HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Public Street and Utility Easement - Virga Venture, LLC - 15th Avenue Construction PT Land Subdivision Street, Stormwater and Sewer Improvements2789212 AfterRecording,returnto: CityofBozeman P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59771 PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT Virga Venture I LLC,GRANTOR,inconsiderationof $1.00 and forotherand valuable considerations,receiptof which isacknowledged,grantsto The City of Bozeman,a municipal corporationof the Stateof Montana,with officesat 121 North Rouse Avenue,Bozeman, Montana 59715,GRANTEE,itssuccessorsand assigns,a perpetualstreetand utilityeasement forthe use of thepublic,in,through,and acrossa stripof land situatedinGallatinCounty, Montana,of variablewidth,tobe locatedon thefollowingdescribedrealproperty: Lot 3A of Amended Plat J-498A,located in the NW ¼of Section 1,T2S,R5E,PMM, City of Bozeman,Gallatin County,Montana The easement ismore particularlydescribedon theattachedExhibit(s)A which by thisreferenceismade a parthereof. The GRANTOR statesthathe possessesthe realpropertydescribedabove and thathe has a lawfulrighttograntan easement thereon. The GRANTOR furtheragreesthatthe GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rightsand privilegeshereingrantedwithout any interruptionby the GRANTOR. The terms,covenants,and provisionsof thiseasement shallextend to and be binding upon the heirs,executors,administrators,personalrepresentatives,successors,and assignsof the partieshereto. DATED this ay of 8 ,20 U. By:Virga Venture I LLC,Grantor Robert Lateiner,itsManager STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) On this2 day of 9ÑMW ,20d,beforeme the undersigned,a Notary Public forthe Stateof Montana,personallyappeared RCk>er nWhW ,known to me tobe N½OQ o f of \btCp \jenk we 1 |1 C and the person whose namMs subscribedto the within instfumentand acknowledged to me thathe executed the within instrumentforand on behalfof \/}O.-\00%f e 1 LC IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSeal the day and year firstabove written. RACHELMEGAARD +o NOTARYPUBLICforthe *SEAL *°"''"" ResidingatBozeman,Montana .A 40s o rc 203 Notary ublicforthe S teof Montana hk Mgqaed (PrintedName) Residing at Üy>WMCØ ,ÅÅ MyCommissionExpires 3 /IS /2023 ACCEPTED: O ..anager ATTEST: City Clerk STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) On this 20 day of OCbW ,202z before me,a Notary Publicfor the Stateof Montana,personallyappeared JEFF MIHELICH and MIKE MAAS,known tome to be the City Manager and City Clerk,respectively,of the City of Bozeman and thepersons whose names aresubscribedto the within instrument,and acknowledged to me thatthey executed the same for and on behalfof the City of Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSeal the day and year firstabove written. (SEAL) Not blicforthe Stateof Montana dyv Chambers EA *es n at My Commission Expireso_j_/12 /20 26 ,,oFM yCOmmissionExpires:January122925 E\3245-Lateiner..Rob(WgoCcpitol)\-00221-Tschache_Site\DWG\Survey\3245-0022115thEsmtExhibit.dwg,EXHIBITAStreet-UtiliEsmt.Plotted:Jul26,2022-4:15pm,Jpugh EXHIBll A A PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITYEASEMENT LOCATED WITHIN A PORTION OF LOT 3A OF THE AMENDED LOT 3,BLOCK 3,AND LOT 6A OF THE PT LAND PHASE 2 SUBDIVISION,(PLATJ-498A),AND FURTHER LOCATED WITHIN THE NORTH WEST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION 1 ,TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH,RANGE 5 EAST,P.M.M.,CITYOF BOZEMAN,GALLATIN COUNTY,MONTANA ----/-/-1 L. 6 FUTURE TSHACHE LAÃ LO ASE /Existing60'PublicStreetand - PART E gA N17'045J"E UtilityEsmtPerPlatJ-489 8 A T i 34.22'S87'51'17"E o~¯------/[14.05' R=JJ2.50'S17'J8'25"WEX[STING10'EASEMNT ,y g 7g'AROUNDSTORMWA ER DETENTIONPO DS [=96_46'R=435.50' CND LGTN=96.12'L=9783' /CND BRNG=S24'04'J2"W 63 CND LGTN=9762' O LEGALDESCRIPTIONOF PUBUC STREETAND UTIUTYEASEMENT A PublicStreetandUtilityeasementlocatedwithinaportionofLot3A of /theAmendedLot3,Block3,andLot6A ofthePT LandPhase2 subdivision,(PlatJ-498A)and furtherlocatedwithintheNW 1/4ofSection 1,T2S,R5E,P.M.M.,CityofBozeman,GallatinCounty,andbeingmore / particularlydescribedasfoHows: Beginningata point(POB),thatistheSW cornerofsaidLot3A and 6 6A-1,anda pointon theNorthROW ofPatrickStreet; thenceleavingsaidROW andcontinuingalongtheboundarybetweenosaidLot3Aand6A-1,N 02'22'29"E,a distanceof9.35feettothe beginningofa curve; 6 thencealongsaidboundary,146.27feetalonga curvetotheright,witha radiusof267.49feet,a deltaangieof31'19'48",anda chord r g ofN 18'02'15"E,witha chorddistanceof144.45feettoa O thencealongsaidboundary,N 33'42'09"E,a distanceof190.38feet O tothebeginningofa curve; 6 thencealongsaidboundary,96.46feetalonga curvetotheleft,with p fo a radiusof332.50feet,a deltaangleof16'37'16",and a chord Æ=26749'o bearingofN 25'23'31"E,witha chorddistanceof96.12feettoa J=03/7p'4g"c Point; ,Ó thencealongsaidboundary,N 17'04 53'E,a distanceof34.22feetL-746.27 toa pointbeingtheNW cornerofsad Lot3A andLot6A; CND BRNC=N78'02'/5"E PublicStreet thencealongsaidlinebetweensaidboundary,S 87'51'17"E,a CND LCTN=744.45'and Utility distanceof14.05feettoa point / Easement,tothebeginningofa curve;Æ=/44.50 thence,97.83feetalonga curvetatheright,witha radiusof435.50 A=O28°0J'fg"feet,a deltaangleof12'52 13",anda chordbearingofS 24'04 _7 7 32"W,witha chorddistanceof97.62feet; CND BRNC=S/6'28'58"W thence,S 30'30'38"W,a distanceof296.31feettothebeginningof NO2'22'29"E ,a curve; 9.J5'CND LCTN=70.05 thence,70.76feetalonga curvetotheleft,witha radiusof144,50-¯-----------------feet,a deltaangleof28'03'19",anda chordbearingofS 16'28' 58"W,witha chorddistanceof70.05feet; thence,S 02*27'19"W,a distanceof3.95feettoa pointon the _95 PATRICKSTREET 'o northROW ofPatrickstreetandtheboundarylineofLot3A; N8755'Jg"W (60'ROW)o thencealongsaidROW and boundaryline,N 87'55'39"W,a distance L of3.00feettotheP.O.B. p..0f Saidareabeing5,936squarefeetor0.14acresmoreorless,alongwith andsubjecttoalleasementsofrecord.gmmmm, B TA32.50 32.50'PT LAND SUB PN-1 BASISOF BEARING: STATEPLANEGRIDNORTH WITHGROUNDINTERNATIONAL NOTE:ALLDISTANCES oFEETPROJECTlONAT:ARE ININTERNATIONAL i -0 PUGH o z NORTHLATITUDE:45'-42'-00.54885"FOOTMEASUREMENTS i O 1 15626 LS oWESTLONGITUDE:111'-01'-14.92058" ELLIPSOIDHT:4698.37sft.-0 1 DERIVEDFROM MTSUCORS STATION 0 80'160(B0ZEMAN,MONTANA) MERIDIANCONVERGENCEANGLE=01'-06'-50"SCALE IN FEET "o m STAHLY ENGINEERING &ASSOCIATES LUMBERY DP L S REETANDPROFESSIONALENGINEERS&SURVEYORS UTILITYEASEMENTEXHIBIT c cP WithinaPortionofLot3AoftheArnendedLot3,BRx:k3,and DAE OV2V2022 2223 T AAVE.353 NNIALDR.85 DGR R S 1 Lot6AofthePTLandPhase2subdivision,(PlatJ498A} P e4dB)601-55 F× 42-8557 (S2 28 VirgeVentureILLc,aDelawareLirnitedLiabilityCompanyBoZEMAN,MONTANA 1 OF 1