HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 3160 Amend master plan - N.19th/Oak Street COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3160 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AMENDING THE 1990 BOZEMAN AREA MASTER PLAN UPDATE BY IN CORPORA TING THE NORTH 19TH A VENUE/WEST OAK STREET CORRIDOR MASTER PLAN INTO SAID DOCUMENT. WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman and the Gallatin County Commission have adopted a master plan, pursuant to Section 76-1-604, M.C.A.; and WHEREAS, the proposed master plan amendment has been properly submitted, reviewed and advertised in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 76-1-601 etseq., M.C.A" and the 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan Update, dated October 1990; and WHEREAS, the City-County Planning Board held a public hearing on September 4, 1996, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for the master plan amendment; and WHEREAS, the City-County Planning Boa rd recommended to the Bozeman City Commission and the Gallatin County Board of Commissioners that the requested master plan amendment to establish a North 19th Avenue/West Oak Street Corridor Master Plan be approved; and WHEREAS, the City Commission adopted Commission Resolution No. 3147 on September 16, 1996, stating its intent to revise the 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan Update to incorporate the North 19th Avenue/West Oak Street Corridor Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Commission held a public hearing on September 16, 1996, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a master plan amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, following that public hearing, determined that consideration should be given to a proposal for an "Alternative Development Review Procedure" which was submitted during the public hearing; and WHEREAS, the City Commission further determined that the Land Use Plan element of the 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan Update should be modified to designate Rose Park as "Public Lands and Open Space" and the north ten acres of the Gallatin County Rest Home property as "U rban Residential Infill"; and WHEREAS, the City Commission adopted Commission Resolution No. 3148 on September 30, 1996, stating its intent to amend the 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan Update by revising the proposed sub-area plan submitted by the Planning Board for development of the North 19th Avenue/West Oak Street corridor by adding an "Alternative Development Review Procedure"; and WHEREAS, the City Commission held a public hearing on October 7, 1996, to received and review all written and oral testimony pertaining to the proposal for an "Alternative Development Review Procedure; and .. .. -.-- .,...,.-~-,.~ .- WHEREAS, the City Commission has reviewed and considered the four criteria established in the 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan Update, and found the proposed master plan amendment to be in compliance with the four criteria; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has found the proposed master plan amendment to establish a North 19th Avenue/West Oak Street Corridor Master Plan, as revised to include the "Alternative Development Review Procedure", would be appropriate and constitute an overall improvement to the plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana: That the 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan Update is hereby amended by incorporating the North 19th Avenue/West Oak Street Corridor Master Plan into said document. A copy of the North 19th Avenue/West Oak Street Corridor Master Plan is attached hereto as Exhibit" A". Under this amendment, the land use designations on approximately 1 ,022 acres located in the Southeast one- quarter of Section 26, the East one-half of Section 35, and the Southwest one-quarter of Section 36, Township 1 South, Range 5 East; and the West one-half of Section 1 and the East one-half of Section 2, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Montana Principal Meridian, Gallatin County, Montana, are amended from "Urban Residential Infill" and "Residential Infill" to "Commercial", "limited Commercial", "Business Park", "Business Park/Industrial", and "Public Lands and Open Space"; a "Class I" entryway corridor is established along North 19th Avenue from the Interstate 90 interchange to Durston Road and along West Oak Street between North 7th Avenue and North 19th Avenue; and a "Class II" entryway corridor is established along West Oak Street west of North 19th Avenue to the east edge of Rose Park. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 3rd day of February 1997. ( DP>-1 L~~/~ DON E. STUECK, Mayor ATTEST: (2L Z 2~~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission APPROVED AS TO FORM: - 2 - ---"._-- ..-- Exhibit" A" NORTH 19TH A VENUE/OAK STREET CORRIDOR MASTER PLAN Prepared for: Bozeman and Gallatin County City-County Planning Board 35 N. Bozeman Avenue P.O. Box 640 Bozeman, Montana 59715 Prepared by: Bozeman City-County Planning Office 35 N. Bozeman Avenue P.O. Box 640 Bozeman, Montana 59715 3 FEBRUARY 1997 ....---.-- Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ......................... ....... ............................................... ............. v LIST OF FIGURES......................................................................................... vi EXECUTIVE SUMMARy................... ........... ........... ............. .................. ...... vii I. INTRODUCTION ................ ........ ...................................... ... ... ............... 1 1.0 PLANNING INVENTORV AND ANAL VSIS.............. ...................... 1 1.1 GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICiES................ ......................... 1 1.2 WORK PROGRAM.............. .......... ........... .......... ............ ........ .........2 1.3 COMMUNITV PARTiCiPATION..... ......................................... ........2 1.4 ORGANIZA TION OF DOCUMENT. ................... ......... ........... .........3 II. BACKGROUND. ............... ...... ........... .......... ..................................... .....5 2.0 PAST COMPREHENSIVE PLANS .............. ........................... ......... 5 2.1 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND......................... ............................... 6 2.2 REVIEW OF APPLICABLE RESOURCE DOCUMENTS ................ 6 2.2.1 Wastewater Facility Plan................ .................................... 6 2.2.2 Areawide Water Plan..................... ..................................... 6 2.2.3 Water Rate Evaluation................... ..................................... 7 2.2.4 Stormwater Master Plan.................. ................................... 7 2.2.5 Bozeman Park and Recreation Inventory and Work Plan.. .......... ....... ...................................... ............ 7 2.2.6 Outdoor Recreation - Open Space Plan for Gallatin County........................... .................................. 7 2.2.7 Transportation Plan..... ....... ............... ............. ....... .............7 Page i _____ n____ ---..."..--..-...-...- .----.-.-. -- Table of Contents III. NORTH 19TH AVENUE/OAK STREET CORRIDOR STUDY AREA.......... ......... ..............................................9 3.0 BOUNDARY DESCRiPTION......... ........... ............ ................. ..........9 3.1 INVENTORY ANALySiS............................ ..................................... 9 3.1.1 Existing Land Use and Zoning.......................................... 9 Lan d Use............................................................................... 9 Zoning Districts ................................................................... 1 0 3.1.2 Socio-Economic Characteristics.......... ... ............. ........... 11 3.1.3 Environmental Analysis.................. ................................. 12 Streams & Ditches....... .......... ...................................................12 Wetlands ................................................................................... 14 Seasonal High Water Table/Groundwater ..............................15 Bozeman Solvent Site ...............................................................17 Agricultural Land..................................................................... 17 3.1.4 Community Impact Analysis............... .................................18 Municipal Water System...... ......................................... .......... .18 Municipal Sewer System.......................................................... 18 Storm Drainage............. ......... ................................... ............... .19 Park Land, Recreation, and Open Space.................................19 Transportation.......................................................................... 20 Historic Resources ............ ......... ... ......................... ... .......... ......23 Housing..................................................................................... 24 Schools....................................................................................... 25 3.1.5 Land Use Inventory...................... ......................................... 25 National Land Use Ratios......................................................... 25 City of Bozeman/Extraterritorial Area Zoning Inventory ......26 Local Land Use Designations ...................................................27 Land Allocation/Availability.................................................... 29 3.1.6 Capital Improvements Program............ ........................... 30 Transportation.......................................................................... 30 Municipal Water System..................... ............................... ...... 32 Municipal Sewer System.......................................................... 32 Impact Fee Program................................................................. 33 Page Ii -. ..-.-.-- ... .-.--.- Table of Contents IV. GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND IMPLEMENTATION POLlCIES....35 4.0 GOAL 1 ....................................... .................................................. 35 4.1 GOAL 2 ....................................... .................................................. 37 4.2 GOAL 3.... ................... ........ .......... ........... ... ........ ............ ........ ...... 37 4.3 GOAL 4........................................ ................................................. 38 4.4 GOAL 5 ....................................... .................................................. 39 V. MASTER PLAN ELEMENTS.... ............ .............................. .... ............ 41 5.0 LAND USE PLAN................................. ......................................... 41 5.0.1 Land Use Classifications................ .................................. 42 5.0.2 Land Use Implementation Guidelines..............................43 5.1 PARKS AND OPEN SPACE.... ........... ............. ............................ ......45 5.1.1 Park Land............................... ............................................ 45 5.1.2 Rose Park............................... ............................................ 46 5.1.3 Open Space/Trail Corridors.............. ................................ 46 5.1.4 Parks and Open Space Interface with Other Plan Elements................................. ................................... 47 5.1.5 Park and Open Space Implementation Guidelines.........47 5.2 GREENWAY CORRIDORS PLAN ............ ........ ......................... .......48 5.2.1 Greenbelt/Open Space Corridors.. ............ ... ..... ..... .......... 48 5.2.2 Planned Unit Development Overlay................................. 49 5.2.3 Greenway Corridor Guidelines............ ............................. 49 5.3 TRANSPORT A TION PLAN....... ........... ....................................... ......50 5.4 ENVIRONMENT ALL Y SENSITIVE AREAS PLAN....................... 50 5.4.1 Environmentally Sensitive Area Implementation Guidelines.................................... ................................................ 51 Page iii Table of Contents VI. IMPLEMENT A TION......,.. ......... ............. ..,......... .................................. . .......53 6.0 ANNEXATION.....................,.............. ........................................... 53 6.1 SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ............ .......................... ...... ........ 54 6.2 ZONING ORDINANCE.............................. .................................... 54 6.3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM.................. .................... 56 Pageiv List of Tables LIST OF TABLES TABLE TITLE 1 Land Use Acreage in the N. 19th Avenue/ Oak Street Corridor Study Area................................................. 1 0 2 Zoning District Acreage in the N. 19th Avenue/ Oak Street Corridor Study Area................................................. 10 3 Housing Units.............................................................................. 11 4 Population.................................................................................... 12 5 Comparison of Land Use Ratios, Bozeman vs. National Averages for Cities Under 100,000 Population...................."... 26 6 Zone Areas within City Limits.................................................... 28 7 Zone Areas Within the Extra-Territorial Area........................... 28 8 Commercial Land - Zoning and Its Relative Quantities and Ratios................................................................. 29 9 Industrial Land - Zoning and Its Relative Quantities and Ratios ................................................................. 30 Page v ---- ---.-.- ..- List of Figures LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE TITLE 1 Study Area Boundaries 2 Current Land Use 3 Current Zoning Districts 4 Streams, Ditches and Wetlands 5 Seasonal High Water Table and Hydric Soils 6 Existing and Planned Public Infrastructure 7 Limited Public Street Access Points 8 Existing and Planned Park and Recreation Resources 9 City of Bozeman and Extraterritorial Area Zoning Inventory 10 Current Master Plan Designations 11 Land Use Plan Page vi ____.u__._ Executive Summary EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The N. 19th A venue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan differs ITom the 1983 master plan and the 1990 master plan update by focusing on a single portion of the jurisdictional area of the City of Bozeman rather than its entirety. As a result, some of the goals and policies are specific to this area and should not be extrapolated to the entire jurisdiction. This sub-area plan introduces several new concepts or planning strategies to the planning process in Bozeman. Areas of special emphasis or where substantial change was made are as follows: . Two new land use classifications- Business Park and Limited Commercial; . Modification and establishment of entry way corridors along N. 19th A venue and Oak Street . Introduction of Greenway corridors and their implementation through Planned Unit Developments or an alternative development review process designed to achieve the same objectives; . Modification to and expanded use of Planned Unit Developments in the study area; . Introduction environmentally sensitive lands as a master plan overlay; . Changes to the Land Use Element of the Master Plan as illustrated in Figure 11; and . The importance of open space, both public and private, in creating the desired community image. This master plan is presented in six sections I. Introduction II. Background - Discussion of the history of planning in Bozeman and relevant resource documents for this effort HI. North 19th A venue/Oak Street Corridor Study Area - A description of the area including various resource inventories and analysis IV. Goals and Objectives - Formulation by the Planning Board and Staff after public participation V. Master Plan Elements - Description of those strategies needed to provide general guidance to future development in the study area VI. Implementation - Discussion of the necessary changes to the existing ordinances, regulations, and procedures, and new methods to provide for implementation of the Goals and Policies of the Master Plan The Goals and Policies laid out in Section IV of this document are the basis for all other elements of this plan. They are the result of three public forums, discussion with the public through written comment and office visits, field trips to inspect the area under consideration, and many hours of work by the Planning Board and Staff. All other elements of the Master Plan are intended to provide information for and implementation of the goals formulated through the public participation process. Page vii North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan I. INTRODUCTION In 1990, the Bozeman City Commission and Gallatin County Commission adopted an update of the Bozeman Area Master Plan that rccognized the impact ccrtain major transportation arterials would have on the future character of the community, as well as on its economic vitality. With construction of N. 19th Avenue and the N. 19th Avenue/Interstate-90 interchange in 1995, as well as thc anticipated construction of Oak Street between N. 7th Avenue and N. 19th Avenue, the Bozeman City-County Planning Board recognized the need to reevaluate the community's 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan Update. The Bozeman City-County Planning Board has initiated this document, the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan, as a supplement to the 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan Update, to provide a vision for futurc growth in the N. 19th A vcnuc/Oak Street corridor area. Thc Board intends to prepare a plan that provides for a beautiful entryway to Bozeman, areas for commercial and industrial expansion, and attractive and varied residential options. The plan will coordinate land use recommendations for the area with capital facilitics planning, sensitive lands considerations, Rose Park, and other established land uses. 1.0 PLANNING INVENTORY AND ANAL YSIS The background information for the planning area consists of an inventory and analysis of past and present conditions. This inventory and analysis includes: physical land characteristics of soils, groundwatcr, wetlands and watercourses; land use patterns such as existing uses, land ownership, Master Plan and zoning designations; social characteristics such as population patterns and projections, housing patterns, community attitudes and priorities for the future; and public infrastructure such as utility services, transportation patterns, community facilities and public services. 1.1 GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES Based on critical issues identified in the inventory and analysis of environmental and community impacts, as well as community attitudes, opinions and concerns, a draft set of goals, policies, and objectives was prepared by the Bozeman City-County Planning Office for consideration and discussion by the Planning Board. Goals, policies and objectives were drafted for each of the major Master Plan issues which include: . Land Use . Transportation . Municipal Facilities and Utilities . Housing and Historic Preservation . Entryway Corridors . Environmentally Sensitive Lands The draft goals, objectives and policies were presented to the Bozeman City-County Planning Board for review and comment through a public forum format. The goals, policies and objectives were then Page 1 North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan revised and refined before a final public hearing was conducted, and before a recommendation was sent to the Bozeman City Commission and the Gallatin County Commission for adoption. 1.2 WORK PROGRAM The work program conducted by the Bozeman City-County Planning Officc was composed of four primary work tasks, and appropriate sub-tasks, as listed below: . Work Task 1 - Perform Inventory and Analysis . Existing Land Use and Zoning . Socio-Economic Characteristics . Environmental Analysis/Environmentally Sensitive Lands . Community Impact Inventory and Analysis . Land Use Inventory . Capital Facilities . Work Task 2 ~ Development of Goals, Objectives and Implementation Policies . Environmental, Aesthetics, and Natural Resources . Residential and Historic Resources . Commercial, Industrial, and Economic Development . Transportation/Municipal Facilities . Work Task 3 - Development of Master Plan Elements . Land Use Plan . Parks and Open Space Plan . Greenway Corridors Plan . Transportation Plan . Environmentally Sensitive Areas Plan . Work Task 4 - Development of Implementation Strategy . Annexation . Subdivision Regulations . Zoning Ordinance . Capital Improvements Program 1.3 COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION Throughout the planning process the Bozeman City-County Planning Board emphasized community participation through a public forum format, which offered the general public the opportunity to voice their concerns and opinions. Three public forums were noticed in the newspaper and held before the Planning Board. The first forum, held on 18 June 1996, identified thirteen general topics of concern for the study area, and as a result preliminary goals, objectives and implementation policies were prepared for consideration by the Planning Board. On 16 July 1996, a second public forum gave the Page 2 - .__.____u__._..._.. ._....-._..... North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan public and principal property owners in the study area the chance to discuss with the Planning Board options for proposed Land Use Classifications that would guide future growth in the study area. The Planning Board also held a special meeting with concerned citizens and principal property owners in the study area on 18 July 1996, to discuss future development options and preferences for land use classifications. The Planning Board participated in two separate field trips to the study area and in a number of special meetings with the Planning Staff to review project progress and to prepare for a public hearing to be held on 20 August 1996. A special meeting of the Planning Board was held on 23 July 1996 to conclude public input and participation prior to the 20 August 1996 public hearing, and to finalize the preliminary draft recommendations for the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor MasterPlan. However, a third public forum was held on 8 August 1996, resulting ITom a special meeting on 31 July 1996, regarding the ability to implement parkway corridors along N. 19th Avenue and Oak Street. The third public forum discussed the proposal for planned unit developments (PUD) review procedures for all non-residential land in the study area. As a result of the third meeting, the public hearing before the Bozeman City-County Planning Board was rescheduled to 4 September 1996. The Planning Staff employed recommendations ITom the public and the Planning Board meetings to prepare a preliminary draft document. This document will be available to the general public prior to the public hearings before the Bozeman City-County Planning Board, Bozeman City Commission and Gallatin County Commission. Coverage of the planning process by the Bozeman Daily Chronicle has encouraged further awareness of, and participation in, the planning process by the public. 1.4 ORGANIZATION OF DOCUMENT The remainder of this document presents the results of the planning process and is organized into Chapters II, III, IV, and V which correspond to the four major work tasks. . Chapter II "Inventory and Analysis" - Presents and analyzes background information that describe existing conditions in the study area. . Chapter III "Goals, Objectives and Implementation Policies" - Defines specific goals, objectives and implementation policies which the governing bodies have chosen to pursue with regard to the study area's growth, development and revitalization. . Chapter IV "Master Plan" - Presents the various land uses, transportation, municipal facilities and utilities, housing, economic development and conservation clements which comprise the N. 19th A venue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan. . Chapter V "Implementation" - Presents a program for Master Plan Implementation strategies, including recommended regulatory actions, capital investments, responsibilities, resources and timing. Page 3 ------------ -. ..--.."..- North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan ,-."1 .,(" ., .\".....oIiL->i ....._~ "';)'~:f,,~~,:.,)'f~,~~:~ Historic resource home on Durston Road Page 4 North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan II. BACKGROUND 2.0 PAST COMPREHENSIVE PLANS In 1958 the City of Bozeman hired S.R. Deboer & Company (of Denver, CO) to prepare the City's first comprehensive plan. This plan included studies on transportation, street planning, zoning districts, parks and recreation, schools, park roads, and sanitation and health. This plan focused on the development of a transportation and street plan. Many present-day streets were constructed based on that planning effort. In 1960, the Planning Board updated the 1958 plan and largely revised the major street plan. Other changes in the 1960 plan included the preparation of a draft ordinance to update the City's subdivision regulations, preparation of an industrial ordinance, a recommendation to enact a transition overlay district, and recommended zoning for the jurisdiction. In 1972, a revised master plan was completed which included a comprehensive land use plan, and land use maps for both the City and jurisdictional area. This plan included extended goals and objectives that were formulated by the planning advisory committee. The 1972 plan also contained sections on population, housing, physiographic constraints, economics, parks and recreation, transportation, and an existing land use study. Final1y, the fol1owing concepts were fITst introduced in the 1972 plan: rural development nodes; a maximum density of one dwel1ing unit per 10 acres in undeveloped rural areas; and discouragement of development in areas not served by municipal water and sewer. In 1983, the current Bozeman Area Master Plan was adopted. This plan was prepared by the Bozeman City-County Planning Staff, and contained 25 goals and 47 policies to provide the basis for planning decisions. This plan breaks issues, goals and policies down into four major designations: . The area within the City limits of Bozeman is proposed to develop at urban densities with growth occurring as public facilities arc expanded; . Development in the proposed sewer service area, extended about one mile around the City limits, is to be restricted to 20 acres per dwelling unit to prevent the City rrom becoming surrounded by large lot development; . All other subdivided areas arc designated as rural development nodes. The increased development in these areas would provide for cost-effective services and would provide incentives for filling vacant lots in existing subdivisions; In 1990, the Bozeman Area Master Plan Update was prepared. This document updated, but did not totally replace, the 1983 plan. The 1990 Update achieved the fol1owing: . Simplified Master Plan land use recommendations, allowing for more flexibility in decision making; . Gave a stronger vision to land use concepts and projects which recognized and enhanced the Bozeman area's unique environmental and cultural assets; Page 5 North 19th A venue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan . Encouraged more development within the Urban Growth Area, and tess scattered development in the unserviced rural areas; . . Identified long-term major capital improvement projects, beyond the scope of then current annual funding, which will further the Master Plan; . Provided a basis for revision of the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance. 2.1 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND To date Bozeman's traditional position has been that of a major trading post for a variety of agricultural products resulting from highly productive soils tound throughout the Gallatin valley. The N. 19th A venue/Oak Street Corridor study area continues to date to demonstrate this farming heritage, with a substantial portion of the study area still cultivated for irrigated crops and used for livestock production. However, with the construction of N. 19th Avenue and the N. 19th Avenue/Interstate-90 interchange in 1995 and anticipated construction of Oak Street, the area is recognized as the next significant land located within the City-County Planning Jurisdiction to be developed at urban densities. Already in close proximity to the interstate transportation system, only the anticipated extension of municipal infrastructure and services will delay urban development of the area. 2.2 REVIEW OF APPLICABLE RESOURCE DOCUMENTS 2.2.1 Wastewater Facility Plan In 1978, a Wastewater Facility Plan was prepared to analyze what was then the existing wastewater treatment system and to identifY alternative systems improvements for the secondary treatment of wastewater. These improvements were needed to address Montana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit violations being experienced at the time. The improvements outlined in this plan were completed in 1982. During this time, the wastewater treatment plant was upgraded to service a population of 55,000. A new Wastewater Facility Plan is currently being prepared. This plan will evaluate existing conditions such as population, zoning, wastewater flows and loads, the wastewater collection system, infiltration and inflow, and the wastewater treatment system. It then will examine future conditions such as population projections, flow and load projections, drainage areas within the 20-year planning area, and wastewater collection and treatment. 2.2.2 Areawide Water Plan This plan was prepared in 1973 to analyze water improvements for immediate needs, and provide five year, ten year, and long-range plans. Under this plan, the City constructed a filter treatment facility, large distribution mains, and additional storage facilities. A new Water Facility Plan is currently being prepared. This new plan will evaluate existing conditions such as population, zoning and population density, water consumption, water rights and storage, and the water system. This plan will also evaluate the water treatment Page 6 North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan plant and water quality characteristics. Final1y, the plan will recommend needed water system and treatment plant improvements. 2.2.3 Water Rate Evaluation The original evaluation by Thomas, Dean & Hoskins in 1977 was superseded by a similar evaluation completed by the CH2M Hill Co. in 1981. The new study established a cost-of- service rate structure that was approved by the Montana Public Service Commission. The cost-of-service rate structure has been reviewed annually. 2.2.4 Stormwater Master Plan This plan was prepared in 1982 by Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, and provided the technical criteria by which the Bozeman Engineering Office reviews development proposals for storm drainage contro1. This includes water quality treatment, maintenance of historic drainage patterns, and runoff rate attenuation methods. 2.2.5 Bozeman Park and Recreation Inventory and Work Plan This plan was prepared by Bozeman City-County Planning Staff in 1975. It analyzed the recreational needs of existing and future populations, and evaluated whether existing facilities would adequately meet their needs. It led to the recommendations and plans for parks in Bozeman. 2.2.6 Outdoor Recreation - Open Space Plan for Gallatin County This plan was prepared by the Gallatin County Subdivision Review Office in 1989. It contains a detailed inventory and description of all parks (public and private), recreation and school lands in Gallatin County. The plan suggests the adoption of subdivision park location and development, cash-in-lieu fund disbursement criteria, and linear park linkages. 2.2.7 Transportation Plan The Bozeman Transportation Plan was prepared in 1982 by Clete Daily and Associates of Helena, MT. This plan evaluated the existing transportation system, reviewed existing street and traffic conditions, and anticipated future traffic pattern and transportation network problems based on population projections. This plan was largely updated in 1993 in the Bozeman Urban Transportation Plan Update by Robert Peccia & Associates of Helena, MT. The update examined the overall transportation system for the City, analyzed future system needs based on modeling, prepared a list of recommended improvements, conducted a fmancial analysis for potential funding sources, and created a strategy for implementing recommended improvements. Page 7 . ---. ......--.---. ....-- North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan .-,'1 Page 8 North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan III. NORTH 19TH AVENUE/ OAK STREET CORRIDOR STUDY AREA 3.0 BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION The study area for the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan is generally determined by the two arterial streets which intersect in the middle of the study area and have the most influence on future growth in the area. These arterials arc N. 19th A venue between Durston Road and Interstate-90 (north/south axis), and Oak Street between N. 7th Avenue and Rose Park (east/west axis) (see Figure 1). The north boundary of the study area is defined by the N. 19th Avenue/Interstate-90 interchange and the Walker Property Planned Unit Development. Interstate-90, eastbound ITom the N. 19th Avenue interchange, serves as the northeast boundary, while the N. 7th Avenue corrunercial corridor and N. 8th Avenue right-of-way establish the easternmost boundary. Durston Road, ITom N. 7th Avenue to the existing City limits (in the general area of Western Drive), outlines the southern border of the study area. The extension of the current City limits in the area of Western Drive, northward along Thomas Drive to Interstate-90, establishes the westernmost boundary for the study area. The approximate area of the study area for this Master Plan is approximately 1,021 acres, which includes public dedicated roads and public road easements. 3.1 INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS The following section inventories existing conditions within the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor study area, to assess the potential impacts of changes in land use designations. The fol1owing are included in this section: existing land use and zoning classifications; socio-economic characteristics; environmental analysis; community impact analysis; land use inventory; and capital facilities plan. 3.1.1 Existing Land Use and Zoning Classifications Land Use Figure 2 shows the existing land uses within the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor study area, and Table 1 shows the acreage for different land uses within the study area. As shown in Table 1, the largest existing land use in the study area is agriculture with approximately 74 percent of the land area. The second largest land use is vacant with roughly 7 percent, followed by single-family residential with roughly 6 percent of the land area. Most of the study area's single-family residential land uses are found in the Brentwood, Homesites, Maple Terrace and Royal Vista Addition subdivisions. Other single-family homes are scattered around the study area. The multifamily residential uses arc found in the Arcadia Gardens and Homesites subdivisions, as well as in the Gallatin Valley Rest Home and the Legion Villa apartment complex. The mobile home park uses are contained in the Covered Wagon Mobile Home Park and in the Hornesites subdivision. The only school in the study area, Emily Dickinson School, is west of the Brentwood subdivision, and the only church is Page 9 ..-."'.--...-.-....,...- North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan east of the Arcadia Gardens apartment complex on Durston Road. All of the light manufacturing and heavy industrial uses are in the Gardner-Simmcntallndustrial Plaza. Table 1: land Use Acreage in the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Study Area Land Use Number of Acres Percentage of Total Study Area Administrative/professional 18.2 I. 7 percent Agriculture 783.6 74.4 percent Church 0.7 0.0 percent Duplex/triplex 1.4 0.1 percent Heavy industrial 4.2 0.4 percent Light manufacturing 16.4 1.6 percent Mobile home park 41.2 3.9 percent Multifamily residential 15.4 1.5 percent Park land 25.0 2.4 percent Schools 9.8 0.9 percent Single-family residential 62.9 6.0 percent Vacant 74.6 7.1 percent Source: /995 City qfBozeman Land Use Map. Zonina Districts Figure 3 shows the existing zoning districts within the N. ] 9th A venue/Oak Street Corridor study area, and Table 2 shows the acreage for each zoning category in the study area. Table 2: Zoning District Acreage in the N. 19th Avenue! Oak Street Corridor Study Area Zoning Category Number of Acres Percentage of Total Study Area A-S (Agriculture Suburban) 353.3 34.6 percent B-1 (Neighborhood Service) 10.8 1.1 percent B-2 (Community Business) 30.9 3.0 percent M-l (Light Manufacturing) 128.9 12.6 percent PLI (Public Lands & Institutions) 26.9 2.6 percent R-2 (Single-family, Medium-Density) 18.6 1.8 percent R-2-A (Single-family. Medium-Density) 47.1 4.8 percent R-3 (Residential, Medium-density) 344.6 33.7 percent R-4 (Residential, High-density) 36.2 3.5 percent R-O (Residential Office) 12.5 1.3 percent Source: Ot/icial City of Bozeman Zoning Map. 1993. Page 10 -"'. ---------..---.,..-.-.--...--.--."'. -..".-.---.--- ... --., ".--.---..-- --.....-....,.---.-- North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan Land zoned A-S covers a substantial area in the northwest part of the study area, and between Gardner-Simmental Industrial Plaza and Interstate-90. There is more A-S land east of the Covered Wagon Mobile Home Park and the Homesites subdivision, as well as cast of the Gallatin Valley Rest Home. Land zoned M-l lies within the Gardner-Simmental Industrial Plaza, and along Baxter Lane. Land zoned R-2 includes the Maple Terrace and Homesites subdivisions. The Brentwood subdivision is zoned R-2-A. Land zoned R-3 includes the Covered Wagon Mobile Home Park, the Annie Subdivision, land north of Oak Street, and land along the southeast boundary of the study area. Land zoned R-4 includes the Arcadia Gardens apartment complex, the Legion Villa Apartments, and land north of the Gallatin Valley Rest Home. There is land zoned R-O southeast of the Brentwood subdivision, and north of the Gallatin Valley Rest Home. There is a B-1 district on the northwest comer ofN. 19th Avenue and Durston Road. Finally, there is some B-2 zoned land between Baxter Lane and the extension of Oak Street. See Figure 9 for zoning ratios. 3.1.2 Socio-Economic Characteristics The most recent socio-economic data available for the Bozeman area is from the 1990 Census of Population and Housing. However, many housing units have been constructed and the population has increased in the study area since 1990. Therefore, a count of housing units within the study area was conducted using current (5 June 1996) aerial photos. A total of approximately 550 housing units was counted. Table 3: Housing Units Traffic Analysis Zone No. 1990* 1996** 2000*** 2010*** 170 11 90 38 64 172 0 2 27 53 174 105 307 262 271 176 1 1 28 54 178 124 124 142 160 180 0 0 61 79 182 25 25 20 38 262 0 1 9 9 264 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 267 551 588 729 *Based on /990 U.S. Census of Populatioll alld Housing **Based 011 1996 BozenWII City-County Planning Sta/reslimate ***Based on 1992 Ci(y consultallt pr()jectiolls For the 1993 Bozeman Urban Transportation Plan Update, the Bozeman City-County Planning Jurisdiction was divided into traffic analysis zones (T AZs), and socio-economic information was evaluated using the T AZs. The study area contains nine traffic analysis zones (see Appendix A). The housing units in the study area were al10cated among these nine T AZs as shown in Table 3 above. In addition to the] 996 housing units estimated by the planning Page 11 North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan staff using aerial photography, Table 3 also shows housing unit numbers ITom the 1990 Census, and housing estimates done by a City transportation consultant for the years 2000 and 2010. Using the number of housing units per T Az, along with population per unit calculations fTom 1990 Census data, the current population for the study area can be estimated as shown in Table 4. Estimates made by a City transportation consultant are also shown for the years 2000 and 20 I O. The table illustrates that 1996 population estimates for the study area have already surpassed the population projections the consultant had made for the year 2000. Table 4: Population Traffic Analysis 1990* 1996** 2000*** 2010*** Zone No. Pop Pop/Unit Pop Pop/Unit Pop Pop/Unit Pop Pop/Unit 170 43 3.8 342 3.8 144 3.8 243 3.8 172 0 0 5 2.6 70 2.6 138 2.6 174 230 2.2 675 2.2 576 2.2 596 2.2 176 1 1.0 1 1.0 28 1.0 54 1.0 178 198 1.6 198 1.6 227 1.6 256 1.6 180 () 2.5 0 2.5 153 2.5 198 2.5 182 63 2.5 63 2.5 50 2.5 95 2.5 262 0 0 3 2.6 23 2.6 47 2.6 264 2 2.0 2 2.0 2 2.0 2 2.0 TOTAL 537 N/A 1,289 N/A 1,273 N/A 1,629 N/A *Based on 1990 Us. Census qf Population and !-lousing **Based Ull 1996 Bozeman City-County Planning Staff estimate ***Based 011 1992 City consultant projections City of Bozeman percentages (calculated using 1990 Census data) for other socio-economic factors such as gender, ethnic origin, age distribution, school enrollment, employment status, and educational attainment were applied to the 1996, 2000 and 2010 population estimates for the study area. Tables showing these other socio-economie factors arc shown in Appendix B. 3.1.3 Environmental Analysis Streams and Ditches Streams and Ditches in the Study Area Several streams, ditches and stream/ditch combinations run through the study area. East and West Catron Creek flow northward to the west of N. 19th Avenue and join west of the N. 19th A venue/Interstate-90 interchange. West Catron Creek is a stream flowing along the western edge of the study area. East Catron Creek is a stream/ditch combination which branches to either side of the Brentwood Subdivision. Both branches originate south of Page 12 --.----- North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan Bozeman. A ditch connects E. and W. Catron Creek north of Baxter Road. Another series of streams and ditches flow north between N. 7th and N. 19th Avenues. Mandevi11e Creek flows general1y where the N. 11th Avenue alignment wi11 be. Two ditches fol1ow both the N. 19th A venue alignment (Farmers Canal) and what will be the N. 15th A venue alignment (Walton's Ditch). At Oak Street, Farmers Canal turns east to merge with Walton's Ditch and form a stream/ditch which flows north across Interstate-90 and merges with Mandeville Creek. Threats to Streams and Ditches There arc a number of factors that can degrade streams and ditches: . Changes in water quantity or flow; . Modification of the river channel and riverine ecosystem morphology through darns, reservoirs, channelization, and drainage and fil1ing of wetlands; . Urbanization; . Damaging land use practices, including some agricultural practices; . Degrading of water quality through addition of point-source and nonpoint-source contaminants. Of these, urbanization presents the greatest threat to the stream and ditch resources in the study area. First, urbanization results in alteration of the natural drainage pattern. As the landscape's ability to transport and accommodate runoff is compromised, the possibility of flooding increases. Urbanization also results in more impervious surfaces, especial1y in the form of parking lots, roads, and root.,. This results in increased overland flows, stream overloading, and possible flooding. Final1y, urbanization results in urban residues and pol1utants carried by overland flow and deposited in streams and rivers, degrading water qual ity. Regulations Pertaining to Streams and Ditches A watercourse is defined as any natural stream, river, creek, drainage, waterway, gully, ravine or wash in which water flows either continuously or intermittently. The Bozeman Zoning Ordinance requires that no newly constructed structures, additions to existing structures, parking lots, or other improvements be located closer than 35 feet ITom the mean high water mark of a watercourse. Any waterbody created solely for the conveyance of irrigation water is not considered to be a watercourse. The mean high water mark is defined as the line which the water impresses on the soil by covering it for sufficient periods to deprive it of vegetation. In order to re-Iocate or pipe an irrigation ditch, permission must be obtained ITom the owner of the ditch as well as ITom the Farmer's Canal Board. A 310 Permit must be obtained ITom the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to relocate and/or pipe a stream or ditch. In recent years, the NRCS has been discouraging or forbidding the relocation and/or piping of streams and ditches. Page 13 _ _. __m_______._.__ North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan The following State of Montana regulations would pertain to streams and ditches in the study area: Montana Stream Protection Act (SPA Permit); Storm Water Discharge General Permits; Short- Term Exemption :trom Montana's Surface Water Quality Standards (3A Authorization); Montana Natural Streambed and Land Preservation Act (310 Pennit); Montana Pol1utant Discharge Elimination System (MPDES Pennit); and the Montana Water Quality Act. Finally, Section 404 ofthe Federal Clean Water Act would apply to streams in the study area. Wetlands Wetlands are generally identified and delineated by the following characteristics: 1. The presence of water on or near the surface for all or part of the year; 2. The presence of distinctive. soils (hydric soils), often with organic content, which are clearly different :trom upland soils and are poorly drained; 3. The presence of vegetation (hydrophytes) composed of species adapted to wet soils, surface water, and/or flooding. Wetlands in the Study Area There are several artificial wetlands in the N. 19th Avenue study area (see Figure 4). Artificial wetlands result :trom agricultural practices such as irrigation. The Army Corps of Engineers regulates artificial wetlands the same as natural wetlands. One wetland in the study area is located north of the Brentwood Subdivision. It has two branches that extend northwest beyond Baxter Lane, and northeast into the Gardner- Simmental Industrial Plaza. Another wetland is located along Baxter Lane and Interstate-90. ft has two branches that extend south along the eastern side of the study area and southwest along the east side of the Covered Wagon Trailer Park, and the Maple Terrace and Homesite,s Subdivisions. Both branches extend to Durston Road. Finally, a small wetland lies within the northernmost part of the study area. Wetland Functions and Values Some socio-economic values of wetlands include: aesthetics, recreation, erosion control, education and scientific research, and groundwater recharge/water supply. Some environmental quality functions of wetlands include: pollution filtration, chemical and nutrient absorption, sediment removal, aquatic productivity, oxygen production, microclimate regulation nutrient recycling, and world climate regulation. Finally, wetlands provide important fish and wildlife habitat. Costs of Developing In and Around Wetlands There are a number of costs - environmental and practical - associated with development in and around wetlands. Environmental costs include I) degradation of habitat necessary for the survival of many aquatic and terrestrial species; and 2) the compromise of water supplies and water quality. Beyond the environmental costs, there are also many practical costs associated with devclopment in and near wetlands. First, wetlands typical1y form in areas characterized by Page 14 ---- -------- -.....--- .. -. ..-.-----.--- Nonh 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan poor drainage conditions which are ill-suited for most development. Development in these areas often involves considerable expense for site drainage, flood protection, and facility maintenance. Second, most wetlands are characterized by organic (hydric) soils that are unstable for most types of development. Therefore, the costs of development resulting trom complex engineering design requirements or the need to excavate and replace the soils can be significant. Third, draining wetlands often lowers nearby water tables, sometimes affecting water quality and availability. Finally, wetlands can be used as landscape amenities similar to lakes and streams, and improve land values and design schemes; destruction of wetlands removes these natural amenities. Regulations Pertaining to Wetlands Several state and federal regulations apply to wetlands. At the state level, the Montana PoUutant Discharge Elimination System (MPDES Permit) applies to aU discharges to surface water or groundwater, including wetlands. The Montana Water Quality Act prohibits the pollution of state waters, including wetlands. Finally, Section 404 of the Federal Clean Water Act regulates the discharge or placement of dredged or fiU material into wetlands. Section 404 is administered by the Army Corps of Engineers. Seasonal Hil!h Water Table/Groundwater The water table is generally defined as the upper boundary of the zone of groundwater. Water table levels fluctuate naturally during the year due to changes in recharge and discharge rates. Typical1y, water table levels are highest in the winter or spring because of snowmelt and rains and low use by plants. During the summer months, water tables fan because of evaporation and uptake by vegetation. Human activities, such as pumping groundwater, also affect water tables. Areas with a high water are characterized by hydric soils, or soils that are saturated to the extent that anaerobic conditions exist and plants cannot survive. Seasonal High Water Table in the Study Area The N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street study area has several areas with seasonal high water tables (see Figure 5). There are two zones where water tables range trom 1 Y2 to 3 feet below the ground. One lies between N. 19th Avenue and the study area's western boundary, and crosses Baxter Lane. The other runs just east of the Covered Wagon Trailer Park and the Maple Terrace and Homesites Subdivisions, and crosses Durston Road. There are several zones where the water table ranges trom 3 to 6 feet below ground surface. One zone covers much of the Brentwood Subdivision and Arcadia Gardens apartment complex, and the other lies just south of where Baxter Lane approaches Interstate-90. There are two zones where the water table is 4 to 5 feet below the ground. One lies in the southwcstemmost portion of the study area, and the other in the southeasternmost portion. One final zone has water table levels that are 3 to 6 feet below the ground. This area covers some of the Gardner-Sirnmental Industrial Plaza and extends east along the south side of Baxter Lane. Page 15 North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan Sea,~onal High Water Table Considerations Areas with high seasonal water tables pose considerable risks for groundwater contamination. While the City of Bozeman's municipal water system currently does not rely on groundwater for potable water, it may use groundwater in the future. In addition, not all parcels of land in the study area are served with municipal water and may have to rely on groundwater for potable water. All major land uses represent potential sources of groundwater contamination, including: industrial, agricultural, residential, and transportation uses. The likelihood of groundwater contamination varies widely depending on 1) variability in groundwater susceptibility; 2) variability of contaminant loading rates; and 3) variability in the threat different contaminants pose to living organisms. In the study area, urban stormwater runoff, and spills and leakages present the greatest threat to groundwater resources. Urban stormwater results ffom runoff ffom devc10ped areas such as parking lots, streets, and other impermeable surfaces. Contaminants found in urban stormwater include metals (lead, zinc, and iron), organic materials (insecticides such as diazinon and malathion), petroleum residues, nitrates and road salt. Spills and leakage could result ffom a wide-range of activities. Spills usually involve petroleum products, organic compounds, fertilizers, metals and acids. Spills most often occur along highways, railroads, and in and around industrial complexes. Leakage usually occurs ffom underground storage tanks (USTs), pipelines, and chemical stock piles. Household hazardous wastes, such as paint, cleaning compounds, motor oil, and gasoline, also contribute to groundwater contamination. Areas with seasonal high water tables arc also characterized by poor drainage, and may be subject to an increased risk of flooding. These problems can greatly increase the cost of development because they may require special engineering and structural considerations such as site drainage, flood protection and facility maintenance. Second, soils with a high water content are subject to liquefaction during earthquakes, and may require special engineering considerations. Finally, seasonal high water tables can also be a problem during excavation and development, requiring pumping equipment machinery to remove water from the site. Regulations Pertaining to Seasonal High Water Table Areas The federal Safe Drinking Water Act, especially the Wellhead Protection Program, establishes programs to prevent groundwater contamination. Title 75 of the Montana Code Annotated regulates water quality - including groundwater (Part 8). Part 11 of Title 75 regulates underground storage tanks, which pose a significant threat to groundwater resources. Finally, Part 5 of Title 85 protects groundwater by prohibiting thc "waste and contamination of groundwater." Page 16 -....-...- Nonh 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan Bozeman Solvent Site The Bozeman Solvent Site is an area of groundwater contamination within the Bozeman City- County Planning Jurisdiction. In 1989, groundwater from wells in the Nelson Mobile Home Park (north of the N. 17th Avenue and Durston Road intersection) was determined to contain chlorinated solvents in excess of safe drinking water standards. Subsequent investigations found that the contaminants in the groundwater originated from the Buttrey's Shopping Center property and extended north, generaIty between N. 19th Avenue and an extension of N. 11th Avenue, to Interstate-90. The State of Montana issued orders requiring the shopping center property owncr, the City of Bozeman, and others to begin cleanup of the contamination. While further investigations were under way, those potentially liable for the contamination provided impacted well users with alternative supplies of water. Often the City of Bozeman municipal water system was used as an alternative water supply if it was available. Those further investigations detennined that improper disposal of chlorinated solvents by a dry eleaning business in the shopping center was the likely cause of the contamination. Solvents were improperly released to the septic system of the shopping center, and to the sewer system. The septic system seepage pits and leaking joints in the sewer system allowed the contaminants to enter the groundwater aquifer. As time passed, the flow of groundwater carried the contaminants to the prcsent boundaries of the solvent site. A study of how to clean up the site is currently under way. A!!ricultural Lands The City of Bozeman designates agricultural lands as land currently used for agricultural purposes as depicted on the City's land use map, with productive agricultural soils as dctermined by thc NRCS. On the City's land use map, agricultural lands arc defined as land ''used for the cultivation of the soil or the raising of livestock, all activities incidental thereto, not to include areas used for the raising of produce primarily intended for on-site consumption. " Soil types in the Bozeman area that are most suitable for agricultural use include some Amsterdam loams, Bozeman loams, Bridger loams, Manhattan loams; Huffine 10ams, and Millville loams. Agricultural Lands in the Study Area Much of the undeveloped land within the study area is currently used for agricultural purposes, including irrigated crops and livestock grazing (refer to Figure 2). In addition, many of these agricultural lands arc characterized by prime agricultural soils, especially in the corridor along N. 19th Avenue and where the Brentwood and Annie Subdivisions are located. Value of Agricultural Land,"! Agricultural lands have several important values. First, agricultural lands provide an important historical resource that preserves the Gallatin's Valley's historically agrarian character. Second, agricultural land provides important green and open space resources. Third, agricuIturallands and agricultural production generate substantial export dollars for the Page 17 -- ---....----- -------.--.------...."...--..-- North 19th A venue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan Bozeman area. Finally, the costs of providing public infrastructure for agricultural lands is less than for other uses such as residential and commercial, which decreases the City's capital expenditures. Regulations Pertaining to Agricultural Lands While the City of Bozeman has no formal programs designed to protect farmland and open space, it should be recognized that areas characterized by agricuIturalland uses and soils with high crop yield potential provide tremendous open space and production resources. 3.'.4 Community Impact Analysis Municioa) Water System Water is provided to the Bozeman area through a network of water mains. The network is served by a number of larger mains, rcferred to here as trunklines. The N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street study area is currently served by trunklines which generally follow the edges of the study area (see Figure 6). The east side of the study area is served by a 12-inch ductile iron trunkline following the Oak Street alignment east ofN. 7th Avenue, and connecting to an 8-inch cast iron and ductile iron trunkline following the N. 7th Avenue alignment. The area along the south edge of the study area is served by a 14-inch cast iron trunkline following the N. 11th Avenue alignment and connecting to a IO-ineh cast iron and ductile iron trunkline following the Durston Road alignment. A short IO-inch trunk line (of unknown material) extends from Durston Road to provide water to the Brentwood Subdivision. The various subdivisions in the study area (Brentwood, Homesites, Royal Vista, Covered Wagon Mobile Home Park, and Maple Terrace) are served by main extensions off the nearby trunklines. Municioa) Sewer System Sewer service is provided to the Bozeman area through a series of branching sewer mains. The branches are served by a number of larger mains referred to here, as with the water system, as trunklines. The N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street study area is principally served by the 24-inch asbestos cement trunkline which services the University, and the south and west sides of the City. This trunkline runs north-south through the center of the study area, generally following the 11th Avenue alignment, the length of the Gallatin Rest Horne property, and the old N. 19th Avenue/Simmental Way alignments (see Figure 6). Several other trunklines feed into this central trunkline. The land west of the study area will be served by an existing 24-ineh asbestos cement trunkline servicing the area around the Valley Unit Subdivision. That trunkline enters the study area along the Baxter Lane alignment and meets the central trunk line at Sirnmental Way. Land south of the study area generally drains to a ] 5-inch trunkline (of unknown material) under the Durston Road alignment. This trunkline then follows the N. 17th Avenue alignment to a point south of the Covered Wagon Mobile Horne Park, where it turns east to meet the central trunkline just north of the Gallatin Rest Home building. There is an overflow outlet Page 18 -..".------- -- ..--.--....--.--......- -". _n___..____.....___ ----------.--. ....-. -.--.---....---.--.- -.. North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan north of the Gallatin Rest Horne which can drain to the N. 7th Avenue area, through Royal Vista Subdivision. The east side of the study area is served by a IS-inch vitreous clay trunkline lying parallel to, and west of the N. 8th Avenue alignment. Near the Royal Vista Subdivision, it is joined by other trunklines serving the N. 7th Avenue and Interstate-90 interchange and it becomes progressivcly larger in size. It then drains across the freeway east of the interchange. Storm Draina!!e System The Bozeman area west ofN. II th Avenue is heavily dependent on the local system of ditches and streams for stonnwater control. Future development will continue to use the system. (See Figure 4 for streams and ditches in the study area.) The few physically constructed stonn sewers in or near the study area are provided interrnittently within the various subdivisions ofthe study area, such as Royal Vista, Homesites, Maple Terrace, and the north end of Brentwood. Small sections also exist in the area south of Durston Road. The stonn sewers typically drain to nearby ditches which eventually join the local system of streams, such as Mandeville Creek and Catron Creek, which flow north through the study area. The Fanner's Canal runs underground along the N. 19th Avenue alignment to Oak Street, then east along the north side of Covered Wagon Mobile Horne Park where it emerges and becomes a stream/ditch combination running north through the study area. Parks. Recreation and OoeD 80ace The City of Bozeman takes an active interest in its parks, recreational facilities, and open spaces, as is demonstrated in the 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan Update, 1995 Parks, Open Space, and Trails (P.O.S.T.) Plan Update, 1992 Parks Master Plan, and Bozeman Bicyclc Plan. These documents are available to the general public for additional infonnation on particular planning efforts. Parks The 1990 Master Plan Update uses a park classification system that includes five categories: Community, Neighborhood, Tot-lot, Specialty, and Linear. Each category has particular characteristics that are fairly well described by the name. There arc currently four public and private parks in the study area; three neighborhood parks and one community park. (1) North Ninth Park, west of the Royal Vista Subdivision, is roughly 1.0 acre in size and undeveloped. (2) A small park in the Brentwood Subdivision at the intersection of Annie Street and N. 22nd Avenue is roughly 0.5 acres in size and developed. This is a private park since parkland dedication for the land in and around the Brentwood Subdivision was aggregated to form the nucleus of Rose Park and did not include this small park. (3) A private park located in the middle of the Covered Wagon Mobile Horne Park is roughly 3.0 acres in size and developed. (4) Rose Park, a community park, is located northwest of the Brentwood Subdivision on the north side of the Oak Street extension, approximately 1/4 mile west ofN. 19th Avenue. It is approximately 21 acres in size and undeveloped. Rose Park is planned by the Bozeman Recreation and Parks Advisory Board to develop as a community park. The Advisory Board Page 19 -.."...--..-.--.- -... ---.--...--.- .._._ ._____n__ Nonh 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan and City wish to further enlarge it to become a regional park in the I DO-acre size range. Private parties arc actively engaged in the effort to expand the park. Open Space and Trail Corridors The 1990 Master Plan Update and P.O.S.T. Plan identifY open space and trail corridors. The Master Plan designates open space corridors that often follow streams and ditches which arc protected in the Zoning Ordinance with a 35 foot "watercourse setback" to either side of a stream or stream/ditch combination. This is also recognized as the desirable width for all open space corridors. The P.O.S.T. Plan designates desirable trail corridors. In some instances, trail corridors follow open space corridors and in other instances they are separate. The 1990 Master Plan Update delineates one open space corridor in the study area. It generally follows a stream/ditch combination on the west of N. 19th Avenue, which flows between the intersections with Durston Road and Baxter Lane, and along the west side of the Brentwood Subdivision. At Baxter Lane it branches to the north and west. The P.O.S.T. Plan builds on the Master Plan and envisions a network of trail corridors running through the study area and generally converging at Rose Park (see Figure 8). Trail corridors are expected to generally follow the N. 19th A venue and Oak Street alignments. Another trail corridor is planned and partially constructed to connect Rose Park to the Bozeman Ponds, to the south. A short segment of trail has been built through the Brentwood Subdivision. The Recreation and Parks Advisory Board has indicated a need for trail corridors in the study area in addition to those described in the P.O.S.T. Plan. The optimal location for these corridors was determined to be along local streams and ditches such as Mandeville Creek,. Walton's Ditch, Farmer's Canal, and East and West Catron Creeks. An additional corridor should follow Baxter Lane to provide an east-west connection across other trail corridors. The purpose of trail corridors is to provide linkages between different areas of the City for pedestrian and bicycle use. Trail corridors provide for transportation alternatives to automobiles for individuals working and residing in the area. This will reduce traffic, improve air quality, and provide for recreation opportunities. Trail corridors in the study area are also intended to provide a number of secondary objectives in addition to those stipulated in the Master Plan. These include mitigating noise and visual impacts, and enhancing the City's entry way corridors. Transportation The major existing transportation network in the N. 19th A venue/Oak Street study area can be grouped into two categories: (I) those within the study area, and (2) those on the perimeter of the study area. The transportation routes that lie within the study area arc N. 19th A venue, Oak Street, and Baxter Lane. The transportation routes that follow the perimeter of the study area arc Interstate-90, N. 7th Avenue, and Durston Road (see Figure 7). Page 20 --------- North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan The foHowing analysis providcs information on spccific transportation routes using five categories: classification, right-of-way width, pavement charactcristics, street improvements and access. The last catcgory (access) addresses the level of control that thc Montana Department of Transportation places on a road. "Limited access" routes have access locations identified along their length that are agreed to by the landowners, the City of Bozcman, and the state. Accesses identified as public streets have a publie-access-easement attached to them. In order to maintain the functionality of these streets as arterials, access to them should be limited to the identified access points. The category "street improvements" identifies bike lanes when they arc included in the construction drawings of the road. N. 19th Avenue N. 19th A venue runs north-south through the study area ttom Durston Road to Interstate-90 and on to Springhill Road. N. 19th A venue and its accompanying treeway interchange were completed in mid-l 995. The speed limit on N. 19th Avenue is posted at 45 miles per hour, however speeds often reach up to 60 mi1cs per hour. N. 19th A venue is identificd as an arterial in the current Master Plan. The right-of-way width is generally 115 feet bctwecn Durston Road and Stevens Way (much by easement), gencrally 155 feet between Stevens Way and Oak Street (much by easement), 120 fect between Oak Street and Baxter Lane, and varies trom 125 feet to 175 feet between Baxter Lane and Valley Centcr Road. In terms of pavement characteristics, N. 19th Avenue's is a 78 foot wide four-lane-plus-median state- standard highway trom Durston Road to Oak Strect, and a 60 foot wide two-lane-plus-median state-standard highway bctween Oak Strcet and Interstate-90. Curb and sidewalk improvements and shoulderlbikc lanes currently exist betwccn Durston Road and Oak Street. N. 19th Avenue is categorized as "Limit cd Access" along the length north of Durston Road. This roughly two-mile strctch has nine accesses along the west side (excluding existing strect accesses and Oak Street) two of which are for public streets (Steven's Way and another further south). There are twelve accesses along the cast side (excluding existing street accesses and Oak Street) six of which are locatcd south of Stevens Way; two for public streets (Dead Man's Gulch and at what has been identified as the mid-linc road north of Oak Strect). Oak Street Oak Street currently exists only as intersection improvements at N. 7th and N. 19th Avenues. However, Oak Street is planned to be extended east and west in three stages: (1) between N. 7th and N. 19th Avenues beginning in 1996 or 1997, (2) between N. 19th Avenue and Rose Park beginning in 1996, and (3) between N. 7th Avenue and N. Rouse Avenue in the near future (street not designed yet). Initial construction of the N. 7th to N. 19th A venue segment will be a two-lane-with-shoulders road with other improvements to be added in the future. Oak Street is delineated in the current Master Plan as a proposed major arterial east of N. 19th Avenue, and as a proposed collector west ofN. 19th Avenue. For right-of-way width, Oak Street will be 95 feet wide just to the west ofN. 7th Avenue, increasing to 100 feet west ofN. 9th Avenue and to 120 feet along the north cdge of the Covered Wagon Mobile Home Park. Oak Street will be 65 feet wide west of N. 19th A venue, and vary between 65 fect to 90 feet widc cast of N. 7th A venue. Oak Street will be constructed as a 25 foot wide, two- Page 21 .......-- North 19th A venue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan lane City-standard street west of N. 7th Avenue, transitioning to a 60 foot wide two-Iane- plus-median City-standard street near N. 8th A venue, and again transitioning to a 78 foot wide four-lane-plus-median City-standard street between N. lith and N. 19th Avenues. Finally, Oak Street wi11 be a 42 foot wide two-Iane-plus-parking City-standard street west of N. 19th Avenue. Curbside sidewalks at N. 7th Avenue, wil1 become boulevard sidewalks between N. 8th Avenue and Rose Park, there wi11 be shoulders between N. 8th and N. 19th Avenues only, and bike lanes will occupy the shoulders between N. lIth and N. 19th Avenues. Oak Street will be designated as "limited access" between N. 7th and N. 19th A venues; accesses are more ITequent on the east side of N. 11th A venue (114 mile in length) than the west side (1/2 mile in length). Of the six accesses along the north side of Oak Street two are for public streets (N. II th A venue and approximately N. 17th or 18th Avenue); three accesses arc cast of the N. lith Avenue access, and two arc to the west, all are irregularly spaced. Of the nine accesses along the south side of Oak Street, three arc for public streets (N. 9th, N. ] Ith, and N. 17th Avenues); four accesses are east of the N. lIth Avenue access and four are to the west, all are irregularly spaced. Baxter Lane Baxter Lane extends west ITom N. 7th A venue through the study area and provides access to local county lands west of the study area. It paral1els Interstate-90 between N. 7th Avenue and Sirnrnental Way, where it is state owned. Baxter Lane is an arterial east of N. 19th Avenue in the current Master Plan, and a col1ector for its entire length in the Transportation Plan. Baxter Lane is generally 60 feet wide, except when paral1c1 to Interstate-90 where it is part of the Interstate-90 right-of-way. Baxter Lane is constructed as a 24 foot wide two-lane county-standard road, except when parallel to Interstate-90 where it is a 24 foot wide two- lane state-standard highway. No street improvements arc planned for Baxter Lane. Baxter Lane has no access restrictions along its length, except when paral1el to Interstate-90 where access permits arc required from the Montana Department of Transportation (MOOT). Interstate-90 Interstate-90 is a federal interstate highway and a regional transportation corridor. A network of other highways and local roads aid Interstate-90 in providing access to the area northwest of Bozeman. These include State Highway No. 10 and Springhi11 Road (a paved, county- standard road) which connect Intcrstatc-90, N. 7th Avenue, and N. 19th Avenue together. Interstate-90 is classified as a principle arterial in the current Master Plan and Transportation Plan. Its right-of-way width is 220 feet wide, except when parallel to Baxter Lane where it is 315 feet wide. Interstate-90 consists of two 24 foot wide two-lane federal-standard roadbeds with a 46 foot median. There are no street improvements on Interstate-90, and access is fully controlled by the Montana Department of Transportation. N. 7th Avenue N. 7th A venue runs north-south along the easternmost edge of the study area, and will be a principle travel route to the study area ITom the east. N. 7th Avenue is designated as a principle arterial in the current Master Plan and Transportation Plan. The right-of-way width Page 22 ._____._u__n _ North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan is generally 160' feet wide between the Interstate-90 interchange and Oak Street, and 100 feet wide south of Oak Street. N. 7th is constructed as an 89 foot wide four-Iane-plus-median statc-standard highway. Curb and sidewalks are installed intermittently and generally by landowners. Therc are no access restrictions other than obtaining permits from MDOT. Durston Road Durston Road runs east-west along the south edge of the study area and provides access to local county lands west of the study area. It isa "road-by-use" which means that there is no dedicated right-of-way. The section within the City limits is maintained by the City, the rest is maintained by Gallatin County. The City is currently planning a major upgrade for Durston Road. Thc improvements arc described below. In the Transportation Plan, Durston Road is classificd as a minor artcrial east of N. 19th Avenue and as a collcctor to the west. In the current Mastcr Plan, Durston Road is listed as a major artcrial west ofN. 19th Avenuc. As statcd above, Durston Road has no dedicatcd right-of-way, but has a presumcd 60 foot use arca. Developed lands within the City limits may have casements or dcdicated rights-of-way along adjacent segments of road; additional right-of-way may bc necdcd for improvements. Durston Road is currently a 24 foot wide two-lane county-standard road, and improvements should include a 48 foot wide two-Iane-plus-turn-lanc City-standard street. Street improvements should includc 5-toot bike lanes and curbsidc sidewalks. Durston Road has no access restrictions along its length. Historic Resources Two historic resource reconnaissance surveys have been conducted in the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street study area. The first was in 1985 as part of a City-wide effort, and the second in 1996 as part of this planning effort. For the most part, the study area is undeveloped and therefore there are few historic resources. The historic resourccs that are prescnt have a charactcr that is derived from the rural and agricultural nature of the area during the early part of this century. These historic resources arc generally found along the southcrn edge of thc study area on both sidcs of Durston Road. Six properties were identified that havc the potential for listing on the National Register of Historic Places on the basis of arehitcctural merit alonc. Two properties are loeatcd on the north side of Durston Road; three on the south side of Durston Road; and one at the intersection of Baxter Lane and N. 19th A venue. No research into the history of the properties has been undcrtakcn, however thcre has been some indication that the two propcrties on the north side of Durston Road may have links to historic people of Bozeman. Furthcr research necds to be undcrtakcn to confirm historic information and to inventory the properties in morc detail. Where appropriate, eligible propcrties should be nominatcd for the National Rcgister of Historic Places. Thc Bozeman Historic Preservation Officer submitted a rcconnaissance inventory and report describing historic properties in the study area (sce Historic Resources of the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan Area in Appendix C). The report notes: Page 23 . .. -.--.---".--... .-.-- Nonh 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan "More than simp~v rejlective of the Gallatin Valley's cultural heritage, these historic sites are some of the on~y remaining agricultural-related properties within Bozeman's jurisdictional area. Furthermore, their aesthetic beauty and high visibility will undoubted~y leave a lasting impression of the character of the Bozeman area with Bozeman visitors", Buildings of historical significance within the Bozeman Conservation Overlay District arc fairly easy to protect against incompatible development. This is not so with historic buildings outside the district, as is the situation in the study area. Listing on the National Register increases a building's protection. In order to preserve these clements of cultural heritage located in the study area, it is important to buffer them trom nearby land-uses that would increase pressure to either change the use ofthe properties, or demolish them in favor of more intense development. Housine In the 1990 U.S. Census, the study area had approximately 267 housing units which housed approximately 537 people. According to City-County Planning Staff estimates, the number of housing units in the study area had grown to approximately 550 housing units by 1996 and housed roughly 1,290 people. Therefore, the number of housing units in the study area grew by 283 units between 1990 and 1996 - a 106 percent increase. In 1992, a City consultant projected that by the year 2000 the study area would have 588 housing units and a population of 1,273. Therefore, in 1996 the study area has nearly surpassed this 2000 housing unit projection, and has already surpassed the 2000 population projection. The same consultant projected that the study area would have 729 housing units by 2010, and a population of 1,629. It is important to note that transportation planning for the study area is based on 2000 and 20 10 Transportation Plan consultant projections for housing units and population. Of the existing housing units in the study area, approximately 250 units are manufactured homes in the Covered Wagon Mobile Home Park and in the Homesites Subdivision. Fifty units are found in the Gallatin County Rest Home, and another 60 in the Legion Vil1a Apartments. Most of the increase in housing between 1990 and 1996 is a result of the Annie and Brentwood Subdivisions. In addition to the existing housing, many new units are currently under construction. For example, the Arcadia Garden apartment complex, currently under construction at the corner of N. 19th Avenue and Durston Road, will have 160 apartment units. On 26 July 1993, the City of Bozeman adopted an affordable housing policy. The goals and objectives of the affordable housing policy have been considered during this sub-area master planning process, and will continue to be used as the City considers zoning and site specific development proposals. The mission statement of this policy reads as follows: Page 24 -.....-...- North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan .. To encourage the development of safe, decent, affordable housing in the jurisdictional area of Bozeman for low- and moderate-income citizens using resources from local, state, and federal government, in partnership with the non-profit and private sectors of the community. " The City's affordable housing policy's guidelines include the following: 1. Multifamily rental projects will have lower income guidelines than single-family owner-occupied properties. 2. City programs will address niches in the housing market that arc not currently being addressed through other programs or that are addressed inadequately. 3. Initial emphasis for assisting housing development in Bozeman will be on multifamily projects, manufactured homes. and modular homes. with some assistance for site built. detached homes. 4. Afibrdable housing units will be designed with accessibility needs in mind. Modifications will be made to the units based on the needs of individuals on housing waiting Jists. HUD standards for accessibility will be the standards used by the City. 5. To assure long-term affordibility. energy-efficient construction practices will be included in criteria for awarding development concessions. 6. General health. safety, and welfare issues will not be compromised when awarding any development concessions. In addition, overall quality of life concerns will be considered as a part of any development concessions. 7. Concerns of existing neighborhoods related to increased densities, generally associated with affordable housing developments, will be given consideration. However, neighborhood impacts will be weighted along with the benefits to the community as a whole. Schools School District #7 has one public elementary school, Emily Dickinson Elementary, within the study area. This school is located within the Annie Subdivision, adjacent to the Brentwood Subdivision and Rose Park. A representative of School District #7 indicated that planning efforts for the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street area would not impact the School District's plans for future school construction. He said that generally, the construction of schools follows growth instead of leading it. With the current land use and zoning designations for the study area, the School District has no plans to build any new schools in the study area. However, it is important to note that Emily Dickinson was planned and constructed based on current land use and zoning designations. Sound planning dictates that substantial amounts of residential uses remain near public facilities such as Emily Dickinson and Rose Park. 3.1.5 land Use Inventory National Land Use Ratios Land-Use ratios refer to the breakdown of various categories of land as a percentage of the total amount of land in a community. Because the ratios arc derived from the acreage totals they do not represent the spatial arrangement or patterns of cities. Land-use ratios are most useful to those involved in master planning and long-range development, because these data are necessary in detennining what mix of land uses should be encouraged in the future. Page 25 ---- -------- North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan Table 5: Comparison of Land Use Ratios Bozeman vs. National Averaae for Cities Under 100,000 Population Bozeman National Residential! 41.75% 52% Commercial2 12.64% 10% Industrial3 10.74% 7% Public4 34.87% 31 % Notes: I. Residential was comprised of the AS. RS. R-l. R-2. R-2A. R-3. R-3A. R-MlI and R-4 zones. 2. Commercial was comprised of the B-1. B-2. B-3. BP. and R-O zones. 3. Industrial was comprised of the M-l alld M-2 zones. 4. Public was comprised of the PLi. ineluding MSU. and a factor estimating the average right-of-way for each zone based on sampling. Additional acreage was added to reflect those areas which were zoned d(fferently but were being used fbr public paris and schools. These areas were subtracted ./T'om their designated zone areas to prevellt double countillg. The Public categm:v isfurther broken down asfollows: · MSU - 9.74 percent of the total land area of the City not illeluding StOlT llills. · PLI - 6.01 percent of the totallalld area of the City not illeluding St01Y Hills. The Gallatin County Fairgrounds. Lindley Park. and the High School are in this categOlY. · Parks with other zoning designations 2.11 percent · Public Right-q(-way 19.12 percent While it is often helpful to examine the land-use ratio of an individual community against the averages of other cities in identifYing trends and general guidelines, there are some possible problems. Any city is a unique entity with constraints and opportunities which are not taken into account in the averaging process. When looking at future mixes of land-uses it is important to remember that any national average is only a guideline. Table 5 shows the national average ratios for communities under 100,000 in population (see Appendix D for land use ratios for Great Falls, MT). Land use ratios for the City of Bozeman have also been calculated. Some modifications have been made, as noted below, so that the ratios would be comparable. Additional explanation follows the table. The Land-Use Ratios illustrated by the national figures are calculated as a percentage of the developed land within communities, Therefore. agricultural and vacant lands were not figured in. This results in a more accurate representation of the breakdown of land uses in the urbanized portion of each city. For the City of Bozeman no accurate data exists based only on developed land. Therefore, the amount of land was calculated using zoning classifications. Additional refinement of the information is possible but would require more time than is available for this study. City of Bozeman/Extraterritorial Area Zonine Inventorv As directed by the Planning Board, the City-County Planning Offiee has prepared an inventory of the acreage in the various zones in the City of Bozeman and the Extra- Territorial Zoning area. The information for this inventory was taken tTom the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Bozeman and the Extra-Territorial area. Page 26 ...------.--.---..-..------- North 19th A venue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan The acreage and associated percentages of the various zones includes roads, which may occupy 20 to 26 percent of the total land area of a development. The current inventory is not able to adequately quantifY the total amount or percentage of roadway in the City, but indications based on sampling in a residential area are that the higher percentages are more likely accurate. One reason for the higher amount of roadway is the prevalence of alleys throughout the older parts of the City. The information was gathered ITom the best information available. It is estimated that the information presented has an error rate ofless than ten percent (10 percent). The inventory only presents a snapshot of what conditions were in existence at the time the maps were prepared. Several zone changes and annexations are being processed at this time. As changes arc made, updates will need to be prepared. The process of updates and the accuracy of the report will be substantially improved as the City and County implement Geographic Information Systems. Local Land Use Designations Bozeman has several characteristics which will necessitate modifications in the preferred mix of land-uses. First, the presence of Montana State University, which occupies 9.1 percent of the total land area of the City. As a public institution MSU is zoned as Public Land and Institutions. MSU is also the largest employer in Bozeman and provides employment that would be provided in commercial or industrial areas in other cities of equivalent size. Second, Bozeman is functionally a major metropolitan area which provides services to several outlying areas. The Gallatin Valley Development Corporation states that Bozeman's primary trade area extends over a five county area and serves a population in excess of 77,000. To serve this large external market, Bozeman must provide more land for commercial and service activities than would normally be provided in a comparably sized city. Third, a substantial number of tourists pass through and select Bozeman as a destination. To provide for tourists, as with the residents of outlying areas mentioned above, greater commercial areas must be provided within Bozeman than might apply to other similarly sized cities. Some other factors could not be adequately reflected in the ratios calculated above. First, Story Hills includes 454.34 acres within the City limits; however due to incorrect inftastructure, building permits are not being issued tor this area. For this reason, it was exeluded ftom the calculations. This area comprises almost 40 percent of an land within the City which is zoned as PLT, but is not part ofMSU. It also holds almost 12 percent of all land zoned as R-3, the largest residential zoning category. The removal of this area ftom consideration when calculating land use and available land for development is strongly recommended by the Planning Office. Second, many areas of the City that are used for PLl- type land uses such as schools and parks are actually zoned for residential uses. This comprises 5 percent of the land zoned for residential uses within the City boundaries. Page 27 -------------- --- North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan Table 6: Zone Areas Within City Limits Zone Designation Average Size of Number of Zones Size of Area Percent of Total Zone (Acres) (Acres) AS 78.1 3 234 3.4 percent B-1 6.4 8 51 0.7 percell! B-2 2715 2 543 7.9 percent B-3 35.5 4 142 2.1 percell! BP 42.4 6 255 3.7 percent M-1 60.5 10 605 8.8 percellt M-2 70.4 3 211 3.1 pcrcellt PLI 56.5 12 678 9.8 percent PLI-MSU 626.4 I 626 9.1 percell! R-I 44.6 6 268 3.9 percent R-2 85.1 11 937 13.6 percent R-2-A 49.1 1 49 0.7 percent R-3 29.2 36 1,051 15.3 percent R-3-A .Bu~ 15 499 7.2 pcrccn! R-4 16.8 23 385 5.6 percent R-MII 31.1 I .~ I 0.5 percent R-O 7.0 15 lO4 1.5 percent RS 36.4 6 219 3.2 percellt TOTAL 6,888 acres 100.0 percent Table 7: Zone Areas Within the Extra- Territorial Area Zone Designation Average Size of Number of Zones Size of Area Percent of Total Zone (Acres) (Acres) AS 7,827.8 3 23,483 78.9 percent B-1 10.4 2 21 0.1 percent B-2 11.0 3 33 0.1 percell! BP 137.7 I 138 0.5 percellt M-l 15.8 6 95 0.3 percent M-2 184.7 1 185 0.6 percent PLI 737 5 369 1.2 percent R-l 67.5 2 135 0.5 percell! R-2 13.3 1 13 0.0 percent R-3 65.7 5 328 1.1 percent R-MII 63.4 2 127 0.4 percent R-O 17.9 8 144 0.5 percent RS 115.2 35 4,030 13.5 percent ZD1* 130.9 5 654 2.2 percell! TOTAL 29,755 acres 100.0 percent *Gallarin County zoning district '10. l. Page 28 North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan Land Allocations/ A vailabilitv Each of the commercial zones listed in Table 8 has a different character and intent. The B-1 zone is intended to provide for small retail and service activities which are frequently required by neighborhood residents on a day-to-day basis while maintaining a residential character. Ease of access by pedestrians, bicyclists, and autos is important. This zone is the most restrictive commercial zone both in term.1) of the permitted uses and physical features such as building size and required setbacks. B-2 zoning is oriented to major arterial streets for a wide range of retail and service functions. This is an auto-oriented type of zoning and the businesses located in it are ones which the average person does not need to use on a daily basis. The scale of the businesses located in the B-2 zoning districts arc usually large or intended to serve high volumes of customers on site. The Central Business District is the B-3 zone. The intent of this zoning, where there is a single area unlike the other commercial zones, is to provide a central area for the community's business, government, service, and cultural activities. High volume, pedestrian-oriented uses arc strongly encouraged inside this historically and architecturally rich area with many shops and galleries oriented to tourists as well as the year-round residents of Bozeman. As discussed before, Bozeman has a need to provide commercial and service areas at a higher levc\ than other similarly sized cities. As many people travel to Bozeman to shop or recreate the B-2 and B-3 zoning will need to be larger in area than would be supported by Bozeman residents alone. Table 8: Commercial Land - Zoning and its Relative Quantities and Ratios Acres Percent of Total Total Commercial 726.373 100.00% B-1 42.275 5.82% B-2 392.551 54.04% B-3 79.464 10.94% BP 212.083 29.20% The Commercial zoning shown in Table 8 can be designated with either the BPII or Commercial Master Plan categories. It is important to differentiate between an area which is Master Planned as a commercial use and a commercially zoned area. The Master Plan tries to anticipate and guide future needs of the City over a twenty-year horizon while zoning is oriented to a more short term, immediate need and use. Neither one is a guarantee that landholders are willing to develop or sell their land for any particular type of use. Many times a Master Plan may indicate a future use of an area in advance of a need or ability to provide inftastructure to develop a parcel of land. Table 8 addresses only the total area zoned for each zoning category. It docs not indicate how much has been developed or how much is available for future development. A private study submitted to the Planning Office which indicates the difference between Master Plan and zoning designations and availability, indicates that most of the land currently Page 29 .---------.- ------..-.....---- . North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan zoned commercial and immediately available for new businesses is in small parcels scattered across the City. Several large areas zoned for commercial use have received preliminary approval or are awaiting development and installation of infrastructure. Table 9: Industrial Land. Zoning and its Relative Quantities and Ratios Acres Percent of Total All Industrial 691.233 100.00% M-I 486.943 70.44% M-2 204.290 29.55% The Industrial zoning classifications are equivalent in setbacks and other physical controls to development. The difference lies in the types of uses intended for each. M-l is designated as Light Manufacturing and allows a fairly wide variety of non-manufacturing uses such as offices, certain types of schools, and limited retail facilities. M-I designations may be found in proximity to residential uses and development may need to provide visual screening or other impact mitigation measures. M-2 is the Manutacturing and Industrial category for the City of Bozeman. Heavy industry, defined as industries which have detectable off-site impacts or explosion hazards, are to be placed within this district. All M-2 districts in the City are buffered from residential areas by other nonresidential zoning districts or substantial right-of- ways. Both of these zoning districts provide needed services and employment in the Bozeman area. 3.1.6 Capital Improvements Program TranSDortation The N. 19th Avenue corridor and Interstate-90 interchange are the largest transportation influences in the study area. The 1993 Bozeman Urban Transportation Plan Update estimates that by the year 20 I 0 traffic counts along N. 19th Avenue will vary between 9,500 and 23,900 cars per day at its north and south ends respectively. The completion of Oak Street connecting N. 19th and N. 7th Avenues is estimated to carry 9,000 cars per day by the year 2010. Upon completion of Oak Street between N. 19th and N. 7th Avenues, the northwest quadrant of the study area will be surrounded by roads capable of carrying 12,000 cars or more per day. Several study area transportation improvements arc currently needed or arc projected to be needed in the foreseeable future (see Figure 6). The project with the highest priority in the study area is the completion of the Oak Street extension between N. 19th and N. 7th Avenues. Construction of this project would help to relieve congestion on N. 7th Avenue, which is approaching full capacity. The intersection of N. 7th Avenue and Baxter Lane currently functions at an unacceptable level of service. The extension of Oak Street, and the traffic signal at its intersection with N. 7th A venue, should help to facilitate movement to the west and relocate some of the traffic currently using Baxter Lane. Construction on this project is scheduled to commence the summer of 1996, with completion being anticipated by fall 1997. Page 30 ----- n.._..___._ .-.-.-...-..--- .... . -.---------- North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan In the 1993 Bozeman Urban Transportation Plan Update, the intersection of Oak Street and N. 19th Avenue and the intersection of Baxter Lane and N. 19th Avenue are projected to need signals by the year 2010. Projects developing along the N. 19th A venue corridor should be expected to participate in the funding of these traffic signals. The presence of traffic signals would enhance pedestrian and bicycle movement along and across N. 19th A venue and its cross streets. Residential development west ofN. 19th Avenue would then be able to access services and employment opportunities cast of N. 19th A venue without using cars, thereby reducing vehicular traffic and congestion. Additional north-south routes provided by the continuation of N. 11th and N. 15th Avenues from Durston Road will also be developed. N. 11th and N. 15th Avenues are anticipated to function as either collectors or minor collectors as defined in the 1993 Bozeman Urban Transportation Plan Update. East-west travel will be facilitated by a new road to be located midway between Oak Street and Baxter Lane and continuing west of N. 19th A venue, as well as by the extension of Oak Street west ofN. 19th Avenue and the extension of Juniper Street to connect N. 7th and N. 19th Avenues. North of Baxter Lane, the extension to the west of Rawhide Ridge Court and Dead Man's Gulch Court would provide for cast-west access for most of the area south of Interstate-90 and the Valley Center Highway. N. 19th A venue is currently developed to the full urban standard up to its intersection with the proposed extension of Oak Street. North of this point, it is developed as a 'rural standard' which does not have curbing, boulevards, or sidewalks. As development proceeds along this corridor this remaining work will need to be done. This may be accomplished either through conditions at the time of development at whatever schedule that may be, or through the use of an SID/RID. A similar situation is anticipated with Oak Street, which initially may be constructed without curbs or sidewalks and have the improvements completed later as development along the street is accomplished. There will need to be a right-of-way acquisition program along the north side of Oak Street to provide for pedestrian and bicycle circulation and to attain a linkage of pedestrian trails into the existing and proposed trail system through the City of Bozeman. This may be accomplished through use of required setbacks for entryway corridors. The portion of Oak Street between N. 7th and N. 19th Avenues is proposed in the 1990 Master Plan Update to be a major arterial; and west of N. 19th Avenue it is proposed as a collector. N. 11th Avenue is anticipated to be developed as a collector according to the 1990 Master Plan Update. N. 15th Avenue is also proposed as a collector street. Public input suggests that it is important to protect the nature of N. 19th Avenue as an arterial. The most effective way to do this is to restrict the number of accesses to the street. Access to N. 19th A venue is controlled by the Montana Department of Transportation, whieh has designated it as a limited access road. As the City reviews development along N. 19th A venue, care should be taken to ensure that access to adjacent property is taken from Oak Street, Baxter Lane, or other significant east-west streets rather than directly ITom N. 19th A venue via curb cuts. Page 31 North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan N. 19th Avenue's designation as an arterial means that it will carry many thousands of cars daily. This will create a substantial amount of noise, fumes, and other undesirable effects. In order to prevent harm to adjacent properties, visual screening, greenbelts, and other techniques should be used to minimize the negative effects. The provision of greenbelts in conjunction with the entryway corridor overlay zones will allow for the placement of pedestrian trails and walkways which will help to reduce traffic. Mitigation should also incorporate design elements to enhance and maintain N. 19th A venue as an attractive entryway to the community. Municioal Water System As part of the 1996 Oak Street connection project between N. 19th and N. 7th Avenues, a 12- inch diameter water main will be installed (see Figure 6). This line will allow development along the Oak Street corridor with small intermediate loops oriented to the north and south. A future extension of this line from the intersection of N. 19th Avenue and Oak Street will proceed north to Baxter Lane, then easterly across Interstate-90 and connect to an existing water line at Mandeville Lane. This extension will provide a large loop in the main water supply system to protect against damaged lines or other possible interference with water delivery. Without this extension, the development of property adjacent to Baxter Lane will not be possible. The construction of this extension is anticipated in the next five (5) years and has been identified as a project eligible for at least partial funding through impact fees. A portion of the study area is within the plume of the Bozeman Solvent Site, which will impose restrictions on the use of ground water within the boundaries of the Site. Storm Drainage No City storm sewer is available within the majority of the study area. As no storm sewage facilities are available to transport stormwater to other locations, provision for on-site retention or detention, treatment, and release should be made. Storm drainage in this area may make use of several existing north-south ditches or streams after being detained and treated for contaminants. The ditches must be perpetuated unless the owner of the ditch formally abandons them. Some of these ditches have associated wetlands which must be accommodated during the development process. The Farmer's Canal is currently enelosed along N. 19th Avenue trom Main Street to Oak Street and then east along the Oak Street right-of-way. Beyond its outfall point it is no longer considered to be the Farmer's Canal. Municioal Sewer System The areas along the western side ofN. 19th Avenue and Baxter Lane are adequately served by existing sewer lines. The area north of Baxter Lane and west of N. 19th A venue will possibly need a new sewer collector due to the topography and .the slope required for a gravity sewer. The area east ofN. 19th Avenue and north of Oak Street is separated into two sewer drainage zones in the Wastewater Facilities Plan prepared by HKM and Associates. The dividing line roughly follows a northerly extension ofN. lith Avenue as shown on Figure 6. The western Page 32 ------ North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan area will drain to an existing 24-inch sewer main which is currently used at less than half of its capacity. A new sewer line following the Baxter Lane alignment will need to be provided to connect to the 24-inch interceptor. This line is indicated in the Impact Fee Capital Improvement Plan as extending from the future extension of N. 11th Avenue to N. 19th A venue. Additional sewer lines could then extend to the south along the Baxter Lane alignment. The eastern area will drain to existing lines which have occasional surcharging. Any development in this area will need to carefully examine sewer capacity and possibly provide off-site work to remove bottlenecks in the existing line. Impact Fees In January of 1996, the City of Bozeman initiated an impact fees program which began the collection of fees on March 23, 1996. The primary role of impact fees is to assist in the implementation of a Master Plan by directing growth through the timing and location of municipal inrrastrueture. As part of the Impact Fee process a Capital Improvements Program (CIP) will schedule growth-related infrastructure improvements for Water, Sewer, Fire Protection and Street. The Capital Improvements Program is prepared on an annual basis and addresses impact fee expenditures over a five-year time frame. During the annual revisions, priorities may be changed. Land will only be able to be devcloped when certain basic conditions are met, including provisions for pedestrian and vehicular access, potable water, and sewage disposal. The City is currently using a CIP which schedules several projects for construction in the next five years in the study area, including two water lines and a sewer line. Other projects, including the extension of N. I lth and 15th Avenues, may be included on future Impact Fee Capital Improvement Plans. Any development occurring in the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street area which is within City limits or receiving City services will be assessed impact fees. Page 33 North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan r---- I;! I '. 111 ' ~;~ , I; , ':'~" ,: ~ pill --.,' ,~ ~ . :I.", ":~, '~..' 'J:' ,., 1;J_ '...~ I _._---~~ .~'. ,. ....'. .,: , ,"," ;;.~l?i~~~~t;.':~\,::--,.;dt;'~":".:i .. '. '~',~',,~~~..~,.': ~'.....iIo.'_,"" Emily Dickinson School in the Annie Subdivision, west of the Brentwood Subdivision '..: I'" '~ . ;:\ "';' :;"\~'!~" :"~'~::!:S;,::,;:,:(;:i'::> Page 34 North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan IV. GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND IMPLEMENTATION POLICIES The community's pristine and ITagile high-mountain setting, and the need for orderly and attractive development, is already recognized as a priority in the goals, objectives, and implementation policies of the 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan Update. However, these general stratcgies for the future growth of the community as a whole lack the emphasis and specificity to guide growth and future development in the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street corridor, which is one of the few remaining undeveloped agricultural areas within the Bozeman community and outlying area. Therefore, the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan will be an ~portant mechanism for achieving the goals, policies and objectives outlined in the 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan Update. This chapter presents the goals, objectives and policies by subject area in non-prioritized order. The goals are intended to define broad intentions in each subject area. The objectives are intended to identifY basic approaches to achieving those goals. The policies flow directly ITom the goals and objectives to specifically outline what actions will be taken by the City of Bozeman and Gallatin County to achieve implementation of the plan. Because this document serves as a supplemental plan for the study area, the goals. objectives and implementation policies adopted in the Bozeman Area Master Plan wi11 also apply to the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan. In developing this plan, the Bozeman City-County Planning Board collected and assessed background information, including an inventory and analysis of past and present conditions such as environmental constraints, community impacts, land use inventory and capital facilities planning. This information was evaluated by the Bozeman City-County Planning Board to establish a foundation for formulating strategies for guiding future growth in the study area. These draft goals, objectives and implementation policies were presented at public hearings for community review. A formal recommendation of the Bozeman City-County Planning Board was forwarded by resolution to the Bozeman City Commission and Gallatin County Commission. The goals, objectives and implementation policies set the basis for public and private actions to guide orderly and planned growth within the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor study area. The Bozeman City Commission and Gallatin County Commission, based on a recommendation ftom the Bozeman City-County Planning Board, found the following goals, objectives and implementation policies necessary to maintain Bozeman's unique quality of life and environmental1y sensitive areas in the N. 19th A venue/Oak Street area. 4.0 GOAL 1: PROMOTE AND ENHANCE NORTH 19TH A VENUE AND OAK STREET AS MAJOR ENTRYWAYS INTO THE CITY THAT EXEMPLIFY THE IMPORTANCE OF URBAN OPEN SPACE TO THE BASIC QUALITY OF LIFE IN BOZEMAN. Objectives: a. Encourage the development ofN. 19th Avenue, and Oak Street between N. 19th and N. 7th Avenues, as aesthetically-pleasing cntryways into the City. Page 35 North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan c. Develop necessary regulatory strategies to avoid traditional strip commercial development (multiple driveway approaches, uncoordinated signage, piecemeal site development, clutter, lack of planned design schemes, one-lot tier commercial strip) along the N. ] 9th Avenue and Oak Street entryway corridors. d. Encourage the development of high quality business park/industrial areas in proximity to Interstate-90. e. Promote the preservation of viewsheds and environmentally sensitive lands. Implementation Policies: a. Designate N. ]9th Avenue as a Class I entryway corridor roadway betwecn Durston Road and the N. 19th Avenue/Interstatc-90 interchange, and Oak Strect as a Class I entryway corridor roadway between N. 7th and N. 19th Avenues and a Class II entryway bctween N. 19th Avcnue and Rose Park, in the Bozeman Area Entryway Corridor Overlay District of the Zoning Ordinance. b. Through development of Design Objcctivcs for the N. 19th Avcnue Corridor, and application of Planned Unit Development (PUD) guidelines or an alternative development review process designed to achieve the same objectives, establish park-like entryway corridors. e. Implement the limited access design ofN. 19th Avenue and Oak Street through subdivision review, PUD review or an alternative development review process designed to achieve the same objectives, and site plan review of proposed devcIopment. d. Avoid the placement of commercial and industrial activities along N. 19th Avenue, Oak Street and Baxter Lane without proper design to eliminate visual impacts. e. Establish appropriate zoning classifications and overlay districts that complement rather than detract from existing and planned land uses in the study area. f. Utilize subdivision review, and zoning PUD procedures or an alternative development review process designed to achieve the same objectives, to encourage commercial, business park, light industrial, and residential developments that enhance the first impression of the community, while respecting existing and future development in the area, and while providing for adequate recreational facilities and open space areas. g. Through PUD review or an alternative development review process designed to achieve the same objectives, require the development of green belts and open space within the entryway corridors, as well as internal pedestrian and bicycle circulation facilities. h. Establish guidelines in the Design Objectives Plan for the N. ]9th Avenue and Oak Street entryway corridors that mitigate noise and visual impacts generated by the arterial streets. Implementation of guidelines will occur for each proposed development during subdivision review, and through zoning PUD review or an alternative development review process designed to achieve the same objectives. Page 36 - - _________.u____ North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan 4.1 GOAL 2: PROMOTE THE ESTABLISHMENT, UTILIZA TION AND/OR PROTECTION OF PARK LAND, OPEN SPACE, TRAIL CORRIDORS AND ENVIRONMENT ALLY SENSITIVE LANDS TO PROVIDE FOR NEEDED COMMUNITY AMENITIES IN THE STUDY AREA. Objectives: a. Promote the development of Rose Park as a Community Park or a Regional Park, which will provide opportunities for recreation and leisure programs for all age groups. b. Support and establish a network of linear open space/trail corridors for use by the general public. c. Incorporate areas characterized as environmentally sensitive into overall design schemes which protect and enhance such areas rather than damage them. Implementation Policies: a. Establish provisions within zoning and/or subdivision regulations to implement transfer development rights that will enable developers to transfer public park land requirements for commercial and industrial development rights. b. IdentifY open space, trail corridors and greenbelts within the N. 19th A venue and Oak Street entry way corridors that link with the community's pedestrian/bike trail system. c. Establish a pedestrian/bikcpath trail system for use by individuals working in commercial areas that will link with the area's linear open space/trail system. d. IdentifY potentially environmentally sensitive lands as areas important for the preservation of the natural environment and community amenities and provide sufficient buffers for protection from future development. IdentifY these potential areas as an overlay of the Land Use Classification Map of the Master Plan. e. Encourage the use of environmentally sensitive land as open space amenities. f. Protect the region which surrounds Rose Park for development of residential neighborhoods so that residents may benefit from proximity to a community-wide recreational facility. 4.2 GOAL 3: PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMERCIAL AND BUSINESS PARK AREAS THAT ENHANCE THE BOZEMAN ECONOMY WHILE REMAINING SENSITIVE TO EXISTING ANp PROPOSED NEIGHBORHOODS, AND WHILE RESPECTING ENVIRONMENTAL AND HISTORIC CONDITIONS IN THE AREA. Objectives: a. Promote and encourage the development of aesthetically-pleasing cluster commercial development on the entryway to the City. b. Recognize the importance of the Bozeman area as a center for commercial activity in the Gallatin Valley and beyond. Provide for commercial destination activities in close proximity to the interstate system. Page 37 --.---..-----.--- -...---.-.--... North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan c. Provide for large business park/industrial lots in appropriate areas within the study area, especially east of N. 19th A venue and north of Oak Street, to provide for a variety of industrial and commercial activities which arc hannonious with the natural environment and image of the entryway corridors. d. Provide a framework of infrastructure and development guidelines that will encourage environmentally friendly companies to locate and thrive within the study area. Implementation Policies: a. Require all non-residential development of lands lying wholly or partially within designated Entryway Corridors to be reviewed in accordance with zoning PUD guidelines and procedures, or an alternative development review process designed to achieve the same objectives, to provide integrated design schemes that effectively promote open space and discourage strip development. b. Establish appropriate zoning classifications in the area based on reasonable community demands, both present and future, and availability of municipal infrastructure. c. Institute a Business Park land use classification in the Land Use Plan for the study area that provides for visually attractive buildings in high-quality settings which hannonize with surrounding or adjacent development and contribute to the overall image of the community. Limit the types of land uses allowed in areas designated for Business Park to "B-P" and "M- I" zoning districts. 4.3 GOAL 4: PROTECT EXISTING NEIGHBORHOODS AND AREAS DESIGNATED FOR FUTURE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT FROM CONFLICTING LAND USES. Objectives: a. Identify existing and future residential growth patterns in the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street study area and protect those neighborhoods from commercial and industrial development. b. Implement guidelines in the Bozeman Area Entryway Corridor Overlay District and Design Objectives Plan for the N. 19th Avenue and Oak Street entryway corridors that mitigate impacts on adjacent residential neighborhoods (i.e., noise and visual) from the traffie on the arterial streets. e. Designate land for the development of affordable housing, including manufactured and modular housing, which recognizes existing residential patterns and will allow future residents a choice ofIiving environments. d. Identify and protect historic resources within the study area. Implementation Policies: a. Utilize physical features as logical demarcation boundaries between land use classifications, whenever possible. Page 38 - ----------------- .. ... ....--- North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan b. Institute a "Limited Commercial" land use classification in the Land Use Plan of the study arca which minimizes the impacts of commercial devclopment on existing and future residential neighborhoods. Limit the type of commercial land uses allowed in areas designated for "Limited Commercial" development to those uses permitted in the "B-1" and "R-O" zoning districts. c. Establish through subdivision review, and zoning PUD design or an alternative development review process designed to achieve the same objectives, a logical transition from industrial and commercial to residential land uses that allows medium- and high-density residential along designated arterials if adequately buffered, as a means to further buffer low-density residential development from impacts generated by arterial traffic. d. Require that watercourse corridors (i.e., streams, stream/ditches and irrigation ditches) develop as linear open space/trail corridors for use by the general public and provide neighborhood amenities for residents and employees of the area. e. Establish appropriate zoning classifications to stimulate the development of affordable housing in the area. 4.4 GOAL 5: PROVIDE FOR PUBLIC FACILITIES WHICH CAN ACCOMMODA TE PROJECTED GROWTH AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT IN THE AREA, Objectives: a. Promote orderly and adequate timing and sizing of infrastructure development. b. Establish the major east-west and north-south transportation network system for the study area. c. Develop infrastructure in accordance with adopted capital facilities plans. Implementation Policies: a, Utilize impact fees and design review practices and policies to ensure that development contributes to the design and installation of public infrastructure b, Designate N. 11 th and N. 15th A venues as collectors for transportation planning purposes. e. Designate Mid-Line Road and Juniper Avenue as collectors for transportation planning purposes. d. Establish a pedestrianlbike trail system that links residential and commercial areas with the community's network of public corridors for linear open space and trails, and which reduces the overall demand for the use of single-occupancy vehicles in the area. Page 39 ------ -..---- --.... North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALL V BLANK Page 40 ---.-..---.-.---- -...---.-...-".--- North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan v. MASTER PLAN ELEMENTS Based on the inventory and analysis in Chapter Ill, and the adopted goals, objectives and policies of the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan in Chapter IV, this chapter presents the master plan's planning strategies and techniques to implement the adopted goals, objectives and policies, and achieve the vision for development in the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street area of the community. This section focuses on the key factors needed to accomplish the major recommendations of the plan and is presented in five clements: . Land Use Plan . Parks/Open Space Plan . Transportation Plan . Greenway Corridors Plan . Environmentally Sensitive Areas Plan While other related elements of the comprehensive plan are important. such as water. sanitary sewer. and other public facilities. it is these five elements that will have the most dramatic effect on future development along the two arterial corridors of what will be onc of the community's major entryways into the City. The N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan, including the five clements listed above, is intended to provide elected and appointed public officials and municipal staff with a framework within which they can promote and guide orderly, planned growth, which preserves and enhances the community's basic qualities of life. It is also intended to provide clear guidelines and predictability for developers and residents residing in the area. As a result, it is imperative that both the governing bodies of the City and County take actions in land use, parks and open space, transportation, entryway corridors and environmentally sensitive lands. 5.0 LAND USE PLAN Three public forum meetings were held before the Bozeman City-County Planning Board, which offered the general public and area property owners an opportunity to participate in discussions regarding consideration of tentative land use development options for the study area. Three land use development options for the study area were prepared by the Bozeman City-County Planning Office and a fourth option was presented by representatives of the property owners for general discussion. The threc options presented by the Planning Staff proposed alternatives for the Land Use Plan element of the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan, which included two new land use classifications for the study area: I) Limited Commercial, and 2) Business Park, which emphasized development options along the west side ofN. 19th Avenue, between Durston Road and Baxter Lane, and the northwest quadrant of the intersection ofN. 19th Avenue and Oak Street. The fourth option prepared by the property owners proposed amendments to the current Land Use Plan for the majority ofland currently designated for residential development located in the northeast quadrant of the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street intersection and along the west side ofN. 19th Avenue. The amendments included reclassifYing the entire northwest quadrant and west side of N. 19th Page 41 ---- North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan Avenue, between Baxter Lane and Oak Street, and approximately three acres at the southwest corner, for commercial and business park/industrial development. The property on the south side of Oak Street between N. 7th Avenue and N. 19th Avenue, and on both sides ofN. 19th Avenue between Oak Street and Durston Road, exclusive of the three acres designated for commercial, was proposed for development of limited commercial, consisting of a limited commercial strip along the two arterial streets being approximately one City block wide. After extensive discussions with the general public and area property owners related to the land use development options, and after considering the goals and objectives of the Master Plan for the study area, the Bozeman City.County Planning Board considered a mixture of the four options in preparing a Land Use Plan for the master plan document. The proposed land use classifications for the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan are identified on Figure 11. The Land Use Plan element of the master plan emphasizes 1) preserving existing watercourses; 2) designating ample land for anticipated residential, commercial and industrial growth in the area; 3) providing commercial activities in proximity to 1-90; 4) enhancing entryway corridors into the City; and 5) protecting environmentally sensitive lands. The land use classifications delineated on Figure 11 are not intended to be implemented by an appropriate zoning designation until the necessary inrrastructure is available to accommodate the planned land use. This policy supports the concept that the Land Use Map represents a long range vision of community growth and development in this area, and also applies to street alignments, open space/trail corridors and "green way" corridors. 5.0.1 Land Use Classifications To assist in guiding growth that is consistent with the Land Use Plan, it is important to understand the intent of the different land use classifications. In addition to the current land use classifications already identified in the 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan Update, two new classifications (Limited Commercial and Business Park) are proposed specifically for the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan. The following definitions for the new land use classifications should be used when utilizing and interpreting the Land Use Plan. Limited Commercial Areas intended to serve a limited population and provide only for local neighborhood convenience shopping and professional offices. The areas should be buffered and architecturally blended to protect surrounding neighborhoods and areas designated for future residential development. Buildings should be limited to a design and scale that complements residential development. Appropriate zoning designations would include "B-1", Neighborhood Service District. Business Park These areas are intended to provide for and encourage development of high technology industries, research establishments and regional office headquarters. Page 42 ----.--- Nonh 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan Business Park requires attractive and well planned surroundings set in a high quality setting developed to recognize the impact on adjacent development and contribute to the overall image of the community. Appropriate zoning designations would be "BP", Business Park District, and "M-I ", Light Manufacturing District. The boundaries of the land use classifications shown on the Land Use Plan are located along significant natural or man-made features wherever possible to aid in identification. These features include watercourses, streets, subdivisions, property boundaries and existing development. The land use classification boundaries represent general recommendations for future development. However, the precise location of the boundaries may not always be critical. Variations of many feet, particularly where no significant natural or man-made feature is present, may be acceptable. It will be the responsibility of the Planning Department, based upon the recommendations of the Planning Board and guidance provided by the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan, to establish boundaries if questions arise. 5.0.2 Land Use Implementation Guidelines Most land development within the N. 19th A venue/Oak Street Corridor study area will be conducted by private developers (exceptions might be parks and revitalization projects). With the exception of public facility and utility improvements installed by the City, it will be the development sector that actually implements the Land Use Plan. It is therefore important for both developers and the governing bodies to have clear, predictable guidelines to follow when reviewing and making decisions relative to new developments. Consequently, within the context of the policies established in Chapter JV - Goals, Objectives, Jmplementation Policies, the following guidelines have been formulated to help ensure that thc intent and integrity of the Land Use Plan is retained over the life of its use. Limited Commercial Land Use Guidelines In an effort to create quality neighborhoods in the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor area, rctail and service commercial uses will be permitted as part of the neighborhood development pattern. However, any commercial development must be sited and designed so that its activities will not detrimentally affect the adjacent residential neighborhoods. To this end, the following guidelines will influence the siting ofIimited commercial uses: . Commercial uses will be located only at the intersections of arterials; and . Professional offices, retail and service commercial uses may be permitted in neighborhood commercial centers, but only at a development scale compatible with adjacent residential development. Business Park Land Use Guidelines The following' guidelines shall aid in governing all land use planning pertaining to the development of land designated in the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street study area as Business Park: Page 43 North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan . Land use activities in areas designated Business Park include administrative and research office facilities, technological research establishments, pilot plants, medical clinics, and light industria1. Other commercial and industrial uses may be considered as part of a planned unit development. . Business park, office and industrial uses should be located along arterial streets, allowing garden-type, green space uses in high-quality settings to buffer the general view of more intensive uses and contribute to the urban open space of the entry way corridors. . All business park development shall be landscaped utilizing consistent landscaping design criteria that will tie adjacent projects together. Landscape casements and greenway corridors along N. 19th A venue and Oak Street using, shrubs, trees, streetscape and earth berms will be provided and installed at the time of development of individual projects. Signage will be controlled in terms of placement, character and size. . To assure compatibility between internal business park activities and adjacent sites, master planning of business park developments shall be required. General Land Use Plan Implementation Guidelines Buffering and Transitional Land Use When two different land use types are shown on the Land Use Plan map, or are approved as part of a development master plan, buffering or a transitional land use between the two land uses may be required, particularly if there is substantial reason to believe that the two land uses will be incompatible. Buffering consists of thc placement of neutral open space between two incompatible uses and will be required of the more intcnsive use where a less intensive use already exists, or where the Land Use Plan shows that a less intensive use is intended adjacent to the more intensive use. Introduction of transitional land uscs will consist of situating uses of intermediate density or intensity between commercial or business park, and residential developments. In cases where buffering is desirable the following may be acceptable: . Areas of landscaped open space; . Stream corridors with landscaping; . Arterial and collector streets with landscaping; . Major utility casements, iflandscaped; . Block walls, landscaping, earth berms; or . Combinations ofthe above. Interpretation of Land Use Boundaries The land use boundaries, as shown on Figure 11, "Land Use Plan", utilize natural or man- made demarcations where possible. Where such boundaries are not readily distinguishable, variations may be allowed, provided the intent of the Land Use Plan is not compromised. With proper buffering and site planning techniques, variations may be allowed without diminishing the intended purpose of the Land Use Plan. Page 44 ------------- .....-.- North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan Master Plan Amendment Process The N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan constitutes a land use policy statement that was created based upon prevailing needs, existing development patterns, consideration of man-made and natural constraints, opportunities for new development, underlying zoning, and accepted planning practices. As these variables change, the Plan must be periodically reviewed and occasionally amended. Amendments to this document will be processed according to the proceedings and criteria established in the 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan. 5.1 PARKS/OPEN SPACE PLAN The City of Bozeman has a modest inventory of park land and recreational facilities, and has not effectively provided the necessary active recreational amenities to keep pace with the growth of the community and outlying area. A conceptual network of linear open space/trail corridors throughout the jurisdictional area was established in the 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan. However, greater emphasis must be placed on implementation of these public corridors if open space protection and active recreational facilities are to be available to the residents of Bozeman. 5.1.1 Park Land The 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan Update identifies acquisition of land for future public park sites as vital to ensure land for park development and maintain pace with growing community demands for new recreational facilities. Providing opportunities for recreation and leisure programs for aU age groups should not be taken lightly and cannot be accomplished without successful mechanisms to acquire appropriate park lands. Park land dedication through residential subdivision review is still the principal tool used to acquire lands for development of public recreational facilities. However, recent legislative actions and the reduction of available revenue resources, such as eliminating cash-in-lieu of dedicated park land for minor subdivisions, reduces even more the community's already limited ability to acquire public park land. Reclassification of property designated for residential development in the Land Use Plan to a designation for commercial development further limits the community's ability to acquire additional lands for public parks and recreational facilities. Because these public provisions are generally not implemented until subdivision review of proposed developments, and after the land use classifications of the Land Use Plan have been amended, it is necessary to implement new strategies to provide the public recreational facilities needed by the general public. Acquisition of park land should not be based on random selection, but must instead be evaluated based on its location in the community and physical suitability to sustain development of park and recreational use. Existing park land and the ability to link with the built environment and natural features should be a priority in selecting appropriate areas for future development of parks and recreational facilities. When considering current and future parks and recreational needs, national standards are commonly used as guidelines. These guidelines too often become absolutes and do not Page 45 ------------------ _u_____..____ . ------ North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan consider climate, population density or a community's ability to implement the standards. Nevertheless, the standards can provide a benchmark for further analysis. A commonly accepted standard suggests 8.5 acres of park land should be provided for every 1,000 people. 5.1.2 Rose Park To rectifY this situation for the future, the Bozeman parks and open space system should be steadily improved by developing new parks in those neighborhoods currently underserved and by building upon the potential of existing park lands. Of those sectors within the community that are substantially undeveloped, yet planned for future residential development, the northwest quadrant of the City offers the greatest opportunity to fulfill the demand for public recreational facilities. The Bozeman Recreation and Parks Advisory Board designates Rose Park, an undeveloped 21.21-acre dedicated park, as a future community park for the City. The park is located approximately one-quarter mile west of the intersection of N. 19th A venue and Oak Street, and is situated directly north of Emily Dickinson School. The Advisory Board has established a long-term goal for Rose Park of serving as a regional park for the City and outlying communities. As a recreational facility, it would complement, as well as expand upon, the public amenities of Bogart Park and provide a counterbalance in another sector of the City that will help satisfY the demand for public recreational facilities. Its proximity to N. 19th Avenue and the interstate system should be given substantial weight in supporting the logic of establishing Rose Park as a regional park. Community parks are recognized as large-scale, serving the population over a large region with a community focus related to the facilities offered. A community park is generally an area of 10 to 100 acres that provides a variety of active and passive recreational opportunities. To accomplish the development of Rose Park as a community park, the governing bodies, with the assistance of the Bozeman Recreation and Parks Advisory Board, and Planning Staff, must adopt a municipal parks and recreation facilities plan. 5.1.3 Open SpacelTrail Corridors A network of public open space and linear trail corridors is presented in the 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan with the purpose of protecting environmental resources and supporting a public, recreational trail system that exemplifies the importance of urban open space. These corridors are often identified within stream corridors and other environmentally sensitive lands, and are intended to eventually link with other elements of the community's public pedestrian and bicycle circulation system. The Master Plan currently identifies a portion of Catron Creek as a stream corridor west ofN. 19th Avenue, which runs through Brentwood Subdivision along the east side of Rose Park and then north across Baxter Lane where it runs through the southwest corner of the Gene Graf property. From there the creek parallels the west property line of the Graf property until it reaches Interstate 90. Although the Master Plan does not continue the corridor further north of the old Burlington Northern railroad bed to Interstate 90, it is identified as a stream Page 46 North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan corridor in the conceptual master plan for a mixed-use planned unit development proposed by the property owner in this area, and should be designated accordingly as a stream corridor in the Master Plan. To the northwest of the Baxter Lane and West Catron Creek intersection an old railroad right-of-way that continues west is also designated as open space/linear trail corridor. Two additional watercourses have been identified in the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan as stream corridors, to further encourage implementation of public open space/linear trail corridors: 1) a stream/ditch tributary of East Catron Creek west of N. 19th Avenue, which enters the study area at the northwest comer of the intersection of N. 19th A venue and Durston Road, and paral1els the west side of N. 19th A venue until it drains into East Catron Creek just north of Rose Park; and 2) Mandeville Creek along the west boundary of the study area ITom Durston Road to Baxter Lane. A tributary of Mandeville Creek, identified as Walton's Ditch, should also be considered as a potential stream corridor in this Master Plan and is located along the cast side of Maple Terrace and Homesites Subdivisions, and Covered Wagon Trailer Park. The irrigation ditch connects with Fanner's Canal at Oak Street and establishes a valid stream/ditch watercourse that runs north along the Saccoccia/Perkin's property line to Baxter Lane (see Figure 4). Development of residential, commercial and industrial property in the study area shall recognize these stream corridors as an integral element of the community's master plan designed to enhance pedestrian and bicycle circulation systems along stream corridors, as well as Oak Street, N. 19th A venue and Baxter Lane. H is further intended to provide for a circulation system that offers recreational activities for area residents, as well as recreational and commuting opportunities for individuals working in thc commercial and industrial sectors of the study area. Rose Park, eannarked as a proposed community park, should be the focus of these open space/linear trail corridors and should function as the threshold for a system of trails and open space corridors that will link with the rest of the community. 5.1.4 Parks and Open Space Interface with Other Plan Elements As the community grows, the location and importance of new parks and recreation facilities should be coordinated with development of other public facilities. The proximity of Rose Park to Emily Dickinson School makes it a logical choice for a community-wide park. It offers opportunities for efficient property acquisition, use and maintenance, as well as providing residents with open space buffers between their homes and less desirable public facilities. In particular, cooperation between the City of Bozeman, Bozeman School District, and Parks and Recreation Advisory Board should be encouraged to promote joint development and use of facilities. 5.1.5 Park and Open Space Implementation Guidelines The City of Bozeman, with the assistance of the Bozeman Recreation and Parks Advisory Board, should develop a Municipal Parks and Open Space Plan with the aim of establishing an integrated system of parks and open space, not only for the study area, but throughout the City. This plan should include development of new parks, upgrading of existing parks, and Page 47 __n__.____ North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan the development of innovative recreational facilities, such as pedestrian trails, linear open space and bicycle routes. In so doing, the City should: . Seek to improve parks and recreation facilities by examining and instituting methods to increase revenues and to decrease costs within the parks and recreation system. . Establish an impact fee for acquisition and development of neighborhood and community parks. . Identity and institute methods of increasing the use of existing parks, including improvements. . Continue to expand the availability of existing parks and recreation facilities through cooperative agreements with the public schools and other public agencies. . Develop a mechanism that allows developers the opportunity to consider Transfer-of- Development-Rights for development of property in-lieu of park land and/or open space in another location in the community. . Create incentives and flexibility in subdivision and site plan review for developers to develop properties using planned unit development review or an alternative development review process designed to achieve the same objectives, which provide open space, green belts, active recreational facilities, trails and the other community amenities. 5.2 GREENWAY CORRIDORS PLAN Both N. 19th Avenue and Oak Street are recognized as integral clements in emphasizing the importance of urban open space and the lasting image of the community that is left with residents and visitors. Future development along these corridors, with provisions for open space, trail corridors and high-quality development, wi11 detennine the success of the community to implement the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan and accomplish the objectives stated herein. 5.2.1 Greenbelt/Open Space Corridors Provisions for sufficient open space and green belts along the two entryway corridors in the study area are necessary to provide the urban streetscape and park-like setting for the area envisioned by the community. The greenways will be characterized by informal vegetative planting of trees and shrubs, and accessible pathways with curvilinear alignments. Currently N. 19th Avenue and Oak Street are developed to rural standards. As development occurs along these arterial streets, development will improve them to a fun urban standard with curb, gutters and sidewalks. The greenway corridors will allow the pedestrian ways to be relocated ITom their standard location and placed further ITom the arterial streets. This will provide a more safe, park-like setting for pedestrians by creating a greater visual and physical separation ITom the arterial traffic. These greenway corridors will mitigate the impacts of noise generated by the arterial streets and protect the viewsheds of the community's surrounding environment. Provisions for implementing these greenway corridors will be Page 48 North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan accomplished by designating N. 19th Avenue as a Class I entryway corridor roadway and initiating Oak Street as a new Class I entryway corridor roadway between N. 7th Avenue and N. 19th Avenue, and a Class 11 entryway corridor roadway west of N. 19th Avenue. For examples of attractive site plan development in existing Bozeman entryway corridors please see Appendix E. 5.2.2 Planned Unit Development Overlay To successfully achieve the community's vision of a park-like setting for commercial development within the greenway corridors, and to establish aesthetically-pleasing entryways containing harmonious patterns of high-quality development. a unified plan must be developed to avoid the piece-meal strip commercial development experienced along other entryways. The planned unit development (PUD) procedure of the Bozeman Area Zoning Ordinance has already proven itself to be an effective tool in achieving these goals. The PUD procedures make available to the planning process a valid mechanism for reserving open space that may not be acquired as residential park land due to reclassification of property for commercial development. Implementation of the PUD procedures established in the Bozeman Area Zoning Ordinance will entail a master plan for each development that depicts general land uses, major streets, pedestrian circulation, trails, stream corridors, open space, green belts, streetscape and other significant land features. PUDs will be implemented by each developer during subdivision or site plan review of each development project. Property located within the planned unit development overlay for the N. 19th Avenue and Oak Street entryway corridors will be reviewed as a zoning PUD Prior to initiating the first phases of development for each property, the developer shall provide architectural and landscape guidelines that ensure that development will accomplish the goals and objectives of the N. 19th A venue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan. 5.2.3 Greenway Corridor Guidelines The following guidelines shall aid in the influence and implementation of well-planned urban development within the greenway corridors: . Establish in the Design Objectives Plan for entryway corridors and Chapter 18.43 - Bozeman Area Entryway Corridor Overlay District of the Zoning Ordinance landscape guidelines designed to implement greenway corridors within commercial developments located along N. 19th Avenue and Oak Street that accomplish: 1. An urban streetseape that protects the viewsheds of the community and encourages aesthetically-pleasing entryways into the City 2. A park-like setting that exemplifies the importance of urban open space 3. Guidelines to mitigate the impacts of noise generated by the arterial streets 4. An integrated design scheme of public and private open space 5. Community amenities not acquired as residential park land Page 49 -.. ,,_., -"." ..- -." --....---.-----.---------- North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan . Initiate a planned unit development overlay for all non-residential development in the N. 19th Avenue and Oak Street entryway corridor roadways that requires zoning planned unit development (PUD) review procedures durmg subdivision or site plan review of any property located in the entryway corridors; . Combine the subdivision and zoning PUD requirements into a unified PUD ordinance, to streamline review procedures and to ensure consistency; . Provide for flexibility in the thirty percent (30 percent) open space provision by allowing for portions of the tront yard setback areas to count toward said open space requirements if included as part of an overall PUD design scheme and integrated into other areas planned for green belts, active recreational facilities, trails, common areas, public plazas, and other community amenities that compensate for the reduction of open space. 5.3 TRANSPORT A TION PLAN The most significant clements of the transportation network for the study area are already in place. Development of future clements such as Oak Street, the Mid-Line Road, and the continuation of N. 11 th and N. 15th are already in progress or may be developed during the subdivision and site planning processes. Each of these roads will serve multiple modes of transportation including automobiles, bicycles, and pedestrians. In the 1993 Transportation Plan Update both N. 19th and Oak Street are designated to provide bicycle routes. These routes may be incorporated into either the roadways themselves or into auxiliary routes located in the entryway corridor setbacks. Pedestrian routes may also be provided in the entryway corridor setbacks. Pedestrian and bicycle use will reduce automobile congestion as well as the noise, fumes, and other impacts of automobiles. As the majority of the study area is undeveloped, a rare opportunity exists to provide trail corridors for transportation and recreation uses that are integrated with the anticipated conunercial and residential uses. Connections to the existing urban trail corridors can be made during the development ofthis area. As noted in the 1990 Master Plan Update a number of financing methods are available to provide for capital improvements to urban infrastructure. An additional option has been added through the implementation of impact fees. By collecting the cost of service ITom new businesses and residences in the study area, the City's ability to provide timely installation ofnccded infrastructure is enhanced. A key element in tbe design of the future road system in the study area is the recognition ofN. 19th Avenue and Oak Street as limited access roadways. By limiting the number of accesses strip development is discouraged, coordinated larger an?a development is encouraged, and the function of arterial streets is preserved. 5.4 ENVIRONMENT ALL Y SENSITIVE AREAS PLAN This document has identified several environmentally sensitive areas in the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor study area. These sensitive areas are characterized by features such as streams and ditches, wetlands, seasonal high water tables and hydric soils. The purpose of preserving these areas Page 50 .... --- --- ..----- North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan is twofold: I) to protect environmentally sensitive areas and retain the values and functions they provide; and 2) to set aside land deemed unsuitable for development. 5.4.1 Environmentally Sensitive Area Implementation Guidelines Areas mapped as environmentally sensitive indicate land which may have environmental features that limit development capacity and capability; environmental constraints could pose a threat to life and property. Areas identified as environmentally sensitive will be protected through various regulatory and non-regulatory programs. Environmentally sensitive areas will be delineated through field verifications, and protective measures wi1l be implemented through subdivision or site plan review processes. These areas could be used as on-site open space and recreational amenities. Eventually, if the City adopts a Critical Lands Strategic Plan, specific requirements or parameters for development will be outlined for environmentally sensitive areas throughout the Bozeman City-County Planning Jurisdiction. Page 51 . .... ---.-.-....-- - . . ...- ,,--- -...-- ---..--.----. North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK Page 52 North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan VI. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN In order to accomplish the objectives and implementation policies established in Chapter IV - Goals, Objectives and Implementation Policies, and in Chapter V - Master Plan Elements, the Implementation Plan of the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan has been prepared to provide a logical order of tasks and appropriate responsibility relative to Master Plan implementation. The Implementation Plan outlines the four principal tools to complete the tasks of the Master Plan for the study area. . Annexation . Subdivision Regulations . . Zoning Ordinance . Capital Improvements Program 6.0 ANNEXATION Annexation of unincorporated lands to the City of Bozeman will help ensure efficient, well-planned development at urban densities with municipal inftastructure and public services. Of the one thousand plus acres in the study area, the cntire portion of the study area situated north of Baxtcr Lane, and . approximately forty acres south of Baxter Lane, are currently locatcd outside the corporate City limits of Bozeman. Additionally, land lying in the southeast quadrant of the study area bctween Oak Street and Durston Road also lies outside the City limits. Gardner-Simmcntal Plaza Subdivision, which has City sanitary sewer, is the only development outside the City limits in the study area that utilizes municipal inrrastructure. As a result, a significant portion of the study area is under joint jurisdiction of City and County govcrning bodies. Subdivision review by the Gallatin County Commission and site plan/development review by the Bozeman City Commission limit the ability to effectively implement the Master Plan, and ultimately affect various issues of the decision-making process by both the public and private sector. As delineated on the Land Use Plan, the area north of Baxter Lane is designated to develop as Commercial and Business Park/Industrial. The area is located in the service boundary of the existing sewer system, as well as the urban growth boundary for Bozeman. Municipal inrrastructure is planned to eventually extend to this area and should be considered a logical progression of urban development in a north-south direction along N. 19th Avenue. Annexation should accelerate development timing, and impact development fees should be utilized to lessen the burden of development costs on taxpayers by requiring development to pay for itself, and to ensure financial solvency of the municipality. Development at urban densities, but with private facilities, is a significant burden on County agencies to provide fire and police protection, and road improvements. The ability to provide safe and effective services with private wells and sewage facilities is also affected by the proximity of the study area to the Bozeman solvent site. Degradation of the area's water quality is a serious threat based on the area's history of high ground water and numerous watercourses in the area. Page 53 North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan It is both feasible and desirable for unincorporated lands lying within the study area to annex to the City of Bozeman prior to development for the following reasons: . The environmental conditions (i.e., high groundwater, watercourses and Bozeman solvent site) dictate extension of municipal infrastructure to the area to ensure adequate provision of public services (i.e., water, sewer, police and fire protection). . The N. 19th A venue corridor is a logical progression of urban growth and development in a north-south direction betwccn Durston Road and the N. 19th Avenue/Interstate-90 interchange. . The City has the capacity to provide domestic water, sanitary sewer and other urban services to the area. . The additional land will complement Bozeman's tax base. 6.1 SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS An update of the Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations is presently scheduled by the Planning Offiee to incorporate changes to the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act enacted by the State legislature with House Bill 473. However, to facilitate administration of the Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations and to assure consistency with the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan, additional adjustments to the subdivision regulations are necessary. As such, the following amendments to the subdivision regulations, at a minimum, are suggested. Chapter 16.14 - Planned Unit Development . Repeal the PUD chapter of the subdivision regulations and replace with a unified zoning and subdivision PUD ordinance which incorporates all of the existing subdivision and zoning PUD procedures, statutory requirements, and criteria into one coordinated policy and regulatory document. Adoption of the unified PUD ordinance will require all development to comply with the 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan Update and N. 19th A venue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan. . Amend Section 16.14.050 - "Design and Standards" to provide flexibility in the 30 percent open space provision, incentives for high-quality development, architectural and landscape developmental guidelines, and a conceptual master plan for development of each PUD. Additional front yard setbacks in the entryway corridor overlay, beyond the minimum setbacks required for each zoning district, may be counted toward the 30 percent open space provisions for planned unit developments. 6.2 ZONING ORDINANCE Certain provisions of the Bozeman Area Zoning Ordinance will need modification to effectively implement the adopted N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan. Four aspects of the Zoning Ordinance should be given particular attention: . Page 54 ..-.----.-- North 19th Av(mue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan Chapter 18.43 - Bozeman Area Entryway Corridor Overlay District . ReclassifY N. 19th Avenue as a Class I entryway corridor roadway between Durston Road and the N. 19th A venue/Interstate-90 interchange. . ClassifY Oak Street as a Class I cntryway corridor roadway between N. 7th Avenue and N. 19th A venue, and a Class II entryway corridor roadway west ofN. 19th A venue. Chapter 18.47 - Environmentally Sensitive Lands Overlay District . Establish a new chapter to the Zoning Ordinance that will implement the protection of environmentally sensitive lands, and set aside land deemed unsuitable for development due. to environmental constraints. Chapter 18.54 - Planned Unit Development . Repeal the PUD chapter of the subdivision regulations and replace with a unified zoning and subdivision PUD ordinance which incorporates all of the existing subdivision and zoning PUD procedures, statutory requirements, and criteria into one coordinated policy and regulatory document. Adoption of the unified PUD ordinance will require all development to comply with the 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan Update and N. 19th A venue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan. . ModifY Section 18.54.020 - "Intent of Planned Unit Development" to recognize the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan as a "sub-area comprehensive plan" of the City's adopted Master Plan. . ModifY Section 18.54.050 - "Planned Unit Development Review Procedures and Criteria" and Section 18.54.060 - "Plan Submittal Requirements" to clarifY that concept plan review procedures will involve a conceptual master plan of the development which depicts general land uses, major streets, pedestrian and bicycle circulation, trails, stream corridors, open space, green belts and other significant land features. . Amend Section 18.54.080 - "Phasing of Planned Unit Developments" that provides objective developmental guidelines, involving architectural and landscape design guidelines, which specifically outline how the development will accomplish the goals and objectives of the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan with regard to the following: 1. Urban Streetscape and the importance of urban open space 2. Greenway Corridors and the importance of green belts and park-like settings 3. Vehicular, Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation 4. Common Public Arcas 5. Architectural Standards 6. Landscape Treatment 7. Unified Signs . Add to the PUD chapter a section that provides criteria for developer incentives (density bonus, flexibility in 30 percent open space provision, yard setbacks, lot coverage, floor- Page 55 North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan area ratio, cluster development, etc.) to encourage the design of harmonious, high-quality development. . Amend Section 18.54.100 - "Planned Unit Development Design Objectives and Criteria" to recognize that the Commercial and Industrial PUD Development Criteria arc applicable to all non-residential development in the N. 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Comprehensive Plan. Design Objectives Plan for Entryway Corridors . Amend the Design Objectives Plan for cntryway corridors to include Oak Street as a new Class I entryway corridor roadway and establish objectives and guidelines for development along the corridor. . Amend the Design Objectives Plan for both N. 19th Avenue and Oak Street to include landscape guidelines with a typical blueprint for developers addressing entryway image, greenbelts, park-like landscape, streetscape, special design features, buffering techniques, pedestrian and bicycle circulation, and parking lot visibility. . Establish landscape and architectural guidelines in the Design Objectives Plan for entryway corridors that mitigate the impact of noise generated by traffic along the arterials while protecting the viewsheds of the community. . Establish guidelines in the Design Objectives Plan for entryway corridors that address the orientation of buildings and off-street parking lots to entry way corridors. 6.3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM The Capital Improvements Program is a part of the Impact Fees Program. Growth of the City is directed by scheduling public inftastructure improvements. The Capital Improvement Program is a document prepared by City Staff for adoption by the City Commission which identifies specific installations or upgrades of water, sewer, street, and fire protection facilities. It schedules the anticipated construction over a five year time frame and allocates the impact fee funds which have been collected.. The intent is to match facilities availability with the demand for those facilities. This mechanism makcs the process of development of public infrastructure more deliberate and predictable. In this way, urban sprawl is discouraged. If private interests wish to develop in other areas, they may do so but they will bear the true cost of providing infrastructure for their development. To qualify for the Impact Fee Capital Improvement Program, a specific project must increase the capacity and ability to serve development within the city of Bozeman or its service areas. The entire project does not have to be allocated to new growth but that portion paid. for by impact fees must be. No maintenance or operations costs may be met by impact fees although debt service or bond payments for growth-oriented expenditures may be. The Capital Improvements Program is prepared on an annual basis and adopted by the City Commission as part of the budgeting process. The current Capital Improvement Program supports three projects in the study area. The first project is the installation of a water main in conjunction with the construction of Oak Street between N. 7th Page 56 -. ..-...---.-.-..--.- --.-------... North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan Avenue and N. 19th Avenue. The second is the continuation of the water main to follow the road alignments north and tie into an existing water line under Mandeville Lanc~ The third project is to install a sewer main following the Baxter Lane alignment and tying into the existing main by the Gardner-Sirnmental Plaza. Without the installation of these projects the infrastructure will not support the full development of the northwest quadrant of the study area. Page 57 n _....____..__.__._ Appendices APPENDIX A I '\ ., , Study area ~ ~Roads </,: TAl 170 _ TAl 172 mm TAZ 174 _ TAZ 176 ~ TAl 178 ~ TAl 180 1::::::::::1 TAl 182 ~ TAl 262 ~ TAl 264 ~ - --- ---- Appendices APPENDIX B Gender Distribution Gender Percentage* 1996** 2000*** 2010*** Male 51.2 percent 660 652 834 Female 48.8 percent 629 621 795 TOTAL 100.0 percent 1,289 1,273 1,629 *Based on 1990 U.S. Census of Population and Housing **Based on 1996 Bo=eman City-County Planning Sta.ff estimate ***Based 011 1992 City consultant projections Ethnic Origin Ethnic Origin Percentage* 1996** 2000*** 2010*** Caucasian 95.9 percent ],237 1.222 ],563 African American OJ percent 4 4 5 Native American ] .8 percent 24 23 30 Asian American 1.5 percent 19 ]9 24 Other 0.4 percent 5 5 7 TOTAL 100.0 percent 1,289 1,273 1,629 *Based on 1990 U.S, Census of Population Gnd Housing **Based on J 996 Bo=eman City-County Planning Sta.ff estimate ***Based on 1992 City consultant projections Age Distribution Age Distribution Percentage* 1996** 2000*** 2010*** Under 1 to 9 years 11.4 percent 147 145 185 10 to 19 years 15.7 percent 202 199 256 20 to 29 years 3 IJ percent 403 398 509 30 to 39 years 16,0 percent 206 204 261 40 to 49 years 9 J percent 120 118 151 50 to 59 years 5,0 percent 64 64 81 60 to 69 years 4.8 percent 62 61 78 70 to 79 years 4,1 percent 53 52 67 80 years and over 2.5 percent 32 32 41 TOTAL 100.0 percent 1,289 1,273 1,629 *Based on 1990 U.S. Census of Population and Housing **Based 011 1996 Bo=eman City-County Planning Sta.ff estimate ***Based on 1992 City consultant projections Appendices School Enrollment (Persons 3 Years and Over) Percentage* 1996** 2000*** 2010*** Enrolled - Preprimary 1.7 percent 21 21 27 Enrolled - K-12 11.6 percent 144 143 182 Enrolled - College 36.5 percent 455 449 574 Not enrolled 50.1 percent 624 615 789 TOTAL (Persons 3 years and over) 100.0 percent 1,244 1,228 1,572 *Based on 1990 U.S. Census of Population and Housing **Based on 1996 Bozeman City-County Planning StaIr estimate ***Based 0/1 1992 City consultant prqjections Educational Attainment (Persons 18 years and over) Percentage* 1996** 2000*** 2010*** Less than 9th grade 1.6 percent 17 17 21 9th to 12th, no diploma 3.7 percent 39 39 50 High school graduate 15.4 percent 163 161 205 Some college 45.2 percent 477 471 603 Associate degree 4.3 percent 46 45 58 Bachelor's degree 20.0 percent 211 209 268 Graduate/professional 9.7 percent 103 101 129 TOTAL (Persons 18 years and over) 100.0 percent 1,056 1,043 1,334 *Based on 1990 U.S. Census (~r Population and Housing **Based on J 996 Bo=eman City-County Planning StaIr estimate ***Based on 1992 City consultant prqjections Employment Cla~sification (Employed persons 16 years and over) Percentage* 1996** 2000*** 2010*** Private, for-profit 56.6 percent 366 361 462 Private, not-for-profit 6.9 percent 45 44 56 Local government 5.1 percent 33 33 42 State government 21.5 percent 139 137 175 Federal government 2.8 percent 18 18 23 Self-employed 6.8 percent 43 43 55 Unpaid family workers 0.3 percent 2 2 3 TOTAL (Employed persons 16 years & over) 100.0 percent 646 638 816 *Based on 1990 U.S. Census o.r Population and Housing **Based on 1996 Bozeman City-County Planning Sta.ff estimate ***Based on 1992 City consultant prqjections ---------------- Appendices APPENDIX C HISTORIC RESOURCES OF THE N. 19TH AVENUE/OAK STREET CORRIDOR MASTER PLAN AREA Several historic resources and potential National Register of Historic Places listings have been identified within the general vicinity of the North Nineteenth Avenue/Oak Street Conidor Comprehensive Plan Area. These properties have not been officially surveyed or researched at this time, however, and very limited information is presently available. Nonetheless, given the fact that these sites are important remnants of the Gallatin Valley's disappearing agricultural heritage, any land use classifications for the North Nineteenth Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Study Area should recognize and, to some extent, be guided by the presence of these historic resources. In September of 1985, a reconnaissance survey of historic sites within Bozeman city limits but outside the 1983 historic resource survey area boundary was conducted by Matthew Cohen. Two existing historic sites were identified within the general vicinity of the North Nineteenth Avenue/Oak Street Conidor Study Area which may be potentially eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. These include: 1. The former Palrrey Property (c. 1935), 1005 Durston Road, a large, 1 1/2 story rustic Craftsman Style residence, with broad, low-pitched roofs, multiple sash windows, gable stickwork, associated outbuildings, and other site features; 2. 1319 Durston Road (c. 1885), a trigabled, 1 1/2 story, novelty sided vernacular residence featuring a porch with an ornamental valence, and associated outbuildings. On July 10, 1996, a second reconnaissance survey of the Study Area was conducted, revealing other historic properties that are potentially eligible for National Register listing. These include: 1. 1306 Durston Road (c. 1930), a 1 1/2 story craftsman-style rustic log house with a log outbuilding, and other site features; 2. 1406 Durston Road (c. 1930), a 1 1/2 story stuccoed Craftsman Bungalow with associated log shed/barn, and other site features; 3. 1412 Durston Road (c.1930), a 1 1/2 story rustic log house in the Craftsman Style, with associated outbuildings, and other site features; 4. 5762 Baxter Lane (c. 1925), a two-story rustic log residence, with associated outbuildings, mature vegetation, and other site features. The 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan Update recognizes that "(t)he beauty of the City of Bozeman, the Gallatin Valley, and our productive agricultural lands are valuable resources." The Master Plan Appendices Update stresses the importance of the area's environment, aesthetics, and natural resources encouraging, among other things, the preservation of aesthetic resources, the establislunent and maintenance of greenbelts and/or open space, and the protection and preservation of the Gallatin Valley's productive agricultural operations. More specifically, the Master Plan Update advocates the preservation and cnhanccment of "all of thc fcatures of the community's heritage that define and contribute to the Gallatin Valley's unique 'quality of life.'" The historic resources of the North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor study area, as well as most of the undeveloped land in this vicinity. contributes to the Bozeman area's unique 'quality of life' and is, consequently, worthy of historic preservation consideration. More than simply reflective of the Gallatin Valley's cultural heritage, these historic sites are some of the only remaining agricultural- related properties within Bozeman's jurisdictional area. Furthermore. their aesthetic beauty and high visibility will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression of the character of the Bozeman area with Bozeman visitors. Therefore, proposed land use classifications for the North Nineteenth A venue/Oak Street Corridor Comprehensive Plan Area should, at the very least, be guided to some extent by the location, character, and quality of existing historic buildings and farmlands in the vicinity. When possible and appropriate, efforts to officially survey and nominate potentially eligible properties on the National Register of Historic Places should also be encouraged. - --------------- .....- .......-.--.--.---..-- --------.--.-----..-------......--....-.-....- Appendices APPENDIX D Land Use Breakdown for City of Great Falls and Vicinity by Great Falls City-County Planning Area (Land Use) City of Great Falls County Urbanized Total Urbanized Area Residential 42.52% 77.52% 61.64% Commercial 11.17% 4.1% 7.47% Industrial 6.31 % 8.22% 7.44% Public 39.37% 10.101% 23.66% Appendices APPENDIX E :~~-~~..~ ,~'t~:,~~- ~,'~~~:;, -,;;~ ~-; .~~.-.-.'~~~r&:;~""""~~::-=:--~~~~:;,-~~."? r:.~';):i:-~"~~~~~~:;~'~~.,~~0~:::~:t.J";~~?f)...~r.l""~:"i"'" ',~!:.~~::j"':~:J- ~ 4"'(<-.,. !i:.-.!/".~\".o(-t.~""'..i..r~~ .'1:: .....~"'.x7 ,.., "'-, 'I~" ....-.- ~""'~.Jo,~:J:..,-.: _'"hJ' .r.~~,!\~;>'!.." I.. _ .1'\4; ~ .1I,;.;:t.,.....;:,; ~r.i;\ J.-,.'.. ... =.........T. ~1IT.~~~:~i). .. :;~~;'":;;I:'~1f~~~:.C~&i,t-jr?:"~"1?i:~1~1i~K;::~i"'" WalMart, N. 7th Avenue Entryway Corridor, south of 1-90 .'''' . ... Grantree Restaurant/Best Western Motel, N. 7th Avenue Entryway Corridor, south of 1-90 ---.------ Appendices :<;, iI::;;,-::= -::~~ ~,':~z'7~,'.-:: ~~.- ,. ~:". .. . ."':0 ~.,'.,L", (ITn " Bridger Commercial Center, N. 7th Avenue Entryway Corridor, north of 1-90 ~ -". .....~"'"""';--~..~---~ -~ ,... - ~~::;,:~.~.- - . . ~~{r'{~.<:~- ._ :._~-~-~- ..- --- ---'"':-:'~'~;.'~~:~~i2~it1~ . /. -. - -,......- Ranch and Home Supply, Inc., N. 7th Avenue Entryway Corridor, north of 1-90 .- Appendices , :'~.I/"~~f~ ....,; ";,;.,-~' -)~.,,,j,": ~t( 1.,..1(- -,"" ..1...... .,..... ~ - .~, ~_...;-' . -,-~""'I'- , ,~; ;l';t:.", '.\,' f'c-;~ ':;,-;""$"1,-. "'-:'-J.%\W~I~ ,K~'l ;",.' .: ':'\.~~.::: '.. \' ' , "'~;"" ...Ii. 1'''' ;,.~1-h-~~:~_.:-__ . :-." E' ",.... . ~,~1~; ,'. , .~ ' '~.;'''.' 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