HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Non-Exclusive Sign Easement - Lowes Home Center, LLC - Installation of Parking Signage Adjacent to Sacco DriveReturn to: "Cityof Bozeman 278921CityClerk p gpz ° an"È r 59771-1230 NON-EXCLUSIVE SIGN EASEMENT Lowe's Home Centers,LLC,a North CarolinaLimitedLiabilityCompany,whose addressis 1000 Lowes Boulevard,Mooresville,NC 28117,who tooktitleas Lowe's HIW,Inc.,a Washington Corporation,GRANTOR,inconsiderationof $1.00and forotherand valuable considerations,receiptofwhich isacknowledged,grantstoThe City ofBozeman,a municipal corporationof theStateofMontana,with officesat 121 North Rouse Avenue,Bozeman, Montana 59715,GRANTEE,itssuccessorsand assigns,a non-exclusiveperpetualsign easement,in,through,and acrossa stripof landforthePermittedUse (assubsequently described)situatedinGallatinCounty,Montana 4 feetwide tobe locatedon thefollowing describedrealproperty:Tract2B1 of CorrectionCertificateofSurvey 1215H,locatedinthe NW¼of Section1,Township 2 South,Range 5 East,P.M.M.,Cityof Bozeman,Gallatin County,Montana,accordingtotheofficialsurveythereofon fileand ofrecordintheofficeof the County Clerkand Recorder,GallatinCounty,Montana. The easement areaismore particularlydescribedon the attachedExhibitA and ExhibitB which by thisreferenceismade a parthereof. The GRANTOR statesthathe possessesthe realpropertydescribedabove (subjecttoall mattersof record)and thathe has a lawfulrighttograntan easement thereon(subjecttothe termsand conditionsherein). Thisgrantissubjecttothetermsand conditionssetforthinExhibitC,attachedheretoand 1 incorporatedherein. The terms,covenants,and provisionsof thiseasement shallextendto and be binding upon theheirs,executors,administrators,personalrepresentatives,successors,and assignsofthe partieshereto. DATED thisÉ day of ,boc ,20M B Grantor STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA) ):ss COUNTY OF IREDELL ) On this OA day of 4¶ucchhc ,2022,beforeme theundersigned,a Notary Public fortheStateofNorth Carolina,personallyappeared Richard Goodman,known tome to be Vice Presidentof Lowe's Home Centers,LLC,a North CarolinaLimitedLiability Company,and thepersonwhose name issubscribedtothewithininstrumentand acknowledged tome thathe executedthewithininstrumentforand on behalfof saidcompany. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSealthe day and yearfirstabove written. (SEAL) NotaryPublic4 Lincotr Not ublicfortheStateof North Carolina (Printeddame),, Residingat n Mcs rovfl¼ My Commission expires Q /7 /20M 2 ACCEPTED: ra C BOZEMAN .2d.b e ihelich ..CityManager ATTEST: City Clerk STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County ofGallatin ) On this 20 day of O Chober ,2022,beforeme,a Notary Publicfor theStateof Montana,personallyappearedJEFF MIHELICH and MIKE MAAS,known tome to be the CityManager and CityClerk,respectively,oftheCityof Bozeman and thepersonswhose names aresubscribedtothewithininstrument,and acknowledged tome thatthey executedthe same forand on behalfof theCityof Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSealthe day and yearfirstabove written. (SEAL) Nota ublicfortheStateof Montana ,TAYLOR CHAMBERS eg '6Ã NotaryPublic (Printe ame oTAR .Á fortheStateofMontana Residingat T7 A SEALMf Boze a Mo tana MyCommissionExpiresO_}_/L2 /2026 My CommissionExpires: ,noo January12,2025 3 EXHIBIT A PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION WITHIN TRACT 2B1,CORRECTED C.O.S.1215H, LOCATED IN THE NW1/4 0F SEC.1,T2S,R5E,P.M.M. PREPARED FOR :CUY OF BOZEMAN MAY,2022 PREPARED BY :SANDE RSON STEWART BOZEMAN,MONTANA Beginning at the Southeast corner of the easement herein described,being a point on the North right-of-way of Tschache Lane and the West right-of-way of Sacco Drive,from which point the Southeast corner of Tract 2B1 bears S 89'03'24"E,32.12 feet;Thence,S 01'49'07"W, 30.01 feet,said point of beginning;Thence,from said point of beginning,N 89'03'24"W,6.54 feet along the North right-of-way of Tschache Lane; Thence,along a curve to the LEFT,having a radius of 45.50 feet,a delta angle of 54'37'48",and whose long chord bears N 29'08'01"E a distance of 41.76 feet;Thence,N O1'49'07"E,17.34 feet;Thence,along a curve to the RlGHT,having a radius of 309.50 feet,a delta angle of 14" 59'57",and whose long chord bears N 09°19'05"E a distance of 80.79 feet;Thence,N 16°49'03"E,7.90 feet;Thence,along a curve to the LEFT,having a radius of 295.50 feet,a delta angle of 15'00'00",and whose long chord bears N 09°19'03"E a distance of 77.14 feet;Thence, N 01'49'03"E,668.11 feet to the North line of Tract 2B1;Thence,S 88' 10'57"E,4.00 feet along the North line of Tract 2B1 to the West right-of-way of Sacco Drive;Thence,S Ol'49'03"W,668.11 feet along the West right-of-way of Sacco Drive;Thence,along a curve to the RIGHT, having a radius of 299.50 feet,a delta angle of 15'00'00",and whose long chord bears S 09'19'03"W a distance of 78.19 feet along the West right-of-way of Sacco Drive;Thence,S 16'49'03"W,7.90 feet along the West right-of-way of Sacco Drive;Thence,along a curve to the LEFT, having a radius of 305.50 feet,a delta angle of 14°59'57",and whose long chord bears LC =S 09°19'05"W a distance of 79.75 feet along the West right-of-way of Sacco Drive;Thence,S 01°49'07"W,17.34 feet along the West right-of-way of Sacco Drive;Thence,along a curve to the RIGHT,having a radius of 49.50 feet,a delta angle of 48'22'33",and whose long chord bears S 26'00'24"W a distance of 40.56 feet along the West right-of-way of Sacco Drive to the North right-of-way of Tschache Lane and to the point of beginning,and containing 3,577 sq.ft.,more or less. DO M'T LDT 1 273LS 21231_02_ROW_BASE.DWG EXHIBIT B PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITYEASEMENT WITHIN TRACT 2B1,CORRECTED C.O.S.1215H, LOCATED IN THE NW1/4 OF SEC.1,T2S,R5E,P.M.M. PREPAREDFOR:CITYOF BOZEMAN MAY,2022 PREPAREDBY :SANDERSON STEWART BOZEMAN,MONTANA MINORSUB.407C L5 R/WIFGFND EXISTINGROADR/W ENT CORRECDC.O.S.1215H ONTA4 EXT BUCSTRET (MINORSUB.407D) LDT EXISTINGPUBLICSTREET C 15273LS EASEMENT(DOC.NO. 7 2276376) /CEN AL Lh L1 N 89'03'24"W,6.54 FEET R1 R =45.50 FEET,A =54'37'48", LC =N 29'08'01"E,41.76 FEET L2 N 01'49'07"E,17.34 FEET R2 R =309.50 FEET,A =14°59'57", LC =N 09'19'05"E,80.79 FEET L3 N 16'49'03"E,7.90 FEET o R3 R =295.50 FEET,A =15'00'00", LC =N 09'19'03"E,77.14FEET L4 N 01'49'03"E,668.11FEET L5 S 88'10'57"E,4.00 FEET ' L6 S 01'49'03"W,668.11FEET R4 R =299.50 FEET,A =15'00'00", LC =S 09°19'03"W,78.19FEET L7 S 16'49'03"W,7.90 FEET R5 R =305.50 FEET,A =14'59'57", LC =S 09°19'05"W,79.75 FEET LB S 01'49'07"W,17.34FEET R6 R =49.50 FEET,A =48'22'33", LC =S 26'00'24"W,40.56 FEET EXISTING PLJBLICSTREET°ERTYLINE MD UTEITY EASEMENT (3.577SQ.FT.}... (S8903'24" EXlSTINGSO'STREET POB " ANDUTILITYEASEMENT(200FM366)(S0149'07" CHACHE A SCALE:1"a100'NDRTH 21231_02_ROWBASE.DWG 21231.02 5/17/2022TG Exhibit C 1.This easement grantsGrantee the limitedrightto enterthe easement area and install, maintain,repairand replacethe"no parking"signsintheeasement area (hereinafter,the "PermittedUse"). 2.Grantee shallbe responsible,at itssoleexpense,for any work completed as partof the constructionplans and for the operation,maintenance,repair,and replacementof the improvements made withineasement area. 3.Upon completion of saidprojectforwhich access ishereby provided,the Grantee shall restorethepropertyas nearlyas possibleto itsoriginalcondition. 4.Grantee shallperform allwork expeditiouslyand in such a manner thatcausesas little disturbancetoGrantor'spropertyas ispracticableunder thecircumstances.Granteeshall take the necessarymeasures to minimize disruptionand inconvenience caused by its entry.Grantee shallcontroldust,noise and other effectsof itswork using methods customarily utilizedin order to control the deleteriouseffects associated with constructionprojects. 5.Grantee shallnot impede theflow of trafficor restrictaccessto Grantor'spropertywithin theeasement area. 6.To theextentpermittedby law,Granteeshallindemnity,defend,protectand hold Grantor and any tenantof Grantor harmlessfrom and againstany and allactualorpotential claims,proceedings,lawsuits,liabilities,damages,losses,fines,penalties,judgments, awards,costsand expense,including,withoutlimitation,reasonableattorneys'feesand costs,thatariseoutof or relateinany way to itsuse and enjoyment oftherightsgranted inthiseasement or claimstriggeredas a resultof theimprovements made pursuanttothis easement,otherthanthosecaused solelyby thewillfulor negligentactsor omissionsof theGrantor.The provisionsof thissectionshallsurvivetheexpirationorterminationof thiseasement with respecttoany eventoccurringpriorto such expirationortermination. 7.Grantee shall secure,maintain and comply with all required licenses,permits and certificatesrelatedto,or otherwise necessary or appropriatefor the constructionand operationswithinthe easement area.In connectionwith exercisingany of the rights grantedby thisgrant,Grantee shallcomply with any and allapplicablefederal,stateand locallaws,rules,regulations,statues,codes,ordersand ordinances. 8.Grantor grantstheserightssubjectto allcovenants,conditions,restrictions,exceptions and easements as may appear as a matterof publicrecord or as may be evidenced by possession,use or survey.Grantor,and itssuccessorsor assignsand tenantsshallhave the rightto use Grantor'spropertyin any manner which does not unreasonablyinterfere with the rightsof Grantee,includingwithout limitationthe rightto enterthe easement areato repair,replace,reconstruct,operate,expand and/orrelocateany existingutilities and structuralsupports(includingretainingwalls)and paved areastherein. 9.Priortocommencement of work withintheeasement area,Grantee shallprovideadvance noticetoGrantorand shallcoordinatesuch entrywiththeon-sitemanager. 10.After the performance by Grantee of any work within the easement,Grantee shall promptly replaceand restore,at Grantee's sole cost and expense,such area and/or improvements disturbedto the conditionof such area and/or improvements beforethe performance of saidwork,repairany pavement,curbs and guttersdamaged by Grantee; repairand reconnectany utilitylinesdamaged or disturbedby Grantee,and re-sodand re- landscapeany areasdamaged by Grantee. Page1of2 Exhibit C 11.Grantee shallnot permitany claim,lien,or otherencumbrance arisingfrom construction, maintenance or repairwithinthe easement areaby or on behalfof Grantee or Grantee's use of theeasement areatoaccrueagainstor attachto theeasement areaor theinterestof Grantorinadjacentlands. Page2 of2