HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Utility Easement - Eastlake Professional Center, LLC - Eastlake Professional CenterReturn to: City of Bozeman City Clerk 2775143 PO Box 1230 Fee Bozc..an,MT 5 -.- UTILITY EASEMENT Eastlake ProfessionalCenter,LLC,GRANTOR,in considerationof $1.00 and forotherand valuableconsiderations,receiptof which is acknowledged,grantsto The City of Bozeman,a municipalcorporationoftheStateofMontana,with officesat121 North Rouse Avenue,Bozeman, Montana 59715,GRANTEE,itssuccessorsand assigns,a perpetualutilityeasement providing publicwater,sewer,storm drainage,or othersimilarutilityorservice,therighttothejointuse of an easementfortheconstruction,maintenance,repair,and removal of theirlinesand otherfacilities, in,through,and acrossa stripof land situatedin GallatinCounty,Montana,30 feetwide. Additionally,the easement includessectionsof land for construction,maintenance,repair,and removal of firehydrants.Easements aretobe locatedon thefollowingdescribedrealproperty: Lot lA of theplatof Minor SubdivisionNo.221E,locatedin the southwest ¼of section 26,Townshipl South,Range 5 East,PMM,in the City of Bozeman,GallatinCounty, Montana The easement ismore particularlydescribedon the attachedExhibit B which by this referenceismade a parthereof. The GRANTOR statesthathe possessestherealpropertydescribedabove and thathe has a lawfulrighttograntan easement thereon. The GRANTOR furtheragrees thatthe GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rightsand privilegeshereingrantedwithoutany interruptionby theGRANTOR. The terms,covenants,and provisionsof thiseasement shallextendto and be bindingupon theheirs,executors,administrators,personalrepresentatives,successors,and assignsoftheparties hereto. DATED this day of È\//v%VM ,20 M . Grantor STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) On this day of k/Ov'4WV¼,20h,beforeme,theundersigned,a Notary PublicfortheStateof Montana,perso llyappeared f $61AA4pnown tome to be thepersonwhose name issubs ibedtothewithininstrument,and acknowledged tome thathe/shedidexecutethesai e. Owner:EastlakeProfessionalCenter LLC By· PrintedName: Title:OæuGd. Date:20Q STATE OF MONTANA ) ):ss County of Gallatin ) On this Ó day of ,20 beforeme the undersigned,a Notary Public forthe Stateof Montana,personallyappeared .known to me tobe 60 4 ÔW of EastlakeProfessionalCenter LLC and the person whose name issubscribedto the withininstrumentand acknowledged to me thathe executed the within instrumentforand on behalfof EastlakeProfessionalCenter LLC. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSealthe day and year firstabove written. W"'"JOSEPH REZWOOD .-NotaryPublic oTA84 fortheStateofMontana Residingat: (SEAL)..SEAL Bozeman,Montana NotÁry P icforthe Stateof Montana (PrintedName) Residing at E4* My Commission expires //20 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereuntosetmy ha and affixedmy NotarialSealthe day and yearfirstabove written. (SEAL) Notary Pub c forth Stateof Montana MARY PAYNE forthes°tateo ontana (PrintedName)*SE Residingat- Bozeman,Montana ResidingatoFMoMyCommissionExpires:March05,2023 My Commission Expires Ü/06 /200E ACCEPTED: CITY OF BOZEMAN by C ager ATTEST: CityClerk STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County ofGallatin ) On this day of ,20 2.2 ,beforeme,a Notary Publicfor the Stateof Montana,personallyappeared JEFF MIHELICH and MIKE MAAS,known tome to be the City Manager and CityClerk,respectively,of theCityof Bozeman and thepersonswhose names are subscribedto thewithin instrument,and acknowledged to me thatthey executed the same forand on behalfof theCityof Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSealthe day and yearfirstabove written. (SEAL) Notary P licforthe Stateof Montana TAYLOR CHAMBERS NotaryPubHc (PrintddName) OTAR .fortheStateofMontana *SEÁL soze o tana Residingat 07PmA.n My CommissionExpires: .January12,2025 My Commission Expires DJ_/202.5 EXHIBIT B UTILITYEASEMENT ACROSS A PORTIONOF LOT1A OF MINORSUDIVISIONNO.221E LOCATED INTHESW¾OF SEC 26,T1S,R5E,PMM,CITYOF BOZEMAN GALLATINCOUNTY,MONTANA /MTSUBEARINGBASIS:WGS84ASDETERMINEDBYSURVEYGRADEGPS o RECEfVERSWITHTHECENTRALMERlDIANRUNNINGTHROUGHI.AT.45'39'40,38''N,LONG.11102'42.01"W. 0 100'/ S C A L E / 25PUBLICTRAIL& CREATEYEPA /DOCUMENT .R=350.00'10'Pl.ATTEDUiluTYD-3'0013"unuTYDSWENT EASEMEW CB=s07°0021W S00°02'07"W cEsEAsutTCL=18.95'18.75'CREATEDBYSEPARATE 889*5755'W145.00 35°9 30muTYHBMENT N8T50'55'E21.67 N00"0905"W N89"50'55"E214.15'10'~PLATTEDPUGUC $.NB950'55"E213.50 10'ACCESS '.40'PLATTEDSEWER, sEPARATEDOCUMENT -0ACCESS·EASEMENT 30'UTILIW&PUBLIC P A CREAEDBY PARADoct.rMENT murrnemENT 310 cffAIsTo0 .,S00"09'05"E N00"09'05"W D 22 I!S89°50'55 ... NB950'55"E183.54 30'UTIUTf&PUBUC C CREAEDBYEAADocuuENT CA -----10'LfTIUTYEASEMENTCREATEDBYSEPARATE UNESWS R 30'UTILITY&PUBL!C 90SM i occuuENTEASEMENT(occ.I I REDCAP"16411LS"2t439st)I 1o'uTILITYEASEMENT 0.23SOFEXISTING 1 ·CREATEDBY5EPARATE EASELLENTCORNERDOCUMENTBLUECAP''10062S"AGMNSTCURS0.09'S 30.00&0.21*WOFCOR 30'PUBLICACCESS&UTFLFlYEASEMENT(00C.2066509) .____...._402Be2.52 HONORLANE sug221B 30PueucACCESS&UTIUNEASEMENT(DOC.206B512)BLUECAP"10062S' jar .__.__.__.__..__._.0.11'EOFCDR £2fB CURVETABLE wr1.* CURVFRADIUS ARCLENGTHCHORDBEARtNGCHORDLENGT1DELTAANGLE souTHUNEOF30'c1 359.98'224.02'S1845'03"W220.42'35*39'21"7 C2 359.98'195.72'S21'00'11"W193,32 31'09'05__NOTSHDWNFORCLARITYC3359.98*28.30'50710'31"W28.29'4*30'16'(ooc202a2m SURVEYORCERTIFICATE 1,BradleyS.Tainer,do herebycertifythatthis exhibitisbasedon fieldworkperformedunder my supervisiononJanuary17,2017 &March2, 2022,andthattheinformationshownhereonis trueand correcttothebestof my knowledge Datedthis _ay of Af½,20S_ _Ü_BRADl.EY S. Bra ey S Taier,PLS MontanaLicenseNo.75545 LS TAINE THISEXHIBITSHOULDBE CONSIDERED 7554PRELlMINARY&SHOULD NOT BE RECORDEDUNLESSSlGNEDAND SEALED ) O |DRAWNBY;AE&CB ¯%QUALITYCHECK: SUPN TDBdi o^£722 rs - Engineering JOBNO.B16-089 =«ive CADNO..dwg LAYOUT;