HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Public Street and Utility Easement - MSU - Innovation CampusReturn to: City of Bozeman City Clerk PO Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 2772299 ˪?"s A cifí!?!²°sui³²4 PM Fee:00 lillllllllllllll|Illllllllll|IlllHlll||IlllllMlllliklllllllllilllllllllllllll PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT Montana StateUniversityInnovationCampus,GRANTOR,in considerationof $1.00and for otherand valuableconsiderations,receiptof which isacknowledged,grantstoThe City of Bozeman,a municipal corporationof the Stateof Montana,with officesat 121 North Rouse Avenue,Bozeman,Montana 59715,GRANTEE,itssuccessorsand assigns,a perpetualstreet and utilityeasement fortheuse of the public,in,through,and acrossa stripof landsituatedin GallatinCounty,Montana,locatedon the followingdescribedrealproperty:TRACT C-1A OF THE AMENDED PLAT OF WEST COLLEGE MINOR SUBDIVISION #195A,SITUATED IN THE NE 1/4SECTION 14,TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH.RANGE 5 EAST,PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,GALLATIN COUNTY,MONTANA. The easement ismore particularlydescribedon the attachedExhibitsA and B which by thisreferenceismade a parthereof. The GRANTOR statesthathe possessesthe realpropertydescribedabove and thathe has a lawfulrighttograntan easement thereon. The GRANTOR furtheragreesthatthe GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rightsand privilegeshereingrantedwithout any interruptionby theGRANTOR. The terms,covenants,and provisionsofthiseasement shallextend to and be binding upon theheirs,executors,administrators,personalrepresentatives,successors,and assignsof the partieshereto. DATED this3 day of ,20 2-2, Grantor STATE OF MONTANA ) ):ss County of Gallatin ) On this 3 day of 4 ccL ,20A,beforeme the undersigned,a Notary Public fortheStateof Montana,pers Alark .hrg ,known to me tobe Q)f rednr of wawn e,..psanfthe person whose name issubscribedto the within instrumentand acknowledged tome thathe executed thewithininstrumentforand on behalfof ba Snk ikwn'¼/umah 6m 5. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSeal the day and year firstabove written. CHR(STIELEESTANDIFORÒNotaryPublicoTARf.4.o fortheStateofMoritana Residingat:.SEAL * Be|grade,MontanaMyCommissionExpires:(SEAL)March26,2023 Ñotary Public fort f dont fa CMRLSTIE L6E STANDIFDILD (PrintedName) Residing at Bn4RAnn.#1T My Commission expires Ä(arch /¿E /20#3 ACCEPTED: CI O OZEMA by y anager ATTEST: City Clerk STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) On this 1 3 day of M(U((h ,20Z_23beforeme,a Notary Publicfor the Stateof Montana,personallyappeared JEFF MIHELICH and MIKE MAAS,known tome to be the City Manager and City Clerk,respectively,of the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names aresubscribedto the within instrument,and acknowledged to me thatthey executed the same for and on behalfof theCity of Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSeal the day and year firstabove written. (SEAL) Not blicforthe Stateof Montana TAYLOR ÔHAMBERs 0 I or MfL YY )F Ff fortheStat o entana (PrintedName) nesidingat Residing at ff)LJY1GJO .SEAL sozeman,Montan*My Com.mission ExpiresO_L/a /20··-My CommissionExpires;i .January12,2025 A 60' wide Public Street and Utility Easement being 30' on each side of the following i Jon C. Wilkinson, Professional Land Surveyor, 71777;.. A 60' WIDE PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT described centerline, the start of whichis S.0°02'48"W.a distance of 263.18 feet from License No. 16411LS, do hereby certify thatI .' LOCATED ONA PORTION OF TRACT C-IA OF THE the Northwest Corner of Tract C1-A of The Amended Plat of West College Minor conducted this easement survey. AMENDED PLAT OF WEST COLLEGE MINOR Subdivision #195B; thence N.80°07'33"E.a distance of 420.24 feet, thence alonga curve S+ 8t SUBDIVISION# 195B; SITUATED IN THE NW ¼AND NE¼ o e EM hadnga rah of 1m0 h,a cennal angle oWN, along sad cme W LK N ON OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP2 SOUTH, RANGE5 EAST, for and arc length of 855.38 feet, thence S55°13'04"Ea distance of 61.96 feet, thence PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. alonga curveto the left havinga radius of 300.00 feet,a central angle of 78°38'14" and P = 0 l Lb and arc length of 411.74' terminatingata point on the southwesterly right of way of . c Research Dr., whichis N46°27'27"Wa distance of 30.03 feet from the northerly most MT Reg.# 16411LS O N corner of Lot5 of Minor Subdivision No. 273. Morrison-Maierle . The Length of the easement sidelines being lengthened or shortened, as required, so as to begin on the west line of said Tract C1-A and end on the southwesterly right of way of said Research Dr. TRACT C1-A OF THE AMENDED PLAT OF WEST COLLEGE MINOR OQ3"E 420.24 SUBDMSION# 1958 60. CENTQ ~ ~ ' BLICu LOT5 OF 2ss NTp MINOR SUBDIVISION# 273 0 2D ( IN FEET) 2aso Tecnnoiocy siw west DRAM BY: CPK PROJECT NO. Bozeman,MTS9718 DSGN.BY: CPK 5755.005 same Maierle -- - - - en neers- surveyors. planners. scienusts 2°22 PUBLIC STREET AND UTILiTY EASEMENT EX A N:\$755¼05- fnnovation Campus CDs¼CADExhibitsEasemeMsEasements-Public Road.dwg Plottedbyjanc. wiMnsonon Mar/1/2022 An 80' wide Public Street and Utility Easement being 40' on each side of the EXHIBIT B following described centerline, the start of which is N89°54'05"W.a distance of 819.82 feet from the Sortheast Corner of Tract C1-A of The Amended Plat of A 80' WIDE PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT West College Minor Subdivision #195B; thence N.0°00'00"E.a distance of 148.76 LOCATED ON A PORTION OF TRACT C-1 A OF THE . feet, thence alonga curve to the left havinga radius of 400.00 feet,a central AMENDED PLAT OF WEST COLLEGE MINOR angle of 30°09'27", along said curve for and arc length of 210.54 feet, thence SUBDIVISION# 195B; SITUATED IN THE NW¼ AND NE} N.30°09'27"W.a distance of 68.85 feet, thence alonga curve to the right having OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP2 SOUTH, RANGE5 EAST, a radius of 400.00 feet,a central angle of 30°09'27", along said curve for and arc PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. length of 210.54 feet, thence N.0°00'00"E.a distance of 120.83 feet terminating at the south right of way of Technology Blvd. The Length of the easement sidelines being lengthened or shortened, as required, so as to begin on the south | I line of said Tract C1-A and end at the south right of way of Technology Blvd. 32.5' PUBLIC STREET AND - - - - - - -- - - - - UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC.# 2127250 NO°00'00"E 120.83 12.5' PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT PER c2 9 2 DOC.# 2594392 30°0 __. CENTERLINEEND ___ __________-- 80.0 | Jon C. Wilkinson, Professional Land Surveyor, N. 27TH AVE. License No. 16411LS, do hereby certify thatI A00 conducted this easement survey. <1 N0°00'00"E 148.76' Dated this dayo , 2021 CENTERLINE Jon C. son,P START -- -- ----- --T -- MT Reg. # 16411L5 AM OR Morrison-Malerle 0 80 1 Engineering Place DRAWN BY: CPK EXHIBITB PROJECT NO. ( IN FEET ) 2 etDwK.eY: cw s7ssoos 06.W.m CHK. BY: JCW www.rn-m.net DATE: 04/2019 ""9 """ EM Planners. screntists compremsommmy PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT EX B NA5755\005- innovation Campus CDs\ACAD£xhibits\Easements\Easements-Public Road.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Feb/11/2022