HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Water and Utility Easement - Tracy Allen Cameron & Jenny Lynn Cameron - RiversideRETURN RECORDED DOCUMENT TO: BozemanCityClerk P.O.Box 1251 2776483 Bozeman,MT 59771-1231 page 1 of 5 os/23/202203:s3:52PM Fee:550.00 EricSomerad-GallatinCounty,MT MISC 1111111||||||11111§l|||1111111||llllllllllllllllllll|Illlllllllllllllllllilllllllll PUBLIC WATER AND SEWER UTILITY EASEMENT TRACY ALLEN CAMERON and JENNY LYNN CAMERON,a husband and wife,of 10lD GallatinDr.Bozeman,MT 59718 (collectively,the"Grantors"),inconsiderationof ten dollarsand othergood and valuableconsideration,receiptof which ishereby acknowledged,do hereby granttothe RIVERSIDE COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT NO.310,a politicalsubdivisionof theStateof Montana locatedinGallatinCounty,Montana (the " Grantee"), itssuccessorsand assigns,a perpetualeasement to repair,constructand maintainwaterand sewer mains withtheusualservicesand connections,includingpipes,forthepurposeof transmittingwaterand sewage acrossa portionof Grantors'realpropertysituatedinGallatin County,Montana as more particularlydescribedon ExhibitA (the"UtilityEasement")attached heretoand incorporatedhereinby reference. The UtilityEasement shalltraverseGrantors'realproperty(the"Grantors'Property"), which isdescribedasfollows: Lot 10lD oftheAmended SubdivisionPlatof theRearrangement of Lots 101A,101B, 10lC,and 10lD of ParcelF asdesignatedon the Amended SubdivisionPlatof Riverside Greens Subdivision,locatedintheSE ¼Section23,Township 1 South,Range 5 East M.P.M.,GallatinCounty,Montana.(PlatJ-57-A). Grantorsand Grantee understandand agreethatwaterand sewer linesusedand usefulto the Districtalreadyexistinthe UtilityEasement and thatthegranthereinisprovidedtoavoid any uncertaintyregardingtheDistrict'seasement rightsand obligationsrelatedtotheEasement Propertyand thepipesthattraversethatproperty.The easement grantedhereinshallrun with theGrantors'Property. This grantincludestherightof theGrantee,itssuccessors,permittees,licensees,and assignsand itsand theiragentsand employees,toentertheGrantors'Propertyby usingexisting roadsor trailsorotherwiseby a routecausingtheleastdamage and inconveniencetothe Grantorsand theirsuccessorsinorderto maintain,repair,construct,substitute.remove,enlarge and/orreplacethepipeline,services,and connectionsinthe UtilityEasement; The Grantee agrees: (l)That,inconnectionwith themaintenance,repair,construction,substitution,removal, enlargementand/orreplacementofsaidpipelines,itwillrepairor replace.atitssole expense,or pay toGrantorsthereasonablevalueof any damages to lawns,treesand shrubs,existingfences,ditchesand otherappurtenancesof saidlandthatmay be disturbed by itsoperation. (2)That,duringoperationsinvolvingexcavation,ifevernecessary,itwillremove thetopsoil from thetrenchedareatoa depthof one foot,or tothefulldepthof thetopsoil,whichever isless,and stockpilesaidtopsoilforreplacementover the trench.And,itwillleavethe finishedsurfaceinsubstantiallythesame conditionas existedpriorto thebeginningof operationsorseed thesame (iflawn)so thatitcan regrow accordingly. The Grantorsagree: (l)They willnotbuild.construct,erector maintainany permanent structurewithinthe boundariesof UtilityEasement withoutthepriorwrittenconsentof Grantee. (3)That theywarranttheyare lawfullyseizedand possessedoftheGrantors'Property,and thattheyhave a lawfulrighttoconvey theeasement describedherein. (5)That theGrantee may peaceablyhold and enjoy therightsand privilegeshereingranted withoutany interruptionby theGrantors.The terms,covenantsand provisionsofthis easement shallextendtoand be bindingupon theheirs,executors,administrators, personalrepresentatives,successorsand assignsofthepartieshereto. [SIGNATURE PAGES TO FOLLOW] 2 DATED this day of /,2022. GRANTORS: RAC ALLEN CAMERON J -Y L N AME N STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. CountyofGallatin ) This instrumentwas signedoracknowledged beforeme thisthis day of 2022,by TRACY ALLEN CAMERON. """"H A SINNEMA Notary PublicfortheStateof Montana .h".EA NotaryPublic PrintedName:GoTARr fortheStateofMontana Resid --Residingat: ingat *.SEAL.*sozeman,Montana My Commission E ires ......My commissionExpires: January25,2023 STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. CountyofGallatin ) This instrumentwas signedor acknowledged beforeme thisthis day of Mag 2022.by JENNY LYNN CAMERON. JklX AAK A.)/N ot o Notary PublicfortheStateof Montana +°'^*4 ($A Residingat PrintedName:SEAL.*!sozeman,Montana ..My CommissionExpires:Residingat January25,2023 My Commission 2xpires """ 3 DATED this day of day ,2022. GRANTEE: RIVERSIDE COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT NO.310 By: Its:c STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) This instrumentwas signedor acknowledged beforeme thisthist day of . 2022,by pry (gainLS ,known tome tobe the hp_<;ir]Pnf of RiversideCounty Water and Sewer DistrictNo.310 and thepersonwhose name issubscribed tothewithininstrument,and acknowledged to me thathe executedthesame forand on behalfof the RiversideCounty Water and Sewer DistrictNo.310. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSealthe day and year firstabove written. Not ry bi Notary PublicfortheStateof Montana SBállfor theStateofMontana PrintedName:*SEÃL.*soze ,o ana Residingat My CommissionExpires: My Commissio xpires "'Januay25,2023 4 EXHIBIT A A SANITARY EASEMENT ACROSS LOT 101D OF THE RIVERSIDE GREENS AMENDED SUBD!VISlON PLAT J-57-A.LOCATED INTHE SE ¹zOF SECTION 23.TOWNSHIP 1SOUTH. RANGE 5 EAST.P M M .GA AT!N COUNTY MONTANA A.10025 R27000 &21 1625 CB N 3.U143"E CH 9967' LOT 101 D AMENDED PLATJ-57-AFot.ri A 392:2 R.15000 6 1458'45" CB S 5816'D0"W CH 3910' LEGEND CERTIFICATEOFSURVEYOH _XI5l-99B.IllCll1Ki Exst^g--orcetc --.--.--- BASISOFBEARING ---:. BOBGAllt.)f'-r....N 5B655990ffico