HomeMy WebLinkAbout028 Parking & Landscape Easement Fm 168 Pg 3077 - 335267 ' I 7 1l THIS EASEMENT AGREEMENT, made this tots, day of May nd 1996, by a between the CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Montana municipal corporation, with principal offices IocaW at 411 East Main tr=Bozeman, Montana, hereinafter' referred to w "GRANTOR",and BRUCIE MECKLEN1&d. F{ELEN D. LOVFALD, LORIN O. LOVFALD, AUDREY M. LOVFALD. MICHAEL LUVFALD, MARK LOVFALD and MARCELLE LOVFALD, hereinafter referred to as "GRANTEES". WITNESSETH: WHERE-AS.the Bozeman City C ommiasion%at;wed a portion of West Babcock Street that was abandoned with the realignment and sigaaluatton of the Vest Babcock and West Main Intersection. and, WHEREAS. the Grantees rc:yuestod .acation of the retrtaintng portion of the West Babcock Street right-4-us) that due to the realignment And sign:allzation of the West Babcock and West Main intersection is not c:urrentl) used as a street. and. WHER1 AS, alter consideration of the adjacLnt ov►nershrps and the applicable vacation statutes, the Parties have agreed that it would be more expeditious and in the best interests ol'all the panics involved for the Grantor to grant an easement to the (iranUXs for parking and landscaping improvements in lieu of caLatton of the right-ol"-way, 1 J NOW. THERE FORL. the (,cantor. lot and in wri-&&-radon of the fae-ts above-recited and obligations herein contained and other valuable consideration,does herrb) grant and convey unto the Granter, and its assigns, a perpetual casement for parking and landscaping in and over and upon the following described property. A portion of West Babcock Strect located in the Last One-Ilalf(P/3). Southeast One-Quarter ISE IA) of Section 11. I-owtuhip 2 South, Range 5 East. P.M.M., Gallatin County. Montana and more particularly depicted on Exhibit "A",annexed hereto arid incorporated b% reference It is expressly understood and agreed that the use by the Grantees of the right-of-way shall be at all times subordinate to Grantor's use of the property, more specifically for existing and future utilities. 'k 1 doom. FIN IN W3078 f'•*"► -1 The easement shall continue only sa long as Grantees herein shall use this right-of-way for the purposes of parking and landscaping and it shall immediately lapse and terminate upon ; cessation of such use or upon the Grantees' use of the right-of-way inconsistent with or for other than parking and landscaping. The casement also shall terminate upon vacation of the right-of-- way. f IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year fuse above wnuat. G"NTEES: / Bruce Ntecklcnbv a., �W llelerz D. Lo%tald Lorin 0, Lo%Wd v _ A rt�7 M. o.Tale 11ich:ie %i'al %tarc:ellc Lo%fald GR&NIOR: CITY OF BOZEMAN Byl 4L ? pines 1 . Vl'ysocki, City er A EST: Robin L. Sullivan Clerk of the Commission i T i y f f fllM 168tACE3Q?9 STATE OF TEXAS ) county of IL&LL4A ) ti On this - day of �.j 19%, before me. the undersigned., � r a Notary Public for the State of Texas, personally appeared HELEN D. LOVFALD, LORIN O. LOVFALD, AUDREY M. LOVFALD, MICHAEL LOVFALD, MARK LOVFALD and MARCELLE LOVFALD. known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. IN WITNESS WHLRLOF, l have hereunto wt my hand and allixed my Notarial Seal the t Jay and year first above written. ! (SEAL) dack r�+�'� wc++[ua a�d� Notary Publii for the Suite of l cn�ts *r, worry hAiv-Sim a wa Rrsiding at J S.r A � ``" Wc�mwastontpw.0�2r-i My Conu►uwon t-..xpires 7 C xooxx A STATE OF MONTANA } sa. County of Gallatin } On this day of Z•e. . 1996.before rite. the undersigned, ,a Notary Public or the State of Mon personally appeared BRUCE MECKL,ENBERG,known ,to tree to be the person whm mama is subscribed to the within btstrumc nt,atxl acknowledged to r me dw he executed the same. WIVITNESS WHEREOF. 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial SeW the �} above %Titten. •;r�+ � T l Nutary Public or the State of tl�►+t� � 4 %4011ta W residing at 'k•�w..•...;rp .� My C untnlimiun Expires STAT.'OF MONTANA � I ► ss. ('Ourtt) of Gallatin Urr this dad of z?ot _ _ 14%. b lure me. the utulersigncd, a tivtary.Public tUr the State of Stunt pers<,rurll) appeared JAMES L. WYSOCKI and ROBIN 4-"13 LUVAN, kwwn to me ti, be the C it} M.uWcr and ('jerk of Commission of the ('it) of ati r 'ti�tt�,and the persons%h0sc rwrne,arc subscribed to the within tristrurnent.and t me that they executed the Num for ."W on bdwi-o1 the ('it) of l3ufemart. s.: ' .., 1 JN V'i;NLSS 1 IW"Rl:O1-, I h;i%c liereuntu set m,. harxi any!affixed ink %otarial seal the a'YCW OM abuVC %Tltten. t* t a ih (ALAL) 1 R �Fes.,,•,� y .�' �f `utary Public for the S of *��- Montana. residing at. My Commission Lxpires x �4 N I! cp ��M iw SIiOWINf3 IcXISTIN(i R EXHUT A O TEON OF BABCOCK STREET AND AREA OI in fIM s i/x. SST 114 ty seo. f i. >r : s.. iL s s. \ a P.Y.Y. CauoNw Cow ft C Suel 0, �w� s! \ Now;. of W. Babcock Streit A —_N Line of SE 1/4. Sec. 11 Oa9'24 0C / itZ7 ✓�R R.3AD q0, Old R/Vr Ime p.2� •t i W_ 6. 6 ���1�► f `� ��� O 1 � A /��o �i �� �•�� JB'• Restaurant LOT 1 k da•�d�e ">4 ---- ---- COS NO. 93 V .p,`►J W N ell, kill � 1 � 4� 1 1 � _ c � 1 moo f g ' u O I [N99'19'46-E) ( 089*19'46' 361.54 0691 9 46 1 LOT 3A-2 ENGLNEMNG AND ' SURM7NG INC. E� AREA OF EASEMENT e!H .00 6"Sm=etrwl ue 1�+-tt�� IHDEXEDG l..w.■a.r..awls � 4w t�l-I11a I 3352fi7 OFFICE OF COUNTY RECORD COUNTY OF GALLATIN STATE OF MONTANA Fee $ -16_on tkft RT: CITY OF ROZEMAN G* W A "m: T AMAP fs wro4m -ORTION OF BABCOCK STREET AND AREA OF EASEMENT ONLY. A aoupoAtfr MW K PERFORMED SI A KAw4S of Pftomjm uwcs. MINOR SU9D. NO 19 i �' New rt of W. Bob cock Street -�N Dina of SE 1/4, Sec. of _ W—Babcock--Street NE Cor. of Bock 3 i►+er,zs ao�l ►IRK WB V SOON No. a oasa'2soo" , . its LOT 1 N � — IV LOT1 N0. 93e. laal Ig Columbia P.i.l P LOT 2 -�'- O -- ..J Coati.& LOT 3A-1 I I Scale In Feet 50 0 50 I g 15 0 15 [Nag-n'sa'El a Scale In Meters Oa9'19'4a' D1s9�i911e' �} f3 i HERM CERm?KAT Tws EXHOT SAS P%P&WO U►OVt 1fl' DIRECT 5UPERYI`il(7N /IIJD TiMT I AM A DULY REGT$T1rR(D MARK A. PROFESSCi0eX EWM UR A►+D IAWT S+i A 0i UNDER T1E CHANDLER LAWS Of THE STATE OF i10HTAMA E� AREA OF EASEMENT No. 9518ES Dow Pus — aor of —. I99_ 0 iNDEX:D,' Oy9l �£C I S S ER4. Q?� �\ enw #95279EA 335267 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS FILED FOR RECORD IN THIS OFFICE•: ON OFFICE OF COUNTY RECORDER ) THE 25TH DAY OF NOVEMBER ,—]., 19 26 COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) AT 8:59 A RI., AND WAS DULY RECORDED IN BOOK 168 + STATE OF MONTANA ) OF MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, PAGE 3077 E Fee $ u.nn Aft It RECORDER. BY DEPUTY RT: CITY OF BOZEMAN i