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City of Bozeman
City Clerk
PO Box 1230
Bozeman,MT 59771-1230
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City of Bozeman Conditional Irrevocable
Offer of Dedication
This Irrevocable r to Dedicate and Declaration of Restrictions(hereinafter"Offer")is
made thisS|k day of wu/2022,by Human Resource Development Council of District
IX,Inc.,a nonproßt organ ationof32 South Tracy Ave.(hereinafterreferredtoas "Grantor").
WHEREAS,Grantor isthe legalowner insimple feeinterestof certainrealpropertieslocated
inthe County of Gallatin,Stateof Montana,and describedas Tract 38 of theNortheastAnnexation to
Bozeman (202 to206 East GrifGn Road,Bozeman Montana),on fileand of recordintheofñce of the
Clerk and Recorder of saidCounty (hereinafterreferredtoas the "Property")and
WHEREAS,Grantor applied to the City of Bozeman (the "Municipality")forapproval to
undertake development as deßned inChapter 38.7,BMC within theCity of Bozeman (hereinafterthe
WHEREAS,approval of ApplicationNo.21117 was grantedon September 9,2021,by the
Municipalityinaccordance with theprovisionsof Title38,BMC,hereby incorporatedby reference;
WHEREAS,Grantor wishes to meet the requirements of Title38,BMC,to provide public
accessand/or allow simultaneous constructionof infrastructureand improvements which willlaterbe
grantedtotheMunicipality,with thebuildings,remaining improvements and land appurtenantthereto
to remain in privateownership,as authorizedinSection38.270.030.C;and
WHEREAS,thewater and sewer improvements and streetinfrastructureappurtenanttoand to
be installedor constructedon or under theabove describedlands,and infrastructureand/or interests
thereinare to be dedicatedto the Municipality,freeand clearof allencumbrances,pursuantto said
Snal approval of the Permit;and,
WHEREAS,itisintendedthatthisOffer isirrevocableand shall,upon writtenacceptance by
the Municipalityand Snal approval of the Permit referencedherein,grantallrightsof use or access
formaintenance and repairof thesaidimprovements and infrastructureoffered;
NOW THEREFORE,in considerationof the granting of,and conditioned upon,the final
approval forapplicationno.No.21117,theGrantor hereby offerstodedicateto the
Municipality,the sewer and water improvements and streetinfrastructureconstructed or be
constructedupon the realpropertyas speciñcallyset forth,describedand identiñedin the plansand
specificationsissuedor prepared by StablyEngineering&Associates,Inc.of851 BridgerDrive,Suite
1 Bozeman,MT Project21117 dated December 2021 (withsubsequentapproved revisions),which are
by thisreferenceincorporatedinthisinstrument.
1.Benefit and Burden.This Offer shallrun with and burden the Property and all
obligations,terms,conditions,and restrictionshereby imposed shallbe deemed to be covenants and
restrictionsrunning with the land and shallbe,upon the issuanceof the finalPermit referenceherein,
be effectivelimitationson the use and access of the Propertyby Grantor and shallbind the Grantor
and all successors and assigns.This Offer shall benefitthe Municipality only so long as said
improvements and infrastructuresforsewer and water existon the Property.
2.Construction and Validity.Ifany provisionof these Restrictionsisheld to be
invalidor forany reason becomes unenforceable,no otherprovisionshallbe therebyaffected
or impaired.
3.Successors and Assigns.The terms,covenants,conditions,exceptions,
obligations,and reservationscontained in thisOffer shallbe binding upon and inure to the
benefitof the successors and assigns of both the Grantor and the Municipality,whether
voluntaryor involuntary.
4.Limitations.The constructionand otherstandardsadopted orutilizedby theCity
of Bozeman regarding legal form,constructionmaterials,warranty,and allother elements
relatingto improvements or infrastructureconstructedor be constructedpursuanttothePermit
shallbe fullyapplicable.
5.Term.This irrevocableOffer of Dedicationshallbe binding forthe durationof
FinalSitePlan approval process.Upon writtenacceptanceof thisOffer by the Municipality,this
Offer and the terms,conditions,and restrictionshereofshallexistin perpetuity,shallhave the
effectof a grantby Grantor,subjectto the conditionsstatedherein,and shallrun with the land
and be binding on the parties,theirheirs,assigns,and successors,PROVIDED,HOWEVER,
thisgrantshallbe nulland void ifthe Permit referencedhereinisnot grantedand issuedby the
Municipalityon or beforeone year afterthedateof FinalPlan approvalor extensionsof thedate
of approval.
Human e ce Development Council of District IX,Inc.
Its 4)fC(U
Stateof OWW )
County of )
On this day of 2022 before me personally appeared
MMhV vvth y ,whose identitywas proved to me on thebasisof satisfactory
evidence tobe thepersons whose name issubscribedto thisinstrument,and acknowledged that
s/he executed the same as President /CEO of.and for and on behalf of
PrintName:Ó()(&l nd)
Signed:M A9w
Notary PublicfortheStateof Montang
Residing at:yfhJnran ,Mt>hbm
(NOTARTIAL SEAL)My Commission Expires:1puw |Ll,'Z.07,6
f p'--Qp NotaryPublicoTA4·fortheStateofMontan.
My CommissionExpires:.CITY OF BO7.EMAN,MONTANA "*'*"8°°ªY '4'2026
C y M ager OF B
CityClerk .
CountyofGallatin )
On this day of 2022,beforeme,the undersiged,a
Notary Public for taleStateof Montana,personallyappeared G.ff jÅshA(Ir ,
known to me tobe (fortheCityof Bozeman,respectively,and the
personswhose names are bscribedto th vithininstrument,and acknowledged to me thatthey
executedthesame forand on behalfoftheCityof Bozeman.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and amxed my Notarial
Sealtheday and yearfirstabove written.
N a u e Notary u li for e St teof o tana
ola 4 ·fortheStateofMontana Residin zeman,Mont a
*nSËÃL soze ortana My Commission Expires
My CommissionExpires:'.....June11,2o25