HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-20-22 Public Comment - R. Anderberg - Trout Meadows Phase 3From:Lynn Hyde To:Rachel Anderberg Cc:Agenda Subject:RE: Trout Meadows Phase 3 Date:Tuesday, September 20, 2022 8:51:56 PM Rachel, Your public comment has been received and included in the record. In follow up to two items, the proposed site plan provided parking ratios as required by the Bozeman MunicipalCode, and did not request any relaxation or reductions in the parking provided. I am sorry to hear about the dog waste as that is very frustrating. That sort of behavior is not necessarily addressed atthe Site Plan phase, although it does sound very frustrating. While the applicant could have proposed onsite dog'runs', they are not required too. Thanks again for your time and comment. Lynn Hyde | Development Review Planner, Community DevelopmentCity of Bozeman | 20 East Olive St. | P.O. Box 1230 | Bozeman, MT 59771406.579.1471 | lhyde@bozeman.net | www.bozeman.net -----Original Message-----From: Rachel Anderberg <rachelanderberg@gmail.com>Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2022 12:01 PMTo: Lynn Hyde <lhyde@BOZEMAN.NET>Subject: Trout Meadows Phase 3 CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unlessyou recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good afternoon, I am writing with concerns related to the Trout Meadows Phase 3 development. We currently live in theneighborhood across Catamount from Trout Meadows. While we were aware that there would be expansion therewhen we moved into the neighborhood and we don’t have a problem with that expansion in general, we haveconcerns about how that expansion will affect the neighborhood. The first concern we have is related to parking. Currently on evenings and weekends, the parking lots and streetsaround the complexes full. In addition, the vacant land where these buildings will be built is often used for excessparking for current units. When that land is no longer available for this excess parking, that will spill over into theneighborhood. With multi-unit housing in our neighborhood already, parking is already full on our streets and thisadditional parking load will making parking extremely difficult on the neighborhood streets. The second concern we have is with the pets that are allowed in Trout Meadows. While the complex allows tenantsto have pets, it does not provide anywhere for those pets other than the boulevards along the sidewalks. Currently,all of the dogs in the complex are walked through the neighborhood and our yards are used regularly for their waste. Very little of that is picked up and we end up picking it up in our yards. While I recognize that sidewalks are publicand anyone can walk their dogs, we do feel that if the complex advertises as pet friendly as a way to find renters thatthey should not expect the adjoining neighborhood to carry the burden of those pets. Having 60 potential additionaldogs in the neighborhood is a huge influx of animals in a small area of town. We recognize that Bozeman needs additional housing, and we are not opposed to the expansion of the buildings inorder to provide additional homes for people. However, we hope that the parking issue in particular will be considered and only approved if the complex can hold all the additional cars that will come along with this expansion so that the neighborhood doesn’t become even harder to park in. Thank you for your consideration, Adam and Rachel Gott