HomeMy WebLinkAbout001 - ZMA Project Narrative pdfSouth 40
Zone Map Amendment
August 2022
Table of Contents
I. Project Overview
II. Response to Zone Map Amendment Approval Criteria
III. Response to Spot Zoning Criteria
Appendix A.1: Vicinity Map
Appendix A.2: Current Zoning Map
Appendix A.3: Future Land Use Map
Appendix A.4: Proposed Zoning Map
Appendix B: Zone Map Amendment Editable Legal Description
1. Project Team
Owner & Applicant:
Providence Development Company, LLC
Attn: Parker Lange
529 East Main Street
Bozeman, MT 59715
Ph: 406-595-4560
Email: plange@providencedevco.com
Intrinsik Architecture, Inc
Attn: Tyler Steinway
106 East Babcock Street, Suite 1A
Bozeman, MT 59715
Ph: 406-582-8988
Email: tsteinway@intrinsikarchitecture.com
Attn: Casey Roberts
17911 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92614
Ph: 949-268-8545
Email: croberts@ktgy.com
Morrison – Maierle
Attn: Matt Ekstrom
2880 Technology Blvd W
Bozeman, MT 59718
Ph: 406-922-6784
Email: mekstrom@m-m.net
Landscape Architecture:
Design 5
Attn: Troy Scherer
111 North Tracy Ave
Bozeman, MT 59715
Ph: 406-587-4873
Email: troy@design5la.com
South 40 – ZMA Project Narrative
Project Description
The project team is submitting an application for a zone map amendment to change the zoning from R-1
& R-2 to REMU for a 38.407-acre site at the corner of the intersection of South 19th and Graf Street. This
parcel has been designated by the Community Plan to be Urban Neighborhood which REMU is an
implementing zoning district. This project site lies just west of the Alder Creek neighborhood and just
north of the planned Blackwood Groves neighborhood. Further to the west is the Southbridge
This rezoning request demonstrates a vision for this property one that aligns with the Bozeman Unified
Development Code, Montana Code Annotated and the Bozeman Community Plan. The proposed zoning
allows for more creative neighborhood design, that aims to accomplish several goals and themes of the
community plan as outlined in our application responses below.
Responses to ZMA Approval Criteria
Below are responses to the ZMA Approval Criteria (Section 76-2-304, MCA) that address how the project
relates to and meets the criteria outlined for the approval of a zone change.
a. Is the new zoning designed in accordance with the growth policy? How?
Yes. The Future Land Use Map in the Bozeman Community Plan 2020 designates the property as Urban
Neighborhood. The intent of the Urban Neighborhood designation is to allow for a variety of types,
shapes, sizes and intensity of homes. Large areas of single types of housing are discouraged. The current
R-1 & R-2 designation only allows for a limited number of residential uses at a relatively low density. The
change to REMU allows for more variety and options when laying out the project site. REMU as a zoning
district is one of the best zoning districts for accomplishing the intent of the Urban Neighborhood
designation. The proposed zone map amendment from R-1 to REMU would allow for similar single-
household dwellings as the current R-1 district, and also provide for multi-household dwellings such as
apartment buildings, two- and three-household dwellings and townhouses/rowhouses as permitted
uses to serve the varying needs of the residents. Although primarily residential in nature, the REMU
district also encourages a mix of residential and commercial uses providing a variety of options for
housing, employment, retail, and neighborhood service opportunities. The proposed REMU designation
is appropriate for the property, which abuts the REMU district to the south as well as R-3 district to the
This development pattern is consistent with several goals and objectives of the Community Plan
Goal N-1: Support well-planned, walkable neighborhoods.
REMU is a mixed-use district zone that would allow for a mix of housing and commercial uses. Residents
would have the opportunity to live, work, and shop in close proximity to where they live which
facilitates walkability. Additionally, it is understood that any future development will continue all logical
extension of the street grid where appropriate. These street extensions will create blocks that lend
themselves to being more walkable in nature. This neighborhood will also tie into the neighborhoods to
the east and south further expanding the connectivity of this entire area.
N-1.1 Promote housing diversity, including missing middle housing.
N-1.3 Revise the zoning map to lessen areas exclusively zoned for single-type housing.
Outside of the business zoning districts REMU provides the most permitted housing options which
promotes housing diversity. The existing R-1 and R-2 are extremely limited in the number of housing
types allowed. This change to REMU will allow for the creation of density at a variety of housing types
and scales, which isn’t allowed in the current R-1 & R-2 zoning districts.
N-1.4 Promote development of accessory dwelling units (ADUs).
The proposed zoning designation of REMU permits the development of ADUs.
N-1.9 Ensure multimodal connections between adjacent developments
Future development of the site will be subject to the City’s Master Site Plan review process emphasizing
multimodal connections between adjacent developments.
N-1.10 Increase connectivity between parks and neighborhoods through continued trail and sidewalk
development. Prioritize closing gaps within the network.
Future development of the site will be subject to the City’s Master Site Plan review process emphasizing
closing gaps within the network of trails and sidewalks. Where logical, extension of parks and trails will
be considered to enhance the overall pedestrian network.
Goal N-2: Pursue simultaneous emergence of commercial nodes and residential development through
diverse mechanisms in appropriate locations.
The REMU zoning district encourages a mix of residential and commercial uses allowing for the
development of a commercial node. The site is adjacent to a principal arterial corridor (19th Avenue) and
a collector street (Graf Street) which is an appropriate location for a commercial node to occur.
N-2.1 Ensure the zoning map identifies locations for neighborhood and community commercial nodes
early in the development process.
The REMU zoning district encourages a mix of residential and commercial uses allowing for the
development of a commercial node.
N-2.3 Investigate and encourage development of commerce concurrent with, or soon after, residential
development. Actions, staff, and budgetary resources relating to neighborhood commercial development
should be given a high priority.
The REMU zoning district allows for and encourages the development of commercial uses in conjunction
with a varying mix of residential uses.
Goal N-3: Promote a diverse supply of quality housing units.
N-3.1 Establish standards for provisions of diversity of housing types in a given area.
The REMU zoning designations would allow for a diversity of housing units in contrast to the current R-1
zoning designation.
N-3.7 Support compact neighborhoods, small lot sizes, and small floor plans, especially through
mechanisms such as density bonuses.
The REMU zoning designation supports smaller and more compact lot sizes and floor plans in contrast to
the existing R-1 designation.
N-3.8 Promote the development of "Missing Middle" housing (side by side or stacked duplex, triplex, live-
work, cottage housing, group living, rowhouses/ townhouses, etc.) as one of the most critical
components of affordable housing.
The proposed REMU zoning is in alignment with the goals of development for the “missing middle”
housing by allowing higher densities and a more diverse array of housing types than the current R-1
zoning. Multi-household dwellings, such as apartments, two- and three-household dwellings and
townhouses/rowhouses, are permitted uses within the proposed zoning districts.
Goal DCD-1: Support urban development within the City.
The existing R-1 and R-2 zoning districts are suburban zoning districts that promote larger lot single
family homes with limited density. The REMU zoning district will allow for a more urban type of fabric to
DCD-1.1 Evaluate alternatives for more intensive development in proximity to high visibility corners,
services, and parks.
The proposed REMU zoning would allow for more intensive development located along a principal
arterial (19th Ave) on a high visibility corner.
Goal DCD-2: Encourage growth throughout the City, while enhancing the pattern of community
development oriented on centers of employment and activity. Support an increase in development
intensity within developed areas.
The proposed REMU zoning would allow for higher density residential development in proximity to jobs
and services, thus encouraging growth and enhancing the patter of community development oriented
on employment and activity areas.
DCD-2.2 Support higher density development along main corridors and at high visibility street corners to
accommodate population growth and support businesses.
DCD-2.5 Identify and zone appropriate locations for neighborhood-scale commercial development.
The proposed REMU zoning would allow for higher density residential, and neighborhood-scale
commercial development located along a principal arterial (19th Ave) on a high visibility corner.
Goal DCD-3: Ensure multimodal connectivity within the City.
DCD-3.1 Expand multimodal accessibility between districts and throughout the City as a means of
promoting personal and environmental health, as well as reducing automobile dependency.
REMU is a mixed district zone that would allow for a mix of housing and commercial uses. Residents
would have the opportunity to live, work, and shop in close proximity to where they live which
facilitates walkability.
DCD-3.3 Identify major existing and future destinations for biking and walking to aid in prioritization of
route planning and completion.
The REMU district permits uses that may be destinations for bikers and pedestrians alike. The mix of
commercial uses in close proximity to residential encourages alternative means of travel, including
bicycling and walking.
DCD-3.6 Evaluate parking requirements and methods of providing parking as part of the overall
transportation system for and between districts.
Future development of the project site is subject to the Unified Development Code which ensures
adequate parking is provided for each use across the site.
Goal EPO-1: Prioritize strategic acquisition of parks to provide a variety of recreational opportunities
throughout the City.
EPO-1.1 Coordinate the location of existing and future parks to create opportunities for linear parks to
connect larger parks. Prioritize quality locations and features in parks over quantity of parks.
EPO-1.3 Incorporate unique and inclusive recreational and artistic elements into parks.
EPO-1.4 Research and implement multi-use features within parks to promote increased use and
visitation. Wherever possible, parks are connected to multi-modal transportation options and accessible
for people with disabilities.
The City has adopted policies and standards that require parkland dedication and/or improvement fees
that is calculated based on residential units and densities. All City policies and requirements for parkland
will be addressed and included during the site plan review process.
EPO-1.6 Upon completion of an update to the City’s park master plan, review standards of the UDC for
adequacy and update, as needed, to coordinate with development review standards and practices.
Future development on the project site will be in compliance with the City’s park master plan and
Unified Development Code standards and requirements for parks and recreation facilities.
Goal EPO-3: Address climate change in the City’s plans and operations.
EPO-3.1 Support development of maintenance standards including sidewalk clearing, sidewalk surfaces,
bike lanes, and procedures for consistent implementation.
EPO-3.2 Ensure complete streets and identify long-term resources for the maintenance of year-round
bike and multi-use paths to improve utilization and reduce annual per capita vehicle miles traveled.
EPO-3.3 Support water conservation, use of native plants in landscaping, and development of water
reuse systems.
EPO-3.4 Review and update landscape and open space standards for public and private open spaces to
reduce water use. Likewise, review and update standards for reuse systems.
EPO-3.5 Update land development standards to implement the Integrated Water Resources Plan.
EPO-3.6 Review and revise stormwater standards to address changing storm profiles.
EPO-3.7 Review and update development regulations to implement facility and service plans when 38
BOZEMANMT 2020 COMMUNITY PLAN those plans are updated.
EPO-3.9 Integrate climate change considerations into development standards.
EPO-3.10 Inclusion of community gardens, edible landscaping, and urban micro-farms as part of open
spaces outside of watercourses and wetlands in subdivisions is encouraged where appropriate.
EPO-3.11 Support resource conservation through recycling, composting, and other appropriate means.
Any future development on the site will comply with all State and City requirements for water, energy,
and resource conservation.
Goal M-1: Ensure multimodal accessibility.
M-1.1 Prioritize mixed-use land use patterns. Encourage and enable the development of housing, jobs,
and services in close proximity to one another.
The proposed REMU zoning would allow for a mix of uses, including housing, jobs, and services, all
located within the project site.
Goal EE-1: Promote the continued development of Bozeman as an innovative and thriving economic
EE-1.3 Continue to facilitate live/work opportunities as a way to support small, local businesses in all
zoning districts.
The proposed REMU district allows for the development of small businesses and live/work
b. Will the new zoning secure safety from fire and other dangers? How?
Yes. The subject property is currently served by the City of Bozeman Fire and Police Departments. These
departments will review any future development of the property during site plan review ensuring
adequate services can be provided. Furthermore, any future development will conform to the City of
Bozeman public safety, building, setback and land use requirement in compliance with the UDC. Any
building will go through the building permitting process to ensure safety from fire and other dangers.
This zoning changes will therefore will not have an impact on site safety.
c. Will the new zoning promote public health, safety and welfare? How?
Yes. Future development of the site will require site plan review and compliance with the City’s Unified
Development Code which ensures the promotion of public health, safety and general welfare. The
proposed amendment will not put undue burden on municipal services, emergency response capability,
or similar existing requirements. Furthermore, any future development will be reviewed as a site plan
application which will allow for the appropriate City departments to weight in municipal services, and
emergency response capability.
d. Will the new zoning facilitate the adequate provisions of transportation, water, sewage, schools,
parks and other public requirements? How?
Yes. Future development of the project site will require site plan review and compliance with the
standards in the City’s Unified Development Code ensuring adequate provisions of transportation,
water, sewage, schools, parks and other public requirements. At the time of site plan review, the need
for services can be more accurately assessed. As stated in the UDC, the designation of a zoning district
does not guarantee approval of proposed development plans until the city can verify the availability of
the needed infrastructure and services.
e. Will the new zoning provide reasonable provision of adequate light and air? How?
Yes. Future development of the project site will be subject to the provisions of the Building Codes
adopted under Chapter 10 of the municipal code as well as the Unified Development Code. The adopted
codes ensure adequate light and air including park and recreation requirements, maximum building
heights, on-site open space requirements, lot coverage and setback requirements.
f. Will the new zoning have an effect on motorize and non-motorized transportation systems? How?
Yes. Additional commercial and residential development permitted within the REMU zoning district is
likely to result in increased trips along 19th Avenue, Graf Street, and other streets, sidewalks, and trails.
This will be further studied in future applications. Development of the subject property would support
continuation of existing pedestrian paths and trails through and within the project site. Future
development of the property will be required to comply with transportation-related standards and be
examined for impacts on surrounding streets, intersection, and sidewalks.
g. Does the new zoning promote compatible urban growth? How?
Yes. This property is designated as Urban Neighborhood on the Bozeman Community Plan Future Land
Use Map. The REMU zoning district is listed as one of the compatible zones under the Urban
Neighborhood designation. The growth policy supports development that provides a range of housing
options to meet the needs of residents. The growing demand for housing suggests the proposed REMU
zoning district is appropriate to facilitate higher densities and variety in housing options. Future
development on the project site must conform to the City’s zoning standards, such as setbacks, building
heights, and parking requirements, to ensure compatibility of uses.
The UDC defines compatible urban growth, which does not require uniformity in order to insure
compatibility. Furthermore, the city’s zoning ordinance defines the uses and development standard
associated for proposed development under the auspices of each zoning. The proposed REMU District
includes a range of uses that are appropriate and compatible with the surrounding neighborhoods.
h. Does the new zoning promote the character of the district? How?
Yes. This proposal amends the zoning map and not the text. Therefore, no element
of this amendment modifies the standards of any zoning district. The character of the districts
as created by those standards remains intact. The character of the district as the intent of the REMU
Zoning District is to:
“Establish areas within Bozeman that are mixed-use in character and to provide options for a variety of
housing, employment, retail and neighborhood service opportunities within a new or existing
neighborhood. These purposes are accomplished by:
▪ Emphasizing residential as the primary use, including single household dwellings, two to four
household dwellings, townhouses, and apartments.
▪ Providing for a diverse array of neighborhood-scaled commercial and civic uses supporting
▪ Emphasizing a vertical and horizontal mix of uses in a compact and walkable neighborhood setting.
Use of this zone is appropriate for sites at least five acres in size and areas located adjacent to an
existing or planned residential area to help sustain commercial uses within walking distance and a wider
range of housing types.”
The site is in proximity to residential, and commercial zoning district. Neighborhood scale commercial
and the variety of housing options possible under the proposed zoned will be compatible with the
existing and planned nature of this area. For this review the zone map amendment proposed the uses
allowed in REMU aren’t significantly different than those currently allowed, and therefore it is hard to
foresee significant and negative impact on community character. The subject property is currently a
vacant field and applying any zoning district to the property will alter the existing character of the
subject property.
i. Does the new zoning address the affected area’s peculiar suitability for particular uses? How?
Yes. The proposed REMU district is appropriately located at the intersection of a principal arterial
corridor of 19th Avenue and a collector street (Graf Street) and positioned on a high visibility corner. The
REMU district can support a vibrant mix of uses that serve both the neighborhood and broader region.
The REMU district allows for higher densities of residential development and is suitable for the site given
the surrounding residential development and access to city services and facilities.
j. Was the new zoning adopted with a view of conserving the values of buildings? How?
Neutral. There are no buildings currently on the property that may have their values impacted.
k. How does the new zoning encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the jurisdictional
area? How?
Yes. The proposed REMU zoning designation encourages the most appropriate uses of the land as it
allows for higher residential densities and commercial uses on an underutilized piece of land. The REMU
zoning district allows for flexibility to create a neighborhood that uses the land in the most efficient way
possible. There is a growing demand for housing in the city, and the proposed zoning designations
provide for a variety of housing options to meet this need. The Future Land Use Map in the Bozeman
Community Plan identifies this site as Urban Neighborhood, which is intended to provide a vibrant mix
of housing opportunities as well as complementary uses and services. The Unified Development Code
further contains standards and review procedures that will ensure the land is developed in ways that
protect and promote public health, safety, and general welfare, and further ensure appropriate future
development of this property.
III. Response to Spot Zoning Criteria
A. Are the requested zoning designation and potential uses significantly different from the prevailing
uses in the area?
No, therefore this criterion has been met. There is considerable diversity of uses in the area ranging
from dense multi-family, single family homes and commercial uses planned or built in this area.
Bozeman has deliberately developed a zoning system that includes district with diverse uses and
opportunities. The city has chosen to encourage diverse development and avoid single use
There is a lot directly to the south of this lot that is zoned REMU. This parcel would be a logical extension
of that boundary. REMU offers a diverse array of possible land uses, and those envisioned for this site
will enhance the character of the area and contribute to the sense of place for the neighborhood. REMU
zoning and the potential uses are therefore not significantly different from the prevailing zones and uses
in proximity.
Furthermore, any future development at this site will be in compliance with the proposed REMU zoning
district which provides for predominantly residential development which includes uses similar to the
residential land uses in the area.
B. Does the requested zoning designation benefit a small area and only one or a few landowners, or
does the requested zoning benefit the surrounding neighborhood, community and general public?
This criterion has been met. A zone change for the 38.407 acres has the potential to benefit both the
surrounding neighborhood and the community as a whole. This change will conceivably prove to be a
beneficial asset to the surrounding area by providing flexibility to enrich future area growth and transit
options, offer support services to a future mixed-use node, and contribute to the neighborhood fabric in
the area. It is also envisioned that generalized benefits would accrue to the city when future
development occurs at a more intensive level.
C. Is the requested zoning designation compatible with the zoning district’s plan or is it special
legislation designed to benefit only one or a few landowners at the expense of the surrounding land
This criterion has been met. This ZMA does not represent special legislation designed to benefit the
landowner at the expense of the adjacent property owners. The proposed zoning allows similar uses at
similar scales as that of the adjacent properties, and therefore it is difficult to foresee this proposed
change to REMU, respectively, will negatively impacting the surrounding land owners.
Additionally, the proposed zone change is compatible with City policies and state statute governing the
approval of such requests. This is a request, simply, is to move to a residential mixed-use zone that offer
more contemporary development options from their existing counterparts. Compact infill will be the
result of redevelopment, and the requested zoning thus proposes thoughtful future development
opportunities that will meet the needs of the neighborhood and the community, not negatively impact
surrounding landowners.