HomeMy WebLinkAbout008 MOU - Gallatin County Weed District Gallatin County Weed District Date Received & ZZ, 903 North Black Bozeman, MT 59715 Projected date for Final 1 406.582.3265 Plat application www.gailatin.mt.gov weeddistrict@gallatin.mt.gov MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR FINAL PLAT This Memorandum of Understanding exists between the Gallatin County Weed District(herein"District") and (Landowner—Print Name) { . 1 NJ,''r1 !, of '� 1.5 1�➢ � �G�'l C� �1���J c'_ �L���.wi Ct�'� � Address AlUS � 57v (Address) (Cite) (State) (Zip) (Telephone) for the purpose of addressing the issues of noxious weeds and the revegetation of disturbed areas on land(s) within `�1 3 `?`l M ��GvLc� A Y e✓ (Name of Subdivision) The Landowner has been informed of and agrees to comply with the Noxious Weed Management and Re- vegetation Requirements of the District_ the Montana County Weed Control Act, and the District's Noxious Weed Management Plan for the above-named property. The Landowner shall comply with the Noxious Weed Management and Re-vegetation Requirements on a vearly basis. Landowner agrees, pursuant to S 7-22-2116, MCA,that prior to offering any lots within the above-named property for sale, Landowner N ill notify their agent and the purchaser of(a) the existence of any noxious weed infestations on the property offered for sale; and (b) the existence of the Gallatin County Noxious Weed Management Plan and any noxious weed management agreement for the property. Memorandum of Understanding Required Attachments: ❑ Signed copy of subdivision covenants containing noxious weed management provisions ❑ Documentation of noxious weed treatment- Year 1 (see list on page 2) ❑ Documentation of noxious weed treatment- Year 2 (see list on page 2) ❑ Documentation of noxious weed treatment - Year 3 (see list on page 2) ,wQ d Board Chairrr Represenla ive Landox ner S* Cltauman/Repre.-ix-nLitive Printed Name Landoumer Printed/ me 1 q ��� AyQ� y% l . zo 2 Date Date Page 1 of 2