HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Water Pipeline and Access Easement and Agreement - Buffalo Run Bozeman, LLC - Homestead at Buffalo RunAfterrecordin turnto: BuffaloR zeman LLC 5400F erLn 2788152BozMT59718 e 2ø22u N1 PM Fee .00 Return to: Cityof Bozeman City Clerk PO Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 WATER PIPELINE AND ACCESS EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT BUFFALO RUN BOZEMAN LLC,the GRANTOR(S),inconsiderationof One Dollar($1.00) and othergood and valuableconsideration,receiptofwhich isacknowledged,grant(s)to T_he City of Bozeman,a municipal corporationof the Stateof Montana,with officesat 121 North Rouse Avenue,Bozeman,Montana 59715,GRANTEE,itssuccessorsand assigns,a perpetual easement to lay,constructand maintain 740 LF (water)pipelineswith theusualservices, valves,connections,accessoriesand appurtenances forthe purpose of transmittingpotablewater in,through,and acrossa stripof land situatedinGallatinCounty,Montana,30_feetwide to be locatedon thefollowingdescribedrealproperty:Water Pipelineand Access Easement and Agreement allwithintheHomestead atBuffalo Run Property,SituatedintheN1/2 SWl/4 SW1/4 of Section23,Township 2 South,Range 5 East,PrincipalMeridian,City of Bozeman. GallatinCounty,Montana. The easement ismore particularlydescribedon theattachedExhibit(s)_D_which by this referenceare made a parthereof. This grantincludestherightof the GRANTEE,itssuccessors,permittees,licensees,and assignsand itsand theiragentsand employees,toenteratalltimes upon the above-described land by using existingroads or trailsor otherwise by a routecausingthe leastdamage and inconvenience totheGRANTOR(S)inorderto survey and establishtherouteand locationof the easement and thepipelineand to: (1)Construct,operate,patrol,repair,substitute,remove,enlarge,replace,and maintain the pipeline,services,connections,accessoriesand appurtenances; (2)Trim,remove,destroy,or otherwisecontrolany treesand brush insideor outsidethe boundaries of theeasement which may,in theopinion of the GRANTEE,interfereor threatentointerferewith or be hazardous to the construction,operationand maintenance of thepipeline; (3)Grade theland subjecttothiseasement and extend the cutsand fillsof thisgrading into and on the land adjacenttothatwhich issubjecttothiseasement to the extentGRANTEE may findreasonablynecessary;and (4)Support thepipelineacrossravinesand water courseswith structureswhich GRANTEE deems necessary. THE GRANTEE AGREES: (1)That,inconnectionwith the construction,operating,patrolling,repairing,substituting, removing,enlarging,replacing,and maintaining of said740 LF pipeline(s),itwillrepair or replace,atitssoleexpense,or pay toGRANTOR(S)the reasonablevalue of any damages to growing crops,existingfences,ditchesand otherappurtenancesof saidland thatmay be disturbedby itsoperation. (2)That,duringoperationsinvolvingexcavation,itwillremove the topsoilfrom thetrenched areato a depth of one foot,or to the fulldepth of the topsoil,whichever isless,and stockpilesaidtop soilforreplacement over thetrench.Itwillremove from the siteany largerocks or surplusexcavatingmaterialor any debristhatmay have been exposed by the excavationand remains afterbackfillingiscompleted.And,itwillleavethefinished surfaceinsubstantiallythe same conditionas existedpriorto thebeginning of operations except thatthesurfaceof backfilledareasmay be mounded sufficientlytopreventthe formationof depressionsafterfinalsettlementhas taken place. THE GRANTOR(S)AGREES: (1)At no time willthey build,construct,erector maintain any permanent structurewithin the boundaries of saideasement without the priorwrittenconsent of GRANTEE. (2)At no time willthey modify the finishedgrade of the land over thepipelineby removal of existingsoilor by placement of fillmaterialwithintheboundaries of saideasement without thepriorwrittenconsent of the GRANTEE. (3)That where the subjectimprovements arenot locatedunder improved publicor private streetsor otherprovided access,a 12-foot-wideall-weatheraccessroad may be constructedwithin theeasement where atthe City'sdiscretionsuch accessisrequiredfor operationand maintenance purposes. (4)The GRANTOR(S)warrants thatthey arelawfullyseizedand possessed of thereal propertydescribedabove,thatthey have a lawfulrighttoconvey theproperty,or any part of it,and thatthey willforeverdefend the titletothispropertyagainsttheclaims of all persons. (5)The GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rightsand privilegeshereingranted without any interruptionby theGRANTOR(S).The terms,covenants and provisionsof thiseasement and agreement shallextend to and be binding upon theheirs,executors, administrators,personalrepresentatives,successorsand assignsof thepartieshereto. DATED this 12-day of Si ,20 %. GRANTOR: BUFFALO RUN BOZEMAN LLC By: M4cl.446C STATE OF MONTANA ) ):ss County of Gallatin ) On this )7%day of $vA 3 ,20_Z2_,beforeme theundersigned,a Notary Public forthe Stateof Montana,personallyappeared tw-Llat u,v,.e .known to me to be (%ngep of eau,..u..c and theperson whose name issubscribedto thewithin instrumentand acknowledged tome thathe executed thewithininstrumentforand on behalfof 2>a-ÍfgJoM &¡teia.n ,u/ IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSealthe day and year firstabove written. 7"CYNTHIA M EDGMOND.---.NotaryPublicoTAR/4 fortheStateofMontana Residingat:SEAL Bozeman,Montana My CommissionExpires:,,,,a December8,2024 Notary Publicforthe Stateof Montana n-th 4 M Qm arv) (PrintedName) Residing at 7474mron MT My Commission expirestve,+/n s /20J_i ACCEPTED: CITY OF BOZEMAN b ager A EST City rk 1883 .. STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) On this day of (),201hefore me,a Notary Publicfor theStateof Montana,personallyappeared JEFF MIHELICH arulMMEQ¼AAe;own t me to be theCity Manager and City Clerk fortheCity of Bozeman and thh subscribedtothewithin instrument,and acknowledged tome thatthey executed thesame forand on behalfof the City of Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy Notarial Seal the day and year firstabove written. (SEAL),,,,"JULIE HUNTER o fortheStat o ontana .Boze Mon ana Notary Publ c forthe e of M tana (Prin e) Residing atBozeman,Montana My Commission Expires:)//20 c.O.S POINT OF COMMENCEMENT WATER LINE EASEMENT #1 WATER LINE EASEMENT #1 A WATER LINE Commencing from the Southeast comer of Tract1 of Certificate of Survey 2074; thence S25°10'25"Wa distance of 488.90 feet to point on the Northeast comer of EASEMENT IN, Water Line Emement #1, being the Point of Beginning 1; thence S00°08'03"Ea distance of 30.00 feet; thence S89°51'57"Wa distance of 645.81 feet; thence THROUGH AND N00°08'03"Wa distance of 30.00 feet; thence N89°51'57"E a distance of 645.81 feet to the Point of Beginning. - - --/ ACROSS THE Said easement contains 0.44 acres, more or less. PROPERTY,SITUATED IN THE WATER LINE EASEMENT #2 N 1/2 SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Commencing from the Southwest comer of the North ½ Southwest ¼ Southwest ¼, Section 23, Township2 South, Range5 East, Principal Meridian; thence SECTION 23, N89°52'06"E a distance of 50.00 feet toa point on the Southwest comer of Water Line Easement #2, being the Point of Beginning 2, thence N00°06'25"W along the TOWNSHIP2 SOUTH, |20 foot Public Street and Utility Easement as described in Document# 2731321 fora distance of 30.00 feet; thence N89°52'06"Ea distance of 152.01 feet; thence RANGE5 EAST, N00°07'54"Wa distance of 31.88 feet; then N44°52'06"Ea distance of 19.14 feet; thence S45°07'54"Ea distance of 29.61 feet; thence N89°5706"Ea distance of . / PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, 180.59 feet; thence S00°08'03"Ea distance of 30.00 feet; thence S89°52'06"Wa distance of 155.89 feet; thence S45°52'06"Wa distance of 34.61 feet to the 8/ GALLATIN COUNTY, Northem boundary of Deed described in Film 146 Page 3341; S89°52'06"W along said deeda distance of 186.72 feet to the Point of Beginning 2. MONTANA. - Said easement contains 0.29 acres, more or less. WATER LINE EASEMENT #3 Beginning at the Southeast comer of the North ½ Southwest ¼ Southwest ¼ Section 23, Township 2 South, Range5 East, CO u. Principal Meridian, being the Point of Beginning 3; thence S89°52'06"W along the Northem boundary of Deed described in Z Film 146 Page 3341a distance of 147.13 feet; thence N00°07'54"Wa distance of 30.00 feet; thence N89°52'06"Ea distance . of 147.22 to the Westem boundary of Meadow Creek Subdivision Phase1 Plat J-453; thence S00°01'33"W along said / ih I Subdivision Westem boundarya distance of 30.00 feet to the Point of Beginning 3. u.i el Said easement contains 0.10 acres, more or less. POINT OF BEGINNING WATER LINE EASEMENT #1 / 20' EX ING N0°08'03"W 30.00' N89°51'57"E 645.81' S0°08'03"E 30.00' DOC. # 2731321 WATER LINE EASEMENT #1 WATER LINE - -gDRVEVDRTUERTINCATE- S89°51'57"W 645.81' 10' EXISTING I EASEMENT #2 P.U.E. I, Nicholas J. Dougherty-McMichael, Professional Land Surveyor, License No. 72686LS, do hereby certify thatI DOC.# 2731321 conducted this easement survey. " " 30' EXISTING Dated this 8th day of June, 2022 , ·. R.O.W. N4 52'06°E 19.14' S45°07'54"E 29.61' . WNICHoLAS J.. 0 65 130 N0°06'25"W3 .00 N 07'54"W 31.88' N89°52'06"E 180.59, cH S0°01'33"W 30.00' POINT OF No.72686LS SCALE IN FEET COMMENCEMENT | 89°52'06"E 152.01' S89°52'06"W 155.89' Nicholas J. Dougherty-McMichel, PLS N89°52'06"E 147.22' EASE EN °52'06"W 186.72' s44m7m=w 34 fiji MT Reg. # 72686LS Morrison-Maierie annin N0°07'54"W 30,00' S89°52'06"W 147.13' S89°52'06"W 50.00' POINT OF BEGINNING WATER LINE EASEMENT #2 S89°52'06"W 1330.04' POINT OF BEGINNING WATER LINE EASEMENT #3 asse r.cnneresy mvd west DRAWN BY- NM WATER LINE EASEMENT PROECT NO. 9 ...,.....r ..7,. cs... sy: uue THE HOMESTEAD AT BUFFALO RUN 847m5 alede '**''' -m-- "*"t oATs: osao22 LOCATED IN THE NORTH 1/2 SOUTHWEST 1/4 SOUTHWEST 1/4 SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP2 SOUTH, RANGE5 EAST, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA EX. D