HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-29-22 Public Comment - K. Armer - Protest to application for Thriftway Gas at Davis & BaxterFrom:Nakeisha Lyon To:drkristinarmer@gmail.com Cc:Agenda; Nick Fulton Subject:RE: Protest to application for Thriftway Gas at Davis/Baxter Date:Friday, April 29, 2022 10:22:36 AM Hi Kristin, Thank you for your comment on the Thriftway Super Stop Site Plan and Special Use Permit, and apologies on mydelay in responding back to you. The application is not currently under public comment as it is inadequate at this time and awaiting corrections fromthe applicant and their representative, however, your comment has been noted for our records and forwarded to therepresentative to address or respond to if they deem necessary. The development of this business/service can be proposed and reviewed by staff under the applicable processes wehave in place for a personal and convenience uses such as a gas station with automobile fuel sales as a special usewithin this zoning district. The Special Use Permit process allows for specific conditions to be applied to the projectfor further regulation of certain activities on site, access, fencing, duration of use, etc. I am not aware of the business hours of this specific operation at this time, so this will have to be something therepresentative provides further information on. The City is not proposing this application. The property owner has proposed a Site Plan for the development of thisuse that is currently under the review process to determine consistency with the code's requirements for design,form, place-making, and functionality. The zoning district applicable to the subject property provides the permitted uses, processes, and provisions toregulate these types of uses in order to evaluate the applicant's proposal. Based on the public comments received, major considerations to light pollution, noise, smell/odors, buffering,design, and landscaping will be taken into account with the applicant having to address the provisions specific tothese issues from the Bozeman Municipal Code as well as additional conditions applied to the project that may beconditions of approval per Sec. 38.230.120. Regarding the elementary school, this development from last discussions with the School District is 8 to 10 yearsaway dependent on the demand. Additionally, the eastern portion of the subject property is not slated fordevelopment at this time. The City has not received any formal plans or proposals at the moment for the school site.This cannot be taken into consideration for implications to this subject property. Let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. Thank you, Nakeisha Lyon, AICP | Associate Planner | Community DevelopmentCity of Bozeman | 20 East Olive St. | P.O. Box 1230 | Bozeman, MT 59771P: 406.582.2963 | E: nlyon@bozeman.net | W: www.bozeman.net/planningThe City has enhanced our project intake process and will now be receiving all project submittals - New andRevisions, through ProjectDox. As a result of this transition in process, response times to inquiries may be delayed.We understand the impacts any delay may create for your site development and we will make every effort to provideyou with the highest level of customer service in a timely manner. We encourage you to review our DevelopmentCenter webpage and become familiar with the new intake process. Your patience during this transition is greatlyappreciated. -----Original Message----- From: Kristin Armer <drkristinarmer@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2022 10:40 AMTo: Planning <Planning@BOZEMAN.NET>Subject: Protest to application for Thriftway Gas at Davis/Baxter CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unlessyou recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I am reaching out because of my concern with the recent news that there is consideration for a Thriftway Gas in theneighborhood area of Davis/Baxter. I understand that the zoning for the area is B-2, and I have been looking forwardto easy access for family friendly services. I am perplexed, however, why there would be consideration for a 24-hour business/service that would typically exist on busy streets in larger commercial districts. I especially do notunderstand this knowing there are two similar convenience stores within blocks in either direction of the intersection- what purpose is it serving? This is a kid-heavy family neighborhood, and aside from not feeling conducive to the neighborhood communityenvironment I am very concerned the city would consider a gas station on this intersection for a handful of reasons: 1. Each year the FBI publishes statistics on crime rates and factors related to this, and convenience stores are rankedVERY high on the list of where crimes most frequently occur. This is extremely concerning being that theBaxter/Davis intersection is in a residential area full of children. It is even more concerning given the newly formedtransient population in Bozeman, many of whom are living in RVs/cars just a few blocks from the proposed locationof the Thriftway (and statistically this population is associated with higher crime rates). 2. The HOAs in this neighborhood have mandated short, see-thru fences to help promote the neighborly, communityfeel. However, this is not at all conducive for the noise/traffic/lights associated with a 24-hour gas station. It alsofeels very unsafe. 3. Related to my comment above, what rational does the city have for putting in a 24-hour convenience store in aquiet neighborhood? How is that conducive with plans for building family friendly areas with parks, walking trails,and safe living? I would expect stores/services consistent with the businesses already near the Baxter/Davis area, allof which follow typical business hours. 4. If there are still plans for an elementary school near Baxter/Davis, I would expect the city would not evenconsider this application any further given the obvious safety risks for young children. I hope the city can provide very good justification for why they feel a convenience store is appropriate in this area,because I certainly cannot understand how it would be considered a positive addition to the growth and success ofBozeman. I can only assume there is some ulterior motive, which quite frankly makes me sad. Kristin Armer, PhDResident in Crossings II neighborhood