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City Clerk
P.O.Box 1230
Bozeman,MT 59771-1230
City of Bozeman Conditional Irrevocable
Offer of Dedication
This IrrevocableOffer to Dedicate and Declaration of Restrictions(hereinafter"Offer")is
made this /A day of April,2022,by VC Development,LLC,a Montana limitedliabilitycompany
with an addressof 1276 North 15th,Suite 104,Bozeman,Montana 59715,(hereinafterreferredto as
WHEREAS,Grantor isthelegalowner insimple fee interestof certainrealpropertieslocated
intheCounty of Gallatin,Stateof Montana,and describedas Catron Crossing Subdivision,TractA-1
of the Corrected Certificateof Survey No.1827A,,on fileand of recordinthe officeof the Clerk and
Recorder of saidCounty (hereinafterreferredto as the "Property")and
WHEREAS,Grantor appliedto the City of Bozeman (the "Municipality")for approval to
undertake development as definedin Chapter 38.7,BMC withinthe City of Bozeman (hereinafterthe
WHEREAS,preliminaryapproval of ApplicationNo.21242 was grantedon
April 4,2022,by theMunicipalityinaccordance with the provisionsofTitle38,BMC,hereby
incorporatedby reference;and
WHEREAS,Grantor wishes to meet the requirements of Title38,BMC,to provide public
accessand/orallow simultaneousconstructionof infrastructureand improvements which willlaterbe
grantedtothe Municipality,with thebuildings,remaining improvements and landappurtenantthereto
to remain inprivateownership,as authorizedin Section38.270.030.C;and
WHEREAS,thewater and sewer improvements and streetinfrastructureappurtenantto and to
be installedor constructedon or under the above described lands,and infrastructureand/orinterests
thereinare to be dedicatedto the Municipality,freeand clearof allencumbrances,pursuant to said
finalapproval of the Permit;and,
WHEREAS,itisintendedthatthisOffer isirrevocableand shall,upon writtenacceptanceby
the Municipalityand finalapproval of the Permit referencedherein,grantallrightsof use or access
formaintenance and repairof the saidimprovements and infrastructureoffered;
NOW THEREFORE,in considerationof the granting of,and conditioned upon,the final
approval for ApplicationNo.21424,the Grantor hereby offersto dedicateto the Municipality,the
sewer and water improvements and streetinfrastructureconstructedor be constructedupon the real
property as specificallysetforth,describedand identifiedin the plans and specificationsissuedor
prepared by Morrison Maierle,Inc.,2880 Technology Blvd West,Bozeman,MT,59718 Project
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dated (with subsequent approved
revisions),which are by thisreferenceincorporatedinthisinstrument.
1.Benefit and Burden.This Offer shallrun with and burden the Property and all
obligations,terms,conditions,and restrictionshereby imposed shallbe deemed tobe covenants and
restrictionsrunning with the land and shallbe,upon theissuanceof the finalPermit referenceherein,
be effectivelimitationson the use and access of the Property by Grantor and shallbind the Grantor
and all successors and assigns.This Offer shallbenefit the Municipality only so long as said
improvements and infrastructuresforsewer and water existon theProperty.
2.Construction and Validity.Ifany provisionof these Restrictionsisheld to be
invalidor for any reason becomes unenforceable,no otherprovisionshallbe thereby affected
or impaired.
3.Successors and Assigns.The terms,covenants,conditions,exceptions,
obligations,and reservationscontained in thisOffer shallbe binding upon and inureto the
benefitof the successors and assigns of both the Grantor and the Municipality,whether
voluntaryor involuntary.
4.Limitations.The constructionand otherstandardsadopted or utilizedby theCity
of Bozeman regarding legal form,constructionmaterials,warranty,and allother elements
relatingto improvements or infrastructureconstructedor be constructedpursuantto the Permit
shallbe fullyapplicable.
5.Term.This irrevocableOffer of Dedication shallbe binding forthedurationof
FinalSitePlan approvalprocess.Upon writtenacceptanceof thisOfferby theMunicipality,this
Offer and the terms,conditions,and restrictionshereof shallexistinperpetuity,shallhave the
effectof a grantby Grantor,subjectto the conditionsstatedherein,and shallrun with the land
and be binding on the parties,theirheirs,assigns,and successors,PROVIDED,HOWEVER,
thisgrantshallbe nulland void ifthe Permit referencedhereinisnot grantedand issuedby the
Municipalityon or beforeJuly 1,2022.
VC Development,LLC
By:Donald E.Cape,Jr.Member
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Stateof Montana )
County of Gallatin )
On this day of before me personallyappeared Donald E.Cape,
Jr.,whose identitywas proved to me on the basis of satisfactoryevidence to be the persons
whose name issubscribedto thisinstrument,and acknowledged thathe executed the same as
Member of,and forand on behalfof VC Development,LLC.
y PUBLC o he Signed:ÚM(.MÉK&M
*SEAL *stateofMontana Notary PublicfortheStateof4Montana
ResidingatBozeman,MontanªResiding at:Ví20%JvG
to OT 1 dÛ My CommissionExpires:/McEh \l3093
City an g
County of Gallatin )
On this 2 1 day of r-I\,before me,the undersigned,a
Notary PublicfortheStateof Montana,personallyappeareddeW M iheM Ch and __
hl K6 MQQ5 known to me to be the City Manager and City Clerk for the City of
Bozeman,respectively,and thepersonswhose names aresubscribedtothe withininstrument,and
acknowledged tome thattheyexecutedthesame forand on behalfof theCityof Bozeman.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy Notarial
Sealtheday and yearfirstabove written.
"Q,,TAYLOR CHAMBERS Notary blicfortheStateofMontana
NotaryPubHc ResidingatBozeman,Montana
A fortheStateofMontanªMy Commission Expires()\~\2 2.02 5
*n SEAL Bozeman,Montana
My CommissionExpires: