HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-28-22 Public Comment - T. Steinmetz -Public comment on Site Plan 22047 -- Lot 2 of Sundance Springs Neighborhood Services PropertiesFrom:TODD STEINMETZ To:Agenda Subject:Public comment on Site Plan 22047 -- Lot 2 of Sundance Springs Neighborhood Services Properties Date:Friday, October 28, 2022 6:24:14 AM Attachments:20298_ Sundance Springs Commercial Lot 2 CONR DRC comments 10 01 20 (1).pdf CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Public comment on Site Plan 22047 -- Lot 2 of Sundance Springs NeighborhoodServices Properties To:Planning DepartmentBozeman Montana From:Ellis View Estates Homeowners Association-Board of DirectorsBozeman, MT ----------------------------------- To whom it may concern: We write to you on behalf of the members of our subdivision, in opposition toapproval of Site Plan 22047 based on the following concerns. 1) The PUD's Master Plan Map allocated only a single building, 5000 sq ft in size,to Lot 2 of the Sundance Springs Neighborhood Services Properties. The PUD'sproposed building complied with the design guidance of the PUD Final Plan. SitePlan 22047 proposes two buildings on the site with increased gross square footageand at a different location on the site, and which fail to comply with the designguidance of the PUD. The change in size, location, and character of the buildingsproposed in 22047 qualify as "major changes" to the PUD under BMC 38.430.040.A.3.d;such changes to the PUD require review by the City Commission, including theopportunity to provide public comment to the Commissioners. Further, the additionof a building is entirely disallowed by BMC 38.430.040.A.3.d, which states "No cityadministrative personnel are permitted to issue permits for improvements which arenot indicated on the [PUD's] approved final plan..." An increase in the number ofbuildings on the site does not fall under the definitions of either exception citedin BMC 38.430.040.A.3.d, and therefore is disallowed. Because the Site Plan 22047would require extensive amendment to the PUD, including the addition of a building,and because the addition of the building is disallowed by BMC 38.430.040.A.3.d,there is no path forward for Site Plan 22047. We ask that the Site Plan bedisapproved. 2) Site Plan #22047 is non-compliant with numerous aspects of the design standardsin the PUD and the covenants that govern development on the site. The City isobligated to enforce the design standards in the PUD Final Plan and the City is aparty to the covenants and has enforcement authority under BMC 38.100.100. We askthat the City of Bozeman disapprove Site Plan 22047 because it fails to meet thedesign standards of the PUD's Final Plan and the subdivision covenants. 3) Both the PUD's Final Plan and the sites covenants incorporate the zoning thatwas in effect at the time the PUD and covenants were established. That zoningrequired 25 ft front setbacks and 20 ft rear setbacks in the B-1 NeighborhoodServices District. The relevancy of the 1992-era zoning was acknowledged by theCity in the October 2020 preliminary review of a prior iteration of Site Plan22047, authored by Susana Montana and attached to this email. Further, the size ofbuildings are limited to 5000 sq ft in gross floor area by the 1992-eraNeighborhood Services District zoning. We ask that Site Plan 22047 be disapprovedbecause it does not comply with the required setbacks of the PUD's final plan northe covenants governing the site, to which the City is a party. 4) The 1992-era code did not allow parking reductions from the calculated parkingdemand. The January 1996 Findings of Fact and Order that approved the PUD'sPreliminary Plan specifically prohibited patrons of the commercial lots fromparking on the street, and the requirement of no on-street parking conflicts withthe parking reductions allowed under the current code. BMC 38.100.050 states"wherever the requirements of this chapter are at variance with the requirements ofany other lawfully adopted rules or regulations, or wherever there is an internalconflict within this chapter, the most restrictive requirements, or those imposingthe higher standards, will govern." Therefore, whether interpreted under the 1992-era code or the current code, any site plan for Lot #2 of the Sundance SpringsNeighborhood Services Properties must provide parking that accommodates the fullparking demand. The parking demand for Site Plan 22047 is 68 spaces, but only 44spaces are provided. We ask that Site Plan 22047 be disapprove because the size and proposed uses of the buildings creates a parking demand that is far greaterthan can be accommodated on the lot. 5) Site Plan 22047 requests departures from the block frontage standards that donot meet the departure criteria. BMC 38.510.020.F.1.D requires that "Departures maybe considered provided the location and front orientation of the buildings arecompatible with the character of the area and enhance the character of thestreet." The requested departures meet neither of the criteria. The fact that thebuildings meet essentially none of the design standards of the PUD or the site'scovenants renders the buildings incompatible with the character of ourneighborhood. Moving the buildings off the street and onto the rear boarder of lotonly magnifies the incompatibility because the buildings are closer to the openspace and to our residences. The street front is also degraded because parkinglots must then be located along the entirety of the South 3rd frontage and thecorner of Little Horse Drive and South Third Ave -- both violations of the parkinglocation requirements of the block frontage standards. If departures from theblock frontage standards are granted to improve the "experience of the intendedusers" of a development (the justification provided in the departure narrative ofSite Plan 22047), there is little point in having block frontages standards. Iffact, the point of the block frontage standards is to prevent developers fromlocating buildings to the benefit of the development at the expense of adjacentland owners. Therefore, the purpose of the standards stated in 38.510.010.A.2 --"to design sites and orient buildings with an emphasis on compatible development" -- is not met by the requested departures. The departures must be deniedunder 38.250.060.E, which requires the departure meet both the purposes of thestandard AND other applicable departure criteria. The departures requested by SitePlan 22047 meet neither. Therefore, we ask that Site Plan 22047 be disapproved onthis basis. 6) Although the public notice states that no uses have been designated for thesite, the architectural drawings and parking plan included multiple referenced to abrewery, which is not an allowable use under the PUD Final Plan nor the 1992-erazoning that applies to the site. Further, the size of the area designated as arestaurant and dining patio are larger than allowed under note 3 of BMC Table38.310.040.A for the current B-1 district. We ask that all reference to disallowedbusiness uses be removed from the Site Plan Application. 7) The large outdoor patios are incompatible with the prohibition of outdoorbusiness uses for primary uses under the PUD Final Plan and the 1992-era B-1 zoningapplicable to the site. We are against any sort of conditional use permit thatwould allow either outdoor business use or on-site consumption of alcohol next toour homes. The size of the outdoor business use area (patios) violates the intentof the 1992-era B-1 zoning to "maintain residential character" of the area. We askthat the patios be stricken entirely from Site Plan 22047 as they are designed tofacilitate conditional uses of the site that have not yet been requested, that areincompatible with the purpose of the PUD's 1992-era B-1 zoning, and which weoppose. 8) The Site Plan includes a proposal to build a trail across open space owned bythe Ellis View HOA rather than provide proper sidewalk access along South Third. The developer has not even offered us the courtesy of asking our permission tobuild a trail on our property. The October 2020 preliminary review of a prioriteration of Site Plan 22047, authored by Susana Montana, notes that sidewalkinstallation along South 3rd is required. We insist that any Site Plan approvedfor Lot #2 of the Sundance Springs Neighborhood Services Properties includesidewalks along South Third to meet the walkability requirements of the City's UDCand to keep pedestrians safe in our neighborhood. 9) In querying the Secretary of State's web site, we note that the owners of theSundance Springs Neighborhood Services Lots have recently created an organizationcalled the "Sundance Springs Neighborhood Services Owners' Association, Inc.(D1310192)." We also note that a different "Sundance Springs Neighborhood ServicesOwners' Association, Inc. (D095039)," created in 1998, was dissolved 18 years ago. We would like to point out that the 2022 Association cannot be a reinstatement ofthe 1998 Association because the Montana Code provides, “The secretary of state maynot order a reinstatement if 5 years have elapsed since the dissolution.” (MontanaCode 35-6-201(5), as in effect on the date of the initial filing of the 2022Association, available onlineat https://leg.mt.gov/bills/mca/title_0350/chapter_0060/part_0020/section_0010/0350-0060-0020-0010.html). The fact, then, is that the 2022 Association is not the samelegal entity as the 1998 Association, and therefore has no authority to perform theduties assigned to the 1998 Association by the PUD and the site's covenant. Importantly, the 2022 Association has no legal basis for amending the site'scovenants. It is not our job to know the legal ramifications for development onthe site, nor how the PUD's requirements for development on the site can be metgiven that the 1998 Association no longer exists and can not be legallyreinstated. We would ask, however, that approval of Site Plan 22047 be withhelduntil such time at there is legal resolution to the question of how development onthe site can comply with the PUD Final Plan in the absence of the 1998 Association. Thank you for considering our comments. Page 1 of 11 October 1, 2020 Marlene Chris Synergy Engineering and Konsulting Western Mountain Investments LLC marlene@seakmt.com chris@westernmountaininvestments.com RE: Development Review Comments for the Sundance Springs Phase 1B Commercial Lot 2 Conceptual Review Application No. 20298; Sundance Springs Subdivision Phase 1B, Commercial Lot 2 Plat J-257, Geocode No. 06-0798-25-1-08-14-0000, Bozeman, MT. Dear Applicants: Your September 2, 2020 application for a Conceptual Review of development of two commercial buildings on the above-referenced 1.3-acre property was reviewed by the City’s Development Review Committee (DRC) on September 23, 2020 and their comments are noted below. If you have questions about the comments please contact the reviewer directly. If you have any questions about the content of this letter, please feel free to contact me at 406- 582-2285 or smontana@bozeman.net. We look forward to working with you on this proposal and await your site plan submittal. Thank you. Sincerely, Susana Montana, Senior Planner, Department of Community Development Attachments: Fire apparatus turn-around requirements Trash enclosure solid waste requirements Page 2 of 11 Application No. 20298; Sundance Springs Commercial Lot 2, Phase 1B Site Plan CONR review comments Context: Property/Site: Commercial Lot 2, Plat J-257 Sundance Springs Subdivision Phase 1B. Geocode: 06-0798-25-1-08-14-0000; no address; 1.3 acres in size Zoned B-1, Neighborhood Service District pursuant to the 1998 Sundance Springs Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Plan. The Site is designated for a “Village Store” in the Sundance Springs Master Plan map. The Future Land Use Plan map of the City’s Community Plan/Growth Policy designates the Site for Community Commercial Mixed Use development. The Site is designated a Landscape Block Frontage on its west (S. 3rd Avenue) and south (Little Horse Dr.) frontages. The north frontage of the Site borders a City Park and trail and any buildings facing the park/trail would meet the Mixed Block Frontage standards per the Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) Section 38.510.030.I. Property is an irregularly-shaped corner lot at the northeast corner of S. 3rd Avenue and Little Horse Road. It is bordered on the east by the Middle Creek Ditch watercourse which lies within the Sundance Springs Subdivision Open Space Lot which is owned, operated and maintained by the Sundance Springs Home Owners Association (HOA). It is also bordered on its north, east and west sides by a portion of that Sundance Springs open space designation. The subdivision plat shows a 13.47-foot wide open space easement bordering the Site on its west frontage. North of the Site lies the 0.417-acre Ellis View Estates Public Park owned, operated and maintained by the City of Bozeman, granted to the City by the Ellis View Estates subdivision developer. Within the bounds of the Site is a gravel/dirt trail meandering along its northern and western edges which connects to trails within the larger Sundance Springs open space lot to the east and to an existing sidewalk along the Little Horse Rd. right-of-way (ROW). Bordering the Site to the west is S. 3rd Avenue and to the south is Little Horse Road. There is no sidewalk abutting the Site along S. 3rd Avenue. Proposed Development: The Applicant is proposing to develop a commercial center consisting of two 2-story buildings, parking areas, trails, a splash-park water feature, and an on-site trail extension to the existing trail on the north edge of the Site. The Applicant is proposing to build one building which would house 2nd-story office use and a ground floor micro-brewery and restaurant (Building #1). A second building would house 2nd-story office use and ground floor retail and a neighborhood grocery store (Building #2). The Applicant would develop, own, operate and maintain the common areas including vehicle and bicycle parking, landscaping, open space and recreation amenities and trails. Page 3 of 11 Community Development Department Comments, Susana Montana, Senior Planner, 406- 852-2285, smontana@bozeman.net: Note that the BMC references herein refer to the relevant sections and tables of the Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) also known elsewhere as the Unified Development Code (UDC). 1. BMC 38.410.100.A.1.a (1) b. Watercourse Setback. The concept site plan does not show or label the required watercourse setback from Middle Creek Ditch (formal name) shown with a “ghosted” label of “Spring Creek”. There is one label of 50-feet at the southern end of the site plan but it does not extend to the entire east side of the Site. There is also a light image of a blue line near the eastern trail but it does not match the legend for “watercourse setback” and is hard to see. Please provide a wetlands delineation report and amended site plan with this area shown. Note that no fence, commercial structure, fill material, parking or other similar improvements may be located within required watercourse setback [38.410.100.A.1.a. (2)]. Please show and label the dimensions of the required watercourse setback relative to all such features on the Site. 2. 38.510.020. F.1 and 38.510.030.I. Block Frontage orientation. Pursuant to the BMC Block Frontage hierarchy, buildings on the Site must first be sited and placed on the property to face the street, then a park or trail, and then a parking area. The buildings on this Site must face either S. 3rd Avenue or Little Horse Rd. Both the S. 3rd Avenue and Little Horse Rd. frontages are designated Landscape Block Frontages. Pursuant to 38.510.030.C, parking must be placed to the side or rear of the buildings. a. According to the site plan Sheet C-101 and the Ground Floor Planned Uses Sheet C- 102A, Building #1 has its main entrance facing Little Horse Rd. which meets the Landscape Block Frontage standard. However, it is showing parking spaces “in front of” the building facing the Little Horse Road Landscape Block Frontage. This is not permitted with the Landscape Block Frontage designation; please remove the parking from this frontage. b. The site plan and Sheet C-102A shows Building # 2 with its main entrance facing a parking lot on the north side of the Site, rather than facing S. 3rd Avenue. Furthermore, the Landscape Plan Sheet C-104 shows a 3-feet high earthen berm along the S. 3rd Avenue property boundary with tall landscaping along the berm which would obscure views of both buildings from the S. 3rd Avenue frontage. The secondary hierarchy Block Frontage for Building #2 would be that of its north frontage which abuts a designated Sundance Springs Open Space Lot and trail. If Building #2 cannot “fit” along the Little Horse Rd. or be seen from its S. 3rd Avenue Page 4 of 11 frontage due to the berm and vertical vegetation, it should address the standards of 38.510.030.I which require the standards of a Mixed Block Frontage per Table 38.510.030.C, with a minimum building setback of 10-feet from the Sundance Springs open space/trail easement. Please provide a code-complying pedestrian connection from the open space trail to the Building #2 entrance. With a site plan submittal, please provide a narrative, site plan and elevations for Building #2 addressing these standards. 3. BMC 38.510.030.C. Landscape Block Frontage. It is noted that there are two “frontages” for this corner lot: the S. 3rd Avenue frontage designated a Landscape Block Frontage and the Little Horse Rd. frontage also designated a Landscape Block Frontage. On those frontages, a 10-foot wide landscaped setback is required and this appears to be provided. Please clearly label those setbacks on the site and landscape plans. 4. BMC 410.020.A. Neighborhood Center. The proposed 1.3-acre development would serve as half of the neighborhood center for the Sundance Springs subdivision; the 5-acre Commercial Lot 1 to the south would complete the required neighborhood center for this subdivision. 5. Land Uses. The 1998 Sundance Springs PUD designated this property as B-1, Neighborhood Service District, pursuant to the 1992 zoning ordinance. That designation allowed food stores and restaurants as principal permitted uses. The 1992 zoning ordinance required office use and restaurants serving alcoholic beverages to seek and justify conditional use authorization. Current Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) standards for a B-1 zone-equivalent is the B-1, Neighborhood Commercial District. Currently, the current B-1 zone allows office and grocery stores as principal uses but requires Special Use authorization for restaurants selling alcohol (BMC 38-230.120). Breweries of this scale would be deemed “manufacturing, artisan” and would be a principal permitted use without the on-site sale of alcohol. If you wish to sell the alcoholic beverage for consumption on-site, please submit an application for the Special Use permit with the site plan submittal. The Special Use permit criteria for evaluating your project are found in BMC sections 38.230.100, 38.230.120 and 38.230.110.e through I. This process is an administrative process, although it does require public notice involving a posted notice on the property, mail notice to adjacent property owners, and a legal notice in the local newspaper. Page 5 of 11 6. Lot Size. a. The 1992 B-1 zone limited lot size to 5,000 square feet (sf) and 50-feet in width. It limited building height to 32-feet and allowed 100% lot coverage. It is noted that this lot is 1.3-acres in size with a lot width along Little Horse Rd. at 131.57-feet; both exceed the PUD B-1 zoning standard. This may be deemed administratively as a legal nonconforming lot area conditions pursuant to BMC 38.380.030. Please make that request in your site plan narrative. b. The current BMC B-1 zone standards (1) do not limit lot size; (2) allow 100% lot coverage; (3) require a minimum 50-feet lot width; (4) requires a minimum floor-to- ceiling (FTC) height of 13-feet for the first floor of buildings; and (5) limits building heights to 38-feet if the roof pitch is greater than 3:12. The proposed buildings are 30-feet in height with a ground-floor floor-to-ceiling height of 13-feet; both meet BMC standards. 7. Setbacks. The 1992 B-1 zone requires a 25-foot front yard, a 20-feet rear yard and 5- feet side setbacks. The current BMC B-1 zone requires zero to 10-feet front landscaped setbacks, a 10-feet rear setback, and 5-feet side setbacks per BMC 38.320.020.F and 38.510.030.C. For these setback purposes, the “front” of the Site abuts Little Horse Road; its rear abuts the Sundance Springs open space lot to the north; and the sides are the Middle Creek Ditch irrigation ditch/Sundance Springs open space lot to the east and S. 3rd Avenue to the west with the 13.47-feet trail easement along that lot frontage. The site plan labels this 13.47-feet open space easement as 10-feet and does not indicate that it is a platted easement (which it is); please label that easement in the revised site and landscape plans. 8. BMC 38.400. 110 and 38.420.110. Transportation pathways. a. The existing Sundance Springs Trail gravel/dirt trail lies within the Site along its north and west edges. This trail is deemed a Recreation Pathway per 38.420.110.B and must meet those standards for development, easement and maintenance. b. Please provide details of the development/improvements for the “proposed trail extension” along the east and southeast side of the Site. c. The S. 3rd Avenue frontage is deemed a “Transportation pathway” and must meet the sidewalk, bike lane, trail standards of 38.400.110.B.1 with the 5-feet wide Landscape Block Frontage sidewalk standards of Table 38.510.030.C. The site plan does not show a sidewalk along the S. 3rd Avenue right-of-way connecting to the Little Horse Rd frontage sidewalk. It shows a 2-foot addition to an existing asphalt pathway; however, this does not connect to the Little Horse sidewalk. The Road Improvements Sheet C-103 Note No. 3 indicates that a bike lane will be provided Page 6 of 11 within the S. 3rd Avenue ROW to “tie into the existing bike lane 500’ north of the property”. Note No. 4 states that sidewalk widths are 5 feet. d. Building #2 has its main entrance facing a parking lot and the Sundance Springs open space and trail beyond. Therefore, its “frontage” represents a Mixed Block Frontage pursuant to BMC 38.510.030.I. The building has ground floor retail uses must meet the setback standards of BMC Table 38.510.030.D. Per the BMC B-1 zoning, Table 38.320.050, the first floor must have the minimum 13-feet FTC height. The storefront façade must meet the façade transparency standards of the Storefront block frontage per BMC 38.510.030.D and B. The Mixed Block Frontage designation and standards do not limit the location of the associated parking lot, so it may be located in front of the building. The sidewalk must be a minimum of 5- feet wide with an extra 2 feet width provided where parking spaces abut the sidewalk per BMC 38.520.040.D.2. Please make this correction to Note No. 4 on Sheet C-103 and on Sheet C-104. e. BMC 38.400.110.G and 38.420.110.E and F. Please provide a copy of the recorded perpetual public access easement for the north and west trails located within the Site and provide a copy of the maintenance agreement for those trails in perpetuity, including snow removal. 9. Parking. a. Parking for commercial land uses is calculated at the “net” square footage which, per 38.540.010.A.1.a, means 85% of the gross floor area of each use. Sheet C-120B lists the office use as a combined gross floor area of 5,465 square feet (gsf). The net square footage, at 85%, is 4,645 sf. The parking requirement for office use at a ratio of 1 space per 250 net sf is 18 spaces. b. Sheet C-102A shows retail uses of a combined 2,208 gsf requiring 6 parking spaces at a ratio of 1:300 for the 1,876 net sf (nsf) of that space. c. That same sheet shows a micro-brewery establishment with 577 gsf of beer production space which would require 1 parking space at the manufacturing rate of 1:1,000 nsf, plus 1 space per 2 employees of the brewery on a maximum working shift. For this purpose we will assume a maximum brewery shift of two employees for a total of 2 parking spaces for this brewery use. d. Sheet 102A shows a brewery tasting room/restaurant with 1,183 gsf of indoor serving area and 622 gsf of outdoor serving area. The parking requirement for this use is 1 space per 50 nsf of indoor serving area plus 1 space per 100 nsf of outdoor serving area. The parking requirement for the 1,005 nsf of indoor serving space is 20 parking spaces and for the 528 nsf of outdoor serving space is 5 spaces for a Page 7 of 11 total of 25 spaces for this use. The total minimum parking requirement for all uses on the Site is 51 off-street parking spaces. The site plan is showing 47 spaces which is deficient by 4 spaces. Note that the 5 spaces abutting Building #1 to the south are not allowed in front of the Little Horse Rd. Landscape Block Frontage area. Please reconfigure the parking lot areas and correct the Table C.103 on Sheet C-103 as follows, filling in the blanks in the table below. Land Use Gross sf on site Net sf at 85% of gsf Ratio of Required spaces to nsf No spaces required No. spaces provided Differences Requested Reduction per 38.540.050.A.2.c(1), Table 050-4 office 5,465 4,645 1 per 250 nsf 18 20% or 3 spaces retail 2,208 1,876 1:300 nsf 6 40% or 2 spaces brewery 577 490 1:1,000 nsf plus 1:2 employees 2 30% or 0.5 Restaurant 1,183 indoor serving space 1,005 1:50 nsf 20 % of 25 or 12 spaces 622 outdoor serving space 528 1:100 nsf 5 Total vehicle parking spaces requires for the Site 51 47 -4 Bicycle parking required at 10% of required vehicle # 5 33 +28 e. Note No. 12 of Sheet C-103 refers to a Mixed Block Frontage designation. The Site has two frontages, both of which are designated Landscape Block Frontages which require parking to be to the side, rear, below or above uses. A mixed Block Frontage designation would only apply to the Site’s north boundary which abuts an open space/trail per 38.510.030.I. Please make this correction to Sheet C-103. 10. BMC 38.520.040. Non-motorized circulation and design. a. Please label the widths of sidewalks on the site plan, landscape plan and road improvements sheet. b. Please show a pedestrian crosswalk meeting the standards of this section on all parking lot rows to the adjacent building. Please describe the materials to be applied. c. Please provide a pathway from the drive aisle to each of the bicycle parking areas. d. Please provide a pedestrian pathway connecting the 3rd Avenue on-site trail to the entrance to Building #1 and from the north off-site open space trail to the entrance to Building # 2. Page 8 of 11 11. The Site area is 1.312-acres in size or 57,150 sf. The open space requirement for commercial developments is 2% of the site area or 1,143 sf for this Site. Sheet C-103 Note No. 11 indicates that the open space provided on-site is 7,312 sf. Please provide a calculation box or table on both the site plan and landscape plans showing what elements constitute this open space and the size of each. 12. 38.520.070. B. Loading Zones. Please show a loading zone for deliveries to both buildings with screening required by this section. 13. BMC 38.220.100. Landscape Plan. a. Please make corrections to the Sheet C-104 Landscape Plan per the Block Frontage, open space and parking comments noted above. b. Please provide a calculation box or table showing the contents of the landscape plan required by BMC 38.220.100.C.5 through 10 and 17. c. The legend that is associated with Note No. 2, is not accurately shown on the map. Please add the species icon next to the row for that species on the requested landscape table. d. Please correct Note No. 4 to add the additional 2-feet to sidewalks that abut parking spaces where parked vehicles could block pedestrian pathways per BMC 38.520.040.D.2. e. On Sheet C-104, Note No. 7, please also provide a calculation or table showing the required open space requirement and identifying what elements, and their square footage, that constitute this open space. f. BMC 3/.520.040. Non-motorized circulation and design. Please show a pedestrian connection from the main entrance of Building #2 to the existing “walking and bike path” of the Sundance Springs Open Space Lot to the north of the Site. Please show a pedestrian connection from the S. 3rd Avenue bike trail and internal trail to the sidewalk of Building #1. g. Please label the width of the minimum 3-feet of landscaping separating the sidewalk and the building façade per 38.520.040.D.3. h. Please add a note on Sheet C-104 stating that no parking space shall be located more than 70-feet from a tree per 38.550.050.C.2.c. 14. BMC 38.520.070. Service areas and mechanical equipment. On the site plan, landscape plan and road improvements sheets, please show the locations and design of trash enclosures meeting these standards as well as the access standards of the City’s Solid Waste Division. It is noted that there is no turn-around area for garbage trucks or fire engines. These large vehicles cannot be expected to back-out of parking lots. Please provide an adequate turn-around area for these large service vehicles (handout attached). Page 9 of 11 15. BMC 38.570.010. Lighting. Please show the location of parking lot lighting standards on the landscape plan and road improvements sheets. Please provide details of the light standards and cut sheets of all exterior light fixtures with the site plan submittal. 16. Building Design. a. BMC 38.510.030. Block Frontage standards. As noted above, the facades of the buildings with the main entrances must meet the applicable Block Frontage standards for ground-floor treatments including minimum floor-to-ceiling heights, building placement, building entrance treatments, façade transparency, weather protection features and parking location. Please provide a calculation box for each façade describing the required and provided façade transparencies. b. BMC 38.530.040. Building massing and articulation. Please describe in a narrative and show and label on the building elevation sheets how each building meets the façade articulation requirements of subsection B and C. c. BMC 38.530.050. Building details. Please describe in a narrative and show and label on the building elevation sheets how each building meets the building detail standards of subsection B and E. d. BMC 38.530.060. Building materials. Please provide a narrative and table describing how each façade building materials meets these standards. e. Which building façade is depicted on Sheet C-120? 17. BMC 38.410.130.Water Rights. Please describe how the development proposes to meet the regulations of this section of the BMC. Bozeman Fire Department, Scott Mueller, Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal, 582-2382, smueller@bozeman.net. Please provide a fire apparatus turn-around meeting the standards of the 2018 International Fire Code, Appendix D (attached). Page 10 of 11 Bozeman Solid Waste Division, Russ Ward, Assistant Superintendent, rward@bozeman.net | 406-582-3235 1. Need to identify location of refuse enclosure. 2. Need detailed plan for refuse enclosure (see attached handout). 3. Refuse enclosure will need to be covered. Northwest Energy, Tom Stewart, District Engineer – Bozeman Division O 406-582-4602, C 406-223-0573, thomas.stewart@northwestern.com New Construction (1-833-672-9453) Apply Online at www.northwesternenergy.com/construction 24-Hour Service 888-467-2669 121 East Griffin Drive I P.O. Box 490 I Bozeman, MT 59771-0490 20298 – SUNDANCE SPRINGS Commercial CONR, Kory Graham Project Engineer.  Will the buildings need three phase or single phase electric service?  Elevation plans show only one building which looks similar to building #2 as shown on the site plan. Need to show proposed gas and electric meter locations on both the building site plan and elevation plans.  Meter location. NorthWestern Energy reserves the right to specify the location of our meters. All meters are to be located outdoors on the corner of the building or wall area closest to the transformer serving your property. On new construction, electric meter locations must be within 10 feet of the gas meter if NorthWestern Energy will be providing both electric and gas service. Meter locations will need to be approved by NWE. NWE policy is to maintain a minimum 30-inches wide by 3-feet clear zone Page 11 of 11 between the front of the meter and landscape screening and allow easy access to the meters for operation and maintenance. This can be determined through the design process after an application is submitted through NWE and the area project engineer will work through allowable shrubs and plants for screening and to determine adequate clearances for access to our meters.  The following applies to all buildings in regards to the gas regulator. The gas regulator cannot be placed under a window or within 3’ of the operable portion of the window. It can be placed under a window/deck on the second story, provided the “open/operable” portion has at least 6’ of clearance from the regulator. Ensure that there is 10’ of separation from any mechanical air intake, including air conditioning units. The regulator will need to be 3’ from the closest corner of any portion of the electric meter base. Submitting an application to NWE will get the NWE project engineer involved and can help with this process.  Transformer location to Building. If the buildings will be requiring 3 phase power a transformer pad site should be planned. Typical 3-phase pad is going to be a 7’x7’ pad. For oil filled transformers a 2-foot clearance is required to non-combustible walls and surfaces that do not have any openings such as doors, windows, air intake, and fire escapes routes. For transformers 750kVA & larger a 3-foot 6-inch clearance is required. For both locations, 10-feet of clearance is required on the front side of the pad where the transformer doors are located. Note, all distances are referenced to the edge of the pad. For any combustible surface a minimum of a 10-foot clearance is required. For planting of bushes or shrubs a Minimum Working Space for a Pad-Mounted Transformer, is 4- feet on the sides and back portion of the concrete pad and 10-feet of clearance on the front side of the pad where the transformer doors are located. Note, all distances are referenced to the edge of the pad. The NWE project engineer will help to determine the appropriate location for the transformer.  Utility easement. Any extension of gas main or electric primary will need to be installed within an easement. To establish the needed utility easement locations the NWE project engineer and Northwester Energy’s real estate representative will help to establish these locations as well as the needed documentation.  Submit an application online to have the area project engineer work with the applicant. Go to www.northwesternenergy.com/construction to apply online Montana Construction Application, and access Montana New Service Guide to provide information on electric and gas service requirements.