HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-14-22 Public Comment - K. Orelup - Re Application 21394From:Kristen Orelup To:Danielle Garber; Agenda Subject:Re: Application 21394 Date:Saturday, May 14, 2022 10:08:29 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I strongly oppose Application 21394 for the following reasons: 1. Baxter Lane is a one lane street and this new development would increase traffic on this already busy road. Their are not lights or traffic control on Baxter in this proposed area. Thistraffic will increase the risk of injury to pets, children, pedestrians, bikers, and residents. 2. The parking situation on Buckrake is dismall on a good day. The overflow parking from a 40 unit apartment complex would no doubtedly find its way onto our already crowded streets. Buckrake for example, is bumper to bumper parking on both sides of the street. This makes seeing children and pets crossing into the street extremely difficult. My daughter, who is 9 andself aware enough to be cautious around streets was almost hit by a car because she was trying to get into my vehicle parked on the street. The city has no business approving additionalhousing in this area, or other neighborhoods, until it helps find parking solutions. The proposed north entrance would eliminate two parking spaces that are already in short demand. 3. The speed limit on Baxter Ln is 40 mph. Imagine 40 units of people leaving this apartmentcomplex and the already overly saturated neighborhood at 7:45 in the morning to get to work. I can already tell you from sitting at the dangerous bus stop at Buckrake and Baxter there arealready multiple near misses a day. There should be a traffic light installed at 27th and Baxter before any additional housing is considered. Bozeman has notoriously just built and notworried about any of this because it seems that all that matters in this town now is money. Not the safety of the residents. 4. Adding additional homes would increase the rate of crime. On New Year's Eve 2021, 5-6cars were side swiped on Buckrake. Those people have yet to receive any help resolving this. If our police department can not respond to current crime in this neighborhood, how do youpropose you will monitor and take responsibility for the increase in crime by cramming 100+ people into the same amount of space? 5. One of the only things I like about this neighborhood is the mature trees. They providehomes to native birds and animals. We are already doing our worst at taking care of this planet. Removing healthy, mature trees to poor concrete should make you lose sleep at night. A very unhappy Montana native,Kristen On Sat, May 14, 2022 at 10:46 AM Kristen Orelup <kristen.a.orelup@gmail.com> wrote: In response to the notice for another poorly built, rushed, monstrosity apartment complex inBozeman. I am the owner of 2216 Buckrake Ave. The documents for this application have theincorrect owner listed for this address. I do not have time to wade through all the lengthy legal documents. I do however plead with the city to not approve this project. This city is now the laughing stock of Montana. Iam a fourth generation Montanan and I can barely afford to live in this town working as a physician assistant. It now looks like the cities that people left with all the eyesoreapartments, crowded neighborhoods, horrendous traffic, and rude people. I bought my condo because I have the smallest sliver of a view of the Bridgers and it was all I could afford. This proposal puts a 3 story building in my backyard. Stop allowing big companies from out of state to build apartments. Stop encouraging peopleto move here and live in a shoebox that will cost them $2,000 a month to rent. The city, its resources, roads, health care, schools and long time residents can not take anymore. Thiswhole valley is oversaturated. Stop being part of the problem and become part of the solution. Please, for the love of what this town use to be, do not approve this proposal. Kristen Orelup