HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Sewer and Water Pipeline and Access Easement and Agreement - Dixson and Company, Inc - Cattail DuplexesReturn to: 8Py seª **"'ªª 2787843 PO Box 1230 ˪ÎIsM.!-difÎß°5u 9°""©°Ji°° Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 SEWER AND WATER PIPELINE AND ACCESS EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT Dixson and Company Inc.,the GRANTOR(S),inconsiderationof $1.00 and othergood and valuableconsideration,receiptof which isacknowledged,grant(s)to The City of Bozeman, GRANTEE,itssuccessorsand assigns,a perpetualeasement to lay,constructand maintain sewer and water pipelineswith theusual services,valves,connections,accessoriesand appurtenancesforthepurpose of transmittingsanitarysewer and water in,through,and acrossa stripof land situatedinGallatinCounty,Montana,30 feetwide tobe locatedon the following describedrealproperty:Lot 4A and Lot 4B of Amended Platof Lot 4,Block 12 CattailCreek SubdivisionPhases 2A and 2B ("Lot4A and Lot 4B").The foregoingscope of the easement shallnot be expanded without the expresswrittenconsentof GRANTOR. The locationof theeasement ismore particularlydescribedand depictedon theattached ExhibitX-1 which by thisreferenceismade a parthereof.The locationand dimensions ofthe easement shallnot be increasednor relocatedwithout theexpresswrittenconsentof GRANTOR. This grantincludesthe rightof theGRANTEE,itssuccessors,permittees,licensees, and assignsand itsand theiragentsand employees,to enteratalltimes upon the above- describedlandby usingexistingroads ortrailsor otherwiseby a routecausingtheleast damage and inconvenience to the GRANTOR(S)inorderto survey and establishtherouteand locationof theeasement and the pipelineand to: (1)Construct,operate,patrol,repair,substitute,remove,enlarge,replace,and maintain the pipeline,services,connections,accessoriesand appurtenances; (2)Trim,remove,destroy,or otherwisecontrolany treesand brush insideor immediately outsidethe boundariesof the easement which may,inthe opinion of the GRANTEE, interfereor threatento interferewith orbe hazardous tothe construction,operation and maintenance of the pipeline; (3)Grade theland subjectto thiseasement and extend the cutsand fillsof thisgradinginto and on thelandadjacenttothatwhich issubjecttothiseasement to theextent GRANTEE may findreasonablynecessary;and (4)Support thepipelineacrossravinesand water courseswith structureswhich GRANTEE deems necessary. GRANTOR expresslyreservesthefollowingrightsover Lot 4A and Lot 4B and the easement areaas depictedon ExhibitA,subjectto the foregoing:the righttouse the easement as right-of-wayforunpaved accessor trails,plantingofvegetationand landscaping,excepttrees and installationof irrigation,lighting,signs,and fences,and thereservationof allrightstohave utilitycrossingsthrough the grantedeasement to or forthe benefitof Lot 4A and Lot 4B. GRANTOR furtherreservesto GRANTOR,and itssuccessorsand assigns,allother rights arisingout of the ownership of Lots 4A and 4B,including,withoutlimitation,therightto engage in,or permit,or inviteotherstoengage in,alluses of Lot 4A and Lot 4B not otherwise expresslyprohibitedand not inconsistentwith the terms of thisagreement,provided that GRANTOR shallnot take any actionor permit any activitieswhich unreasonably interfereswith GRANTEE'S use of the easement inaccordance with theterms of thisagreement. THE GRANTEE AGREES: (1)That,in connection with the construction,operating,patrolling,repairing, substituting,removing,enlarging,replacing,and maintaining of said water and sewer pipeline(s),itwillrepairor replace,atitssoleexpense,orpay to GRANTOR(S)the reasonablevalue of any damages to growing crops,existingfences,ditchesand other appurtenances of saidlandthatmay be disturbedby itsoperation.In advance of the construction,operating,patrolling,repairing,substituting,removing,enlarging, replacing,and maintainingactivitiesrelatedto the easement,the GRANTEE shall provide advance noticeto GRANTOR,itssuccessorsand assignsof any of the foregoingactivitiesto occur inthe easement area,which noticeshallbe inwritingand deliverednot lessthan 3 days beforeany such activities. (2)That,during operationsinvolvingexcavation,itwillremove thetopsoilfrom the trenched areato a depth of one foot,or to the fulldepth of the topsoil,whichever isless,and stockpilesaidtop soilforreplacement over thetrench.Itwillremove from the siteany largerocks or surplusexcavatingmaterialor any debristhatmay have been exposed by the excavationand remains afterbackfillingiscompleted.And,itwillleavethe finishedsurfacein substantiallythe same conditionas existedpriortothebeginning of operationsexceptthatthe surfaceof backfilledareasmay be mounded sufficientlyto preventthe formation of depressionsafterfinalsettlementhas taken place. THE GRANTOR(S)AGREES: (1)At no time willthey build,construct,erector maintain any permanent structurewithin the boundariesof saideasement withoutthepriorwrittenconsent of GRANTEE. (2)At no time willthey modify thefinishedgrade of the land over the pipelineby removal of existingsoilor by placement of fillmaterialwithinthe boundaries of saideasement without thepriorwrittenconsent of the GRANTEE. (3)Access isavailableto the GRANTEE via existingpaved subdivisionroads ateach end of theeasement. (4)The GRANTOR(S)warrantsthatthey are lawfullyseizedand possessed of the real propertydescribedabove,thatthey have a lawfulrightto convey theproperty,or any partof it,and thatthey willforeverdefend thetitleto thispropertyagainstthe claims of allpersons. (5)The GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rightsand privilegesherein grantedwithout any interruptionby the GRANTOR(S).The terms,covenants and provisionsof thiseasement and agreement shallextend to and be binding upon the heirs,executors,administrators,personalrepresentatives,successorsand assignsof the partieshereto. (6)GRANTEE shallindemnify and hold GRANTOR harmless from allliabilities, damages,causes of action,suits,reasonableattorney'sfees,costs,losses,and expenses,totheextentarisingfrom or relatedto GRANTEE's use of the easement as setforthherein,includingsuch activitiesby GRANTEE's agents,contractorsand employees,exceptthose arisingfrom negligentor intentionalactsof GRANTOR,its agents,successorsor assigns. Notwithstanding any terms,provision,conditions,of any otherdocuments tothe contrary,thisagreement constitutesthe entireagreement among the partiesheretoas tothe subjectmatter hereof,supersedes allprevious agreements,arrangements and understandings between thepartiesin respectof thatsubjectmatter,and the partiesdo not relyon any statement, promise,or representationnot hereinexpressed. The partieshave participatedjointlyin thenegotiationand draftingofthisagreement.In the event of ambiguity or ifa questionof intentor interpretationarises,thisagreement shallbe construed as ifdraftedjointlyby thepartiesand no presumption orburden of proof shallarise favoringor disfavoringeitherpartyby virtueof theauthorshipof any of the provisionsof this agreement. Ifany provisioncontainedhereinisfound to be invalid,illegalor unenforceableby a courtof competent jurisdiction,the remaining provisionsshallneverthelesscontinueinfullforce and effectand be binding on the parties,theirsuccessorsand assigns,and thepartiesshall negotiateingood faithand attemptto agree to anotherprovision(inlieuof the provisionheld to be invalid,illegalor unenforceable)thatisvalid,legaland enforceableand carriesout the parties intentionsas closelyas possibleto effectthe originalintentand purpose. Each partyshallbe responsibleforand bear itsown attorneys'fees,expertfeesand other costsexpended inconnection with theexecutionof thisagreement.However,inthe event of futurelegalactionconcerning theinterpretationor applicationofthisagreement,theprevailing partyinany such actionshallbe entitledtotheirreasonableattorneys'feesand costs,including feesand costson appeal. This agreement may not be amended except by a writteninstrumentsignedby the GRANTOR and GRANTEE. The partiesagree thatthisAgreement shallbe governed by,construedand enforcedin accordance with thelaw of theStateof Montana. DATED this day of ,20 2E. INDIVIDUAL STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. CountyofGallatin ) On this__dayof ,20 beforeme theundersigned,a NotaryPublicfortheStateofMontana,personallyappeared knowntome tobethepersonwhosenameissubscribedtothewithininstrument,and acknowledgedtome thatheexecutedthesame, 1NWITNESS WHEREOF,Ihavehereuntosetmy handandaffixedmy NotarialSealthe dayandyearabovewritten. (SEAL) NotaryPublicfortheStateofMontana (PrintedName) Residingat My CommissionExpires //20 CORPORATE STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. CountyofGallatin ) On this/bday of /lu //f ,20M beforeme theundersigned,a NotaryPublicfor11ïeStateofMoÂa personallyappeared,Mona/f d/xan knowntome tobethe fMy//n À of'fh yW)+bn an v Mr andthepersonwhosenameissubscribedtothewithininstrumentandacknowledgedtome that heexecutedthewithininstrumentforandonbehalfof n yrr/d/a/) INWITNESS WHEREOF,Ihavehereuntosetmy handandaffixedmy NotarialSealthe dayandyearfirstabovewritten. (SEAL). LNotaryPublicfortheStateofMontana (PrintedName)+.TRACI GILBERTSON Resid in /o NotaryPublic My C ssionÈxpires/39 //)7 /20 Re n ..SEAL Bozernan,Montana My CommissionExpires: March02,2023 ACCEPTED:. By City ATTEST: CityClerk --...--- STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. CountyofGallatin ) On this dayof T)1 b&,201Mefore me,aNotaryPublicfor theStateofMontana,personallyappearedJEFFMIHELICH andMIKE MAAS,knowntome to betheCityManagerandCityClerkfortheCityofBozemanandthepersonswhosenamesare subscribedtothewithininstrument,andacknowledgedtome thattheyexecutedthesameforand onbehalfoftheCityofBozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihavehereuntosetmy handandaffixedmy sealontheday andyearfirstabovewritten. (SE L) N u i fort fM ntana TAYLOR CHAMBERS fortheStat o ontana (Printed'Name)SEAL *Residingat: ResidingatBozeman,Montana ··y ana My CommissionExpiresQj_/lf /20_2_Jan a 2 2E02Sires; DAVISLANE PROPERTYLINE N00°09'l7"E I s e PROPERTYLINE N I80°13'52"E FENWAY