HomeMy WebLinkAbout020 Site Plan Review Comment Response Narrative Tidal Wave Auto Spa Site Plan Review Comments Narrative Page 1 of 7 Tidal Wave Auto Spa Site Plan Review Comments Narrative Application 21358 ENGINEERING COMMENTS: General 1. The applicant has requested encroachment of the following site plan elements into city right of way along the northern property boundary; a. The carwash exit driveway garage structure/envelope and drive apron; b. The west most storm water retention pond; and c. Site driveway and perimeter curbing along the north western parking lot boundary. The engineering division, in cooperation with the DRC, and the legal division are currently drafting an encroachment agreement draft for the applicants review. Prior to site plan approval the final encroachment agreement must be negotiated, finalized and executed. RESPONSE: The building has been redesigned so the encroachment is no longer required. Water Rights 1. Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) 38.410.130 – The applicant must contact Griffin Nielsen with the City Engineering Department to obtain a determination of cash-in-lieu water rights (CILWR). CILWR must be paid upon future development. a. The applicant acknowledged the comment and emailed Griffin. The applicant must submit conformation of correspondence in later submittals prior to site plan approval. RESPONSE: The estimated water usage, prepared by the equipment manufacturer, was emailed to Griffin Nielson on 2/21/22. A copy of the estimated water usage is included in this resubmittal. Stormwater 1. DSSP Section (A) (4) – The applicant must include a drainage plan with post- construction storm water management controls that are designed to infiltrate, evapotranspire, and/or capture for reuse the post-construction runoff generated from the Tidal Wave Auto Spa Site Plan Review Comments Narrative Page 2 of 7 first 0.5 inches of rainfall from a 24-hour storm preceded by 48 hours of no measurable precipitation. For projects that cannot meet 100% of the runoff reduction requirement, the remainder of the runoff from the first 0.5 inches of rainfall must be either: a. Treated onsite using post-construction storm water management control(s) expected to remove 80 percent total suspended solids (TSS); b. Managed offsite within the same sub-watershed using post-construction storm water management control(s) that are designed to infiltrate, evapotranspire, and/or capture for reuse; or c. Treated offsite within the same sub watershed using post-construction storm water management control(s) expected to remove 80 percent TSS. RESPONSE: There is no off-site stormwater collection system to connect to so the design retains 100% of the 10-year event on site and infiltrates it into the ground. a. The rim elevation on the southernmost infiltration basin inlet is above grade. RESPONSE: The rim elevation has been corrected b. The infiltration basin is directly over the water service. RESPONSE: The water service has been relocated 2. BMC 38.540.020 (M) - Snow removal storage areas must be provided sufficient to store snow accumulation on site. Such areas may not cause unsafe ingress/egress to the parking areas, may not cause snow to be deposited on public rights-of-way, may not include areas provided for required parking access and spaces, and may not be placed in such a manner as to damage landscaping. All snow removal storage areas must be located and designed such that the resultant storm water runoff is directed into landscaped retention/detention and water quality improvement facilities as required by the engineering department, or in compliance with the storm drainage provisions of chapter 40 article 4, and/or best practices manual. RESPONSE: Adequate snow removal storage is provided on site in areas that will not drain across the property lines. 3. DSSP II.B.3 - A Storm Drainage Plan shall include a description of the ultimate destination of storm water runoff from the project and an evaluation of its impact on downslope drainage facilities and water quality. RESPONSE: There is no off-site stormwater collection system to connect to so the design retains 100% of the 10-year event on site and infiltrates it into the ground. Groundwater monitoring wells have been installed and periodically monitored. To date no groundwater has been observed in the 10’ deep monitoring wells. 4. DSSP II.A.1 - The storm water drainage plan shall be designed to limit storm water runoff from the development site to the pre-development runoff rates. The pre- developed Tidal Wave Auto Spa Site Plan Review Comments Narrative Page 3 of 7 rate calculations shall be included as part of the required facility design calculations. Adequate on-site storm water detention shall be provided for design storm runoff exceeding the pre-development rate. The applicant must report the pre development rates as they relate to the planned infrastructure. RESPONSE: There is no off-site stormwater collection system to connect to so the design retains 100% of the 10-year event on site and infiltrates it into the ground. Wastewater 1. DSSP Section (V) (B) Sanitary Sewer System Design Criteria: The applicant must provide an estimate of the peak-hour sanitary sewer demand certified by a professional engineer for the proposed development with formal site plan application. This information is needed to verify downstream sewer capacity as well as keep the City’s wastewater model updated. a. The City’s hydraulic model has shown a downstream section of sewer that is near capacity, which may need to be upgraded given this particular developments type of use. The applicant is encouraged to submit certified peak-flow estimates to the engineering department (Mikaela Schultz) prior to submitting a site plan application to verify the sewer requirements. RESPONSE: An email has been sent to Mikaela Schultz with anticipated peak wastewater flow from the proposed development, which was provided by the applicant’s representative. A copy of that email is included in this resubmittal. b. The applicant must provide previous correspondence with the engineering department concerning the adjacent sewer main and possible upsizing requirements that have been discussed in the past with Anna Russel. The applicant is advised that engineering will run a downstream analysis once the location has been confirmed. RESPONSE: A copy of an email chain with Anna Russell is included in this resubmittal. However, the previous proposed developments on this site had different discharge estimates. 2. BMC 40.03.960. - Sand and grease traps - No person operating a filling station, garage, car wash or similar place having wash or grease racks shall discharge into the wastewater utility unless such place is provided with a sand and grease trap of a size and construction approved by the engineer. Each owner shall submit a detailed drawing and design criteria for the sand and grease trap. The operator of a restaurant or food preparation establishment discharging wastewater containing greater than 25 mg/l of oil and grease or that has a recurrence with grease building or blockage of sewer lines shall immediately Tidal Wave Auto Spa Site Plan Review Comments Narrative Page 4 of 7 install an approved grease trap. All sand and grease traps shall be properly maintained and serviced at the owner's expense. a. BMC 40.03.960 Sand and Grease Traps - Applicant must submit a detailed drawing and design criteria for the water reclamation system which includes an oil/water operator tank prior to site plan approval. RESPONSE: A detailed water reclaim system layout is included in this resubmittal. Water 1. BMC 38.410.070 and DSSP (V) (A) and (B) - Prior to a determination of adequacy the applicant must provide an estimate of the average and max day demands of domestic water usage for the proposed site development. The estimates must be certified by a professional engineer. a. The water distribution system must be designed to meet the maximum day demand plus fire flow and the peak hour demand. Applicant must include consideration of peak fire flow and certify the estimated water design analysis with a professional engineer. The applicant may reach out to the project engineer for hydrant curves to develop peak fire flow. RESPONSE: An estimated water usage analysis has been provided by the applicant and is included in this resubmittal. A copy of the water usage analysis is included in this resubmittal. The applicant has indicated a fire suppression system is not required for this facility. Traffic & Transportation 1. BMC 38.520.050 (B) (4) Vehicular Circulation and Parking – The applicant must minimize conflicts between entries and vehicle parking and maneuvering areas. RESPONSE: The site plan has been revised to minimize conflicts between entries and vehicle parking and maneuvering areas a. The vehicles entering the site from the site access on West Babcock Street must cross paths with vehicles exiting the car wash. The applicant has included a “street sign” at this junction. Please include a detail of this street sign for review. RESPONSE: A sign installation detail has been added to sheet C1.1 2. BMC 38.220.060 (A) (12) Traffic Generation - A traffic impact study will be required for the proposed development which will need to discuss how much daily traffic will be generated on existing local and neighborhood streets, roads and alleys, when the site is Tidal Wave Auto Spa Site Plan Review Comments Narrative Page 5 of 7 fully developed. Level of Service evaluation required in the BMC will be waived for all intersections with the exception of the following intersections; a. The intersection of West Babcock Street and West Main Street b. The intersection of West Babcock Street and 19th Avenue RESPONSE: A Traffic Impact Study has been completed and is included in this resubmittal. In addition, specific evaluation should be given to the following characteristics; c. Traffic queue lengths adjacent to the site and the above noted intersections d. The site access on West Babcock Street RESPONSE: A Traffic Impact Study has been completed and is included in this resubmittal. Lighting 1. DSSP XII.C - Provide continuous lighting for all arterial, collector, and local streets as specified in Table B - New Construction Lighting Design Guidance. a. Babcock is classified as a collector. Lighting must be shown on the site plan for the Babcock frontage. ` RESPONSE: There are no street lights located on West Babcock between main and S 19th Avenue. We have shown the closest street light to the site which is located on Main Street near the Babcock intersection. b. Lighting design must be submitted for infrastructure review following site plan approval. i. The applicant has proposed one light along the frontage. This light location and specification is not shown. Please submit for infrastructure review the proposed lighting using the roadway lighting submittal form in the DSSP Section XII and with respect to table B. RESPONSE: The location of the proposed West Babcock Street light needs to be determined in conjunction with the City Engineering department. Forestry Division 1. The two private trees proposed along Huffine have multiple conflicts. Inappropriate species for overhead power, within 10’ of sewer line, probably conflicting with vision triangles and MDOT approval. Tidal Wave Auto Spa Site Plan Review Comments Narrative Page 6 of 7 RESPONSE: Trees were removed to avoid conflicts. 2. The landscape plan proposing to retain to the existing blvd tree on Babcock. Forestry has determined this tree is work retaining. The tree protection zone must be installed prior to construction. RESPONSE: The existing tree is called out to be retained on the plan, and the tree protection zone is detailed on the detail sheet L1.3 3. The landscape plan proposes a new blvd tree on Babcock. This will need to be a low- growing species suitable for planting under overhead power. Appropriate species are listed in the City of Bozeman Street Tree Guide (https://www.bozeman.net/government/forestry/resources) RESPONSE: The boulevard street tree was switched to an approved species for use under overhead utilities lines. Solid Waste Division 1. Must have minimum of ten foot clear opening measured from door jamb to door jamb (not from wall to wall) RESPONSE: A 10’ wide opening is shown on detail 10H on the revised Sht A906. 2. No bollards may be on the side of dumpsters this cuts into the 10 foot clear opening. RESPONSE: The side bollards have been removed. See detail 10H on the revised Sht A906. 3. Doors must open a minimum of 180 degrees. RESPONSE: There is ample room for the doors to swing 180° Water Conservation Division The Water Conservation Division appreciates the use of drought tolerant plants species and fescue turf installed within the landscape plan. The following recommendations to the Tidal Wave Auto Spa project plan are provided to maximize landscape health and resiliency while minimizing outdoor water consumption. Adhering to these recommendations is not required to receive plan approval. Tidal Wave Auto Spa Site Plan Review Comments Narrative Page 7 of 7 1. Include topsoil depth specification of 4”- 6” (after grading) to allow for proper root depth growth and assist with plant and turf grass resiliency. RESPONSE: A note specifying topsoil depth was made in the general notes section 2. Specify the installation of a weather based irrigation controller and rain/freeze sensor that can automatically adjust the watering schedule according to local weather events. RESPONSE: A weather-based irrigation controller is specified, the rain/freeze sensor is currently located on the NE side of the building. Future Impact Fees - Please note that future building permit applications will require payment of the required transportation, water, sewer and fire impact fees according to the City of Bozeman adopted impact fee schedule in place at the time of building permit issuance. If you desire an estimate of the required impact fees according to current rates please contact the Department of Community Development and/or visit. RESPONSE: Acknowledged Note: During preparation of the staff report, additional conditions of approval may be recommended based on comments and recommendations RESPONSE: Acknowledged END OF NARRATIVE