HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-18-22 - Downtown Urban Renewal District Board - Agenda & Packet MaterialsA.Call meeting to order Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84262025941 Or One tap mobile : US: +17193594580,,84262025941# or +12532158782,,84262025941# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 719 359 4580 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 444 9171 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 931 3860 or +1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 309 205 3325 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 386 347 5053 or +1 564 217 2000 Webinar ID: 842 6202 5941 B.Disclosures C.Changes to the Agenda D.Public Service Announcements E.Approval of Minutes E.1 Approve September 2022 Minutes(Staley) F.Public Comment Please state your name and place of residence in an audible tone of voice for the record. This is the time for individuals to comment on matters falling within the purview of the Committee. There will also be an opportunity in conjunction with each action item for comments pertaining to that item. Please limit your comments to three minutes. G.Action Items G.1 Paid Parking Update/Discussion and Designation of Board Member for Task Force (Staley) G.2 Discuss and Recommend Board Member Appointments(Staley) H.FYI/Discussion H.1 October 2022 Finance Report(Staley) H.2 Executive Director's October Report(Staley) THE DOWNTOWN AREA URBAN RENEWAL DISTRICT BOARD OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA DURD AGENDA Tuesday, October 18, 2022 1 I.Adjournment For more information please contact Ellie Staley, Downtown Bozeman Partnership, ellie@downtownbozeman.org This board generally meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 12:00 to 1:00pm Citizen Advisory Board meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability and require assistance, please contact our ADA coordinator, Mike Gray at 406-582-3232 (TDD 406-582- 2301). In order for this Board to receive all relevant public comment in time for this meeting, please submit via the Commission Comment Page or by emailing agenda@bozeman.net no later than 12:00 PM on the day of the meeting. Public comment may be made in person at the meeting as well. 2 Memorandum REPORT TO:Downtown Area Urban Renewal District Board FROM:Ellie Staley, Executive Director DBP SUBJECT:Approve September 2022 Minutes MEETING DATE:October 18, 2022 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Minutes RECOMMENDATION:Approve. STRATEGIC PLAN:7.3 Best Practices, Creativity & Foresight: Utilize best practices, innovative approaches, and constantly anticipate new directions and changes relevant to the governance of the City. Be also adaptable and flexible with an outward focus on the customer and an external understanding of the issues as others may see them. BACKGROUND:Minutes from the September 2022 board meeting. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None. ALTERNATIVES:None. FISCAL EFFECTS:None. Attachments: URD Minutes 9-22.pdf Report compiled on: October 12, 2022 3 Downtown Urban Renewal District Board Meeting Minutes September 20, 2022 Attending: Bobby Bear, Cory Lawrence, Marley McKenna, Tony Renslow, Angie Rutherford, Nicholas Wickes, Nick Zelver, Jen Madgic, Ellie Staley, Emily Cope Absent: Minutes ACTION: Marley McKenna moved to approve the minutes from the August URD board meeting. Nicholas Wickes seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Discussion Items Parking Updates Ellie provided an update that an MOA is on the City Commission’s consent agenda for the September 20th 2022 meeting. The MOA outlines the next steps for the County and the City to continue to work on securing the County Courthouse parking lot as the preferred designated lot for the second parking garage. The MOA outlines that the land would be swapped for 75 designated spaces for county employees in the new garage and free parking for citizens utilizing services at the courthouse. Discuss Board Member Appointments/Board Norms The URD Board member and chair/vice chair appointments have been added to the Nov. 1 City Commission agenda. At this time, the interviews with the three candidates have been conducted but due to full Commission agendas through the fall, we must wait a while to make these appointments official. Until the formal appointment takes place, Bobby will continue to be the Chair and Angie will continue to be involved at board meetings. A willing Vice-Chair has not been established and must be discussed at this meeting to help give Commissioner Madgic a recommendation to make at the Nov. 1 Commission Meeting. It is still unclear how to resolve the language difference between the Downtown URD by-laws and Resolution 5323. Ellie is meeting with City Attorney Greg Sullivan next week to discuss. Marley McKenna stated she would like to know their role as a board whether it is advisory or authoritative. Cory Lawrence stated there is contradicting language between state statute and city ordinances that needs to be clarified. Commissioner Madgic stated that the board should continue to ask these questions as the last year in transition to the High Performing Boards Model has a lot of new and moving parts. Ellie will provide an update of her meeting with Greg Sullivan to the board. The board will continue their discussion of who is interested in serving as vice-chair prior to the November 1 appointment. 4 Executive Director’s Report Ellie gave an update from the ED report on downtown projects, events and developments. Meeting was adjourned at 1:25 pm 5 Memorandum REPORT TO:Downtown Area Urban Renewal District Board FROM:Ellie Staley, Executive Director Downtown Bozeman Partnership SUBJECT:Paid Parking Update/Discussion and Designation of Board Member for Task Force MEETING DATE:October 18, 2022 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Policy Discussion RECOMMENDATION:I move to appoint one member, [insert name], to the Downtown Parking Task Force. STRATEGIC PLAN:7.3 Best Practices, Creativity & Foresight: Utilize best practices, innovative approaches, and constantly anticipate new directions and changes relevant to the governance of the City. Be also adaptable and flexible with an outward focus on the customer and an external understanding of the issues as others may see them. BACKGROUND:On Tuesday, Oct. 4, the City Cmmission Postponed Paid Parking Work Session #2. Commissioner Cunningham presented the Commissioners and City Manager with the included document just prior to last Tuesday’s Commission meeting. During the “changes to the agenda” the Commissioners agreed to postpone Paid Parking Work Session #2, with the intention of bringing Commissioner Cunningham’s memo to the Downtown Bozeman Partnership to discuss next steps. After meeting with city staff, it was determined that the DBP would take the lead on assembling a task force, working with a facilitator and bringing a report back to the Commission with Commissioner Cunningham's memo providing guidance for the report. It has been agreed upon by the Partnership Advisory Committee, that this is an opportunity to get the thoughts and ideas about Paid Parking together from our downtown group in a collaborative way for the commission to make their decision. Upon review of the memo, the PMC requested the city the following. The timelines, task force members and details of the process are still being confirmed. 6 1. 90-120 days timeline to rerun to commission for next working session with this report compiled. 2. 1 rep each from BID, URD, DBA boards, 1 DBP staff, 1-2 city staff, 7-9 at large business owners - DURD to determine task force member during board meeting. 3. Work with facilitator and city staff to confirm task force members, establish rules for involvement 4. Work with a facilitator who has civic/community and parking knowledge UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None. ALTERNATIVES:None. FISCAL EFFECTS:None. Attachments: Bozeman Parking Feedback-TC.pdf Report compiled on: October 13, 2022 7 Downtown Property / Business Owner Parking Feedback Group Objectives: 1. Get specific input from downtown property owners and business owners on downtown parking solutions proposed by City of Bozeman staff. 2. Provide an opportunity for downtown property owners and businesses to provide specific, actionable alternate solutions for the downtown parking issues to the City Commission for consideration. 3. Create a deeper level of engagement with those most directly impacted by downtown parking decisions. Structure of Group: • Between 6-9 Downtown Business Owners / Property Owners recruited by Downtown Partnership who: o Represent a cross section of business types and size of property owned. o Represent a cross section of support / lack of support of current recommendation. • 1 Meeting Facilitator mutually agreed upon by parties – non voting. Keeps meetings productive, on task and records the outcomes of votes / suggestions. • 1 City of Bozeman staff liaison – non-voting. Helps answer questions about current plan and provides information on city regulations, policies, capabilities, etc. • 1 Downtown Partnership liaison – non voting. Timing: • Working group provides recommendations within 90 days to City Commission. Sideboards: • “Everything’s fine – we don’t need any solutions” is likely not going to be seen as a reasonable response. • Parking Benefit Zones are not part of the scope of the assignment. • Revising UDC parking requirements are not part of the assignment. • Any funding requirements for suggested actions must be either: o Within the bonding capacity of the TIF. o Within the taxing boundaries of the downtown district (no general fund $$, wishful thinking $$, non-specific federal or state grant sources, vague unspecific $$ like “public/private funding.”) • Any recommendations about the use of specific land parcels to address parking supply must have preliminary interest / sign off from the property owner. 8 Key Tasks: Subject to refinement by City Commission and City Manager, the key tasks of the group would be to address the following: • Under what conditions should a paid parking program be tested or implemented in Downtown Bozeman? o Could be “now,’ could be based on % capacity or some other threshold, “once a viable solution for employee parking is found” or some other condition, etc. • If paid parking is not implemented in 2023, suggest a solution that creates 250-400 additional public or employee parking spaces within the next 2-3 years in the downtown area and suggest a solution that shows how we pay for the additional parking spaces. o Special Improvement District in downtown district for each new garage / lot. o Other – must be specific and legal. • Suggest a solution to provide affordable parking opportunities for downtown employees: o How many spaces does this solution provide? o How is the solution paid for? o Who bears the cost burden of the solution? • If the current staff recommendation was implemented, how do you recommend the resulting revenue be allocated? • If the current staff recommendation was implemented, how do you recommend the parking fees be structured?: o Seasonally (specific months). o Ideal cost per hour. o # minutes free before payment requirement. o Any other ideas. • If the current staff recommendation was implemented, how do you recommend employee parking be accommodated? • If the Downtown / Midtown / Cannery / Fairgrounds loop was implemented with free parking at the fairgrounds, how could employee parking participation be incentivized? • Suggest a scenario to test the paid parking concept in Downtown Bozeman to get additional data on customer acceptance. Recommendations: • Report provided by facilitator draft approved by group) that contains: o Any specific recommendations that are supported by the majority of group members. o Listing of dissenting views on the recommendations of the majority. • Report distributed to staff for review & analysis. • Report and staff reactions distributed to City Commission for use in work session #3. 9 Memorandum REPORT TO:Downtown Area Urban Renewal District Board FROM:Ellie Staley, Executive Director Downtown Bozeman Partnership SUBJECT:Discuss and Recommend Board Member Appointments MEETING DATE:October 18, 2022 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Citizen Advisory Board/Commission RECOMMENDATION:I move to recommend the appointments to positions to facilitate the appointment of a Chair and Vice-chair. STRATEGIC PLAN:7.3 Best Practices, Creativity & Foresight: Utilize best practices, innovative approaches, and constantly anticipate new directions and changes relevant to the governance of the City. Be also adaptable and flexible with an outward focus on the customer and an external understanding of the issues as others may see them. BACKGROUND:There are three open board member seats with three applicants waiting to be appointed, Cory Lawrence, Nicholas Wickes, and George (Jake) Van Dusen. We also need to confirm an interested chair and vice-chair. Cory has shown interest in the chair position. Nicolas Wickes has shown interest in the vice- chair position but, if and when appointed, he may be a non-voting member. So, someone who is currently a voting member must move to a non-voting position in order for Nicolas to be appointed as a voting member (which the vice-chair must be). Changes to positions will change terms of service to expire in the position any member moves to, not their current term. We're hoping to leave this meeting with a clear view of what these appointments look like in order to give a recommendation for the City Commission meeting on November 1. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:Vice-Chair candidate must be a voting member of the board. Voting members must reside within the municipality per MCA 7-15-4234 The City Commission must approve the change of positions for voting and non-voting members. ALTERNATIVES:None presented FISCAL EFFECTS:None. 10 Report compiled on: October 13, 2022 11 Memorandum REPORT TO:Downtown Area Urban Renewal District Board FROM:Ellie Staley- Executive Director DBP SUBJECT:October 2022 Finance Report MEETING DATE:October 18, 2022 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Finance RECOMMENDATION:Discussion. STRATEGIC PLAN:7.3 Best Practices, Creativity & Foresight: Utilize best practices, innovative approaches, and constantly anticipate new directions and changes relevant to the governance of the City. Be also adaptable and flexible with an outward focus on the customer and an external understanding of the issues as others may see them. BACKGROUND:Ellie will present the October 2022 finance report. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None. ALTERNATIVES:None. FISCAL EFFECTS:None. Attachments: URD Finance Report 10-22.pdf Report compiled on: October 11, 2022 12 Downtown URD October 2022 Finance Report Downtown Urban Renewal District Finance Report Category Approved FY2023 Budget FY2023 YTD recent activity Income Starting Cash Balance 4,263,910$ 4,263,910$ ** not finalized numbe Income from TIF 335,000$ COB Interlocal Share 1,504,048$ Entitlement Share State of Montana 58,761$ Interest Income Other Income Total Income 6,161,719$ 4,263,910$ Expenses Operations DBP Management Fee 203,500$ 101,750$ Total Operations 203,500$ 101,750$ Infrastructure Improvements Street Furniture and Park Maintenance 25,000$ 5,202$ $325 bike corral repair Streetscape--new purchases 25,000$ 2,854$ $1155 lumec North Rouse Streetscape Project FY Encumbered- Streetlamps (26 qty) Phase 1 Construction: Conduit Phase 2 Construction: Lamps North Willson Streetscape Project 75,000$ Streetscape Assistance Grant Program 50,000$ Streetlamp Power Reconfiguration Project Alley Improvements 200,000$ FY20 Encumbered DBIP: Bozeman Creek Improvements 10,000$ DBIP: Wayfinding & Parking Signage 15,000$ Life-Safety Grant Program 30,000$ Fiber Infrastructure Fiber-Broadband Infrastructure--Grants 10,000$ Intersection Cable Anchor Repairs 25,000$ DBA Event Stage Parklet 50,000$ 2,307$ $769 SS Alternative Transportation Projects 50,000$ Workforce Housing Project- Fire Station One 1,600,000$ Total Improvements 2,165,000$ 10,363$ Planning City Economic Development Specialist 35,500$ Technical Assistance Grants 50,000$ FY20 & FY21 Encumbered Funds Residential Incentive Program 200,000$ DBIP: Transportation Planning 50,000$ 11,965$ $1126 SS 21 Encumbered- Part Two--Data, Analysis, Cost Est DBIP: Alley Planning 50,000$ 3,140$ DBIP: Bozeman Creek Planning 10,000$ DBIP: Soroptomist Park Planning 25,000$ DBIP: Code Amendments 20,000$ DBIP: Design Guidelines 25,000$ DBIP: Downtown Infrastructure & Public Realm 50,000$ DBIP: General Implementation 50,000$ 13,868$ $2120 SS DBIP: Employee Paid Parking Permit System 20,000$ DBIP: Wayfinding Plan & Parking Signage 25,000$ Utility and Infrastructure Improvement 100,000$ Structured Parking Feasibility Analysis Structured Parking Informal, Site Plan, Bids 1,250,000$ 6,913$ Professional Services Term Contract 75,000$ Streetscape Preliminary Engineering 50,000$ Total Planning 2,085,500$ 35,886$ Parking Structure Garage Bond Payment 335,000$ Total Parking Garage Payments 335,000$ -$ Total Expenses 4,789,000$ 147,999$ Balance 1,372,719$ 4,115,911$ URD Finance Report 10-22 13 Memorandum REPORT TO:Downtown Area Urban Renewal District Board FROM:Ellie Staley, Executive Director Downtown Bozeman Partnership SUBJECT:Executive Director's October Report MEETING DATE:October 18, 2022 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Plan/Report/Study RECOMMENDATION:Discuss STRATEGIC PLAN:7.3 Best Practices, Creativity & Foresight: Utilize best practices, innovative approaches, and constantly anticipate new directions and changes relevant to the governance of the City. Be also adaptable and flexible with an outward focus on the customer and an external understanding of the issues as others may see them. BACKGROUND:Ellie will present the monthly report of general program updates and updates to topic relating to downtown. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None. FISCAL EFFECTS:None. Attachments: DBP Monthly ED Report 10-22.pdf Report compiled on: October 13, 2022 14 Downtown Bozeman Partnership – ED Report October 2022 General Downtown Updates: • DBP Office: WE ARE HIRING a new Operation Manager. Gaby will be leaving us by the end of October. Job posting has CLOSED, and interviews conducted early next week. Great applicants and process thus far. • Downtown Maintenance: WE ARE HIRING for a Winter Maintenance employee! Please get the word out! CLICK HERE for the job posting. • UTD Update: The HRDC is working to establish an Urban Transportation District. I am on the steering committee and have agreed to be a spokesperson for this effort. It’s a complicated mission to get this established but it is the best option for a successful community transit system moving forward. See more details HERE and, please stay updated on this important issue for our community! • Intersection(al) Art Project: The City of Bozeman, Downtown Bozeman Partnership, and Gender Equality Montana have teamed up for this project and the artists have been chosen. The installation at Black and Mendenhall was completed on Sept. 24th and looks amazing. We’re hoping to do a 2nd location at North Black and Mendenhall in the spring. • Downtown Tree Replacement: This is an ongoing project between the city and the DBP. Six trees were dug and replaced this summer season, funded by DURD. Four more were removed over the summer season, two which have live conduit in the tree pit. Ellie is working with Greenpeace and the City Forestry department to formalize a maintenance plan for all downtown trees moving forward so we can create an efficient rotating schedule for removing and replacing. Downtown Project Updates: • Parking Garage Site Update: MOA has been approved and signed for the City Courthouse site. Staff will keep all boards updated on any progression here or other sites. There are continued discussion about the Federal building site. These discussions have opened the possibility but not the extensive timeline. • Transportation Plan Update: We have an approved task order to move forward with the phase two of the downtown transportation plan with a focus on pedestrian safety and traffic calming on Babcock and Mendenhall. See TO details HERE. We have recently met with Sanderson Stewart and they are collecting traffic data and performing surveys for the report scheduled for completion fall/winter 2022. • Bozeman Creek: A Bozeman Creek art project, planned out of the work sessions with our partners at Mountain Time Arts in 2020, is now being completed. Installation scheduled for spring 2023. See Amended PSA HERE. • North Rouse: There’s a small section of weeds along North Rouse by Wild West foods that we noticed was not fully completed when the lighting project was completed. We are in contact with TD&H and MDT to fix, work scheduled to be completed spring 2023, MDT to share cost? • North Black Pocket Park: Plans to finish the muddy area to the north of the project site is moving forward. See concept designs HERE. Greenspace has shown interest and we’re hoping work to be completed fall 2022. • Alley Project: A full survey of the designated alley has been conducted and a topo map of the area has been provided to our team for work to begin on the design package and site plan. The PSA with Design 5 was on the Sept. 27 Commission agenda for consent. We met two weeks ago and there is much 15 excitement around this project. All design work is scheduled to be completed through fall/winter 2022/23 with construction work through spring 2023. City of Bozeman/Community Updates: • City Commission Meeting – next meeting Tuesday, Oct. 18 at 6pm, 6-month calendar: Calendar | City Of Bozeman • Unified Development Code Edit (fall 2022): The City of Bozeman will be performing a Unified Development Code Overall Update over the next year. There are engagement events and activities being hosted through the month of October. See details HERE. 2022 Fall Event Updates: more information at www.downtownbozeman.org • PNKBZN: month of October • Downtown Trick or Treating: October 31 from 4-6pm • Ladies’ Night: November 18 from 5-10pm NEW DBA Members: • All Over Bozeman - @aobozeman • Benchmark AC Hotel • One the Rise Bakery • La Cuisine • Northwest Safe Building Projects: • JW Heist has been announced at the name for the new steakhouse located next door to Plonk, same owners. Opening Nov. 2022. • Old Cactus records, redevelopment project underway, Bind Interiors slated to lease space when complete. • US Bank Building (104 East Main)—Development project underway, to be restored to original façade. A vinyl wrap on the construction walkway has been installed to highlight the project and show photos of the building’s history. • Village Downtown 92 condos are under construction on the other lot to the South of the existing Lofts building. • East End Flats (240 East Mendenhall) 6-story mixed use project. Development review completed and final site plan approved. • North Central (20 North Tracy)—Mountain View & Medical Arts buildings, phased master site plan development proposing a total of 9 new mixed-use buildings, associated parking, open space and infrastructure. Construction underway. 16