HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Irrigation Easement - Buffalo Run Bozeman, LLC - Homestead at Buffalo Run2788158 5400 wierLn eman,MT 59718 Return to: City of Bozeman City Clerk PO Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 IRRIGATION EASEMENT BUFFALO RUN BOZEMAN LLC,GRANTOR,inconsiderationof One Dollar($1.00)and othergood and valuableconsideration,receiptof which isacknowledged,grantsto theCity of Bozeman,a municipal corporationof the Stateof Montana,with officesat 121 North Rouse Avenue,Bozeman Montana 59715,GRANTEE,itssuccessorsand assigns,an easement for public drainagepurposes,in,through and acrossthe followingdescribedrealpropertysituatedin GallatinCounty,Montana,more particularlydescribedas followsand on theattachedExhibit "I":IrrigationEasement allwithintheHomestead atBuffalo Run Property.Situatedinthe N1/2 SW1/4 SWl/4 of Section23,Township 2 South,Range 5 East,PrincipalMeridian,City of Bozeman.GallatinCounty,Montana. The GRANTOR warrantsthatitislawfullyseizedand possessed of the realpropertydescribed above,thatithas lawfulrightto convey the property,or any partof it,and thatitwillforever defend the titleof thepropertyagainstthe claims of allpersons.The GRANTOR furtheragrees thatthe GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rightsand privilegeshereingranted without any interruptionby theGRANTOR. The terms,covenants and provisionsof theeasement and agreement shallextend to and be binding upon the heirs,executors,administrators,personalrepresentatives,successorsand assignsof thepartieshereto. Dated this }day of Md ,208 GRANTOR: BUFFALO RUN BOZEMAN LLC By: STATE OF MONTANA ) ):ss County of Gallatin ) On this Iz©day of ;%4 3 ,20J_7._,beforeme the undersigned,a Notary Public fortheStateof Montana,personallyappeared p.er.<A..ö:1W g,ns ,known to me tobe mpwp of .D.)and theperson whose name issubscribedto the within instmment and acknowledged tome thathe executed thewithin instrumentforand on behalfof AFr,an'h,.na.u.c.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSealthe day and year firstabove written. 7"'CYNTHIA M EDGMOND .-''**-..NotaryPublic ARIA.fortheStateofMontana-°±Residingat: (SEAL) *.SEAL * Bozernan,Montana My CommissionExpires: ,,,3,,,December8,2024 Notary Public fortheStateof Montana (PrintedName) Residing at Pnzema n ,m1 My Commission expiresDeu mut//og /20_Z1 ACCEPTED: CITY OF BOZEMAN by anager AT T #W -. City C rk STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) On this day of (hhr ,20__N,before me,a No li o the Stateof Montana,personallyappeared JEFF MIHELICH andMWeE-MAA&,Kunwn tæme to be theCity Manager and City Clerk fortheCity of Bozeman and thepersons whose names are subscribedtothe withininstrument,and acknowledged to me thatthey executed the same forand on behalfof theCity of Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSeal the day and year firstabove written. (SEAL)c OTAR fortheStateofMontana *.SEAL Boze o tana ota Publicforthe teof Montana (PrintedName) Residing atBozeman,Montana My Commission Expires://20__ EXHIBITI c.O. S89°51'57"W 1331.58' AN IRRIGATION -- EASEMENT IN,THROUGHAND POINT OF COMMENCEMENT - - - - ACROSS THE - IRRIGATION EASEMENT IRRIGATION EASEMENT PROPERTY,SITUATED IN THE \ Commencing at the Southwest comer of Tract1 of Certificate of Survey 2074, being the Point of N 1/2 SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Commencement; thence S40°29'04"Ea distance of 487.38 feet to the Northwest Comer of Irrigation SECTION 23, Easement, being the Point of Beginning; thence N61°28'18"Ea distance of 20.00 feet; thence S28°31'42"E a TOWNSHIP2 SOUTH, distance of 21.08 feet; thence S00°31'01"Ea distance of 79.16 feet; thence S03°30'36"Wa distance of 153.83 RANGE5 EAST, POINT OF BEGINNING feet; thence alonga curve to the left havinga radius of 28.94 feet and a central angle of 95°56'46" for an arc PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, length of 48.46 feet; thence N88°40'16"Ea distance of 160.35 feet; thence S01°19'44"Ea distance 20.00 feet; GALLATIN COUNTY, .u d- IRRIGABON EASEMENT thence S88°40'16"Wa distance of 159.94 feet; thence alonga curve to the right havinga radius of 48.94 feet MONTANA anda central angle of 95°41'25" for an arc length of 81.74 feet; thence NO3°30'36"Ea distance of 154.21 feet; thence N00°33'39"Wa distance 72.61 feet; thence N28°31'42"Wa distance of 16.10 feet to the Point of Beginning. - N61°28'18"E 20.00' © Said easement contains 0.22 acres, more or less. O S28°31'42"E 21.08' N28°31'42"W 16.10 N m o SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE = S0°31'01"E 79.16' I, Nicholas J. Dougherty-McMichael, Professional Land Surveyor, License No. 72686LS, do hereby certify thatI conducted this easement survey. N0°33'39"W 72.61' Dated this 8th day of June, 2022 " *NICH S 20' EXISTING R=28.94' DOUGHERTY- DOC 2 31321 95 56'46" 30' EXISTING R=48.94 CB=S45°59'54"E MT Reg. # 72686LS R.O.W. L=81.74 CH=43.00' Morrison-Maierle emma 0 65 130 10' EXISTING CB=N45 3 5 DOC. 2731321 9°52'06"W 1330.04' SCALE IN FEET S88° "W 169.94' 2ssoTeenciosysivdw.g DRAWN BY: NM IRRIGATION EASEMENT PROJECT NO. sam-.uT so71s ossN.ey: Muo THE HOMESTEAD AT BUFFALO RUN 847sas M a erle ' - - -- """^" "°" ^"^ engineers. surveyors.p anners. sdentists -132922_ LOCATED IN THE NORTH 1/2 SOUTHWEST 1/4 SOUTHWEST 1/4 SECTION 23, *"" " TOWNSHIP2 SOUTH, RANGE5 EAST, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA EX. I