HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Public Street and Utility Easement - Viviana Helvik - 130 Flanders Mill AnnexationReturn to: °f°ª"2787838 PO BOx 1230 s °°Ë² BOzeman,MT 59771-1230 PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT ,GRANTOR,inconsiderationofS1.00andforotherandvaluable considerations,receiptofwhichisacknowledged,grantstoTheCityofBozeman,amunicipal corporationoftheStateofMontana,withofficesat121NorthRouseAvenue,Bozeman, Montana59715,GRANTEE,itssuccessorsandassigns,aperpetualstreetandutilityeasement fortheuseofthepublic,in,through,andacrossastripoflandsituatedinGallatinCounty, Montana,70 ,feetwidetobelocatedonthefollowingdescribedrealproperty: ETLAn f TheeasementismoreparticularlydescribedontheattachedExhibit(s)whichby thisreferenceismadeaparthereof. TheGRANTOR statesthathepossessestherealpropertydescribedaboveandthathehas alawfulrighttograntaneasementthereon. TheGRANTOR furtheragreesthattheGRANTEE maypeaceablyholdandenjoythe rightsandprivilegeshereingrantedwithoutanyinterruptionbytheGRANTOR. Theterms,covenants,andprovisionsofthiseasementshallextendtoandbebinding upontheheirs,executors,administratorspersonalrepresentatives,successors,andassignsofthe partieshereto. DATED thisM dayof ,201 d By: Gra STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. CountyofGallatin ) On thisU dayof 3 J ,20Mbefore me,theundersigned,aNotary PublicfortheStateofMontana,perso llyappearedu iv an a W þ w knowntome tobethepersonwhosenameissubscribedtothewithininstrument,andacknowledgedtome thathe/shedidexecutethesame. 1NWITNESS WHEREOF,Ihavehereuntosetmy handandaffixedmy NotarialSealthe dayandyearfirstabovewritten. (SEAL) .p e6 o ryPublicfortheS eofMontana oTAa fortheStateofMontana Realdingat:. t*.SEAL GaHatinGateway,Montana (PrmtedNa e) My Commission x ires:Residingat ,,,,June26,2 My CommissionExpires /2 ACCEPTED: 1 .Ci ger ATTEST: CityClerk STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss CountyofGallatin ) On this dayof ÔM h6 ,2021bebre me,aNotaryPubHcfor theStateofMontana,personallyappearedJEFFMIHELICH andMIKE MAAS,knowntome to betheCityManagerandCityClerk,respectively,oftheCityofBozemanandthepersonswhose namesaresubscribedtothewithininstrument,andacknowledgedtome thattheyexecutedthe sameforandonbehalfoftheCityofBozeman. INWITNESS WHEREOF,Ihavehereuntosetmy handandaffixedmy NotarialSealthe dayandyearfirstabovewritten. (SEAL) TAYLOR CHAMBERS (Printeame NotaryPublic ReSidingat l'/¿4y}hl oTAR fortheStateofMontana My CommissionExpires4_L/1 /20Zb Residingat: SEAL.*c sozernan,Montana ···My CommissionExpires: January12,2025 EXHIBIT A A Public Street and Utility Easement to the City Of Bozeman, across Tract1 of COS 2360 LoCated in the SW /4 OF Section 3, Township 2 S, Range 5 E, P.M.M Gallatin County, Montana SUNSTONE ST N 89°48'15" W 371.54' FOUND YPC GASTON 10' WIDE PUBLIC L. UTILITY EASEMENT ;- ;.. THIS EXHIBIT 30' WIDE o TRACT1 PUBLIC STREET& TILITY EASEMENT TO COS 23d CITY OF BOZEMAN 47,371 SQFT THIS EXHIBITI 1.0875 AC IL. o 'EASEMENT (D COS 2360 D 2 456 0.00- S 89°48'15" E 371.54' (341.59' TO W.C.) FOUND FOUND YPC ONTA YPC ILLEG . GASTON a 29.95' W.C. LEGEND ORGAN SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION Property Boundary Line 1, certify that this survey was conducted by me or under New Street& Util Ease. This Exhibit | my supervision on June 29th, 2022. and that the - - - - New Public Util Ease This Exhibit NO. 61745 LS information sho is true and correctto the best of my - Easement COS 2360 07Ø Q- kn ledge FoundMonument 1 /CEN O Calculated Position Ærgan Bills, PLS Date ------- ---- S U R VMontana License No. 61745 LS DRAWN BY: MB "" 714 Stoneridge Dr 0 40 80 120 BASIS OF BEARING DATE: 07/25/2022 BOBCAT LDP PROJECTNO SCRE 1'WO' 1 0F1 Exinihif B LEGAL DESCRIPTION A tractoflandbeingTract1 ofCOS 2360 locatedinthe Southwest ¼ofSection3,Township 2 South, Range 5 East,P.M.M.,GallatinCounty,Montana more particularlydescribedasfollows: BeginningatThe SoutheastcornerofsaidTract1,a Gaston YellowPlasticCap (YPC); thence N 00°59'59"E,a distanceof 127.51'toa GastonYPC; thence N 89°48'15"W,a distanceof371.54'to a calculatedpositionon the North-South1/16th oftheSouthwest QuarterofsaidSection3; thence alongsaid1/16thline,S 00°59'59"W,a distanceof127.51'to a calculatedposition; thence S 89°48'15"E a distanceof371.54'tothe PointofBeginning, containing47,371.1squarefeet,1.087acres,more orless. Subjectto alleasements ofrecordorapparentfrom a visualinspectionofthe property