HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-02-22 MURB Minutes Page 1 of 6 APPROVED minutes from June 2, 2022 board meeting voted on and approved during August 4, 2022 meeting via WebEx TO DO List: Everyone attend July 7 board meeting In attendance: David Fine, Susan Fraser, Maddy Roche, Hillary Folkvord, Alicia Ward, Nolan Campbell, Valerie Wyman, Tracy Menuez, Emily Talago A. Call to Order – Valerie called the meeting to order at 4:33pm. B. Disclosers – Nolan said he’d received phone calls concerning Hemlock Street. C. Changes to agenda – none. D. Public Comment – Mary Wictor, 1504 Boylan Rd, spoke to variety of housing and the missing middle housing situation. E. Action Item – MURB FY23 work plan and budget David presented (see Attachment A). Discussion. Public comment was called. Mary Wictor noted N. 7th has needed help for years so work is great, but please remember housing needs. More discussion. Another member of the public, Mitch Billis, owner of 602 Hemlock, spoke to current situation on Hemlock, noting police required to help, etc. Mitch is very concerned about doing more business in the district due to the RVs, campers, etc, parked along many streets. Chair Valerie asked David as city staff to speak to the board’s role concerning this situation. David spoke to City’s handling plan is developing as such incidents happen. HRDC was asked by the city to place a porta potty and a dumpster along Hemlock in order to maintain sanitation. Discussion continued. Valerie asked for a motion to approve the FY23 plan. Tracy made the motion and Valerie seconded. All in favor. F. FYI/Discussion David reported working on documentation to get El Mercadito’s funding to them as soon as is possible. A July 7 board meeting is highly probable as expecting 3Rivers Hotel’s request to be submitted, a request for demolition and impact fees at an estimated price of $2million. G. Adjournment Valerie adjourned meeting at 5:33pm. Page 2 of 6 Attachment A Page 3 of 6 Page 4 of 6 Page 5 of 6 Page 6 of 6