               ,-.        !" #!$  % -    /-0 ""1  234    5 "" 6  6 7-  8  4 ! 0.'(''  44    9:  ,-' 7   " +      7 "   1 -    !"#!$  -  ! ! 44  !" 4   "!     7"" "    7 4 4   "      -     , -      !  -     ,-.  4%    ;&0&0.  "        ""4%   -   2      ,-.!" #!-4   $ 44"  2, ! '0'('' 239 GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE AMENDMENT (GMP) NO. 3 TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGER Pursuant to Article 4.5 of the Preconstruction Services Conditions Agreement between Owner and Construction Manager this amendment dated the 6th day of December 2022, between City of Bozeman (“Owner”) and Martel Construction, Inc. (“Contractor”) for the Bozeman Public Library, hereby establishes a Guaranteed Maximum Price and Contract Time for the portion of the Project as set forth below: GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE FOR BOZEMAN PUBLIC LIBRARY The Construction Manager’s Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the Work, including the Cost of the Work and the Construction Manager’s Fee is as follows: Base Bid General Requirements $230,789.00 Existing Conditions $46,800.00 Concrete $11,044.00 Masonry $18,500.00 Steel $50,401.00 Wood & Plastics $553,636.00 Thermal & Moisture Protection $47,252.00 Doors & Windows $358,721.00 Finishes $626,222.00 Specialties $2,202.00 Equipment $28,033.00 Furnishings $57,811.00 Fire Suppression $41,558.00 Plumbing $65,329.00 HVAC $110,350.00 Electrical $922,617.00 Electrical Allowance $16,904.00 Communications $38,426.00 Site Improvements $3,034.00 Site Specific Requirements $152,990.00 Audio/Visual $226,898.00 Base Bid Subtotal $3,609,517.00 General Liability Insurance $33,102.00 Gross Receipts Tax $3,620.00 Builders Risk $13,389.00 Bond $25,291.00 240 Construction Fee $175,137.00 Construction Contingency $102,784.00 Base Bid Total $353,323.00 Pre-Construction Services Total $21,560.00 TOTAL GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE $3,984,400.00 CONTRACT TIME The date of Substantial Completion for the Work outlined above is: 12 months from Notice to Proceed OWNER: CONTRACTOR: City of Bozeman Martel Construction, Inc. 121 N. Rouse Ave. 1203 S. Church Ave. Bozeman, MT 59715 Bozeman, MT 59715 By:__________________________ By: __________________________ Jeff Mihelich, City Manager Travis Kabalin, Vice President 241                                        !" #$!  % &      '    ( )      * *!  ) +( , $      ( -./..      01 2          ! -$!  %        ' %  % (       * *!  ) +( , $ 3    .3.4 % 4   5     %           3    %   (  ) +( , $  %    2      %   %  (       6   (3    7    $  %  % (      %   %  ( %   (   3   %!   %$!  %   % %  3   $(   %  2 (  #  %$$    %       ' 3     ) 3      (  3     $! ( $(   $   %     %8-9:/089;:/$(   ) +( , $ 3   5 ..0 !" -0!  0* *!3%  ,   5) ( <:./.. 242 City of Bozeman Term Contract Housing and Economic Development Project Financial Analysis and Related Services Task Order 6 PROJECT: Housing and Economic Development Project Financial Analysis and Related Services – Financial Feasibility and Needs Analysis – Bozeman Wallace Works Issued under the authority of Urban Renewal District Term Contract Professional Services Agreement with Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors, LLC for Housing and Economic Development Project Financial Analysis and Related Services. This Task Order is dated December 6, 2022 between the City of Bozeman and Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors (Contractor). The following representatives have been designated for the work performed under this Task Order: City: David Fine, Urban Renewal Program Manager Contractor: Mikaela Huot, Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors, LLC SCOPE OF WORK: The scope for this task order is for work on housing and economic development financial analysis and related services as request by the City as described in the attached scope of work requested. COMPENSATION: Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors, LLC will bill for its services based on the attached scope of work and rate sheet previously provided. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties authorized to commit resources of the parties have executed this Task Order: City of Bozeman Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors, LLC Jeff Mihelich, City Manager Mikaela Huot, Director 243 1 Scope of Work Bozeman Wallace Works TIF Assistance Request City of Bozeman, Montana Financial Feasibility and Needs Analysis November 2022 The City of Bozeman (the “City”) received a request for TIF assistance from Nest Partners / Wallace Works (the “Developer”) for the proposed development of the Wallace Works Project (the “Project”) that would include a mixed-use commercial and residential area and structured parking. The Project is proposed to be developed in the Northeast Urban Renewal District on the corner of Wallace and Tamarack. A public parking garage is proposed as part of the project and would provide for over 200 parking spaces along with covered bike parking. The parking would support the proposed private development, as well as provide for new public parking spaces. The Project would include improvements to the pedestrian systems with public open plaza space. The Developer has indicated there is a financial gap based on the current project scope including construction of the parking garage and additional improvements, for which tax increment financing could be a tool to finance a portion of the costs. The structure of assistance has been proposed that the Developer construct the entire project (commercial, residential, and parking structure) and the City would purchase the parking structure, with the intent of leasing back a portion of the spaces to support the private development, with the remaining spaces available for general public use. The purpose of this document is to outline a scope of work, estimated fee and time frame for completion. Baker Tilly’s proposed scope of work includes the following activities: Phase 1: Preliminary Revenue Projections and Financial Feasibility Objectives ¾ To prepare preliminary tax increment revenue projections based on developer provided information ¾ To provide initial project financial feasibility Analysis 1) Preparation of tax increment revenues a. Review developer-supplied information for reasonableness b. Forecast the projected tax increment revenues to be generated over the life of the district based on those assumptions i. Developer provided total development costs and project assumptions ii. Tested against available comparable-type developments iii. Estimated range of available revenues based on valuations c. Financial Feasibility Review i. Assess the sufficiency of tax increment revenues to support costs Deliverable ¾ Summary of preliminary revenue projections and initial feasibility ¾ Preliminary financial feasibility analysis 244 2 Phase 2: Financial Review and Needs Analysis and Development Agreement Objectives ¾ To review and analyze the request for assistance as related to the proposed development project to determine necessity and appropriateness ¾ To assist in negotiations of the financing structure and development agreement, as applicable ¾ To provide draft term sheet Analysis 1) Financial Feasibility Review a. Assess the sufficiency of the tax increment revenues to support parking structure purchase and other requested costs with considerations for timing of bond issuance to provide financial support b. Prepare cash flow analysis based on sensitivity analysis 2) Financial Needs (But For) Analysis a. Review developer information and comment on the reasonableness of assumptions i. Suggest alternative assumptions and provide sensitivity analysis as necessary ii. Estimate of assistance/purchase price for private parking b. Complete a rate of return calculation i. Cash-on-Cash Return ii. Internal Rate of Return iii. Identify alternative assumptions if appropriate iv. Recalculate the return with alternative assumptions, as necessary v. Define appropriate level of assistance based on developer’s rate of return c. Compare developer rate of return to the “market” return for similar projects, comment on reasonableness of return considering type of project, current market and developer at risk equity d. Complete sensitivity analysis with respect to developer return and need for assistance (as appropriate) and assessment of availability of revenues 3) Review Financing Options for Parking Structure a. Provide options for City participation/financing of the parking structure b. Assist City staff with review of developer proposal and request as it relates to feasibility and maintaining City security – including: i. Reasonableness of leaseback concept 1. Review trigger points for potential City purchase 2. Perform sensitivity analysis on trigger points and potential financial considerations for the City ii. Consider options for mitigating City risk of financing 1. Availability of revenues from Project and District 2. Debt coverage ratios 3. Timing for purchase 4. Availability of other revenues (annual lease) iii. Comparison of leasing public parking spaces versus purchase of ramp and leasing back private spaces with consideration of: 1. Lease rates (public and private) 2. Utilization levels 3. Operating and maintenance expenses 4. Security of financing 5. Gross and net estimated parking revenues 245 3 iv. Assist with structuring terms of Agreement between Developer and City 4) Debt Capacity Analysis a. The findings of the financial feasibility study will be considered. Items to be considered will include but not be limited to: i. Profile debt issuance alternatives with considerations for each ii. Profile security profile and marketability of alternatives iii. Provide estimates of potential debt structures and related financial impacts iv. Effect on debt service coverage of revenue supported debt, if applicable b. Consideration of expected trends in net assessed value, if applicable Deliverable ¾ Financial analysis with determination of need for public assistance ¾ Preliminary term sheet with recommended public assistance amounts Compensation The work as described will be completed with an estimated fee in the range of $6,750 - $7,950. Excluded from the fee indicated above is any out-of-pocket expenses such as travel, copies, faxes, conference calls, or other expenses necessary to complete the project. Additional work requested and authorized by the City outside the scope of services described in this proposal will be invoiced at our standard hourly rates. Completion Date Upon full receipt of the requested information, Baker Tilly will complete Phase 1 of the above work processes and outcomes within 1-2 weeks, subject to receipt of all information. The remaining phases and steps of analysis will be subject to outcomes of Phase 1 and timing needs of both the City and developer. We will be successful in meeting the requested time frames for completion recognizing it is highly dependent on the timing and completeness of the information received. A delay in receipt of critical material may result in an extension of the completion date. Sincerely, Mikaela Huot, Director Signature Section: The services and terms as set forth in this Scope Appendix are agreed to on behalf of the Client by: City of Bozeman Name: _____________________________ Title: ______________________________ Date: ______________________________ 246 4 Financial Feasibility Review: Additional Details for Financial Analysis Project Details x To include # of housing units, commercial square footage, etc. x To include cost of construction for each development type x To include information for any commercial, civic, or other uses x To include site improvement and public infrastructure costs x To include detailed breakdown of all costs Project Phasing x To include commencement and completion for each building construction, or each site improvement, or public infrastructure x To include date for sale of unit or lease of unit, occupancy start and full occupancy, etc. Project Financing x To include development of complete sources and uses of funds x To include detail on bank financing, i.e., principal, term, rate x To include equity amount and timing of equity in project x To include take-out source of bank financing for construction period, if applicable x To include letters of commitment or interest from financial institutions x To include amount of public financing request, and form of request, i.e., bonds, pay- go-note, etc. x To include gap amount to match public financing request (all equity and private sources are insufficient to pay all costs) x To include description of and rationale behind proposed governmental financial assistance Public Financing Revenue Assumptions x To include estimated assessed value per type of construction x To include sales per s.f. estimates (if applicable) x To include any growth assumptions Project Operation x To include operating assumptions, etc. x To include revenue and expense assumptions and increases x To include reserve assumptions (capital, operating, etc.) x To include rent and/or sale assumptions x To include lease commission, sales commission assumptions x To include complete operating pro-forma calculating internal rate of return with and without requested financial assistance x To include sale assumptions in appropriate future year (10 or 15), including capitalization rate x To include proposed tenants, job, and wage information General Information/Assumptions x Provide sources of data used in any of the above 247                                        !"  ##$%%&'    '(      )$($*  ( ) +  ,)    ,*        - .#%##      $/ 0          !  ##$%%&'    '(   -  $($'  (    ,)    ,*   1    #1#+ ( +   2     (           1                    ' (    !" ,1 #3$%%4'    ' ( (   ' -     *    )     '  -'         '   )    1    ('!  5 (   -  $($'  (               -   #%#36 7   1 ( -       (     (    '   $($' 8  ' (     (   (   1           8   -  '    )   (       (    *  1 )  1  1+!   9 #%#4*!    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The following representatives have been designated for the work performed under this Task Order: City: David Fine, Economic Development Program Manager Contractor: Danielle Scharf, Sanderson Stewart SCOPE OF WORK: The scope for this task order is detailed in the attached City of Bozeman Urban Renewal District Scope of Work – Task Order Number EDD22-005. COMPENSATION: Sanderson Stewart will bill for its services on a lump sum basis with a project total of $26,605.00. Sanderson Stewart shall submit invoices to the City of Bozeman for work accomplished during each calendar month. The amount of each monthly invoice shall be determined on the “percentage of completion method” whereby Sanderson Stewart will estimate the percentage of the total work (provided on a lump sum basis) accomplished during the invoicing period. The provisions of the Professional Services Agreement shall govern the Work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties authorized to commit resources of the parties have executed this Task Order: City of Bozeman Sanderson Stewart Jeff Mihelich, City Manager Danielle Scharf, Principal 250  8UEDQ RHQHZDO DLVWULFW THUP CRQWUDFW RDLOURDG CURVVLQJ IPSURYHPHQWV DW NRUWK RRXVH AYH DQG NRUWK WDOODFH AYH CRQVWUXFWLRQ DRFXPHQWV %LGGLQJ DQG RLJKW-RI-WD\ SHUYLFHV SFRSH RI WRUN ² TDVN OUGHU NR. EDD- 111 Sanderson Stewart is pleased to provide this scope of work for construction documents, bidding, and right-of-way services for railroad crossing improvements at North Rouse Avenue and North Wallace Avenue in order to implement the design recommendations established in the 2021 Quiet Zone Assessment Study. Preliminary design and easement research was performed under Task Order No. EDD21-003. A detailed list of assumptions and scope of services for the project are outlined below. Scope of Work: Phase 1 – Project Initiation This phase of the project will include project initiation and planning tasks, including scoping and preparation of the task order. Phase 2 – Construction Documents This phase of the project will include completing the construction documents from the preliminary plans that were reviewed by MRL, MDT, and the City of Bozeman. The final plans will be suitable for bidding and construction, prepared and stamped by a Professional Engineer in the State of Montana. This phase of the project will also include preparation of the project manual and engineer’s opinion of probable cost. Phase 3 – Construction Bidding This phase of the project will consist of construction bidding services, including the following: •Prepare bid advertisement •Contractor coordination throughout bidding, prepare up to two addenda •Facilitate pre-bid meeting, prepare agenda, and distribute minutes •Attend bid opening, prepare bid tabulation and recommendation of award letter •Process contract documents for a single contract (electronic copies) 251 Page 2 of 3 Phase 4 – Right-of-Way Acquisition This phase of the project includes the tasks required to acquire the necessary right-of-way (R/W) for the project improvements to be installed for two railroad crossings across North Rouse Avenue and North Wallace Avenue: •Initial coordination meetings with BNSF/MRL to determine requirements for two easements and one construction permit/temporary occupancy permit •Prepare two graphical figures detailing proposed project improvements at the railroad crossings following the terms of the R/W agreement •Two road easement exhibits, and one construction permit exhibit have been prepared with previous phases of the project and will be utilized for the acquisition agreements •MDT is preparing an appraisal for the land to be acquired at the North Rouse Avenue railroad crossing location from BNSF/MRL. Sanderson Stewart assumes MDT will provide the appraised value for the acquisition agreement to be paid to BNSF/MRL and will include it in the agreement for negotiations for the North Rouse Avenue crossing. •Sanderson Stewart will prepare one waiver valuation for the easement to be acquired for the North Wallace Avenue crossing utilizing a simplified appraisal process for small parcels of land. The waiver valuation will include a flat compensation fee for the temporary construction permit as determined by the City, as required. •Preparation of one R/W agreement for each railroad crossing location (Rouse and Wallace) between BNSF/MRL and the City. •Conduct negotiation meetings (minimum of five (5) meetings) with BNSF/MRL to acquire two easements and one construction permit on behalf of the City of Bozeman. •Upon execution of the R/W agreements, Sanderson Stewart will assist the City with distributing compensation funds and will record the easements/permits, as required. The following items are specifically excluded from this scope of work: •Construction Administration (will be scoped under a separate task order) •Construction Staking (will be scoped under a separate task order) •Material testing (will be scoped under a separate task order) •SWPPP permitting and operation (by contractor) •Land title research or title clearing •Eminent domain proceedings, expert witness testimony, costs, or other services necessary for legal proceedings •Additional costs related to the actual purchase price of property interests as detailed in R/W acquisition agreements 252 Page 3 of 3 Fees and Billing Arrangements: Phase Fee 1.Project Initiation $820.00 2.Construction Documents $6,000.00 3.Construction Bidding $5,555.00 4.Right-of-Way Acquisition $14,230.00 Total $26,605.00 Sanderson Stewart will bill for its services on a lump sum basis with a project total of $26,605.00. Sanderson Stewart shall submit invoices to the Client for work accomplished during each calendar month. The amount of each monthly invoice shall be determined on the “percentage of completion method” whereby Sanderson Stewart will estimate the percentage of the total work (provided on a lump sum basis) accomplished during the invoicing period. Project Schedule: The anticipated schedule for this project will consist of Construction Documents within 4 weeks of the notice to proceed. The remaining schedule will be based on the timing of right- of-way, easements and permits with both MRL and MDT, City review comments, and the timeframe required for a public bidding process. The final plan set for bidding will be completed within two weeks of receiving City review comments. 253                                        !" # $$%&&'(    ()*              ) ( +, - (      , .$&$$      %/ 0          ! # $$%&&'(    () *   )   ,        ) ( +, - ( 1    $1$# ) #   2     )           1    *   (       ! 1      ,     !     )        (3 3  )     )  (,        ) *   1  (!,    !  )       )(!1     4 1      ,  1     ) ! 5*$66*1  )3     7 $&$68!   ) ( +, - ( 1   2 # $$%&&'*  1)  -   24 , $'$&$$ 254 City of Bozeman Urban Renewal District Term Contract Task Order Number #MID22-001 PROJECT: 5th Avenue Trail – Final Design, Bidding, and Construction Administration Services for the Midtown Urban Renewal District Issued under the authority of Urban Renewal District Term Contract Professional Services Agreement with Sanderson Stewart for Architectural and Engineering Services. This Task Order is dated September 29, 2022 between the City of Bozeman Economic Development Department and Sanderson Stewart (Contractor). The following representatives have been designated for the work performed under this Task Order: City: David Fine, Urban Renewal Program Manager Contractor: Danielle Scharf, Sanderson Stewart SCOPE OF WORK: The scope for this task order is detailed in the attached City of Bozeman Urban Renewal District Scope of Work – Task Order Number MID22-001. COMPENSATION: Sanderson Stewart will bill for its services on a lump sum basis with a project total of $52,335.00. Sanderson Stewart shall submit invoices to the City of Bozeman for work accomplished during each calendar month. The amount of each monthly invoice shall be determined on the “percentage of completion method” whereby Sanderson Stewart will estimate the percentage of the total work (provided on a lump sum basis) accomplished during the invoicing period. The provisions of the Professional Services Agreement shall govern the Work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties authorized to commit resources of the parties have executed this Task Order: City of Bozeman Sanderson Stewart Jeff Mihelich, City Manager Danielle Scharf, Principal 255 Midtown Urban Renewal District Scope of Work – Task Order No. MID22-001 5th Avenue Trail – Final Design, Bidding, and Construction Administration Services 9/29/22 Sanderson Stewart is pleased to provide this scope of work for final design, bidding and construction administration services for the 5th Avenue Trail project. This work is to be done as a part of the Urban Renewal District term contract for architectural and engineering services. The 5th Avenue Trail was previously designed under a separate task order in 2016. Final design services will be completed under this task order and will include minor modifications to the design in order to coordinate with adjacent projects, finalize the plans for City review and revisions to address City review comments. The scope of work for this task order also includes bidding and construction administration services for the 5th Avenue Trail. A detailed list of assumptions and scope of services for the project are outlined below. Scope of Work: Phase 1 – Project Initiation This phase of the project will include project initiation and planning tasks, including scoping and preparation of the task order. Phase 2 – Final Trail Design This phase of the project will include final design of the 5th Avenue Trail that will address adjustments needed to coordinate with the recently constructed 5th Avenue Sewer project. The segment of trail from Hemlock Street to Oak Street was originally designed along the east side of the right-of-way but will now be redesigned to the west side to overlap with the recently constructed sewer access road. This phase includes an as-built survey of the sewer access road, design revisions for the alignment shift, an Infrastructure Plan submittal to the City of Bozeman Engineering Division, and final revisions to be completed upon receipt of review comments. This phase of the project will also include preparation of the project manual and an updated engineer’s opinion of probable cost. Phase 3 – Construction Bidding This phase of the project will consist of construction bidding services, including the following: 256 Page 2 of 3 x Prepare bid advertisement x Contractor coordination throughout bidding, prepare up to two addenda x Facilitate pre-bid meeting, prepare agenda, and distribute minutes x Attend bid opening, prepare bid tabulation and recommendation of award letter x Process contract documents for a single contract (electronic copies) Phase 4 – Construction Administration and Inspection This phase of the project will consist of construction contract administration and construction observation tasks, including the following: x Facilitate pre-construction meeting, prepare agenda, and distribute minutes x Shop drawing review x Construction observation and documentation based on assumed part-time observation for 4 hours each day and a 45-calendar day construction contract. x Respond to Contractor RFI’s x Construction materials testing coordination and review x Process pay applications submitted by Contractor and any necessary work change directives, verify material quantities on all contractor pay requests x Process the Certificate of Substantial Completion, coordinate final inspection, prepare punch lists and verify completion x Prepare as-built (record) drawings x Prepare City of Bozeman close-out submittal x Conduct two-year warranty walkthrough, prepare punch list and verify completion Phase 5 – Construction Staking This phase of the project consists of the construction layout, anticipated to include the following: x Stake demolition limits x Stake subgrade cuts for the trail one time; 25-foot spacing; 2 to 3-foot offset from edge of path x Stake horizontal layout of curb ramps with vertical benchmark for grade one time x Stake culvert locations one time x Stake signs one time x Layout striping one time The following items are specifically excluded from this scope of work: x Material testing (through City term contract) x SWPPP permitting and operation (by contractor) 257 Page 3 of 3 Fees and Billing Arrangements: Phase Fee 1. Project Initiation $940 2. Final Trail Design $12,370 3. Construction Bidding $5,730 4. Construction Administration and Inspection $29,555 5. Construction Staking $3,740 Total $52,335 Sanderson Stewart will bill for its services on a lump sum basis with a project total of $52,335. Sanderson Stewart shall submit invoices to the Client for work accomplished during each calendar month. The amount of each monthly invoice shall be determined on the “percentage of completion method” whereby Sanderson Stewart will estimate the percentage of the total work (provided on a lump sum basis) accomplished during the invoicing period. Project Schedule: The anticipated schedule for this project will consist of an infrastructure plan submittal within six weeks of notice to proceed. The remaining schedule will be based on the timing of City review comments, the timeframe required for a public bidding process and the anticipated 45- calendar day construction contract. The final plan set for bidding will be completed within two weeks of receiving City review comments. 258                       ! ! 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NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, that the proposed modifications and/or alternates to the GMP Amendment #2 for Construction of the Bozeman Public Library Renovation Project, as contained in Change Order #1, attached hereto, be and the same are hereby approved; and the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract change order for and on behalf of the City; and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to attest such signature., to wit: PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 6th day of December 2022. ___________________________________ CYNTHIA L. ANDRUS Mayor ATTEST: 261 Version April 2020 ___________________________________ MIKE MAAS City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________________ GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney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dditional P9S Lights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‹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uotation QuantityType Description Unit or Lot# Unit Price Ext Price TO: Expiration Date: 11/17/22 ENCORE ELECTRIC MT PARENT 7125 W JEFFERSON AVENUE, SUITE 400 LAKEWOOD, CO 80235 Page : 1 of 2 Vendor Project Info: Project: BOZEMAN LIBRARY - P9S ADDS Job #:8405 Bid Date:10/18/22 Bid Time:02:00 PM MDT Quoter: Tiffani Robinson BREAKOUTS REQUIRE NEW QUOTE SPARES NOT INCLUDED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY FINAL COUNTS ***QUOTE GOOD FOR 30 DAYS*** **MATERIAL FROM ENCORE'S EMAIL ON 10/13/22 **CONTROLS PRICING IS WORST CASE SCENARIO. WAITING FOR CONFIRMATION FROM WATTSTOPPER ON WHAT CAN BE INTEGRATED INTO ORIGINAL BOM 1. P9S ADDS - LIGHTING 1P9S-10 FINE HPX-P-ID-10'-V-V-935-F-F-277V-DC-FC- 10%-FA200-C4-FE-FB-W601-W601 Finish=BLACK 4P9S-12 FINE HPX-P-ID-12'-V-V-935-F-F-277V-DC-FC- 10%-FA200-C4-FE-FB-W601-W601 Finish=BLACK Taxes Not Included https://customers.electricalwholesale.com/index.jsp?path=tos Notes From: EWSCO BOZEMAN BRANCH 14 PHONE 406-586-8471 213 GARDEN DR. BOZEMAN, MT 59718 Printed By: Tiffani Robinson 10/18/2022 2:38:48 PM 267 LIGHTING/CONTROLS P9S ADDS REV1 Quotation QuantityType Description LOT # Unit Price Ext Price Expiration 11/17/22 Page : 2 of 2 Vendor BOZEMAN LIBRARY - P9S ADDSProject: 1FRT FREIGHT ESTIMATE 7,785.00Subtotal of 1. P9S ADDS - LIGHTING 2. P9S ADDS - CONTROLS 1 WATT NB-SWITCH-16 16 port Ethernet switch for LMSM, DIN mounting 1 WATT LMBR-650 WIRELESS 6LOWPAN BORDER ROUTER WITH LMPB-100 1 WATT LMPB-100 DLM Cat5 network power booster 2 WATTSERV WSDESIGN Shop drawings 1 ON-SITE SERVICES 1 WATT LMRJ-P03 RJ45 Cables, 3 feet, plenum rated Green 1 WATT LMRJ-P50 RJ45 Cables, 50 feet, plenum rated Green 1 WATT LMRJ-P100 RJ45 Cables, 100 feet, plenum rated Green 1 WATT LMRJ-C8 Non plenum rated coupler for LMRJ cables 4,173.65Subtotal of 2. P9S ADDS - CONTROLS Including Listed Alternates Total 11,958.65 Taxes Not Included https://customers.electricalwholesale.com/index.jsp?path=tos Notes From: EWSCO BOZEMAN BRANCH 14 PHONE 406-586-8471 213 GARDEN DR. BOZEMAN, MT 59718 Printed By: Tiffani Robinson 10/18/2022 2:38:48 PM 268  $XJXVW &LW\RI%R]HPDQ 32%R[ %R]HPDQ07  $771 -RQ+HQGHUVRQ  0DUWHO&25 352-(&7%R]HPDQ3XEOLF/LEUDU\ 68%-(&7$GGHG(PHUJHQF\/LJKW)L[WXUHV  -RQ :HSURSRVHWRSURYLGHDOOODERUPDWHULDOVDQGHTXLSPHQWUHTXLUHGWR SHUIRUPWKHDERYHPHQWLRQHGZRUN2XUOXPSVXPTXRWDWLRQLVEDVHG RQRXULQWHUSUHWDWLRQRIWKHLQVWUXFWLRQVDQGVFRSHRIZRUN LGHQWLILHGE\WKHDGGHQGXPV,IZHKDYHPLVLQWHUSUHWHGWKLVLQIRUPDWLRQLQDQ\ ZD\ RPLVVLRQVHWF SOHDVHDGYLVHXVSULRUWRSURFHVVLQJWKLVTXRWDWLRQLQWRD IRUPDO&KDQJH2UGHU2WKHUZLVHRXULQWHUSUHWDWLRQVKDOOVWDQGDVFRUUHFW :HKDYHQRWEHHQGLUHFWHGWRSURFHHGZLWKWKHZRUN  $WWKLVWLPHZHDUHKHUHE\UHTXHVWLQJFDOHQGDUGD\VIRUDWLPHH[WHQVLRQ 3OHDVHQRWHWKLVSURSRVDOLVYDOLGIRUGD\V$SSURYDOEH\RQGWKDWGDWHPD\UHVXOWLQDGGLWLRQDOFRVWVRUGHOD\V 2XUSURSRVDOLVEDVHGRQUHFHLSWRIDVLJQHG&KDQJH2UGHUZLWKLQ  FDOHQGDUGD\V :HDUHUHTXHVWLQJWRXVH'(6,*1&217,1*(1&<WRFRYHUWKHLQFUHDVHGFRVWRI ,I\RXKDYHDQ\TXHVWLRQVSOHDVHFDOOPHDW    $VLJQDWXUHEHORZLQGLFDWHVWKHRZQHUKDVDFFHSWHGWKHFKDQJHRUGHUDQGWKHZRUNZLOOSURFHHG 6LQFHUHO\ 0LNH'DLQHV3URMHFW0DQDJHU 0$57(/&216758&7,21,1&  $3,037 269 6SUHDGVKHHW5HSRUW3DJH%R]HPDQ3XEOLF/LEUDU\30*URXS3KDVH'HVFULSWLRQ7DNHRII4XDQWLW\/DERU$PRXQW0DWHULDO$PRXQW6XE$PRXQW(TXLS$PRXQW2WKHU$PRXQW7RWDO$PRXQW*(1(5$/5(48,5(0(1766XSHUYLVLRQ*HQHUDO&RQGLWLRQV/DERU LQFOXGLQJDOOIULQJHDQGLQVXUDQFH KRXU  6XSHUYLVLRQ3URMHFW0DQDJHPHQW&RVW0DQDJHPHQW/DERU LQFOXGLQJDOOIULQJHDQGLQVXUDQFH KRXU  3URMHFW0DQDJHPHQW*(1(5$/5(48,5(0(1760$6215<0DVRQU\3DWFK-ER[HVZLWKEULFNOV0DVRQU\0$6215<(/(&75,&$/(OHFWULFDO$GGHG(PHUJHQF\/LJKWVOV(OHFWULFDO(/(&75,&$/(VWLPDWH7RWDOV'HVFULSWLRQ$PRXQW7RWDOV+RXUV5DWH&RVW%DVLV&RVWSHU8QLW3HUFHQWRI7RWDO/DERU0DWHULDO6XEFRQWUDFW(TXLSPHQW2WKHU*HQHUDO/LDELOLW\,QVXUDQFH3HUIRUPDQFH%RQG*URVV5HFHLSWV7D[%XLOGHUV5LVN&RQVWUXFWLRQ)HH&RQVWUXFWLRQ&RQWLQJHQF\7RWDO270 (1&25(HOHFWULF 0DVWHU(VWLPDWLQJ6\VWHP FRS\ULJKW‹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uotation QuantityType Description Unit or Lot# Unit Price Ext Price TO: Expiration Date: 12/02/22 ENCORE ELECTRIC MT PARENT 7125 W JEFFERSON AVENUE, SUITE 400 LAKEWOOD, CO 80235 Page : 1 of 1 Vendor Project Info: Project: BOZEMAN LIBRARY - EL ADD Job #:8451 Bid Date:11/02/22 Bid Time:02:00 PM MDT Quoter: Tiffani Robinson BREAKOUTS REQUIRE NEW QUOTE SPARES NOT INCLUDED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY FINAL COUNTS ***QUOTE GOOD FOR 30 DAYS*** 2EL EZ-2L Unit 88.571/EA 177.14 1FRT FREIGHT ESTIMATE Unit 50.000/EA 50.00 Total 227.14 Taxes Not Included https://customers.electricalwholesale.com/index.jsp?path=tos Notes From: EWSCO BOZEMAN BRANCH 14 PHONE 406-586-8471 213 GARDEN DR. BOZEMAN, MT 59718 Printed By: Tiffani Robinson 11/2/2022 8:12:58 AM 272                        ! "#$%&'( ')* &     *     +   *      *',( -  !      .$/0100    !    &! "#$%&'( ')* &     *     +   *      *',( -  !   2    #23 4 * '5(        *    - * 2  6'- !   -  **  '' .   .'*'*,(  7.0/ 010%26'' *'8' 09     .*  *  '* :   '*** '. .0" 24  ''*     *';&/*.' *'- ' * '/    * ** ' /   *  * '' '    26'- -  -''  ' ' *'*  -. *'  *-''   < / '  */   '2  6'-.    '* *0100 '*01038' %+%=' %+0/ 92>  -''! - ' *010#8' 092  4 011"/'   ?      *    *'     2 &%@0"10 .'< ' .     /   - *  2 273  **  '    +    8+ 9 ',( - !   2  4 ' '' *     '  *        '.?. /,    /  3/' &     , / '. * 26'+ '     .   ' .- '     '  *       ..'6'+  '       '-  ./'   /'  /   .2>' * '   '    ' *' .   ' 2& *  -..  -''    & &%@#311   .'2     7  '2   &. 2   6',( -    -.* ''.  .. 7.0/010% .       2  ! 57.%A/0100 274                            !" # $    % &   '(") %  !*+,-+ !.& */,-  ! 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WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman has adopted zoning regulations and a zoning map pursuant to Sections 76-2-301 and 76-2-302, M.C.A.; and WHEREAS, Section 76-2-305, M.C.A. allows local governments to amend zoning maps if a public hearing is held and official notice is provided; and WHEREAS, Section 76-2-307, M.C.A. states that the Zoning Commission must conduct a public hearing and submit a report to the City Commission for all zoning map amendment requests; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman Zoning Commission has been created by Section 2.05.2700, BMC as provided for in Section 76-2-307, M.C.A.; and WHEREAS, Chapter 38, Article 2 of the Bozeman Unified Development Code sets forth the procedures and review criteria for zoning map amendments; and WHEREAS, after proper notice, the Bozeman Zoning Commission held a public hearing on March 7, 2022 to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment; and 276 Ordinance No. 2115, West University Properties ZMA Page 2 of 7 WHEREAS, the Bozeman Zoning Commission recommended to the Bozeman City Commission that application No. 21409 the West University Properties Zone Map Amendment, be approved as requested by the applicant; and WHEREAS, after proper notice, the City Commission held its public hearing on April 2, 2022, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for the zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has reviewed and considered the zone map amendment criteria established in Section 76-2-304, M.C.A., and found that the proposed zone map amendment would be in compliance with the criteria. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: Section 1 Legislative Findings The City Commission hereby makes the following findings in support of adoption of this Ordinance: 1. Zoning, including amendments to the zoning map, must be in accordance with an adopted growth policy; 2. A staff report analyzing the required criteria for a zone map amendment, including accordance to the Bozeman Community Plan, 2020, found that the required criteria are satisfied; 3. A new growth policy was adopted in November, 2020 and the REMU and B-2M complies with the new future land use map; 4. The two required public hearings were advertised as required in state law and municipal code and all persons have had opportunity to review the materials applicable to the application and provide comment prior to a decision; 5. The Bozeman Zoning Commission has been established as required in state law and conducted their required public hearing; and after consideration of application materials, 277 Ordinance No. 2115, West University Properties ZMA Page 3 of 7 staff analysis and report, and all submitted public comment recommended approval of the requested REMU and B-2M districts. 6. The City Commission conducted a public hearing to provide all interested parties the opportunity to provide evidence and testimony regarding the proposed amendment prior to the City Commission acting on the application. 7. The City Commission considered the application materials, staff analysis and report, Zoning Commission recommendation, all submitted public comment, and all other relevant information. 8. The City Commission determines that, as set forth in the staff report and incorporating the staff findings as part of their decision, the required criteria for approval of application No. 21409 West University Properties Annexation Zone Map Amendment have been satisfied. Section 2 That the zoning district designation of the following-described property is hereby designated as B-2M, Community Commercial District-Mixed: An area of land comprised described as follows: A tract of Land encompassing a portion of Lot 2A of Min or Subdivision No. 191B, excepting out Lot 1 A of Min or Subdivision 503A, and Portion s of MDT ROW West of the Centerline of South 19th Avenue, located within portion s of the South East One Quarter of Section 14, Town ship 2 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian Montana, Gallatin County, Mon tan a, an d more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point (P.0.B 2), which is a point that bears S 88” 13’ 47" E, a distance of 808.18 feet from the said One Quarter Corner between Sections 14 and 23 an d said centerline of Stucky Road; thence, N 01' 26’ 11" E, a distance of 772.28 feet to the beginning of a curve; thence, 75.79 feet along a curve to the left, with a radius of 150.00 feet, a delta angle of 28' 56' 58", and a chord bearing of N 13' 02’ 19" W, with a chord distance of 74.99 feet to a point; thence, N 27’ 30’ 48" W, a distance of 288.90 feet to the Beginning of a curve; thence, 75.79 feet along a curve to the right, with a radius of 150.00 feet, a delta angle of 28’ 56' 58", and a chord bearing of N 13’ 02’ 19" W, with a chord distance of 74.99 feet to a point; thence, N 01” 26’ 11” E, a distance of 148.05 feet a point; 278 Ordinance No. 2115, West University Properties ZMA Page 4 of 7 thence, S 88“33’ 49" E, a distance of 681.73 feet to a point on the centerline of West Kagy Boulevard; thence, along said centerline, S 88“33’ 49" E, a distance of 1415.09 feet to a point; thence, leaving said centerline, S 07” 19’ 59" W, a distance of 222.12 feet to a point. thence, S 28” 55' 08" W, a distance of 77.03 feet to a point; thence, S 46” 16’ 01 " W, a distance of 79.96 feet to a point; thence, S 00” 37’ 20" W, a distance of 89.39 feet to a point; thence, S 88' 37’ 59" E, a distance of 626.00 feet to a point on the Centerline of South 19th A venue; thence, along said centerline, S 01' 35' 23" W, a distance of 893.86 feet to a point on the line comm on to said sections 14 and 23 and the intersection of said South 19th and Stucky Road; thence, leaving said South 19th avenue and continuing along the said section line and centerline of Stucky Road, N 88' 13' 47" W, a distance of 1747. 93 feet to the P.0.B 2. Said area being 2,133, 574 square feet or 48.98 acres more or less, along with and subject to all easements of record That the zoning district designation of the following-described property is hereby designated as REMU, Residential Emphasis Mixed Use: An area of land comprised described as follows: A tract of Land encompassing a portion of Lot 2A of Min or Subdivision No. 191B, excepting out Lot 1 A of Min or Subdivision 503A, located within portion s of the Southeast One Quarter of Section 14, Town ship 2 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian Montana, Gallatin County, Montana, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point (P.0.B), which is the One Quarter Corner comm on to Section s 14 and 23 and upon the centerline of Stucky Road; thence, leaving said centerline, N 01 ' 12' 35" E, a distance of 30.00 feet to a point on the North Easement line of said Stucky Road; thence, along said North line, S 88’ 13’ 47" E, a distance of 146.63 feet to a point; thence, leaving said North line, N 01’ 12’ 35" E, a distance of 2298.03 feet to a point; thence, S 88“55’ 43" E, a distance of 1323.98 feet to a point; thence, S 09“43’ 14" W, a distance of 1032.74 feet to a point; thence, N 88“33’ 49" W, a distance of 681.73 feet to a point; thence, S 01“26’ 11" W, a distance of 148.05 feet to the Beginning of a curve; thence, 75.79 feet along a curve to the left, with a radius of 150.00 feet, a delta angle of 28” 56' 58", and a chord bearing of S 13” 02’ 19" E, with a chord distance of 74.99 feet to a point; thence, S 27” 30’ 48" E, a distance of 288.90 feet to the Beginning of a curve; 279 Ordinance No. 2115, West University Properties ZMA Page 5 of 7 thence, 75.79 feet along a curve to the right, with a radius of 150.00 feet, a delta angle of 28” 56' 58", and a chord bearing of S 13” 02’ 19" E, with a chord distance of 74.99 feet to a point; thence, S 01’ 26’ 11" W, a distance of 772.28 feet to a point on said line between section 14 and 25 and centerline of said Stucky Road; thence, along said line, N 88’ 15' 47" W, a distance of 808.18 feet to the P.O.B. Said area being 2,086,512 square feet or 47.90 acres more or less, along with and subject to all easements of record. Section 3 Repealer. All provisions of the ordinances of the City of Bozeman in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other provisions of the ordinances of the City of Bozeman not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4 Savings Provision. This ordinance does not affect the rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred or proceedings that were begun before the effective date of this ordinance. All other provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code not amended by this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5 Severability. That should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole, or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Bozeman Municipal Code as a whole. 280 Ordinance No. 2115, West University Properties ZMA Page 6 of 7 Section 6 Codification. This Ordinance shall not be codified but shall be kept by the City Clerk and entered into a disposition list in numerical order with all other ordinances of the City and shall be organized in a category entitled “Zone Map Amendments.” Section 7 Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after final adoption. 281 Ordinance No. 2115, West University Properties ZMA Page 7 of 7 PROVISIONALLY ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on first reading at a regular session held on the 15th day of November, 2022. ____________________________________ CYNTHIA L. ANDRUS Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ MIKE MAAS City Clerk FINALLY PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana on second reading at a regular session thereof held on the ____ of ________________, 2022. The effective date of this ordinance is _____________, ____, 20___. _________________________________ CYNTHIA L. ANDRUS Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ MIKE MAAS City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________________ GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney 282 283                              !     " # $  !  %  "  & '%"&(    )*+) , -  .  $    ,  "*/   %   00   # +1              *    0*2 3 & #    4     56      #    #  .    #                  7 . 7 #  # *  8   .      9    :  .              )       :  #  . *8  6    9   :    .  "*/      , *8          ; +1*         #   <   /.  ,   *8               6 #        *8              .   #    -# )1*     - *    #  *   - *     4       !* +=+115!   11+ * " #58% > ?)5'+()*  284 %  4-# +1 285 Ord 2122 Page 1 of 6 ORDINANCE 2122 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA AMENDING THE CITY OF BOZMAN ZONING MAP TO ESTABLISH AN INITIAL MUNICIPAL ZONING ON 125.265 ACRES AS REMU (RESIDENTIAL EMPHASIS MIXED USE DISTRICT), THE SILO ANNEXATION ZONE MAP AMENDMENT, APPLICATION 21442 WHEREAS,the City of Bozeman has adopted zoning regulations and a zoning map pursuant to Sections 76-2-301 and 76-2-302, M.C.A.; and WHEREAS, Section 76-2-305, M.C.A. allows local governments to amend zoning maps if a public hearing is held and official notice is provided; and WHEREAS, Section 76-2-307, M.C.A. states that the Zoning Commission must conduct a public hearing and submit a report to the City Commission for all zoning map amendment requests; and WHEREAS,the City of Bozeman Community Development Board has been created by Resolution 5330; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman Community Development Board has been assigned the duties of the Zoning Commission required by Section 76-2-307 MCA;and WHEREAS, Chapter 38, Article 2 of the Bozeman Unified Development Code sets forth the procedures and review criteria for zoning map amendments; and WHEREAS,after conducting the required public hearing on May 2, 2022, the Bozeman Community Development Board in their capacity as the Zoning Commission recommended to the Bozeman City Commission that application No. 21442, the Silo Annexation Zone Map Amendment, be approved as requested by the applicant; and 286 Ordinance No. 2122, Silo Zone Map Amendment Page 2 of 6 WHEREAS,after proper notice, the City Commission held its public hearing on July 28, 2022, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for the zone map amendment; and WHEREAS,the City Commission reviewed and considered the zone map amendment criteria established in Section 76-2-304, M.C.A., and found that the proposed zone map amendment would be in compliance with the criteria. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: Section 1 Legislative Findings The City Commission hereby makes the following findings in support of adoption of this Ordinance: 1. The City adopted a growth policy, the Bozeman Community Plan 2020, by Resolution 5133 to establish policies for development of the community including zoning; 2. The Bozeman Community Plan 2020, Chapter 5, sets forth the policies by which the City reviews and applies the criteria for amendment of zoning established in 76-3-304, MCA; 3. Zoning, including amendments to the zoning map, must be in accordance with an adopted growth policy; 4. A staff report analyzing the required criteria for a zone map amendment, including accordance to the Bozeman Community Plan 2020, found that the required criteria are satisfied; 5. The two required public hearings were advertised as required in state law and municipal code and all persons have had opportunity to review the materials applicable to the application and provide comment prior to a decision; 6. The Bozeman Zoning Commission has been established as required in state law and conducted their required public hearing; and after consideration of application materials, 287 Ordinance No. 2122, Silo Zone Map Amendment Page 3 of 6 staff analysis and report, and all submitted public comment recommended approval of the requested REMU district. 7. The City Commission conducted a public hearing to provide all interested parties the opportunity to provide evidence and testimony regarding the proposed amendment prior to the City Commission acting on the application. 8. The City Commission considered the application materials, staff analysis and report, Zoning Commission recommendation, all submitted public comment, and all other relevant information. 9. The City Commission determines that, as set forth in the staff report and incorporating the staff findings as part of their decision, the required criteria for approval of Application No. 21442 the Silo Annexation Zone Map Amendment have been satisfied and no spot zoning occurs. Section 2 That the zoning district designation of the following-described property is hereby established as REMU (Residential Emphasis Mixed Use District): Legal Description Parcels of land being: An area of land comprised described as follows: Three parcels of land as described in Warranty Deed document number 2736653 Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 and the parcel described in Warrant Deed document number 2736654; situated in the NE 1/4 of Section 27, Township 1 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian, Gallatin County, Montana, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the E 1/4 of Section 27, Township 1 South, Range 5 East, thence N.0°36'43"E. a distance of 189.78 feet to the Point of Beginning being the northeast corner of Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey No. 3035; thence N.0°36'43"E. a distance of 464.88 feet along the east line of said Section27 to the south line of highway right of way per Bargain and Sale Deed Book 145, Page 293; thence N.89°23'17"W. along said right of way a distance of 50.00 feet; thence N.0°36'43"E. a distance of 195.38 feet; thence along a non-tangent curve to the left having a radius of 523.09 feet and a central angle of 17°34'16" for an arc length of 160.42 feet, said curve having a chord bearing of 288 Ordinance No. 2122, Silo Zone Map Amendment Page 4 of 6 N.9°16'00"W. for 159.79 feet to the southwest line of highway right of way per Bargain and Sale Deed Film 143, Page 643; thence N.33°51'43"W. a distance of 120.68 feet; thence N.53°32'27"W. a distance of 1350.11 feet; thence N.39°33'03"W. a distance of 62.05 feet; thence N.53°32'27"W. a distance of 302.20 feet; thence N.54°16'17"W. a distance of 147.56 feet; thence along a non-tangent curve to the left having a radius of 1849.86 feet and a central angle of 11°37'40" for an arc length of 375.42 feet, said curve having a chord bearing of N.61°36'08"W. for 374.77 feet; thence N.82°50'39"W. a distance of 59.79 feet; thence along a non-tangent curve to the left having a radius of 1834.86 feet and a central angle of 19°20'05" for an arc length of 619.18 feet, said curve having a chord bearing of N.78°53'01"W. for 616.25 feet; thence S.0°36'05"W. a distance of 2552.36 feet along the mid section line of Section27 to the C 1/4 of Section 27; thence N.89°29'32"E. a distance of 2221.92 feet along the mid section line of Section27 to southwest corner of Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey No. 3035; thence N.0°36'43"E. a distance of 189.74 feet; thence N.89°29'25"E. a distance of 420.77 feet to the Point of Beginning containing 114.69 acres more or less. All as depicted on the SILO Zone Map Amendment Exhibit Map. And That public right of way for E. Valley Center as depicted on sheets 14 and 15 of the plans for Montana Department of Transportation Project Number STPS 235-1(6)5 from station 38+00 to station 4+95.56 to include the entire width of the right of way to the northern boundary line of the right of way to include that portion of the spur road shown on said plans and not including Tract 2, Certificate of Survey 1372 or the right of way for Interstate 90; and containing 10.575 acres more or less. As depicted on Exhibit B – Excerpt Sheets from STPS 235-1(6)5 Section 3 Repealer. All provisions of the ordinances of the City of Bozeman in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other provisions of the ordinances of the City of Bozeman not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4 289 Ordinance No. 2122, Silo Zone Map Amendment Page 5 of 6 Savings Provision. This ordinance does not affect the rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred or proceedings that were begun before the effective date of this ordinance. All other provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code not amended by this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5 Severability. That should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole, or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Bozeman Municipal Code as a whole. Section 6 Codification. This Ordinance shall not be codified but shall be kept by the City Clerk and entered into a disposition list in numerical order with all other ordinances of the City and shall be organized in a category entitled “Zone Map Amendments.” Section 7 Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after final adoption. PROVISIONALLY ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on first reading at a regular session held on the 15th day of November 2022. ____________________________________ CYNTHIA L. ANDRUS Mayor ATTEST: 290 Ordinance No. 2122, Silo Zone Map Amendment Page 6 of 6 ____________________________________ MIKE MAAS City Clerk FINALLY PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana on second reading at a regular session thereof held on the 6th of December 2022. The effective date of this ordinance is __________, __, 2022. _________________________________ CYNTHIA L. ANDRUS Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ MIKE MAAS City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________________ GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney 291 S0°36'05"W 2552.36'N89°29'32"E 2221.92'N53°32'27"W 1350.11'30'30'50'N0°36'43"E189.74'N89°23'17"W50.00'N33°51'43"W120.68'50'N82°50'39"W59.79'N54°16'17"W147.56'N39°33'03"W62.05'N89°29'25"E420.77'N0°36'43"E464.88'N53°32'27"W302.20'N0°36'43"E189.78'N0°36'43"E195.38'30'30'E27SE27SE27SE27SE27S12W12W12W12W12W12WE27SE27SE27S16W16W16W16W16W 16W8W8W8W8R=523.09'L=160.42'Δ=17°34'16"CB=N9°16'00"WCH=159.79'R=1849.86'L=375.42'Δ=11°37'40"CB=N61°36'08"WCH=374.77'R=1834.86'L=619.18'Δ=19°20'05"CB=N78°53'01"WCH=616.25'COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,SHEET NUMBERPROJECT NO.DRAWN BY:FLD WK. BY:CHK. BY:DATE:2022Plotted by jon c. wilkinson on Oct/6/2022N:\6916\002 - Davis Ln ZMA and Annex\ACAD\Exhibits\6916002-ZMA Map.dwgZONE MAP AMENDMENTBOZEMANMONTANA6916.002SHT. 1JCWJCWMEE09/2022engineers surveyors planners scientists2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721www.m-m.net300EAST 14 SECTION 2760' COUNTY ROADEASEMENTDAVIS LANEHIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAYPER I-IG-90-6(3)287 PLANSBOOK 145, PAGE 293HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PERSTPS 235 1 (4) 5 PLANSBARGAIN AND SALE DEEDFILM 143, PAGE 640VALLEY CENTER ROAD - HIGHWAY STPS 235 1 (4) 5HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PERSTPS 235 1 (4) 5 PLANSBARGAIN AND SALE DEEDFILM 143, PAGE 643P.O.B.ALL THAT PART OF THE NE 14 OF SECTION 27 LYING SOUTH ANDWEST OF THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY OF HIGHWAY AS STATED INBARGAIN AND SALE DEEDS FILM 143, PAGE 640, FILM 143, PAGE643, AND BOOK 145, PAGE 293, EXCEPTING THEREFROM TRACT 1OF CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY No. 3035; SITUATED IN TOWNSHIP 1SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, GALLATINCOUNTY, MONTANA,SECTION 26SECTION 27PARCEL 1COS 3035EASEMENT AREA PERSTPS 235 1 (4) 5 PLANSBARGAIN AND SALE DEEDFILM 143, PAGE 643EASEMENT AREA PERSTPS 235 1 (4) 5 PLANSBARGAIN AND SALE DEEDFILM 143, PAGE 640WARRANTY DEEDDOCUMENT No. 2736653 PARCEL 1WARRANTY DEEDDOCUMENT No. 2736653 PARCEL 2WARRANTY DEEDDOCUMENT No. 2736654VALLEY CENTER SUB.LOT 1VALLEY CENTER SUB.LOT 1ALOT 7LOT 7ALOT 8LOT 8LOT 11LOT 11ALOT 11BPARKMINOR SUB 426LOT 5LOT 42022 - SILO ZONE MAP AMENDMENTZONING AREA SUMMARYREMU ZONING:TOTAL ZONING AREA:114.69 acres (4,995,896.4) Sq. Ft.LEGAL DESCRIPTION114.69 acres (4,995,896.4) Sq. Ft.BOZEMAN COMMUNITYPLAN FUTURE LANDUSE: URBANNEIGHBORHOODBOZEMANCOMMUNITY PLANFUTURE LAND USE:RESIDENTIALMIXED USEBOZEMAN COMMUNITYPLAN FUTURE LANDUSE: RESIDENTIALMIXED USEZONING - R-5INTERSTATE - 90 - HIGHWAYWESTLAKE ROAD - COUNTYROAD EASEMENTDAVIS LANE - COUNTY ROAD EASEMENTBOZEMAN COMMUNITYPLAN FUTURE LANDUSE: URBANNEIGHBORHOODBOZEMAN COMMUNITYPLAN FUTURE LANDUSE: URBANNEIGHBORHOODBOZEMAN COMMUNITYPLAN FUTURE LANDUSE: URBANNEIGHBORHOODBOZEMAN COMMUNITYPLAN FUTURE LANDUSE: URBANNEIGHBORHOODTRACT A-1COS 165APARCEL 2COS 3035PROPOSED ZONING: REMUThree parcels of land as described in Warranty Deed document number 2736653 Parcel 1and Parcel 2 and the parcel described in Warrant Deed document number 2736654;situated in the NE 14 of Section 27, Township 1 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian,Gallatin County, Montana, and being more particularly described as follows:Commencing at the E 14 of Section 27, Township 1 South, Range 5 East, thenceN.0°36'43"E. a distance of 189.78 feet to the Point of Beginning being the northeastcorner of Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey No. 3035; thence N.0°36'43"E. a distance of464.88 feet along the east line of said Section27 to the south line of highway right ofway per Bargain and Sale Deed Book 145, Page 293; thence N.89°23'17"W. along saidright of way a distance of 50.00 feet; thence N.0°36'43"E. a distance of 195.38 feet;thence along a non-tangent curve to the left having a radius of 523.09 feet and acentral angle of 17°34'16" for an arc length of 160.42 feet, said curve having a chordbearing of N.9°16'00"W. for 159.79 feet to the southwest line of highway right of wayper Bargain and Sale Deed Film 143, Page 643; thence N.33°51'43"W. a distance of120.68 feet; thence N.53°32'27"W. a distance of 1350.11 feet; thence N.39°33'03"W. adistance of 62.05 feet; thence N.53°32'27"W. a distance of 302.20 feet; thenceN.54°16'17"W. a distance of 147.56 feet; thence along a non-tangent curve to the lefthaving a radius of 1849.86 feet and a central angle of 11°37'40" for an arc length of375.42 feet, said curve having a chord bearing of N.61°36'08"W. for 374.77 feet;thence N.82°50'39"W. a distance of 59.79 feet; thence along a non-tangent curve tothe left having a radius of 1834.86 feet and a central angle of 19°20'05" for an arclength of 619.18 feet, said curve having a chord bearing of N.78°53'01"W. for 616.25feet; thence S.0°36'05"W. a distance of 2552.36 feet along the mid section line ofSection27 to the C 14 of Section 27; thence N.89°29'32"E. a distance of 2221.92 feetalong the mid section line of Section27 to southwest corner of Tract 1 of Certificate ofSurvey No. 3035; thence N.0°36'43"E. a distance of 189.74 feet; thence N.89°29'25"E.a distance of 420.77 feet to the Point of Beginning containing 114.69 acres more orless.292 293 294 295                          !   " # $   %  &  '()  * " + ,$-)   ,"$. - + /0123  1 (     4 51          !      0    (0* "6-4 "7   " "'8     4     "4"&"  4 "  "        9 &94   "4"0   "  &  44 : (5* %   $ / 3/  $ ,   ;;< / "  0 - 12%  $ / 3<4   % &   /0123  '()* "   + ,$- )  ,"$. - +0"        .   . " &" 4 0  " 4"  &"    4 11 "     "  "&  " &  9" 4"  7  "7==4%  0  0= ==/>  &?@A  @ A"@ <3((1<54<5/5< (<33/1< 4      B      4"  0   B  " 7 1 ( " #$    0 11 " # $  '(.250 296    7B 4 1 297 Ord 2129 Page 1 of 5 ORDINANCE NO. 2129 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA AMENDING THE CITY OF BOZEMAN ZONING MAP TO REZONE TWO PARCELS FROM R-4, RESIDENTIAL HIGH DENSITY, TO REMU, RESIDENTIAL EMPHASIS MIXED USE, ON 15.037 ACRES, THE THOMAS DRIVE ZONE MAP AMENDMENT, APPLICATION 22094. WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman has adopted zoning regulations and a zoning map pursuant to Sections 76-2-301 and 76-2-302, M.C.A.; and WHEREAS, Section 76-2-305, M.C.A. allows local governments to amend zoning maps if a public hearing is held and official notice is provided; and WHEREAS, Section 76-2-307, M.C.A. states that the Zoning Commission must conduct a public hearing and submit a report to the City Commission for all zoning map amendment requests; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman Zoning Commission has been created by Section 2.05.2700, BMC as provided for in Section 76-2-307, M.C.A.; and WHEREAS, Chapter 38, Article 2, Part 2 of the Bozeman Unified Development Code sets forth the procedures and review criteria for zoning map amendments; and WHEREAS, the proposed zone map amendment application to amend the City of Bozeman Zoning Map to rezone two existing parcels from R-4 (Residential High Density) to REMU (Residential Emphasis Mixed Use) on 15.037 acres has been properly submitted, reviewed, and advertised; and WHEREAS, after proper notice, the Bozeman Zoning Commission held a public hearing on August 15, 2022 to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment; and 298 Ordinance No. 2129, Thomas Drive ZMA Page 2 of 5 WHEREAS, the Bozeman Zoning Commission recommended to the Bozeman City Commission that application No. 22094, the Thomas Drive Zone Map Amendment, be approved as requested by the applicant; and WHEREAS, after proper notice, the City Commission held its public hearing on September 20, 2022, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for the zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has reviewed and considered the zone map amendment criteria established in Section 76-2-304, M.C.A., and found that the proposed zone map amendment would be in compliance with the criteria. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: Section 1 Legislative Findings The City Commission hereby makes the following findings in support of adoption of this Ordinance: 1. The City adopted a growth policy, the Bozeman Community Plan 2020, by Resolution 5133 to establish policies for development of the community including zoning; 2. The Bozeman Community Plan 2020, Chapter 5, sets forth the policies by which the City reviews and applies the criteria for amendment of zoning established in 76-3-304, MCA; 3. Zoning, including amendments to the zoning map, must be in accordance with an adopted growth policy; 4. A staff report analyzing the required criteria for a zone map amendment, including accordance to the Bozeman Community Plan 2020, has found that the required criteria are satisfied; 5. The two required public hearings were advertised as required in state law and municipal code and all persons have had opportunity to review the materials applicable to the application and provide comment prior to a decision; 6. The Bozeman Zoning Commission has been established as required in state law and 299 Ordinance No. 2129, Thomas Drive ZMA Page 3 of 5 conducted their required public hearing; and after consideration of application materials, staff analysis and report, and all submitted public comment recommended approval of the requested REMU district. 7. The City Commission conducted a public hearing to provide all interested parties the opportunity to provide evidence and testimony regarding the proposed amendment prior to the City Commission acting on the application. 8. The City Commission considered the application materials, staff analysis and report, Zoning Commission recommendation, all submitted public comment, and all other relevant information. 9. The City Commission determines that, as set forth in the staff report and incorporating the staff findings as part of their decision, the required criteria for approval of the Carroll on Main Zone Map Amendment have been satisfied. Section 2 That the zoning district designation of the following-described property is hereby amended from R-4, Residential High Density, to REMU, Residential Emphasis Mixed Use: The property is described as: The tract of land being the South half of the South half of the North half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, shown as Tract 1 on Certificate of Survey No. 2856; and the North half of the South half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, all in Section 35, Township 1 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana and more particularly described as: Beginning at a C&H yellow plastic cap from which the CW 1/16 corner of said Section 35, a Blank 1 ½ “ALUM. Cap bears N 00˚11’12” E, a distance of 497.15 feet; Thence N 89˚38’23” E, a distance of 1324.56 feet to a calculated point on the North-South center of section line of said Section 35; Thence S 00˚14’48” W a distance of 497.69 feet to a 5/8” rebar, Thence S 89˚35’36” W a distance of 1323.32 feet to a 5/8” rebar; Thence N 00˚04’26” E a distance of 333.00 feet to a C&H yellow plastic cap; Thence N 00˚09’37” E a distance of 165.75 feet to the point of beginning, Containing an area of 659,624 square feet, 15.143 acres more or less. Subject to all easements of record or apparent from visual inspection of the property. 300 Ordinance No. 2129, Thomas Drive ZMA Page 4 of 5 Section 3 Repealer. All provisions of the ordinances of the City of Bozeman in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other provisions of the ordinances of the City of Bozeman not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4 Savings Provision. This ordinance does not affect the rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred or proceedings that were begun before the effective date of this ordinance. All other provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code not amended by this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5 Severability. That should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole, or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Bozeman Municipal Code as a whole. Section 6 Codification. This Ordinance shall not be codified but shall be kept by the City Clerk and entered into a disposition list in numerical order with all other ordinances of the City and shall be organized in a category entitled “Zone Map Amendments.” Section 7 Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after final adoption. 301 Ordinance No. 2129, Thomas Drive ZMA Page 5 of 5 PROVISIONALLY ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on first reading at a regular session held on the ______ day of _______, 2022. ____________________________________ CYNTHIA L. ANDRUS Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ MIKE MAAS City Clerk FINALLY PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana on second reading at a regular session thereof held on the ___ of ____________________, 2022. The effective date of this ordinance is __________, ___, 2022. _________________________________ CYNTHIA L. ANDRUS Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ MIKE MAAS City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________________ GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney 302 SHEETMADISON ENGINEERING895 TECHNOLOGY BLVDBOZEMAN, MT 59718(406) 586-02621013 THOMAS DR ZMAZMA EXHIBIT A1013 THOMAS DRIVEZONE MAP AMENDMENT EXHIBITBOZEMAN, MT001 1" =0SCALE 6012030 60INITIAL ZONE MAPAMENDMENT (REMU)PROPOSED ZMABOUNDARYLEGENDTHOMAS DRIVE ZONE MAP AMENDMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION:”FILM 14PAGE 1699 CURRENT ZONING: COUNTY(AGRICULTURAL SUBURBAN)EXHIBIT A1013 THOMAS DRIVE ZONE MAP AMENDMENTto BOZEMAN, MONTANAA TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THESW 1/4 OF OF SECTION 35 T1S, R5E P.M.M.GALLATIN COUNTY, MTTHOMAS DRIVELOT 3MINOR SUB 210CURRENT ZONING: B-PFILM 3PAGE 49CURRENT ZONING: REMUTRACT BCOS 500CURRENT ZONING: R-4FILM 117PAGE 3623CURRENT ZONING: COUNTY(AGRICULTURAL SUBURBAN)303                            ! " #$%& '   (    !" &  '!#  ) #  " *"   " +,  " ,      " "  !- ./00%   "   1   "2!23!'245 "' ! 6 2'4  2'- 6 $$     ) 7$                /    %/8 "9:) ";   " "2(     !)     ")"3"  ) "  "   !     # 3#)   ")"/   "  " )"   " #$%& '     0$  %; "  /  " 3 , *"55<$*,  : =  ' 0>0'#  # >$$ 335  ,><.$  ," 55.>>     =  ' 0>0       ?#5>$  " " >$.)    = )# ./00%  !'245 "' ! 62'4  2'- 6/ "   " ! - ) 3"  /* !       !!     3  ) 3""  / "  " !'22' ) !       ) /83   "      !" =    $$4$$6"      5 :    3! !@   '-  : / "  " 3!) ( =  " "!!  !"   " !"     "! "   /" ""  - =  !'2     !" ':!         304     2 !   " !=  /" ! =  "  ( !"  3 /  )"  3"   .$ "   %;  "  /      "     !  ! " " /      )"  /   * ! !! " )  ! /*  )  !  3) " )"=   /  " ; $$#$%&'   /! $$5A$%&''<B/!    ;* ) $ 305 Ord 2127 Page 1 of 5 ORDINANCE NO. 2127 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA AMENDING THE CITY OF BOZEMAN ZONING MAP TO REZONE BLOCK 104, NORTHERN PACIFIC ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, FROM M-1, LIGHT MANUFACTURING, TO B-2M, COMMUNITY BUSINESS MIXED, ON 3.554 ACRES, THE BLOCK 104 ZONE MAP AMENDMENT, APPLICATION 22100. WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman has adopted zoning regulations and a zoning map pursuant to Sections 76-2-301 and 76-2-302, M.C.A.; and WHEREAS, Section 76-2-305, M.C.A. allows local governments to amend zoning maps if a public hearing is held and official notice is provided; and WHEREAS, Section 76-2-307, M.C.A. states that the Zoning Commission must conduct a public hearing and submit a report to the City Commission for all zoning map amendment requests; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman Zoning Commission has been created by Section 2.05.2700, BMC as provided for in Section 76-2-307, M.C.A.; and WHEREAS, Chapter 38, Article 2, Part 2 of the Bozeman Unified Development Code sets forth the procedures and review criteria for zoning map amendments; and WHEREAS, the proposed zone map amendment application to amend the City of Bozeman Zoning Map to rezone a City block from M-1 to B-2M on 3.554 acres has been properly submitted, reviewed, and advertised; and WHEREAS, after proper notice, the Bozeman Zoning Commission held a public hearing on August 15, 2022 to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman Zoning Commission recommended to the Bozeman City Commission that application No. 22100, the Block 104 Zone Map Amendment, be approved as requested by the applicant (4:1); and 306 Ordinance No. 2127, Block 104 ZMA Page 2 of 5 WHEREAS, after proper notice, the City Commission held its public hearing on August 23, 2022, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for the zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has reviewed and considered the zone map amendment criteria established in Section 76-2-304, M.C.A., and found that the proposed zone map amendment would be in compliance with the criteria (4:1). NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: Section 1 Legislative Findings The City Commission hereby makes the following findings in support of adoption of this Ordinance: 1. The City adopted a growth policy, the Bozeman Community Plan 2020, by Resolution 5133 to establish policies for development of the community including zoning; 2. The Bozeman Community Plan 2020, Chapter 5, sets forth the policies by which the City reviews and applies the criteria for amendment of zoning established in 76-3-304, MCA; 3. Zoning, including amendments to the zoning map, must be in accordance with an adopted growth policy; 4. A staff report analyzing the required criteria for a zone map amendment, including accordance to the Bozeman Community Plan 2020, has found that the required criteria are satisfied; 5. The two required public hearings were advertised as required in state law and municipal code and all persons have had opportunity to review the materials applicable to the application and provide comment prior to a decision; 6. The Bozeman Zoning Commission has been established as required in state law and conducted their required public hearing; and after consideration of application materials, staff analysis and report, and all submitted public comment recommended approval of the requested B-2M district. 307 Ordinance No. 2127, Block 104 ZMA Page 3 of 5 7. The City Commission conducted a public hearing to provide all interested parties the opportunity to provide evidence and testimony regarding the proposed amendment prior to the City Commission acting on the application. 8. The City Commission considered the application materials, staff analysis and report, Zoning Commission recommendation, all submitted public comment, and all other relevant information. 9. The City Commission determines that, as set forth in the staff report and incorporating the staff findings as part of their decision, the required criteria for approval of the Block 104 Zone Map Amendment have been satisfied. Section 2 That the zoning district designation of the following-described property is hereby amended from M-1, Light Manufacturing, to B-2M, Community Business Mixed District: The property is described as: A tract of land, said tract being all of Block 104 and portions of Aspen Street, Tamarack Street, Wallace Avenue, Ida Avenue, and Front Street in the Plat of the Northern Pacific Addition to the City of Bozeman, said tract being located in the Southeast Quarter of Section 6, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, Principal Meridian Montana, said tract being further described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Block 104; thence N44°52'41"W, a distance of 41.84' to the Point of Beginning; thence North 89°19'18" East, on the centerline of Tamarack Street, a distance of 370.98 feet; thence South 37°13'59" East, on the northeasterly right-of-way line of Front Street, a distance of 131.83 feet; thence South 00°56'01" West, on the centerline of Ida Avenue, a distance of 254.89 feet; thence South 89°23'42" West, on the centerline of Aspen Street, a distance of 452.46 feet; thence North 00°55'59" East, on the centerline of Wallace Avenue, a distance of 360.25 feet to the Point of Beginning. The described tract has an area of 3.645 acres, more or less. The described tract is as shown on the accompanying exhibit and is along with and subject to any existing easements. Section 3 Repealer. All provisions of the ordinances of the City of Bozeman in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other provisions of the ordinances of 308 Ordinance No. 2127, Block 104 ZMA Page 4 of 5 the City of Bozeman not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4 Savings Provision. This ordinance does not affect the rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred or proceedings that were begun before the effective date of this ordinance. All other provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code not amended by this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5 Severability. That should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole, or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Bozeman Municipal Code as a whole. Section 6 Codification. This Ordinance shall not be codified but shall be kept by the City Clerk and entered into a disposition list in numerical order with all other ordinances of the City and shall be organized in a category entitled “Zone Map Amendments.” Section 7 Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after final adoption. 309 Ordinance No. 2127, Block 104 ZMA Page 5 of 5 PROVISIONALLY ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on first reading at a regular session held on the 15th day of November, 2022. ____________________________________ CYNTHIA L. ANDRUS Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ MIKE MAAS City Clerk FINALLY PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana on second reading at a regular session thereof held on the ___ of ____________________, 2022. The effective date of this ordinance is __________, ___, 202__. _________________________________ CYNTHIA L. ANDRUS Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ MIKE MAAS City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________________ GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney 310 N00°55'59"E 360.25'N89°19'18"E 339.86' S 3 7 ° 1 3 ' 5 9 " E 1 8 2 . 1 8 'S00°56'01"W 214.43'S89°23'42"W 452.46' ZONING B-2M (PREVIOUSLY ZONED M-1) A TRACT OF LAND BEING ALL OF BLOCK 104 & PORTIONS OF ASPEN STREET, TAMARACK STREET, WALLACE AVENUE, IDA AVENUE, & FRONT STREET IN THE PLAT OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, LOCATED IN THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 6, T2S, R6E, PMM, CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA AREA: 3.554 ACRES (COMPUTED AREA IN SQAURE FEET: 154,832) 311                                       !  " !  #      $ %&    '    '( ) *     + $ + ,+ +-     $ .    #  /.      '  0    $     123   $ %&    '$    .        $      .$ . $  '   !  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'( #%   % 6< * $ 316 Page 1 of 35 22113 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment Public Hearing: Community Development Board acting in their capacity as the Zoning Commission meeting is on November 21, 2022 City Commission meeting is on December 6, 2022 Project Description: Annexation application 22113 requesting annexation of 86.0 acres and amendment application 22113 to the City Zoning Map for the establishment of a zoning designation of REMU (Residential Emphasis Mixed-Use District). Project Location: Not addressed at this time. Property is located at the Northwest of the intersection of Davis Lane and Catamount Street and more particularly described as a Tract 3 of COS 3035, located in Section 27, Township One South (T1S), Range Five East (R5E) of P.M.M., Gallatin County, Montana. The annexation and zone map amendment would also apply to the streets adjacent to the property. Recommendation: Meets standards for approval with terms of annexation and contingencies. Recommended Zoning Commission Motion: Having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials, public comment, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 22113 and move to recommend approval of the Project 86 Zone Map Amendment, with contingencies required to complete the application processing. Recommended City Commission Annexation Motion: Having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials, public comment, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 23113 and move to approve the Project 86 Annexation. Recommended City Commission Zoning Motion: Having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials, public comment, recommendation of the Zoning Commission, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 22113 and move to approve the Project 86 Zone Map Amendment. Report Date:November 18, 2022 Staff Contact: Tom Rogers, Senior Planner Lance Lehigh, City Engineer Agenda Item Type: Action - Legislative 317 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 2 of 35 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report is based on the application materials submitted and public comment received to date. This report addresses both the zoning amendment for Community Development Board acting in their capacity as the Zoning Commission, as well as the annexation and the zoning amendment for the City Commission. The application materials are available on the City’s website in the laserfiche archive. Unresolved Issues There are no identified conflicts on this application at this time. Project Summary The applicant and property owners seek to annex parcels totaling 86.0 acres into the City limits and establish an initial zoning of REMU, Residential Emphasis Mixed-Use district. The property is currently zoned “Agriculture Suburban” (AS) within the County administered Gallatin County Bozeman Area Zoning District (the Donut). Nearby municipal zoning to the east and across Davis Lane is R-4, High Density Residential, and a variety of other less intense residential districts north and south of this property. To the north and of the subject property the Commission recently annexed and established an initial zoning designation of REMU on a 115 acre property named the Silo Annexation, Application 21442. The Future Land Use Map in the Bozeman Community Plan (BCP) 2020 designates the property as “Urban Neighborhood” which includes the REMU district as an implementing zoning district. The property is bordered by Davis Lane to the east (a Bozeman classified minor arterial street). Upon future development the property will be bounded by an extension of Catamount Street, a minor arterial street, on the south, and North Ferguson Avenue to the west, a collector street, and a local street on the north side of the property. The proposed annexation would bring in additional right of way to build out Davis Lane to the full city street classification as would be required with future development. Additional right of way is required with this annexation to accommodate the future construction of Catamount Street and Ferguson Avenue. The property is currently vacant with no existing development or city services on the parcel. The property is surrounded to the west with rural residential uses, to the south and north are still in agricultural uses, and to the east and across Davis Lane is the Cattail Lake Subdivision development. In determining whether the criteria applicable to this application are met, Staff considers the entire body of plans and regulations for land development. Standards which prevent or mitigate possible negative impacts are incorporated in many locations in the municipal code but are principally in Chapter 38, Unified Development Code. References in the text of this report to Articles, Divisions, or in the form xx.xxx.xxx are to the Bozeman Municipal Code. 318 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 3 of 35 No public comment has been received on the application. Community Development Board (Zoning Commission) Summary The Community Development Board acting in their capacity as the Zoning Commission held a public hearing on November 21, 2022 and forwarded a recommendation to the City Commission to adopt the requested REMU zoning (6:0). A video recording can be viewed at the following link: https://bozeman.granicus.com/player/clip/1919?view_id=1&redirect=true&h=5910bbd43bf7 c2973d95d55c8bc7d0fc Review begins at time stamp 1:10:05 No public comment was heard on the application. City Commission Alternatives 1. Approve the application; 2. Approve modifications to the requested zoning; 3. Deny the application based on findings of non-compliance with the applicable criteria contained within the staff report; or 4. Open and continue the public hearing on the application, with specific direction to staff or the applicant to supply additional information or to address specific items. 319 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 4 of 35 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.......................................................................................................2 Unresolved Issues................................................................................................................2 Project Summary .................................................................................................................2 Community Development Board (Zoning Commission) Summary....................................3 City Commission Alternatives.............................................................................................3 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES:....................................................................................................5 SECTION 2 - RECOMMENDED TERMS OF ANNEXATION...........................................10 SECTION 3 - RECOMMENDED CONTINGENCIES OF ZONE MAP AMENDMENT ...13 SECTION 4 - RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS.......................................13 Annexation.........................................................................................................................13 Zone Map Amendment......................................................................................................14 SECTION 5 - ANNEXATION STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS.................................14 SECTION 6 - ZONE MAP AMENDMENT STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS............21 PROTEST NOTICE FOR ZONING AMENDMENTS..........................................................31 APPENDIX A - NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT.....................................................32 APPENDIX B - PROJECT GROWTH POLICY AND PROPOSED ZONING....................32 APPENDIX C - OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF.............................35 FISCAL EFFECTS..................................................................................................................35 ATTACHMENTS....................................................................................................................35 320 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 5 of 35 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES: Map 1: Project Vicinity Map Subject property Silo annexation property 321 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 6 of 35 Map 2: Project Map 322 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 7 of 35 Map 3: BCP 2020 Future Land Use Map Subject property 323 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 8 of 35 Map 4: Existing City Zoning Subject property REMU 324 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 9 of 35 Map 5: City boundary context map 325 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 10 of 35 SECTION 2 - RECOMMENDED TERMS OF ANNEXATION The following terms of annexation are recommended to enable the application to comply with the City’s Annexation Policy and the requirements of state law for the provision of services. Recommended terms of annexation: 1. Naming Term. The documents and exhibits to formally annex the subject property must be identified as the “Project Eighty-6 Annexation”. 2. Map Format Term. An Annexation Map, titled “Project Eighty-6 Annexation Map” with a legal description of the property and any adjoining un-annexed rights-of-way and/or street access easements must be submitted by the applicant for use with the Annexation Agreement. The map must be supplied as a PDF for filing with the Annexation Agreement at the County Clerk & Recorder, and a digital copy for the City Engineers Office. This map must be acceptable to the Director of Public Works and City Engineers Office, and must be submitted with the signed Annexation Agreement. 3. Ferguson Avenue is classified as a Collector in the Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP), which has a minimum right-of-way ROW width of 90 feet. The applicant must provide their respective portion of the ROW necessary to follow the alignment shown in the transportation plan as a public street and utility easement where Ferguson Avenue is adjacent to or crosses the property. The easement will be required with future development once the final alignment has been determined. 4. Catamount Street is classified as a Minor Arterial in the Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP), which has a minimum right-of-way ROW width of 100 feet. The applicant must provide their respective portion of the ROW necessary to follow the alignment shown in the transportation plan as a public street and utility easement where Catamount Street is adjacent to or crosses the property. 5. Davis Lane is classified as a Minor Arterial in the Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP), which has a minimum right-of-way ROW width of 100 feet. The applicant must provide their respective half of the ROW from the centerline of the existing ROW as a public street and utility easement where Davis Lane is adjacent to the property. A public street and utility easement must be provided prior to the adoption of Resolution of Annexation. The applicant can contact the City's Engineering Department to receive a copy of the standard easement language. 6. Timing Term. The applicant must execute all contingencies and terms of said Annexation Agreement with the City of Bozeman within 60 days of the distribution of the annexation agreement from the City to the applicant or annexation approval shall be null and void. 7. Impact Fee Notice Term. The land owners and their successors must pay all fire, street, water and sewer impact fees at the time of connection; and for future development, as required by Chapter 2, Bozeman Municipal Code, or as amended at the time of application for any permit listed therein. 326 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 11 of 35 8. SID Waiver. If they do not already exist the applicant must provide and file with the County Clerk and Recorder's office executed Waivers of Right to Protest Creation of Special Improvement Districts (SIDs) for the following: a. Street improvements to Catamount Street from E. Valley Center to Hidden Valley, Ferguson Avenue from E. Valley Center to Cattail Street, and Davis Lane from E. Valley Center to Baxter Lane including lighting, signalization, paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage. b. Intersection improvements at E. Valley Center and Davis Lane including lighting, signalization/channelization, paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage c. Intersection improvements at Davis Lane and Catamount Street including lighting, signalization/channelization, paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage. d. Intersection improvements at Catamount Street and Ferguson Ave including lighting, signalization/channelization, paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm. e. Intersection improvements at Davis Lane and Cattail Street including lighting, signalization/channelization, paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage. f. The document filed must specify that in the event an SID is not utilized for the completion of these improvements, the developer agrees to participate in an alternate financing method for the completion of the improvements on a fair share, proportionate basis as determined by square footage of property, taxable valuation of the property, traffic contribution from the development, or a combination thereof. The applicant must provide a copy of the SID waiver in conjunction with the Annexation Agreement. 9. Notices. The Annexation Agreement must include the following notices: a. Storm Water Master Plan. The Annexation Agreement must include notice that, prior to development, the applicant will be responsible for preparing a storm water master plan in conjunction with future development. The storm water master plan shall address maintenance and operations until and unless the City affirmatively assumes responsibility for maintenance and operations of stormwater facilities within the area of the annexation. b. Extent of Service. The Annexation Agreement must include notice the City will, upon annexation, make available to the Property existing City services only to the extent currently available, or as provided in the Agreement. c. Verification of Municipal Service. The Annexation Agreement must include notice that there is no right, either granted or implied, for Landowner to further develop any of the Property until it is verified by the City that the necessary municipal services are available to the property. d. Municipal Service Installation. The Annexation Agreement must include notice that, prior to development, the applicant will be responsible for installing any facilities required to provide full municipal services to the properties in accordance with the City of Bozeman's infrastructure master plans and all City policies that may be in effect at the time of development. 327 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 12 of 35 e. Utility Easements. The Annexation Agreement must include notice that utility easements may be required to be provided by the landowner at the time of development to ensure necessary municipal services are available to the property. f. Assessments. The agreement must include notice that charges and assessments may be required after completion of annexation to ensure necessary municipal services are available to the property. g. Impact Fees. The Annexation Agreement must include notice that the City will assess system development and impact fees in accordance with Montana law and Chapter 2, Article 6, Division 9, Bozeman Municipal Code. h. Impact Fees. All procedural terms necessary to establish the Annexation Agreement in conformance with state law and municipal practice will be included with the final Annexation Agreement. 10. Municipal Connection Term. The Annexation Agreement must include notice that the applicant must connect to municipal services and will be responsible for installing any facilities required to provide full municipal services to the property in accordance with city policy at the time of connection. 11. CIL of Water Term. The applicant must contact the City’s Engineering Department to obtain an analysis of cash-in-lieu of water rights for the proposed annexation. The determined amount must be paid prior to the adoption of Resolution of Annexation, if applicable. 12. All required materials shall be provided to the Department of Community Development within 60 days of a favorable action of the City Commission or any approval shall be null and void. Advisory Comments 1. Annexation and Zone Map revisions are required prior to final action as detailed in the Planning and Engineering comments. 2. BMC 38.410.070 (A) (1) Municipal water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer systems - The subject property is located within the Baxter Creek Sewer Drainage Basin, which currently does not have any wastewater infrastructure to service the proposed annexation. The applicant is advised that the City does not allow private lift stations or sanitary sewer basin jumps. Therefore, all sanitary sewer flows must be routed to the drainage basin that serves the area as identified in the City of Bozeman Wastewater Collection Facilities Plan. The applicant is advised that the City's wastewater facility plan identified the need for a future sanitary lift station (Hidden Valley Lift Station) and force main. Upon future development, a new lift station and associated infrastructure must be in place to serve the proposed area. 3. The applicant is advised that the annexation area is located on the edge of the City's existing pressure zone. New development may be required to reduce system pressure as outline in the City's adopted facility plan. In addition, transmission mains will be required to adequately loop the system as outline in the facility plan. 328 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 13 of 35 4. A Class I shared use path as described in the most recent facility plan addressing shared use path location and design standards will be required upon development of the subject property. The location must be reviewed and approved in coordination with the City. SECTION 3 - RECOMMENDED CONTINGENCIES OF ZONE MAP AMENDMENT Please note that these contingencies are necessary for the City to complete the process of the proposed amendment. These contingencies only apply in the event that the related annexation request has previously been approved. Recommended Contingencies of Approval: 1. That all documents and exhibits necessary to establish an initial municipal zoning designation shall be identified as the “Project Eight-6 Zone Map Amendment.” All required documents must be returned to the City within 60 days of the City Commission action to annex the property or the preliminary approval shall be null and void. 2. That the Ordinance for the Zone Map Amendment shall not be finalized until the Annexation Agreement is signed by the applicant and formally approved by the City Commission. If the annexation agreement is not approved, the Zone Map Amendment application shall be null and void. 3. That the applicant must submit a Zone Amendment map, titled “Project Eighty-6 Zone Map Amendment”. The map must be supplied as a PDF. This map must be acceptable to the City Engineer’s Office, and must be submitted within 60 days of the action to approve the zone map amendment. Said map shall contain a metes and bounds legal description of the perimeter of the subject property including adjacent right-of-ways or street easements, and total acreage of the property to be rezoned; unless the property to be rezoned can be entirely described by reference to existing platted properties or certificates of survey. 4. The Ordinance for the Zone Map Amendment shall not be drafted until the applicant provides an editable metes and bounds legal description prepared by a licensed Montana surveyor. SECTION 4 - RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS Annexation Having considered the criteria established for an annexation, the Development Review Committee (DRC) did not find any deficiencies that prohibit annexation at this time. The City Commission will hold a public meeting on the annexation on December 6, 2022. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. The meeting will be conducted through WebEx. Instructions on joining the meeting will be included on the meeting agenda. 329 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 14 of 35 Zone Map Amendment Having considered the criteria established for a zone map amendment, the Staff found the requested zoning meets standards for approval as submitted. The Zone Map Amendment (ZMA) is in conjunction with an annexation request. Staff’s recommendation and staff responses are predicated on approval of the annexation, application 22113. The Development Review Committee (DRC) considered the amendment. The DRC did not identify any infrastructure or regulatory constraints that would impede the approval of the application. The Community Development Board acting in their capacity as the Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on this ZMA on November 21, 2022 and will forward a recommendation to the Commission on the Zone Map amendment. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. in the Commission Room at City Hall, 121 N. Rouse Ave, Bozeman, Montana. Members of the public will also be able to participate remotely via WebEx. Instructions for joining the WebEx meeting will be included on the meeting agenda which is published on the City’s website at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. The City Commission will hold a public hearing on the zone map amendment on December 6, 2022. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. in the Commission Room at City Hall, 121 N. Rouse Ave, Bozeman, Montana, the City Commission will conduct a public hearing on the proposed Annexation and Zone Map Amendment application. Members of the public will also be able to participate remotely via WebEx. Instructions for joining the WebEx meeting will be included on the meeting agenda which is published on the City’s website at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. SECTION 5 - ANNEXATION STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS In considering applications for approval of the requested annexation, the advisory boards and City Commission shall consider the following: Commission Resolution No. 5076 Criteria Commission Resolution No. 5076 Goals Goal 1: The City of Bozeman encourages annexations of land contiguous to the City. Criterion Met. The property in question is contiguous to the City limits on the east. Goal 2: The City encourages all areas that are totally surrounded by the City to annex. Criterion Not Met. The subject property is not wholly surrounded. 330 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 15 of 35 Goal 3: The City encourages all properties currently contracting with the City for City services such as water, sanitary sewer, and/or fire protection to annex. Neutral. The subject property is currently vacant. It is not currently contracting with the City for water, sewer or fire protection services. Future development will be required to connect with City services. Goal 4: The City of Bozeman requires annexation of all land proposed for development lying within the existing and planned service area of the municipal water and sewer systems as depicted in their respective facility plans, any land proposed for development that proposes to utilize municipal water or sewer systems. Criterion Met. The subject property lies within the planned service area of the municipal water and sewer services. Future proposed developments will be required to utilize municipal water or sewer systems. The applicants intend to develop the property after annexation as evidenced by the request for REMU zoning. Goal 5: The City encourages annexations within the urban area identified on the future land use map in the current Bozeman Growth Policy. Criterion Met. As shown in Section 1, the subject property is planned as ‘Urban Neighborhood’ and is within the urban area of the growth policy. See the discussion under Criterion A of Section 6 of the report for more information on the growth policy. Goal 6: The City of Bozeman encourages annexations to make the City boundaries more regular rather than creating irregular extensions which leave unannexed gaps between annexed areas or islands of annexed or unannexed land. Criterion Met. The proposed annexation will create a peninsula to the west similar to the Silo Annexation recently reviewed and approved. However, this property in conjunction with the Silo property begins infilling un-annexed area between existing city boundary to the south and the extension of the city boundary to the north and across I-90 with the annexation of the Nelson Meadows property. See image 5 above. The parcel is quite large with a breadth quarter mile and a depth of approximately a half mile. Irregular extensions are not prohibited in and of themselves. Given the size, staff concludes this is not an irregular extension. The annexation will not create an annexation island Goal 7: The City of Bozeman encourages annexations which will enhance the existing traffic circulation system or provide for circulation systems that do not exist at the present time. Criterion Met. The subject property will provide additional right of way for Davis Lane to the east which is designated by the City as a minor arterial. Easements for Ferguson Road are required by the terms of annexation. An easement is required on the southern boundary for the future extension of Catamount Street. 331 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 16 of 35 A proposed shared use path has been identified adjacent to the watercourse in the middle of the property. In addition a future trail is indicated in two locations according to the PROST Plan. The PROST plan is currently being updated. The exact location of the shared use path is typically not identified at time of annexation. Upon development of the concept plan and development plans on the subject property will establish its location in conjunction with the most current relevant facility plan. This annexation will enhance both the City’s vehicular and pedestrian network by providing future right of way width for these improvements. Although the improvements will not happen at the time of annexation, future development will be required to install these improvements as their frontage requirements. Goal 8: The City prefers annexation of parcels of land larger than five (5) acres in size, but will allow annexation of smaller parcels if factors such as topographic limitations, sanitary disposal needs, fire access, maintenance of public facilities, etc., justify a smaller annexation. Criterion Met. The subject property is approximately 86 acres. Goal 9: The City seeks to obtain water rights adequate for future development of the property with annexation. Criterion Met. After annexation, the subject property will be bound to the provisions of 38.410.130 which require evaluation of water adequacy and provision of water if needed at time of development. The municipal code section requires water rights or an equivalent to be provided. Exact timing and amounts will be evaluated during development review. There are several methods to address the requirements of 38.410.130. The annexation agreement will provide notice of this requirement, see Terms of Annexation 11. The landowner will consent to this requirement by signature on the annexation agreement. Goal 10: The City of Bozeman encourages annexations for City provision of clean treated water and sanitary sewer. Criterion Met. The subject property is located within the City’s planned water and sewer service area. See Goal 4 above. Any future development will be required to connect to the City systems. Per Term of Annexation 3, the Annexation Agreement required to finalize the annexation requires the applicant to design extensions of services to meet the City’s adopted infrastructure standards. These include provisions for minimum water pressure and volumes, adequate sewer flows by volume, gravity flow of sewers, and other standards necessary to protect public health and safety and ensure functional utilities. 332 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 17 of 35 Resolution No. 5076 Policies Policy 1: Annexations must include dedication of all easements for rights-of-way for collector and arterial streets, adjacent local streets, public water, sanitary sewer, or storm or sewer mains, and Class I public trails not within the right of way for arterial or collector streets. Annexations must also include waivers of right to protest the creation of special or improvement districts necessary to provide the essential services for future development of the City. Criterion Met. As discussed in Section 5 Goal 7, additional right of way is being included for Davis Lane, Ferguson Avenue, and Catamount Street. The Recommended Terms of Annexation include requirements for these right of way provisions. See Terms of Annexation 3, 5, and 5. A Class I trail is designated according to the PROST Plan. No development plans were provided with the annexation and zoning applications. The adjacent properties to the north and south are undeveloped. A full wetland delineation, floodplain analysis, and watercourse typology determination from the appropriate review authority has not been completed. Therefore, describing and adopting an easement for the future construction of the pathway is not practicable at this time. As noted above an advisory comment is included to ensure all parties are aware of future development requirements. In addition, as with all development in the city, pursuant to section 38.400.110, easements, when required, and construction standards ensure Class I pathways are required where identified by the PROST Plan. See advisory comment No. 5. Policy 2: Issues pertaining to master planning and zoning must be addressed prior to or in conjunction with the application for annexation. Criterion Met. The subject property is planned for Urban Neighborhood. No change to the growth policy is required. The application includes a request for initial zoning of REMU. See the zone map amendment section of this report for analysis of the zone map amendment criteria. Policy 3: The application for annexation must be in conformance with the current Bozeman Growth Policy. If a Growth Policy Amendment is necessary to accommodate anticipated uses, the amendment process must be initiated by the property owner and completed prior to any action for approval of the application for annexation. Criterion Met. The property is designated “Urban Neighborhood” on the future land use map. No growth policy amendment is required. See discussion under zone map amendment Criterion A. Policy 4: Initial zoning classification of the property to be annexed will be determined by the City Commission, in compliance with the Bozeman Growth Policy and upon a 333 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 18 of 35 recommendation of the City Zoning Commission, simultaneously with review of the annexation petition. The Community Development Board acting in their capacity as the City Zoning Commission will be reviewing the requested zoning district designation on November 21, 2022. The Zoning Commission’s recommendation will be passed along to the City Commission for review and consideration along with the annexation request on December 6, 2022. Policy 5: The applicant must indicate their preferred zoning classification as part of the annexation petition. Criterion Met. The applicant has requested a zoning designation of REMU, Residential Emphasis Mixed Use district. See Section 6 of this report for analysis of the requested zoning. Policy 6: Fees for annexation processing will be established by the City Commission. Criterion Met. The appropriate application processing and review fees accompanied the application. Policy 7: It is the policy of the City that annexations will not be approved where unpaved county roads will be the most commonly used route to gain access to the property unless the landowner proposes a method to provide for construction of the road to the City’s street standards. Criterion Met. The subject property is accessed on the east by Davis Lane which is a minor arterial and paved to the edge of the subject property. Policy 8: Prior to annexation of property, the City will require the property owner to acquire adequate and usable water rights, or an appropriate fee in lieu thereof, in accordance with Section 38.410.130 of the municipal code, as amended. Criterion Met. The property owner shall provide usable water rights, or cash in-lieu of water rights thereof, in an amount to be determined by the Director of Public Works, as outlined by Section 38.410.130 of the municipal code. The calculated amount will be determined by the Director of Public Works and based on the zoning designation approved by the City Commission. Term of annexation 11 requires notice of this requirement to be part of the annexation agreement. Satisfaction of this requirement will occur with future development. 334 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 19 of 35 Policy 9: Infrastructure and emergency services for an area proposed for annexation will be reviewed for the health, safety and welfare of the public and conformance with the City’s adopted facility plans. If the City determines adequate services cannot be provided to ensure public health, safety and welfare, the City may require the property owner to provide a written plan for accommodation of these services, or the City may reject the petition for annexation. Additionally, the parcel to be annexed may only be provided sanitary sewer service via the applicable drainage basin defined in the City Wastewater Collection Facilities Plan. Criterion Met. City infrastructure and emergency services are available to the subject property. The property is located adjacent to existing urban development that is currently served by Bozeman Fire and Police Departments. The property is located in the City’s water and sewer service areas. Expansion of municipal utility and park facilities to serve the development will occur during the development process. As noted above, the annexation agreement will require future development to meet municipal standards. Policy 10: The City may require annexation of any contiguous property for which city services are requested or for which city services are currently being provided. In addition, any person, firm, or corporation receiving water or sewer service outside of the City limits is required as a condition of initiating or continuing such service, to consent to annexation of the property serviced by the City. The City Manager may enter into an agreement with a property owner for connection to the City’s sanitary sewer or water system in an emergency conditioned upon the submittal by the property owner of a petition for annexation and filing of a notice of consent to annexation with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder’s Office. The contract for connection to city sewer and/or water must require the property owner to annex or consent to disconnection of the services. Connection for purposes of obtaining City sewer services in an emergency requires, when feasible as determined by the City, the connection to City water services. Criterion Met. City services are not currently being provided to this property as it is vacant. Future development will be required to hook up to City services. This annexation is not a result of an emergency condition requiring connection. Policy 11: The annexation application shall be accompanied by mapping to meet the requirements of the Director of Public Works. Where an area to be annexed can be entirely described by reference to a certificate of survey or subdivision plat on file with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder the mapping may be waived by the Director of Public Works. Criterion Met. Mapping to meet the requirements of the Director of Public Works must be provided with the Annexation Agreement. Mapping requirements are addressed in 335 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 20 of 35 Recommended Term of Annexation 2. The map must include adjacent right of way and therefore cannot be described solely by reference to platted lands. Policy 12: The City will assess system development/ impact fees in accordance with Montana law and Chapter 2, Article 6, Division 9, Bozeman Municipal Code. Neutral. The annexation does not require immediate payment of fees and there are no existing buildings on the site. The annexation agreement will provide notice of obligations to pay impact fees at times of triggers as required in ordinance. Policy 13: Public notice requirements: Notice for annexation of property must be coordinated with the required notice for the zone map amendment required with all annexation. The zone map amendment notice must contain the materials required by 38.220.410, BMC. Notices of the public hearing have been mailed, published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle twice, and posted on the site as set forth under this policy. See Appendix A for more details. Policy 14: Annexation agreements must be executed and returned to the City within 60 days of distribution of the annexation agreement by the City, unless another time is specifically identified by the City Commission. Criterion Met. Suggested terms of annexation include a notice that the agreement, once prepared and provided to the applicant, must be signed and retuned within the stated time period. This policy will be implemented only if the Commission acts to grant approval. If the application is denied then no annexation agreement will be necessary. Policy 15: When possible, the use of Part 46 annexations is preferred. Criterion Met. This annexation is being processed under Part 46 provisions. Policy 16: Where a road improvement district has been created, the annexation does not repeal the creation of the district. The City will not assume operations of the district until the entirety of the district has been annexed. Any funds held in trust for the district will be used to benefit the district after transfer to the City. Inclusion within a district does not lessen the obligation to participate in general city programs that address the same subject. Neutral. No road improvement district is associated with this application. Policy 17: The City will notify the Gallatin County Planning Department and Fire District providing service to the area of applications for annexation. Criterion Met. The necessary agencies were notified and provided copies of the annexation and zoning application information. Policy 18: The City will require connection to and use of all City services upon development of annexed properties. The City may establish a fixed time frame for 336 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 21 of 35 connection to municipal utilities. Upon development, unless otherwise approved by the City, septic systems must be properly abandoned and the development connected to the City sanitary sewer system. Upon development, unless otherwise approved by the City, water wells on the subject property may be used for irrigation, but any potable uses must be supplied from the City water distribution system and any wells disconnected from structures. The property owner must contact the City Water and Sewer Superintendent to verify disconnects of wells and septic systems. Criterion Met. There are no existing septic systems or wells that will need to be abandoned. All future development will be required to connect to city services. SECTION 6 - ZONE MAP AMENDMENT STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS In considering applications for plan approval under this title, the advisory boards and City Commission must consider the following criteria (letters A-K). As an amendment is a legislative action, the Commission has broad latitude to determine a policy direction. The burden of proof that the application should be approved lies with the applicant. A zone map amendment must be in accordance with the growth policy (criteria A) and be designed to secure safety from fire and other dangers (criteria B), promote public health, public safety, and general welfare (criteria C), and facilitate the provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements (criteria D). Therefore, to approve a zone map amendment the Commission must find Criteria A-D are met. In addition, the Commission must also consider criteria E-K, and may find the zone map amendment to be positive, neutral, or negative with regards to these criteria. To approve the zone map amendment, the Commission must find the positive outcomes of the amendment outweigh negative outcomes for criteria E-K. In determining whether the criteria are met, Staff considers the entire body of plans and regulations for land development. Standards which prevent or mitigated negative impacts are incorporated throughout the entire municipal code but are principally in Chapter 38, Unified Development Code. Section 76-2-304, MCA (Zoning) Criteria A. Be in accordance with a growth policy. Criterion Met. The Bozeman Community Plan (BCP) 2020, Chapter 5, p. 73, in the section titled Review Criteria for Zoning Amendments and Their Application, discusses how the various criteria in 76-2-304 MCA are applied locally. Application of the criteria varies depending on whether an amendment is for the zoning map or for the text of Chapter 38, BMC. The first criterion for a zoning amendment is accordance with a growth policy. 337 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 22 of 35 Future Land Use Map The proposed amendment is a change to the zoning map. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze compliance with the future land use map. Chapter 3 of the BCP 2020 addresses the future land use map. The introduction to that chapter discusses the importance of the chapter. Following are some excerpts. “Future land use is the community’s fundamental building block. It is an illustration of the City’s desired outcome to accommodate the complex and diverse needs of its residents.” “The land use map sets generalized expectations for what goes where in the community. Each category has its own descriptions. Understanding the future land use map is not possible without understanding the category descriptions.” The area of this application is within the anticipated growth area of the City. As shown on the maps in Section 1, on the excerpt of the current future land use map, the property is designated as Urban Neighborhood. The Urban Neighborhood designation description reads: “This category primarily includes urban density homes in a variety of types, shapes, sizes, and intensities. Large areas of any single type of housing are discouraged. In limited instances, an area may develop at a lower gross density due to site constraints and/or natural features such as floodplains or steep slopes. Complementary uses such as parks, home-based occupations, fire stations, churches, schools, and some neighborhood-serving commerce provide activity centers for community gathering and services. The Urban Neighborhood designation indicates that development is expected to occur within municipal boundaries. This may require annexation prior to development. Applying a zoning district to specific parcels sets the required and allowed density. Higher density residential areas are encouraged to be, but are not required or restricted to, proximity to commercial mixed use areas to facilitate the provision of services and employment opportunities without requiring the use of a car.” The correlation between the future land use map of the growth policy and the zoning districts is presented in Table 4 of the Bozeman Community Plan 2020. As shown in the following Correlation with Zoning Table excerpt, the REMU district is an implementing district of the Urban Neighborhood. 338 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 23 of 35 The applicant is requesting REMU for the entire property, which is classified as a mixed-use zoning designation pursuant to section 38.300.110, BMC. The intent and purpose of the REMU district is to establish areas within Bozeman that are mixed-use in character and to provide options for a variety of housing, employment, retail and neighborhood service opportunities within a new or existing neighborhood. These purposes are accomplished by a variety of objectives as detailed in Appendix B in this report. In other words it is a very permissive zoning district. Tables 38.310.040.A, B, & C list permitted uses in the REMU district. All types of residential structures are allowed from accessory dwelling units through apartment buildings, nearly all type of commercial uses such as retail, medical, offices, restaurants, and convenience uses are permitted. Industrial uses are limited although light manufacturing is permitted on a smaller scale. This zoning district correlates with the principles applied in the Bozeman Community Plan 2020. Many of the ten principles are listed under Basic Planning Precepts of the Plan are supported by the REMU district For example, the precept that urban design should integrate in residential and commercial land use activities, multimodal transportation, and open spaces is supported by the REMU district implementation strategies #5. Secondly, precept that a variety in housing and employment opportunities are essential is supported by the REMU district objectives #1 and 4. Third, diverse uses of land should occur relatively close to one another. This precept is supported by implementation strategy #2, 3, 4 and intent and purpose statement. Finally, the City intends to create a healthy, safe, resilient, and sustainable community by incorporating a holistic approach to the design, construction, and operation of buildings, neighborhoods, and the City as a whole. Developments should contribute to these goals and be integrated into their neighborhood and the larger community. This goals is implemented by the zoning districts strategy #3, 4, 5, and 6. Additional harmonious synergies are apparent but overall, the REMU district is supportive of the BCP 2020. Goals and Policies A zoning amendment is also evaluated against the goals and policies of the BCP 2020. Most of the goals and policies are not applicable to this application. Relevant goals and objectives have been identified by staff. Conflict with the text of the growth policy hasn’t been identified. The Short Term Action list on page 63 of the BCP 2020 describes 14 items to implement the growth policy. The first two relate to direct changes to the zoning map in support of listed goals and objectives. These include increasing the intensity of zoning districts in already developed areas. Beginning on page 71 of the BCP 2020 in the section titled Zoning Amendment Review, the document discusses how the City implements zoning for new areas, amendments to areas, and revisions to existing text. This section includes a discussion of when the City may initiate a zoning change to a more intensive district to increase development 339 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 24 of 35 opportunities. This section demonstrates that the City, as a matter of policy, is supportive of more intensive zoning districts and development. It is inconsistent with this approach to zone at annexation for lower intensities than what infrastructure and planning documents will support. This policy approach does not specify any individual district but does lean towards the more intensive portion of the zoning district spectrum. N-1.1 Promote housing diversity, including missing middle housing. N-1.3 Revise the zoning map to lessen areas exclusively zoned for single-type housing. Goal N-3: Promote a diverse supply of quality housing units. The requested REMU district supports all three of the above as it authorizes a wide range of housing types, lot sizes, and services to create a mix of housing. Goal DCD-1: Support urban development within the City. The proposed zoning is occurring in conjunction with an annexation. Any future development will be required to occur at urban densities and will be within the City. If the City Commission declines the annexation then the requested REMU zoning will not occur. DCD-1.11 Pursue annexations consistent with the future land use map and adopted facility plans for development at urban intensity. The proposed zoning is consistent with the future land use map and is within the current facilities plans. Goal RC-3: Collaborate with Gallatin County regarding annexation and development patterns adjacent to the City to provide certainty for landowners and taxpayers. Gallatin County has been notified of the proposed annexation. RC-3.3 Prioritize annexations that enable the incremental expansion of the City and its utilities. The property in question is contiguous to the City limits on the east. It adds approximately 86 acres to the City limits that is available for urban development. RC-3.4 Encourage annexation of land adjacent to the City prior to development and encourage annexation of wholly surrounded areas. Refer to previous response (RC – 3.3 response) B. Secure safety from fire and other dangers. Criterion Met. There are no current buildings, however future development will be served by the Bozeman Fire Department. Fire protection water supply will be provided by the City of Bozeman water system. The property is not within any delineated floodplain nor does it have other known natural hazards. Upon annexation the subject property will be provided with City 340 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 25 of 35 emergency services including police, fire and ambulance. Future development of the property will be required to conform to all City of Bozeman public safety, building and land use requirements. The City provides emergency services to adjacent properties and no obstacles have been identified in extending service to this parcel. C. Promote public health, public safety, and general welfare. Criterion Met. The proposed zoning designation will promote general welfare by implementing the future land use map in the BCP 2020. Public health and safety will be positively affected by requiring the two existing homes and new development to connect to municipal sanitary sewer and water systems, which will prevent groundwater pollution and depletion by wells and septic systems. As noted in Criterion B, further development and redevelopment must be in accordance with modern building, access, stormwater, pedestrian circulation, ingress and egress to the site, and full connection to the greater transportation network for users ensuring the promotion of public health, safety and general welfare. The annexation and development of this site will facilitate expansion of the non-motorized travel network with placement of a multi-use trail along water course. Presence of the trail will facilitate non-motorized travel and recreational activities supportive of personal health. D. Facilitate the provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements. Criterion Met. This property is included in future planning areas. The City conducts extensive planning for municipal transportation, water, sewer, parks, and other facilities and services provided by the City. The adopted plans allow the City to consider existing conditions and identify enhancements needed to provide additional service needed by new development. The City implements these plans through its capital improvements program that identifies individual projects, project construction scheduling, and financing of construction. The City’s infrastructure plans show the necessary water, sewer, and streets can be provided for this site. In conjunction with any future development proposal specific analysis of additional demand from that development will be required and impacts must be mitigated. A large share of Chapters 38 and 40 of the municipal code and the state Subdivision and Platting Act are focused on ensuring provision of adequate infrastructure and services concurrently with development. The annexation agreement associated with this project will contractually bind the current and future landowners to conform to municipal standards for infrastructure. See Section 5 above. See also the advisory comments at the end of this report. As stated in 38.300.020.C, the designation of a zoning district does not guarantee approval of new development until the City verifies the availability of needed infrastructure. All zoning districts in Bozeman enable a wide range of uses and intensities. At time of future subdivision or site plan review the need for individual services can be more precisely determined. No subdivision or site plan is approved without demonstration of adequate capacity. 341 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 26 of 35 38.300.020.C, “Placement of any given zoning district on an area depicted on the zoning map indicates a judgment on the part of the city that the range of uses allowed within that district are generally acceptable in that location. It is not a guarantee of approval for any given use prior to the completion of the appropriate review procedure and compliance with all of the applicable requirements and development standards of this chapter and other applicable policies, laws and ordinances. It is also not a guarantee of immediate infrastructure availability or a commitment on the part of the city to bear the cost of extending services.” See also comments under Criterion C. All future construction must extend services in conjunction with subdivision and site development. Those extensions must meet current standards and will advance this standard. E. Reasonable provision of adequate light and air. Criterion Met. The REMU zoning designation has requirements for setbacks, height, and lot coverage which provide for the reasonable provision of adequate light and air. Any future development of the property will be required to conform to City standards for setbacks, height, lot coverage, and buffering. In addition to the zoning standards, adopted building codes contain more detailed requirements for air circulation, window placement, and building separation that further ensure the intent of this criterion is satisfied. The site has watercourse and likely wetlands running through the west central portion of the property. The City requires protection of wetlands. This requirement applies to all zoning districts. This will support additional light and air beyond what would otherwise be applicable on the site. F. The effect on motorized and non-motorized transportation systems. Criterion Met. The proposed zoning will allow for a higher density of uses than is currently allowed under Gallatin County zoning. The Gallatin County zoning is an agricultural protection zone which requires 20 acres per home. The site is presently a small grains field. Any development under Bozeman zoning will generate more traffic, on foot, bicycle, or vehicle, than a field. To meet the adopted standards of 38.400, when a development is proposed, it will be responsible for frontage improvements along Davis Lane as well as Catamount Street and Ferguson Avenue when triggered. In addition, the City’s proposed trails plan includes a shared use path on the property. Future development will be required to provide these improvements which will enhance the city’s motorized and non-motorized transportation systems. Local streets will be laid out and constructed as development proceeds. Sidewalks and bike facilities are minimum standards and will be constructed as needed. 342 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 27 of 35 The site is not yet addressed. Depending on where you attempt to assess the walk score there is a variability from a score of 1, a transit score of zero, and a bike score of 34 for 235 Hidden Valley Road to a score of 5, a transit score of 7, and a bike score of 32 for 3495 Davis Lane. These values are provided by Walk Score, a private organization which presents information on real estate and transportation through walkscore.com. The algorithm which produces these numbers is proprietary. A score is not an indication of safety or continuity of services or routes. Scores are influenced by proximity of housing, transit, and services and expected ability, as determined by the algorithm, to meet basic needs without using a car. Sites located on the edge of the community have lower scores than those in the center of the community as the area is under development and therefore diversity of uses is less than in fully established areas. There are no adopted development standards relating to the walk score. If, as suggested by the applicant, their statement of constructing mixed-use, may eventually improve these scores. According to Walk Score® the walks score measures the walkability of any address based on the distance to nearby places and pedestrian friendliness. 90 – 100 Walker’s Paradise. Daily errands do not require a car. 70 – 89 Very Walkable. Most errands can be accomplished on foot. 50 – 69 Somewhat walkable. Some errands can be accomplished on foot. 25 – 49 Car-Dependent. Most errands require a car. 0 – 24 Car-Dependent. Almost all errands require a car. G. Promotion of compatible urban growth. Criterion Met. The intent and purpose of the REMU is to establish areas within Bozeman that are mixed-use in character and to provide options for a variety of housing, employment, retail and neighborhood service opportunities within a new or existing neighborhood. The character of the area is emerging. The subject property is adjacent to low to moderate density residential uses to the west, higher intensity commercial and residential uses to the east, and undeveloped property to the south and north. However, the Silo annexation property, also zoned REMU, is further to the north. The REMU district allows for a wide range of residential uses which allows for consideration of existing development to the east and west. In addition, the proposed zoning is in accordance with the Bozeman Community Plan’s future land use designation of Urban Neighborhood Use of this mixed-use zone is appropriate for areas adjacent to a variety of land uses and can stand alone to develop its own neighborhood character, as described in residential intent and purpose statement. Surrounding zoning includes medium to high density residential, County lands, and future commercial. 343 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 28 of 35 Creating a more dense residential development with commercial services adjacent to a higher intensity commercial area is a compatible use. In addition, the proposed zoning is in accordance with the Bozeman Community Plan’s future land use designation of Urban Neighborhood. H. Character of the district. Criterion Met. The proposed REMU zoning promotes the character of the district as the intent of the Residential Emphasis Mixed-use District is to: “… establish areas within Bozeman that are mixed-use in character and to provide options for a variety of housing, employment, retail and neighborhood service opportunities within a new or existing neighborhood.” Described in Appendix B below the district employs nine aspirational statements to encourage developers to design and construct developments that meet the intent and purpose of the district. 1. Emphasizing residential as the primary use, including single household dwellings, two to four household dwellings, townhouses, and apartments. 2. Providing for a diverse array of neighborhood-scaled commercial and civic uses supporting residential. 3. Emphasizing a vertical and horizontal mix of uses in a compact and walkable neighborhood setting. 4. Promoting neighborhoods that: a. Create self-sustaining neighborhoods that will lay the foundation for healthy lifestyles; b. Support compact, walkable developments that promote balanced transportation options; c. Have residential as the majority use with a range of densities; d. Provide for a diverse array of commercial and civic uses supporting residential; e. Have residential and commercial uses mixed vertically and/or horizontally; f. Locate commercial uses within walking distance; g. Incorporate a wider range of housing types; and h. Encourage developments that exhibit the physical design characteristics of vibrant, urban, and pedestrian-oriented complete streets. 5. Providing standards and guidelines that emphasize a sense of place: a. Support or add to an existing neighborhood context; b. Enhance an existing neighborhood's sense of place and strive to make it more self-sustainable; c. Encourage a new neighborhood commercial center(s) with a unique identity and strong sense of place; d. Develop commercial and mixed-use areas that are safe, comfortable, and attractive to pedestrians; and 344 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 29 of 35 e. Reinforce the principle of streets as public places that encourage pedestrian and bicycle travel, transit, on-street parking and physical elements of complete streets. 6. Providing standards and guidelines that emphasize natural amenities: a. Preserve and integrate the natural amenities into the development; and b. Appropriately balance a hierarchy of both parks and public spaces that are within the neighborhood. 7. Providing standards and guidelines that emphasize the development of centers: a. Group uses of property to create vibrant centers; b. Where appropriate create a center within an existing neighborhood; c. Facilitate proven, market driven projects to ensure both long and short-term financial viability; d. Allow an appropriate blend of complementary mixed land uses including, but not limited to, retail, offices, commercial services, restaurants, bars, hotels, recreation and civic uses, and housing, to create economic and social vitality; e. Foster the master plan development into a mix of feasible, market driven uses; f. Emphasize the need to serve the adjacent, local neighborhood and as well as the greater Bozeman area; and g. Maximize land use efficiency by encouraging shared use parking. 8. Promoting the integration of action: a. Support existing infrastructure that is within and adjacent to REMU zones; b. Encourage thoughtfully developed master planned communities; c. Provide flexibility in the placement and design of new developments and redevelopment to anticipate changes in the marketplace; d. Provide flexibility in phasing to help ensure both long and short term financial viability for the project as a whole; 9. Providing standards and guidelines that promote sustainable design: Use of this zone is appropriate for sites at least five acres in size and areas located adjacent to an existing or planned residential area to help sustain commercial uses within walking distance and a wider range of housing types With such a broad intent and purpose statement is difficult to find the REMU district would not be promotive of a district’s character. The applicant states the obvious that the REMU district, “will allow for similar and additional compatible uses and allow for increased residential density and small scale retail and restaurants…” However, other residential zoning districts allow the same residential structure types and densities as the REMU district. The REMU district allows great latitude for large scale commercial use as described in Table 38.310.040.A and B. Retail uses are limited as proportion of the master planned site, there is no restrictions to convenience uses, offices, general service use, short term rentals, although hotels are limited to 40,000 square feet. 345 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 30 of 35 Section 76-2-302, MCA says “…legislative body may divide the municipality into districts of the number, shape, and area as are considered best suited to carry out the purposes [promoting health, safety, morals, or the general welfare of the community] of this part.” Emphasis added. This proposal amends the zoning map and not the text. Therefore, no element of this amendment modifies the standards of any zoning district. The character of the districts as created by those standards remains intact. As noted above, the City Commission has latitude in considering the geographical extents of a zoning district. Application of any municipal zoning district to the subject property will alter the existing agricultural character of the subject property. It is not expected that zoning freeze the character of an area in perpetuity. Rather, it provides a structured method to consider changes to the character. The City has defined compatible development as: “The use of land and the construction and use of structures which is in harmony with adjoining development, existing neighborhoods, and the goals and objectives of the city's adopted growth policy. Elements of compatible development include, but are not limited to, variety of architectural design; rhythm of architectural elements; scale; intensity; materials; building siting; lot and building size; hours of operation; and integration with existing community systems including water and sewer services, natural elements in the area, motorized and non-motorized transportation, and open spaces and parks. Compatible development does not require uniformity or monotony of architectural or site design, density or use.” The City has adopted many standards to identify and avoid or mitigate demonstrable negative impacts of development. These will support the ability of future development in REMU to be compatible with adjacent development and uphold the residential character of the area. As noticed in the growth policy under discussion of this criterion a local street is considered an adequate separation between different uses and districts to minimize impacts, see page 77 of the Bozeman Community Plan 2020. The existing character of the site is as a field. Any change in zoning will modify the essential character of the property. To the east is the City limits with various higher density zoning districts. To the west are a variety of zoning districts and unzoned rural subdivisions create by occasional sales, filing of certificates of survey, family transfers (no longer owned by the original family), boundary relocations, and other options. Directly to the west is the Hidden Valley Mobile Home Park which is owned by a management company in San Diego, CA The zoning amendment is in conjunction with annexation of the property. It is appropriate to zone the annexing area consistent with the current growth policy and other standards of the City. The amendment does not alter the allowed uses or standards within the adjacent unzoned rural properties. 346 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 31 of 35 I. Peculiar suitability for particular uses. Criterion Met. The property is located adjacent to residential and commercial uses which the REMU envisions a combination of. The site is well located in relation to utilities and transportation. Proximity of housing to significant services and employment is encouraged in the growth policy. The proposed REMU zoning designation is suitable for the property’s location and adjacent uses. J. Conserving the value of buildings. Neutral. There are no existing buildings on the subject property. The amendment is for the zoning map and does not alter allowed uses on adjacent property. K. Encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the jurisdictional area. Criterion Met. The proposed REMU zoning designation will encourage the most appropriate use of land as the property is adjacent to both residential and commercial uses. There is access to the city’s services, including streets, thus is able to support a higher intensity of uses as allowed within the REMU zoning district. Furthermore, the proposed REMU zoning designation is consistent with the BCP 2020 future land use map designation of “Urban Residential”. PROTEST NOTICE FOR ZONING AMENDMENTS IN THE CASE OF WRITTEN PROTEST AGAINST SUCH CHANGES SIGNED BY THE OWNERS OF 25% OR MORE OF THE AREA OF THE LOTS WITHIN THE AMENDMENT AREA OR THOSE LOTS OR UNITS WITHIN 150 FEET FROM A LOT INCLUDED IN A PROPOSED CHANGE, THE AMENDMENT SHALL NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE EXCEPT BY THE FAVORABLE VOTE OF TWO-THIRDS OF THE PRESENT AND VOTING MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION. The City will accept written protests from property owners against the proposal described in this report until the close of the public hearing before the City Commission. Pursuant to 76-2-305, MCA, a protest may only be submitted by the owner(s) of real property within the area affected by the proposal or by owner(s) of real property that lie within 150 feet of an area affected by the proposal. The protest must be in writing and must be signed by all owners of the real property. In addition, a sufficient protest must: (i) contain a description of the action protested sufficient to identify the action against which the protest is lodged; and (ii) contain a statement of the protestor's qualifications (including listing all owners of the property and the physical address), to protest the action against which the protest is lodged, including ownership of property affected by the action. Signers are encouraged to print their names after their signatures. A person may in writing withdraw a previously filed protest at any time prior to final action by the City Commission. Protests must be delivered to the Bozeman City Clerk, 121 North Rouse Ave., PO Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771-1230. 347 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 32 of 35 APPENDIX A - NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT Notice was published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on November 6 and 13, 2022. The notice was posted on site and notices mailed by the applicant as required by 38.220 and the required confirmation provided to the Planning Office. Notice was provided at least 15 and not more than 45 days prior to any public hearing. As of the writing of this report on November 23, 2022, no written comments have been received on this application. APPENDIX B - PROJECT GROWTH POLICY AND PROPOSED ZONING Adopted Growth Policy Designation: The property is designated as “Urban Neighborhood” in the Bozeman Community Plan 2020. “This category primarily includes urban density homes in a variety of types, shapes, sizes, and intensities. Large areas of any single type of housing are discouraged. In limited instances, an area may develop at a lower gross density due to site constraints and/or natural features such as floodplains or steep slopes. Complementary uses such as parks, home-based occupations, fire stations, churches, schools, and some neighborhood-serving commerce provide activity centers for community gathering and services. The Urban Neighborhood designation indicates that development is expected to occur within municipal boundaries. This may require annexation prior to development. Applying a zoning district to specific parcels sets the required and allowed density. Higher density residential areas are encouraged to be, but are not required or restricted to, proximity to commercial mixed use areas to facilitate the provision of services and employment opportunities without requiring the use of a car.” Proposed Zoning Designation and Land Uses: The applicant has requested zoning of REMU, Residential Emphasis Mixed Use District whose intent is to: Residential emphasis mixed-use zoning district (REMU). The intent and purpose of the REMU district is to establish areas within Bozeman that are mixed-use in character and to provide options for a variety of housing, employment, retail and neighborhood service opportunities within a new or existing neighborhood. These purposes are accomplished by: 1. Emphasizing residential as the primary use, including single household dwellings, two to four household dwellings, townhouses, and apartments. 2. Providing for a diverse array of neighborhood-scaled commercial and civic uses supporting residential. 348 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 33 of 35 3. Emphasizing a vertical and horizontal mix of uses in a compact and walkable neighborhood setting. 4. Promoting neighborhoods that: i. Create self-sustaining neighborhoods that will lay the foundation for healthy lifestyles; j. Support compact, walkable developments that promote balanced transportation options; k. Have residential as the majority use with a range of densities; l. Provide for a diverse array of commercial and civic uses supporting residential; m. Have residential and commercial uses mixed vertically and/or horizontally; n. Locate commercial uses within walking distance; o. Incorporate a wider range of housing types; and p. Encourage developments that exhibit the physical design characteristics of vibrant, urban, and pedestrian-oriented complete streets. 5. Providing standards and guidelines that emphasize a sense of place: f. Support or add to an existing neighborhood context; g. Enhance an existing neighborhood's sense of place and strive to make it more self-sustainable; h. Encourage a new neighborhood commercial center(s) with a unique identity and strong sense of place; i. Develop commercial and mixed-use areas that are safe, comfortable, and attractive to pedestrians; and j. Reinforce the principle of streets as public places that encourage pedestrian and bicycle travel, transit, on-street parking and physical elements of complete streets. 6. Providing standards and guidelines that emphasize natural amenities: c. Preserve and integrate the natural amenities into the development; and d. Appropriately balance a hierarchy of both parks and public spaces that are within the neighborhood. 7. Providing standards and guidelines that emphasize the development of centers: a. Group uses of property to create vibrant centers; h. Where appropriate create a center within an existing neighborhood; i. Facilitate proven, market driven projects to ensure both long and short-term financial viability; j. Allow an appropriate blend of complementary mixed land uses including, but not limited to, retail, offices, commercial services, restaurants, bars, hotels, recreation and civic uses, and housing, to create economic and social vitality; k. Foster the master plan development into a mix of feasible, market driven uses; l. Emphasize the need to serve the adjacent, local neighborhood and as well as the greater Bozeman area; and 349 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 34 of 35 m. Maximize land use efficiency by encouraging shared use parking. 8. Promoting the integration of action: e. Support existing infrastructure that is within and adjacent to REMU zones; f. Encourage thoughtfully developed master planned communities; g. Provide flexibility in the placement and design of new developments and redevelopment to anticipate changes in the marketplace; h. Provide flexibility in phasing to help ensure both long and short term financial viability for the project as a whole; 9. Providing standards and guidelines that promote sustainable design: Use of this zone is appropriate for sites at least five acres in size and areas located adjacent to an existing or planned residential area to help sustain commercial uses within walking distance and a wider range of housing types. The Zoning Correlation Table on Page 58 of the Bozeman Community Plan, 2020 correlates zoning districts with the Growth Policy’s land use categories, demonstrating that the proposed zoning designation of REMU correlates with the Growth Policy’s future land use designation of “Residential Mixed-Use”. 350 Staff Report for the Project Eighty-6 Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Application 22113 Page 35 of 35 APPENDIX C - OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF Owner: S&S Davis 86, LLC, 640 Taylor Street, Suite 2200, Fort Worth, TX 76102 Applicant: S&S Davis 86, LLC, 640 Taylor Street, Suite 2200, Fort Worth, TX 76102 Representative: Hyalite Engineers, 2304 N 7th Avenue, Suite L, Bozeman, MT 59718 Report By: Tom Rogers, Senior Planner, Community Development Department FISCAL EFFECTS No unusual fiscal effects have been identified. No presently budgeted funds will be changed by this Annexation or Zone Map Amendment. ATTACHMENTS The full application and file of record can be viewed at the Community Development Department at 20 E. Olive Street, Bozeman, MT 59715. 351                        ! "!# $ %"$&$   '   ( )*! +#     ,-.          / !    01  !#   2, 03    4353    #2*#671 ,    ,  22  2 !!! #  #    22  3   8 !! 29 ..  ! "!# $ %"$&3:2#  ! "!# $ %"$&  !#       29 ;  2 2  ! 0    # 29 ,  # , ! 3* 22 # 0   2   !!    !!!< ! 3:"$    ! =! 2>5...     1 2  ? 2  22@ ? 2? =!      #!!<3:2# !      ! 2 2  ? ,   # 2#       1 !   A  ! 3  :!!!  ,2  ;?,7        +! 6 !6AA???3,9 3 A#  A2 A, 2   !3  352 :"$!  !  ?*   ! 3*  ? 1     "$2# ! "!  3: "$!#  !< 1     %&4-B-.%&3"  53.-2 !   ! , 2!!   ,     ! !     , B52  2  3  :"$!,  *!,2  ?  ?0   ?!    ;)22  !< 3:!!"$# !    ?;    !   : !  $  8  *?:     $ 3 2;  !  ,  # 2#      !  2 2  2  3"   ? 1  ? ?       , ,  ,3  )  25 "$!     ?  !,      !!2 ! 3  BBAA"  ($, 80  BA-A'   ()*! +#   BAB@A+  5B!  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( +.     +  #*/  0"    0     #+  +      +1  2& & /# '2 '3   4   /       )   4       (     /        /     *  0 ( / 0"  (  1   */#  5 ! 355 From:City of Bozeman, MT To:Agenda Subject:*NEW SUBMISSION* Citizen Advisory Board Application Date:Thursday, October 20, 2022 5:15:24 PM Citizen Advisory Board Application Submission #:2038560 IP Address: Submission Date:10/20/2022 5:15 Survey Time:10 minutes, 40 seconds You have a new online form submission. Note: all answers displaying "*****" are marked as sensitive and must be viewed after your login. Read-Only Content Applicant Information Full Name Douglas Fischer Physical Address 1410 S. Montana Ave. Bozeman, MT 59715 Primary Phone 4066008469 Additional Phone Current Occupation Science journalist Employer Environmental Health Sciences Email fischwing@gmail.com Which position are you applying for? Sustainability Board Do you live in City Limits? (Some positions do require you live within Bozeman city limits, while others do not.) Yes How long have you lived in the Bozeman Area? 11 years or more Have you ever served on a City or County Board or Commission? Yes 356 Where, how long, and what Board? Bozeman Area Pedestrian & Traffic Safety Committee, 2019-2021 Please describe your professional and personal experiences, interest, and qualifications that make you a good fit for this board. I run a local nonprofit, Environmental Health Sciences, that advances public understanding of the science of our health and environment, including climate change. I am a firm advocate of public service, having served since 2015 as a Trustee for the Bozeman School District. I also served on the city’s 2020 Climate Plan team. As a journalist, I do not publicly advocate. But our family strives quietly to live the values embodied in the Committee’s work plan: Buying local, composting, biking. The City of Bozeman strongly values diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). Describe any efforts you have engaged in to expand your understanding of DEI. Equity work does not happen by chance; it happens at the intersection of power and opportunity. As director of a nonprofit focused on environmental justice, I bring an equity-rooted tenet to work contextualizing science, improving our health, and making our environment safer and more sustainable for all. I work with and within science and journalism to elevate power within communities and create opportunities so that race, gender, and/or ZIP code do not predict your health or environment. References Read-Only Content Reference #1 Full Name Terry Cunningham Phone 4065812060 Email tcunningham@mcn.net Section Break Reference #2 Full Name Tanya Reinhardt Phone 4064373080 Email Tanya.Reinhardt@msn.com The Bozeman City Charter, voted in by the citizens of Bozeman in 2008, requires annual ethics training. If appointed, do you understand you will be expected to take online and in person ethics training? Yes How did you hear about this board or vacancy? Terry Cunningham Is there any other information that you feel we need to know? I hope my experience on the school board brings two benefits: First, having served on several advisory and consensus committees within the district, I understand what a governing body such as the school board or City Commission needs from an advisory panel – and the importance of the advisory panel remaining on task. Second, I have seen how essential collaboration and idea-sharing is among local governments. I hope to encourage that. Read-Only Content 357 Thank you, City Of Bozeman This is an automated message generated by Granicus. Please do not reply directly to this email. 358 From:City of Bozeman, MT To:Agenda Subject:*NEW SUBMISSION* Citizen Advisory Board Application Date:Thursday, October 13, 2022 11:01:50 AM Citizen Advisory Board Application Submission #:2022576 IP Address: Submission Date:10/13/2022 11:01 Survey Time:27 minutes, 22 seconds You have a new online form submission. Note: all answers displaying "*****" are marked as sensitive and must be viewed after your login. Read-Only Content Applicant Information Full Name Nicholas Fitzmaurice Physical Address 1418 W Dickerson St Bozeman, Montana 59715 Primary Phone 5093414322 Additional Phone Current Occupation Student Employer Montana State University Email nicholasfitzmo@gmail.com Which position are you applying for? Sustainability Board Do you live in City Limits? (Some positions do require you live within Bozeman city limits, while others do not.) Yes How long have you lived in the Bozeman Area? 1-5 years Have you ever served on a City or County Board or Commission? No 359 Where, how long, and what Board? Please describe your professional and personal experiences, interest, and qualifications that make you a good fit for this board. At Montana State University, I joined the club Sustainability Now and a committee to plan MSU's annual Climate Conference my freshman year. That same year, I started working at the Office of Sustainability where I developed, launched, and now maintain our Green Cats Program. I served on MSU's Carbon Neutrality Taskforce, on CSAC (committee and council), and as an ASMSU Senator. This summer, I was a Climate Policy intern at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C. The City of Bozeman strongly values diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). Describe any efforts you have engaged in to expand your understanding of DEI. I am always seeking to grow in my values and applications of diversity, equity, and inclusion. I am currently serving as president of Sigma Phi Epsilon at MSU, an academic and development-oriented fraternity, and I have undertaken DEI training as a part of that position. Additionally, I am a volunteer ski patrol at my home ski hill in Washington State where I have taken DEI training as part of my certifications. I would love to apply these skills on the Sustainability Board. References Read-Only Content Reference #1 Full Name Kristin Blackler Phone 7143925030 Email kristin.blackler@montana.edu Section Break Reference #2 Full Name Brian Kassar Phone 4065704161 Email briankassar@gmail.com The Bozeman City Charter, voted in by the citizens of Bozeman in 2008, requires annual ethics training. If appointed, do you understand you will be expected to take online and in person ethics training? Yes How did you hear about this board or vacancy? Referred by Kristin Blackler at MSU's Office of Sustainability Is there any other information that you feel we need to know? I have been deeply involved with sustainability efforts on the MSU campus, but I would love to expand that involvement to the City of Bozeman. While I am interested in all aspects of sustainability, I am particularly interested in aiding carbon neutrality efforts and exploring opportunities to assist and accelerate the energy transition. I would love to engage in conversations between the City of Bozeman and NorthWestern Energy as we eliminate Scope 2 emissions towards our 2050 neutrality goal. Read-Only Content 360 Thank you, City Of Bozeman This is an automated message generated by Granicus. Please do not reply directly to this email. 361