HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-19-22 HPAB Agenda & Packet MaterialsA.Call meeting to order B.Disclosures C.Changes to the Agenda D.Approval of Minutes E.Public Comment Please state your name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record. This is the time for individuals to comment on matters falling within the purview of the Board. There will also be an opportunity in conjunction with each action item for comments pertaining to that item. Please limit your comments to three minutes. F.Special Presentation THE BOZEMAN HISTORIC PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA BHPAB AGENDA Wednesday, October 19, 2022 This meeting will be held both in-person and also using Webex, an online videoconferencing system. You can join this meeting: Via Webex: Click the Register link, enter the required information, and click submit. Click Join Now to enter the meeting. Via Phone: This is for listening only if you cannot watch the stream, channel 190, or attend in-person United States Toll +1-650-479-3208 Access code: 2552 428 6071 If you are interested in commenting in writing on items on the agenda please send an email to agenda@bozeman.net prior to 12:00pm on the day of the meeting. Public comments will be accepted in-person during the appropriate agenda items. You may also comment by visiting the Commission's comment page. You can also comment by joining the Webex meeting. If you do join the Webex meeting, we ask you please be patient in helping us work through this hybrid meeting. As always, the meeting will be streamed through the Commission's video page and available in the City on cable channel 190. 1 G.Action Items H.FYI/Discussions H.1 Recommendations from Project 1 Survey (Rosenberg) I.Adjournment For more information please contact Sarah Rosenberg srosenberg@bozeman.net This board generally meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6:00 to 8:00pm Advisory board meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability and require assistance, please contact our ADA coordinator, Mike Gray, at 582-3232 (TDD 582-2301). 2 Memorandum REPORT TO:Bozeman Historic Preservation Advisory Board FROM:Sarah Rosenberg SUBJECT:Recommendations from Project 1 Survey MEETING DATE:October 19, 2022 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Citizen Advisory Board/Commission RECOMMENDATION:NA STRATEGIC PLAN:1.1 Outreach: Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. BACKGROUND:Since 2019, the City of Bozeman has contracted with Metcalf Consultants to update the historic inventory forms around the NCOD. Metcalf made recommendations from these surveys of future work that could be done. At the September HPAB meeting, board members decided to do additional research based on the recommendations of Project 1 - the North 7th Corridor/B-2M zone district. Much of the residential development to the east of North 7th is a very intact post-war neighborhood. These areas include the Violett Addition, Karp's Addition, Border Tract, and Tracy's Addition subdivisions. Using the historic inventory forms done by Metcalf, HPAB will begin to research these areas to identify historic and cultural themes. During this meeting, City staff will present a broad overview of this area to discuss with HPAB prior to board members diving into the research. The survey forms of this area can be found here. There are 60 properties total that were surveyed. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:NA ALTERNATIVES:NA FISCAL EFFECTS:NA Attachments: 2019-2020_SummaryLetter.pdf Report compiled on: October 12, 2022 3 Submitted via e-mail September 30, 2020 Phillipe Gonzalez, Historic Preservation Specialist City of Bozeman Planning Department 20 East Olive St. Bozeman, Montana 59715 pgonzalez@bozeman.net RE: City of Bozeman Architecture Survey 2019-2020, Summary of Findings and Management Recommendations Mr. Gonzalez, In June 2019, the City of Bozeman (City) contracted Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc. (Metcalf) to conduct an architectural inventory of 128 properties (Map 1). The purpose of the inventory was to collect current data pertaining to architectural resources to continue supporting the City’s Historic Preservation and Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District programs. The field survey was conducted between October 15 and November 20, 2019 by Architectural Historian Emily Sakariassen and Staff Archaeologist Shelley Wells. Prior to field work, each property was assigned an arbitrary Property ID number to aid with organization and tracking. Site boundaries were defined using City of Bozeman parcel data and all historic features were photographed from the public Right-of-Way. At the request of the City and to maintain consistency with the SHPO’s statewide comprehensive site inventory as outlined in the Montana Certified Local Government Manual, site documentation is presented on Montana Historic Property Record forms. Each property was documented to Level I or Level II standards, as defined and determined by your office and provided in a spreadsheet dated September 4, 2019. The Level I survey provides basic information about a given property, including architectural characteristics, and a preliminary recommendation regarding National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility, particularly under Criterion C. The Level II survey includes the same information and incorporates historic background information to provide site context and facilitate evaluation of eligibility, as defined in Sec. 38.700 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. Of the 128 properties, 27 were initially defined as Level I properties and the remaining were Level II properties. The property list was modified to resolve duplicate addresses and demolished properties, as well as combine addresses where appropriate. Additionally, during the project, the City requested four Level I properties be elevated to Level II status. In the end, a total of 123 properties were recorded, including 18 Level I and 105 Level II properties (Tables 1 and 2). Sec. 38.700 of the Bozeman Municipal Code defines an eligible property as one that meets the criteria for inclusion in the NRHP or State Register either 1) individually or 2) as a contributing building to an existing or potential historic district. Preliminary recommendations have been made for 17 of the 18 Level I properties; 302 N 7th Ave (Property ID 021) remains unevaluated for listing in the NRHP until further historic research can be conducted to address its significance under Criteria A and B. Of the 105 Level II 4 Gonzalez, 9/30/2020 Page 2 properties, 11 are currently listed in the NRHP either individually or as contributing elements to existing historic districts, namely the Northern Pacific/Story Mill and Cooper Park historic districts. Metcalf recommends that one of the contributing properties in the Cooper Park Historic District (508 W Main St; Property ID 069) be re-evaluated as non-contributing as it has lost key aspects of integrity. One property, 322 W Mendenhall St (Property ID 093), merits consideration as an individually eligible resource. This site is the former Nelson Story house, built in 1869, and is recommended individually eligible for inclusion in the NRHP under Criteria A and B for its associations with the Townsite Phase in Bozeman’s early development and for its specific association with pioneering Bozeman entrepreneur, Nelson Story. Sixty-three of the remaining Level II properties are recommended to be not eligible individually but eligible as part of a potential historic district, per City of Bozeman code. These sites are not individually significant but retain sufficient integrity to convey historic character and contribute to a potential district should one be identified. Lastly, 30 Level II properties are recommended not eligible and non-contributing to a potential district either because they are not yet 50 years old or because they lack historic integrity. Resource Characteristics To provide context to our site evaluations and aid in prioritizing future research efforts to determine district potential where it exists in the surveyed area, Metcalf has compiled a summary of neighborhood characteristics based on existing geographic groupings of sites, i.e., city subdivisions. These neighborhood boundaries are somewhat subjective and may prove, through further survey work, to be inadequate. However, we believe they provide a reasonable framework for consideration of district potential. Ten subdivisions are represented by the recorded properties: Story Addition, Tracy’s 1st Addition, Tracy’s 2nd Addition, Tracy’s 3rd Addition, Northern Pacific Addition, Park Addition, West Park Addition, Violett Addition, Karp’s Addition, and Border Tract Addition. The 2019-2020 survey area is west of what is commonly known as Bozeman’s original townsite. William J. Beall and Daniel E. Rouse laid out a townsite in 1864 that was centered on Main Street, between Rouse and Bozeman avenues. Those streets would become major thoroughfares. In 1870, following a survey of the townsite by W. W. DeLacy, the townsite was officially platted. Over the next few years, developers filed plats mostly to the southeast, where the land was higher and therefore drier. Several early plats were filed to the west of the original townsite at this time, including Tracy’s 1st Addition in 1871 and the Story Addition in 1872. Two 80-acre tracts owned by Nelson Story and Walter Cooper and John S. Dickerson were set aside for a park and platted as the “Park Addition.” This area was eventually developed as the Cooper Park neighborhood. The adjacent West Park Addition was platted in 1892. In anticipation of the Northern Pacific Railroad reaching Bozeman, development began to stretch north of Main Street toward the depot. It was during this expansion that the Northern Pacific, Tracy’s 2nd, and Tracy’s 3rd additions were platted northwest of the original townsite. The automobile revolutionized transportation, and commercial and residential development after the turn of the 20th Century sprawled west along Main St. and, later, north along N 7th Ave. The Violett, Karp’s, and Border Tract additions were developed in the mid-century, largely after WWII, along these newly emerged commercial corridors. Previous historians have classified development within the additions in chronological phases (RTI 2008). The six phases of development in RTI’s 2008 Bozeman Historic Context are as follows, and were used to help characterize resources within each geographic area: • Townsite Phase (1864-1872) • Village Phase (1873-1883) • Civic Phase (1884-1912) 5 Gonzalez, 9/30/2020 Page 3 • Progressive Phase (1913-1929) • Nationalization Phase (1930-1945) • Postwar Expansion Phase (1946-1970) Story Addition Twenty-four properties recorded at a Survey Level II are located within the Story Addition (Map 1). This Addition was platted in 1872 by Nelson Story, one of Bozeman’s pioneer merchants and real estate developers. The properties surveyed represent the variety of property types in this part of Bozeman, including single- and multiple-unit residential and commercial buildings. Ages and architectural styles vary and reflect historic associations with the Civic, Progressive, Nationalization, and Postwar Expansion phases of Bozeman’s development (RTI 2008). Of the residential styles, Metcalf identified five Queen Anne-style houses from the turn-of-the-Century, one Dutch Colonial-Revival residence, eight Craftsman houses from the 1910s, 20s and 30s, and two Mission/Spanish-Revival-style homes—one of which is a duplex. The commercial properties that were recorded date later, to the mid-20th Century, in-keeping with historic trends in commercial growth along W Main Street. These buildings date from the 1930s through 1975 and, while most do not have stylistic embellishments that are readily classified, one example of the Moderne style and another belonging to the Post-Modern style were identified. Eight of the 24 properties recorded within the Story Addition are currently listed in the NRHP as contributing to the 1987 Cooper Park Historic District (24GA953). These are 504, 508, 512, 516, 520, 522, 606, and 612 W Main Street. Metcalf updated the site record to reflect that all but one of these properties retain sufficient integrity to convey historic character and maintain their listed status. The exception is 508 W Main Street, which has experienced considerable modification. Most of the properties Metcalf recorded within the Story Addition are in good or excellent condition and retain sufficient integrity to convey their historic character. Tracy’s 1st Addition Ten properties recorded at a Survey Level II are located within Tracy’s 1st Addition (Map 3). William H. Tracy, one of the founders of the City of Bozeman, platted this addition in 1882 on the west edge of the original Bozeman townsite. The properties surveyed are nearly all residential properties. The exception is a historically residential property that has been converted for use as a commercial building (601 W Main St.). Most of the properties date to the first two decades of the 20th Century and are associated with the Civic and Progressive phases of Bozeman’s development. One site is a house built in 1969, during the City’s Postwar Expansion phase (RTI 2008). Of the residential properties recorded in Tracy’s 1st Addition, Metcalf identified four as Queen Anne style houses, one vernacular house with an upright-and-wing form, one Classical Revival style house, one early example of Craftsman architecture, a Minimal Traditional style house, and one classified as Eclectic in its embellishments. The now commercial building, 601 W Main St., was originally a Queen Anne style residence. 322 W Mendenhall St (Property ID 093) is recommended individually eligible for listing in the NRHP, and 502 W Mendenhall St (Property ID 103) is currently listed. The latter was previously recorded under site number 24GA944 and is listed under Criterion C as an excellent example of eclectic, turn of the century architecture in Bozeman and for its use of pressed stone. 6 Gonzalez, 9/30/2020 Page 4 Most of the recorded properties in the addition retain sufficient integrity to convey historic character and would be considered contributing to a potential historic district as they date to the historic period and retain sufficient integrity. Tracy’s 2nd Addition Twenty-three properties recorded at a Survey Level II are located within Tracy’s 2nd Addition (Map 4). This addition was platted in 1883 as City development expanded north in anticipation of the arrival of the Northern Pacific Railroad (RTI 2008). The properties surveyed represent both residential and commercial property types. Those that are commercial are predominantly historic houses that have been converted to use as commercial buildings. Ages and architectural styles vary in the neighborhood and reflect historic associations with the Village, Civic, Progressive, Nationalization, and Postwar Expansion phases of Bozeman’s development. Two of the 23 properties are not historic. 621 W Mendenhall St. (Property ID 112) was built in 1973 and 120 N 7th Ave (Property ID 018) was built in 1984. Within Tracy’s 2nd Addition, Metcalf identified 11 examples of Queen Anne style architecture. In addition, there was a Victorian-Era Stick Style residence and two contemporaneous Eclectic houses. One of the latter shows influence from both Queen Anne and Classical Revival; the other has been remodeled with contemporary stylings applied to what was likely originally a modest Queen Anne cottage. Other styles recorded include Craftsman, Mid-Century modern, and Contemporary—the latter referring to the two modern commercial properties. None of the properties recorded in Tracy’s 2nd Addition are currently listed in the NRHP and Metcalf did not identify any individually eligible properties. Only a small majority of the properties recorded retain sufficient integrity to convey historic character. Tracy’s 3rd Addition Thirteen properties recorded at a Survey Level II are located within Tracy’s 3rd Addition (Map 5). This Addition was also platted by Tracy in 1883 and is part of the City’s growth north with the arrival of the Northern Pacific (RTI 2008). The properties surveyed in this area are both residential and commercial. They span nearly a century; the earliest recorded was built in 1890 and the most recent dates to 1970. Therefore, they reflect historic associations within the Civic, Progressive, Nationalization, and Postwar Expansion phases of Bozeman’s development. Architectural styles present include four Queen Anne style houses, one Classical Revival style house, four Craftsman bungalows, one Minimal Traditional house, and three commercial buildings from the late Mid-Century classified as Contemporary. One recorded property in the addition is currently listed in the NRHP. Located at 607 W Lamme and previously recorded under site number 24GA930, the site is the c. 1890 Colburn House. It is listed under Criterion C for its architectural significance. Most of the properties Metcalf recorded within this neighborhood are in good or excellent condition and retain sufficient integrity to convey their historic character, including the listed property. Northern Pacific Addition Five properties recorded at a Survey Level II are located within the Northern Pacific Addition (Map 6). This addition was platted in 1883, with the arrival of the Northern Pacific Railroad. The area was marshy and not well-suited to building. As a result, development here was gradual and largely industrial in nature (RTI 2008). Regardless, there are some residential structures in the neighborhood. Three of the recorded properties are single-unit dwellings from the early 20th Century. Two of the three are Craftsman 7 Gonzalez, 9/30/2020 Page 5 bungalows that were moved in from unknown locations in the mid-20th Century. The third is a 1942 Minimal Traditional style house with several modern outbuildings. Two commercial warehouse buildings were also recorded in the Northern Pacific Addition and date to Mid-20th Century. One of the properties recorded within the Northern Pacific Addition is currently listed in the NRHP as a contributing element of the Northern Pacific/Story Mill Historic District (24GA1100). The property is the Benepe Elevator Warehouse located at 625 E Tamarack St. The other properties recorded in this addition are in good condition, but only 1010 N Rouse (Property ID 117) and the NRHP-listed site at 625 E Tamarack retain sufficient integrity to convey historic character. West Park Addition Five properties recorded at a Survey Level II fives are located within the West Park Addition (Map 7). This addition was platted in 1892 adjacent to the Park Addition which was, at the time, west of the original townsite. The properties are all residential in nature with ages ranging from 1902 through 1917. They therefore reflect historic associations with the Civic and Progressive phases of Bozeman’s development (RTI 2008). One Queen Anne style house, three Craftsman style houses, and a duplex classified as Eclectic (bearing some Classical Revival influence in its symmetry and massing) were recorded. None of the properties recorded in the West Park Addition are currently listed in the NRHP and Metcalf did not identify any individually eligible properties. All but one, 818 W Babcock St., retain sufficient integrity to convey historic character. Park Addition The Park Addition was platted as two, eight-acre tracts owned by Nelson Story and Walter Cooper and John S. Dickerson. A subsection of this land was set aside for the development of a park, later named Cooper Park (RTI 2008). Metcalf recorded only one property at a Survey Level II within this addition: a 1925 Craftsman bungalow at 720 W Babcock St (Map 8). Immediately east of the property is a redeveloped lot, and construction of a multi-unit apartment building was ongoing at the time of survey. Other houses on the block, to the south and southeast of the property, are a mix of similar Craftsman bungalows and slightly older vernacular residences. Observations made within the Park Addition suggest that encroaching re-development has likely affected the neighborhood’s overall historic character. Modern residences were noted in the vicinity, but not within the survey area. Further survey would be required to determine district potential. Violett Addition Twenty-one properties were recorded at a Survey Level II within the Violett Addition (Map 9). The Violett Addition is a Mid-20th Century neighborhood that was platted in 1941 by Lena E. Border and Harvey E. and Ina I. Murdock. The area was mostly developed following WWII and consists primarily of 1 to 1.5-story single-unit houses. Metcalf recorded 17 residential properties, three commercial properties, and one educational facility, the Whittier Elementary School, within the addition. The properties reflect historic associations within the Nationalization and Postwar Expansion phases of Bozeman’s development. Eleven of the houses recorded are Minimal Traditional in their architectural style. Five Ranch-style houses were also recorded, including a modern house built in 1990 (424 N 6th Ave). Other residential styles noted include Mid-Century Modern and a vernacular bungalow. The three 8 Gonzalez, 9/30/2020 Page 6 commercial buildings recorded vary in style, with little embellishment, and the school is a Mid-Century Modern style structure. Most of the properties Metcalf recorded within this neighborhood are in good or excellent condition and retain sufficient integrity to convey their historic character. Karp’s Addition Two properties were recorded at a Survey Level II within Karp’s Addition (Map 10). Like the adjacent Violett Addition, this area was developed following WWII. John and Treentje Karp, Floyd and Florence Spady, J.A. and Maggie Spady, and John P. and Mary Cloninger subdivided and platted this area into lots, blocks, streets, avenues, and alleys as Karp’s Addition in 1946. The small subdivision is characterized by mixed residential and commercial properties. The recorded properties reflect historic associations with the Nationalization and Postwar Expansion phases of Bozeman’s development. One of the two properties is an Art Moderne apartment building built in 1947. The other is a 1959 Mid-Century Modern convalescence home. Both properties are in good condition and retain sufficient integrity to convey historic character. Border Tract Addition One property was recorded at a Survey Level II within the Border Tract Addition (Map 11). This addition is the most recent of all the developments within the study area. The subdivision was platted in 1970 by the Border family, who were also responsible for platting and development the nearby Violett Addition. The recorded property, the Royal 7 Motel, pre-dates the subdivision development and reflects historic associations with Bozeman’s Postwar Expansion phase. The lot has been the site of a motor inn since the 1940s, which is in keeping with the development of N 7th Ave as a commercial strip on the west edge of town. While not recommended to be individually eligible, it retains integrity sufficient to convey historic character. Management Recommendations Results of the 2019-2020 architectural survey provide an overview of historic neighborhoods in Bozeman not previously considered for NRHP District status. The National Park Service defines a District as, “a significant concentration, linkage, or continuity of sites, buildings, structures, or objects united historically or aesthetically by plan or physical development” (NPS 2002). For this reason, Metcalf has evaluated the properties within the survey area with respect to known patterns of development, tying properties to both specific geographic location (neighborhoods/subdivisions) and time periods (phases of development). A variety of building types, styles, and ages were encountered in the 10 subdivisions that overlap with the survey area. Although no subdivision was surveyed in its entirety, Metcalf can provide preliminary recommendations regarding district potential within the survey area. Those areas in which there is a notable concentration of associated properties retaining sufficient integrity to convey historic character have greater district potential, and those that also have a clearly defined period of significance or architectural cohesion should be prioritized for further work. Several of the subdivisions identified have a high percentage of properties that retain historic integrity. Eighty-six percent of the properties recorded within Tracy’s 3rd Addition, for example, have integrity—not including an NRHP-listed site in the neighborhood; however, the properties there span an entire century and lack historic and stylistic cohesion. Further survey work would be required to identify historic themes and associations to determine district potential. 9 Gonzalez, 9/30/2020 Page 7 Similarly, the Story Addition has a high number of properties with integrity, and the component properties date to the Civic, Progressive, Nationalization, and Postwar Expansion phases of Bozeman’s development. Twenty-five percent of the properties recorded there are already listed in the NRHP as contributing elements to the Cooper Park Historic District, the boundary of which is justified not on the basis of integrity alone, but by the age, style, and orientation of properties. While Metcalf does not recommend this as an optimal candidate for district status, it is possible that an expansion of the Cooper Park historic district could be explored through further survey work and analysis of the existing district’s boundary justification. The Violett Addition may also be a candidate for district potential, as the small, cohesive neighborhood has associations with the Postwar phase of Bozeman’s development, a time period not strongly reflected in existing NRHP listings in the City. Eighty-one percent of the properties recorded within this Addition retain sufficient integrity and, while the area was not entirely recorded as part of the survey, that number indicates the surrounding properties likely also retain integrity. It is recommended that further study of the Violett Addition also consider inclusion of contemporaneous developments in adjacent subdivisions (e.g., Karp Addition), as they may be linked thematically. Other subdivisions encountered in the survey area did not provide sufficient data to truly characterize the potential for nomination as a historic district(s). In Tracy’s 1st Addition, West Park Addition, Park Addition, Karp’s Addition, and the Border Tract Addition, fewer than 10 properties were documented. Metcalf recommends that, in addition to a focused study of the Violett Addition to determine district potential, the City consider expanding these areas for future survey, especially as they contain properties dating to the recent past not previously surveyed. We look forward to continuing work on the project in the coming years, and we thank you for continuing to partner with our firm. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. Sincerely, Emily Sakaraissen, Architectural Historian esakariassen@metcalfarchaeology.com (701) 258-1215 Jennifer Borresen Lee, Project Manager jlee@metcalfarchaeology.com 406.219.3535 References Cited: National Park Service 2002 How to Apply National Register Criteria for Evaluation. Rev. ed. National Register Bulletin 15. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Washington, D.C. Renewable Technologies, Inc. [RTI] 2008 Bozeman Historic Resouces Survey, revised ed. Prepared for Planning Department, City of Bozeman, Bozeman, Montana. 10 Gonzalez, 9/30/2020 Page 8 Table 1. City of Bozeman Architecture Survey 2019-2020, Survey Level I Properties. Property ID Address Potential Historic District NRHP Eligibility Recommendation* Comments 21 302 N 7th Ave N/A UN 23 404 N 7th Ave N/A NE 46 708 & 716 W Babcock St N/A NE 48 608 W Beall St N/A NE 49 612 W Beall St N/A NE 51 502 W Lamme St N/A NE 61 602 W Lamme St N/A NE 80 621 W Main St N/A NE 82 702 W Main St N/A NE 87 920 W Main St N/A NE 88 1006 W Main St N/A NE 89 908-920 W Main St N/A NE Combined under “Property 087” 98 411 W Mendenhall St N/A NE 107 507 W Main St N/A NE Combined under “Property 111” 111 616 W Mendenhall St N/A NE 115 906 N Rouse Ave N/A NE 116 922 N Rouse Ave N/A NE 118 1104 N Rouse Ave N/A NE 122 511 E Tamarack St N/A NE Combined under “Property 118” 123 511 E Tamarack St N/A NE Combined under “Property 118” 126 601 W Villard St N/A NE 127 902 N Wallace Ave N/A NE 128 905 N Wallace Ave N/A NE Combined under “Property 118” * Abbreviations are as follows: E= Eligible for inclusion in the NRHP; EC= Eligible, contributing to a potential historic district as per Sec. 38.700 of the Bozeman Municipal Code; NE= Not Eligible, would not contribute to a district/potential district; and L= Currently listed in the NRHP individually or as contributing to an existing historic district. 11 Gonzalez, 9/30/2020 Page 9 Table 2. City of Bozeman Architecture Survey 2019-2020, Survey Level II Properties. Property ID Address Potential Historic District NRHP Eligibility Recommendation* Comments 1 211 N 5th Ave Tracy’s 3rd Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 2 305 N 5th Ave Karp's Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 3 321 N 5th Ave Karp's Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 4 401 N 5th Ave Violett Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 5 407 N 5th Ave Violett Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 6 415 N 5th Ave Violett Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 7 419 N 5th Ave Violett Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 8 423 N 5th Ave Violett Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 9 511 N 5th Ave Violett Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 10 408 N 6th Ave Violett Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 11 411 N 6th Ave Violett Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 12 414 N 6th Ave Violett Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 13 417 N 6th Ave Violett Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 14 420 N 6th Ave Violett Add NE Non-contributing 15 423 N 6th Ave Violett Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 16 424 N 6th Ave Violett Add NE Non-contributing 17 427 N 6th Ave Violett Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 18 120 N 7th Ave Tracy’s 2nd Add NE Non-contributing 19 204 N 7th Ave Tracy’s 3rd Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 20 210 N 7th Ave Tracy’s 3rd Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 22 310 N 7th Ave Border Tract Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 24 416 N 7th Ave Violett Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 25 420 N 7th Ave Violett Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 26 426 N 7th Ave Violett Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 27 428 N 7th Ave Violett Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 28 438 N 7th Ave Violett Add NE Non-contributing 29 510 N 7th Ave Violett Add NE Non-contributing 30 15 S 8th Ave Story Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 31 22 S 8th Ave Story Add NE Non-contributing 12 Gonzalez, 9/30/2020 Page 10 Property ID Address Potential Historic District NRHP Eligibility Recommendation* Comments 32 103 S 8th Ave West Park Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 33 109 S 8th Ave West Park Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 34 16 S 9th Ave Story Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 35 18 S 9th Ave Story Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 36 703 W Babcock St Story Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 37 720 W Babcock St Park Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 38 803 W Babcock St Story Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 39 807 W Babcock St Story Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 40 808 W Babcock St West Park Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 41 811 W Babcock St Story Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 42 812 W Babcock St West Park Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 43 815 W Babcock St Story Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 44 818 W Babcock St West Park Add NE Non-contributing 45 819 W Babcock St Story Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 47 522 W Beall St Tracy’s 3rd Add NE Non-contributing 50 501 W Lamme St Tracy’s 3rd Add, 1883 EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 52 503 W Lamme St Tracy’s 3rd Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 53 508 W Lamme St Tracy’s 2nd Add NE Non-contributing 54 509 W Lamme St Tracy’s 3rd Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 55 512 W Lamme St Tracy’s 2nd Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 56 513 W Lamme St Tracy’s 3rd Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 57 516 W Lamme St Tracy’s 2nd Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 58 517 W Lamme St Tracy’s 3rd Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 59 520 W Lamme St Tracy’s 2nd Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 60 521 W Lamme St Tracy’s 3rd Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 62 603 W Lamme St Tracy’s 3rd Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 63 606 W Lamme St Tracy’s 2nd Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 64 607 W Lamme St Tracy’s 3rd Add L Colburn House (24GA930) 65 610 W Lamme St Tracy’s 2nd Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 66 613 W Lamme St Tracy’s 3rd Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 67 614 W Lamme St Tracy’s 2nd Add NE Non-contributing 68 504 W Main St Story Add L Cooper Park Historic District (24GA953) 13 Gonzalez, 9/30/2020 Page 11 Property ID Address Potential Historic District NRHP Eligibility Recommendation* Comments 69 508 W Main St Story Add L Cooper Park Historic District (24GA953), recommended no longer contributing 70 512 W Main St Story Add L Cooper Park Historic District (24GA953) 71 516 W Main St Story Add L Cooper Park Historic District (24GA953) 72 520 W Main St Story Add L Cooper Park Historic District (24GA953) 73 522 W Main St Story Add L Cooper Park Historic District (24GA953) 74 601 W Main St Tracy’s 1st Add NE Non-contributing 75 606 W Main St Story Add L Cooper Park Historic District (24GA953) 76 607 W Main St Tracy’s 1st Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 77 611 W Main St Tracy’s 1st Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 78 612 W Main St Story Add L Cooper Park Historic District (24GA953) 79 620 W Main St Story Add NE Non-contributing 81 628 Main St Story Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 83 708 W Main St Story Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 84 712 W Main St Story Add NE Non-contributing 85 720 W Main St Story Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 86 824 W Main St Story Add NE Non-contributing 90 303 W Mendenhall St Tracy’s 2nd Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 91 317 W Mendenhall St Tracy’s 2nd Add NE Non-Contributing 92 321 W Mendenhall St Tracy’s 2nd Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 93 322 W Mendenhall St Tracy’s 1st Add, 1872 E Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 94 403 W Mendenhall St Tracy’s 2nd Add NE Non-contributing 95 404 W Mendenhall St Tracy’s 1st Add NE Non-contributing 96 407 W Mendenhall St Tracy’s 2nd Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 97 408 W Mendenhall St Tracy’s 1st Add NE Non-contributing 99 416 W Mendenhall St Tracy’s 1st Add NE Non-contributing 100 417 W Mendenhall St Tracy’s 2nd Add NE Non-contributing 101 420 W Mendenhall St Tracy’s 1st Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 102 421 W Mendenhall St Tracy’s 2nd Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 103 502 W Mendenhall Tracy’s 1st Add L Harris House (24GA944) 104 503 W Mendenhall St Tracy’s 2nd Add NE Non-contributing 105 511 W Mendenhall St Tracy’s 2nd Add NE Non-contributing 14 Gonzalez, 9/30/2020 Page 12 Property ID Address Potential Historic District NRHP Eligibility Recommendation* Comments 106 519 W Mendenhall St Tracy’s 2nd Add NE Non-contributing 108 601 W Mendenhall St Tracy’s 2nd Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 109 605 W Mendenhall St Tracy’s 2nd Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 110 609 W Mendenhall St Tracy’s 2nd Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 112 621 W Mendenhall St Tracy’s 2nd Add NE Non-contributing 113 622 W Mendenhall St Tracy’s 1st Add NE Non-contributing 114 309-313 W Mendenhall St Tracy’s 2nd Add NE Non-contributing 117 1010 N Rouse Northern Pacific Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required 119 411 E Tamarack Northern Pacific Add NE Non-Contributing 120 417 E Tamarack Northern Pacific Add NE Non-Contributing 121 423 E Tamarack Northern Pacific Add NE Non-Contributing 124 625 E Tamarack Northern Pacific Add L Northern Pacific/Story Mill Historic District (24GA1100) 125 515 W Villard St Violett Add EC Contributing to potential historic district, further research required * Abbreviations are as follows: E= Eligible for inclusion in the NRHP; EC= Eligible, contributing to a potential historic district as per Sec. 38.700 of the Bozeman Municipal Code; NE= Not Eligible, would not contribute to a district/potential district; and L= Currently listed in the NRHP individually or as contributing to an existing historic district. 15 Gonzalez, 9/30/2020 Page 13 Map 1: City of Bozeman Architecture Survey 2019-2020 properties. 16 Gonzalez, 9/30/2020 Page 14 Map 2: 2019-2020 Survey Level II sites recorded within the Story Addition, depicted on aerial imagery. 17 Gonzalez, 9/30/2020 Page 15 Map 3: 2019-2020 Survey Level II sites recorded within Tracy’s 1st Addition, depicted on aerial imagery. 18 Gonzalez, 9/30/2020 Page 16 Map 4: 2019-2020 Survey Level II sites recorded within Tracy’s 2nd Addition, depicted on aerial imagery. 19 Gonzalez, 9/30/2020 Page 17 Map 5: 2019-2020 Survey Level II sites recorded within Tracy’s 3rd Addition, depicted on aerial imagery. 20 Gonzalez, 9/30/2020 Page 18 Map 6: 2019-2020 Survey Level II sites recorded within the Northern Pacific Addition, depicted on aerial imagery. 21 Gonzalez, 9/30/2020 Page 19 Map 7: 2019-2020 Survey Level II sites recorded within the West Park Addition, depicted on aerial imagery. 22 Gonzalez, 9/30/2020 Page 20 Map 8: 2019-2020 Survey Level II sites recorded within the Park Addition, depicted on aerial imagery. 23 Gonzalez, 9/30/2020 Page 21 Map 9: 2019-2020 Survey Level II sites recorded within the Violett Addition, depicted on aerial imagery. 24 Gonzalez, 9/30/2020 Page 22 Map 10: 2019-2020 Survey Level II sites recorded within Karp’s Addition, depicted on aerial imagery. 25 Gonzalez, 9/30/2020 Page 23 Map 11: 2019-2020 Survey Level II sites recorded within the Border Tract Addition, depicted on aerial imagery. 26