HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Sewer and Water Pipeline and Access Easement and Agreement - Longshot Equity, LLC - Cherry Creek Mixed Use Site PlanReturn to: City of Bozeman City Clerk PO Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 SEWER AND WATER PIPELINE AND ACCESS EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT Longshot Equity,LLC ,theGRANTOR(S),inconsiderationof l·00 and othergood and valuableconsideration,receiptof which isacknowledged,grant(s)to City of Bozeman ,GRANTEE,itssuccessorsand assigns,a perpetualeasement to lay,constructand maintain sewer (sewer)and water (water)pipelineswith the usual services,valves,connections,accessoriesand appurtenances forthe purpose of transmittingwater &sewage in.through,and acrossa strip of land situatedinGallatinCounty,Montana,thirty (39 feetwide to be locatedon thefollowingdescribedrealproperty:Lot 12,Block 2 of GallatinPark Subdivision Section 36,Township 1 South,Range 5 East,PlatJ-300,City of Bozeman,Montana °The easement ismore particularlydescribedon the attachedExhibit(s)A which by thisreferencearemade a parthereof. This grantincludesthe rightof the GRANTEE,itssuccessors,permittees,licensees,and assignstheiragentsand employees,toenteratalltimes upon theabove-describedland by using N existingroads or trailsor otherwiseby a routecausing the leastdamage and inconvenienceto the GRANTOR(S)inorderto survey and establishthe routeand locationof the casement and the pipelineand to: (1)Construct,operate,patrol,repair,substitute,remove,enlarge,replace,and maintain the pipeline,services,connections,accessoriesand appurtenances; (2)Trim,remove,destroy,or otherwisecontrolany treesand brush insideor outsidethe boundaries of the easement which may,inthe opinion of the GRANTEE,interfereor threatento interferewith or be hazardous to the construction,operationand maintenance of thepipeline; (3)Grade the land subjectto thiseasement and extend the cutsand fillsof thisgrading into and on theland adjacentto thatwhich issubjecttothiseasement to theextentGRANTEE may findreasonablynecessary;and (4)Support thepipelineacrossravinesand water courseswith structureswhich GRANTEE deems necessary. THE GRANTEE AGREES: (1)That,inconnection with the construction,operating,patrolling,repairing,substituting, removing,enlarging,replacing,and maintainingof said water &sewer pipeline(s),it willrepairor replace,atitssoleexpense,or pay to GRANTOR(S)the reasonablevalue of any damages to growing crops,existingfences,ditchesand otherappurtenances of said land thatmay be disturbedby itsoperation. (2)That,during operationsinvolvingexcavation,itwillremove the topsoilfrom the trenched areato a depth of one foot,or to the fulldepth ofthetopsoil,whichever isless,and stockpilesaidtop soilforreplacement over thetrench.Itwillremove from the siteany largerocks or surplusexcavatingmaterialor any debristhatmay have been exposed by the excavationand remains afterbackfillingiscompleted.And,itwillleavethe finished surfaceinsubstantiallythe same conditionas existedpriortothebeginning of operations except thatthe surfaceof backfilledareasmay be mounded sufficientlytopreventthe formationof depressionsafterfinalsettlementhas taken place. THE GRANTOR(S)AGREES: (1)At no time willthey build,construct,erector maintain any permanent structurewithinthe boundaries of saideasement withoutthepriorwrittenconsent of GRANTEE. (2)At no time willthey modify the finishedgrade of the land over the pipelineby removal of existingsoilor by placement of fillmaterialwithintheboundaries of saideasement without thepriorwrittenconsentof the GRANTEE. (3)That where the subjectimprovements arenot locatedunder improved publicor private streetsor otherprovided access,a 12 footwide all-weatheraccessroad may be constructedwithintheeasement where atthe City'sdiscretionsuch accessisrequiredfor operationand maintenance purposes. (4)The GRANTOR(S)warrantsthatthey are lawfullyseizedand possessed of the real propertydescribedabove,thatthey have a lawfulrightto convey theproperty,or any part of it,and thatthey willforeverdefend thetitleto thispropertyagainstthe claims of all persons. (5)The GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rightsand privilegeshereingranted without any interruptionby the GRANTOR(S).The terms,covenants and provisionsof thiseasement and agreement shallextend to and be binding upon the heirs,executors, administrators,personalrepresentatives,successorsand assignsof the partieshereto. DATED this 16 day of October ,20 21 . DRANTOR -Member of Longshot Equity,LLC INDIVIDUAL STATEOF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) On this 15 day of Ochi>er ,20 l'L,beforeme the undersigned,a Notary Publicforthe Stateof Montana,personallyappeared Donnie Olsson,Member of Longshot Equity,L1 known to me to be the person whose name issubscribedtothe within instrument,and acknowledged to me thathe executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSeal the day and year above written. C HEATHERDEISS NotaryPublicforthe StateofMontana (SEAL)*"°d''*ResidingatBELGRADE,MT My CommissionExpires September11,2025 Notary PublicfortheStateof Montana (PrintedNan e Residingat ne ûr/lf'Íd My Commission Exhires 09 /1/20 CORPORATE STATEOFMONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) On this___day of ,20 ,beforeme theundersigned,a Notary Publicforthe Stateof Montana,personallyappeared, known to me to be the of and the person whose name issubscribedtothewithin instrumentand acknowledged to me that he executed thewithin instrumentforand on behalfof IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSeal the day and year firstabove written. (SEAL) Notary Public forthe Stateof Montana (PrintedName) Residing in My Commission Expires //20__ ACCEPTED: CITY OF O 1Ap By /J City a ger ATTEST: City Clerk STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) On this 1(/)day of Ní)\/eryl ber ,20n,beforeme,a Notary Public for the Stateof Montana,personallyappeared JEFF MIHELICH and MIKE MAAS,known to me to be the City Manager and City Clerk fortheCity of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribedto thewithininstrument,and acknowledged tome thatthey executed thesame forand on behalfof the City of Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy sealon the day and year firstabove written. O ....NotaryPublic OTAR1 fortheStateofMontana Notary blicfortheStateof Montana SEAL soze o tana Residing atBozeman,Montana My Commission Expires:Ú_)_/I2 /20 25 Line Table Line # Length Direction L12 51.77 N81° 38' 52.01"W LOT 12 BLOCK 2 L13 148.06 N42° 56' 48.85"W GALLATIN PARK SUBDIVISION oao 47c 93,11 1s-s L15 137.09 S42° 56' 48.85"E PROPOSED 30' - ..,r - L16 42.98 S82° 13' 17.24"E PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT Curve Table Curve # Length Radius Delta Chord Bearing C2 30.77 180.00 9.7939 N10° 59' 04"E A3' 12A7'E EXISTING PUBLlC UTILITY EASEMENT EXHIBIT A A 30' UTILITY EASEMENT ACROSS LOT 12. Bl.OCK 2OF THE GALLATIN GRAPHIC SCALE EXHIBIT A PARK SUBDIVISION (J-300). 1OCATED IN SECTION 36. TlS. R5E. P.M.M.. 0 50 100 UTILITY EASEMENT CITY OF BO7EMAN. GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA FOR ACCESS. INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF UTILITIES. (IN FEET ) inch= 100 ft- PlotDate:4/27/20223:4BPM LOCATION: BOZEMAN, MT H:\1086\017\ACAD\SHEETS\ExhibitsiEASEMENT.dwg