HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Affidavit of Publication - Call for bids for Montana State University Innovation Campus Public Infrastructure AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION CITY OF BOZEMAN, son-Maierle, Inc.website"ww-
MONTANA w.m-m.neY; click on the "Proj-
STATE OF MONTANA, CALL FOR BIDS ect Bidding"tab,then"Browse
Current Projects" and select
COUNTY OF GALLATIN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN this project from the project
that the City of Bozeman, list. Documents can only be
I,Margo Haft, Legal Specialist bein first dul sworn, de ose Montana, is accepting sealed viewed on the Mor n-Maier-
g Y P bids for: le,Inc.website,andd cannot be
and saythat I am theprincipal clerk of the publisher of the downloaded o printed without
P Montana State University purchasing. To purchase and
Bozeman Dail Chronicle a newspaper in general circula- Innovation Campus(MSUIC) download the project doc-
Y er P P g Public Infrastructure uments in pdf format, click
tion, Bozeman, Gallatin Coun ,Monana; that I know "Download Project PDF" and
�' t Separate sealed bids for the sign on to QuestCDN.com or
from my personal knowledge that the Le al# 106440 CITY MSUIC Public Infrastructure join for a free membership.
g will be received by the City Plan documents can be down-
Clerk at the office of City Hall, loaded for a fee of $40.00.
OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA CALL FOR BI 121 North Rouse Ave., P.O. Please contact QuestCDN at
Box 1230,Bozeman,Montana 952-233-1632 or email"info@
a printed copy of which is hereto annexed,was published in 59771-1230 Until 3:00 p.m., questcdn.com" for assistance
locathe entire issue of said newspaper for: 2 then l publicly openeril d and 2read and istration,free membership
a d
aloud. working with this digital project
Please write the name of the
project on the front of the A hard copy set of project doc-
Insertion(s) in the following issues:04/10/22,04/17/22 sealed bid. uments may be obtained for a
non-refundable fee of$100.00
The physical address is: for each complete set from
City Clerk's Office, City Hall, the office of Morrison-Maierle,
121 No.Rouse Avenue, Boze- Inc., 2880 Technology Bou-
man,Montana. levard West, Bozeman, MT
59718, phone: 406-587-0721,
The mailing address is: fax: 406-922-6702. Payment
Total Cost: $240.00 City Clerk's Office, City Hall, of an additional $50.00 is re-
P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, quired for express mail.
Montana 59771.
In addition, the drawings and
Bids must be received before Project Manual may also be
3:00 p.m.,local time,April 25, examined at the following lo-
2022.Original copies must be cations:
submitted- no faxed or elec-
tronic bids will be accepted. Bozeman Builders
Bids will be opened and read Exchange, 1105 Reeves
following the close of bids. Rd.W.,Suite 800,Boze-
-'7`— The project work is general-
man, MT 59718;
ly described as follows (the The offices of the con-
"Work"): sulting engineer,Morri-
Subscribed and sworn by Margo Haft before me on: The scope of work for the proj- son-Maierle, Inc.,2880
ect will include construction Technology Blvd.W.,
On 18th day of April,in the year of 2022 of new public streets, water Bozeman,MT,59718;
main,sewer main,storm drain
inlets and ponds,street lights, Other regional plan
pavement markings and street centers.
signs within the Montana
State University Innovation Contract documents will be
Campus (MSUIC). Roadway available for pickup, mail-
extensions include Technol- ing, or electronic download
ogy Boulevard and north/ starting April 11,2022.
south connection between
\ . Technology Boulevard and W. There will be a Pre-Bid Con-
Garfield Street. Utility connec- ference at the office of Mor-
Y g tions to existing mains are pro- rison-Maierle (2880 Technol-
Bozeman,Montana posed within W.College Street ogy Boulevard W., Bozeman
and W.Garfield Street. MT 59771) at 10AM on April
20th. Interested CONTRAC-
The work will be done under a TORS are encouraged to at-
single contract. tend or send a representative.
The meeting may also be at-
The Contract Documents con- tended virtually via Microsoft
sisting of half size Drawings Teams. Please reach out to
and Project Manual may be Morrison-Maierle for a link.
viewed and obtained by either
electronic documents on-line, CONTRACTOR and any of
or a hard copy at the office of the CONTRACTOR'S sub-
Morrison-Maierle, Inc., 2880 contractors doing work on
Technology Boulevard West, this project will be required
Bozeman, MT 59718. Only to obtain registration with the
firms obtaining documents by Montana Department of Labor
purchasing either electronic and Industry(DLI). Forms for
or hard copies will be placed registration are available from
on the Planholders List. Con- the Department of Labor and
tractor must be a Planholder in Industry, P.O. Box 8011, 1805
order to bid. Prospect Avenue, Helena,
Montana 59604-8011. Infor-
Complete electronic Project mation on registration can be
Plans, Project Specifications, obtained by calling 1-406-444-
AD#223149 and Bid Proposal Packet 7734. CONTRACTOR is not
are available at the Morri- required to have registered
with the DLI prior to bidding on reject any or all proposals re-
this project,but must have reg- ceived, to waive informalities,
istered prior to execution of the to postpone the award of the
Construction Agreement. All contract for a period of not to
laborers and mechanics em- exceed sixty(60)days,and to
ployed by CONTRACTOR or accept the lowest responsive
subcontractors in performance and responsible bid which is in
of the construction work shall the best interest of the OWN-
be paid wages at rates as ER.
may be required by the laws
of Gallatin County and the The Contractor is required to
state of Montana.The City of be an Equal Opportunity Em-
Bozeman is an Equal Oppor- ployer. DATED at Bozeman,
tunity Employer. Discrimina- Montana, this 24th day of
tion in the performance of any March 2022.
agreement awarded under this
project on the basis of race, Mike Maas
color,religion,creed,sex,age, City Clerk
marital status, national origin, City of Bozeman
or actual or perceived sexual MNAXLP
orientation, gender identity or
disability is prohibited. This
prohibition shall apply to the
hiring and treatment of the
awarded entity's employees
and to all subcontracts.
As such, each entity submit-
ting under this notice shall in- CITY OF BOZEMAN,
clude a provision wherein the MONTANA
submitting entity, or entities, CALL FOR BIDS
affirms in writing it will not dis-
criminate on the basis of race, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
color, religion, creed, sex, that the City of Bozeman,
age, marital status, national Montana, is accepting sealed
origin,or because of actual or bids for:
perceived sexual orientation,
gender identity or disability Montana State University
and which also recognizes the Innovation Campus(MSUIC)
eventual contract will contain Public Infrastructure
a provision prohibiting discrim-
ination as described above Separate sealed bids for the
and that this prohibition on MSUIC Public Infrastructure
discrimination shall apply to will be received by the City
the hiring and treatment of the Clerk at the office of City Hall,
submitting entity's employees 121 North Rouse Ave., P.O.
and to all subcontracts. Box 1230,Boze f;s g1tana
59771-1230 unti 0 p.1r�:,
In addition, pursuant to City local time,April 25,26Z& nd
Commission Resolution 5169, then publicly opened and read
the entity awarded a contract aloud.
under this project and any
subcontractors must abide by please write the name of the
the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and project on the front of the
Section 39-3-104, MCA (the sealed bid.
Montana Equal Pay Act), and
affirm it will abide by the above The physical address is: `
and that it has visited the State City Clerk's Office, City Hall, If
of Montana Equal Pay for 121 No.Rouse Avenue, Boze-
Equal Work 'best practices" man,Montana.
website, or equivalent "best
practices publication and has
read the material.
Each bid or proposal must
be accompanied by a Certi-
fied Check, Cashier's Check,
or Bid Bond payable to the
City of Bozeman, Montana,
in an amount not less than
ten percent (10%) of the total
amount of the bid.Successful
BIDDERS, shall furnish an
approved Performance Bond
and a Labor and Materials
Payment Bond, each in the
amount of one hundred per-
cent (100%) of the contract
amount.Insurance as required
shall be provided by the suc-
cessful BIDDER(s) and a
certificate(s) of that insurance
shall be provided.
No bid may be withdrawn af-
ter the scheduled time for the
public opening of bids, which
is at 3:00 p.m., local time,
April 25,2022.
The City reserves the right to