HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Storm Drainage Easement - Buffalo Run Bozeman, LLC - Homestead at Buffalo Runee-.2788151 BuffaloR zeman LLC §s a _o uÑ ÖY M Fee 00 5400F erLn Boz an,MT 59718 Return to: City of Bozeman City Clerk PO Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT BUFFALO RUN BOZEMAN LLC,GRANTOR,in considerationof One Dollar($1.00)and othergood and valuableconsideration,receiptof which isacknowledged,grantsto the City of Bozeman,a municipal corporationof the Stateof Montana,with officesat 121 North Rouse Avenue,Bozeman Montana 59715,GRANTEE,itssuccessorsand assigns,an easement for publicdrainagepurposes,in,through and acrossthe followingdescribedrealpropertysituatedin GallatinCounty,Montana,more particularlydescribedas followsand on the attachedExhibit "E":Storm Drain Easement allwithintheHomestead atBuffaloRun Property.Situatedinthe N1/2 SWl/4 SWl/4 of Section23,Township 2 South,Range 5 East,PrincipalMeridian,City of Bozeman.GallatinCounty.Montana. The GRANTOR warrantsthatitislawfullyseizedand possessed of therealpropertydescribed above,thatithas lawfulrightto convey theproperty,or any partof it,and thatitwillforever defend thetitleof thepropertyagainsttheclaims of allpersons.The GRANTOR furtheragrees thatthe GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rightsand privilegeshereingranted without any interruptionby the GRANTOR. The terms,covenants and provisionsof theeasement and agreement shallextend toand be binding upon the heirs,executors,administrators,personalrepresentatives,successorsand assignsof thepartieshereto. Dated this i day of Mp),203,- GRANTOR: BUFFALO RUN BOZEMAN LLC By: STATE OF MONTANA ) ):ss County of Gallatin ) On this p *day of Lt.,203.A..,beforeme theundersigned,a Notary Public forthe Stateof Montana,personallyappeared hu um %«,known to me tobe vu.nay of and theperson whose name issubscribedto thewithininstrumentand acknowledged to me thathe executed thewithin instrumentforand on behalfof a,&an h h-u.e IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSeal the day and year firstabove written. CYNTHIA M EDGMOND -.NotaryPublic OTARfai fortheStateofMontana Residingat: (SEAL)°"ª">M°"tª"" My CommissionExpires:December8,2024 Notary Public fortheStateof Montana Ê<ndhk m GH rnwd (PrintedName) Residing at Bozuna er My Commission expires Deruni.a /o e,/20..J.g_ ACCEPTED: CITY OF BOZEMAN p=a ana City erk STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) On this day of ,20 beforeme,a Notary Public for the Stateof Montana,personallyappeared JEFF MIHELICH d kn wn to m be theCity Manager and City Clerk fortheCity of Bozeman e o se es subscribedto thewithininstrument,and acknowledged tome thatthey executed the same forand on behalfof the City ofBozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSeal the day and year firstabove written. (SEAL)N wy u o OTAR fortheStateofMontana SËÃL *soze o tana My C mmission pires: Not blicfortheS teof Montana Ta e duw (PrintedName) Residing atBozeman,Montana My Commission Expires:(O //20 EXHIBIT E POINT OF COMMENCEMENT STORM WATER DRAINAGE EASEMENT#1 &2 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT STORM WATER DRAINAGE EASEMENT#3 &4 li- -· - -· - -- - _...- --- -- - -- - T1E WEpv il POINT OF BEGINNING L26 TIE LINE,0..!!LL. 2 IN E S87°09'51"E SÉ8 94- STORM WATER r EASEMENTIN. I| N. POINT OF co L12 DRAINAGE L24 L29 L30 THROUGH AND BEGINNING EASEMENT #3 L23 L27 ACROSS THE STORM WATER [ - , L28 PROPERTY, DRAINAGE N 2 SW /4 SW14 POINT OFN. EASEMENT #2 L17 L21 POINT OF BEGINNING SECTION23, BEGINNING N.3 LL15 STORM WATER TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH' STORM WATER -- RANOE5 EAST, L10 EASEMENT #4 PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DRAINAGE GALLATINCOUNTY, I EASEMENT#1 Line Table Line Table Line Table u Line# Length Direction Line # Length Direction Line # Length Direction I (O 3 to O L1 85.00 N00° 08' 03"W L12 67.75 S00° 07' 37"E L23 73.58 N89° 51' 57"E CO ( 3 u. CD L2 9.75 N89°51'57"E L13 69.57 N89°51'59"E L24 24.28 N53°14'02"E O 65 130 o L3 21,60 N07° 36' 37"E L14 78.17 S00° 08' 03"E L25 53.62 N11° 19' 44"W L4 56.59 N00° 08' 10"W L15 78.67 S89° 51' 57"W L26 30.58 N89° 51' 57"E 20' EXISTING I, Nicholas J. Dougherty-McMichael, Professional Land Surveyor o R.O.W. L5 30.00 N89° 51' 50"E L16 59.88 N00° 08' 03"W L27 30.01 S00° 01' 33"W License No. 72686LS, do hereby certify thatI conducted this easement DOC. # 2731321 L6 58.62 S00° 08' 10"E L17 22.81 N66° 31' 17"W L28 148.80 S89° 52' 41"W say. 10' EXISTING Dated this 8th day of June, 2022 P.U.E. L7 56.89 S07°36'37"W L18 76.91 N00°07'37"W L29 29.98 N00°08'03"W . .. 30' IST G L8 5.00 S89° 51' 57"W L19 66.63 S11° 19' 44"E L30 148.88 N89° 51' 57"E UGH TY . MCMICHAEL = R.O.W. L9 48.01 S00°08'03"E L20 51.33 S53°14'02"W L31 40.00 S00°01'45"W NicholasJ.Dougherty-McMichael,PLS .N 72686LS L10 30.00 S89° 51' 57"W L21 84.98 S89° 51' 57"W MT Reg. # 72686LS s L11 30.00 N89° 52' 23"E L22 30.00 N00° 08' 03"W A S89°52'06"W 1330.04' 2eso mnnamey swd w.c DRAWN BY: STORM WATER DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHEET1 OF2 PROJECT NO. somma.MT 8871s ossN.sy: THE HOMESTEAD AT BUFFALO RUN e47s.cos Maierle "- - - "a" DATE:..Jt1GRia_ LOCATED IN THE NORTH 1/2 SOUTHWEST 1/4 SOUTHWEST 1/4 SECTION 23, cor** = TOWNSHIP2 SOUTH, RANGE5 EAST, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA EX. E EXHIBIT E POINT OF COMMENCEMENT STORM WATER DRAINAGE EASEMENT#1 &2 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT STORM WATER DRAINAGE EASEMENT# 3 &4 - ~ -- - -- - -. - T.LEk!NLE..QNLY POINT OF BEGINNING TIE Lly.E O..N... 3 2 EME W . C N F DRAN THROUGH AND BEGINNING EASEMENT #3 ACROSS THE STORM WATER [ PROPERTY, DRAINAGE I _ _ SIWATED MTHE POINT OF EASEMENT #2 I POINT OF BEGINNING ECTION23, BEGINNING L STORM WATER TOWNSHIP2 SOUTH, c. idTORM WATER 0 65 130 - - DRAINAGE RANGE5 EAST, j DRAINAGE EASEMENT #4 PG T C |EASEMENT #1 SCALE IN FEET MONTANA. STORMWATERDRAINAGEEASEMENT#1 o |Commencing at the Southwest comer of Tract1 of Certificate of Survey 2074, being the Point of Commencement; thence S58°30'04"Ea distance of 367.98 feet to the Southwest comer of Storm Water Drainage Easement#1, being the . Point of Beginning; thence N00°08'03'Wa distance of 85.00 feet; thence N89°51'57"Ea distance of 9.75 feet; thence N07°36'37"Ea distance of 2t60 feet; thence N00°08'10"Wa distance of 56.59 feet; thence N89°51'50"Ea distance of CD -1 30.00 feet; thence S00°08'10"Ea distance of 58.82 feet; thence S07°38'37"Wa distance of 58.69 feet; thence S89°51'57"Wa distance of 5.00 feet; thence S00°08'03"Ea distance of 48.01 feet; lhence S89°51'57"Wa distance of 30.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. I u. Said easement contains 0.12 acres, more or less. CO = STORMWATERDRAINAGEEASEMENT#2 Commencing at the Southwest comer of Tract1 of Certificale of Survey 2074, being the Point of Commencement; thence S87°09'51"Ea distance of 578.94 feet to lhe Northwest comer of Storm Water Drainage Easement#2, being the CO O Point of Beginning; thence N89°52'23"Ea distance of 30.00 feet; thence S00°07'37"Ea dst ance of 67.75 feet; thence N89°51'59"Ea distance of 69.57 feet; thence S00°08'03"Ea distance of 78.17 feet; thence S89°51'57"Wa distance of al °C 78.67 feet 1hence N00°08'03"Wa distance of 59.88 feet; thence N66°31'17"Wa distance of 22.81 feet; thence N00°07'37'Wa distance of 76.91 feet to the Point of Beginning. 3 27 EXISTING | Z |Said easement conlains 0.19 acres, more or less. °C R.O.W. DOC. # 2731321 l ,STORM WATER DRAINAGE EA8EMENT #3 10' EXISTING I Commencing at the Southeast comer of Tract1 of Cerdficate of Survey 2074, being the Point of Commencement; thence S84°23'17%a distance of 314.27 feet to the Northeast comer of Storm Water Drainage Easement#3, being the P.U.E. | |Point of Beginning; thence S11°19'44"Ea distance of 66.63 feet; thence S53°14'02"Wa distance of 51.33 feet; thence S89°51'57"Wa distance of 84.98 feet; thence N00°08'03"Wa distance of 30.00 feet; thence N89°51'57"Ea distance DOC.# 2731321 of 73.58 feet; thence N53°14'02*Ea distance of 24.28 feet; thence N11°19'44"Wa distance of 53.62 feet; thence N89°51'57"Ea distance of 30.58 feelto the Point of Beginning. 30' EXISTING easement conlahs R12 acæs, mee a ten STORMWATERDRAINAGEEASEMENT#4 Commencing at the Southeast comer of Tract1 of Cerdficate of Survey 2074, being the Point of Commencement; thence 80°01'45"Wa distance of 40.00 feet along the Westem boundary of Meadow Creek Subdivision Phase1 Piat J.453 to the Northeast comer of Storm Water Drainage Easement#4, being the Point of Beginning; thence 800°01'33"W along said Westem subdivision boundarya distance of 30.01 feet; thence S89°52'41%a distance of 148.80 feet; thence N00°08'03"Wa distance of 29.98 feet; thence N89°51'57'Ea distance of 148.88 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said easement contains 0.10 acres, more or less. s S89°52'06"W 1330.04' Morrison , ---n--- ----- '°au w^=°a^¹~^°"^"="'"--''°'' --- someman.MT 69718 DSGN. SY: MMG THE HOMESTEAD AT BUFFALO RUN e47sms Maierle _a_ n° oATs: 01ac22 LOCATED IN THE NORTH 1/2 SOUTHWEST 1/4 SOUTHWEST 1/4 SECTION 23, eng neers. sunieyors. pianners. scientists = 5 NL MMN Mem men n mmm El E Mouadbynkkmemichmalan JuN8G022