HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 Recreation & Aquatics Facilities StudyCity of Bozeman ReCReation/aquatiCs faCility feasiBility study deCemBeR 10, 2012 City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 Project Summary SECTION 2 Project Participants SECTION 3 Project Process SECTION 4 Market Analysis SECTION 5 Community Input SECTION 6 Operations Assessment SECTION 7 Project Options, Programming & Budgets City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 1 SECTION 1: PROJECT SUMMARY Project Summary In late 2011, The City Commission and Recreaon Sta ff idenfied a high priority need to conduct a feasibility studyexamining the exisng demand, use and adequacy of current city aquac and recreaon facilies to meet cur- rent and future community needs. The condion and use of two exisng city aquac facilies were prima ry driving forces behind the effort: The Bogert Pool and the Bozeman Swim Center. The Bogert Pool, a much loved and used community amenity located in a neighborhood park, is nearing the end of its useful life unless major renovaons are performed. The Swim Center, the regions only 50 meter compeve swimming venue is beginning to show s igns of its success through physical wear and tear and difficulty supporng compeve events. A goal of the fea sibility study is determine if either of these facilies cur rently meets the needs of the community, and if not, can they be renovated or augmented with new addional facilies ? In the spring of 2012, the City of Bozeman hired Comma Q Architecture, Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture (BRS), Ballard*King and Associates and Water Technology, Inc. to invesgate the following scope of work: · Solicit community and stakeholder input in at least two public meengs · Prepare demographic and market analysis of similar, nearby, exisng facilies · Determine program components, if applicable, based upon the community input process · Assess alternave sites · Develop conceptual project budgets · Test fit community selected program elements on associated sites · Document findings in a report BRS commenced work in April 2012 and parcipated in two workshops, each including a public meeng. Th e public meengs were augmented by a public survey conducted Leisure Vision, Inc. to benchmark community use and needs of community recreaon facilies. Ballard*King, a firm specializing in recreaon facility planning and operaons consulng, visited area facilies and prepared data market analysis of the area. The design consulng team conduct- ed an exercise with the public to develop consensus about potenal project program elements and budget . BRS then refined the building program—a list of spaces and corresponding areas—along with project costs and developed sketch plans that could be test fit on real or theorecal sites. As a result, the feasibility analysis idenfied 4 potenal projects that could be developed to meet the aquac and recreaonal capacity needs of the community. Of th ese projects, 2 projects, the re-building of the Bogert Pool (Opon 1 and 1A) and the renovaon of the Swim Cent er (Opon 2 and 2A) should be considered as efforts to main- tain current aquacs capacity in the community. Ba sed upon market needs analysis, increased aquacs a nd recrea- onal community capacity needs could be met through the development of a new community recreaon cente r and a new outdoor aquacs park (Opons 3, 3A and 4). City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 2 Bogert Pool: The exisng pool is a cherished cultural icon that has served the community since the 1930s. From an operaons and mainte- nance perspecve, the pool has exceeded its useful life. The design consulng team recommends demoli shing the exisng pool and redeveloping the site with a new pool and aquac features to improve: · Operaonal efficiencies · Provide a variety of new aquac features that meet the needs of a greater age demographic · Improve Safety · Improve ADA access · Improve integraon of the pool facility to the park to be@er support park use and events. Given the constraints of a limited project work area in an exisng park that is fully programmed, the new facility located in this park would improve the experienal quality of using the pool, but will add li@le new aquac capacity r elave to the overall demand and need. This project should be considered as an effort to maintain exisng community recreao nal infrastructure and capacity. The Swim Center: A full renovaon of the Swim Center that includes t he following modificaons to the building to improve operaonal efficien- cies and funcon to improve the marketability of th e facility as a compeve swim venue. · Renovate locker and building entry areas to improve operaonal efficiencies. · Add storage capacity to the building to clear deck space for compeve event spectator viewing. · Expand the building by ten (10) feet in length so that will allow for modificaon of the pool shell to accom- modate a moveable bulkhead system so that the 50 meter lap lanes can be adapted to meet 25 yard and 25 meter short course formats. Like the Bogert Pool, the renovaon and enhancement s to the Swim Center maintain current aquac capaci ty while increasing funconality and end user experience. Increasing Community Aquacs and Recreaonal Capaci ty: The design team also explored opons based upon com munity input to increase aquac and recreaon oppor tunies and ca- pacity beyond the restoraon of capacity of rebuild ing Bogert Pool and remodeling the Swim Center. Capacity to meet current and future community needs could be obtain by building a new community recreaon center and new outdoo r aquacs park. Please reference the Secon 5: Market Analysis, Co mmunity Input and Operaon Assessment; and Secon 6 : Project Opons, Programming & Budgets for full detail. City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 3 SECTION 2: PROJECT PARTICIPANTS Members of City Council Mayor: Sean Becker, Deputy Mayor: Jeff Krauss Commissioner: Carson Taylor Commissioner: Chris Mehl Commissioner: Cynthia Andrus City of Bozeman Staff City Manager: Chris Kukulski, Assistant City Manager: Chuck Winn, Director of Economic Development: Brit Fontenot, Director of Parks and Recreaon (Rered): Ron Dingman, Director of Parks and Recreaon (Current): Mitch Overton, Recreaon Aquac Director: Dan McCarthy Project Manager: Jamie Sai@a, Design Consulng Team Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture: Craig Bouck and Frank Buono Comma Q Architecture, Incorpoarted Ben Lloyd and Tripp Lewton Ballard*King & Associates: Ken Ballard and Darin Barr Water Technology, Incorporated: Douglass Whiteaker Leisure Vision, Incorporated: Ron Vine, City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 4 SECTION 3: PROJECT PROCESS BRS engaged Bozeman residents in a series of (2) two-day workshops. Workshops were held April and October of 2012. At each workshop, the team facilitated a public meeng . Workshop #1– April 3-4 2012 The design team meet with community stakeholders and potenal project partners to gauge interests and con- cerns regarding the feasibility study. The results of these meengs maybe reviewed in the Market Anal ysis, Oper- aonal Assessment and Community Input poron of thi s report. The design team then parcipated in a public meen g, presenng slides describing naonal trends in co mmunity and aquac centers, which provided those present wi th a common understanding of the spaces, funcons a nd features of a aquac and recreaon facilies. A p oron of the public meeng was dedicated to a disc ussion of aquacs programming that included informaon regard ing the new programming potenal for aquacs that p ro- mote socializaon and “water-tainment” value for co mmunies. Next, individuals a@ending the public meeng were d ivided into groups and provided a deck of program cards. Each deck contained over 100 cards describing a variety of community, athlec and aquac elements/spac es. Each card included a space descripon, square foota ge capital cost and an esmate of operaonal expens e and revenue potenal. Each table/team established a bud get for the project based on the revenue informaon pro- vided and then selected and priorized the program cards to meet the budget and cost recovery objecve s. At the conclusion of the exercise, the proposed facility concepts varied in size from 60,000 gross square feet (GSF) to over 100,000 GSF, and from $14M to $30M building construcon cost. Workshop #2 – October 23-24 2012 Based upon the input from the first public meeng and the results of the community aquacs and recreao n sur- vey administered by Leisure Vision, Inc., the design team presented 3 project opons with various var iaons op- ons in the second public meeng. The 3 opons inc luded: 1. New Bogert Pool Facility with spray ground opon s 2. Remodeled Swim Center Facility 3. A new stand alone Community Recreaon Center wit h indoor family leisure aquac programming For details regard these opons, please reference Secon 6: Project Opons, Programming and Budget o f this report. In the immediate discussion following the presentaon of the opons to the community, concern was expressed that majority of the work on the Bogert Pool and the Swim Center concentrated too heavily on main- taining exisng aquacs capacity without adding eno ugh new aquacs capacity to address current and fut ure needs. The design team addresses this community concern by adding a fourth opon of a stand alone out door family aquacs center in this report. City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 5 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 6 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 7 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 8 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 9 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 10 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 11 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 12 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 13 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 14 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 15 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 16 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 17 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 18 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 19 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 20 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 21 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 22 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 23 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 24 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 25 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 26 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 27 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 28 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 29 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 30 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 31 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 32 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 33 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 34 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 35 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 36 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 37 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 38 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 39 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 40 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 41 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 42 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 43 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 44 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 45 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 46 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 47 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 48 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 49 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 50 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 51 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 52 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 53 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 54 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 55 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 56 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 57 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 58 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 59 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 60 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 61 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 62 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 63 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 64 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 65 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 66 SECTION 4: MARKET ANALYSIS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 67 SECTION 5: COMMUNITY INPUT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 68 SECTION 5: COMMUNITY INPUT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 69 SECTION 5: COMMUNITY INPUT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 70 SECTION 5: COMMUNITY INPUT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 71 SECTION 5: COMMUNITY INPUT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 72 SECTION 5: COMMUNITY INPUT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 73 SECTION 5: COMMUNITY INPUT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 74 SECTION 5: COMMUNITY INPUT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 75 SECTION 5: COMMUNITY INPUT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 76 SECTION 5: COMMUNITY INPUT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 77 SECTION 5: COMMUNITY INPUT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 78 SECTION 5: COMMUNITY INPUT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 79 SECTION 5: COMMUNITY INPUT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 80 SECTION 5: COMMUNITY INPUT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 81 SECTION 5: COMMUNITY INPUT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 82 SECTION 5: COMMUNITY INPUT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 83 SECTION 6: OPERATIONS ASSESSMENT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 84 SECTION 6: OPERATIONS ASSESSMENT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 85 SECTION 6: OPERATIONS ASSESSMENT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 86 SECTION 6: OPERATIONS ASSESSMENT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 87 SECTION 6: OPERATIONS ASSESSMENT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 88 SECTION 6: OPERATIONS ASSESSMENT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 89 SECTION 7: PROJECT OPTIONS, PROGRAMMING & BUDGETS City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 90 OPTION 1 - BOGERT POOL REPLACEMENT Opon 1: Bogert Pool Replacement - 5,000 SF Pool + 3,000 SF Sprayground S. Church Ave Bogert Park Gate House and Concessions Locker Rooms and Pool Mechanical 3,000 SF Sprayground 5,000 SF Family Leisure Pool New at Grade Connecon to Bogert Park City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 91 OPTION 1 - BOGERT POOL REPLACEMENT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 92 OPTION 1 - BOGERT POOL REPLACEMENT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 93 OPTION 1 - BOGERT POOL REPLACEMENT City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 94 Opon 1A: Bogert Pool Replacement - 7,000 SF Pool OPTION 1A - BOGERT POOL REPLACEMENT S. Church Ave Bogert Park Gate House and Concessions Locker Rooms and Pool Mechanical 7,000 SF Family Leisure Pool New at Grade Connecon to Bogert Park City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 95 OPTION 1A - BOGERT POOL REPLACEMENT Bogert Park City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 96 OPTION 1A - BOGERT POOL REPLACEMENT Bogert Park City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 97 OPTION 1A - BOGERT POOL REPLACEMENT Bogert Park City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 98 OPTION 2 - SWIM CENTER RENOVATION Opon 2: Swim Center Renovaon - Building Updates + Pool Extension Bozeman High School New Mul-purpose Removable Spectator Bleachers Building and 50 Meter Pool extended 10 feet to accommodate two (2) movable bulkheads New Entry, Lounge, Control Desk, Staff Office and New General and Bleacher Storage New Meet Management Room/ Moveable bulkheads shown posioned for 25 yard lap configuraon Renovated Life Guard Room City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 99 OPTION 2 - SWIM CENTER RENOVATION City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 100 OPTION 2 - SWIM CENTER RENOVATION City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 101 OPTION 2 - SWIM CENTER RENOVATION City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 102 OPTION 2A - SWIM CENTER RENOVATION Opon 2A: Swim Center Renovaon - Building Updates with No Change to the Pool Bozeman High School New Mul-purpose Removable Spectator Bleachers Building and 50 Meter Pool extended 10 feet to accommodate two (2) movable bulkheads New Entry, Lounge, Control Desk, Staff Office and New General and Bleacher Storage New Meet Management Room/ Moveable bulkheads shown posioned for 25 yard lap configuraon Renovated Life Guard Room City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 103 OPTION 2A - SWIM CENTER RENOVATION Opon 2A: Swim Center Renovaon - Building Updates with No Change to the Pool City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 104 OPTION 2A - SWIM CENTER RENOVATION Opon 2A: Swim Center Renovaon - Building Updates with No Change to the Pool City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 105 OPTION 2A - SWIM CENTER RENOVATION Opon 2A: Swim Center Renovaon - Building Updates with No Change to the Pool City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 106 OPTION 3 & 3A - BOZEMAN RECREATION CENTER Opon 3 : A New Stand Alone Community Recreaon Center Opon 3A : A New Stand Alone Community Recreaon Center + Ou tdoor Family Aquacs Upper Level Conceptual Space Plan Lower Level Conceptual Space Plan Opon 3A to include Outdoor Family Aquacs adjacent to the Leisure Pool City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 107 OPTION 3 - BOZEMAN RECREATION CENTER City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 108 OPTION 3 - BOZEMAN RECREATION CENTER City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 109 OPTION 3 - BOZEMAN RECREATION CENTER City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 110 OPTION 3 - BOZEMAN RECREATION CENTER City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 111 OPTION 3 - BOZEMAN RECREATION CENTER City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 112 OPTION 3A - BOZEMAN RECREATION CENTER City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 113 OPTION 3A - BOZEMAN RECREATION CENTER City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 114 OPTION 3A - BOZEMAN RECREATION CENTER City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 115 OPTION 3A - BOZEMAN RECREATION CENTER City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 116 OPTION 3A - BOZEMAN RECREATION CENTER City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 117 OPTION 4 - NEW OUTDOOR FAMILY AQUATICS PARK Opon 4 : A New Stand Alone Outdoor Family Aquacs Park (4 to 5 acre site Locaon to be determined) 4 to 5 Acre Site Locaon To be Determined Main Entry Gate House and Concessions Two (2) Mul-Use Pools. Total: 10,000 SF Locker Rooms and Pool Mechanical Parking for 250 Cars D rop O ff City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 118 OPTION 4 - NEW OUTDOOR FAMILY AQUATICS PARK City of Bozeman Recreation / Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study / 12.27.2012 | Page 119 OPTION 4 - NEW OUTDOOR FAMILY AQUATICS PARK 3457 Ringsby Court, unit 200 | denver, Co 80216 | 303-455-1366 | brs@brsarch.com | www.brsarch.com