HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Sewer and Water Pipeline and Access Easement and Agreement - MJN Properties, LLC - Nahorniak Commons Master Site PlanReturnto: Bozeman CityClerk P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 2790332 lillllllllll!!Illllllllllllllllllllll!Illllllll!!llllllllllilllllllllfillllll!Il SEWER AND WATER PIPELINE AND ACCESS EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT MJN Properties,LLC,a Montana limitedliabilitycompany,with a mailing address of 5170 Durston Road,Bozeman,MT 59715,GRANTOR,in considerationof $1.00 and forother and valuable considerations,receiptof which is acknowledged,grants to The City of Bozeman,a municipal corporationof the Stateof Montana,with officesat 121 North Rouse Avenue,P.O. Box 1230,Bozeman,Montana 59771-1230,GRANTEE,itssuccessorsand assigns,a perpetual easement to lay,constructand maintain sanitarysewer pipelineand water mains with the usual services,valves,connections,accessoriesand appurtenances for the purpose of transmitting water and sanitarysewer in,through,under and acrossa stripof land situatedin GallatinCounty, Montana,30 feetwide tobe locatedon thefollowingdescribedrealproperty: Partof Tract6 and Tract 7,Smith Subdivision,according to theplatthereof,on fileand ofrecordintheofficeof the Clerk and Recorder,GallatinCounty,Montana,as described inDocument Number 2602650,recordsof saidofficeof the Clerk and Recorder,Gallatin County,Montana,locatedin theNorthwest Quarter of Section 11,Township 2 South, Range 5 East of P.M.M.,GallatinCounty,Montana. The easement ismore particularlyshown and dimensioned on the attachedExhibit A,which by thisreferenceismade a partof thisdocument. This grantincludesthe rightof the GRANTEE,itssuccessors,permittees,licensees,and assigns and itsand theiragents and employees,to enterat alltimes upon the above-describedland by using existingroads or trailsor otherwiseby a routecausingthe leastdamage and inconvenience to the GRANTOR(S)in orderto survey and establishtherouteand locationof theeasement and the pipelineand to: (1)Construct,operate,patrol,repair,substitute,remove,enlarge,replace,and maintain the pipeline,services,connections,accessoriesand appurtenances; (2)Trim,remove,destroy,or otherwise controlany treesand brush insideor outsidethe boundaries of the easement which may,in the opinion of the GRANTEE,interfereor threatento interferewith or be hazardous to the construction,operationand maintenance of thepipelines; (3)Grade the land subjectto thiseasement and extend the cuts and fillsof thisgrading into and on the land adjacenttothatwhich issubjectto thiseasement to the extentGRANTEE may findreasonablynecessary;and (4)Support thepipelineacrossravinesand water courses with structureswhich GRANTEE deems necessary. THE GRANTEE AGREES: (1)That,in connection with the construction,operating,patrolling,repairing,substituting, removing,enlarging,replacing,and maintainingof saidwater &sanitarysewer pipelines, itwillrepairor replace,at itssoleexpense,or pay to GRANTOR(S)thereasonablevalue of any damages to growing crops,existingfences,ditchesand other appurtenances of saidland thatmay be disturbedby itsoperation. (2)That,during operationsinvolvingexcavation,itwillremove the topsoilfrom thetrenched area to a depth of one foot,or to the fulldepth of the topsoil,whichever is less,and stockpilesaidtopsoilfor replacement over the trench.Itwill remove from the siteany largerocks or surplusexcavating materialor any debristhatmay have been exposed by the excavationand remains afterbackfillingiscompleted.And,itwillleavethe finished surfacein substantiallythe same conditionas existedpriortothe beginning of operations except thatthe surface of backfilledareasmay be mounded sufficientlyto prevent the formation of depressionsafterfinalsettlementhas takenplace. THE GRANTOR(S)AGREES: (1)At no time willthey build,construct,erector maintain any permanent structurewithinthe boundaries of saideasement without thepriorwrittenconsentof GRANTEE. (2)At no time willthey modify the finishedgrade of the land over thepipelineby removal of existingsoilor by placement of fillmaterialwithin the boundaries of said easement without the priorwrittenconsent of the GRANTEE. (3)That where the subjectimprovements are not locatedunder improved public or private streetsor other provided access,a 12 foot wide all-weatheraccess road may be constructedwithinthe easement where atthe City'sdiscretionsuch accessisrequiredfor operationand maintenance purposes. (4)The GRANTOR(S)warrants that they are lawfully seized and possessed of the real property described above,thatthey have a lawful rightto convey an easement on the property,or any part of it,and that they will foreverdefend the titleto thisproperty againstthe claimsof allpersons. (5)The GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rightsand privilegeshereingranted without any interruptionby the GRANTOR(S).The terms,covenants and provisionsof thiseasement and agreement shallextend to and be binding upon the heirs,executors, administrators,personalrepresentatives,successorsand assignsof thepartieshereto. DATED this É day of ,2021. MJN Properties,LLC,a Montana limitedliabilitycompany By:Mark J.Nahorniak,Member STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) This instrumentwas signed or acknowledged beforeme on this day of d (¼TFyf4 , 2022,by Mark J.Nahorniak as Member of MJN Properties,LLC,a Montana limitedliability company. Øk",,JOHN KlRK VINCÑ (SEAL)Notan/Public OTARh4 fortheStateofMontanaNtaryublicfortheateofMontaha.,Residingat: Pr nted ame:J ere atinctl u.wesa r F Ga a nm s pireResgat:(gAt4#DN Íg/HiB1 March6,202e My Commissioh Expires:n¶/h|c ,20 Z2. ACCEPTED: CITY OF BOZEMAN By:ff helic ,City Manager ATTEST: Mike Maas,City Clerk . STATE OF MONTANA )c )ss. County of Gallatin ) On this day of DVfffld(f ,2023__,before me,a Notary Public for the Stateof Montana,personallyappeared JEFF MIHELICH and MIKE MAAS,known to me to be the City Manager and City Clerk,respectively,of the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribedto the within instrument,and acknowledged to me thatthey executed the same forand on behalfof the City of Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSeal the day and year firstabove written. (SEAL) Notary blicforthe Stateof Montana TAYLOR BERS PrintedName:01 |0 M )óV (e stateoÏÊntana Residing at hD7p A n .-Residinga My Commission Expires __/11 /20_2 .°c ssi E es c January12,2025 0:\Bozeman\Candh\officedata\CH\19\190527\EasementsAndWaivers\30'sewer&WaterPipelineAccessEasement,Lot1A-1.Doc cÜ ,,TAYLOR CHAMBERS .'-,NotaryPublic OTAR4 forthestateofMontana ..Residingat: 3 Bozeman,Montana My commissionExpires: January12,2025 aoæ EXHIBIT A SEWER AND WATER PIPELINE AND ACCESS EASEMENT, '/7/2Pusec Access & A PART OF TRACT 6 & 7, SMITH SUBDIVISION, UTfLITY EASEMENT - - -eooE OF EasEMENT CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA PROPERTY UNE AREA OF EASEMENT= 6666 SF 10.00 270'55' 1 [N89'04'19 W] [N1' 7'28"E] 20,0' SIDE . .. SETBACK(TYP,) EA & REMAINDER OF TRACT 6 AND o s 10' STRIP OF TRACT 7 FILM eg 186, PAGE 4480 p 45,299 Sq. Ft [N1 5333"E] ¬- - .. 221.96 001'5333 [S1 53 33"w] .- Scale In Feet 5s 53 3 24 -- ~ -- - - --- 30 0 30 4.00 270 541 290 0 181'53'50* - - [N89'04 19 W] [ T53'50"w] 9 0 9 Scale In Meters CMll Engineering and Surveying inc, 1091 Stonsridge Deka Bozeman. MT 59718 Phone [405) 587-1115 Fax [405) 687-9768 www.chengineers.cominfo@chengineers.com heet / of / #190527