HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Public Street and Utility Easement - Buffalo Run Bozeman, LLC - Homestead at Buffalo RunAfterrecordin turnto: BuffaloRu ozemanLLC 5400F erLn 2788155 Boz an,MT59718 e 20 0 5 i PM Fee:00 ||l111I1|||11|||111||||l|||l||11|||11|||11111111||||||l11||lll|Illllilllllllllllllll| Return to: City of Bozeman City Clerk PO Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT BUFFALO RUN BOZEMAN LLC.GRANTOR,in considerationof $1.00and forotherand valuableconsiderations,receiptof which isacknowledged,grantsto The City of Bozeman,a municipal corporationof the Stateof Montana,with officesat 121 North Rouse Avenue, Bozeman,Montana 59715,GRANTEE,itssuccessorsand assigns,a perpetualstreetand utility easement fortheuse ofthepublic,in,through,and acrossa stripof land situatedinGallatin County,Montana,to be locatedon the following describedrealproperty:Public Streetand UtilityEasement inand through theHomestead atBuffalo Run Property,Situatedin theN1/2 SW1/4 SW1/4 of Section23,Township 2 South.Range 5 East.PrincipalMeridian.City of Bozeman.GallatinCounty,Montana. The easement ismore particularlydescribedon the attachedExhibit(s)EX.L which by thisreferenceismade a parthereof. The GRANTOR statesthathe possessestherealpropertydescribedabove and thathe has a lawfulrightto grantan easement thereon. The GRANTOR furtheragreesthatthe GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rightsand privilegeshereingrantedwithout any interruptionby the GRANTOR. The terms,covenants,and provisionsof thiseasement shallextend toand be binding upon theheirs,executors,administrators,personalrepresentatives,successors,and assignsof the partieshereto. DATED this day of Ú>-i ,2072-. GRANTOR: BUFFALO RUN BOZEMAN LLC By: STATE OF MONTANA ) ):ss County of Gallatin ) On this o**-day of q ,20lp_,beforeme theundersigned,a Notary Public forthe Stateof Montana,personallyappeared DruA w nemmp .known to me tobe ma^^6"°f1"Z-'·'a^^.u c and theperson whose name issubscribedto thewithin instrumentand acknowledged tome thathe executed the within instrumentforand on behalfof %rh in%Bow u-c IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSealthe day and year firstabove written. U""CYNTHIA M EDGMOND ..--''---.NotaryPublic OTARIA fOrtheStateofMontana Residingat;.SEAL Bozeman,Montana (SEAL)..My commissionExpires:December8,2024 Notary Publicforthe Stateof Montana (PrintedName) Residing at hze.m tn ,wer My Commission expiresDermw.c /09,/20_z_1 ACCEPTED: CITY OF BOZEMAN by aer A ST:49.---"·· City Cl o STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss.co. County of Gallatin ) On this day of ,20bbefore me,a Notary Public for the Stateof Montana,personallyappeared JEFF MIHELICH and kno tome to be the City Manager and City Clerk forthe City ofBozeman and t s e' subscribedto thewithin instrument,and acknowledged to me thatthey executed the same forand on behalfof the City of Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy Notarial Seal the day and year firstabove written. JUL HUNTER c AR fortheStateofMontana (SEAL)Residingat SEAL Bozeman,Montana n 1 20 5 No blicfor e Stateof Montana (PrintedName) Residing atBozeman,Montana My Commission Expires://20 cos 7-0% POINT OF BEGINNING N0°06'25"W 30.00' N89°51'57"E 1281.45' S0°01'33"W 30.00'- S89°51'57"W 366.78' S89°51'57"W 645.81' S89°51'57"W 148.91' EXHIBIT L PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT Beginning from the Southeast Corner of Tract1 of Certificate of Survey No. 2074, being the A PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY Point of Beginning; thence S00°01'33"W along the Western boundary of Meadow Creek | EASEMENT IN, THROUGH AND ACROSS Subdivision Phase1 Plat J-453a distance of 30.00 feet; thence S89°51'57"Wa distance of I | THE PROPERTY, SITUATED IN THE 148.91 feet; thence S00°08'03"Ea distance of 635.56 feet to the Northem boundary of Deed N 1/2 SW I/4 SW 1/4 SECTION 23, Film 146 Page 3341; thence S89°52'06'W along the Northem boundary of said Deeda TOWNSHIP2 SOUTH, RANGE5 EAST, distance of 60.00 feet; thence N00°08'03"Wa distance of 635.56 feet; thence S89°51'57"W 6 PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, GALLATIN a distance of 645.81 feet; thence S00°08'03"Ea distance of 835.53 feet to the Northem COUNTY, MONTANA. boundary of said Deed; thence S89°52'06"W along the Northem boundary of said Deeda L distance of 60.00 feet; thence N00°08'03'Wa distance of 635.53 feet; thence S89°51'57"W a distance of 366.78 feet to the Eastern boundary of Public Street and Utility Easement Doc. 2731321; thence N00°0e 25"Wa distance of 30.00 feet to the Southern boundary of Tract û -3 _ 1 of Certificate of Survey No. 2074; thence N89°51'57"E along the Southem boundary of e .. said tracta distance of 1281.45 feet to the Point of Beginning. I O Said easement contains 2.63 acres, more or less. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE ° 2 1, Nicholas J. Dougherty-McMichael, Professional Land Surveyor, License Z No. 72686LS, do hereby certify thatI conducted this easement survey. Dated this 7th day of July, 2022 10' STING /s,fÀ/ N CH MCMICHAEL . DOC. # 2731321 Nicholas J. Dougherty-McMichael, PLS No.7268 20' EXISTING MT Reg. # 72686LS A R.O.W. 0 65 130 DOC. # 2731321 Morrison-Maierle "" 30' EXISTING SCALE IN FEET S89°52'06*W 60.00' S89°52'06"W 60.00 R.O.W. DEED FILM 146 PAGE 3341 2asoT.cnnoiegyeivdw.si DRAWN BY. NM PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT PROJECT NO. Bozeman MT 59718 oseN. Bv: MHG THE HOMESTEAD AT BUFFALO RUN 8475005 engineers. surveyors.p anners. scientists °^ °*** LOCATED IN THE NORTH 1/2 SOUTHWEST 1/4 SOUTHWEST 1/4 SECTION 23 o naby nick mcmichael on Jui/6/2022