HomeMy WebLinkAboutRFQ Questions GIS_AM• Are you looking for a complete Enterprise Asset Management solution that focuses on work orders, asset life cycle management and any financials? o We already have this with a mix of Cityworks, InfoAsset Planner, and ESRI. • How many users will be using this solution? o Most of the City of Bozeman will, we have 11 domains in Cityworks. • Is there a defined budget as well? o Yes about $90,000 for all 3 tasks. • Will remote access be granted for specific task order support or delivery? o Indeed it will. In the past, we have gotten our IT department to grant 24/7 access to the needed servers. • Once qualifications and firms have been selected, what is the process to receive a task order? o We will reach out to you with a task and a cost and have you sign our PSA, then our department head will sign and we can then start work. A copy of our PSA is Appendix C on the RFQ. • Will those task orders be lump sum or cost-plus fixed fee? o We will reach out to ask for a quote and then move forward with that cost for the task. • What is the anticipated annual value of tasks released under this contract? o ~ 90,000 for all three tasks • Can you please clarify the submission method for this RFQ? The RFQ mentions both a physical/mail delivery and an email delivery. o I apologize for the confusion : RFQs MUST BE DELIVERED NO LATER THAN 5:00 PM, MOUNTAIN TIME, September 26, 2022, to the agenda@bozeman. net email address. • Is Bozeman using a Cityworks Local Government Template for their Esri integrated solution or is there special customization added on top of the Cityworks solution? If so, for which departments or utilities is the customization being used? o We do not use the CLGT. Our Cityworks solution is about 9 years old and has customization for each department as separate domains to include: Cemetery, Engineering, Facilities, GIS, Parks, Solid Waste, Stormawter, Streets, Sustainability, Vehicle Maintenance, Water Conservation, and Water/Sewer. • Is Cityworks PLL being implemented for permitting or inspections? o This is on the agenda, right now Stormwater is using it but we will be going FULL into PLL with Engineering permits soon. • Is there a calendar for planned upgrades and updates to the Cityworks solutions currently implemented? o Not yet but will be started as soon as we get our Servers upgraded to 2019. • Is there a calendar for planned upgrades and updates to the Esri software solutions currently implemented? o Not yet but will be started as soon as we get our Servers upgraded to 2019. • The scoring indicated provides a 15 point advantage to anyone having previously done work with Bozeman. With this scoring deficit our firm would at best score a 85%. Would the City consider revising this? o The RFQ process we are going through is meant to have multiple vendors on a task list. I would believe that a score of 85% is still at the top of the list.