HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-28-22 Public Comment - E. Trygstad - Earthquake codes Story Mill proposed devpFrom:Ross Knapper To:Taylor Chambers Subject:FW: Earthquake codes/Story Mill proposed devp. Date:Wednesday, September 28, 2022 11:08:15 AM Hey Taylor, I wasn't sure if I should include this with the Canyon Gate public comments since it does not directly reference the project, just Story Mill area in general. Any thoughts where this should go? Ross -----Original Message----- From: Ellen Trygstad <eltjupiter@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2022 10:04 AM To: Ross Knapper <rknapper@BOZEMAN.NET> Subject: Earthquake codes/Story Mill proposed devp. CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello, It is my understanding that emergency plans in the City of Bozeman earlier in this decade (2006?) highlighted local government awareness of, and strong concern about, unique earthquake-potential aspects of local geology on the west side of the Bridger Range, and the need for oversight plans regarding development. Given the various large development plans now looming in the Story Mill area, it would be timely for the City of Bozeman to bring these previous concerns and plans, and any subsequent document(s), to the forefront and make them known and readily accessible to the City and County residents. Before launching into development approvals and commitments, this topic should be given high visibility to demonstrate good practices and its safety concerns on the part of the City, and be thoroughly examined by experts in light of the latest geological information, with these new reports also made publicly known. Failure to base development plan approvals or rejections on a complete and updated environmental picture poses a very real possible situation of human tragedy down the road, and destruction and law suits which cost the taxpayer/city/county heavily financially and economically. We have seen how approvals for development in desirable regions around the country, most obvious at this time in Florida with the hurricane, has successfully overridden common sense and environmental assessments and warnings. In Florida and elsewhere, thousands not only have moved into flood plains, but are predicted to continue to do so, with money and profit and migration pressures driving unsafe decisions based on so-called low percentage risks. Another example is people continue to be allowed to build in heavily forested, wildfire prone regions. Bozeman has done this too, in the past. Flood plains and forests have not been left pristine. The art of “mitigation” and other strategies have increased rationale for building in such regions which have, and will, succumb to anticipated potential environmental stresses. A primary responsibility of regional development planning is to honor and actually do all it can to ensure the safety of residents, and the local economy and community. The Story Mill region may have a fairly high water table, and is in or near the confluence of many creeks. What will heavy rains do when open land such as in the Story Mill region, is covered with pavement and buildings? What capacity for multiple creeks in extreme weather conditions to flood? What will earthquake tremors, or a serious earthquake do? What about the combination of these two? The Bridger Fault hasn’t gone away, but development pressures have increased. Any building approvals should be openly and clearly based on safety. If this can be established for the public, people can live in the Story Mill area with confidence. But if safety is in question, this may be a situation where the city/country need to say “no”, that instead of density we are creating safety zones (i.e. continue to maintain low density) and will be proactive about specific land use practices for flood and earthquake safety for residents and regions. Within the Bozeman government and regionally, is an extraordinary pool of expertise in environmental assessmentpractices, in geology and hydrology and so many other skills. Commitment to safety ensures community longevityand a thriving economy long term. This region feels like it is at a really tough crossroads of policy. We residentsare really feeling this. By local government following through with a rigorous updated, current environmentalreview of earthquake and flooding, not only of risks, but the graphic description for this area of the potential realityshould a crisis occur, would be a truly helpful and timely step at this juncture of the Story Mill development , andwould help guide other plans in the region and gain the confidence of the residents. Thank you so very much for your time and attention, Sincerely, Ellen Trygstad P.O. Box 4467 Bozeman, MT59772-4467406-582-7624 PS - While I do live outside the city limits, it is my understanding that county residents might contribute concernsand thoughts. However, I am stating this in case I have incorrect information and my letter is invalid for this reason.