HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Drainage Easement - Thea, LLC - Cottonwood Veterinarya.1ornio:2779970 City of Bozeman |'?:s;4U _o!!²°su;²M3J1 PM Fee:.00 City Clerk ||||§||||||||||{|||||||||||||||||[]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[PO Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 DRAINAGE EASEMENT THEAH,LLC,GRANTOR,inconsiderationof One Dollar($1.00)and othergood and valuableconsideration,receiptof which isacknowledged,grantsto theCityofBozeman,a municipalcorporationof theStateofMontana,with officesat 121 North Rouse Avenue, Bozeman Montana 59715,GRANTEE,itssuccessorsand assigns,an easement forpublic drainagepurposes,in,through and acrossthefollowingdescribedrealpropertysituatedin GallatinCounty,Montana,more particularlydescribedas followsand on theattachedExhibit "A":LOT 3 OF MINOR SUB 340. The GRANTOR warrantsthatitislawfullyseizedand possessedof therealpropertydescribed above,thatithas lawfulrighttoconvey theproperty,or any partof it,and thatitwillforever defend thetitleof thepropertyagainsttheclaimsof allpersons.The GRANTOR furtheragrees thattheGRANTEE may peaceablyhold and enjoytherightsand privilegeshereingranted withoutany interruptionby theGRANTOR. The terms,covenantsand provisionsof theeasement and agreement shallextendtoand be bindingupon theheirs,executors,administrators,personalrepresentatives,successorsand assignsof thepartieshereto. Dated this dday of ha ,20 By:hewtd.S STATE OF MONTANA ) ):ss County of Gallatin ) On this day of Ü/l ,2001,before m theundersigned,a Notary Public fogthe Statpof Montana,personarlyappeared ntyyl /1 f A b ,known to me to be Vrf A+ofTh/4h ),LC and the person whose name issubscribedto the within instrumentand acknowledged to me thathe executed the within instrumentforand on behalfof C,... IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereunto setmy hand and af5xed my NotarialSeal the day and year firstabove written. """%BRIDGETFASSLER g8°44 RANDIDLYLE .·NotaryPubHC,,01 NoTARYPUBUCibrthe GoTAn .s fortheStateofMontana StateofMontana Residingat:x %atsamm ur*SEAL.sozernan,Montana MyComndssionExpires (SEA L).···My ComrrissionExpires:OFMo Apri7,2026 ,,,,,,,,May 29,2023 _hjotary.l'ItbTicforthe StqMof tana ©nn|Of þ8519K (PrinteMan Residingat ,9 9 d fl My Commission expires (/29 /20Ú 2 ACCEPTED: ATTEST: City Clerk co. STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) On this ,day of ,20hbefore me,a Notary Publicfor theStateof Montana,personallyapp ed JEFF MIHELICH and MIKE MAAS,known to me to be theCity Manager and City Clerk rthe Cityof Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribedto the within instrument,and acknowledged to me thatthey executed thesame forand on behalfof theCity of Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixedmy NotarialSeal the day and year firstabove written. dÜþ<,,JULIE HUNTER f.··8.9'NotaryPublic (SEAL)ouaqi fortheStateofMontana .Residingat:.SEAL Bozeman,Montana c My CommissionExpires:June11,2025 N ta ic or theS a of Mo tana (PrintedName) Residing atBozeman,Montan My Commission Expires:)//20 3 ° nnx - hR DATE sr s Ass eg7 TdEAM LLC E)(MIT3IT FIG. 05/05/22 ^ 'A^Prainage Easevnent A