HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Public Access Easememt - Trinity Church - Trail EasementAfterRecording,returnto: CityofBozeman CityClerk'sOffice PO Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 5977 PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT TrinityChurch alsoknown as GallatinValley PresbyterianChurch,GRANTOR(S),forgood and valuableconsiderations,receiptof which ishereby acknowledged,grantstoThe Cityof Bozeman,a Municipal Corporation of theStateof Montana,with officesat 121 North Rouse Avenue,Bozeman,Montana 59715,GRANTEE,a traileasement ranging from ten feet(10')to twenty-fivefeet(25')("Easement")expresslyfora ten foot(10')wide trailand shared-usepath forthe use by thepublicin,though,and acrossthe followingdescribedpropertysituatedin GallatinCounty,Montana: Lot 1,Block 1 of the Diamond EstateSubdivisionNo.2,Phase 1,PlatReference J-360 ("Property"). The Easement ismore particularlyshown,described,depictedand dimensioned on the attached ExhibitA which by thisreferenceismade a parthereof.The locationand dimensions of the Easement shallnot be increasednor relocatedwithout theexpresswrittenconsent of GRANTOR or GRANTOR's successoror assign. The GRANTOR(S)agrees: (1)The trailand shared-usepath isforthe purpose of allowing non-motorized users, including:bicyclists,pedestrians,skateboards,inlineskates,and thelike,with motorized use limitedto powered wheelchairs/scootersused by disabledcitizens. (2)To constructthetrailand shared-usepathon thePropertyaccording tothe schedule agreed upon by GRANTOR and GRANTEE.The east-westtrailand shared-usepath shallbe tenfeet(10')wide and constructedof asphalttoa Class IB condition.The north- south shared-usetrailand shared-usepath shallbe six(6)feetwide and constructedof naturalfinesto a Class IIB condition. (3)To maintainthe trailand shared-usepath on the PropertyatGrantor'sexpense in accordance with relevantCity Ordinances,including,but not limitedto,snow removal and allmajor and minor repairwork. (4)To allow the City to make any and allinspectionsof the Easement as theCity reasonably deems necessary. The GRANTOR statesthatGRANTOR islawfullyseizedand possessed of the Property describedabove,thatGRANTOR has a lawfulrightto grantan easement thereon. The GRANTOR furtheragreesthattheGRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rightsand privilegeshereingrantedwithoutany interruptionby the GRANTORS.The terms, covenants and provisionsof thiseasement shallextend toand be binding upon the successors and assignsof thepartieshereto. DATED thisd day of mn r d ,20;22.. GRANTOR:TrinityChurch,alsoknown as GallatinValley PresbyterianChurch ///3 ,2022 e Its:Trustee STATEOF (Ylo G®) .:ss. County of Q &) Onthis 5 dayof ,20M before me e undersigned,a Notary Publicforthe Stateof Montana,personallyappeared 3din R)ar ,known to me to be a Trustee of TrinityChurch,also known as GallatinValley PresbyterianChurch,and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the within instrument for and on behalf of TrinityChurch,also known as Gallatin Valley PresbyterianChurch. KRISTIN J MARSHALL NotaryPubhc o fortheStateofMontana Notary Publicfo the Stateof VYTO tt 0 SËÃI *Three o Mo tana £)My CommissionExpires:Residing at:rr e Forb August18,2025 My Commission expires:s -T 20à ,20 tb ame Its:Trustee STATE OF ()VI flOL ) County of C Ct Onthis3 dayof OredL ,20_S8 before me he undersigned,a Notary Public forthe Stateof Montana,personallyappeared hndrew/--,known to me to be a Trustee of TrinityChurch,also known as GallatinValley PresbyterianChurch,and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thathe executed the within instrument for and on behalf of TrinityChurch,also known as Gallatin Valley PresbyterianChurch. -am,.,· MilN J MARSHALL Notary Public fdrthe Stateof (V)odct ncA M3 Dip,NotaryPubHc PrintedName:n 5hin TV)a rthcc oISBAÍ)for thestateofMontana Residing at:Three ForK6 SEÄI *Three o s Mor tana My commission expires:,20A5 ACCEPTED: C BOZEMAN by City Manager ATTEST: City Elerk .... STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) On this k a day of Ø ,2 ,beforeme,a Notary Public for the Stateof Montana,personallyappeared JEFF MIHELICH and MIKE MAAS,known to me to be the City Manager and City Clerk,respectively,of the City of Bozeman and thepersons whose names aresubscribedto the within instrument,and acknowledged to me thatthey executed the same forand on behalfof the City of Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSealthe day and year firstabove written. (SEAL) ,,JULIE HUNTER .-..e9'-,NotaryPublic OTAR4 ortheStateofMontana SËÃL.soze Mo$tana tary c forthe S a of M ntana ..My CommissionExpires:h June11,2025 (PrintedName) e Residing at My Commission Expires__///20M C\usern\nbcLton\AppOcto\l.occl\1smp\AcPublish.,.29J24\1670-0211BThink0neTrknyChurcaTP_EE.deg.TRALCASEJ-J608.5-11.Rotteouor15,7022-3:41pm.nbolton EXHIBIT A FOR A DESCRIPTION OF A TRAll EASEMENT LOCATED INTHE SEjSWj OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH,RANGE 5 EAST,P.M.M.,GALLATIN COUNTY,CITY OF BOZEMAN,MONTANA BLOCK 1,FLANDERS MILL SUBDIVISION PHASE 1,PLAT J-582 " RB YPC GASTON-------N8833'25"W 67504'(g=gy4 p 58833'25"E 60500'-NO2*23'05"Eoo2500'toCN LOT 1.BLOCK 1DIAMONDESTATESUBDIVISION NO.2,PHASE 1(DOC J-360) NW COR TO SW COR FasFurNTDFSCRIPTION (R=625.07')A TRAllEASEMENTLOCATEDINTHESOUTHEASTONE-OUARTEROFSOUTHWESTONE-OUARTEROFSECTION3TOWNSHIP2posununuunSOUTH,RANCE5 EAST.P.M.M..GALLATINCOUNTY.CITYOFBOZEMAN.MONTANA.OVERANDACROSSA PORTIONOFLOT1.BLOCK1OFDIAMONDESTATESSUBDMSIONNO.2 PHASE1.p00DOCUMENTJ-360(RECORDSOFGALLATINCOUNTY).BEING CP)MOREPARTICULARLYDESCRIBEDASFOLLOWS;6 DAN BEGINNINGAT A POINT(P.O.B.)WHICHISTHENORTHEASTSTAHLYCORNEROFSAIDLOT1; o 16192LS ENCEN88'33'25"WADISTANCEOF 615.04FEETALONGTHE.NORTHBOUNDARYOFSAIDLOT1 TOTHENORTHWESTCORNER.OF SAIDLOT1; 10.00 sto mENCE SO2·i8'Oo"WADISTANCEOF 527.52FEETALONGTHECENCyWESTBOUNDARYOFSAIDLOT1:THENCES3215'46"EADISTANCEOF 76.53FEET;L LA o THENCES001)0'OO"EADISTANCEOF33.57FEETTOA POINT NJ275'46"W '"""""'""ON mE SOUTHBOUNDARYOFSAIDLOT1;ogsr.irm.n,0.nTHENCES88'31'37"EADISTANCEOF25.00FEETALONGTHE /2 SOUTHBOUNDARYOF SAIDLOT1;E4stasoneng.com.THENCEN00'OO'50"EADISTANCEOF 41.44FEET;DanStah L THENCEN32'15'46"WADISTANCEOF 102.43FEET:SJ275'46"E ENCENO2'18'OO"EADISTANCEOF 473.11FEET:THENCES88'33'25"EADISTANCEOF605.00FEETTOA POINT76.5J ON THEEASTBOUNDARYOF SAIDLOT1;THENCENO2'23'05"EADISTANCEOF 25.00FEETALONGTHE S00'00'00"E N00-00'50"/-EASTBOUNDARYOFSAIDLOT1 TOTHEP.O.B.SAIDEASEMENTCONTAINS23428.22S0.FT.OR O.54AC. 33.57'41.44' NFNS m °FN D 588 31'37 "E,Durston RoadYPC2500 aAsisOrerARiNG: NGSCORSSTATIONID"MTSU"US STATEPLANE1983LEGENDMONTANA2500 FOUNDMONUMENT(FNO):ASNOTED NAD83(CONUS.MOLOOENSKY)REBAR RB YELLOWPLASTICCAP rg GROUNDPROJECTIONAT: 0 100'200'"°G FOUNDNOTHINGSET NTNS NORTHLATITUDE:45'41'10.86957"POINTOF BEGINNING P.O.B.WESTLONGITUDE:111'05'35.93270"RECORDMEASUREMENT (R-)ELLIPSOIOHT:4740.49sft.MERIDIANCONVERGENCEANGLE=(-)1-09'56SCALEINFEETVERTICALDATUM:NAVD88(GEOID12A) STAHLY ENGINEERING &ASSOCIATES EASEMENTEXHIBIT"A"PROFESSIONALENGINEERS&SURVEYORS ORAnN:-m.B STAHLY °"" -c-URc-~'--- ,,,2223M'ga ^*3 N NI R S R EMETNS PRESBYTERIANCHURCH 1 OF 1