HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Public Street and Utility Easement - NWX, LLC - Northwest Crossing (3)Return to: 81Yy á °F°ª"2782199 PO Box 1230 iª?°s eâ -cilí²Îí²°22uß²½Î7"""**J2 °° Eozeman,MT 59771-1230 PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT NWX,LLC,GRANTOR,in considerationof One Dollar($1.00)and forotherand valuable considerations,receiptof which isacknowledged,grantstoThe City of Bozeman,a municipal corporationof the Stateof Montana,with officesat121 North Rouse Avenue,Bozeman, Montana 59715,GRANTEE,itssuccessorsand assigns,a perpetualstreetand utilityeasement forthe use of the public,in,through,and acrossa stripof land situatedin GallatinCounty, Montana,to be locatedon the followingdescribedrealproperty: Tract5 of COS 2552 The easement ismore particularlydescribedon theattachedFigure 2 which by this referenceismade a parthereof. The GRANTOR statesthathe possessesthe realpropertydescribedabove and thathe has a lawful rightto grantan easement thereon. The GRANTOR furtheragrees thatthe GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rightsand privilegeshereingranted without any interruptionby theGRANTOR. The terms,covenants,and provisionsof thiseasement shallextend to and be binding upon theheirs,executors,administrators,personalrepresentatives,successors,and assignsof the partieshereto. DATED this day of Tu..nc ,202.7-. By:,_ GRANTOR STATE OF MONTANA ) ):ss County of Gallatin ) On this 3 day of 'Ton,_,20M,beforeme the undersigned,a Notary Public forthe Stateof Montana,personallyappeared R9n klein ,known to me to be _Gmn¾or of N\h LLC and the person whose name issubscribedto the within instrumentand acknowledged to me thathe executed the withininstrumentforand on behalfof NWx Lt£ IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSealthe day and year firstabove written. ,,HANNAH N MITbHELL .'s NotaryPublic 0 AR/4/·fortheStateofMontana Residingat: (SEAL)SEAL Manhattan,Montana o My CornmissionExpires:March1,2025 Notary Public forthe Stateof Montana Ocmu.h.fJ Wk.ken (PrintedName) Residing at Mek..&n MT My Commission expires NrrA /5 /20 ACCEPTED: CI F N C1 ager ATTEST: STATE OF MONTANA ).... ps c° Count.yof Gallatin ) On this day of ,2011,before me,a Notary Public for the Stateof Montana,personallyappeared FF MIHELICH and MIKE MAAS,known to me to be the City Manager and City Clerk,respectively,of the City of Bozeman and thepersons whose names are subscribedto the within instrument,and acknowledged to me thatthey executed the same forand on behalfofthe City of Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSeal the day and year firstabove written. (SEAL) N ary P licfor he State ' Monta a o fortheStateofMontana (PrintedName) *.SËÃL.* Boze oitana Residing at My Commission pires:My Commission Expires /ll /20 A66' WIDE PUBL]C STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ON APORTION OF TilE NORTHWESTCROSSING SUBD]VISION PHASE I:SITUATED IN THENE OF SECTION 4 PUBLIC STREET AND TOWNSHIP 2SOUTH. RANGE 5EAST. PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. GA LI.ATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC.# 2649280 I HARVEST PARKWAY R=167.00L=31.50' S11°23'09"E A=10°48'29" 66.00' CB=N84°05'48"ECH=31.46 N89°30'02"E .12.44 POB N0°25'52"E - - -- 66.01 0 G R=233.00 S89°30'02"W "13.51' L=43.95"A=10°48'29"C8=S84°05'48"W . CH=43.89' LEGAL DESCRIPTION CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR f ÜÒdUllí| Commencing from the North ¼ Comer of Section 4 as described in Certified I,the undersigned, Jon Wilkinson, Professional 40 N TA Corner Record Book 3, Page 922 doc. #2294184, thence S.0°25'52"W. along Land Surveyor, do hereby certify that this . " the midsection line adistance of 1679.55 feet to the Point of Beginning; Easement Exhibit was sunleyed under my direct S , thence N.89°30'02"E. adistance of 212.44 feet; thence along acurve to the left supervision and recorded the same as shown on - JON O -* * -N- having aradius of 167.00 feet, acentral angle of 10°48'29", along said curve for the accompanying Easement Exhibit Document ° y/EIGNSON an arc length of 31.50 feet; thence N.78°41'34"E. a distance of 1045.49 feet; as described. A thence S.11°23'09"E. adistance of 66.00 feet; thence S.78°41'34"W. adistance r.J . h0. 104 LS a of 1045.58 feet; thence along acurve to the right having aradius of 233.00 feet, DATED this day of , acentral angle of 10°48'29", along said curve for an arc length of 43.95 feet; 3*480 E ,2 CpN thence S.89°30'02"W. adistance of 213.51 feet; thence N.0°25'52"E. adistance c. .. 0 100 200 of 66.01 feet to the Point of Beginning. .£ Jon Wilkinson //!nun O SCALE IN FEET Montana Registration No. 1 411LS Morrison 9==- - - "° **??³ ° FLRWK DY: MN 5- 005 Maierle ""- - - °°"^" "°"'^" www.rn.miet DATE 119071 0ineers <Surveyors .planners -suen1 m EASEMENT EXHIBIT loited by011c.unlkinson onNo v2071