HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Release and Reconveyance of Easements - State of Montana - Bozeman Gateway Phase 5Return to: City of Bozeman City Clerk PO Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 2787847 s mÚ.-e un M s lillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllll RELEASE AND RECONVEYANCE OF EASEMENTS COMES NOW theCityofBozeman,121N.Rouse Ave,MT 59715,a MunicipalCorporationofthe Stateof Montana hereinafter("GRANTOR")and doesherebyreleaseand reconveythefollowingdescribed easementsuntoMitchellDevelopment&Investments,LLC,aMontana limitedliabilitycompany,asfollows: WITNESS ETH WHEREAS theGrantoristhelegalrecordtitleholderofpublicstreetand utilityeasementssituated acrossTract2A ofMinor SubdivisionNo.195A,asfiledwiththeCityofBozeman asAnnexationResolution No.3528,Cityof Bozeman ProjectNo.A0105,locatedin Section14,Township 2 South,Range 5 East, P.M.M.,CityofBozeman,GallatinCounty,Montana. WHEREAS theabovepublicstreetand utilityeasementswere grantedby Montana StateUniversity Foundation,thepredecessorininterestto MitchellDevelopment and Investments,LLC,by the following instrument: PublicStreetand UtilityEasement setforthon pages 18 through21 of the Montana StateUniversity FoundationAnnexationAgreementdatedJuly18,2002 and recordedAugust 15,2002 as document number 2077892. WHEREAS no publicutilitiesarelocatedwithintheeasementstobe releasedandthevacationofthe saideasementswillnotadverselyimpacttheGrantor'sorthePublicutilitycompanies'interests. WHEREFORE,the Grantor does hereby releaseand reconveyto MitchellDevelopment & Investments,LLC,thoseportionsoftheutilityeasementslocatedon theabovedescribedrealpropertyasset forthon theExhibitattachedheretotogetherwithanyright,title,orinterestthattheGrantormay haveinsaid 1 utilityeasementsassetforthon theExhibitattachedheretoand incorporatedhereinby referenceasthough fullysetforthandshown on theExhibit. Thisreconveyanceshallnot affecttheremainderofthoseeasementsshown on saidMontana State UniversityFoundationAnnexation Agreement dated July 18,2002 and recordedAugust 15,2002 as document number 2077892. 2 DATED this dayof ,2M. GR T -CITY OF BOZEMAN TI E (kY¼X ACCEPTED: CITY OF BOZEMAN by its ATTEST·) STATE OF MONTANA ) ):ss CountyofGallatin ) On thisM day ofÑf QYlÚ ,2 b2.7-.beforeme,a NotaryPublicfortheStateof Montana,personallyappearedJEFF MIHELICH and MIKE MAAS,known tome tobe theCityManager andFir÷ afthari?rnmmiecionfortheCityofBozeman andthepersonswhosenames aresubscribedtothewithin mstrument,andacknowledgedtome thattheyexecutedthesameforandonbehalfoftheCityofBozeman. Inwitnesswhereof,Ihavehereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy sealon thedayandyearfirstwritten above. (SEAL) N arypublicforthestateofMontana ResidingatBozeman,Montana 9.9 ,TAYLOR CHAMBERS My CommissionExpires:01 /)1|20 2.6 NotaryPublicfortheStateofMontana SEAL *Residingat: .Bozeman,Montana o o My CommissionExpires:January12,2025 3 z÷ Ea °aas .2.s _>ggaOHj Q K 88 zF m 1 (D o 8 ¤ 8 o 3 9 ? z > 2 m - 3 Z z o o m m ® EsFF m Ro Ed a o - O >> o + +eN ' -U c m z c- S. mE z z o > - o O m ° 5 ¤ F ¤ = o Ñ m ® ®+ e so'15'24"E 532.35 N0'15'24"W 593.65 z O o S0'15'24"E 781.73" z T / /