HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Release and Reconveyance of Easements - Eastlake Professional Center, LLC - Roxi LaneRoturn to: City of Bozeman City Clerk PO Box 1230 Bazeman,MT 59771-1 EASE AND RECONVEYANCE OF EASEMENT(S) COMES NOW the City of Bozeman,121 North Rouse Avenue,Bozeman,MT 59715,a Municipal Corporation of the State of Montana hereinafter("GRANTOR")and does hereby releaseand reconvey the following described easement(s)unto Eastlake Professional Center, LLC,hereinafter("GRANTEE")as follows: WITNESSETH WHEREAS theGrantor isthelegalrecordtitleholderofthe PublicRoad Easement known asRoxi Lane situatedacrossa tractofland,saidtractbeing Lot 1A of theplatofMinor Subdivision No.221E,locatedin thesouthwest ¼of section26,Township1 South,Range 5 East,PMM,inthe City of Bozeman,GallatinCounty,Montana,copies of which are attachedhereto and are shown on the attachedExhibit"A",which by thisreferenceare made a parthereof; WHEREAS the above PublicRoad Easement was granted with finalplatand recorded on November 19th,1997 atthe Clerk and Recorder'sOffice of GallatinCounty,Montana,on theplat of minor subdivisionNo.221 (Document 354592). WHEREAS the constructionof the Public Road has not been completed,and will not occupy saideasements recorded on November 19th,1997,and WHEREFORE,the Grantor does hereby releaseand reconvey to Eastlake Professional Center,LLC thoseportionsof the easement(s)locatedon the above-describedrealpropertyas set forthon ExhibitA attachedhereto togetherwith any right,title,or interestthatthe Grantor may have in said easements as set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by referenceas though fullysetforth. 2774181 l||||l|||11111|||||11111111|||1||111||||||111111111||||ll||11111|||||||||111||||111 1 DATED this )(o day of (rf ,202 G T -CITY OF BOZEMAN Title ÅRA ATTEST:* CityClerk STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) On this 2 ]day of Ñ y I ,2022,beforeme,a Notary Publicfor the Stateof Montana,personallyappeared JEFF MIHELICH and MIKE MAAS,known tome to be theCityManager and City Clerk,respectively,of theCity of Bozeman and thepersonswhose names are subscribedto thewithin instrument,and acknowledged to me thatthey executedthe same forand on behalfof theCity of Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHERE OF,Ihave hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSeal theday and year firstabove written. Notary P licforthe Stateof Montana TAYLORCHAMBER T or ®cAYYiD&d .fortheStateo ontana (Prin Name) Residingat: .SEAL.sozeman,Montana Residing at N2ffY\0LGMyCommissionExpires: January12,2025 My Commission ExpiresQ/j]/_2016 2 PLAT OF " "°°"'" " ° '" MINOR SUBDIVISION NO. 2 2| A TRACT OF I,AND IKATED IN THE SOUTffWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SETION 26 (iWä3'à TOWNSillPf SOUTff RAN E 6 EAST, PRfMIPAI, MERIDIAN MONTANA, GAIJ.'ATIN L egwa"r - - '""'' COUNTT NONTANA. CCNSENT & MORTGAGEE _' -... , the undersiped Mortgages do hereby JoinM and consent to CERDFICATE & DED6CATION the desorbed plot, releashg our respective nons, daknsor I, the undersigned property oener, do hereky certify thatI now ®©"®®'®©®®°"Í° ®Y *®' ""d" °°* ®®I®0 ®Ò causedto be surveyed subdFdded and plotted hto lots and mode hto streets pekeor other puti#c uses and dedicatedto the use as sheen by the plot hereunto hefuded the Mowing descrbed W me pub#c foremr. tract of land to-elt: DE50Dp7ige ¥osey Bank of Belgrade A tractof land locotedh me Southwest ens-quarterof Section # 26. Toonsh f South, Range5 East, prhoper Meridron Montans Gdeth County Montea and behg hurther describedas foRows: By . _a Beginnin at the Southwest one-quarterof said section 26, Thence °"° North '30'30 Ecot along the weet theof sold Southwest one- uorter,o dletance of f519.09 feet. Thence along the South and Em hw ctA, Cymrate# Surwy Na f65A mregh me h adtebe e the Ce poretan thate ecuted the wimin betrament and 8f.4ff EltE North 5019'48" East.e distance of 188.40 feet achnostedgedto me mot such corporotron executed the same ........... North 8850'f9© East,o detonceof 750.05 feet. North Of130'53* East.a detese of $97.2r fiset. .. s. North 89'48*38* East,o detenceof 308.77 feet. Notart PuNic h the Stateof Montana North CO'17't7" West,o detance of 418.54 feet, Resid\ngat fle Thence North 89'44'04" East, along the North IIneof said My Commission Empires CC Southwest one-quarter,a detence of 724.05 feet. Thence South .. 53°32'22" East, along the South right-of-way line of Ecot First SecurIty Bankof Someman . ,,,,-,m,m. apr mera ** Va#ey Center Drfte,o dIstanceof 1847.45 feet. Thence South =,-.;,=,::: ggref* ggg.. 00w8'J4* West, afeng me East #neof said Soummt me- ',,®,g!!5''|*s","R",, yrg|Fig''s I,0Ff a=es.sr m.,sen.as quarter,o datanceof I67tl53 feet. Thence South 89-44'54" 8F 4 28,945 ACitES . .; | Mer Hbet along the South Kne of said Southwest ene-quartw,a Steleof Afontano eseme-atr:J dieranceof 2653.69 feetto the poht of baghnhg. Countyof Gaeath Aerarsi>y || serie-sr-s ...weenne =re,e Said tractof land behg 136.820 acree along with and subject to & day# in tfie per , befom rne me The above descrbed tractof landIstobe known and designated w acess encor s are-e0* os Mine SubdMelon No.-- GoHotin County, Montana; and the the Corporat that executed the within hatrument, and *r '©* ©rW s¢c) lands includedin all streets shown on sold plot are hereby acknopledgedto me that such Corporation execu same, ar4(c) granted and donatedto the use of the puMic forever. The f, roadwape dedicatedto the public are accepted for public use, but Ñotary Publicf the Sidteof Montana the county accepte no remonsbMity for maintaining me same. The owners agree that the county has no otiligation to molntok ,,y _ _ se_ew.se-a.__ __ nr ..... _ a_ . me roode hereby dedcatedto puti#c use, atC . - - - - v - "The urrdersigned hereby grunto unto each and every person, ihm, c CATE F Pt.EltJC SOf er corpoetion, whether publicor primte, proddhgor offierh9 f, PhW5d Forbes Pubfic SyWce Directard Ure to prodde telephone, telegraph, electric power, gas cable teleaeion, wateror sewer seraceto the public, the rightto bem duly embed as requWedb 7-34444, KCA and atd wa .,, the pint use ofan easement for the constructron, molntenance streets and oIIeye are ofa proper width and are coterminous wIth t I,0T3 , repair and removal of their thes and other focaltiesin, cuer, adjoinhg streets and alreye, and6 other regulations are 42,f75 ACitES \ .s.n under, and acrone each area designated on this plot as "Utillty conformed with. Eosament"to have andto hold forever. Osted fB da o 8C 19 ½e et** ,.,,, 3 | CCNDITIONS AND 001ENANTS w,mmeus- I. the undereigned prcperty owner, de hereby enfora Covenant, to run wim me land, certifyhg that the nazious eende egl be PhilpdF Serefoe DÞector contraNed, by the property owner, accordhgto the County Weed ftyof Bozeman WIAE .,,|w . Superdoor's recommendation. Thatoff orees disturbed during _; IDF construction shc5 be resended with vegetation types approved by 4 me undersignæ4 RmafdK A#en, Pmhuselana Land Surwayor, 27,731 ACRES .... the County Weed Control ofReer, do cor that be n 9 ed IndMdual lot access kom County public roads shoIIbe bulltto voyed the standarde of Section 7.G. of the SubdMalon Regulatione. some as n on mænM M ædas c h accordonce with the prodslonsof the Montana SubdMelon and O Lot ownere and reefdents of the subdMalan are Informed that Platthg Act, Sections 76-3-101 through 76-3-625, ¥C,A., an a n nearby uses maybe agricultural, Lot owners accept and are aware Area hbdMelon Regulations. Z that standard agriculturd ad farmhg practices can renuitin / smahs dust, ananar odors sfee ad machinery noise. standard .._,,.w bunr». ch-h....>e -d me -a maa.ory em,y me y,,,,, , ,, ,gs., mper === , "_-== -4 _ .. "" sm.e es dura shofbe mahtoined by (| the Property Qwners,in accordonne with state law. I, AndrewC. Epple, Planning Olrector, of the City-County Before any maktenanceor improvements are performed on any n g had rede me mpeyng pMt ud at watercourse, drohage way, channel, dItchor canal, the ownerof waterway must glwe written perminolon for the work tobe The Property owner's Asocciation chcN be respons4fe for mahlenonce of the subdMelan roods and the owner of Lot5 shaN be respanetfe An ewC. Epple, Plann Þector lor lhe mahtenance of the Fke Fnf slie sheen. CNy-County Pferska Board 8A Any covenant whichis incuded herek oea candition of the CDtWICATE W COUNTY C0ene55f0NDt3 1 =200 sygg peggy preliminary plot appromf and requWed by the courty commiselon e no e/r peannw/s /t auns chp usses nmu accordone (th am tpr en County, Montana, do hereby certify that the accompanyingpat has e err sie mennw/r n.uu can RNO WW- DA\ts LAM rJse AmES covenants, and the County Commisaloners. keen duly examined and the Commiselon has found the sameto foE00CA1E0to Pueuc) conformto the law, approvesit, and hereby accepte the Nue0 R/W- eESKANL NuâU 0.sV3 ACRßS dedicationto the public use. CAE10* CERWICATE CF WAIVER Dated this Lf_day otheAses. 't.A.D. D93-7 e-eemar an= nona y,_ aos uw- z.ser noies = an erse - I, the underelped property onnaof mis Minor subdewelon, do :|":||:5t||: ameA= ==uo hørey ww- me rightto ,rotese cre.u. a n,« ..,ro.em.e 6,, ,Aa. 13Meet M Af.CMo 8ci8eMRY 8. ALI$ dletricts,br dD So,I do not WOfte Ony right to comment en, County lesioners (NolCA protest, and/or appeat any aseenement formula efde maybe FDFAI, AR fM..83 pr asedifI beffeteit to be hoquftchfe. Ihle weiter shcN be CDtW3CAE C0t#fU MEASWlER / binding upon the heks, assigns and purchasersofan tracte I, Je9WeyK Krauss 1recouver of CaEath County Montano do hoeky wëthin thfe Mhor SubdMsion, certify that the accompanykg Survey has been dufy examined and Property Cener that the 700 property tonen and 8peclaf assessmente assessed and acr.sEC 76-3-e (3)(b) KC.A. t Gene ads enneer ernesase usr as / Stateof Montana ETMA"'"' c=nnerd smoth put, ,easurero das.e dbm.t/ On thle 2.. daya h me 3ear res7, tearn me m CLDK AND RECORDD undereigneda notary publicire end fur said state, aNy I, Sheffey Vancg Clerk and Recorderof Gafatin Counix appewed Robert Gene Døds knownto me to whose Montans do hereby certify mot the hwegoing inanent woe nornele subscríbedto the wimin instrumen to filedM my ofñce thee _&_....& dayof .efer # A.D., me that he executed the same, p , . 1922_, at dak _n*,M,, and recordedas Minor SukdMslon ,I è\ No records of the County Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin **"' " C: No ublic for the State of Montano 1t01 $25 10/9, r2 Residin at ~' n- ASSOCIAT ros nse oaWo, M1C°" n!"lon 0.uyC erk and order EXHIBIT F EASEMENT RELEASE &RECONVEYANCE ACROSS A PORTION OF LOT 1A OF MINOR SUDIVISIONNO.221E LOCATED INTHE SW ¼OF SEC 26,T18,R5E,PMM, CITYOF BOZEMAN,GALLATINCOUNTY,MONTANA /MTSUOEARiNGBASIS:WGS84ASDETERMINEDBYSURVEYGRADEGPSRECEIVERSWITHTHECENTRALMERIDIANRUNNINGTHROUGHLAT..45'39'40,38"N,LONG.111'02'42,01"W. .DOCUMENT sSP CU r UUUTY&PUBUC 1 __p 10'ACCESS .---.-----.---40'PiATTEDSEWER, SEPARATEDOCUMENT . CREA s TE CUN RECONVEYED A Y5 uÊwij7 -E UTluTY&PUBLIC ao.2rworco r PueucscEss&uTluTYEASEMENT(000,2066509) ___.___|_______...__..__ses·50m462.4æg.52 .HONORLANE 2e w suBueecEss&unuTYr.AsEMENT(Doc.20ess,2)BLUECAP"100625" ocacaean) SIJRVFYORTRTIFICATE I,BradleyS.Toiner,do herebycertifythatthis exhibitisbasedon fieldworkperformedunder my supervisionon January17,2017 &March2, 2022,and thattheinformationshownhereonis trueand correctto thebestofmy knowledge. Datedthis _day of A/Ch 2C BrédfeyS Todir,PLS BRADLEY S. MontanaLicenseNo.75545 LS TAINER THISEXHtBITSHOULD BE CONSIDERED PRELIMINARY&SHOULD NOT BE 75545LS RECORDED UNLESS SiGNEDAND SEALED cens DRAWNBY:AE&CB QUALITYCHECK: D&o^e si7'22les - Engineerin JOBNO.B16.089 ==1 CADNO..dwg LAYOUT: