HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD Board Meeting Minutes 08-01-22Bozeman Community Development Board Minutes, 08-01-22 Page 1 of 9 THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Monday August 01, 2022 A) 00:05:30 Call to Order - 6:00 pm Present: Gerald Pape, Allison Bryan, Henry Happel, John Backes, Padden Guy Murphy, Jennifer Madgic Absent: Brady Ernst, Nicole Olmstead, Stephen Egnatz B) 00:06:18 Disclosures There were no voluntary disclosures at this meeting. C) 00:06:32 Changes to the Agenda Order of matters undertaken amended for this meeting. Housing ordinance proposed as first agenda item. 00:07:23 Motion Start with Housing ordinance as it is a complex and potentially lengthy topic to be discussed. Gerald Pape: Motion Jennifer Madgic: 2nd After some discussion, this motion did not get voted on and informally failed to pass. 00:10:25 Motion C) Changes to the Agenda. Move item G.8 before G.7 and after G.6 Henry Happel: Motion Jennifer Madgic: 2nd 00:10:46 Vote on the Motion to approve C) Changes to the Agenda. Move item G.8 before G.7 and after G.6. The Motion carried 6 - 0 Bozeman Community Development Board Minutes, 08-01-22 Page 2 of 9 Approve: Gerald Pape Allison Bryan Henry Happel John Backes Padden Guy Murphy Jennifer Madgic Disapprove: None D) 00:11:02 Approval of Minutes D.1 Approval of Minutes from May 16, 2022. CD Board Meeting Minutes 05-16-22.pdf 00:11:20 Motion I move to approve the minutes from May 16, 2022. Jennifer Madgic: Motion Gerald Pape: 2nd 00:11:35 Vote on the Motion to approve I move to approve the minutes from May 16, 2022. The Motion carried 6 - 0 Approve: Gerald Pape Allison Bryan Henry Happel John Backes Padden Guy Murphy Jennifer Madgic Disapprove: None E) 00:12:00 Consent Items E.1 Recommendation of approval for a site plan proposing construction of two, three story multi-household buildings and associated parking, open space, and infrastructure, application 21327. Required parking, stormwater management, landscaping, and other improvements are included. 01 Development Review Application SIGNED.pdf 02 Narrative.pdf 00 A0-0 - COVER.pdf 02AC2.1 - ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN.pdf 08 AC4.0 - MATERIAL BOARD.pdf 09 AC5.0 - SPANISH PEAKS PARK IMPROVEMENTS.pdf 18 L102 - PLANT SCHEDULE & NOTES.pdf Bozeman Community Development Board Minutes, 08-01-22 Page 3 of 9 19 L103 - NORTH LANDSCAPE PLAN.pdf 20 L104 - SOUTH LANDSCAPE PLAN.pdf 21 L201 - LANDSCAPE DETAILS.pdf 17 L101 - OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN.pdf 23 N-A2-1 - 2ND FLOOR PLAN.pdf 24 N-A2-2 - 3RD FLOOR PLAN.pdf 25 N-A3-0 - BUILDING ELEVATIONS.pdf 22 N-A2-0 - 1ST FLOOR PLAN.pdf 31 S-A2-2 - 3RD FLOOR PLAN.pdf 32 S-A3-0 - BUILDING ELEVATIONS.pdf 29 S-A2-0 - 1ST FLOOR PLAN.pdf 30 S-A2-1 - 2ND FLOOR PLAN.pdf 00:13:30 Motion I move to approve the consent item regarding application 21-327 as submitted. Jennifer Madgic: Motion John Backes: 2nd 00:14:20 Vote on the Motion to approve I move to approve the consent item regarding application 21- 327 as submitted. The Motion carried 6 - 0 Approve: Gerald Pape Allison Bryan Henry Happel John Backes Padden Guy Murphy Jennifer Madgic Disapprove: None F) 00:14:35 Public Comments There was no general public comments at this meeting. G) 00:17:35 Action Items 00:18:00 Motion I move to continue action items G.1, G.3, and G.4 to a date certain of August 15th, and to continue action item G.2 to a date certain of September 12th. Henry Happel: Motion Jennifer Madgic: 2nd 00:18:18 Vote on the Motion to approve I move to continue action items G.1, G.3, and G.4 to a date certain of August 15th, and to continue action item G.2 to a date certain of September 12th.. The Motion carried 6 - 0 Bozeman Community Development Board Minutes, 08-01-22 Page 4 of 9 Approve: Gerald Pape Allison Bryan Henry Happel John Backes Padden Guy Murphy Jennifer Madgic Disapprove: None G.1 Continuation of the Block 104 zone map amendment requesting amendment of the City Zoning Map for a city block bounded by Tamarack Street on the north, Front Street to the east, Wallace on the west, and Aspen Street on the south consisting of approximately 7.33 acres and the accompanying adjacent right-of way from M-1 (Light Manufacturing) to B-2M (Community Business District – Mixed). G.2 Continuation of the South 8th zone map amendment requesting amendment of the City Zoning Map to change the zoning on 0.18 acre parcel from R4 (High Density Residential District) to R5 (Residential Mixed-Use High Density District). G.3 Continuation of the Thomas Drive Zone Map Amendment requesting to change zoning from on 15.037 acres from R-4 (Residential High Density) to REMU (Residential Emphasis Mixed Use). G.4 Continuation of Gran Cielo - Cielo Way and S. 27th Ave. ZMA to Change the Zoning from R3 (Residential Medium Density District) to R-4 (Residential High Density District) on 4.279 Acres, Application 22117 G.5 00:18:50 6730 Davis Lane Annexation application 22020 requesting annexation of 10.071 acres and amendment application 22020 of the City Zoning Map for the establishment of a zoning designation of REMU (Residential Emphasis Mixed-Use District). 22020 6730 Davis Annx-ZMA CDB SR.pdf 00:20:50 Tom Rogers presented on 6730 Davis Lane Annexation and Zone Map Amendment; Application 22020. 00:22:22 There were no general public comments. 00:31:45 Motion Having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials, public comment, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 22020 and move to recommend approval of the 6730 Davis Lane Zone Map Amendment, with contingencies required to complete the application processing. Jennifer Madgic: Motion Gerald Pape: 2nd Bozeman Community Development Board Minutes, 08-01-22 Page 5 of 9 00:35:30 Vote on the Motion to approve Having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials, public comment, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 22020 and move to recommend approval of the 6730 Davis Lane Zone Map Amendment, with contingencies required to complete the application processing. The Motion carried 6 - 0 Approve: Gerald Pape Allison Bryan Henry Happel John Backes Padden Guy Murphy Jennifer Madgic Disapprove: None G.6 00:35:51 1001 Thomas Drive Annexation application 22067 requesting annexation of 15.115 acres and zone map amendment of the City Zoning Map for the establishment of a zoning designation of REMU (Residential Emphasis Mixed Use). 22067 1001 Thomas Annx-ZMA CDB SR.pdf 00:36:12 Tom Rogers presented on 1001 Thomas Drive Annexation Application 22067 requesting annexation of 15.115 acres. 00:43:26 Staff presented questions to City Staff. 00:44:20 Questions for the applicant were presented. 00:48:27 Motion Having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials, public comment, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 22067 and move to recommend approval of the 1001 Thomas Drive Annexation Zone Map Amendment, with contingencies required to complete the application processing. Gerald Pape: Motion Padden Guy Murphy: 2nd 00:51:55 Vote on the Motion to approve Having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials, public comment, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 22067 and move to recommend approval of the 1001 Thomas Drive Annexation Zone Map Amendment, with contingencies required to complete the application processing.. The Motion carried 6 - 0 Approve: Gerald Pape Allison Bryan Henry Happel Bozeman Community Development Board Minutes, 08-01-22 Page 6 of 9 John Backes Padden Guy Murphy Jennifer Madgic Disapprove: None G.8 00:52:07 Heritage Christian School Zone Map Amendment to Establish an Initial Zoning of R-3, Residential Medium Density, on Approximately 13 Acres at 4310 Durston Road, Application 22170 22170 HCS Annx-ZMA CC SR.pdf 00:52:25 Chris Saunders presented on Heritage Christian School Annexation Zone Map Amendment Application 22170. 00:59:34 Zach Gray Civil Engineer representing the applicant provided information about water and sewer. 01:03:15 No public comment on this application. 01:03:48 Motion Recommended Motion: Having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials, public comment, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 22170 and move to recommend approval of the Heritage Christian School Annexation Zone Map Amendment, with contingencies required to complete the application Gerald Pape: Motion Jennifer Madgic: 2nd 01:06:10 Vote on the Motion to amend Recommended Motion: Having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials, public comment, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 22170 and move to recommend approval of the Heritage Christian School Annexation Zone Map Amendment, with contingencies required to complete the application. The Motion carried 6 - 0 Approve: Gerald Pape Allison Bryan Henry Happel John Backes Padden Guy Murphy Jennifer Madgic Disapprove: None G.7 01:06:37 Ordinance 2105, Repeal Division 38.380, Affordable Housing, and Amend Associated Standards and Replace With a New Division 38.380 Affordable Housing Text Amendment, Application 22133 Bozeman Community Development Board Minutes, 08-01-22 Page 7 of 9 22133 CDB Staff Report - 38.380 Replacement 7-26-2022.pdf Ordinance 2105 38.380 Affordable Housing 7-25-2022.pdf 22133 38.380 Replacement - e-news.pdf 01:07:44 City Staff Chris Saunders presented on Affordable Housing Ordinance 2105. 02:01:21 City Economic specialist David Fine informed staff. 02:35:19 Motion Recommended Motion: Having reviewed and considered the staff report, draft ordinance, public comment, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 22133 and move to recommend approval of Ordinance 2105. Padden Guy Murphy: Motion Gerald Pape: 2nd 02:54:29 Vote on the Motion to approve Recommended Motion: Having reviewed and considered the staff report, draft ordinance, public comment, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 22133 and move to recommend approval of Ordinance 2105.. The Motion failed 1 - 5 Approve: Allison Bryan Disapprove: Gerald Pape Henry Happel John Backes Padden Guy Murphy Jennifer Madgic 02:58:16 Motion Motion to continue this discussion on housing affordability with hopes of more public engagement by Jennifer. Jennifer Madgic: Motion Padden Guy Murphy: 2nd 03:05:35 Vote on the Motion to continue Motion to continue this discussion on housing affordability with hopes of more public engagement by Jennifer. The Motion carried 6 - 0 Approve: Gerald Pape Allison Bryan Henry Happel John Backes Padden Guy Murphy Jennifer Madgic Bozeman Community Development Board Minutes, 08-01-22 Page 8 of 9 Disapprove: None 03:07:25 Motion Jennifer's motion by requesting the City's consulting group and any ancillary groups provide justification for their conclusions and show the nature of their comps, to show where they got the data from. Gerald Pape: Motion Henry Happel: 2nd 03:09:43 Vote on the Motion to amend Jennifer's motion by requesting the City's consulting group and any ancillary groups provide justification for their conclusions and show the nature of their comps, to show where they got the data from.. The Motion failed 2 - 4 Approve: Gerald Pape Padden Guy Murphy Disapprove: Allison Bryan Henry Happel John Backes Jennifer Madgic 03:11:31 Motion Part two of Pape's motion amending Jennifer's motion to continue the discussion on affordable housing. I move to consider exploration of alternative mitigations involving the community in this particular piece of code. Gerald Pape: Motion Henry Happel: 2nd 03:13:30 Motion was retracted by Pape. 03:13:50 Motion Propose the concept of non-binding workshops where the board can discuss themes with consultants, developers, and others relating, but not limited to design, consultants, etc., in order to provide and receive feedback for reasons discussed in the meeting (see video). Padden Guy Murphy: Motion Gerald Pape: 2nd Board member Murphy's motion was withdrawn. H) 03:24:36 FYI/Discussions H.1 Upcoming Items Expected for August 15, 2022 Community Development Board Meeting. Chris Saunders explained the upcoming item expected to take place on August 15th, 2022. Bozeman Community Development Board Minutes, 08-01-22 Page 9 of 9 I) 03:25:46 Adjournment For more information please contact Anna Bentley, abentley@bozeman.net General information about the Community Development Board is available in our Laserfiche repository.