HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Access and Utility Easement - Trinity Church - Trail Easement2778584 CityClerk'sOffice P.O.Box 1230 Bozenian,M T 59771 ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT This Access and UtilityEasement Agreement ("Agreement")ismade and enteredinto this1 day of Agedr ,201_k,by and between TrinityChurch,alsoknown as Gallatin Valley PresbyterianChurch,with an addressof 4720 ClassicalWay,Bozeman,Montana 59718 ("Grantor")and the City of Bozeman,a Montana municipal corporation,with a mailing address of P.O.Box 1230,Bozeman,MT 59771 and officesat 121 North Rouse Avenue,Bozeman, Montana 59715 ("Grantee"). Recitals WHEREAS,Grantor owns Lot 1,Block 1 of the Diamond EstateSubdivisionNo.2, Phase 1,PlatReference J-360,locatedin the SE ¼SE ¼of Section3,Township 2 South,Range 5 East,P.M.M.,GallatinCounty,City of Bozeman,Montana,according totheofficialplat thereofon fileand of record inthe officeof theCounty Clerk and Recorder,GallatinCounty, Montana (the"ServientTenement"); WHEREAS,Grantee requiresan accessand utilityeasement over,across,and through the ServientTenement forthepossiblefutureconnectivityand extensionof an existingCity streetto provide forcontinuationof thatlocalstreetfortheconvenient movement of traffic, effectiveprovisionof emergency services,and efficientprovisionof utilitiesand Grantor desires to grantsuch easement according to theterms and conditionsof thisAgreement;and WHEREAS,Grantor reservesthe rightto utilizethe area of theServientTenement describedas the Access and UtilityEasement,as furtherprovided herein,unlessand untila futureCity streetisdeveloped thereonand dedicatedtothe public; NOW,THEREFORE,forgood and valuableconsideration,thereceiptof which is acknowledged,and inconsiderationof themutual promises and covenants containedherein,the partiesagree as follows: I.Grant of Access and UtilityEasement;Location;Scope;Reservation Grantor hereby grantstoGrantee,itssuccessorsand assigns,a non-exclusivesixtyfoot (60')wide right-of-wayeasement and thirtyfoot(30')utilityeasement within theforegoingsixty foot(60')wide right-of-wayeasement forpossiblefutureCity streetconnectivityand extension and placement or extensionof underground electric,cable,telephoneand otherutilitiesover, under,through,and acrossthe ServientTenement (the"Access and UtilityEasement"or "Easement"). The locationand dimensions of theAccess and UtilityEasement are more particularly shown,described,depictedand dimensioned on the attachedExhibitA,which isincorporatedby thisreferenceas ifsetforthinfull.The locationand dimension of the Access and Utility Easement shallnot be increasednor relocatedwithout theexpress writtenconsent of Servient Tenement owner. The scope of use of theAccess and UtilityEasement isexpresslyforfutureconnectivity and extensionof a City street,forpublicaccess,ingressand egressand placement of orextension of underground utilitiestherein,and futurededicationand use thereofby the publicifand when such City streetisdeveloped withintheAccess and UtilityEasement. Unless and untilsuch time as the areaof the ServientTenement describedas the Access and UtilityEasement,and as shown,described,depictedand dimensioned on theattached ExhibitA,isdeveloped and dedicatedto thepublic,Grantor reservestherighttouse the Easement grantedherein,and Grantee shallnot interfere,unreasonably hinder,burden or prevent Grantor'sreasonableuse and enjoyment of the areaof the ServientTenement over which the Easement isgranted; II.Nature of Easement;Assignment Except as otherwise provided herein,the Access and UtilityEasement hereingrantedand given shallbe and isperpetualinnature. This grantof an Access and UtilityEasement isnon-exclusiveand benefitsand burdens attachingshallextend to and be binding on and inuretothebenefitof the Grantee,itssuccessors and assigns,includingthepublic,in perpetuityand Grantee may dedicateand assignthe Access and UtilityEasement to thepublicwithout theexpresswrittenconsent of theGrantors. III.Miscellaneous The Grantor statesthey are lawfullyseizedand possessed of therealpropertydescribed above as theServientTenement,and thatthey have a lawfulrightto grantan easement thereon. The terms,covenants,and provisionsof thiseasement shallextend toand be binding upon the successorsand assignsof thepartieshereto. This Agreement may not be amended except by a writteninstrumentsignedby the Parties. The partiesagree thatthisAgreement shallbe governed by,construedand enforced in accordance with the law of theStateof Montana. The effectivedate of thisAgreement shallbe the lastdatethatthisAgreement isexecuted 2 eitherby Grantee or Grantor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the partieshave signed thisAgreement on the datesetforth afterthesignaturesbelow. Trinity.C rch,als known as GallatinValley PresbyterianChurch cL.3 ,20 Name Its:Trustee STATE OF D AA ) County of On this3 day of f(i ,20_¾before me the undersigned,a Notary Public fortheStateof Montana,personallyappeared MoEW Nowe_,known to me to be a Trustee of TrinityChurch,alsoknown as GallatinValley PresbyterianChurch,and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the within instrument for and on behalf of TrinityChurch,also known as Gallatin Valley PresbyterianChurch. Notary Publicf he St teof D e PrintedName:n 6 iA TYD f6 AQ¾Í fortheStateofMontana Residing at:Thrce br lo sÑÃl Three o s M tana My commission expires:8 -lß ,20d6 ...·My CommissionExpires: ./August18,2025 3 2d ,20M N e t :Trustee STATE OF 6/7 A4/1 ) County of 7 GL 0 On this 3 day of OtrÓ ,20R__2,before me th undersigned,a Notary Public fortheStateof Montana,personallyappeared MÍi a \A)G f ,known to me to be a Trustee of TrinityChurch,also known as GallatinValley PresbyterianChurch,and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thathe executed the within instrument for and on behalf of TrinityChurch,also known as Gallatin Valley PresbyterianChurch. KRIST N J MA HALL O o fortheStateofMontana printedName:r .h Three o s Mo tana Residing at:hree 1-ocks My issn Ires:My commission expires:$-18 ,20 4 ACCEPTED: F BOZEMAN 05 BO City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) On this day of s ())f .20 before me,a Notary Publicfor theStateof Montana,personallyappeared JEFF MIHELICH and MIKE MAAS,known tome to be the City Manager and City Clerk,respectively,of theCity of Bozeman and thepersons whose names aresubscribedtothe within instrument,and acknowledged to me thattheyexecuted the same forand on behalfof the City of Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSeal the day and year firstabove written. (SEAL)c ,.,,,o,otaryPublic forthe /[À N a ub c 3tateof Monta o fortheStateofMontana *S ÃL *Boze ortana (PrintedName) My CommissionExpires:Residing atJuneM,2025 My Commissior Éxpires /|d /20M 5 C-\usert\nbonen\AppData\Locon\1amp\AcPublish.26424\1670-0211BThinkOrteTsintyChurchTPROADJ-35055aH,PlotteeMerIE2022-4:0?prn.neanon EXHIBIT A FOR A DESCRIPTION OF AN ACCESS EASEMENT LOCATED INTHE SE¾SW}OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH,RANGE 5 EAST,P.M.M.,GALLATIN COUNTY,CITYOF BOZEMAN,MONTANA BLOCK 1,FLANDERS MILL FND SUBDIVISION PHASE 1,PLAT J-582 "RB YPC GASTON (R=614.94 ' ) 10 00 o LOT 1,BLOCK 1DIAMONDESTATESUBDIVISION NO.2,PHASE 1 O (DOC J-360) SO2'18'00"W 624.73 NW COR TO SW COR (R=625.07') ACCFSSFASFMFNTOFSCRIPTIONANACCESSEASEMENTLOCATEDINTHESOUTHEASTONE-OUARTEROFSOUTHWESTONE-OUARTEROFSECTION3.CDTOWNSHIP2SOUTH,RANGE5 EAST,P.M.M.,GALLATINCOUNTY,CITYOFBOZEMAN,MONTANA.OvERANDACROSSAop""""'""PORTIONOFLOT1.BLOCK1,OFDIAMONDESTATESSUBDIVISIONNO.2 PHASE1.OOCUMENTJ-360(RECORDSOFGALLATINCOUNTY),BEING60.00FEETWlDE,30.00FEETONBOTHSIDESOFTHEFOLLOWINGDESCRIBEDCENTERLINE: DAN BEGINNINGATA POINTFROMWHICHTHENORTHEASTCORNER (gS OF SAIOLOT1 BEARSNO2®23'05"EADISTANCEOF 157.54STAHLYoiFEETONTHEEASTBOUNDARYOFSAIDLOT1FROMWHICHO16192LS>-§P.O.B.: THENCEN88'32*43"WADISTANCEOF614.80FEETTO A POINTONTHEWESTBOUNOARYOFSAIDLOT1; /CENS SAIDEASEMENTCONTAINS36,888.2350,FT.0.85OR AC. L L A DanStahly,P.L NFNS --¬ FND Durston RoadYPC BASISOFRFARING' NGSCORSSTATIONID"MTSUUSSTATEPLANE1983LEGENDMONTANA2500 FOUNDMONUMENT(FNO):ASNOTEO NAD83(CONUS,MOLODENSKY)REBAR RB YELLOWPLASTICCAP VR'GROUNDPROJECTIONAT: NOTHINGFOUNDNOTHINGSET NFNS NORTHLAT1TUDE:45*41'10.86957"POINTOFBEGINNING P.O.B.WESTLONGITUDE:111'05'35.93270"RECORDMEASUREMENT (R-)ELLIPSOIOHT:4740,49sft. MERIDIANCONVERGENCEANGLE=(-)1'09*56SCALEINFEETvERTCOATuuNAvD88(GEOD2 > STAHLY ENGINEERING &ASSOCIATES EASEMENTEXHIBIT"A"PROFESSIONALENGINEERS&SURVEYORS DRA -NLB STAHLY| ~~~"°°"'-c~ac-2°'' P,.."""R.%".F."7e*06".'":7242;o »NvmeYPRES8YTERIANCHURCH 1 OF 1