HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-19-22 Public Comment - P. Quinn - Public Comment on Site Plan 22047 - Sundance Springs Neighborhood Services Lot # 2 Development - With Staff ResponseFrom:Lynn Hyde To:Paul Quinn; Agenda Subject:RE: Public Comment on Site Plan 22047 - Sundance Springs Neighborhood Services Lot # 2 Development Date:Wednesday, October 19, 2022 10:56:27 AM Paul, Thank you for your public comment. It has been received and included in the review as well as the public record. All reviewers, the applicant and public will have access to your comment. If you have any question please let me know. Lynn Hyde | Development Review Planner, Community Development City of Bozeman | 20 East Olive St. | P.O. Box 1230 | Bozeman, MT 59771 406.579.1471 | lhyde@bozeman.net | www.bozeman.net -----Original Message----- From: Paul Quinn <paul_quinn_99@hotmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2022 10:46 AM To: Agenda <agenda@BOZEMAN.NET> Cc: Lynn Hyde <lhyde@BOZEMAN.NET> Subject: Public Comment on Site Plan 22047 - Sundance Springs Neighborhood Services Lot # 2 Development CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To: Bozeman City Commission Bozeman Community Development Board Bozeman Community Development Directors Bozeman City Planning Department From: Paul Quinn, Bozeman, MT Date: October 19, 2022 RE: Public Comment on Site Plan 22047 Sundance Springs Neighborhood Services Lot # 2 Development Please find attached document. Thanks, Paul Quinn 467 Peace Pipe Dr. Bozeman, MT 59715 To: Bozeman City Commission Bozeman Community Development Board Bozeman Community Development Directors Bozeman City Planning Department From: Paul Quinn, Bozeman, MT Date:October 19, 2022 RE: Public Comment on Site Plan 22047 Sundance Springs Neighborhood Services Lot # 2 Development Dear City Commissioners, Members of the Community Development Board, Community Development Directors, and Planning Department Staff: Thank you for the opportunity to share my perspective and concern for the development of Lot # 2, Sundance Springs Neighborhood Services. I was born and raised in Bozeman, MT. I grew up on a farm 1/4 mile from this proposed development. I left Bozeman after graduating from MSU. And after about 20 years of working toward coming back, I returned. My wife and I (and now 3 year old son) own a home down the street from the proposed commercial development at 467 Peace Pipe Dr. My wife and I run a private investment management firm. Growing up in Bozeman and my background in financial markets, I hold a unique perspective. I am not opposed to development. As they say, "the only constant is change." However, I grew up with an appreciation of Bozeman's history and value changes that are thoughtful with positive, long-term outcomes for our community and environment. I grew up on the former Patterson Ranch at the corner of South 19th Road and Goldenstein Road. The Patterson Ranch was the homestead of James L. Patterson. James L. Patterson was a Colonel who fought in the Civil War. He came to Bozeman with his wife and family after the Civil War. He built and lived in a 1-room log cabin which still exists today on my parent’s property. Mr. Patterson grew his homestead property into a 2,500 acre ranch covering Southeast Bozeman from what would become MSU all the way to Leverich Canyon. My parents purchased what was left of the Patterson property in 1983 from the estate of Pat Harris -- James Patterson’s great grandson. I grew up helping my parents rehabilitate the Patterson property in a manner that preserved and respected its history. Their land has been used for agriculture and will remain so. In the 40 years since my parents moved to the property, I have witnessed a staggering amount of development encroaching my parents’ property. The majority of these changes exemplify profit over principle. The destruction of agricultural land, the changes to the landscape, and the environmental impact are very real negative outcomes. As a native Bozeman person and a resident of the Sundance Springs Subdivision, I want to emphasize that I am not opposed to the development of Lot # 2, Sundance Springs Page 2 of 4 Neighborhood Services. However, I feel strongly that the City of Bozeman Commission must follow the rules and covenants ordered by the 1990’s era City Commission when the Planned Urban Development was adopted. In addition to the specifics outlined below, my primary concern is noise pollution. A large outdoor patio where the potential use might be a restaurant with noisy patrons or a MAP brewery with loud music and numerous vehicles parked on our neighborhood streets. Think carefully about the parking challenges and safety issues the city encountered with the MAP location at 510 Manley Road. These are very real concerns in our residential neighborhood and across the street from Sacajawea Middle School. More specifically, our covenants do not allow outdoor activities for this site. The proposed area borders a peaceful open space and beautiful trail system. It is a place enjoyed by neighbors as well as other members of our community. It is a home to wildlife. This proposed commercial development and its 2,000 square feet of outdoor patio threatens to degrade this unique Bozeman amenity with noise pollution. Already, this open space area is an echo chamber, albeit a tolerable one. From my backyard, I can clearly hear conversations on the decks of homes along Ellis View Loop adjacent to the proposed development. The proposed development is aligned perfectly to amplify sound down our open space trail corridor towards Rain Roper Drive. That is unacceptable. With that introduction, I am writing to express my concern about Site Plan 22047, which is currently under review. Overall, the design outlined in the site plan does not reflect the requirements of the site’s covenants, to which the city is a party. The plan is not compatible with requirements of the Sundance Springs PUD, including the requirement for sidewalks along the South Third frontage. Finally, the requested departures from the block frontage standards, which I oppose, do not meet the approval criteria outlined in the Bozeman Development Code. Specifically, first, this development bills itself as contributing to the walkability of our city, yet there is no provision for, or even room allotted for sidewalks to be installed along South Third Avenue. When development is allowed to proceed without sidewalk installation, the future walkability of our city is degraded. Allowing this development to proceed without sidewalks on South 3rd will prevent the future continuity of sidewalks in our neighborhood as more land is developed. Second, both the site covenants and the PUD designate this site’s zoning as B-1 Neighborhood Services District, according to the 1992-era zoning. Yet the site plan is incompatible with both the covenants and the requirements of the Neighborhood Services District. As a resident of the City of Bozeman, I expect the city to adhere to the orders of the 1990’s era City Commission. In this case, the Commission ordered that the city be a party to the site covenants. Therefore, I expect the city to follow the requirements of the covenants, and to enforce the covenants per the authority of BMC 38.100.100. The current site plan ignores the following requirements of the covenants, which also stipulate that the 1992-era zoning requirements are in effect. I ask that these violations of the covenants and 1992-era B–1 zoning be rectified in the plan before it is approved: Page 3 of 4 • requirements for traditional gable, hip, and shed roofs • siding requirements (which preclude buildings with glass walls) • maximum building size limits of 5000 square feet. • parking requirements outlined in Chapter 18.50 of the 1992-era zoning • 25-foot front and 20-foot rear set backs • Foundations that are constructed “high” to avoid problems with high ground water • Outdoor lighting design restrictions outlined in the covenants • Requirements to design of buildings that avoid the appearance of commercial development (per the covenants) and maintain residential character (per B-1 Neighborhood Services District) Especially disconcerting is the inclusion of a 2,000 square-foot patio and other structures that would facilitate outdoor business use. The 1992-era B-1 Neighborhood Services District set the expectation that all business uses be confined within buildings. I, as a neighbor who lives within a short distance of this development, expect those zoning requirements to be enforced to maintain the tranquility and residential character of our neighborhood – which is the stated intent of the B-1 Neighborhood Services District requirements. Allowing a 2,000 sq ft patio would simply create a source of continuing future conflict between business owners, who would want to use the patio for outdoor business purposes, and residential neighbors, who have the right to the undisturbed peaceful use of our property written into the covenants. Designing a building to support outdoor activities under zoning that presumes uses fully enclosed within buildings seems disingenuous. Third, the current block frontage standards of the Municipal Development Code require that the buildings front the streets and that the parking be behind or to the side of the buildings. The site plan is requesting multiple departures from the block frontage standards. I am opposed to the approval of any of these departures on the grounds that they don’t meet the required approval criteria. • The approval criteria require that the building placement be compatible with the surrounding area. The buildings are incompatible with the surrounding neighborhood because they do not comply with the design requirements of the covenants. Allowing these buildings to be placed away from the street will only compound the incompatibility and magnify the impacts on our neighborhood because the incompatible buildings will be closer to residences and will encroach even more on our neighborhood’s open space. • The approval criteria require that any departure improve the character of the street front. Placing parking lots along 100% of our neighborhood street frontages, including the corner of South 3rd and Little Horse Drive, represents a degradation of the street front, especially when considered in comparison to the alternative intended by the covenants and PUD: a street-front building that complies with the building design guidance and mandated 1992-era B-1 zoning. In summary, the 1990’s era City Commission ordered that the City of Bozeman is a party to the covenants associated with the Sundance Springs Commercial lots. In making this order, the Commissioners expected the city to be bound by applicable terms of the covenants and Page 4 of 4 empowered the city to enforce the covenants. As a resident of the City of Bozeman, I expect the city to abide by the covenants agreed to by the city in the PUD and exercise its authority to enforce the covenants to which the developers agreed when they purchased the property. The intent of the PUD and covenants are clear. Development on this lot is to occur in compliance with the 1992-era B-1 Neighborhood Services District and other restrictions outlined in the covenants. Further, the requested departures from the block frontage standards do not meet the requirements of being compatible with the surrounding area nor enhancing the character of the street (BMC 38.510.020.F.1.d) and therefore should be denied. Thank you for considering my comments. Sincerely, Paul Quinn 467 Peace Pipe Dr. Bozeman, MT 59715