HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Affidavit of Publication - Call for Bids for 2022 3rd 4th and 5th Avenue Water Renovations AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION CITY OF BOZEMAN, CONTRACTOR and any of MONTANA the CONTRACTOR'S subcon- STATE OF MONTANA, tractors bidding or doing work COUNTY OF GALLATIN CALL FOR BIDS on this project will be required to be registered with the Mon- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- tana Department of Labor and I, Ann Harms, Le al S ecialist bein first dui SWOrri, de- EN that the City of Bozeman, Industry (DLI). Forms for reg- g p g Y Montana, is accepting sealed istration are available from the pose and say that I am the principal cleric of the publisher of bids for: pect,�lena Montana 5 6ros- 04- the Bozeman Dail Chronicle a newspaper in general cir- 2022 3rd 4th and 5th 8011. Information on registra- Yg Avenue Water Renovations tion can be obtained by calling culation, Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; that I know TOR not required CONTRAC- Y The City of Bozeman will re- TOR is not required to have personal knowledge that the Legal# 105774 CITY Bids online electronic sealed registered with the DLI prior from my p g g Bids for Construction of the to bidding on this project, but 2022 3rd 4th and 5th Avenue must have registered prior to OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA C A L L F O Water Renovations Project execution of the Construc- until 3:30 p.m. (local time) tion Agreement. All laborers a printed copy of which is hereto annexed,was published in on November 23rd,2022 and and mechanics employed by then publicly opened and read CONTRACTOR or subcon- the entire issue of said newspaper for: 1 aloud. tractors in performance of the construction work shall be Project Description: ppaid wages at rates as may Replacement of existing water be required by the laws of mains consisting of 6" asbes- Gallatin County and the state Insertion(s) in the following issues: tos concrete,6"cast iron, and of Montana.The City of Boz- 4"cast iron.The mains are lo- eman is an Equal Opportunity I f lac,3-D1 I I r�l a p;t I f'r 3/aka cated within: Employer. Discrimination in the performance of any agree- N 4th and 5th Ave from ment awarded under this proj- W Peach St to W Villard St, ect on the basis of race, col- N 3rd St from or, religion, creed, sex, age, W Peach St to W Lamme St, marital status, national origin, Total Cost: 0.00 W Peach St from or actual or perceived sexual N 5th Ave to N 3rd Ave,and orientation, gender identity or W Villard St from disability is prohibited. This N 6th Ave to N 3rd Ave. prohibition shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the These mains are to be re- awarded entity's employees placed with approximately and to all subcontracts. 4839 linear feet of 8" ductile iron water main and appur- As such, each entity submit- tenances. Additional replace- ting under this notice shall in- ment includes replacement clude a provision wherein the of existing 10-inch cast iron submitting entity, or entities, J water main located in the W affirms in writing it will not dis- v Beall St intersection with N criminate on the basis of race, 3rd Ave with approximately 52 color, religion, creed, sex, Subscribed and sworn by Ann Harms before me on: linear feet of 10-inch ductile age, marital status, national iron pipe. origin,or because of actual or On 16th day of November, in the year of 2022 perceived sexual orientation, For this project, bids will only gender identity or disability be received and accept- and which also recognizes the ed via the online electronic eventual contract will contain a bid service through Quest- Provision prohibiting discrim- / CDN. A contractor may view ination as described above the contract documents at and that this prohibition on w l� no cost prior to becoming a discrimination shall apply to Planholder. Project bid docu- the hiring and treatment of the ments and addenda must be submitting entity's employees downloaded from QuestCDN, and to all subcontracts. which will add your compa- Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing at ny to the Planholder List and In addition, pursuant to Qb Bozeman, Montana allow access to vBid online Commission Resolution 5169, bidding, for the submittal of the entity awarded a contract your bid. QuestCDN may be under this project and any located using the link in the subcontractors must abide by L L O N A R D (3 R O W�l left-hand navigation menu on the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and FRD'aS/�� NOTARY PUBLIC for the the City of Bozeman's Bids\ Section 39-3-104, MCA (the o� o RFPs\RFQs page or at www. Montana Equal Pay Act), and NOTAriin�L_ State of Montana bozeman.neVQuestCDN. The affirm it will abide by the above _* SEAL *_ Residing at specific project can be found and that it has visited the _ r- Bozeman, Montana by referencing the eBidDoc State of Montana Equal Pay 'r<• w` number (eBidDoc #8320003). for Equal Work "best practic- '. My Commission Expires Complete digital project bid- es" website, https://equalpay. Jelly 2.2, 2024 ding documents are available mt.gov/BestPractices/Employ- to download at www.quest- ers, or equivalent "best prac- cdn.com,for a non-refundable tices publication and has read charge of$15.00.Bidders will the material. be charged an additional fee of$30.00 to submit a bid elec- Each Bid or proposal must tronically. Contact QuestCDN be accompanied by a Certi- Customer Support at 952-233- fied Check, Cashier's Check, 1632 or info@questcdn.com or Bid Bond payable to the for assistance in membership City of Bozeman, Montana, registration, downloading dig- in an amount not less than ital project information and ten percent (10%) of the total AD#304850 vBid online bid submittal, amount of the Bid. Success- AD#304850 ful BIDDERS shall furnish an approved Performance Bond and a Labor and Materials Payment Bond, each in the amount of one hundred per- cent (100%) of the contract amount.Insurance as required shall be provided by the suc- cessful BIDDER(s) and a certificate(s)of that insurance shall be provided. No Bid may be withdrawn af- ter the scheduled time for the public opening of bids. Please email Karl Johnson (Project Manager) at kajohn- son@bozeman.net to request an invitation to join the bid opening. The City of Bozeman reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received, to waive informalities to postpone the award of the contract for a pe- riod not to exceed sixty (60) days,and to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid which is in the best interest of the City of Bozeman. The Contractor is required to be an Equal Opportunity Em- ployer. DATED at Bozeman, Montana,this 20th day of October,2022. Mike Maas, Bozeman City Clerk