HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Task Order 1 - HDR - Water Reclamation FacilityExhibit A to Professional Services Agreement TASK ORDER NUMBER 01 Issued under the authority of Professional Services Agreement between the City of Bozeman and [INSERT CONTRACTOR NAME] for: A range of professional and technical services related to operations and maintenance of the City of Bozeman Water Reclamation Facility, including but not necessarily limited to engineering design, preparation of construction documents, project bidding, and construction administration services for various improvement projects. This Task Order is dated , 2022 between City of Bozeman (City) and HDR Engineering, Inc. (Contractor). The following representatives have been designated for the work performed under this Task Order: City: Griffin Nielsen Contractor: Coralynn Revis SCOPE OF WORK: (attach additional sheet(s) as required) A. East Gallatin River Restoration (Bank 2) Scope See Attachment 1 for scope of work details COMPENSATION: HDR shall be reimbursed on a Time & Materials basis not to exceed the budget amount presented, without prior written authorization from the City of Bozeman. HDR shall notify the City of Bozeman prior to executing additional work, and shall not proceed with additional work without written authorization from the City of Bozeman. HDR shall invoice no more often than monthly for services provided in the prior month. The provisions of the Professional Services Master Task Order Agreement and any Special Terms and Conditions and/or Exhibits or Attachments to this Task Order shall govern the Work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties authorized to commit resources of the companies have executed this Task Order: City of Bozeman Contractor By: By: Title: Title: Date: Date: Fed. ID. No. DocuSign Envelope ID: DEC2842E-8CBF-4AE7-BA4D-DE73C1A683EA 47-0680568 5/6/2022 Vice President 5/6/2022 City Manager April 26 Scope of Services | WRF On Call EAST GALLATIN RIVER RESTORATION March 10, 2022 1 of 6 Attachment 1 – East Gallatin River Restoration (Bank 2) Scope Introduction The City of Bozeman (City or COB) discharges treated effluent from its Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) through an outfall into the main channel of the East Gallatin River (hereafter referred to as discharge channel). In May of 2018 an avulsion event completely cutoff the discharge channel and the full flow of water was routed to a new channel (hereafter referred to as avulsion channel). The City took action to restore the East Gallatin River to the discharge channel by reconstructing the avulsed bank and adding a channel plug to help prevent a future avulsion at this location. To further enhance the stream through the City’s property, the City has expressed interest in rehabilitation of the rest of the stream within the immediate location of the outfall. The bank (Bank 2) located immediately downstream of the recently completed project was previously stabilized (riprap) but that remedy has failed. Currently, Bank 2 is quickly eroding and providing a source of sediment for the stream. This bank is a high terrace on the outside limits of the active floodplain and a good candidate for stabilization without impacting normal channel function. The COB has expressed interest in re-establishing bank stability to provide stream stability and safety to foot traffic. The following scope of work is to provide engineering services to the COB for design, permitting and construction services for stabilizing Bank 2 along the East Gallatin River. The goal of this project is to design a bank to provide stability to the channel, reduce sediment point source of the East Gallatin River, and improve safety concerns for recreating public while also meeting local, state, and federal permitting requirements. Project Schedule The project schedule is set with the goal that construction of this project will take place during the fall/early winter of 2022. Assumptions: · Notice to Proceed (NTP) will be received by HDR in March 2022. · COB will provide review comments in a timely fashion as presented in the assumption sections for the following tasks. · Regulatory agencies will grant permits in a timely fashion. DocuSign Envelope ID: DEC2842E-8CBF-4AE7-BA4D-DE73C1A683EA Scope of Services | WRF On Call EAST GALLATIN RIVER RESTORATION March 10, 2022 2 of 6 Scope of Services Task 1: Project Management and Quality Assurance/Quality Control Services Description of Work: The scope, schedule, and budget will be monitored so that the project moves forward. Each deliverable will be reviewed to verify work products meet the standard of care. Sub Tasks: 1.1 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT & COORDINATION OF WORK This task includes project management services during the entire life of the project, including: · Monthly Invoicing and Monthly Reports · Project Delivery Administration: Budget & Schedule Controls · Kickoff meeting to establish communication protocol, project understanding, available data, project schedule, and roles of the COB and HDR. · Quality Assurance/Quality Control Services o Review of each deliverable according to HDR’s quality management procedures. o Quality Assurance/Quality Control is integrated into each deliverable’s budget. Assumptions: · Project management effort is a function of the project duration and is based on the schedule included with this scope of services. NTP is anticipated in March 2022, with participation assumed to be completed with project construction in December 2022. Additional project coordination or an extended project schedule may require a contract amendment. Deliverables: · Monthly invoice and project status updates. Task 2: Hydraulic Analysis and Design Description of Work: Task includes data collection, design and preparation of plans and specifications for the proposed restoration work.. Sub Tasks: 2.1 – DATA COLLECTION A site visit will be conducted to document current site conditions and to note changes since previous survey data collection. DocuSign Envelope ID: DEC2842E-8CBF-4AE7-BA4D-DE73C1A683EA Scope of Services | WRF On Call EAST GALLATIN RIVER RESTORATION March 10, 2022 3 of 6 2.2 – HYDRAULIC MODEL The effective FEMA hydraulic model (HEC-RAS format) for the East Gallatin River developed for the previously performed Avulsion Project will be used to determine hydraulic design parameters and to inform permit applications. 2.3 – DESIGN AND LAYOUT Results of subtasks 2.1 and 2.2 will be used to develop plans, and engineer’s estimate of probable costs for reconstruction of the eroded riverbank (Bank 2). It is anticipated that the design will consist of a hardened toe (riprap) set below scour depth and extending to the 2-yr water surface elevation overlain by coir fabric bank wraps for short term upper bank stability. Willow cuttings and a riparian seed mix will be incorporated into the upper bank for long term bank stability. HDR will prepare and deliver 35% design plans to the COB for review and comment prior to completion of plans. HDR will lead a 35% design review meeting with the COB. Upon acceptance of the 35% design, HDR will develop 90% design plans for the COB review and comment. COB comments will then be incorporated into 100% design plans. Any opinions of probable project cost or probable construction cost provided by ENGINEER are made on the basis of information available to ENGINEER and on the basis of ENGINEER's experience and qualifications and represents its judgment as an experienced and qualified professional engineer. However, since ENGINEER has no control over the cost of labor, materials, equipment or services furnished by others, or over the contractor(s') methods of determining prices, or over competitive bidding or market conditions, ENGINEER does not guarantee that proposals, bids or actual project or construction cost will not vary from opinions of probable cost ENGINEER prepares. Assumptions: · COB will provide existing site information such as as-built, LiDAR data and utility drawings, if available, free of charge to HDR. · COB will provide available data to HDR within two (2) weeks of NTP. · Addressing eroding banks, channel modifications, or potential avulsion at other locations within the project reach are not included. · Topographic survey data from the previous avulsion project will be used for project layout. · The effective FEMA adopted hydraulic model is readily available at no cost to HDR and will be used to inform permit applications. · Design parameters determined for the previous avulsion project will be used to prepare plans and specifications for this project. · Specifications for construction of the project will be included on the drawings prepared by HDR. · COB will provide review comments within two (2) weeks of receiving documents. · Design of utility relocation (if necessary) is not included. Deliverables: · 35% Design Documents (electronic PDF copy) · 90% Design Documents (electronic PDF copy) DocuSign Envelope ID: DEC2842E-8CBF-4AE7-BA4D-DE73C1A683EA Scope of Services | WRF On Call EAST GALLATIN RIVER RESTORATION March 10, 2022 4 of 6 · 100% Design Documents (electronic PDF copy) · Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Construction Costs (electronic PDF for 100% Design) Task 3: Permitting Description of Work: HDR will prepare a Joint Permit Application (JPA) and conduct a project walk through with permitting agencies. Sub Tasks: 3.1 – PERMITTING AGENCY SITE VISIT HDR will lead a project walk through for permitting agencies to explain project goals and construction plans. Meeting to take place after submittal of JPA. 3.2 – JOINT PERMIT APPLICATION (JPA) HDR will prepare a JPA for submittal to permitting agencies. Assumptions: · Applicable permits and agencies are: US Army Corps of Engineers (404 permit), Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks (124 permit), Montana Department of Environmental Quality (318 authorization), and City of Bozeman (floodplain permit). · Neither State nor Federal “Navigable River” permits will be required. · Neither stream nor wetland mitigation will be required by the US Army Corps of Engineers under their 404 permit. · A wetland delineation will not be required by the US Army Corps of Engineers for a 404 permit. · A Nationwide 404 permit will be appropriate for the final design. · Only one site visit with permitting agencies will be required. · An MT-2 form or Certified Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) will not be required. If one is required, this work will require an amendment. · A qualitative discussion rather than a hydraulic model will be used for the documentation for floodplain permitting. · Receipt of a floodplain permit will not involve a submittal to or review by the Montana Department of the Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) or the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). · Permit application fees are not included in the project budget and will be the responsibility of the City of Bozeman. · Permit packages will be delivered to the City of Bozeman for submittal to regulatory agencies. · Construction stormwater permits are not included and will be obtained by the selected contractor. DocuSign Envelope ID: DEC2842E-8CBF-4AE7-BA4D-DE73C1A683EA Scope of Services | WRF On Call EAST GALLATIN RIVER RESTORATION March 10, 2022 5 of 6 · Level of effort to address permitting agency request for additional information is assumed to require 2 hours of time for budgetary purposes. Greater level of effort may require a contract amendment. Deliverables: · Project Joint Permit Application · Certified Technical Memorandum documenting design intent and methodology. Task 4: Construction Administration Description of Work: HDR will perform construction oversight. Sub Tasks: 4.1 – CONTRACTOR SELECTION ASSISTANCE HDR will reach out to a minimum of three contractors to solicit bids, address one round of requests for information (RFI), review bids received by the City of Bozeman and make a recommendation for contractor selection. 4.2 – CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION (FUTURE TASK) HDR will perform the following construction inspection duties: · Construction kickoff meeting attendance. · Review of submittals, RFI’s and change proposals and keeping of the project files. · Construction inspection at key times to document contractor adherence to approved plans. · Approval of construction materials. · Review and recommendation for payment of contractor invoices. Resident Project Representative: ENGINEER shall provide a qualified Resident Project Representative at the job site to provide observation of the work as provided in EXHIBIT B - A LISTING OF THE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY OF THE RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE, attached to and made part of this Agreement. The ENGINEER shall submit to the OWNER, for review and acceptance, the resume of each Resident Project Representative who may be assigned to the job site during the course of the Project not less than 10 calendar days prior to the pre-construction meeting. Any subsequent change in the resident representative shall also be subject to the OWNER'S approval. Limitations of Responsibilities: ENGINEER will not be responsible for CONTRACTOR's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, and ENGINEER will not be responsible for CONTRACTOR's failure to perform or furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents; however, nothing contained in this agreement shall be construed to release ENGINEER from liability for failure to DocuSign Envelope ID: DEC2842E-8CBF-4AE7-BA4D-DE73C1A683EA Scope of Services | WRF On Call EAST GALLATIN RIVER RESTORATION March 10, 2022 6 of 6 properly perform duties and responsibilities assumed by ENGINEER in the Contract Documents. The attached Exhibit A and Exhibit B further describes the Engineer’s status during Construction. Means and Methods: However, responsibility for all means and methods for construction of the project resides with the Construction Contractor. Any review, comment or recommendation made or implied by HDR cannot be construed as directing the Construction Contractor as it relates to means and methods nor does it imply any liability on the part of HDR for any construction issue that is a direct or indirect result of the work performed or actions of the individual construction contractors. Assumptions: · No pre-bid on-site meeting is included. · Construction kickoff meeting to be led by COB. · Preparation of contract documents is not included. · Construction contract to be between COB and selected contractor. · Contractor will utilize existing Temporary Bench Marks (TBMs) for elevation control. No other survey will be required during construction. · Construction inspection will be added as a future task. Deliverables: · Contractor recommendation. DocuSign Envelope ID: DEC2842E-8CBF-4AE7-BA4D-DE73C1A683EA 7 - Project Manager General Asst - Coralynn Revis1 - Project Manager General - Dan March2 - Engineer Water Resources - Ben Fennelly3 - Environmental Scientist 2 - Jon Schick4 - EIT Water Resources - Heather Nold5 - Technician General 3 - Heather Fancher6 - Accountant Sr - Paden KaufmanTotal Budget Task Task Description PJM14 PJM15 EWR20 SEN20 EWR10 TEC03 ACT04 TOTAL HOURS LABOR COSTS SUBCONTRACTOR EXPENSES TOTAL COST 1.1 Project Management & Coordination of Work 2 12 9 23 3,409$ -$ -$ 3,409$ Subtotal (excluding optional) 2 12 0 0 0 0 9 23 3,409$ -$ -$ 3,409$ 2.1 Data Collection 8 3 11 1,794$ -$ -$ 1,794$ 2.2 Design and Layout 20 4 40 40 104 13,853$ -$ -$ 13,853$ Subtotal (excluding optional) 0 28 4 0 43 40 0 115 15,647$ -$ -$ 15,647$ 3.1 Permitting Agency Site Visit 1 3 3 7 1,126$ -$ -$ 1,126$ 3.2 Joint Permit Application 4 8 12 1,543$ -$ -$ 1,543$ Subtotal (excluding optional) 0 5 3 0 11 0 0 19 2,669$ -$ -$ 2,669$ 4.1 Constractor Selection Assistance 4 8 1,543$ -$ -$ 1,543$ 4.2 Construction Inspection (Future Task)No Hours !◄-$ -$ -$ Subtotal (excluding optional) 0 4 0 0 8 0 0 0 1,543$ -$ -$ 1,543$ 2 49 7 0 62 40 9 157 23,269$ -$ -$ 23,269$ HDR Task 1 Project Management and Administration Task 3 Task 4 Task 2 Hydraulic Analysis and Design Permitting Construction Administration Other Direct Costs DocuSign Envelope ID: DEC2842E-8CBF-4AE7-BA4D-DE73C1A683EA