HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe NCS Report - Bozeman, MT 2022Bozeman, MT The National Community Survey Report of Results 2022 Report by: Visit us online! www.polco.us About The NCS™ The National Community Survey™ (The NCS™) report is about the “livability” of Bozeman. A livable community is a place that is not simply habitable, but that is desirable. It is not only where people do live, but where they want to live. The survey was developed by the experts from National Research Center at Polco. Great communities are partnerships of the government, private sector, community-based organizations and residents, all geographically connected. The NCS captures residents’ opinions considering ten central facets of a community:  • Economy  • Mobility  • Community Design  • Utilities  • Safety  • Natural Environment  • Parks and Recreation  • Health and Wellness • Education, Arts, and Culture  • Inclusivity and Engagement The report provides the opinions of a representative sample of 466 residents of the City of Bozeman collected from May 19th, 2022 to July 7th 2022. The margin of error around any reported percentage is 5% for all respondents and the response rate for the 2022 survey was 17%. Survey results were weighted so that the demographic profile of respondents was representative of the demographic profile of adults in Bozeman. How the results are reported For the most part, the percentages presented in the following tabs represent the “percent positive.” Most commonly, the percent positive is the combination of the top two most positive response options (i.e., excellent/good, very safe/somewhat safe, etc.). On many of the questions in the survey respondents may answer “don’t know.” The proportion of respondents giving this reply is shown in the full set of responses included in the tab “Complete data.” However, these responses have been removed from the analyses presented in most of the tabs. In other words, the tables and graphs display the responses from respondents who had an opinion about a specific item. Comparisons to benchmarks NRC’s database of comparative resident opinion is comprised of resident perspectives gathered in surveys from over 600 communities whose residents evaluated the same kinds of topics on The National Community Survey. The comparison evaluations are from the most recent survey completed in each community in the last five years. NRC adds the latest results quickly upon survey completion, keeping the benchmark data fresh and relevant. The communities in the database represent a wide geographic and population range. In each tab, Bozeman's results are noted as being “higher” than the benchmark, “lower” than the benchmark, or “similar” to the benchmark, meaning that the average rating given by Bozeman residents is statistically similar to or different (greater or lesser) than the benchmark. Being rated as “higher” or “lower” than the benchmark means that Bozeman's average rating for a particular item was more than 10 points different than the benchmark. If a rating was “much higher” or “much lower,” then Bozeman's average rating was more than 20 points different when compared to the benchmark. The survey was administered during the COVID-19 pandemic, a time of challenge for many local governments. While we provide comparisons to national benchmarks, it is important to note that much of the benchmark data was collected prior to the pandemic. This may impact how your City's 2022 ratings compare to other communities’ ratings from the past five years. Trends over time Trend data for Bozeman represent important comparison data and should be examined for improvements or declines*. Deviations from stable trends over time represent opportunities for understanding how local policies, programs, or public information may have affected residents' opinions. Changes between survey years have been noted with an arrow and the percent difference. If the difference is greater than seven percentage points between the 2015 and 2022 surveys, the change is statistically significant. * In 2020, The NCS survey was updated to include new and refreshed items. Consequently, some of the trends may be impacted due to wording modifications that could have potentially altered the meaning of the item for the respondent. 1 About The NCS™The National Community Survey™ (The NCS™) report is about the“livability” of Bozeman. A livable community is a place that is not simplyhabitable, but that is desirable. It is not only where people do live, butwhere they want to live. The survey was developed by the experts fromNational Research Center at Polco.Great communities are partnerships of the government, private sector,community-based organizations and residents, all geographicallyconnected. The NCS captures residents’ opinions considering ten centralfacets of a community: • Economy • Mobility • Community Design • Utilities • Safety • Natural Environment • Parks and Recreation • Health and Wellness • Education, Arts, and Culture • Inclusivity and EngagementThe report provides the opinions of a representative sample of 466residents of the City of Bozeman collected from May 19th, 2022 to July 7th2022. The margin of error around any reported percentage is 5% for allrespondents and the response rate for the 2022 survey was 17%. Surveyresults were weighted so that the demographic profile of respondents wasrepresentative of the demographic profile of adults in Bozeman.How the results are reportedFor the most part, the percentages presented in the following tabs represent the “percent positive.” Most commonly, thepercent positive is the combination of the top two most positive response options (i.e., excellent/good, very safe/somewhat safe,etc.). On many of the questions in the survey respondents may answer “don’t know.” The proportion of respondents giving thisreply is shown in the full set of responses included in the tab “Complete data.” However, these responses have been removedfrom the analyses presented in most of the tabs. In other words, the tables and graphs display the responses from respondentswho had an opinion about a specific item.Comparisons to benchmarksNRC’s database of comparative resident opinion is comprised of resident perspectives gathered in surveys from over 600communities whose residents evaluated the same kinds of topics on The National Community Survey. The comparisonevaluations are from the most recent survey completed in each community in the last five years. NRC adds the latest resultsquickly upon survey completion, keeping the benchmark data fresh and relevant. The communities in the database represent awide geographic and population range. In each tab, Bozeman's results are noted as being “higher” than the benchmark, “lower”than the benchmark, or “similar” to the benchmark, meaning that the average rating given by Bozeman residents is statisticallysimilar to or different (greater or lesser) than the benchmark. Being rated as “higher” or “lower” than the benchmark means thatBozeman's average rating for a particular item was more than 10 points different than the benchmark. If a rating was “muchhigher” or “much lower,” then Bozeman's average rating was more than 20 points different when compared to the benchmark.The survey was administered during the COVID-19 pandemic, a time of challenge for many local governments. While we providecomparisons to national benchmarks, it is important to note that much of the benchmark data was collected prior to thepandemic. This may impact how your City's 2022 ratings compare to other communities’ ratings from the past five years. Trends over time Trend data for Bozeman represent important comparison data and should be examined for improvements or declines*. Deviations from stable trends over time represent opportunities for understanding how local policies, programs, or public information may have affected residents' opinions. Changes between survey years have been noted with an arrow and the percent difference. If the difference is greater than seven percentage points between the 2015 and 2022 surveys, the change is statistically significant. * In 2020, The NCS survey was updated to include new and refreshed items. Consequently, some of the trends may be impacted due to wording modifications that could have potentially altered the meaning of the item for the respondent. 2 Conducting the survey The 2,800 randomly selected households received mailings beginning on May 19th, 2022 and the survey remained open for 7 weeks. The first mailing was a postcard inviting the household to participate in the survey. The next mailing contained a cover letter with instructions, the survey questionnaire, and a postage-paid return envelope. All mailings included a web link to give residents the opportunity to respond to the survey online. All follow-up mailings asked those who had not completed the survey to do so and those who had already done so to refrain from completing the survey again. The survey was available in English and Spanish.  All mailings contained paragraphs in both languages instructing participants on how to complete the survey in their preferred language. About 3% of the 2,800 mailed invitations or surveys were returned because the household address was vacant or the postal service was unable to deliver the survey as addressed. Of the remaining 2,709 households that received the invitations to participate, 466 completed the survey, providing an overall response rate of 17%. The response rate was calculated using AAPOR’s response rate #2* for mailed surveys of unnamed persons. It is customary to describe the precision of estimates made from surveys by a “level of confidence” and accompanying “confidence interval” (or margin of error). A traditional level of confidence, and the one used here, is 95%. The 95% confidence interval can be any size and quantifies the sampling error or imprecision of the survey results because some residents’ opinions are relied on to estimate all residents’ opinions. The margin of error for the City of Bozeman survey is no greater than plus or minus five percentage points around any given percent reported for all respondents (466 completed surveys). In addition to the randomly selected “probability sample” of households, a link to an online open participation survey was publicized by the City of Bozeman. The open participation survey was identical to the probability sample survey with a question about where they heard about the survey. The open participation survey was open to all city residents and became available on June 23rd, 2022. The survey remained open for 4 weeks. The data presented in the following tabs exclude the open participation survey data, but a tab at the end provides the complete frequency of responses to questions by the open participation respondents. The survey datasets were analyzed using all or some of a combination of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), R, Python and Tableau. For the most part, the percentages presented in the reports represent the “percent positive.” The percent positive is the combination of the top two most positive response options (i.e., excellent/good, very safe/somewhat safe, essential/very important, etc.), or, in the case of resident behaviors/participation, the percent positive represents the proportion of respondents indicating “yes” or participating in an activity at least once a month. On many of the questions in the survey respondents may answer “don’t know.” The proportion of respondents giving this reply is shown in the full set of responses included in the tab “Complete data”. However, these responses have been removed from the analyses presented in the reports. In other words, the tables and graphs display the responses from respondents who had an opinion about a specific item. Contact The City of Bozeman funded this research. Please contact Jon Henderson of the City of Bozeman at jon.henderson@bozeman.net if you have any questions about the survey. Survey Validity See the Polco Knowledge Base article on survey validity at https://info.polco.us/knowledge/statistical-vali * See AAPOR's Standard Definitions for more information at https://www.aapor.org/Publications-Media/AAPOR-Journals/Standard-Definitions.aspx * Pasek, J. (2010). ANES Weighting Algorithm.  Retrieved from https://web.stanford.edu/group/iriss/cgi-bin/anesrake/resources/RakingDescription.pdf * Targets come from the 2010 Census and 2020 American Community Survey Unweighted Weighted Target* Age 18-34 35-54 55+ Hispanic origin No, not Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino Housing tenure Own Rent Housing type Attached Detached Race & Hispanic origin Not white alone White alone, not Hispanic or Latino Sex Female Male Sex/age Female 18-34 Female 35-54 Female 55+ Male 18-34 Male 35-54 Male 55+ Analyzing the data Responses from mailed surveys were entered into an electronic dataset using a “key and verify” method, where all responses are entered twice and compared to each other. Any discrepancies were resolved in comparison to the original survey form. Range checks as well as other forms of quality control were also performed. Responses from surveys completed on Polco were downloaded and merged with the mailed survey responses. The demographics of the survey respondents were compared to those found in the 2010 Census and 2020 American Community Survey estimates for adults in the City of Bozeman. The primary objective of weighting survey data is to make the survey respondents reflective of the larger population of the community. The characteristics used for weighting were age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, housing type, and housing tenure. No adjustments were made for design effects. Weights were calculated using an iterative, multiplicative raking model known as the ANES Weighting Algorithm.* The results of the weighting scheme for the probability sample are presented in the following table. NRC aligns demographic labels with those used by the U.S. Census for reporting purposes, when possible. Some categories (e.g., age, race/Hispanic origin, housing type, and length of residency) are combined into smaller subgroups. Methods Selecting survey recipients All households within the City of Bozeman were eligible to participate in the survey. A list of all households within the zip codes serving Bozeman was purchased from Go-Dog Direct based on updated listings from the United States Postal Service. Since some of the zip codes that serve the City of Bozeman households may also serve addresses that lie outside of the community, the exact geographic location of each housing unit was compared to community boundaries using the most current municipal boundary file. Addresses located outside of the City of Bozeman boundaries were removed from the list of potential households to survey. From that list, addresses were randomly selected as survey recipients, with multi-family housing units (defined as those with a unit number) sampled at a rate of 53 compared to single family housing units. An individual within each household was selected using the birthday method. The birthday method selects a person within the household by asking the “person whose birthday has most recently passed” to complete the questionnaire. The underlying assumption in this method is that day of birth has no relationship to the way people respond to surveys. This instruction was contained in the introduction of the survey. 3 Conducting the surveyThe 2,800 randomly selected households received mailings beginning on May 19th, 2022 and the survey remained open for 7weeks. The first mailing was a postcard inviting the household to participate in the survey. The next mailing contained a coverletter with instructions, the survey questionnaire, and a postage-paid return envelope. All mailings included a web link to giveresidents the opportunity to respond to the survey online. All follow-up mailings asked those who had not completed the surveyto do so and those who had already done so to refrain from completing the survey again.The survey was available in English and Spanish.  All mailings contained paragraphs in both languages instructing participants onhow to complete the survey in their preferred language.About 3% of the 2,800 mailed invitations or surveys were returned because the household address was vacant or the postalservice was unable to deliver the survey as addressed. Of the remaining 2,709 households that received the invitations toparticipate, 466 completed the survey, providing an overall response rate of 17%. The response rate was calculated usingAAPOR’s response rate #2* for mailed surveys of unnamed persons.It is customary to describe the precision of estimates made from surveys by a “level of confidence” and accompanying“confidence interval” (or margin of error). A traditional level of confidence, and the one used here, is 95%. The 95% confidenceinterval can be any size and quantifies the sampling error or imprecision of the survey results because some residents’ opinionsare relied on to estimate all residents’ opinions. The margin of error for the City of Bozeman survey is no greater than plus orminus five percentage points around any given percent reported for all respondents (466 completed surveys).In addition to the randomly selected “probability sample” of households, a link to an online open participation survey waspublicized by the City of Bozeman. The open participation survey was identical to the probability sample survey with a questionabout where they heard about the survey. The open participation survey was open to all city residents and became available onJune 23rd, 2022. The survey remained open for 4 weeks. The data presented in the following tabs exclude the open participationsurvey data, but a tab at the end provides the complete frequency of responses to questions by the open participationrespondents. The survey datasets were analyzed using all or some of a combination of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), R, Python and Tableau. For the most part, the percentages presented in the reports represent the “percent positive.” The percent positive is the combination of the top two most positive response options (i.e., excellent/good, very safe/somewhat safe, essential/very important, etc.), or, in the case of resident behaviors/participation, the percent positive represents the proportion of respondents indicating “yes” or participating in an activity at least once a month. On many of the questions in the survey respondents may answer “don’t know.” The proportion of respondents giving this reply is shown in the full set of responses included in the tab “Complete data”. However, these responses have been removed from the analyses presented in the reports. In other words, the tables and graphs display the responses from respondents who had an opinion about a specific item. Contact The City of Bozeman funded this research. Please contact Jon Henderson of the City of Bozeman at jon.henderson@bozeman.net if you have any questions about the survey. Survey Validity See the Polco Knowledge Base article on survey validity at https://info.polco.us/knowledge/statistical-vali * See AAPOR's Standard Definitions for more information at https://www.aapor.org/Publications-Media/AAPOR-Journals/Standard-Definitions.aspx * Pasek, J. (2010). ANES Weighting Algorithm.  Retrieved from https://web.stanford.edu/group/iriss/cgi-bin/anesrake/resources/RakingDescription.pdf * Targets come from the 2010 Census and 2020 American Community Survey Unweighted Weighted Target* Age 18-34 35-54 55+ Hispanic origin No, not Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino Housing tenure Own Rent Housing type Attached Detached Race & Hispanic origin Not white alone White alone, not Hispanic or Latino Sex Female Male Sex/age Female 18-34 Female 35-54 Female 55+ Male 18-34 Male 35-54 Male 55+ 20% 22% 58% 20% 22% 58% 52% 27% 21% 4% 96% 4% 96% 1% 99% 57% 43% 57% 43% 33% 67% 40% 60% 40% 60% 53% 47% 90% 10% 90% 10% 95% 5% 53% 47% 53% 47% 43% 57% 9% 11% 32% 11% 10% 26% 9% 11% 32% 11% 10% 26% 23% 12% 8% 29% 16% 13% Analyzing the data Responses from mailed surveys were entered into an electronic dataset using a “key and verify” method, where all responses are entered twice and compared to each other. Any discrepancies were resolved in comparison to the original survey form. Range checks as well as other forms of quality control were also performed. Responses from surveys completed on Polco were downloaded and merged with the mailed survey responses. The demographics of the survey respondents were compared to those found in the 2010 Census and 2020 American Community Survey estimates for adults in the City of Bozeman. The primary objective of weighting survey data is to make the survey respondents reflective of the larger population of the community. The characteristics used for weighting were age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, housing type, and housing tenure. No adjustments were made for design effects. Weights were calculated using an iterative, multiplicative raking model known as the ANES Weighting Algorithm.* The results of the weighting scheme for the probability sample are presented in the following table. NRC aligns demographic labels with those used by the U.S. Census for reporting purposes, when possible. Some categories (e.g., age, race/Hispanic origin, housing type, and length of residency) are combined into smaller subgroups. MethodsSelecting survey recipientsAll households within the City of Bozeman were eligible to participate in the survey. A list of all households within the zip codesserving Bozeman was purchased from Go-Dog Direct based on updated listings from the United States Postal Service. Since someof the zip codes that serve the City of Bozeman households may also serve addresses that lie outside of the community, the exactgeographic location of each housing unit was compared to community boundaries using the most current municipal boundaryfile. Addresses located outside of the City of Bozeman boundaries were removed from the list of potential households to survey.From that list, addresses were randomly selected as survey recipients, with multi-family housing units (defined as those with aunit number) sampled at a rate of 53 compared to single family housing units.An individual within each household was selected using the birthday method. The birthday method selects a person within thehousehold by asking the “person whose birthday has most recently passed” to complete the questionnaire. The underlyingassumption in this method is that day of birth has no relationship to the way people respond to surveys. This instruction wascontained in the introduction of the survey. 4 Conducting the surveyThe 2,800 randomly selected households received mailings beginning on May 19th, 2022 and the survey remained open for 7weeks. The first mailing was a postcard inviting the household to participate in the survey. The next mailing contained a coverletter with instructions, the survey questionnaire, and a postage-paid return envelope. All mailings included a web link to giveresidents the opportunity to respond to the survey online. All follow-up mailings asked those who had not completed the surveyto do so and those who had already done so to refrain from completing the survey again.The survey was available in English and Spanish.  All mailings contained paragraphs in both languages instructing participants onhow to complete the survey in their preferred language.About 3% of the 2,800 mailed invitations or surveys were returned because the household address was vacant or the postalservice was unable to deliver the survey as addressed. Of the remaining 2,709 households that received the invitations toparticipate, 466 completed the survey, providing an overall response rate of 17%. The response rate was calculated usingAAPOR’s response rate #2* for mailed surveys of unnamed persons.It is customary to describe the precision of estimates made from surveys by a “level of confidence” and accompanying“confidence interval” (or margin of error). A traditional level of confidence, and the one used here, is 95%. The 95% confidenceinterval can be any size and quantifies the sampling error or imprecision of the survey results because some residents’ opinionsare relied on to estimate all residents’ opinions. The margin of error for the City of Bozeman survey is no greater than plus orminus five percentage points around any given percent reported for all respondents (466 completed surveys).In addition to the randomly selected “probability sample” of households, a link to an online open participation survey waspublicized by the City of Bozeman. The open participation survey was identical to the probability sample survey with a questionabout where they heard about the survey. The open participation survey was open to all city residents and became available onJune 23rd, 2022. The survey remained open for 4 weeks. The data presented in the following tabs exclude the open participationsurvey data, but a tab at the end provides the complete frequency of responses to questions by the open participationrespondents. The survey datasets were analyzed using all or some of a combination of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), R, Python and Tableau. For the most part, the percentages presented in the reports represent the “percent positive.” The percent positive is the combination of the top two most positive response options (i.e., excellent/good, very safe/somewhat safe, essential/very important, etc.), or, in the case of resident behaviors/participation, the percent positive represents the proportion of respondents indicating “yes” or participating in an activity at least once a month. On many of the questions in the survey respondents may answer “don’t know.” The proportion of respondents giving this reply is shown in the full set of responses included in the tab “Complete data”. However, these responses have been removed from the analyses presented in the reports. In other words, the tables and graphs display the responses from respondents who had an opinion about a specific item. Contact The City of Bozeman funded this research. Please contact Jon Henderson of the City of Bozeman at jon.henderson@bozeman.net if you have any questions about the survey. Survey Validity See the Polco Knowledge Base article on survey validity at https://info.polco.us/knowledge/statistical-vali * See AAPOR's Standard Definitions for more information at https://www.aapor.org/Publications-Media/AAPOR-Journals/Standard-Definitions.aspx * Pasek, J. (2010). ANES Weighting Algorithm.  Retrieved from https://web.stanford.edu/group/iriss/cgi-bin/anesrake/resources/RakingDescription.pdf * Targets come from the 2010 Census and 2020 American Community Survey Unweighted Weighted Target*Age 18-3435-5455+Hispanic origin No, not Spanish, Hispanic, or LatinoSpanish, Hispanic, or LatinoHousing tenure OwnRentHousing type AttachedDetachedRace & Hispanicorigin Not white aloneWhite alone, not Hispanic or LatinoSexFemaleMaleSex/age Female 18-34Female 35-54Female 55+Male 18-34Male 35-54Male 55+Analyzing the dataResponses from mailed surveys were entered into an electronic dataset using a “key and verify” method, where all responses areentered twice and compared to each other. Any discrepancies were resolved in comparison to the original survey form. Rangechecks as well as other forms of quality control were also performed. Responses from surveys completed on Polco weredownloaded and merged with the mailed survey responses.The demographics of the survey respondents were compared to those found in the 2010 Census and 2020 American CommunitySurvey estimates for adults in the City of Bozeman. The primary objective of weighting survey data is to make the surveyrespondents reflective of the larger population of the community. The characteristics used for weighting were age, sex, race,Hispanic origin, housing type, and housing tenure. No adjustments were made for design effects. Weights were calculated usingan iterative, multiplicative raking model known as the ANES Weighting Algorithm.* The results of the weighting scheme for theprobability sample are presented in the following table.NRC aligns demographic labels with those used by the U.S. Census for reporting purposes, when possible. Some categories (e.g.,age, race/Hispanic origin, housing type, and length of residency) are combined into smaller subgroups.MethodsSelecting survey recipientsAll households within the City of Bozeman were eligible to participate in the survey. A list of all households within the zip codesserving Bozeman was purchased from Go-Dog Direct based on updated listings from the United States Postal Service. Since someof the zip codes that serve the City of Bozeman households may also serve addresses that lie outside of the community, the exactgeographic location of each housing unit was compared to community boundaries using the most current municipal boundaryfile. Addresses located outside of the City of Bozeman boundaries were removed from the list of potential households to survey.From that list, addresses were randomly selected as survey recipients, with multi-family housing units (defined as those with aunit number) sampled at a rate of 53 compared to single family housing units.An individual within each household was selected using the birthday method. The birthday method selects a person within thehousehold by asking the “person whose birthday has most recently passed” to complete the questionnaire. The underlyingassumption in this method is that day of birth has no relationship to the way people respond to surveys. This instruction wascontained in the introduction of the survey. 5 Highlights Aspects of the city’s economy remain strong, despite concerns about affordability and the overall economic outlook. Though the overall economic health of Bozeman experienced a notable drop since the previous iteration of The NCS (from 66% in 2015 to 40% in 2022), many aspects of the economy are still highly rated by residents. About 8 in 10 gave high marks to Bozeman as a place to visit (higher than the benchmark), the vibrancy of the city’s downtown and commercial area (much higher than the benchmark), and the overall quality of business and service establishments (similar to the benchmark). Two-thirds also supported the variety of business and service establishments and shopping opportunities, while around half of residents offered positive ratings to employment opportunities and Bozeman as a place to work. When asked what impact the economy would have on their household income in the next six months, about 1 in 10 felt the impact would be positive. In alignment with other facets, cost of living was the lowest-rated item pertaining to Bozeman’s economy, receiving positive evaluations from only 4% of respondents. Utilities are strong in Bozeman, though internet service may be an area of opportunity. Most utility services in Bozeman were rated positively by the majority of residents. Two-thirds were pleased with the overall quality of the city’s utility infrastructure, on par with comparison communities across the country. About 9 in 10 gave high marks to sewer services, drinking water, and garbage collection; of these, drinking water scored higher than national benchmarks, while all others were similar. Most residents also had positive views toward power utility (75% excellent or good) and utility billing (66%). Ratings for stormwater management were high (83%) and experienced a notable increase from the 2015 iteration of The NCS, which is especially noteworthy considering the devastating floods close in proximity to Bozeman during this survey administration. The only item relating to utilities that was rated positively by less than half of residents was affordable high-speed internet access (45%); while this was still similar to national benchmark comparisons, it may present an opportunity for growth. Additionally, the City included a unique survey question that asked residents how likely they would be to opt for increased utility fees in order to receive electricity from renewable sources. Three-quarters of respondents said they were very .. Bozeman residents feel safe in their community and appreciate safety-related services. The overall feelings of safety in Bozeman continued to receive high marks and contribute to the quality of life in the city. At least 9 in 10 reported feeling very or somewhat safe in their neighborhood and Bozeman’s downtown/commercial area during the day, as well as from violent crime. About 8 in 10 similarly felt safe from property crime and from fire, flood, and other natural disasters. In addition, safety-related services also garnered support from a strong majority of residents. This was highlighted by positive ratings for fire services (90% excellent or good), followed by ambulance/EMS services (81%) and crime prevention (79%). About 7 in 10 also were pleased with the City’s police services, fire prevention and education, and animal control. All safety ratings were similar to the national benchmarks. Community design and housing  are priorities for residents. When asked about which aspects of the community the City should focus on in the next two years, about 8 in 10 residents responded that the overall design or layout of residential and commercial areas is an area of priority. A lower proportion of residents gave positive ratings to the quality of community design in Bozeman (41% excellent or good), which was lower than the national average. In this facet, survey participants gave the highest ratings to their neighborhood as a place to live (78% excellent or good), the overall appearance of Bozeman (73%), and public places where people want to spend time (72%); all of these were similar to national comparison communities. About 4 in 10 gave positive marks to well-designed neighborhoods in Bozeman, while about 2 in 10 felt similarly toward well-planned residential and commercial growth. Results indicated that the most concern was surrounding items related to housing: evaluations for the overall quality of new development (22% excellent or good), variety of housing options (8%), and availability of affordable quality housing (3%) were all much lower than the national benchmarks. Additionally, in a custom question unique to the City of Bozeman, residents were asked whether they’d like to see more effort, less effort, or the same amount of effort from the City to address various aspects of the community. About 84% of residents indicated that housing should receive more effort, and 32% said the same for neighborhoods. The availability of recreational opportunities continues to be a bright spot for Bozeman. Nearly all survey items pertaining to parks and recreation in Bozeman received strong support from the community. Most residents gave positive ratings to recreational opportunities (91% excellent or good), fitness opportunities (87%), and the availability of paths and walking trails (85%), all of which were higher than national averages. The overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities garnered favorable reviews from nearly 9 in 10 respondents.  Additionally, strong marks were also given to City parks (84%), recreation programs or classes (72%), and recreation centers or facilities (61%), on par with benchmark comparison communities across the nation. 6 HighlightsAspects of the city’s economy remain strong, despite concerns about affordability and the overall economicoutlook.Though the overall economic health of Bozeman experienced a notable drop since the previous iteration of The NCS (from 66% in2015 to 40% in 2022), many aspects of the economy are still highly rated by residents. About 8 in 10 gave high marks to Bozemanas a place to visit (higher than the benchmark), the vibrancy of the city’s downtown and commercial area (much higher than thebenchmark), and the overall quality of business and service establishments (similar to the benchmark). Two-thirds alsosupported the variety of business and service establishments and shopping opportunities, while around half of residents offeredpositive ratings to employment opportunities and Bozeman as a place to work. When asked what impact the economy wouldhave on their household income in the next six months, about 1 in 10 felt the impact would be positive. In alignment with otherfacets, cost of living was the lowest-rated item pertaining to Bozeman’s economy, receiving positive evaluations from only 4% ofrespondents.Utilities are strong in Bozeman, though internet service may be an area of opportunity.Most utility services in Bozeman were rated positively by the majority of residents. Two-thirds were pleased with the overallquality of the city’s utility infrastructure, on par with comparison communities across the country. About 9 in 10 gave high marksto sewer services, drinking water, and garbage collection; of these, drinking water scored higher than national benchmarks,while all others were similar. Most residents also had positive views toward power utility (75% excellent or good) and utilitybilling (66%). Ratings for stormwater management were high (83%) and experienced a notable increase from the 2015 iterationof The NCS, which is especially noteworthy considering the devastating floods close in proximity to Bozeman during this surveyadministration. The only item relating to utilities that was rated positively by less than half of residents was affordablehigh-speed internet access (45%); while this was still similar to national benchmark comparisons, it may present an opportunityfor growth. Additionally, the City included a unique survey question that asked residents how likely they would be to opt forincreased utility fees in order to receive electricity from renewable sources. Three-quarters of respondents said they were very ..Bozeman residents feel safe in their community and appreciate safety-related services.The overall feelings of safety in Bozeman continued to receive high marks and contribute to the quality of life in the city. At least9 in 10 reported feeling very or somewhat safe in their neighborhood and Bozeman’s downtown/commercial area during the day,as well as from violent crime. About 8 in 10 similarly felt safe from property crime and from fire, flood, and other naturaldisasters. In addition, safety-related services also garnered support from a strong majority of residents. This was highlighted bypositive ratings for fire services (90% excellent or good), followed by ambulance/EMS services (81%) and crime prevention(79%). About 7 in 10 also were pleased with the City’s police services, fire prevention and education, and animal control. Allsafety ratings were similar to the national benchmarks.Community design and housing  are priorities for residents.When asked about which aspects of the community the City should focus on in the next two years, about 8 in 10 residentsresponded that the overall design or layout of residential and commercial areas is an area of priority. A lower proportion ofresidents gave positive ratings to the quality of community design in Bozeman (41% excellent or good), which was lower than thenational average.In this facet, survey participants gave the highest ratings to their neighborhood as a place to live (78% excellent or good), theoverall appearance of Bozeman (73%), and public places where people want to spend time (72%); all of these were similar tonational comparison communities. About 4 in 10 gave positive marks to well-designed neighborhoods in Bozeman, while about 2in 10 felt similarly toward well-planned residential and commercial growth. Results indicated that the most concern wassurrounding items related to housing: evaluations for the overall quality of new development (22% excellent or good), variety ofhousing options (8%), and availability of affordable quality housing (3%) were all much lower than the national benchmarks.Additionally, in a custom question unique to the City of Bozeman, residents were asked whether they’d like to see more effort,less effort, or the same amount of effort from the City to address various aspects of the community. About 84% of residentsindicated that housing should receive more effort, and 32% said the same for neighborhoods. The availability of recreational opportunities continues to be a bright spot for Bozeman. Nearly all survey items pertaining to parks and recreation in Bozeman received strong support from the community. Most residents gave positive ratings to recreational opportunities (91% excellent or good), fitness opportunities (87%), and the availability of paths and walking trails (85%), all of which were higher than national averages. The overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities garnered favorable reviews from nearly 9 in 10 respondents.  Additionally, strong marks were also given to City parks (84%), recreation programs or classes (72%), and recreation centers or facilities (61%), on par with benchmark comparison communities across the nation. 7 Facets of livability Resident perceptions of quality and importance for each of the facets of community livability provide an overview of community strengths and challenges that are useful for planning, budgeting and performance evaluation. The charts below show the proportion of residents who rated the community facets positively for quality and the priority (importance) placed on each. Also displayed is whether local ratings were lower, similar, or higher than communities across the country (the national benchmark). 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Overall economic health Overall quality of the transportation system Overall design or layout of residential and commercial areas Overall quality of the utility infrastructure Overall feeling of safety Overall quality of natural environment Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities Overall health and wellness opportunities Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts Residents' connection and engagement with their community 66%40% Lower 66%40% Lower 45% Similar 45% Similar 64%41% Lower 64%41% Lower 67% Similar 67% Similar 92%89% Similar 92%89% Similar 87%89% Higher 87%89% Higher 88% Similar 88% Similar 81%82% Similar 81%82% Similar 86%71% Similar 86%71% Similar 53% Similar 53% Similar Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole. (% excellent or good) Overall economic health Overall quality of the transportation system Overall design or layout of residential and commercial areas Overall quality of the utility infrastructure Overall feeling of safety Overall quality of natural environment Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities Overall health and wellness opportunities Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts Residents' connection and engagement with their community Please rate how important, if at all, you think it is for the Bozeman community to focus on each of the following in the coming two years. (% essential or very important) * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. Balancing performance and importance Every jurisdiction must balance limited resources while meeting resident needs and striving to optimize community livability. To this end, it is helpful to know what aspects of the community are most important to residents and which they perceive as being of higher or lower quality. It is especially helpful to know when a facet of livability is considered of high importance but rated as lower quality, as this should be a top priority to address. To help guide City staff and officials with decisions on future resource allocation, resident ratings of the importance of services were compared to their ratings of the quality of these services. To identify the services perceived by residents to have relatively lower quality at the same time as relatively higher importance, all services were ranked from highest perceived quality to lowest perceived quality and from highest perceived importance to lowest perceived importance. Some services were in the top half of both lists (higher quality and higher importance); some were in the top half of one list but the bottom half of the other (higher quality and lower importance or lower quality and higher importance); and some services were in the bottom half of both lists. Services receiving quality ratings of excellent or good by 69% or more of respondents were considered of “higher quality” and those with ratings lower than 69% were considered to be of “lower quality.” Services were classified as “more important” if they were rated as essential or very important by 71% or more of respondents. Services were rated as “less important” if they received a rating of less than 71%. This classification uses the median ratings for quality and importance to divide the services in half. The quadrants in the figure below show which community facets were given higher or lower importance ratings (right-left) and which had higher or lower quality ratings (up-down). Facets of livability falling closer to a diagonal line from the lower left to the upper right are those where performance ratings are more commensurate with resident priorities. Facets scoring  closest to the lower right hand corner of the matrix ( higher in importance and lower in quality) are those that may warrant further investigation to see if changes to their delivery are necessary to improve their performance. This is the key part of this chart on which to focus. Facets falling in the top left hand corner of the chart (lower in importance but higher in quality) are areas where performance may outscore resident priorities, and may be a consideration for lower resource allocation. (vs. benchmark*) 8 Facets of livabilityResident perceptions of quality and importance for each of the facets of community livability provide an overview ofcommunity strengths and challenges that are useful for planning, budgeting and performance evaluation.The charts below show the proportion of residents who rated the community facets positively for quality and thepriority (importance) placed on each. Also displayed is whether local ratings were lower, similar, or higher thancommunities across the country (the national benchmark).Overall economic healthOverall quality of the transportation systemOverall design or layout of residential and commercialareasOverall quality of the utility infrastructureOverall feeling of safetyOverall quality of natural environmentOverall quality of parks and recreation opportunitiesOverall health and wellness opportunitiesOverall opportunities for education, culture, and the artsResidents' connection and engagement with theircommunityPlease rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole.(% excellent or good) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Overall economic health Overall quality of the transportation system Overall design or layout of residential and commercial areas Overall quality of the utility infrastructure Overall feeling of safety Overall quality of natural environment Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities Overall health and wellness opportunities Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts Residents' connection and engagement with their community 84%80% Similar 84%80% Similar 71% Similar 71% Similar 78%83% Similar 78%83% Similar 83% Similar 83% Similar 70%62% Lower 70%62% Lower 85%84% Similar 85%84% Similar 72% Similar 72% Similar 74%67% Similar 74%67% Similar 77%63% Similar 77%63% Similar 73%63% Similar 73%63% Similar Please rate how important, if at all, you think it is for the Bozeman community to focus on each of the following in the coming two years. (% essential or very important) * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. Balancing performance and importance Every jurisdiction must balance limited resources while meeting resident needs and striving to optimize community livability. To this end, it is helpful to know what aspects of the community are most important to residents and which they perceive as being of higher or lower quality. It is especially helpful to know when a facet of livability is considered of high importance but rated as lower quality, as this should be a top priority to address. To help guide City staff and officials with decisions on future resource allocation, resident ratings of the importance of services were compared to their ratings of the quality of these services. To identify the services perceived by residents to have relatively lower quality at the same time as relatively higher importance, all services were ranked from highest perceived quality to lowest perceived quality and from highest perceived importance to lowest perceived importance. Some services were in the top half of both lists (higher quality and higher importance); some were in the top half of one list but the bottom half of the other (higher quality and lower importance or lower quality and higher importance); and some services were in the bottom half of both lists. Services receiving quality ratings of excellent or good by 69% or more of respondents were considered of “higher quality” and those with ratings lower than 69% were considered to be of “lower quality.” Services were classified as “more important” if they were rated as essential or very important by 71% or more of respondents. Services were rated as “less important” if they received a rating of less than 71%. This classification uses the median ratings for quality and importance to divide the services in half. The quadrants in the figure below show which community facets were given higher or lower importance ratings (right-left) and which had higher or lower quality ratings (up-down). Facets of livability falling closer to a diagonal line from the lower left to the upper right are those where performance ratings are more commensurate with resident priorities. Facets scoring  closest to the lower right hand corner of the matrix ( higher in importance and lower in quality) are those that may warrant further investigation to see if changes to their delivery are necessary to improve their performance. This is the key part of this chart on which to focus. Facets falling in the top left hand corner of the chart (lower in importance but higher in quality) are areas where performance may outscore resident priorities, and may be a consideration for lower resource allocation. (vs. benchmark*) 9 Facets of livabilityResident perceptions of quality and importance for each of the facets of community livability provide an overview ofcommunity strengths and challenges that are useful for planning, budgeting and performance evaluation.The charts below show the proportion of residents who rated the community facets positively for quality and thepriority (importance) placed on each. Also displayed is whether local ratings were lower, similar, or higher thancommunities across the country (the national benchmark).Overall economic healthOverall quality of the transportation systemOverall design or layout of residential and commercialareasOverall quality of the utility infrastructureOverall feeling of safetyOverall quality of natural environmentOverall quality of parks and recreation opportunitiesOverall health and wellness opportunitiesOverall opportunities for education, culture, and the artsResidents' connection and engagement with theircommunityPlease rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole.(% excellent or good)Overall economic healthOverall quality of the transportation systemOverall design or layout of residential and commercialareasOverall quality of the utility infrastructureOverall feeling of safetyOverall quality of natural environmentOverall quality of parks and recreation opportunitiesOverall health and wellness opportunitiesOverall opportunities for education, culture, and the artsResidents' connection and engagement with theircommunityPlease rate how important, if at all, you think it is for the Bozeman community to focus on each of the following inthe coming two years.(% essential or very important)* Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. Balancing performance and importance Every jurisdiction must balance limited resources while meeting resident needs and striving to optimize community livability. To this end, it is helpful to know what aspects of the community are most important to residents and which they perceive as being of higher or lower quality. It is especially helpful to know when a facet of livability is considered of high importance but rated as lower quality, as this should be a top priority to address. To help guide City staff and officials with decisions on future resource allocation, resident ratings of the importance of services were compared to their ratings of the quality of these services. To identify the services perceived by residents to have relatively lower quality at the same time as relatively higher importance, all services were ranked from highest perceived quality to lowest perceived quality and from highest perceived importance to lowest perceived importance. Some services were in the top half of both lists (higher quality and higher importance); some were in the top half of one list but the bottom half of the other (higher quality and lower importance or lower quality and higher importance); and some services were in the bottom half of both lists. Services receiving quality ratings of excellent or good by 69% or more of respondents were considered of “higher quality” and those with ratings lower than 69% were considered to be of “lower quality.” Services were classified as “more important” if they were rated as essential or very important by 71% or more of respondents. Services were rated as “less important” if they received a rating of less than 71%. This classification uses the median ratings for quality and importance to divide the services in half. The quadrants in the figure below show which community facets were given higher or lower importance ratings (right-left) and which had higher or lower quality ratings (up-down). Facets of livability falling closer to a diagonal line from the lower left to the upper right are those where performance ratings are more commensurate with resident priorities. Facets scoring  closest to the lower right hand corner of the matrix ( higher in importance and lower in quality) are those that may warrant further investigation to see if changes to their delivery are necessary to improve their performance. This is the key part of this chart on which to focus. Facets falling in the top left hand corner of the chart (lower in importance but higher in quality) are areas where performance may outscore resident priorities, and may be a consideration for lower resource allocation. 60%70%80% Importance 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%QualityCommunity design Economy Education, arts, and culture Health and wellness Inclusivity and engagement Mobility Natural environment Parks and recreationSafety Utilities Median Median (vs. benchmark*) 10 Excellent 20% Good 48% Poor 4% Fair 27% The overall quality of life in Bozeman, 2022 Quality of life Measuring community livability starts with assessing the quality of life of those who live there, and ensuring that the community is attractive, accessible, and welcoming to all. 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Bozeman as a place to live The overall quality of life 90%80% Similarvs. benchmark* 90%80% Similarvs. benchmark* 90%69% Similar 90%69% Similar Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Bozeman. (% excellent or good) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Recommend living in Bozeman to someone who asks Remain in Bozeman for the next five years 82% 46% Much lower 82% 46% Much lower 82%70% Lower 82%70% Lower Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following. (% very or somewhat likely) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Overall image or reputation 86%66% Similar 86%66% Similar Please rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. (% excellent or good) * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 11 Excellent 4% Good 26% Fair 41% Poor 28% Overall confidence in Bozeman government, 2022 Governance Strong local governments produce results that meet the needs of residents while making the best use of available resources, and are responsive to the present and future needs of the community as a whole. * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 The value of services for the taxes paid to Bozeman The overall direction that Bozeman is taking The job Bozeman government does at welcoming resident involvement Overall confidence in Bozeman government Generally acting in the best interest of the community Being honest Being open and transparent to the public Informing residents about issues facing the community Treating all residents fairly Treating residents with respect 54%41% Similar 54%41% Similar 46% 22% Much lower 46% 22% Much lower 55%40% Similar 55%40% Similar 52% 31% Lower 52% 31% Lower 53% 30% Lower 53% 30% Lower 58%40% Lower 58%40% Lower Please rate the following categories of Bozeman government performance. (% excellent or good) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Public information services Overall customer service by Bozeman employees 73%67% Similar 73%67% Similar 77%74% Similar vs. benchmark* 77%74% Similar vs. benchmark* Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. (% excellent or good) The City of Bozeman The Federal Government Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? (% excellent or good) 12 Overall confidence in Bozemangovernment, 2022GovernanceStrong local governments produce results that meet the needsof residents while making the best use of available resources,and are responsive to the present and future needs of thecommunity as a whole. * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. The value of services for the taxes paid to BozemanThe overall direction that Bozeman is takingThe job Bozeman government does at welcoming residentinvolvementOverall confidence in Bozeman governmentGenerally acting in the best interest of the community Being honest Being open and transparent to the public Informing residents about issues facing the community Treating all residents fairly Treating residents with respect 58%40% Lower 58%40% Lower 38% Lower 38% Lower 35% Lower 35% Lower 53%40% Lower 53%40% Lower 57% Similar 57% Similar Please rate the following categories of Bozeman government performance.(% excellent or good)Public information servicesOverall customer service by Bozeman employeesPlease rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman.(% excellent or good) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 The City of Bozeman The Federal Government 81%60% Similar 81%60% Similar 43%30% Similar 43%30% Similar Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? (% excellent or good) 13 Excellent 10% Good 30% Fair 37% Poor 24% Overall economic health of Bozeman, 2022 Very positive Somewhat positive Neutral Somewhat negative Very negative 3% 11% 34% 36% 17% What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: Economy Local governments work together with private and nonprofit businesses, and with the community at large, to foster sustainable growth, create jobs, and promote a thriving local economy. 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Bozeman as a place to work Bozeman as a place to visit 57%52% Similar 57%52% Similar 93%86% Higher 93%86% Higher Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Bozeman. (% excellent or good) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Overall quality of business and service establishments Variety of business and service establishments Vibrancy of downtown/commercial area Employment opportunities Shopping opportunities Cost of living 76%81% Similar 76%81% Similar 68% Similar 68% Similar 86%83% Much higher 86%83% Much higher Please rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. (% excellent or good) Economic development Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. (% excellent or good) What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: (% very or somewhat positive) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Overall economic health 66%40% Lower benchmark* 66%40% Lower vvss.. benchmark* Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole. (% excellent or good) * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 14 Overall economic health ofBozeman, 2022 Very positiveSomewhatpositiveNeutralSomewhatnegativeVery negativeWhat impact, if any, do you think the economywill have on your family income in the next 6months? Do you think the impact will be:EconomyLocal governments work together with private andnonprofit businesses, and with the community atlarge, to foster sustainable growth, create jobs,and promote a thriving local economy.Bozeman as a place to workBozeman as a place to visitPlease rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Bozeman.(% excellent or good)Overall quality of business and service establishmentsVariety of business and service establishmentsVibrancy of downtown/commercial area Employment opportunities Shopping opportunities Cost of living 43%52% Similar43%52% Similar 59%65% Similar59%65% Similar 18% 4% Much lower18% 4% Much lower Please rate each of the following in the Bozeman community.(% excellent or good) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Economic development 59%42% Similar 59%42% Similar Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. (% excellent or good) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: 28% 14% Lower 28% 14% Lower What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: (% very or somewhat positive) Overall economic healthPlease rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole.(% excellent or good) * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 15 Excellent 10% Good 36%Fair 33% Poor 21% Overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman, 2022 Mobility The ease with which residents can move about their communities, whether for commuting, leisure, or recreation, plays a major role in the quality of life for all who live, work, and play in the community. 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Traffic flow on major streets Ease of public parking Ease of travel by car Ease of travel by public transportation Ease of travel by bicycle Ease of walking 37%31% Lower 37%31% Lower 39%24% Lower 39%24% Lower 56%60% Similar56%60% Similar 36%33% Similar36%33% Similar 51%49% Similar51%49% Similar 76%68% Similar 76%68% Similar Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. (% excellent or good) Used public transportation instead of driving Carpooled with other adults or children instead of driving alone Walked or biked instead of driving Please indicate whether or not you have done each of the following in the last 12 months. (% yes) Traffic enforcement Traffic signal timing Street repair Street cleaning Street lighting Snow removal Sidewalk maintenance Bus or transit services Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. (% excellent or good) 2016 2018 2020 2022 Overall quality of the transportation system 45% Similar vs. benchmark* 45% Similar vs. benchmark* Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole. (% excellent or good) * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 16 Overall quality of the transportationsystem in Bozeman, 2022MobilityThe ease with which residents can move about theircommunities, whether for commuting, leisure, or recreation,plays a major role in the quality of life for all who live, work,and play in the community.Traffic flow on major streetsEase of public parkingEase of travel by carEase of travel by public transportationEase of travel by bicycleEase of walkingPlease also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community.(% excellent or good) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Used public transportation instead of driving Carpooled with other adults or children instead of driving alone Walked or biked instead of driving 25%24% Similar25%24% Similar 69%63% Much higher 69%63% Much higher 83%81% Much higher 83%81% Much higher Please indicate whether or not you have done each of the following in the last 12 months. (% yes) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Traffic enforcement Traffic signal timing Street repair Street cleaning Street lighting Snow removal Sidewalk maintenance Bus or transit services 58%46% Lower 58%46% Lower 38%45% Similar38%45% Similar 38%42% Similar38%42% Similar 71%71% Similar 71%71% Similar 60%67% Similar60%67% Similar 56%51% Lower 56%51% Lower 47% 55% Similar47% 55% Similar 58%56% Similar58%56% Similar Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. (% excellent or good) Overall quality of the transportation systemPlease rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole.(% excellent or good) * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 17 Excellent 7% Good 34% Fair 37% Poor 22% Overall design or layout of Bozeman's residential and commercial areas, 2022 Community design A well-designed community enhances the quality of life for its residents by encouraging smart land use and zoning, ensuring that affordable housing is accessible to all, and providing access to parks and other green spaces. * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Well-planned residential growth Well-planned commercial growth Well-designed neighborhoods Preservation of the historical or cultural character of the community Public places where people want to spend time Variety of housing options Availability of affordable quality housing Overall quality of new development Overall appearance 18% Much lower 18% Much lower 26% Lower 26% Lower 39% Lower 39% Lower 51% Lower 51% Lower 85%72% Similar 85%72% Similar Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. (% excellent or good) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Your neighborhood as a place to live 82%78% Similar 82%78% Similar Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Bozeman. (% excellent or good) Land use, planning and zoning Code enforcement Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. (% excellent or good) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Overall design or layout of residential and commercial areas 64%41% Lower vs. benchmark* 64%41% Lower vs. benchmark* Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole. (% excellent or good) 18 Overall design or layout ofBozeman's residential andcommercial areas, 2022Community designA well-designed community enhances the quality of life for itsresidents by encouraging smart land use and zoning, ensuringthat affordable housing is accessible to all, and providingaccess to parks and other green spaces. * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. Well-planned residential growthWell-planned commercial growthWell-designed neighborhoodsPreservation of the historical or cultural character of thecommunity Public places where people want to spend time Variety of housing options Availability of affordable quality housing Overall quality of new development Overall appearance 85%72% Similar 85%72% Similar 24% 8% Much lower 24% 8% Much lower 10% 3% Much lower10% 3% Much lower 52%22% Much lower 52%22% Much lower 90%73% Similar 90%73% Similar Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community.(% excellent or good)Your neighborhood as a place to livePlease rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Bozeman.(% excellent or good) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Land use, planning and zoning Code enforcement 38%25% Lower 38%25% Lower 47%42% Similar 47%42% Similar Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. (% excellent or good) Overall design or layout of residential and commercialareasPlease rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole.(% excellent or good) 19 Excellent 16% Good 51% Fair 23% Poor 10% Overall quality of the utility infrastructure in Bozeman, 2022 Utilities Services such as water, gas, electricity, and internet access play a vital role in ensuring the physical and economic health and well-being of the communities they serve. * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Affordable high-speed internet access Garbage collection Drinking water Sewer services Storm water management Power (electric and/or gas) utility Utility billing 45% Similar 45% Similar 91%89% Similar 91%89% Similar 80%90% Higher80%90% Higher 86%92% Similar 86%92% Similar 66% 83% Similar66% 83% Similar 78%75% Similar78%75% Similar Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. (% excellent or good) 2016 2018 2020 2022 Overall quality of the utility infrastructure 67% Similar vs. benchmark* 67% Similar vs. benchmark* Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole. (% excellent or good) 20 Overall quality of the utilityinfrastructure in Bozeman, 2022UtilitiesServices such as water, gas, electricity, and internet accessplay a vital role in ensuring the physical and economic healthand well-being of the communities they serve. * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. Affordable high-speed internet accessGarbage collectionDrinking waterSewer servicesStorm water managementPower (electric and/or gas) utility Utility billing 68%66% Similar68%66% Similar Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman.(% excellent or good)Overall quality of the utility infrastructurePlease rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole.(% excellent or good) 21 Excellent 42% Good 47% Fair 8% Poor 2% Overall feeling of safety in Bozeman, 2022 Safety Public safety is often the most important task facing local governments. All residents should feel safe and secure in their neighborhoods and in the greater community, and providing robust safety-related services is essential to residents' quality of life. 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Overall feeling of safety 92%89% Similar vs. benchmark* 92%89% Similar vs. benchmark* Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole. (% excellent or good) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 In your neighborhood during the day In Bozeman's downtown/commercial area during the day From property crime From violent crime From fire, flood, or other natural disaster 97%96% Similar 97%96% Similar 97%93% Similar 97%93% Similar 84% Similar 84% Similar 90% Similar 90% Similar 82% Similar 82% Similar Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: (% very or somewhat safe) Police/Sheriff services Crime prevention Animal control Ambulance or emergency medical services Fire services Fire prevention and education Emergency preparedness Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. (% excellent or good) * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 22 Overall feeling of safety inBozeman, 2022SafetyPublic safety is often the most important task facing localgovernments. All residents should feel safe and secure in theirneighborhoods and in the greater community, and providingrobust safety-related services is essential to residents' qualityof life.Overall feeling of safetyPlease rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole.(% excellent or good)In your neighborhood during the dayIn Bozeman's downtown/commercial area during the dayFrom property crimeFrom violent crimeFrom fire, flood, or other natural disasterPlease rate how safe or unsafe you feel:(% very or somewhat safe) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Police/Sheriff services Crime prevention Animal control Ambulance or emergency medical services Fire services Fire prevention and education Emergency preparedness 83%73% Similar 83%73% Similar 80%79% Similar80%79% Similar 63%69% Similar63%69% Similar 92%81% Similar 92%81% Similar 94%90% Similar 94%90% Similar 84%72% Similar 84%72% Similar 49%52% Similar49%52% Similar Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. (% excellent or good) * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 23 Excellent 50%Good 38% Fair 8% Poor 3% Overall quality of natural environment in Bozeman, 2022 Natural environment The natural environment plays a vital role in the health and well-being of residents. The natural spaces in which residents live and experience their communities has a direct and profound effect on quality of life. 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Cleanliness Water resources Air quality 91%82% Similar 91%82% Similar 71% Similar 71% Similar 93%85% Similar 93%85% Similar Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. (% excellent or good) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Preservation of natural areas Bozeman open space Recycling Yard waste pick-up 54%51% Lower 54%51% Lower 62%56% Similar 62%56% Similar Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. (% excellent or good) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Overall quality of natural environment 87%89% Higher vs. benchmark* 87%89% Higher vs. benchmark* Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole. (% excellent or good) * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 24 Overall quality of naturalenvironment in Bozeman, 2022Natural environmentThe natural environment plays a vital role in the health andwell-being of residents. The natural spaces in which residentslive and experience their communities has a direct andprofound effect on quality of life.CleanlinessWater resourcesAir qualityPlease also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community.(% excellent or good)Preservation of natural areasBozeman open space Recycling Yard waste pick-up 59% 32% Much lower 59% 32% Much lower 57%60% Lower 57%60% Lower Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman.(% excellent or good)Overall quality of natural environmentPlease rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole.(% excellent or good) * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 25 Excellent 48%Good 40% Fair 9% Poor 3% Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities, 2022 Parks and recreation "There are no communities that pride themselves on their quality of life, promote themselves as a desirable location for businesses to relocate, or maintain that they are environmental stewards of their natural resources, without such communities having a robust, active system of parks and recreation programs for public use and enjoyment." - National Recreation and Park Association 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Availability of paths and walking trails Fitness opportunities Recreational opportunities 83%85% Higher 83%85% Higher 89%87% Higher 89%87% Higher 93%91% Much higher 93%91% Much higher Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. (% excellent or good) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 City parks Recreation programs or classes Recreation centers or facilities 89%84% Similar 89%84% Similar 83%72% Similar 83%72% Similar Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. (% excellent or good) 2016 2018 2020 2022 Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities 88% Similar vs. benchmark* 88% Similar vs. benchmark* Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole. (% excellent or good) * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 26 Overall quality of parks andrecreation opportunities, 2022Parks and recreation"There are no communities that pride themselves on theirquality of life, promote themselves as a desirable location forbusinesses to relocate, or maintain that they areenvironmental stewards of their natural resources, withoutsuch communities having a robust, active system of parks andrecreation programs for public use and enjoyment."- National Recreation and Park AssociationAvailability of paths and walking trailsFitness opportunitiesRecreational opportunitiesPlease also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community.(% excellent or good)City parks Recreation programs or classes Recreation centers or facilities 78%61% Similar 78%61% Similar Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman.(% excellent or good)Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunitiesPlease rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole.(% excellent or good) * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 27 Excellent 34% Good 47% Fair 14% Poor 4% Overall health and wellness opportunities in Bozeman, 2022 Health and wellness The characteristics of and amenities available in the communities in which people live has a direct impact on the health and wellness of residents, and thus, on their quality of life overall. 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Availability of affordable quality food Availability of affordable quality health care Availability of preventive health services Availability of affordable quality mental health care 68%54% Similar 68%54% Similar 64%43% Lower 64%43% Lower 70%56% Similar 70%56% Similar 50% 25% Lower 50% 25% Lower Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. (% excellent or good) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Health services 72%64% Similar 72%64% Similar Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. (% excellent or good) Please rate your overall health. Please rate your overall health. (% excellent or very good) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Overall health and wellness opportunities 81%82% Similar vs. benchmark* 81%82% Similar vs. benchmark* Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole. (% excellent or good) * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 28 Overall health and wellnessopportunities in Bozeman, 2022Health and wellnessThe characteristics of and amenities available in thecommunities in which people live has a direct impact on thehealth and wellness of residents, and thus, on their quality oflife overall.Availability of affordable quality foodAvailability of affordable quality health careAvailability of preventive health servicesAvailability of affordable quality mental health carePlease also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community.(% excellent or good)Health servicesPlease rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman.(% excellent or good) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Please rate your overall health. 76%81% Similar 76%81% Similar Please rate your overall health. (% excellent or very good) Overall health and wellness opportunitiesPlease rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole.(% excellent or good) * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 29 Excellent 25% Good 46% Fair 23% Poor 6% Overall opportunities for education, culture and the arts, 2022 Education, arts, and culture Participation in the arts, in educational opportunities, and in cultural activities is linked to increased civic engagement, greater social tolerance, and enhanced enjoyment of the local community. 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities Community support for the arts Availability of affordable quality childcare/preschool K-12 education Adult educational opportunities Opportunities to attend special events and festivals 75%73% Similar 75%73% Similar 75% Higher 75% Higher 42%16% Much lower 42%16% Much lower 83%79% Similar 83%79% Similar 77%65% Similar 77%65% Similar 74%78% Similar 74%78% Similar Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. (% excellent or good) Public library services Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. (% excellent or good) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts 86%71% Similarvs. benchmark* 86%71% Similarvs. benchmark* Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole. (% excellent or good) * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 30 Overall opportunities for education,culture and the arts, 2022Education, arts, and cultureParticipation in the arts, in educational opportunities, and incultural activities is linked to increased civic engagement,greater social tolerance, and enhanced enjoyment of the localcommunity.Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activitiesCommunity support for the artsAvailability of affordable quality childcare/preschoolK-12 educationAdult educational opportunitiesOpportunities to attend special events and festivalsPlease also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community.(% excellent or good) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Public library services 93%93% Similar 93%93% Similar Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. (% excellent or good) Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the artsPlease rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole.(% excellent or good) * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 31 Excellent 11% Good 42% Fair 35% Poor 11% Residents' connection and engagement with their community, 2022 Inclusivity and engagement Inclusivity refers to a cultural and environmental feeling of belonging; residents who feel invited to participate within their communities feel more included, involved, and engaged than those who do not. 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Bozeman as a place to raise children Bozeman as a place to retire Sense of community 89%82% Similar 89%82% Similar 67%52% Lower 67%52% Lower 66%54% Similar 66%54% Similar Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Bozeman. (% excellent or good) 2016 2018 2020 2022 Residents' connection and engagement with their community 53% Similar vs. benchmark* 53% Similar vs. benchmark* Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole. (% excellent or good) 2016 2018 2020 2022 Making all residents feel welcome Attracting people from diverse backgrounds Valuing/respecting residents from diverse backgrounds Taking care of vulnerable residents 57% Similar 57% Similar Please rate the job you feel the Bozeman community does at each of the following. (% excellent or good) Sense of civic/community pride Neighborliness of residents Opportunities to participate in social events and activities Opportunities to volunteer Opportunities to participate in community matters Openness and acceptance of the community toward people of diverse backgrounds Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. (% excellent or good) * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 32 Residents' connection andengagement with theircommunity, 2022Inclusivity and engagementInclusivity refers to a cultural and environmental feeling ofbelonging; residents who feel invited to participate within theircommunities feel more included, involved, and engaged thanthose who do not.Bozeman as a place to raise childrenBozeman as a place to retireSense of communityPlease rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Bozeman.(% excellent or good)Residents' connection and engagement with theircommunityPlease rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole.(% excellent or good) Making all residents feel welcome Attracting people from diverse backgrounds Valuing/respecting residents from diverse backgrounds Taking care of vulnerable residents 28% Much lower 28% Much lower 39% Lower 39% Lower 33% Lower 33% Lower Please rate the job you feel the Bozeman community does at each of the following.(% excellent or good) 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Sense of civic/community pride Neighborliness of residents Opportunities to participate in social events and activities Opportunities to volunteer Opportunities to participate in community matters Openness and acceptance of the community toward people of diverse backgrounds 58% Similar 58% Similar 66%59% Similar 66%59% Similar 81%77% Similar 81%77% Similar 86%81% Similar 86%81% Similar 75%65% Similar 75%65% Similar 60%44% Similar 60%44% Similar Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. (% excellent or good) * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 33 Residents' participation levels 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Contacted the City of Bozeman for help or information Contacted Bozeman elected officials to express your opinion Attended a local public meeting Watched a local public meeting Volunteered your time to some group/activity Campaigned or advocated for a local issue, cause, or candidate Voted in your most recent local election 41% 41% Similar vs. benchmark* 41% 41% Similar vs. benchmark* 14% 23% Similar14% 23% Similar 23%28% Similar23%28% Similar 20% 33% Similar20% 33% Similar 64%60% Much higher 64%60% Much higher 21%27% Similar21%27% Similar 83% Similar 83% Similar Please indicate whether or not you have done each of the following in the last 12 months. (% yes) 2016 2018 2020 2022 Access the internet from your home Access the internet from your cell phone Visit social media sites Use or check email Share your opinions online Shop online 95% Similar 95% Similar 96% Similar 96% Similar 74% Similar 74% Similar 99% Similar 99% Similar In general, how many times do you: (% a few times a week or more) * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 34 Residents' participation levelsContacted the City of Bozeman for help or informationContacted Bozeman elected officials to express your opinionAttended a local public meetingWatched a local public meetingVolunteered your time to some group/activityCampaigned or advocated for a local issue, cause, or candidateVoted in your most recent local electionPlease indicate whether or not you have done each of the following in the last 12 months.(% yes)Access the internet from your homeAccess the internet from your cell phoneVisit social media sites Use or check email Share your opinions online Shop online 99% Similar 99% Similar 23% Similar 23% Similar 48% Similar 48% Similar In general, how many times do you:(% a few times a week or more) * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 35 How likely would you be, if at all, to opt to increase your utility fees to receive electricity from renewable sources (wind, solar, etc.)? Very likely Somewhat likely Not at all likely How much would you support or oppose an increase in property taxes to fund the following in Bozeman? Combined aquatics/recreation facility and west side branch of the Bozeman Public Library Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose New fire station and staff to maintain citywide service levels relative to growth Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Currently, the City of Bozeman receives no local sales tax revenue. How much would you support or oppose a local option sales tax that would go to the City to support property tax relief? Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Please select the option that best describes how you think the City should address each of the following aspects of the community. Economy More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion Environment More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion Neighborhoods More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion Safety More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion Parks & recreation More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion Transportation More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion General government More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion Housing More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion Other More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion 24% 33% 43% 20% 15% 37% 28% 11% 10% 46% 32% 38% 17% 18% 27% 2% 11% 38% 49% 1% 7% 47% 45% 3% 8% 57% 32% 2% 10% 74% 13% Custom questions Below are the complete set of responses to each custom question on the survey. By default, “don’t know” responses are excluded, but may be added to the table using the response filter below. 36 How likely would you be, if at all, to opt toincrease your utility fees to receive electricityfrom renewable sources (wind, solar, etc.)?Very likelySomewhat likelyNot at all likelyHow much would you support oroppose an increase in propertytaxes to fund the following inBozeman?Combined aquatics/recreation facility andwest side branch of the Bozeman PublicLibrary Strongly supportSomewhat supportSomewhat opposeStrongly opposeNew fire station and staff to maintaincitywide service levels relative to growth Strongly supportSomewhat supportSomewhat opposeStrongly opposeCurrently, the City of Bozeman receives nolocal sales tax revenue. How much would yousupport or oppose a local option sales taxthat would go to the City to support propertytax relief?Strongly supportSomewhat supportSomewhat opposeStrongly opposePlease select the option that bestdescribes how you think the Cityshould address each of thefollowing aspects of thecommunity.Economy More effortSame effortLess effortNo opinionEnvironmentMore effortSame effortLess effortNo opinionNeighborhoodsMore effortSame effortLess effort No opinion Safety More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion Parks & recreation More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion Transportation More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion General government More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion Housing More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion Other More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion 2% 10% 74% 13% 1% 10% 71% 17% 1% 9% 46% 44% 9% 12% 56% 23% 1% 5% 9% 84% 67% 2% 10% 20% Custom questionsBelow are the complete set of responses to each custom question on the survey. By default, “don’t know” responses areexcluded, but may be added to the table using the response filter below.Include "don't know"No 37 Open-ended questions Bozeman included one open-ended question on their survey. The verbatim responses were categorized by topic area and those topics are reported below with the percent of responses given in each category. Because some comments from residents covered more than a single topic, those verbatim responses are grouped by the first topic listed in each comment. Shown in the chart below, many of the write-in comments from residents related to aspects of housing and growth. Generally, comments related to housing affordability and housing inventory in Bozeman were categorized as "housing;" comments related to restricting housing growth and development were categorized as "neighborhoods"(which also includes comments related to planning and responsible growth); finally, comments related to residential property taxes were categorized under "general governemnt." Housing Transportation Neighborhoods Environment General government Economy Other Parks and Recreation Safety Don't know/NA 1% 2% 2% 2% 4% 4% 8% 9% 11% 57% Of the areas above, which is the single most important for the City to increase efforts? If you chose ‘other,'please explain. 38 % positiveRankNumber ofcommunitiesPercentilePlease rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Bozeman. Bozeman as a place to live Similar Your neighborhood as a place to live Similar Bozeman as a place to raise children Similar Bozeman as a place to work Similar Bozeman as a place to visit Higher Bozeman as a place to retire Lower The overall quality of life Similar Sense of community Similar Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole. Overall economic health Lower Overall quality of the transportation system Similar Overall design or layout of residential and commercial areas Lower Overall quality of the utility infrastructure Similar Overall feeling of safety Similar Overall quality of natural environment Higher 3434422680% 2929620978% 5034817282% 2533925452% 852974386% 1634428752% 2337028469% 1729624554% 1128425240% 3216911545% 527726441% 4016510067% 7033410189% National benchmark tables This table contains the comparisons of Bozeman's results to those from other communities. The first column shows the comparison of Bozeman's rating to the benchmark. Bozeman's results are noted as being “higher”, “lower” or “similar” to the benchmark, meaning that the average rating given by Bozeman residents is statistically similar to or different than the benchmark. The second column is Bozeman's “percent positive.” Most commonly, the percent positive is the combination of the top two most positive response options (i.e., excellent/good). The third column is the rank assigned to Bozeman's rating among communities where a similar question was asked. The fourth column is the number of communities that asked a similar question. The fifth column shows the percentile for Bozeman's result -- that is what percent of surveyed communities had a lower rating than Bozeman. 39 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole. Overall feeling of safety Similar Overall quality of natural environment Higher Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities Similar Overall health and wellness opportunities Similar Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts Similar Residents' connection and engagement with their community Similar Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following. Recommend living in Bozeman to someone who asks Much lower Remain in Bozeman for the next five years Lower Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: In your neighborhood during the day Similar In Bozeman's downtown/commercial area during the day Similar From property crime Similar From violent crime Similar From fire, flood, or other natural disaster Similar Please rate the job you feel the Bozeman community does at each of the following. Making all residents feel welcome Similar Attracting people from diverse backgrounds Much lower Valuing/respecting residents from diverse backgrounds Lower Taking care of vulnerable residents Lower Please rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Overall quality of business and service establishments Similar Variety of business and service establishments Similar Vibrancy of downtown/commercial area Much higher 852864289% 791703688% 772796582% 6228110671% 3816610353% 028828746% 528526970% 813155996% 6429910893% 791743784% 701745290% 401649982% 917215657% 216916528% 317016539% 616615633% 792846081% 591666868% 40 Please rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Variety of business and service establishments Similar Vibrancy of downtown/commercial area Much higher Employment opportunities Similar Shopping opportunities Similar Cost of living Much lower Overall image or reputation Similar Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Traffic flow on major streets Lower Ease of public parking Lower Ease of travel by car Similar Ease of travel by public transportation Similar Ease of travel by bicycle Similar Ease of walking Similar Well-planned residential growth Much lower Well-planned commercial growth Lower Well-designed neighborhoods Lower Preservation of the historical or cultural character of the community Lower Public places where people want to spend time Similar Variety of housing options Much lower Availability of affordable quality housing Much lower Overall quality of new development Much lower 942661583% 6430010952% 6429110465% 02782774% 3633921666% 1931225231% 426024924% 2629922160% 4126015233% 4030118049% 5030215268% 116816618% 1116814926% 716515339% 816515251% 662729172% 12842828% 03063063% 41 Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Availability of affordable quality housing Much lower Overall quality of new development Much lower Overall appearance Similar Cleanliness Similar Water resources Similar Air quality Similar Availability of paths and walking trails Higher Fitness opportunities Higher Recreational opportunities Much higher Availability of affordable quality food Similar Availability of affordable quality health care Lower Availability of preventive health services Similar Availability of affordable quality mental health care Lower Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities Similar Community support for the arts Higher Availability of affordable quality childcare/preschool Much lower K-12 education Similar Adult educational opportunities Similar Sense of civic/community pride Similar Neighborliness of residents Similar 229629022% 4331818273% 5430613982% 671505071% 652719485% 833035085% 942721787% 98293691% 1626622454% 1427523643% 2726119156% 826224225% 772896673% 831652975% 127327116% 6227610479% 702698165% 3716510458% 42 Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Sense of civic/community pride Similar Neighborliness of residents Similar Opportunities to participate in social events and activities Similar Opportunities to attend special events and festivals Similar Opportunities to volunteer Similar Opportunities to participate in community matters Similar Openness and acceptance of the community toward people of diverse backgrounds Similar Please indicate whether or not you have done each of the following in the last 12 months. Contacted the City of Bozeman for help or information Similar Contacted Bozeman elected officials to express your opinion Similar Attended a local public meeting Similar Watched a local public meeting Similar Volunteered your time to some group/activity Much higher Campaigned or advocated for a local issue, cause, or candidate Similar Voted in your most recent local election Similar Used public transportation instead of driving Similar Carpooled with other adults or children instead of driving alone Much higher Walked or biked instead of driving Much higher Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. Public information services Similar Economic development Similar Traffic enforcement Lower 2727319759% 822805177% 772786378% 852764081% 6227910765% 1129626244% 2931422141% 822724823% 882743328% 802555133% 97277760% 822664727% 771673983% 712487124% 98269563% 932731981% 3229219667% 1728523642% 43 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. Economic development Similar Traffic enforcement Lower Traffic signal timing Similar Street repair Similar Street cleaning Similar Street lighting Similar Snow removal Lower Sidewalk maintenance Similar Bus or transit services Similar Land use, planning and zoning Lower Code enforcement Similar Affordable high-speed internet access Similar Garbage collection Similar Drinking water Higher Sewer services Similar Storm water management Similar Power (electric and/or gas) utility Similar Utility billing Similar Police/Sheriff services Similar Crime prevention Similar 933330246% 1127724545% 3732820742% 6029011671% 5832013467% 1524620851% 3228619355% 5825710756% 329328425% 3132622342% 2516212145% 6130911989% 952881390% 912912792% 843054883% 3423015175% 3725716166% 1836029673% 44 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. Police/Sheriff services Similar Crime prevention Similar Animal control Similar Ambulance or emergency medical services Similar Fire services Similar Fire prevention and education Similar Emergency preparedness Similar Preservation of natural areas Lower Bozeman open space Similar Recycling Much lower Yard waste pick-up Lower City parks Similar Recreation programs or classes Similar Recreation centers or facilities Similar Health services Similar Public library services Similar Overall customer service by Bozeman employees Similar Please rate the following categories of Bozeman government performance. The value of services for the taxes paid to Bozeman Similar The overall direction that Bozeman is taking Much lower The job Bozeman government does at welcoming resident involvement Similar 5633214679% 4330317269% 1229826381% 2532324390% 2228822372% 1428724752% 1127024051% 3726216656% 331230132% 1726722060% 5230514584% 4329816972% 2028222461% 3325617164% 803036093% 2434826374% 2335227141% 031731622% 45 Please rate the following categories of Bozeman government performance. The overall direction that Bozeman is taking Much lower The job Bozeman government does at welcoming resident involvement Similar Overall confidence in Bozeman government Lower Generally acting in the best interest of the community Lower Being honest Lower Being open and transparent to the public Lower Informing residents about issues facing the community Lower Treating all residents fairly Lower Treating residents with respect Similar Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? The City of Bozeman Similar The Federal Government Similar Please rate how important, if at all, you think it is for the Bozeman community to focus on each of the following in the coming two years. Overall economic health Similar Overall quality of the transportation system Similar Overall design or layout of residential and commercial areas Similar Overall quality of the utility infrastructure Similar Overall feeling of safety Lower Overall quality of natural environment Similar Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities Similar Overall health and wellness opportunities Similar Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts Similar 2131524740% 728226131% 328627630% 1327724140% 1117115338% 1017615835% 1128325240% 2016813457% 1734428660% 926624330% 1725721180% 571647071% 882573083% 1316314283% 025725662% 922572084% 481648572% 2125720267% 46 Please rate how important, if at all, you think it is for the Bozeman community to focus on each of the following in the coming two years. Overall health and wellness opportunities Similar Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts Similar Residents' connection and engagement with their community Similar In general, how many times do you: Access the internet from your home Similar Access the internet from your cell phone Similar Visit social media sites Similar Use or check email Similar Share your opinions online Similar Shop online Similar Please rate your overall health.Similar What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be:Lower 625724063% 1225722463% 541647595% 831642896% 1216314474% 821643099% 716415223% 2016413148% 942681681% 527025714% 47 % positiveRankNumber ofcommunitiesPercentilePlease rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Bozeman. Bozeman as a place to live Similar Your neighborhood as a place to live Similar Bozeman as a place to raise children Similar Bozeman as a place to work Similar Bozeman as a place to visit Higher Bozeman as a place to retire Lower The overall quality of life Similar Sense of community Similar Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole. Overall economic health Lower Overall quality of the transportation system Similar Overall design or layout of residential and commercial areas Lower Overall quality of the utility infrastructure Similar Overall feeling of safety Similar Overall quality of natural environment Higher Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities Similar Overall health and wellness opportunities Similar Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts Similar 321258680% 261138478% 471276882% 221239652% 92110986% 1512510752% 2013510769% 171149554% 111099740% 26695245% 410510141% 34674567% 721213489% 901091189% 82681388% 741062882% Custom benchmark tables This table contains the comparisons of Bozeman's results to those from other communities with similar population sizes (between 25,000 and 75,000). The first column shows the comparison of Bozeman's rating to the benchmark. Bozeman's results are noted as being “higher”, “lower” or “similar” to the benchmark, meaning that the average rating given by Bozeman residents is statistically similar to or different than the benchmark. The second column is Bozeman's “percent positive.” Most commonly, the percent positive is the combination of the top two most positive response options (i.e., excellent/good). The third column is the rank assigned to Bozeman's rating among communities where a similar question was asked. The fourth column is the number of communities that asked a similar question. The fifth column shows the percentile for Bozeman's result -- that is what percent of surveyed communities had a lower rating than Bozeman. 48 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole. Overall health and wellness opportunities Similar Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts Similar Residents' connection and engagement with their community Similar Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following. Recommend living in Bozeman to someone who asks Much lower Remain in Bozeman for the next five years Lower Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: In your neighborhood during the day Similar In Bozeman's downtown/commercial area during the day Similar From property crime Similar From violent crime Similar From fire, flood, or other natural disaster Similar Please rate the job you feel the Bozeman community does at each of the following. Making all residents feel welcome Lower Attracting people from diverse backgrounds Much lower Valuing/respecting residents from diverse backgrounds Lower Taking care of vulnerable residents Lower Please rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Overall quality of business and service establishments Similar Variety of business and service establishments Similar Vibrancy of downtown/commercial area Much higher Employment opportunities Similar Shopping opportunities Similar Cost of living Much lower Overall image or reputation Similar Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Traffic flow on major streets Lower Ease of public parking Much lower Ease of travel by car Similar 591084571% 38684353% 010910946% 710910270% 841181996% 651113993% 83661284% 72661990% 34674582% 8736857% 4716928% 4716939% 5686533% 761102781% 64682568% 95100683% 561135052% 621144465% 01041044% 371227766% 201179431% 110510424% 49 Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Ease of public parking Much lower Ease of travel by car Similar Ease of travel by public transportation Similar Ease of travel by bicycle Similar Ease of walking Similar Well-planned residential growth Much lower Well-planned commercial growth Lower Well-designed neighborhoods Lower Preservation of the historical or cultural character of the community Lower Public places where people want to spend time Similar Variety of housing options Much lower Availability of affordable quality housing Much lower Overall quality of new development Much lower Overall appearance Similar Cleanliness Similar Water resources Similar Air quality Similar Availability of paths and walking trails Higher Fitness opportunities Higher Recreational opportunities Much higher Availability of affordable quality food Lower Availability of affordable quality health care Lower Availability of preventive health services Similar Availability of affordable quality mental health care Lower 191159460% 331036933% 331157849% 431176768% 2686718% 11686126% 7666239% 7676351% 671043572% 01101108% 01121123% 211211022% 421197073% 541165482% 67612171% 621044085% 851101785% 94104787% 100110191% 91029354% 111049343% 241017756% 50 Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Availability of preventive health services Similar Availability of affordable quality mental health care Lower Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities Similar Community support for the arts Higher Availability of affordable quality childcare/preschool Much lower K-12 education Similar Adult educational opportunities Similar Sense of civic/community pride Similar Neighborliness of residents Similar Opportunities to participate in social events and activities Similar Opportunities to attend special events and festivals Similar Opportunities to volunteer Similar Opportunities to participate in community matters Similar Openness and acceptance of the community toward people of diverse backgrounds Similar Please indicate whether or not you have done each of the following in the last 12 months. Contacted the City of Bozeman for help or information Similar Contacted Bozeman elected officials to express your opinion Similar Attended a local public meeting Higher Watched a local public meeting Higher Volunteered your time to some group/activity Much higher Campaigned or advocated for a local issue, cause, or candidate Similar Voted in your most recent local election Similar Used public transportation instead of driving Similar Carpooled with other adults or children instead of driving alone Much higher Walked or biked instead of driving Much higher 8999225% 831101973% 8967875% 110210116% 631064079% 661033665% 40674158% 241037859% 851071777% 771082578% 911061081% 621064165% 111119944% 331157741% 94104723% 96106528% 911001033% 100105160% 881021327% 80681483% 72982824% 99102263% 51 Please indicate whether or not you have done each of the following in the last 12 months. Carpooled with other adults or children instead of driving alone Much higher Walked or biked instead of driving Much higher Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. Public information services Similar Economic development Lower Traffic enforcement Lower Traffic signal timing Similar Street repair Similar Street cleaning Similar Street lighting Similar Snow removal Lower Sidewalk maintenance Similar Bus or transit services Similar Land use, planning and zoning Lower Code enforcement Similar Affordable high-speed internet access Similar Garbage collection Similar Drinking water Higher Sewer services Similar Storm water management Similar Power (electric and/or gas) utility Similar Utility billing Similar Police/Sheriff services Similar Crime prevention Similar Animal control Similar 94102781% 301097667% 121089542% 712411646% 610610045% 281238942% 541115171% 501216067% 12948251% 261108255% 47985256% 111311225% 271208842% 23675245% 531135489% 93110890% 861091692% 781112583% 29946775% 331016866% 1313011473% 541225779% 52 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. Crime prevention Similar Animal control Similar Ambulance or emergency medical services Similar Fire services Similar Fire prevention and education Similar Emergency preparedness Lower Preservation of natural areas Lower Bozeman open space Similar Recycling Much lower Yard waste pick-up Lower City parks Similar Recreation programs or classes Similar Recreation centers or facilities Similar Health services Similar Public library services Similar Overall customer service by Bozeman employees Similar Please rate the following categories of Bozeman government performance. The value of services for the taxes paid to Bozeman Similar The overall direction that Bozeman is taking Much lower The job Bozeman government does at welcoming resident involvement Similar Overall confidence in Bozeman government Lower Generally acting in the best interest of the community Lower Being honest Lower Being open and transparent to the public Lower Informing residents about issues facing the community Lower 361137369% 810810081% 201149290% 201068572% 151129652% 81039551% 331026956% 511310832% 111059460% 461136284% 381127072% 171099161% 26957164% 761122793% 1912310074% 1612610541% 011411422% 151159840% 71059831% 210610430% 81049640% 11706338% 53 Please rate the following categories of Bozeman government performance. Being open and transparent to the public Lower Informing residents about issues facing the community Lower Treating all residents fairly Lower Treating residents with respect Similar Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? The City of Bozeman Similar The Federal Government Similar Please rate how important, if at all, you think it is for the Bozeman community to focus on each of the following in the coming two years. Overall economic health Similar Overall quality of the transportation system Similar Overall design or layout of residential and commercial areas Similar Overall quality of the utility infrastructure Similar Overall feeling of safety Much lower Overall quality of natural environment Similar Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities Similar Overall health and wellness opportunities Similar Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts Similar Residents' connection and engagement with their community Similar In general, how many times do you: Access the internet from your home Similar Access the internet from your cell phone Similar Visit social media sites Similar Use or check email Similar Share your opinions online Similar Shop online Similar Please rate your overall health.Similar What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: Lower 8716635% 610710140% 16685857% 1012311160% 91009230% 151018680% 65672471% 92101983% 16675783% 010110162% 96101584% 46673772% 211018067% 61019563% 151018663% 57662995% 81661396% 7666274% 83661299% 7666223% 24665148% 96102581% 54 Please rate your overall health.Similar What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be:Lower 51039814% 55 Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Bozeman. Bozeman as a place to live Excellent Good Fair Poor Your neighborhood as a place to live Excellent Good Fair Poor Bozeman as a place to raise children Excellent Good Fair Poor Bozeman as a place to work Excellent Good Fair Poor Bozeman as a place to visit Excellent Good Fair Poor Bozeman as a place to retire Excellent Good Fair Poor The overall quality of life Excellent Good Fair Poor Excellent 2% 18% 46% 34% 4% 18% 39% 38% 5% 13% 40% 43% 17% 31% 35% 18% 4% 11% 34% 52% 28% 20% 28% 24% 4% 27% 48% 20% Complete set of frequencies This dashboard contains a complete set of responses to each question on the survey. By default, "don't know" responses are excluded, but may be added to the table using the response filter to the right. In some tables, the percentages may not sum to 100%; this is either because the question permitted the respondent to "choose all that apply", or for a question that asked the respondent to select one answer, it is due to the customary practice of rounding values to the nearest whole number. 56 Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Bozeman. The overall quality of life Poor Sense of community Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole. Overall economic health Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall quality of the transportation system Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall design or layout of residential and commercial areas Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall quality of the utility infrastructure Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall feeling of safety Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall quality of natural environment Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities Excellent Good Fair Poor 17% 29% 39% 14% 24% 37% 30% 10% 21% 33% 36% 10% 22% 37% 34% 7% 10% 23% 51% 16% 2% 8% 47% 42% 3% 8% 38% 50% 9% 40% 48% 57 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole. Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities Fair Poor Overall health and wellness opportunities Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts Excellent Good Fair Poor Residents' connection and engagement with their community Excellent Good Fair Poor Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following. Recommend living in Bozeman to someone who asks Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Remain in Bozeman for the next five years Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: In your neighborhood during the day Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe In Bozeman's downtown/commercial area during the day Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe From property crime Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe 3% 4% 14% 47% 34% 6% 23% 46% 25% 11% 35% 42% 11% 31% 22% 32% 15% 17% 13% 28% 42% 1% 3% 12% 84% 2% 6% 22% 71% 38% 46% 58 Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: From property crime Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe Very unsafe From violent crime Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe Very unsafe From fire, flood, or other natural disaster Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe Very unsafe Please rate the job you feel the Bozeman community does at each of the following. Making all residents feel welcome Excellent Good Fair Poor Attracting people from diverse backgrounds Excellent Good Fair Poor Valuing/respecting residents from diverse backgrounds Excellent Good Fair Poor Taking care of vulnerable residents Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Overall quality of business and service establishments Excellent Good Fair 1% 6% 10% 0% 2% 7% 31% 59% 1% 6% 12% 40% 42% 14% 29% 46% 11% 34% 38% 19% 9% 19% 42% 27% 13% 32% 35% 28% 5% 56% 24% 59 Please rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Overall quality of business and service establishments Good Fair Poor Variety of business and service establishments Excellent Good Fair Poor Vibrancy of downtown/commercial area Excellent Good Fair Poor Employment opportunities Excellent Good Fair Poor Shopping opportunities Excellent Good Fair Poor Cost of living Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall image or reputation Excellent Good Fair Poor Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Traffic flow on major streets Excellent Good Fair Poor Ease of public parking Excellent Good 2% 17% 6% 26% 50% 18% 2% 15% 48% 35% 17% 31% 35% 17% 10% 25% 48% 17% 84% 12% 4% 0% 6% 28% 48% 18% 27% 42% 26% 5% 6% 60 Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Ease of public parking Excellent Good Fair Poor Ease of travel by car Excellent Good Fair Poor Ease of travel by public transportation Excellent Good Fair Poor Ease of travel by bicycle Excellent Good Fair Poor Ease of walking Excellent Good Fair Poor Well-planned residential growth Excellent Good Fair Poor Well-planned commercial growth Excellent Good Fair Poor Well-designed neighborhoods Excellent Good Fair Poor Excellent 30% 46% 18% 10% 30% 49% 11% 35% 32% 28% 6% 19% 33% 39% 10% 11% 21% 46% 22% 49% 33% 14% 4% 36% 38% 23% 3% 25% 37% 33% 6% 61 Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Well-designed neighborhoods Poor Preservation of the historical or cultural character of the community Excellent Good Fair Poor Public places where people want to spend time Excellent Good Fair Poor Variety of housing options Excellent Good Fair Poor Availability of affordable quality housing Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall quality of new development Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall appearance Excellent Good Fair Poor Cleanliness Excellent Good Fair Poor Water resources Excellent Good Fair Poor 22% 27% 43% 8% 6% 22% 52% 21% 67% 25% 6% 2% 91% 6% 2% 1% 37% 40% 20% 2% 5% 23% 52% 21% 3% 15% 56% 26% 23% 47% 25% 62 Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Water resources Fair Poor Air quality Excellent Good Fair Poor Availability of paths and walking trails Excellent Good Fair Poor Fitness opportunities Excellent Good Fair Poor Recreational opportunities Excellent Good Fair Poor Availability of affordable quality food Excellent Good Fair Poor Availability of affordable quality health care Excellent Good Fair Poor Availability of preventive health services Excellent Good Fair Poor Availability of affordable quality mental health care Excellent Good Fair 6% 1% 13% 50% 36% 2% 13% 42% 44% 1% 12% 38% 49% 1% 9% 28% 62% 14% 32% 45% 9% 19% 38% 37% 7% 12% 32% 47% 9% 21% 4% 63 Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Availability of affordable quality mental health care Good Fair Poor Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities Excellent Good Fair Poor Community support for the arts Excellent Good Fair Poor Availability of affordable quality childcare/preschool Excellent Good Fair Poor K-12 education Excellent Good Fair Poor Adult educational opportunities Excellent Good Fair Poor Sense of civic/community pride Excellent Good Fair Poor Neighborliness of residents Excellent Good Fair Poor Opportunities to participate in social events andactivities Excellent Good 42% 33% 4% 24% 54% 19% 4% 21% 50% 25% 56% 28% 13% 3% 4% 18% 46% 33% 9% 26% 47% 18% 10% 32% 47% 11% 11% 31% 45% 13% 18% 64 Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Opportunities to participate in social events and activities Excellent Good Fair Poor Opportunities to attend special events and festivals Excellent Good Fair Poor Opportunities to volunteer Excellent Good Fair Poor Opportunities to participate in community matters Excellent Good Fair Poor Openness and acceptance of the community toward people of diverse backgrounds Excellent Good Fair Poor Please indicate whether or not you have done each of the following in the last 12 months. Contacted the City of Bozeman for help or information No Yes Contacted Bozeman elected officials to express your opinion No Yes Attended a local public meeting No Yes Watched a local public meeting No Yes Volunteered your time to some group/activity No Yes Campaigned or advocated for a local issue, cause, or candidate No Yes No 3% 21% 59% 3% 19% 56% 21% 2% 17% 52% 29% 7% 29% 48% 17% 19% 37% 32% 12% 41% 59% 23% 77% 28% 72% 33% 67% 60% 40% 27% 73% 65 Please indicate whether or not you have done each of the following in the last 12 months. Campaigned or advocated for a local issue, cause, or candidate Yes Voted in your most recent local election No Yes Used public transportation instead of driving No Yes Carpooled with other adults or children instead of driving alone No Yes Walked or biked instead of driving No Yes Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. Public information services Excellent Good Fair Poor Economic development Excellent Good Fair Poor Traffic enforcement Excellent Good Fair Poor Traffic signal timing Excellent Good Fair Poor Street repair Excellent Good Fair Poor Street cleaning Excellent Good Fair Poor 83% 17% 24% 76% 62% 38% 81% 19% 3% 31% 61% 5% 19% 39% 35% 7% 19% 35% 40% 6% 25% 30% 40% 4% 19% 39% 37% 5% 25% 54% 17% 66 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. Street cleaning Fair Poor Street lighting Excellent Good Fair Poor Snow removal Excellent Good Fair Poor Sidewalk maintenance Excellent Good Fair Poor Bus or transit services Excellent Good Fair Poor Land use, planning and zoning Excellent Good Fair Poor Code enforcement Excellent Good Fair Poor Affordable high-speed internet access Excellent Good Fair Poor Garbage collection Excellent Good Fair 4% 8% 25% 53% 14% 20% 29% 44% 7% 17% 28% 48% 7% 18% 26% 44% 12% 44% 31% 20% 5% 27% 31% 33% 9% 24% 30% 36% 9% 57% 33% 67 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. Garbage collection Good Fair Poor Drinking water Excellent Good Fair Poor Sewer services Excellent Good Fair Poor Storm water management Excellent Good Fair Poor Power (electric and/or gas) utility Excellent Good Fair Poor Utility billing Excellent Good Fair Poor Police/Sheriff services Excellent Good Fair Poor Crime prevention Excellent Good Fair Poor Animal control Excellent Good 3% 8% 2% 8% 44% 47% 1% 8% 53% 38% 3% 14% 55% 28% 2% 23% 51% 23% 7% 27% 45% 21% 11% 16% 52% 22% 5% 17% 56% 22% 18% 68 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. Animal control Excellent Good Fair Poor Ambulance or emergency medical services Excellent Good Fair Poor Fire services Excellent Good Fair Poor Fire prevention and education Excellent Good Fair Poor Emergency preparedness Excellent Good Fair Poor Preservation of natural areas Excellent Good Fair Poor Bozeman open space Excellent Good Fair Poor Recycling Excellent Good Fair Poor Excellent 9% 23% 51% 1% 18% 58% 24% 0% 10% 56% 34% 6% 22% 48% 24% 17% 31% 40% 12% 23% 26% 40% 11% 13% 31% 38% 18% 36% 32% 24% 8% 69 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. Recycling Poor Yard waste pick-up Excellent Good Fair Poor City parks Excellent Good Fair Poor Recreation programs or classes Excellent Good Fair Poor Recreation centers or facilities Excellent Good Fair Poor Health services Excellent Good Fair Poor Public library services Excellent Good Fair Overall customer service by Bozeman employees Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate the following categories of Bozeman government performance. The value of services for the taxes paid to Bozeman Excellent Good Fair Poor Excellent 14% 26% 46% 14% 1% 14% 54% 31% 6% 22% 55% 18% 14% 25% 45% 15% 9% 27% 49% 15% 7% 42% 51% 9% 17% 53% 21% 19% 40% 31% 10% 70 Please rate the following categories of Bozeman government performance. The value of services for the taxes paid to Bozeman Poor The overall direction that Bozeman is taking Excellent Good Fair Poor The job Bozeman government does at welcoming resident involvement Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall confidence in Bozeman government Excellent Good Fair Poor Generally acting in the best interest of the community Excellent Good Fair Poor Being honest Excellent Good Fair Poor Being open and transparent to the public Excellent Good Fair Poor Informing residents about issues facing the community Excellent Good Fair Poor Treating all residents fairly Excellent Good Fair Poor 41% 37% 17% 5% 19% 41% 31% 10% 28% 41% 26% 4% 35% 34% 25% 6% 20% 40% 34% 6% 26% 36% 33% 5% 28% 38% 29% 6% 34% 33% 7% 71 Please rate the following categories of Bozeman government performance. Treating all residents fairly Fair Poor Treating residents with respect Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? The City of Bozeman Excellent Good Fair Poor The Federal Government Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate how important, if at all, you think it is for the Bozeman community to focus on each of the following in the coming two years. Overall economic health Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Overall quality of the transportation system Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Overall design or layout of residential and commercial areas Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Overall quality of the utility infrastructure Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Overall feeling of safety Essential Very important Somewhat important 26% 16% 28% 45% 12% 9% 31% 49% 11% 30% 40% 27% 3% 2% 18% 31% 49% 4% 25% 36% 35% 3% 14% 37% 46% 3% 15% 41% 42% 34% 28% 72 Please rate how important, if at all, you think it is for the Bozeman community to focus on each of the following in the coming two years. Overall feeling of safety Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Overall quality of natural environment Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Overall health and wellness opportunities Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Residents' connection and engagement with their community Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important How likely would you be, if at all, to opt to increase your utility fees to receive electricity from renewable sources (wind, solar, etc.)? Very likely Somewhat likely Not at all likely How much would you support or oppose an increase in property taxes to fund the following in Bozeman? Combined aquatics/recreation facility and west side branch of the Bozeman Public Library Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose New fire station and staff to maintain citywide service levels relative to growth Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose 6% 32% 1% 15% 29% 55% 2% 25% 33% 40% 5% 29% 36% 31% 5% 32% 37% 27% 4% 32% 41% 23% 24% 33% 43% 20% 15% 37% 28% 46% 32% 73 How much would you support or oppose an increase in property taxes to fund the following in Bozeman? New fire station and staff to maintain citywide service levels relative to growth Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Currently, the City of Bozeman receives no local sales tax revenue. How much would you support or oppose a local option sales tax that would go to the City to support property tax relief? Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Please select the option that best describes how you think the City should address each of the following aspects of the community. Economy More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion Environment More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion Neighborhoods More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion Safety More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion Parks & recreation More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion Transportation More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion General government More effort Same effort 11% 10% 38% 17% 18% 27% 2% 11% 38% 49% 1% 7% 47% 45% 3% 8% 57% 32% 2% 10% 74% 13% 1% 10% 71% 17% 1% 9% 46% 44% 23% 74 Please select the option that best describes how you think the City should address each of the following aspects of the community. General government More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion Housing More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion Other More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion In general, how many times do you:Access the internet from your home Several times a day Once a day A few times a week Every few weeks Less often or never Access the internet from your cell phone Several times a day Once a day A few times a week Every few weeks Less often or never Visit social media sites Several times a day Once a day A few times a week Every few weeks Less often or never Use or check email Several times a day Once a day A few times a week Every few weeks Less often or never Several times a day 9% 12% 56% 1% 5% 9% 84% 67% 2% 10% 20% 3% 1% 3% 8% 85% 3% 1% 1% 3% 92% 21% 5% 10% 14% 50% 1% 0% 4% 15% 80% 75 In general, how many times do you: Use or check email Less often or never Share your opinions online Several times a day Once a day A few times a week Every few weeks Less often or never Shop online Several times a day Once a day A few times a week Every few weeks Less often or never Please rate your overall health.Excellent Very good Good Fair What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: Very positive Somewhat positive Neutral Somewhat negative Very negative How many years have you lived in Bozeman?Less than 2 years 2-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years More than 20 years Which best describes the building you live in?One family house detached from any other houses Building with two or more homes (duplex, townhome, apa.. Mobile home Other Do you rent or own your home?Rent Own About how much is your monthly housing cost for the place you live (including rent, mortgage payment, property tax, property insurance and homeowners' association (HOA) fees)? Less than $500 $500 to $999 60% 17% 11% 4% 8% 12% 41% 32% 9% 6% 3% 15% 43% 39% 17% 36% 34% 11% 3% 26% 18% 22% 26% 9% 1% 2% 58% 39% 43% 57% 4% 76 About how much is your monthly housing cost for the place you live (including rent, mortgage payment, property tax, property insurance and homeowners' association (HOA) fees)? Less than $500 $500 to $999 $1,000 to $1,499 $1,500 to $1,999 $2,000 to $2,499 $2,500 to $2,999 $3,000 to $3,499 $3,500 or more Do any children 17 or under live in your household? No Yes Are you or any other members of your household aged 65 or older? No Yes How much do you anticipate your household's total income before taxes will be for the current year? (Please include in your total income money from all sources for all persons living in your household.) Less than $25,000 $25,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to $74,999 $75,000 to $99,999 $100,000 to $149,999 $150,000 or more Are you Spanish, Hispanic or Latino?No, not Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino Yes, I consider myself to be Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino What is your race? (Mark one or more races to indicate what race you consider yourself to be.) American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian, Asian Indian, or Pacific Islander Black or African American White Other In which category is your age?18-24 years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-74 years 75 years or older Female 5% 5% 7% 18% 25% 18% 18% 19% 81% 15% 85% 18% 20% 16% 23% 16% 7% 4% 96% 3% 97% 1% 2% 3% 5% 8% 7% 11% 11% 44% 14% 77 In which category is your age?75 years or older What is your sex?Female Male Identify in another way What is your sexual orientation?Asexual Bisexual Gay Heterosexual Lesbian Pansexual Queer Other 1% 52% 47% 2% 2% 0% 1% 85% 1% 6% 2% 78 2005200720152022Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Bozeman. Bozeman as a place to live Your neighborhood as a place to live Bozeman as a place to raise children Bozeman as a place to work Bozeman as a place to visit Bozeman as a place to retire The overall quality of life Sense of community Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole. Overall economic health Overall quality of the transportation system Overall design or layout of residential and commercial areas Overall quality of the utility infrastructure Overall feeling of safety Overall quality of natural environment Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities 54% 69% 52% 86% 52% 82% 78% 80% 66% 90% 67% 93% 57% 89% 82% 90% 60% 83% 63% 51% 81% 80% 87% 68% 84% 62% 39% 85% 78% 93% 89% 89% 67% 41% 45% 40% 87% 92% 64% 66% Full trends This table contains the trends over time for the City of Bozeman. The combined "percent positive" responses for each survey year are presented (e.g., excellent/good or yes). If an item was not included during an administration of the survey, no percentage will be shown in the table. If the difference between the 2015 and 2022 surveys is greater than seven percentage points, the change is statistically significant. It is important to note that in 2020, The NCS survey was updated to include new and refreshed items. Consequently, some of the trends may be impacted due to wording modifications that could have potentially altered the meaning of the item for the respondent. 90 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole. Overall quality of natural environment Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities Overall health and wellness opportunities Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts Residents' connection and engagement with their community Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following. Recommend living in Bozeman to someone who asks Remain in Bozeman for the next five years Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: In your neighborhood during the day In Bozeman's downtown/commercial area during the day From property crime From violent crime From fire, flood, or other natural disaster Please rate the job you feel the Bozeman community does at each of the following. Making all residents feel welcome Attracting people from diverse backgrounds Valuing/respecting residents from diverse backgrounds Taking care of vulnerable residents Please rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Overall quality of business and service establishments Variety of business and service establishments Vibrancy of downtown/commercial area Employment opportunities Shopping opportunities 53% 71% 82% 88% 86% 81% 70% 46% 82% 82% 82% 90% 84% 93% 96% 97% 97% 74% 57% 97% 95% 78% 64% 97% 96% 33% 39% 28% 57% 52% 83% 68% 81% 43% 86% 76% 42%22% 91 Please rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Employment opportunities Shopping opportunities Cost of living Overall image or reputation Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Traffic flow on major streets Ease of public parking Ease of travel by car Ease of travel by public transportation Ease of travel by bicycle Ease of walking Well-planned residential growth Well-planned commercial growth Well-designed neighborhoods Preservation of the historical or cultural character of the community Public places where people want to spend time Variety of housing options Availability of affordable quality housing Overall quality of new development Overall appearance Cleanliness Water resources 66% 4% 65% 86% 18% 59% 83% 59% 81% 53% 82% 73% 22% 3% 8% 72% 51% 39% 26% 18% 68% 49% 33% 60% 24% 31% 91% 90% 52% 10% 24% 85% 76% 51% 36% 56% 39% 37% 79% 42% 11% 69% 42% 40% 21% 80% 42% 9% 66% 42% 30% 22% 92 Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Cleanliness Water resources Air quality Availability of paths and walking trails Fitness opportunities Recreational opportunities Availability of affordable quality food Availability of affordable quality health care Availability of preventive health services Availability of affordable quality mental health care Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities Community support for the arts Availability of affordable quality childcare/preschool K-12 education Adult educational opportunities Sense of civic/community pride Neighborliness of residents Opportunities to participate in social events and activities Opportunities to attend special events and festivals Opportunities to volunteer Opportunities to participate in community matters 81% 78% 77% 59% 58% 65% 79% 16% 75% 73% 25% 56% 43% 54% 91% 87% 85% 85% 71% 86% 74% 81% 66% 77% 83% 42% 75% 50% 70% 64% 68% 93% 89% 83% 93% 68% 61% 32% 89% 87% 63% 85% 93 Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Opportunities to volunteer Opportunities to participate in community matters Openness and acceptance of the community toward people of diverse backgrounds Please indicate whether or not you have done each of the following in the last 12 months. Contacted the City of Bozeman for help or information Contacted Bozeman elected officials to express your opinion Attended a local public meeting Watched a local public meeting Volunteered your time to some group/activity Campaigned or advocated for a local issue, cause, or candidate Voted in your most recent local election Used public transportation instead of driving Carpooled with other adults or children instead of driving alone Walked or biked instead of driving Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. Public information services Economic development Traffic enforcement Traffic signal timing Street repair Street cleaning Street lighting Snow removal 44% 65% 60% 75% 81% 63% 24% 83% 27% 60% 33% 28% 23% 41% 83% 69% 25% 21% 64% 20% 23% 14% 41% 73% 63% 40% 30% 64% 80% 60% 32% 60% 67% 71% 42% 45% 46% 42% 67% 60% 71% 38% 38% 58% 59% 73% 47% 47% 16% 26% 48% 50% 58% 46% 52% 31% 29% 43% 39% 56% 94 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. Street lighting Snow removal Sidewalk maintenance Bus or transit services Land use, planning and zoning Code enforcement Affordable high-speed internet access Garbage collection Drinking water Sewer services Storm water management Power (electric and/or gas) utility Utility billing Police/Sheriff services Crime prevention Animal control Ambulance or emergency medical services Fire services Fire prevention and education Emergency preparedness Preservation of natural areas 52% 72% 90% 81% 69% 79% 73% 66% 75% 83% 92% 90% 89% 45% 42% 25% 56% 55% 51% 49% 84% 94% 92% 63% 80% 83% 68% 78% 66% 86% 80% 91% 47% 38% 58% 47% 56% 75% 92% 90% 62% 56% 67% 52% 78% 74% 79% 39% 24% 33% 42% 39% 69% 92% 84% 59% 59% 66% 61% 74% 66% 81% 37% 23% 46% 46% 95 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. Emergency preparedness Preservation of natural areas Bozeman open space Recycling Yard waste pick-up City parks Recreation programs or classes Recreation centers or facilities Health services Public library services Overall customer service by Bozeman employees Please rate the following categories of Bozeman government performance. The value of services for the taxes paid to Bozeman The overall direction that Bozeman is taking The job Bozeman government does at welcoming resident involvement Overall confidence in Bozeman government Generally acting in the best interest of the community Being honest Being open and transparent to the public Informing residents about issues facing the community Treating all residents fairly Treating residents with respect 74% 93% 64% 61% 72% 84% 60% 32% 56% 51% 52% 77% 93% 72% 78% 83% 89% 57% 59% 62% 54% 49% 65% 88% 61% 65% 78% 87% 53% 47% 68% 75% 64% 77% 83% 58% 58% 40% 35% 38% 40% 30% 31% 40% 22% 41% 53% 58% 53% 52% 55% 46% 54% 53% 39% 47% 50% 37% 46% 96 Please rate the following categories of Bozeman government performance. Treating all residents fairly Treating residents with respect Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? The City of Bozeman The Federal Government Please rate how important, if at all, you think it is for the Bozeman community to focus on each of the following in the coming two years. Overall economic health Overall quality of the transportation system Overall design or layout of residential and commercial areas Overall quality of the utility infrastructure Overall feeling of safety Overall quality of natural environment Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities Overall health and wellness opportunities Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts Residents' connection and engagement with their community In general, how many times do you: Access the internet from your home Access the internet from your cell phone Visit social media sites Use or check email Share your opinions online Shop online Please rate your overall health. 57% 30% 60% 43% 81% 44% 62% 44% 65% 63% 63% 67% 72% 84% 62% 83% 83% 71% 80% 73% 77% 74% 85% 70% 78% 84% 48% 23% 99% 74% 96% 95% 97 In general, how many times do you:Shop online Please rate your overall health. What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: 81%76% 14%28%26%30% 98 Methods (open participation) As part of its participation in The National Community Survey™ (The NCS™), the City of Bozeman conducted a survey of 466 residents. Survey invitations were mailed to randomly selected households and data were collected from May 19th, 2022 to July 7, 2022. The results from this main survey effort represent the most robust estimate of your residents’ opinions. After the above data collection period was underway, a link to an online open participation survey was publicized by the City of Bozeman. The open participation survey was identical to the probability sample survey with a question about where they heard about the survey. The open participation survey was open to all city residents and became available on June 23, 2022. The survey remained open for 4 weeks and there were 19 responses. The open participation survey data were not collected through a random sample and it is unknown who in the community was aware of the survey; therefore, a level of confidence in the representativeness of the sample cannot be estimated. Due to limited response, the results were not statistically weighted. * Pasek, J. (2010). ANES Weighting Algorithm.  Retrieved from https://web.stanford.edu/group/iriss/cgi-bin/anesrake/resources/RakingDescription.pdf 99 Do you live within the City limits of Bozeman?Yes No Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Bozeman. Bozeman as a place to live Excellent Good Fair Poor Your neighborhood as a place to live Excellent Good Fair Bozeman as a place to raise children Excellent Good Fair Poor Bozeman as a place to work Excellent Good Fair Poor Bozeman as a place to visit Excellent Good Fair Bozeman as a place to retire Excellent Good Fair Poor The overall quality of life in Bozeman Excellent Good Fair Poor Excellent 11% 89% 11% 26% 42% 21% 32% 26% 42% 18% 41% 12% 29% 19% 50% 13% 19% 22% 22% 56% 20% 33% 27% 20% 17% 17% 39% 28% Open participation survey results This dashboard contains a complete set of responses to each question on the open participation survey. By default, "don't know" responses are excluded, but may be added to the table using the response filter to the right. In some tables, the percentages may not sum to 100%; this is either because the question permitted the respondent to "choose all that apply", or for a question that asked the respondent to select one answer, it is due to the customary practice of rounding values to the nearest whole number. 100 Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Bozeman. The overall quality of life in Bozeman Poor Sense of community Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole. Overall economic health of Bozeman Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall quality of the transportation system (auto, bicycle, foot, bus) in Bozeman Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall design or layout of Bozeman's residential and commercial areas (e.g., homes, buildings, streets, parks, etc.) Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall quality of the utility infrastructure in Bozeman (water, sewer, storm water, electric/gas, broadband) Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall feeling of safety in Bozeman Excellent Good Fair Overall quality of natural environment in Bozeman Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall health and wellness opportunities inBozeman Excellent Good 21% 26% 37% 16% 33% 39% 17% 11% 29% 18% 35% 18% 28% 39% 28% 6% 16% 16% 53% 16% 21% 58% 21% 11% 16% 26% 47% 11% 11% 32% 47% 26% 101 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole. Overall health and wellness opportunities in Bozeman Excellent Good Fair Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts Excellent Good Fair Poor Residents' connection and engagement with their community Excellent Good Fair Poor Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following. Recommend living in Bozeman to someone who asks Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Remain in Bozeman for the next five years Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: In your neighborhood during the day Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe In Bozeman's downtown/commercial area during the day Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe From property crime Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe From violent crime Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe 37% 37% 11% 21% 53% 16% 11% 47% 37% 5% 65% 6% 24% 6% 39% 6% 33% 22% 5% 16% 79% 6% 6% 6% 83% 11% 21% 32% 37% 21% 26% 42% 102 Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: From violent crime Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe From fire, flood, or other natural disaster Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe Please rate the job you feel the Bozeman community does at each of the following. Making all residents feel welcome Excellent Good Fair Poor Attracting people from diverse backgrounds Excellent Good Fair Poor Valuing/respecting residents from diverse backgrounds Excellent Fair Poor Taking care of vulnerable residents (elderly, disabled, homeless, etc.) Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Overall quality of business and service establishments in Bozeman Excellent Good Fair Poor Variety of business and service establishments in Bozeman Excellent Good Fair Poor Vibrancy of downtown/commercial area Excellent Good Fair Poor Excellent 11% 5% 32% 42% 21% 32% 32% 21% 16% 58% 21% 11% 11% 44% 39% 17% 44% 39% 11% 6% 16% 16% 47% 21% 32% 32% 16% 21% 11% 26% 26% 37% 103 Please rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Vibrancy of downtown/commercial area Poor Employment opportunities Excellent Good Fair Poor Shopping opportunities Excellent Good Fair Poor Cost of living in Bozeman Excellent Fair Poor Overall image or reputation of Bozeman Excellent Good Fair Poor Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Traffic flow on major streets Excellent Good Fair Poor Ease of public parking Good Fair Poor Ease of travel by car in Bozeman Excellent Good Fair Poor Ease of travel by public transportation in Bozeman Excellent Good Fair Poor Ease of travel by bicycle in Bozeman Excellent Good Fair 28% 44% 17% 11% 26% 47% 11% 16% 89% 5% 5% 11% 37% 32% 21% 58% 21% 16% 5% 42% 21% 37% 32% 16% 42% 11% 33% 33% 17% 17% 6% 19% 104 Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Ease of travel by bicycle in Bozeman Good Fair Poor Ease of walking in Bozeman Excellent Good Fair Poor Well-planned residential growth Excellent Good Fair Poor Well-planned commercial growth Excellent Good Fair Poor Well-designed neighborhoods Excellent Good Fair Poor Preservation of the historical or cultural character of the community Excellent Good Fair Poor Public places where people want to spend time Excellent Good Fair Poor Variety of housing options Excellent Fair Poor Availability of affordable quality housing Fair Poor Overall quality of new development in Bozeman Good Fair 31% 44% 26% 26% 37% 11% 61% 17% 17% 6% 56% 28% 11% 6% 26% 42% 21% 11% 33% 33% 17% 17% 11% 21% 58% 11% 72% 22% 6% 94% 6% 22% 105 Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Overall quality of new development in Bozeman Good Fair Poor Overall appearance of Bozeman Excellent Good Fair Poor Cleanliness of Bozeman Excellent Good Fair Poor Water resources (beaches, lakes, ponds, riverways, etc.) Excellent Good Fair Poor Air quality Excellent Good Fair Availability of paths and walking trails Excellent Good Fair Poor Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) Excellent Good Fair Recreational opportunities Excellent Good Fair Availability of affordable quality food Excellent Good Fair Poor Availability of affordable quality health care Excellent Good 50% 28% 11% 26% 53% 11% 5% 16% 42% 37% 5% 21% 53% 21% 32% 42% 26% 6% 22% 33% 39% 26% 26% 47% 21% 26% 53% 37% 26% 26% 11% 11% 106 Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Availability of affordable quality health care Excellent Good Fair Poor Availability of preventive health services Excellent Good Fair Poor Availability of affordable quality mental health care Excellent Fair Poor Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities Excellent Good Fair Poor Community support for the arts Excellent Good Fair Poor Availability of affordable quality childcare/preschool Excellent Good Fair Poor K-12 education Excellent Good Fair Poor Adult educational opportunities Excellent Good Fair Poor Sense of civic/community pride Excellent Good Fair 26% 37% 26% 16% 47% 26% 11% 50% 44% 6% 5% 26% 42% 26% 6% 28% 44% 22% 75% 8% 8% 8% 23% 15% 31% 31% 7% 47% 40% 7% 29% 6% 107 Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Sense of civic/community pride Good Fair Poor Neighborliness of residents in Bozeman Excellent Good Fair Poor Opportunities to participate in social events and activities Excellent Good Fair Poor Opportunities to attend special events and festivals Excellent Good Fair Poor Opportunities to volunteer Excellent Good Fair Poor Opportunities to participate in community matters Excellent Good Fair Poor Openness and acceptance of the community toward people of diverse backgrounds Excellent Good Fair Poor Please indicate whether or not you have done each of the following in the last 12 months. Contacted the City of Bozeman (in-person, phone, email, or web) for help or information No Yes Contacted Bozeman elected officials (in-person, phone, email, or web) to express your opinion No Yes Attended a local public meeting (of local elected officials like City Council or County Commissioners, advisory boards, town halls, HOA, neighborhood w.. No Yes No 24% 41% 11% 53% 32% 5% 11% 39% 22% 28% 16% 26% 37% 21% 6% 11% 61% 22% 11% 22% 50% 17% 44% 39% 6% 11% 58% 42% 37% 63% 47% 53% 108 Please indicate whether or not you have done each of the following in the last 12 months. Attended a local public meeting (of local electedofficials like City Council or County Commissioners, advisory boards, town halls, HOA, neighborhood w..Yes Watched (online or on television) a local public meeting No Yes Volunteered your time to some group/activity in Bozeman No Yes Campaigned or advocated for a local issue, cause, or candidate No Yes Voted in your most recent local election No Yes Used bus, rail, subway, or other public transportation instead of driving No Yes Carpooled with other adults or children instead of driving alone No Yes Walked or biked instead of driving No Yes Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. Public information services Excellent Good Fair Poor Economic development Excellent Good Fair Poor Traffic enforcement Excellent Good Fair Poor Traffic signal timing Excellent Good Fair Poor Street repair Excellent Good Fair 63% 37% 74% 26% 47% 53% 83% 17% 21% 79% 58% 42% 74% 26% 11% 37% 42% 11% 20% 53% 20% 7% 28% 28% 39% 6% 21% 42% 32% 5% 17% 22% 109 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. Street repair Good Fair Poor Street cleaning Excellent Good Fair Street lighting Excellent Good Fair Poor Snow removal Excellent Good Fair Poor Sidewalk maintenance Excellent Good Fair Poor Bus or transit services Excellent Good Fair Poor Land use, planning, and zoning Excellent Good Fair Poor Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) Good Fair Poor Affordable high-speed internet access Excellent Good Fair Poor Excellent 11% 50% 37% 32% 32% 17% 28% 28% 28% 21% 32% 37% 11% 5% 47% 42% 5% 20% 27% 33% 20% 50% 39% 6% 6% 33% 47% 20% 61% 22% 6% 11% 110 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. Affordable high-speed internet access Poor Garbage collection Excellent Good Fair Drinking water Excellent Good Fair Poor Sewer services Excellent Good Fair Storm water management (storm drainage, dams, levees, etc.) Excellent Good Fair Power (electric and/or gas) utility Excellent Good Fair Utility billing Excellent Good Fair Poor Police/Sheriff services Excellent Good Fair Poor Crime prevention Excellent Good Fair Poor Animal control Excellent Good Fair Ambulance or emergency medical services Excellent Good 26% 32% 42% 6% 24% 18% 53% 24% 29% 47% 12% 53% 35% 39% 39% 22% 12% 41% 29% 18% 22% 22% 22% 33% 24% 35% 12% 29% 53% 29% 18% 36% 111 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. Ambulance or emergency medical services Excellent Good Fair Fire services Excellent Good Fair Fire prevention and education Excellent Good Fair Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) Excellent Good Fair Poor Preservation of natural areas (open space, farmlands, and greenbelts) Excellent Good Fair Poor Bozeman open space Excellent Good Fair Poor Recycling Excellent Good Fair Poor Yard waste pick-up Excellent Good Fair Poor City parks Excellent Good Fair Poor Excellent 21% 43% 7% 36% 57% 33% 40% 27% 31% 23% 38% 8% 38% 31% 25% 6% 29% 35% 24% 12% 58% 11% 26% 5% 14% 36% 21% 29% 11% 16% 32% 42% 112 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. City parks Poor Recreation programs or classes Excellent Good Fair Poor Recreation centers or facilities Excellent Good Fair Poor Health services Excellent Good Fair Poor Public library services Excellent Good Fair Overall customer service by Bozeman employees (police, receptionists, planners, etc.) Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate the following categories of Bozeman government performance. The value of services for the taxes paid to Bozeman Excellent Good Fair Poor The overall direction that Bozeman is taking Good Fair Poor The job Bozeman government does at welcoming resident involvement Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall confidence in Bozeman government Good Fair Poor 22% 22% 39% 17% 41% 29% 18% 12% 29% 21% 36% 14% 11% 21% 68% 11% 33% 39% 17% 32% 37% 26% 5% 58% 26% 16% 44% 28% 22% 6% 39% 11% 113 Please rate the following categories of Bozeman government performance. Overall confidence in Bozeman government Fair Poor Generally acting in the best interest of the community Good Fair Poor Being honest Excellent Good Fair Poor Being open and transparent to the public Excellent Good Fair Poor Informing residents about issues facing the community Excellent Good Fair Poor Treating all residents fairly Good Fair Poor Treating residents with respect Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? The City of Bozeman Excellent Good Fair Poor The Federal Government Good Fair Poor Please rate how important, if at all, you think it is for the Bozeman community to focus on each of the following in the coming two years. Overall economic health of Bozeman Essential Very important Somewhat important 50% 47% 42% 11% 33% 28% 28% 11% 41% 24% 29% 6% 56% 22% 11% 11% 50% 13% 38% 18% 35% 41% 6% 17% 50% 28% 6% 53% 32% 16% 26% 53% 114 Please rate how important, if at all, you think it is for the Bozeman community to focus on each of the following in the coming two years. Overall economic health of Bozeman Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Overall quality of the transportation system (auto, bicycle, foot, bus) in Bozeman Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Overall design or layout of Bozeman's residential and commercial areas (e.g., homes, buildings, streets, parks, etc.) Essential Very important Overall quality of the utility infrastructure in Bozeman (water, sewer, storm water, electric/gas, broadband) Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Overall feeling of safety in Bozeman Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Overall quality of natural environment in Bozeman Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities Essential Very important Not at all important Overall health and wellness opportunities in Bozeman Essential Very important Somewhat important Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Residents' connection and engagement with their community Essential Very important Somewhat important 11% 11% 11% 11% 47% 32% 63% 37% 12% 6% 41% 41% 21% 26% 21% 32% 5% 11% 21% 63% 11% 32% 58% 16% 42% 42% 16% 21% 37% 26% 26% 32% 115 Please rate how important, if at all, you think it is for the Bozeman community to focus on each of the following in the coming two years. Residents' connection and engagement with their community Very important Somewhat important Not at all important How likely would you be, if at all, to opt to increase your utility fees to receive electricity from renewable sources (wind, solar, etc.)? Very likely Somewhat likely Not at all likely How much would you support or oppose an increase in property taxes to fund the following in Bozeman? Combined aquatics/recreation facility and west side branch of the Bozeman Public Library Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose New fire station and staff to maintain citywide service levels relative to growth Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Currently, the City of Bozeman receives no local sales tax revenue. How much would you support or oppose a local option sales tax that would go to the City to support property tax relief? Strongly support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Please select the option that best describes how you think the City should address each of the following aspects of the community. Economy More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion Environment More effort Same effort Less effort Neighborhoods More effort Same effort Less effort Safety More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion Parks & recreation More effort Same effort Less effort 11% 32% 37% 32% 32% 11% 17% 17% 56% 21% 16% 37% 26% 50% 11% 39% 5% 21% 42% 32% 6% 39% 56% 5% 42% 53% 11% 6% 67% 17% 47% 37% 116 Please select the option that best describes how you think the City should address each of the following aspects of the community. Parks & recreation Same effort Less effort No opinion Transportation More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion General government More effort Same effort No opinion Housing More effort Same effort Less effort Other More effort Same effort Less effort No opinion In general, how many times do you:Access the internet from your home using a computer, laptop, or tablet computer Several times a day Once a day Every few weeks Less often or never Access the internet from your cell phone Several times a day Visit social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Nextdoor, etc. Several times a day Once a day Less often or never Use or check email Several times a day Once a day A few times a week Share your opinions online Several times a day Once a day A few times a week Every few weeks Less often or never Several times a day 5% 11% 6% 17% 44% 33% 6% 67% 28% 11% 11% 79% 46% 8% 8% 38% 5% 11% 5% 79% 100% 5% 16% 79% 11% 5% 84% 37% 21% 16% 5% 21% 117 In general, how many times do you: Share your opinions online Less often or never Shop online Several times a day Once a day A few times a week Every few weeks Less often or never Please rate your overall health.Excellent Very good Good Fair What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: Neutral Somewhat negative Very negative How many years have you lived in Bozeman?Less than 2 years 2-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years More than 20 years Which best describes the building you live in?One family house detached from any other houses Building with two or more homes (duplex, townhome, apa.. Do you rent or own your home?Rent Own About how much is your monthly housing cost for the place you live (including rent, mortgage payment, property tax, property insurance, and homeowners' association (HOA) fees)? Less than $500 $500 to $999 $1,000 to $1,499 $1,500 to $1,999 $2,000 to $2,499 $2,500 to $2,999 $3,000 to $3,499 Do any children 17 or under live in your household?No Yes Are you or any other members of your household aged 65 or older? No Yes $25,000 to $49,999 6% 39% 33% 6% 17% 11% 16% 37% 37% 16% 68% 16% 26% 21% 32% 11% 11% 42% 58% 63% 37% 5% 16% 37% 21% 11% 5% 5% 37% 63% 16% 84% 118 Are you or any other members of your household aged 65 or older?Yes How much do you anticipate your household's total income before taxes will be for the current year? (Please include in your total income money from all sources for all persons living in your household.) $25,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to $74,999 $75,000 to $99,999 $100,000 to $149,999 $150,000 or more Are you Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino?No, not Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino Yes, I consider myself to be Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino What is your race? (Mark one or more races to indicate what race you consider yourself to be.) American Indian or Alaskan Native White Other In which category is your age?18-24 years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-74 years What is your sex?Female Male Identify in another way What is your sexual orientation?Bisexual Heterosexual Pansexual Queer How did you hear about this survey? (Select all that apply.) The City's social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,.. In my Facebook feed Heard about it from a family member, friend or neighborhood Polco's weekly email Other 24% 29% 18% 18% 12% 6% 94% 16% 79% 5% 11% 5% 11% 32% 37% 5% 6% 39% 56% 6% 6% 78% 11% 5% 5% 11% 5% 79% 119 Please complete this survey if you are the adult (age 18 or older) in the household who most recently had a birthday (the year of birth does not matter). Your responses are confidential and no identifying information will be shared. 1. Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Bozeman. Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Bozeman as a place to live ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Your neighborhood as a place to live .............................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Bozeman as a place to raise children .............................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Bozeman as a place to work ................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Bozeman as a place to visit .................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Bozeman as a place to retire ............................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 The overall quality of life in Bozeman ............................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Sense of community ................................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 2. Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole. Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Overall economic health of Bozeman .............................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Overall quality of the transportation system (auto, bicycle, foot, bus) in Bozeman ............................................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Overall design or layout of Bozeman’s residential and commercial areas (e.g., homes, buildings, streets, parks, etc.) ................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Overall quality of the utility infrastructure in Bozeman (water, sewer, storm water, electric, gas) ................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Overall feeling of safety in Bozeman ............................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall quality of natural environment in Bozeman ................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities ............................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Overall health and wellness opportunities in Bozeman ......................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts..................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Residents’ connection and engagement with their community .......................... 1 2 3 4 5 3. Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following. Very Somewhat Somewhat Very Don’t likely likely unlikely unlikely know Recommend living in Bozeman to someone who asks ......................1 2 3 4 5 Remain in Bozeman for the next five years ............................................1 2 3 4 5 4. Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: Very Somewhat Neither safe Somewhat Very Don’t safe safe nor unsafe unsafe unsafe know In your neighborhood during the day ...................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6 In Bozeman’s downtown/commercial area during the day ............................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6 From property crime ....................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6 From violent crime ........................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6 From fire, flood, or other natural disaster ............................. 1 2 3 4 5 6 5. Please rate the job you feel the Bozeman community does at each of the following. Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Making all residents feel welcome ................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Attracting people from diverse backgrounds .............................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Valuing/respecting residents from diverse backgrounds ...................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Taking care of vulnerable residents (elderly, disabled, homeless, etc.) ........... 1 2 3 4 5 6. Please rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Overall quality of business and service establishments in Bozeman ................ 1 2 3 4 5 Variety of business and service establishments in Bozeman ............................... 1 2 3 4 5 Vibrancy of downtown/commercial area ..................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Employment opportunities ................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Shopping opportunities ........................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Cost of living in Bozeman ..................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall image or reputation of Bozeman ....................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 120 7. Please also rate each of the following in the Bozeman community. Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Traffic flow on major streets ............................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Ease of public parking ............................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Ease of travel by car in Bozeman ...................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Ease of travel by public transportation in Bozeman ................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Ease of travel by bicycle in Bozeman .............................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Ease of walking in Bozeman ................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Well-planned residential growth ...................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Well-planned commercial growth .................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Well-designed neighborhoods ........................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Preservation of the historical or cultural character of the community ............ 1 2 3 4 5 Public places where people want to spend time ........................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Variety of housing options ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Availability of affordable quality housing ..................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall quality of new development in Bozeman ...................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall appearance of Bozeman ........................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Cleanliness of Bozeman ......................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Water resources (beaches, lakes, ponds, riverways, etc.) ..................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Air quality .................................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Availability of paths and walking trails .......................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) ... 1 2 3 4 5 Recreational opportunities .................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Availability of affordable quality food ............................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Availability of affordable quality health care ............................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Availability of preventive health services ..................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Availability of affordable quality mental health care ............................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities .......................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Community support for the arts ........................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Availability of affordable quality childcare/preschool ............................................ 1 2 3 4 5 K-12 education .......................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Adult educational opportunities ....................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Sense of civic/community pride ........................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Neighborliness of residents in Bozeman ....................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Opportunities to participate in social events and activities .................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Opportunities to attend special events and festivals ............................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Opportunities to volunteer .................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Opportunities to participate in community matters ................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Openness and acceptance of the community toward people of diverse backgrounds ..................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 8. Please indicate whether or not you have done each of the following in the last 12 months. No Yes Contacted the City of Bozeman (in-person, phone, email, or web) for help or information ............................ 1 2 Contacted Bozeman elected officials (in-person, phone, email, or web) to express your opinion ................ 1 2 Attended a local public meeting (of local elected officials like City Council or County Commissioners, advisory boards, town halls, HOA, neighborhood watch, etc.) ............................................ 1 2 Watched (online or on television) a local public meeting ............................................................................................... 1 2 Volunteered your time to some group/activity in Bozeman ......................................................................................... 1 2 Campaigned or advocated for a local issue, cause, or candidate .................................................................................. 1 2 Voted in your most recent local election ................................................................................................................................ 1 2 Used bus, rail, subway, or other public transportation instead of driving ............................................................... 1 2 Carpooled with other adults or children instead of driving alone .............................................................................. 1 2 Walked or biked instead of driving ........................................................................................................................................... 1 2 121 9. Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman. Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Public information services ............................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Economic development ..................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Traffic enforcement ............................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Traffic signal timing ............................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Street repair ........................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Street cleaning ....................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Street lighting ........................................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Snow removal ........................................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Sidewalk maintenance ....................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Bus or transit services ....................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Land use, planning, and zoning ...................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) ...................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Affordable high-speed internet access ....................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Garbage collection ............................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Drinking water ...................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Sewer services ....................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Storm water management (storm drainage, dams, levees, etc.) .................... 1 2 3 4 5 Power (electric and/or gas) utility ............................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Utility billing .......................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Police/Sheriff services ....................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Crime prevention ................................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Animal control ....................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Ambulance or emergency medical services ............................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Fire services ........................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Fire prevention and education ....................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) ..................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Preservation of natural areas (open space, farmlands, and greenbelts) ..... 1 2 3 4 5 Bozeman open space .......................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Recycling .................................................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Yard waste pick-up.............................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 City parks................................................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Recreation programs or classes .................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Recreation centers or facilities ...................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Health services ...................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Public library services ....................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall customer service by Bozeman employees (police, receptionists, planners, etc.) ..................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 10. Please rate the following categories of Bozeman government performance. Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know The value of services for the taxes paid to Bozeman ............................................ 1 2 3 4 5 The overall direction that Bozeman is taking .......................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 The job Bozeman government does at welcoming resident involvement ....................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall confidence in Bozeman government ........................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Generally acting in the best interest of the community ...................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Being honest ........................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Being open and transparent to the public ................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Informing residents about issues facing the community ................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Treating all residents fairly ............................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Treating residents with respect .................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 122 11. Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know The City of Bozeman ........................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 The Federal Government .................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 12. Please rate how important, if at all, you think it is for the Bozeman community to focus on each of the following in the coming two years. Very Somewhat Not at all Essential important important important Overall economic health of Bozeman .................................................................................1 2 3 4 Overall quality of the transportation system (auto, bicycle, foot, bus) in Bozeman ................................................................................................................................1 2 3 4 Overall design or layout of Bozeman’s residential and commercial areas (e.g., homes, buildings, streets, parks, etc.) .....................................................1 2 3 4 Overall quality of the utility infrastructure in Bozeman (water, sewer, storm water, electric, gas) ....................................................................1 2 3 4 Overall feeling of safety in Bozeman ..................................................................................1 2 3 4 Overall quality of natural environment in Bozeman ...................................................1 2 3 4 Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities ...............................................1 2 3 4 Overall health and wellness opportunities in Bozeman ............................................1 2 3 4 Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts........................................1 2 3 4 Residents’ connection and engagement with their community .............................1 2 3 4 13. How likely would you be, if at all, to opt to increase your utility fees to receive electricity from renewable sources (wind, solar, etc.)?  Very likely  Somewhat likely  Not at all likely  Dont know 14. How much would you support or oppose an increase in property taxes to fund the following in Bozeman? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t support support oppose oppose know Combined aquatics/recreation facility and west side branch of the Bozeman Public Library .....................................1 2 3 4 5 New fire station and staff to maintain citywide service levels relative to growth ...........................................................................1 2 3 4 5 15. Currently, the City of Bozeman receives no local sales tax revenue. How much would you support or oppose a local option sales tax that would go to the City to support property tax relief?  Strongly support  Somewhat support  Somewhat oppose  Strongly oppose  Don’t know 16. Please select the option that best describes how you think the City should address each of the following aspects of the community. More Same Less No effort effort effort opinion Economy ........................................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 Environment ................................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 Neighborhoods............................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 Safety .................................................................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 Parks & Recreation ....................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 Transportation ............................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 General Government ................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 Housing ............................................................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 Other ................................................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 17. Of the areas above, which is the single most important for the City to increase efforts? If you chose ‘other,’ please explain. 123 Our last questions are about you and your household. Again, all of your responses to this survey are confidential and no identifying information will be shared. D1. In general, how many times do you: Several Once A few times Every Less often Don’t times a day a day a week few weeks or never know Access the internet from your home using a computer, laptop, or tablet computer ......................1 2 3 4 5 6 Access the internet from your cell phone .......................1 2 3 4 5 6 Visit social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Nextdoor, etc. .......................................................1 2 3 4 5 6 Use or check email ....................................................................1 2 3 4 5 6 Share your opinions online ...................................................1 2 3 4 5 6 Shop online ..................................................................................1 2 3 4 5 6 D2. Please rate your overall health.  Excellent  Very good  Good  Fair  Poor D3. What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be:  Very positive  Somewhat positive  Neutral  Somewhat negative  Very negative D4. How many years have you lived in Bozeman?  Less than 2 years  2-5 years  6-10 years  11-20 years  More than 20 years D5. Which best describes the building you live in?  One family house detached from any other houses  Building with two or more homes (duplex, townhome, apartment, or condominium)  Mobile home  Other D6. Do you rent or own your home?  Rent  Own D7. About how much is your monthly housing cost for the place you live (including rent, mortgage payment, property tax, property insurance, and homeowners’ association (HOA) fees)?  Less than $500  $2,000 to $2,499  $500 to $999  $2,500 to $2,999  $1,000 to $1,499  $3,000 to $3,499  $1,500 to $1,999  $3,500 or more D8. Do any children 17 or under live in your household?  No  Yes D9. Are you or any other members of your household aged 65 or older?  No  Yes D10. How much do you anticipate your household’s total income before taxes will be for the current year? (Please include in your total income money from all sources for all persons living in your household.)  Less than $25,000  $75,000 to $99,999  $25,000 to $49,999  $100,000 to $149,999  $50,000 to $74,999  $150,000 or more D11. Are you Spanish, Hispanic or Latino?  No, not Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino  Yes, I consider myself to be Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino D12. What is your race? (Mark one or more races to indicate what race you consider yourself to be.)  American Indian or Alaskan Native  Asian, Asian Indian, or Pacific Islander  Black or African American  White  Other D13. In which category is your age?  18-24 years  55-64 years  25-34 years  65-74 years  35-44 years  75 years or older  45-54 years D14. What is your sex?  Female  Male  Identify in another way D15. What is your sexual orientation?  Asexual  Heterosexual  Queer  Bisexual  Lesbian  Questioning  Gay  Pansexual  Other Thank you! Please return the completed survey in the postage-paid envelope to: National Research Center, Inc., PO Box 549, Belle Mead, NJ 08502 124