HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Annexation Agreement - Billings ClinicInter-officeOriginalto: CityofBozeman CityClerk PO Box 1230 Bozeman MT 59771-1230 2776749 1111||||||||1111|||||l|||l111§Il||11111||l||1111111||1||||||D111ll||1||111111|||111111 THE BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and enteredintothisQ1M day of f\7i|,2022, by and between the CITY OF BOZEMAN,a self-governingmunicipal corporationorganized and existingunder itsCharterand the laws of theStateof Montana with officesat 121 N.Rouse Avenue, Bozeman,Montana 59715-0640,hereinafterreferredtoas "City",and BillingsClinic,2800 10thAvenue North,Billings,MT 59101,hereinafterreferredtoas "Landowner". W ITN ESSETH: WHEREAS,Landowner isowner infeeof a tractof certainrealproperty,which togetherwith an adjacentpublicrightof way for Davis Lane ishereinafterreferredto as the BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION,situatedinGallatinCounty,Montana,and more particularly describedas follows: An areaof landcomprised describedas follows: A Tractof land locatedintheSouthwest 1/4of Section26,Township 1 South,Range 5 East, P.M.M.,GallatinCounty,Montana,more particularlydescribedas follows: Beginning ata pointon thecommon linebetween sections26 and 27,Township 1 South, Range 5 East,P.M.M.,saidpointbeingthesouthwestcornerofTractA-1 ofCertificateof Survey 165 A;thencefrom saidPointof BeginningN 89°44'39"E,a distanceof296.06 feet BillingsClinicBozeman Campus Annexation Agreement alongthesouth lineof saidTractA-l;thenceS 00°57'53"W,a distanceof 597.06 feet;thence S 88°42'42"W,a distanceof 149.78feettothe northlineof CattailLake Subdivision;thenceS 50°16'06"W,a distanceof 187.09 feetalong saidnorthlineof CattailLake Subdivisiontothe common lineof Sections26 and 27,Township 1 South,Range 5 East,P.M.M.;thenceN 89°23'31"W,a distanceof30.00 feettothewest lineof theDavis Lane road right-of-way; thenceN 00°36'29"E,a distanceof 718.65 feetalong saidDavis Lane road right-of-way; thenceS 89°23'31"E,a distanceof 30.00 feettothecommon lineof Sections26 and 27, Township 1 South,Range 5 East,P.M.M and thePointof Beginning;saidtractcontaining 4.7346 acres. All asdepictedon theBILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS Annexation Map. WHEREAS,theLandowner petitionedtheCityforannexationtotheCityof itstractof landand 7-2-421l Mont.Code Ann.requiresannexationof adjacentpublicrightof way;and WHEREAS,the BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION isnotwithinthe corporatelimitsoftheCity orothermunicipalityand may thereforebe annexed totheCityinaccordance withtheprovisionsof thisAgreement and Title7,Chapter2,Part46,Mont.Code Ann.;and WHEREAS,allpartiesrecognize the annexation of the BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION pursuant to Section7-2-4601,et seq.,Mont.Code Ann.willallow the BILLINGS CLINIC BO7EMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION to connect to and utilizeCity services, includingmunicipalwaterand sewer service,parksand recreation,fireand policeservices,and theCity's transportationsystem;and WHEREAS,Section7-2-4610,Mont.Code Ann.providesthata municipalityand Landowner can agreetothe provisionsof servicestotheareatobe annexed;and WHEREAS,the partiesrecognize additionaldevelopment on the BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION willimpact areaparks,recreation,transportation,police,and fire services,and that future improvements may require additionalpublic infrastructurestreet improvements includingtransportationfortraf6ccirculationand the provisionsof parks,recreation, police,and ñre services;and BillingsClinicBozeman Campus Annexation Agreement 2 WHEREAS,the Landowner findsthisAgreement willprovide forthe most satisfactoryand dependable water supply and sewer supply or service,and provide transportation,parks,recreation, police and Gre service for development of the BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION;and WHEREAS,thepartieshave determinedthatitisinthebestinterestsofthe Cityand Landowner, and infurtheranceofthepublichealth,safetyand welfareof thecommunity toenterintoand implement thisAgreement. W IT N ESS E T H: IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants and agreements hereincontained,the parties heretoagreeas follows: 1.Recitals The above recitalsaretrueand correct. 2.Annexation The Landowner Sled an applicationforannexation of the BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION with the City on May 1,2020,which applicationwas most recently supplemented and restatedon November 12,2021.By executionofthisAgreement,theCitymanifests itsintenttoannex the BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION tractpursuanttothe terms and conditionsof thisAgreement.Subjecttothe provisionsof Title7,Chapter2,Part46,Mont. Code Ann.the Cityshall,upon executionof thisAgreement,adopt a Resolutionof Annexation of the BILLINGS CLINIC BO7.EMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION.Further,upon the execution of this Agreement,the Landowner shalldo allthingsrequiredby thisAgreement and allthingsnecessaryand propertoaidand assisttheCity incarryingout theterms,conditionsand provisionsof thisAgreement and toeffecttheannexationof theBILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION. BillingsClinicBozeman Campus Annexation Agreement 3 3.ServicesProvided The City will,upon annexation,make availableto the BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION existingCityservicesonly totheextentcurrentlyavailable,or as provided inthisAgreement. 4.Municipal Water Service Defined The term "municipalwater service"as isused in thisagreement shallbe theservicewhich is suppliedby theCity inaccordance with Chapter40,Article2,Bozeman Municipal Code,as amended, as wellas any othertermsand conditionswhich applytotheCity'sprovisionof municipalwaterservice butdoes not includetheextensionof linesor constructionof necessaryimprovements atany costtothe City for delivery of water to and within the BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION.Nothing inthisAgreement shallobligatetheCitytopay forright-of-wayacquisition, engineering,construction,and othercostsforthedeliveryof watertoor withinthe BILLINGS CLINIC BO7.EMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION to include,but not limitedto,any impact fees,hook-up, connection,or development chargeswhich have been or may be establishedby theCity. 5.Municipal Sewer Service Defined The term "municipalsewer service"as isused in thisAgreement shallbe theservicewhich is suppliedby theCity inaccordancewith Chapter40,Article3,Bozeman Municipal Code,as amended, aswellas any otherterms and conditionswhich apply totheCity'sprovisionof thisservicebutdoes not includethe extensionof linesor constructionof necessaryimprovements atany costto the City for collectionof sewage at and withinthe BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION. Nothing in thisAgreement shallobligatethe City to pay for right-of-wayacquisition,engineering, construction,and othercostsforthecollectionof sewage servicesto or withinthe BILLINGS CLINIC BillingsClinicBozeman Campus Annexation Agreement 4 BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION to include,but not limitedto,any impact fees,hookup, connection,or development chargeswhich may be establishedby theCity. 6.Water Rights The Landowner specificallyrecognizesand agreesthe Landowner must providewater rightsor cash in-lieuof waterrightsupon furtherdevelopment or subdivisionof thepropertyinaccordance with Section38.410.130,Bozeman Municipal Code.The City willcalculatethe amount of water rightsor cash-in-lieuthereofdue atthetime of furtherdevelopment or subdivisionof thepropertybased on the annualdemand forvolume of water thedevelopment willrequiremultipliedby themost currentannual unitpriceineffecton thedatethewater rightsaretransferredor payment-in-lieuofwater rightsistobe made to the City.As such,the Landowner acknowledges thattheratesforcash in-lieuof water rights may increaseover time as establishedby Resolutionof the City Commission.The applicantmust perform a water rightssearchtodetermine ifany existforthisproperty.The Landowner must transfer any waterrightsthatexistforthispropertytotheCityof Bozeman priortodevelopment.Ifinsufficient water rightsexist,theLandowner must pay cash inlieuof water rights,inan amount determinedby the Directorof PublicService,priortodevelopment. 7.Water and Sewer Connections Landowner understands and agrees that water and sewer servicesmust be constructedin accordance with designand specificationsapproved by theCitypriortothe installationofthewaterand sewer lines.Landowner must contacttheCity Water and Sewer Divisiontoobtaindetailsofconstruction requirements.Landowner furtherunderstandsand agreesthatpriorto connectiontotheCitywater and sewer system,any existingon-sitesewage treatment system must be properly abandoned and certificationprovided to the City Water and Sewer Division that the abandonment occurred.The Landowner must reporttheabandonment totheGallatinCityCounty Health Department.Inadditionto BillingsClinicBozeman Campus Annexation Agreement 5 abandonment of theseptictank and leachfield,theapplicantmust demonstratethatany sanitarysewer line has been completely disconnected from any existingsepticsystem prior to the Landowner connectingthetotheCitysanitarysewer system. Any wellspresentlyused fordomestic purposes may be retainedfor irrigationonly,with no physical connection to municipal domestic water piping.Certificationthat there is no physical connectionbetween any on-sitewell and a domestic water linecoming from the City'swater supply must be provided.The City Water and Sewer Divisionmay perform an inspectionof the propertyand certifythatthe disconnectionof the well and septicsystem abandonment are properlycompleted. Landowner understandsand agrees thatifLandowner failsto properlyabandon any existingseptic system and/orfailstodisconnectany existingwellfrom thedomesticwater pipingas requiredhereinthe City may upon tenday's writtennoticeto the Landowner terminatewater and/orsewer servicestothe property.Costs of alldisconnectsand/orsubsequentreconnectsshallbe borne by Landowner. 8.Comprehensive Water and Water Design Report Priortofuturedevelopment of thepropertytheCitymay requiretheLandowner tohave prepared by a ProfessionalEngineer,at Landowner's soleexpense,a comprehensive designreportevaluating existingcapacityof sewer and waterutilitiesinthearea.The reportmust includehydraulicevaluations ofeach utilityforbothexistingand post-developmentdemands,and thereportfindingsmust demonstrate adequate capacityto servethe fulldevelopment of the land.Ifadequate infrastructurecapacityisnot availableforthe proposeddevelopment,thereportmust identifynecessarywater or wastewatersystem improvements necessaryfortheproposed development.Ifimprovements to thiswater or wastewater system are necessary,the Landowner agrees prior to development of the BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION to complete,at Landowner's expense,the necessarysystem improvements toservetheproposed development. BillingsClinicBozeman Campus Annexation Agreement 6 9.Future Development Limitations The Landowner shallbe responsibleforinstallingallfacilitiesrequiredtoprovidefullmunicipal servicestothepropertyinaccordancewiththeCity'sInfrastructureMaster Plansand allCityregulations, policiesand guidelinesthatmay be ineffectatthetime of any futuredevelopment.Thus,Landowner understandsand agreesLandowner has no right,eithergrantedor implied,foritto furtherdevelopany of the BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION untilitisverifiedby the City that the necessarymunicipal services,includingbut not limitedto policeand fireprotection,parks and recreation,transportation,and sewer and water capacity,are availableto allor a portionof the BILLINGS CLINIC BO7.EMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION.Notice isthusprovidedtotheLandowner thatpriorto additionaldevelopment of the property,the Landowner will be solelyresponsiblefor installing,atLandowner's soleexpense,any facilitiesorinfrastructurerequiredtoprovidefullmunicipal servicesto the BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION in accordance with the City'sinfrastructureplans,adopted Growth Policies/Community Plans,and allothercityregulations, policiesand guidelinesthatmay be ineffectatthetime of development. 10.Stormwater Master Plan Landowner understandsand agrees a Stormwater Master Plan for the BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION fora system designedto remove solids,oils,grease,and other pollutantsfrom therunofffrom publicstreetsand other impermeable surfacesmay be requiredto be providedto and approved by the City Engineeratthetime of any futuredevelopment.The planmust demonstratethatadequatetreatmentof runofffrom publicstreets,otherimpermeable surfaces,and all futurelotswill be achieved by providingspot elevations,flow directionarrows,detentionand/or retentionbasindetails(includingbasin sizingcalculationsand basintypicalsections),outletstructure details,and culvertcapacitycalculations.The planmust alsolocateand provideeasements foradequate BillingsClinicBozeman Campus Annexation Agreement 7 drainageways withinthe BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION to transport treatedrunoffto the stormwater receivingchannel.The plan shallincludesitegradingand elevation information,typicalstormwater detention/retentionbasin and dischargestructuredetails,basinsizing calculations,and stormwater maintenance plan.Landowner recognizesthe City may requiresuch Stormwater Master Planto be implemented inallor partas a conditionof approvalof development of theBILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION. 11.Waiver of Right-to-ProtestSpecialDistricts A.Landowner shallexecutea Waiver of Right-to-ProtestCreationof SpecialDistrictsor Special Improvement Districtsfor streetand transportationimprovements includingdesign and engineering,paving and subsurfaceimprovements,curb and gutter,sidewalkand stormwaterdrainage facilities,and fiberopticconduitfor: A)Streetimprovements to EastValleyCenterRoad includingpaving,curb/gutter,sidewalk, lightingand storm drainage; B)Streetimprovements toNorth 27th Avenue includingpaving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,lighting and stormdrainage; C)Streetimprovements to Davis Lane includingpaving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,lightingand storm drainage; D)Streetimprovements to West Lake Road includingpaving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,lighting and storm drainage;and Trafñc controland streetimprovements forthefollowingintersections: E)Intersectionimprovements to East ValleyCenter Road and North 27th Avenue F)Intersectionimprovements to EastValleyCenter Road and Davis Lane G)Intersectionimprovements to EastValleyCenter Road and Catamount Street H)Intersectionimprovements toCatamount Streetand North 27th Avenue 1)Intersectionimprovements toCatamount Streetand Davis Lane. BillingsClinicBo7.eman Campus Annexation Agreement 8 The Landowner agreessuch SID willprovidea mechanism forthe fairand equitableassessmentof constructionand maintenance costsforsuch improvements.The waiver isattachedheretoas Exhibit "A"and ishereby incorporatedinand made a partofthisAgreement. B.Landowner agrees thatin the event a specialdistrictor an SID isnot utilizedforthe completion of theseimprovements as describedin subsectionsA and B above,the Landowner shall participateinan alternativeSnancing method forthecompletionof saidimprovements on a fairshare, proportionatebasisas determined by the City on the basisof the square footageof property,taxable valuationof theproperty,trafñccontributionfrom thedevelopment or a combinationthereof. 12.Payback Districts The BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION is not within any payback districts. 13.Public Streetand UtilityEasement The Landowner understandsand agreesthata publicstreetand utilityeasement must be provided forDavis Lane,includinga 20'publicstreetand utilityeasement extendingfrom the existingcounty roadeasement.The Landowner,atitssoleexpense,has createdsuch an easement ina locationand form agreeableto the City and the easement was recordedwith the GallatinCounty Clerk and Recorder's Officeon January21,2021 as Document No.2716624.The Landowner furtherunderstandsand agrees thatadditionalpublicstreetand utilityeasements may be requiredfordeliveryof municipalservices with futuredevelopment and such easement shallbe providedattheLandowner's soleexpense. 14.StreetImprovements The Landowner understandsand agrees thatat the time of futuredevelopment the portionof Davis Lane and itsrelatedtransportationinfrastructurefrontingthe BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION thispropertymust be improved toa CitystandardatLandowner's expense. BillingsClinicBozeman Campus Annexation Agreement 9 15.Im pact Fees Landowner acknowledges thatannexationand development of theirpropertywillimpact the City'sexistingstreet,water and sewer infrastructure,and the City'sfireservice.As approved by the City,theLandowner and itssuccessorsmust pay: A)Fireimpact feesequaltotheamount perChpt.2,Art.6.Div.9 BMC,oras amended,at time of issuanceof a buildingpermit. B)Transportationimpact feesequal totheamount perChpt.2,Art.6.Div.9 BMC,or as amended,attime of issuanceofa buildingpermit. C)Water impactfeesas requiredby Chpt.2,Art.6.Div.9 BMC,orasamended,atthetime of connectiontocitywaterservices. D)Sewer impactfeesas requiredby Chpt.2,Art.6.Div.9 BMC,or as amended,atthetime of connectiontocitysewer services. The amount of impact feethe Landowner or itssuccessorspay forconnectiontothecity'swater and sewer services,ifany,shallbe calculatedbased on theprovisionsoftheBozeman MunicipalCode, as amended,ineffectat the time of applicationfora permitto connect.The amount of streetor fire impact feesto be paid,ifany,shallbe calculatedbased on the provisionsof the Bozeman Municipal Code,as amended,ineffectatthetime an applicationforbuildingpermitissubmitted. Landowner furtherunderstandsand agrees thatany improvements,eitheron-siteor off-site, necessaryto provideconnectionof the BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION municipalservicesand which are wholly attributableto the propertyas determinedexclusivelyby the City are considered"projectrelatedimprovements"as defined in Chapter 2,Article6,Division9, Bozeman MunicipalCode,as amended,and as such,are noteligibleforimpactfeecredits. IfLandowner defaultson thisconditionatthetime such istobe performed,and should default not be remedied or correctedwithinthirty(30)days afterwrittennoticeby City totheLandowner and Landowner/Developer ofsuch default,Citymay atitsoption: A)Declaretheamounts owing forimpact feesimmediatelydue and payableand City shallhave therightand privilegeto take legalactionagainstLandowners forthe collectionofsuch sum,includingtheentryof any judgment.Inaddition,theCity BillingsClinicBozeman Campus Annexation Agreement 10 may,atitsoption,enforcepayment of such amount by levyingan assessmenton theproperty. B)Electany otherremedy availabletoCityunder thelaws of theStateof Montana. 16.Assessments Landowner understandsand agreesthatafterthisAgreement isrecordedthe BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION willbe subjecttoCityassessmentsforarterialand collectorstreets,streetmaintenance,and treemaintenanceon thesame basisas allotherpropertiesin theCity. 17.AdditionalTerms The partiesrecognizethesedocuments must be filedand ofrecordwiththeGallatinCounty Clerk and Recorder priorto the saleof any land within the BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION.The partiesfurtheragreethattheCitymay filethesedocuments atany time. 18.Governing Law and Venue This agreement shallbe construedunder and governed by thelaws of the stateof Montana.In theeventof litigation,venue isinthe EighteenthJudicialDistrictCourt,inand forCounty of Gallatin, Stateof Montana. 19.Attorney's Fees in the event itbecomes necessary foreitherpartyto thisAgreement to retainan attorneyto enforceany of theterms or conditionsof thisAgreement,then the prevailingpartyshallbe entitledto reasonableattorney'sand paralegalfeesand costs,to includethe salaryand costsof in-housecounsel includingCityAttorney. 20.Waiver BillingsClinicBozeman Campus Annexation Agreement Il No waiver by eitherpartyof any breachof any term,covenant or agreement shallbe deemed a waiverof thesame orany subsequentbreachofthissame or any otherterm,covenantoragreement.No covenant,term or agreement shallbe deemed waived by eitherpartyunlesswaived inwriting. 21.InvalidProvision The invalidityor unenforceabilityof any provisionof thisagreement shallnotaffectthe other provisionshereof,and this Agreement shallbe construed in all respectsas if such invalidor unenforceableprovisionwere omitted. 22.Modificationsor Alterations No modificationsor amendment ofthisAgreement shallbe validunlessevidencedby a writing signedby thepartieshereto. 23.No Assignment Itisexpresslyagreed thatthe Landowner and/or Landowner/Developer shallnot assignthis Agreement inwhole or inpartwithoutpriorwrittenconsentof theCity. 24.Successors This Agreement shallbe bindingupon,inuretothe benefitof and be enforceableby theparties heretoand theirrespectiveheirs,successorsand assignsand specificallytoany subsequentpurchaserof theannexed property. 25.Covenants to Run with the Land The partiesintend that the terms of thisAgreement shallbenefitthe BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION and shallbe covenants running with the land and shallnot expireattheirdeathsor upon transferof ownership of theproperty. The undersignedLandowner affirmsthatthey have authoritytoenterintothisAgreement and to bind themselvestothisAgreement. BillingsClinicBo7.eman Campus Annexation Agreement 12 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,thepartiesheretohave caused thisagreement tobe executedtheday and year firstabove written. LANDOWNER BILLINGS CLINIC By: Name:M tC,h n Its:VP 900 hk Ccrt nTheq STATE OF MONTANA ) COUNTY OF On this day of beforeme,the undersigned,a Notary Publicforthe State f to ana,perso ly appeared known to me tobe theVP F,fh ofBillingsCli c,theLandowner thatexecuted thewithininstrument,and eknowledged tome thats/heexecutedthesame forand on behalfof Billings Clinic. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy officialsealtheday and year firstabove written. (úiñeïalstamp) DINABROPHY , .oTARf ',NOTARY PUBLICforthe j StateofMontana SEAL .ResidingatBiiiings,Montana.(Signatureof notariaof cer My CommissionExpires Ejir'só8 October08,2022 BillingsClinicBozeman Campus Annexation Agreement 13 CITY OF BOZEMAN .Mihe ich,City Manager ATTEST: By:Mike Maas,City Clerk STATE OF MONTANA ) :ss COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) On thi day of .2022,beforeme,a Notary Publicforthe stateof Montana,personallyappearedJeffMihelichand Mike Maas,known tome tothepersons describedinand who executedtheforegoinginstrumentas City Manager and CityClerkrespectively, of theCity of Bozeman,whose names aresubscribedtothewithininstrumentand acknowledged to me thattheyexecutedthesame forand on behalfof saidCity. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and af6xed my officialsealtheday and yearErstabove written. c (OfficialStamp) (Sign tureo otarialofficer) ,,JULIE HUNTER ·9 NotaryPublic oTAR4 .fortheStateofMontana Residingat: SEAL Bozeman,Montana ··My CommissionExpires: ,..,,,.o June11,2025 BillingsClinicBozeman Campus Annexation Agreement 14 EXHIBIT "A" WAIVER OF RIGHT TO PROTEST CREATION OF SPECIAL DISTR.ICT OR SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS BILLINGS CLINIC BOZEMAN CAMPUS ANNEXATION The undersignedowner oftherealpropertysituatedintheCounty ofGallatin,Stateof Montana, and more particularlydescribedas follows: Lot 2A-1 of Minor Subdivision221F,Section26,TIS,R5E,P.M.M.GallatinCounty, Montana. IN CONSIDERATION of receivingapproval forannexationof the subjectpropertyfrom the City of Bozeman,along with accompanying rightsand privilegesand for other and valuable consideration,thereceiptof which ishereby acknowledged,and inrecognitionof the impactstoDavis Lane,E.Valley Center Road,Westlake Road,Catamount Street,and N.27thAvenue dich willbe caused by the development of the above-describedproperty,the owner has waived and does hereby waive foritself,itssuccessorsand assignsforevertherighttoprotestthecreationof one or more special districtsor specialimprovement districtsfor the design and engineering,paving and subsurface improvements,curb and gutter,sidewalk,lighting,stormwater drainage facilities,and fiberoptic conduit,and maintenanceof thefollowingimprovements: A)Streetimprovements to East ValleyCenter Road includingpaving,curb/gutter,sidewalk, lightingand storm drainage; B)Streetimprovements toNorth 27th Avenue includingpaving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,lighting and storm drainage; C)Streetimprovements to Davis Lane includingpaving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,lightingand storm drainage; D)Streetimprovements to West Lake Road includingpaving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,lighting and storm drainage;and Trafficcontroland streetimprovements forthefollowingintersections: E)Intersectionimprovements to EastValleyCenter Road and North 27th Avenue F)Intersectionimprovements to EastValleyCenter Road and Davis Lane BillingsClinicBozeman Campus Annexation Agreement 15 G)Intersectionimprovements to EastValleyCenter Road and Catamount Street H)Intersectionimprovements toCatamount Streetand North 27th Avenue I)Intersectionimprovements toCatamount Streetand Davis Lane. Landowner agreesthe City has the sole rightto controlthe design and constructionof such improvements and may includeany of the above components and othersnecessaryto ensure such improvements comply with all adopted City infrastructureplans and requirements.Further,the Landowner waives itsrightor to make any writtenprotestagainstthe sizeor areaor creationof the districtbe assessedin responseto a duly passed resolutionof intentionto createone or more special improvement districtswhich would includetheabove-describedproperty. In theeventa specialdistrictor specialimprovement districtisnotutilizedforthecompletionof these improvements,the developer agrees to participatein an alternatefinancingmethod for the completion of saidimprovements on a fairshare,proportionatebasisas determined by theCityon the basisof thesquarefootageof property,taxablevaluationof the property,trafficcontributionfrom the development or a combinationthereof. This waiver ismade forthebenefitof the propertydescribedhereinshallbe a covenantrunning with theland. The terms,covenants and provisionsof thiswaiver shallextend to,and be binding upon the successors-in-interestand assignsof the Landowner. DATED thisd)day of ri ,2022. BillingsClinicBozeman Campus Annexation Agreement 16 LANDOWNER BILLINGS CLINIC By: Name:4+C,h G-7 Its:N/9 h))hes Ocn n STATE OF MONTANA ) COUNTY OF ) On this day of ,202?,bgfor me,theundersigned,a Notary Public fortheStateof ontan er al appegred (,known tome to be the of BillingsClinic,he Landowner thatexecutedthewithin instrument,and acknowledged tome thathe executedthesame forand on behalfof BillingsClinic. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy officialsealtheday and yearf rstabove written. TA r ICforthe StateofMontana.SEAL .ResidingatBillings,Montana (Ignatureof nota 1 ficer....My CommissionExpires Vyó8 October08,2022 BillingsClinicBozeman Campus Annexation Agreement 17