HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Conditional Irrevocable Offer of Dedication - Swiss Detail, Incnetum to: CRy of Bozeman CRy Clerk PO Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 2782193 City of Bozeman Conditional Irrevocable Offer of Dedication This Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate and Declaration of Restrictions(hereinafter"Offer")is made this S/day of 9fr)¾¼2022,by SWISSDETAIL,INC.,3004 N 27th Ave, Bozeman,MT,59718 (hereinafterreferredto as "Grantor"). WHEREAS,Grante isthe legalowner in simple feeinterestof certainrealpropertieslocated inthe County of Gallatin,Stateof Montana,and describedas CATTAIL CREEK SUB PH1,S35,T01S, ROSE,BLOCK 4,LOT 3,ACRES 2.39,PLAT J-340on fileand of record in the officeof the Clerk and Recorder of saidCounty (hereinafterreferredto as the "Property")and WHEREAS,Grantor appliedto the City of Bozeman (the "Municipality")for approval to undertake development as definedin Chapter 38.7,BMC withinthe Cityof Bozeman (hereinafterthe "Permit");and WHEREAS,approvalof Application20-371 &20-372 was grantedon April 16*2021,by the Municipalityinaccordance with theprovisionsof Title38,BMC,hereby incorporatedby reference;and WHEREAS,Grantor wishes to meet the requirements of Title38,BMC,to provide public access and/or allow simultaneous constructionof infrastructureand improvements which willlaterbe grantedtotheMunicipality,with thebuildings,remaining improvements and landappurtenantthereto to remain inprivateownership,as authorizedin Section38.270.030.C;and WHEREAS,the water and sewer improvements and streetinfrastructureappurtenanttoand to be installedor constructedon or under the above describedlands,and infrastructureand/or interests thereinareto be dedicated to the Municipality,freeand clearof allencumbrances,pursuant to said finalapproval of the Permit;and, WHEREAS,itisintendedthatthisOffer isirrevocableand shall,upon writtenacceptance by the Municipalityand finalapproval of the Permit referencedherein,grantallrightsof use or access formaintenance and repairof the saidimprovements and infrastructureoffered; NOW THEREFORE,in considerationof the granting of,and conditioned upon,the final approval forapplicationno.20-371 &20-372 the Grantor hereby offersto dedicateto the Municipality,the sewer and water improvements and streetinfrastructureconstructed or be constructedupon the realpropertyas specificallysetforth,describedand identifiedin the plans and specificationsissuedor prepared by C&H Engineering 1091 Stoneridge Dr Bozeman,MT Project 200203 dated4/6/2022 (withsubsequent approved revisions),which areby thisreferenceincorporated inthisinstrument. 1.Benefit and Burden.This Offer shallrun with and burden the Property and all obligations,terms,conditions,and restrictionshereby imposed shallbe deemed to be covenants and restrictionsrunning with the land and shallbe,upon the issuanceof the finalPermit referenceherein, be effectivelimitationson the use and access of the Property by Grantor and shallbind the Grantor and all successors and assigns.This Offer shallbenefitthe Municipality only so long as said improvements and infrastructuresforsewer and water existon the Property. 2.Construction and Validity.Ifany provisionof theseRestrictionsisheld to be invalidor for any reason becomes unenforceable,no otherprovisionshallbe thereby affected or impaired. 3.Successors and Assigns.The terms,covenants,conditions,exceptions, obligations,and reservationscontained in thisOffer shallbe binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of both the Grantor and the Municipality,whether voluntary or involuntary. 4.Limitations.The constructionand otherstandardsadopted or utilizedby theCity of Bozeman regarding legal form,constructionmaterials,warranty,and allother elements relatingto improvements or infrastructureconstructedor be constructedpursuanttothe Permit shallbe fullyapplicable. 5.Term.This irrevocableOffer of Dedication shallbe binding forthe durationof FinalSitePlan approvalprocess.Upon writtenacceptanceof thisOfferby theMunicipality,this Offer and theterms,conditions,and restrictionshereof shallexistin perpetuity,shallhave the effectof a grantby Grantor,subjectto the conditionsstatedherein,and shallrun with the land and be binding on the parties,theirheirs,assigns,and successors,PROVIDED,HOWEVER, thisgrantshallbe nulland void ifthe Permit referencedhereinisnot grantedand issuedby the Municipalityon or beforeone year afterthedateof FinalPlan approvalor extensionsofthe date of approval. SWISSDETAIL,INC. By:Ñôtof DDCW2P f nature)8 (pridt) Its /6h t){ By:pa/4 h d5 (signaufe)(print) Its ocAfwM/ Stateof ) County of On this day of c6 2022 before me personally appeared 9v Ó ae M,me/,,Àc#c ,whose identitywas prove'dto r$e on the basisof satisfactoryevidence to be the persons whose name issubscribed to thisinstrument and acknowled ed thats/heexecuted the same a f,and for and on behalfof h c65ÁÁ c S/25 P intName:D ~snar 45"sy/Jgg DEAN tVDER S gned:. fortheStat o ontangbtaryPublic forthe Stateof Residingat:R 3sidingat:x c MT T lVy Commission Expires:/½Á /.>#S March18,2025 ACCEPTED: CITY OF BOZEMAN,MONTANA ovB C ger """" ATTEST: City Clerk .. STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss County ofGallatin ) ')_o22 © On this (p day of M Qq K beforeme,the undersigned,a Notary Publicforthe Stateof Montana,personallyappearedJEFF MIHELICH and MIKE MAAS, known to me tobe theCity Manager and City Clerk fortheCityof Bozeman,respectively,and the persons whose names are subscribedto the withininstrument,and acknowledged to me thatthey executedthesame forand on behalfoftheCityofBozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy Notarial Sealtheday and yearfirstabove written. 4 þ TAYLOR CH S ?¿g NotaryPublic Notliry blicforthe Stateof Montana ow431for theStateofMontana .ResidingatBozeman,Montana SEAL * Bozern or ana My Commission Expireso .\1 -2.025 oy My CommissionExpires:½,#January12,2025 CORRECTING A NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE Montana law recognizesthatmistakessometimes happen and allowsa notarialcertificatetobe correctedafterthe notarizationhasbeen completed ifthe change or correctioncan be evidencedby theinformationcontainedinthe notary'sjournal. No handwrittenchange or correctioncan be made tothe impressionofthe notary'sstamp.Forexample ifthe notary'sname orcityofresidencehaschanged and thenotaryhas not receivedthe new stamp,thenotarymay not linethroughthename orcitymade bythestamp and handwritethenew name orcity.Or ifthe notary'sname or commission expirationdateisnotlegibfe,the notarycannottraceoverthe missingletters.ifthewrong stamp was used or ifthe notaryforgottoaffixthestamp,a new impressioncan be made on thedocument withtheassociated date and initials,showing thatthe correctionwas made subsequentlyto thedocument. CORRECTION BY NOTARY The notarymay entermissinginformationorcorrectincorrectinformationon the originalnotarialcertifiicateby making thechange and initialingand datingthe correction.A correspondingnote must be enteredinthe notary's journalexplainingwhat was changed and the date itwas changed.Allowablecorrectionsincludechanging, correctingor enteringthe venue,thedate ofthe notarization,the name ofthesigner(s)or affixingamissingstamp. CORRECTION BY A THIRD PARTY A Montana notary inay authorizea thirdpartyto change or correctmissingor incorrectinformation contained in a completed notarialcertificateonly ifthe authorizationisgranted in writingand a copy of the authorizingmessage and a copy of the modified certificateisattached to the notary'sJournal record of the transaction. NOTE:Itisa violationof §1-5-632(1)(d),MCA,foranyone other than the notary who completed the notarialcertificateor the person who receivedwritten authorizationfrom the notary,to change,modify, or correctany information on a notarialcertificate.A violationof thissectionissubjectto a fineof $2500 or incarcerationup to 1 year.